Rem Rem $Header: group_mntr_pkgdef.sql 15-mar-2005.18:13:32 rpatti Exp $ Rem Rem group_mntr_pkgdef.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem group_mntr_pkgdef.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rpatti 03/15/05 - cleanup Rem vagarwal 10/04/04 - add module constant Rem vagarwal 09/29/04 - Rem lyang 09/28/04 - Rem ckumar 07/29/04 - modified update_group proc to take target type param too. Rem vagarwal 09/24/04 - Rem nigupta 09/20/04 - move expand_node, get_members_and_associations Rem and get_target_list_details to groups_ui_pkgdef Rem vagarwal 09/13/04 - Rem nigupta 09/09/04 - add expand_node Rem nigupta 09/01/04 - add procedures get_members_and_associations and Rem get_target_list_details Rem joguo 11/14/03 - cleanup Rem ancheng 11/07/03 - change get_summary_ui_details Rem joguo 11/04/03 - create new group pages Rem rpatti 04/03/03 - cleanup sql Rem rpatti 04/09/03 - add callback for member target delete Rem rpatti 10/31/02 - change get_summary_ui_details Rem rpatti 06/12/02 - pass current status as a number Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - Restructured. Rem tzimmerm 05/09/02 - Fixing website composites in UNION w/ GetAvailability fcn Rem edemembe 05/06/02 - Moving comp target package spec Rem tzimmerm 05/01/02 - Alter get_cmpt_target_availability to use new composite avail code Rem edemembe 04/29/02 - Bug 2278619 Rem rpatti 04/26/02 - users with full privilege can delete group Rem rpatti 04/26/02 - can delete grp even if it is member of a grp Rem rpatti 04/26/02 - users with full privilege can delete group Rem rpatti 04/25/02 - fix compare metrics Rem rpatti 04/12/02 - move recomputing grp availability to api Rem tzimmerm 04/10/02 - Adding start & end interval dates to avail_cur_out cursor Rem rpatti 04/11/02 - fix from review Rem rpatti 04/03/02 - use add_group api Rem rpatti 04/05/02 - cleanup data for unwanted summary metrics Rem tjaiswal 04/01/02 - Misc group fixes Rem dcawley 03/14/02 - New Collection APIs.. Rem rpatti 02/25/02 - use function to get current user Rem rpatti 02/19/02 - fix metrics returned in compare metrics page Rem tjaiswal 02/12/02 - Bug 2221227 Rem tjaiswal 02/08/02 - Fix adding summary met to collections in update_group Rem rpatti 01/24/02 - fix build Rem rpatti 01/23/02 - fix privilege check Rem rpatti 01/23/02 - check premissions for edit or delete Rem aholser 01/20/02 - insert IS_GROUP in mgmt_targets on creation Rem rpatti 01/17/02 - remove group availability/performance Rem rpatti 01/10/02 - support folders for composite page Rem rpatti 01/09/02 - make sure username is uppercase Rem rpatti 01/08/02 - support custom summary metric columns Rem edemembe 01/08/02 - Metrics are now target independent Rem rpatti 12/28/01 - use group label Rem edemembe 12/27/01 - Removing target name/type and metric name/column references Rem rpatti 12/03/01 - support typed groups Rem rpatti 11/18/01 - add avail pcts in the query Rem rpatti 11/08/01 - redo sql for better perf Rem rpatti 11/02/01 - limit availability records to 25 Rem rpatti 11/01/01 - updates Rem rpatti 10/31/01 - perf changes Rem tjaiswal 10/29/01 - Remove usage of emtarget_ui_status Rem tjaiswal 10/26/01 - Fix critical, warning count Rem rpatti 10/25/01 - Rem rpinnama 10/15/01 - Rollback TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE changes Rem rpatti 10/09/01 - revamp Rem rpatti 10/03/01 - improve perf of get timeseries Rem rpatti 10/02/01 - insert thresholds correctly Rem rpatti 09/26/01 - schema normalization changes Rem rpatti 09/20/01 - use new metric label column Rem rpatti 09/17/01 - cleanup sql Rem rpinnama 09/13/01 - Insert collection_timestamp and collection_ts_utc Rem rpatti 08/24/01 - tune sql Rem rpatti 08/07/01 - update FOR new UI options Rem rpatti 07/20/01 - update FOR repository changes Rem skini 07/21/01 - Merge in rpatti transaction Rem rpatti 07/10/01 - update FOR schema revamp Rem rpatti 06/25/01 - comp target mgmt related pkg Rem rpatti 06/25/01 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE emd_mntr_comptgt AS -- Package level Type Definition TYPE cursorType IS REF CURSOR; -- Module Name, used in debugging MODULE_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(7) := 'GROUPS'; -- custom column type for groups GROUP_CUSTOM_COLTYPE_METRIC NUMBER(1) := 0; GROUP_CUSTOM_COLTYPE_STATUS NUMBER(1) := 1; GROUP_CUSTOM_COLTYPE_ALERTS NUMBER(1) := 2; GROUP_CUSTOM_COLTYPE_POLICY NUMBER(1) := 3; GROUP_CUSTOM_COLTYPE_PROPERTY NUMBER(1) := 4; -- chart types. Move some of these to sdk once the sdk registration is -- provided. GROUP_CHART_SELECTED_TARGETS NUMBER(1) := 1; GROUP_CHART_PEAK_TARGETS NUMBER(1) := 2; GROUP_CHART_HIGHEST_TARGETS NUMBER(1) := 3; GROUP_CHART_LOWEST_TARGETS NUMBER(1) := 4; GROUP_CHART_SUMMARY_METRIC NUMBER(1) := 5; PROCEDURE getDetailsForGroupMainPage( groupTargets OUT cursorType, groupTypes OUT cursorType ); PROCEDURE get_cmpt_target_availability( target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, num_of_days_in IN NUMBER, disp_type_in IN VARCHAR2, compare_type_in IN VARCHAR2, start_time_out OUT DATE, end_time_out OUT DATE, avail_pcts_out OUT cursorType, avail_cur_out OUT cursorType ); -- PURPOSE: -- Cleanup groups when a member target is deleted -- if this member target is the last of this type -- in a group and there are summary metrics defined -- for that type - we need to clean the summary -- metric definitions. -- -- IN Parameters: -- target_name_in : target name of the deleted target -- target_type_in : target type of the deleted target -- target_guid_in : target guid of the deleted target -- -- -- OUT Parameters: -- NONE PROCEDURE clean_group_on_mem_tgt_del (target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, target_guid_in IN RAW); TYPE TargetGUIDList IS TABLE OF RAW(16) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE CurrentStatusList IS TABLE OF NUMBER INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE MemberListType IS RECORD ( targetGUID TargetGUIDList, currentStatus CurrentStatusList ); FUNCTION GetAvailability(compositeGUID RAW, numDays NUMBER DEFAULT 1) RETURN MgmtAvailTableType; end emd_mntr_comptgt; / show errors;