Rem Rem $Header: group_comp_tables.sql 08-feb-2005.12:34:51 gsbhatia Exp $ Rem Rem group_comp_tables.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem group_comp_tables.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gsbhatia 02/08/05 - Removing header Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem tjaiswal 10/16/03 - tjaiswal_ocs_comp_bugs Rem tjaiswal 08/05/03 - Created Rem rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MET_SEV_BLKOUT table contains the information about when a metric rem severity was blacked out and the severity code of the metric severity rem when the blackout was initiated. Note that this table and feature rem is not related to the EM blackout feature and serves the primary rem purpose of being used for showing an additional state(blue state) rem for a metric severity in adddition to the current three states - rem critical, warning and clear. rem rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_GUID rem rem - A unique ID for the metric. It can be used to associate rem metric information with metric data information during rem reporting. rem rem KEY_VALUE - If the metric defined at collection time is a TABLE type, the rem value of the column in the table that is designated as the rem key for the row that identifies the value of this metric should rem be written here. This information is used during reporting to rem uniquely identify the specific value in the table that was rem collected. KEY_VALUE is the identifying row. Together with the rem target name, target type, and metric name, the metric value can be rem uniquely identified. This allows us to flatten tables of metrics into rem simple metric values. For example, the value in this table might rem be \usr if we were storing the SpaceUsed metric. rem rem BLKOUT_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time when the blackout was initiated rem rem SEVERITY_CODE rem rem - The event severity code for error, warning, critical, etc. rem rem 15 - clear rem 20 - warning rem 25 - alert rem rem MESSAGE - The content of the alert. Alerts are sent as messages that rem provide more details about what triggered the condition. rem rem USER_NAME - The user who initiated the blackout of the metric rem severity. rem CREATE TABLE MET_SEV_BLKOUT (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, key_value VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', blkout_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, severity_code NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, message VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, user_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT '') STORAGE (FREELISTS 4) INITRANS 2 MONITORING;