Rem Rem $Header: group_comp_mntr_pkgbody.sql 27-jun-2005.01:43:34 pratagar Exp $ Rem Rem group_comp_mntr_pkgbody.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem group_comp_mntr_pkgbody.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem pratagar 06/27/05 - Type Display Name Rem ramalhot 01/17/05 - g_member_guid->g_contains_guid Rem ramalhot 08/30/04 - cutover to new assoc tables Rem tjaiswal 10/16/03 - tjaiswal_ocs_comp_bugs Rem tjaiswal 10/06/03 - Add support for system ui across components Rem tjaiswal 09/16/03 - Support for webapp metrics Rem tjaiswal 05/05/03 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY group_comp_mntr AS COMPOSITE_TYPE CONSTANT VARCHAR(10) := 'composite'; G_FALSE CONSTANT INTEGER := 0; G_TRUE CONSTANT INTEGER := 1; METRIC_TYPE_NUMBER CONSTANT INTEGER := 0; METRIC_TYPE_STRING CONSTANT INTEGER := 1; METRIC_TYPE_TABLE CONSTANT INTEGER := 2; METRIC_TYPE_EVAL CONSTANT INTEGER := 5; STATS_RELATED CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 0; G_SEVERITY_CLEAR CONSTANT INTEGER := 15; -- returns 1 for should rollup, 0 for should not rollup FUNCTION should_rollup_sev (old_sev_in IN NUMBER, new_sev_in IN NUMBER ) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN IF( old_sev_in < 0 OR new_sev_in = 0 ) THEN RETURN 0; END IF; -- clear < warning < critical -- if the old severity value is critical, return false ... IF( old_sev_in = 25 ) THEN RETURN 0; END IF; IF( old_sev_in = 15 ) THEN -- if the new severity is the same as old, return false IF( new_sev_in = 15 ) THEN RETURN 0; ELSE -- if the new severity is any other value, return true RETURN 1; END IF; END IF; IF( old_sev_in = 20 ) THEN -- if the new severity is the same as old or clear, return false IF( new_sev_in = 15 OR new_sev_in = 20 ) THEN RETURN 0; ELSE -- if the new severity is any other value, return true RETURN 1; END IF; END IF; RETURN 0; END should_rollup_sev; -- returns 1 for should rollup, 0 for should not rollup FUNCTION should_rollup_status (old_status_in IN NUMBER, new_status_in IN NUMBER ) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN -- if an incorrect value is passed in, return false IF( old_status_in < 0 OR new_status_in < 0 ) THEN RETURN 0; END IF; -- order of severity of target availability states: least to worst -- up < unknown < unreachable < blackout < error < agent down < down -- if the old status value is down, return false ... IF( old_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_DOWN ) THEN RETURN 0; END IF; IF( old_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP ) THEN -- if the new status is the same as old, return false IF( new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP ) THEN RETURN 0; ELSE -- if the new status is any other value, return true RETURN 1; END IF; END IF; IF( old_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN ) THEN -- if the new status is the same as old or up, return false IF( new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP OR new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN ) THEN RETURN 0; ELSE -- if the new status is any other value, return true RETURN 1; END IF; END IF; IF( old_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE ) THEN -- if the new status is the same as old or up or unreachable, return false IF( new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP OR new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN OR new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE ) THEN RETURN 0; ELSE -- if the new status is any other value, return true RETURN 1; END IF; END IF; IF( old_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT ) THEN -- if the new status is the same as old or up or unreachable or blackout, return false IF( new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP OR new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN OR new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE OR new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT ) THEN RETURN 0; ELSE -- if the new status is any other value, return true RETURN 1; END IF; END IF; IF( old_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_ERROR ) THEN -- if the new status is the same as old or up or unreachable or blackout or error, return false IF( new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP OR new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN OR new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE OR new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT OR new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_ERROR ) THEN RETURN 0; ELSE -- if the new status is any other value, return true RETURN 1; END IF; END IF; IF( old_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_AGENT_DOWN ) THEN -- if the new status is the same as old or up or unreachable or blackout or error or agent down, return false IF( new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP OR new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN OR new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE OR new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT OR new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_ERROR OR new_status_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_AGENT_DOWN ) THEN RETURN 0; ELSE -- if the new status is any other value, return true RETURN 1; END IF; END IF; RETURN 0; END should_rollup_status; -- returns MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE if atleast 1 website metric exists, -- MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE otherwise FUNCTION website_met_exists (met_obj_in IN METRICS_OBJ_ARRAY) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN -- if the array is empty, there are no website metrics, so return false IF( met_obj_in IS NULL OR met_obj_in.count = 0 ) THEN RETURN MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; END IF; FOR i in 1..met_obj_in.count LOOP IF( met_obj_in(i).target_type = 'website' ) THEN -- a website metric found, so return true RETURN MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE; END IF; END LOOP; -- no website metrics found, so return false RETURN MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; END website_met_exists; -- -- PROCEDURE: get_rolled_up_met_sev_ws -- -- PURPOSE: -- A private util function to get the rolled up metric severity across -- all the targets of type website of the composite target - -- (target_name_in, target_type_in) for the slowest response time metric -- for the (availability transaction;local beacon name) of every website -- Note that only the slowest response metric is considered for now. -- FUNCTION get_rolled_up_met_sev_ws (target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS l_rolled_up_sev NUMBER := 15; l_curr_sev NUMBER := 15; l_avail_txn_name VARCHAR2(64) := ''; L_NO_METRIC_GUID constant raw(16) := '0000000000000000'; l_comp_key RAW(16) := L_NO_METRIC_GUID; BEGIN FOR record IN ( SELECT mem.member_target_name, mem.member_target_type FROM mgmt_targets tgt, mgmt_target_assocs mem, mgmt_targets ct, mgmt_targets mt WHERE ct.target_name = target_name_in AND ct.target_type = target_type_in AND mt.target_type = 'website' AND mem.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_contains_guid AND mem.source_target_guid = ct.target_guid AND mem.assoc_target_guid = mt.target_guid AND tgt.target_guid = mem.source_target_guid ) LOOP -- for this website, get the availability transaction name BEGIN SELECT INTO l_avail_txn_name FROM mgmt_targets tgt, mgmt_bcn_txn_defn txn WHERE tgt.target_name = record.member_target_name AND tgt.target_type = record.member_target_type AND txn.target_guid = tgt.target_guid AND txn.is_representative = 'Y' AND txn.txn_type = 'HTTP' ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_avail_txn_name := ''; END; -- use this transaction name, and "-" for the beacon name and get the -- composite key BEGIN SELECT composite_key INTO l_comp_key FROM mgmt_metrics_composite_keys keys, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE tgt.target_name = record.member_target_name AND tgt.target_type = record.member_target_type AND tgt.target_guid = keys.target_guid AND keys.key_part1_value = l_avail_txn_name AND keys.key_part2_value = '-' ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- is this okay? l_comp_key := L_NO_METRIC_GUID; END; -- use these values to get the met sev status for the http_response -- max_response_time metric l_curr_sev := get_met_sev_blkout_status( record.member_target_name, record.member_target_type, 'http_response', 'max_response_time', l_comp_key ); -- treat a blackout status as clear status IF( l_curr_sev = 1 ) THEN l_curr_sev := 15; END IF; -- decide if rollup should happen between the values for the rolled up -- sev and the current sev IF( should_rollup_sev( l_rolled_up_sev, l_curr_sev ) = 1 ) THEN l_rolled_up_sev := l_curr_sev; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN l_rolled_up_sev; END get_rolled_up_met_sev_ws; -- A private util function. This is the same as in blackout_engine_pkgbody.sql -- "Adjust" the target time to account for severities that -- may have come in since this time. -- This could happen with immediate blackouts where severities -- come in before the blackout can be inserted, and the -- collection timestamp is after the blackout start time FUNCTION adjust_target_time(p_timestamp DATE, p_target_guid RAW) RETURN DATE IS l_agent_guid MGMT_TARGETS.target_guid%TYPE; l_last_hb DATE; l_last_hb_utc DATE; l_comp_time DATE; l_timezone_region VARCHAR2(64); BEGIN -- Get the "current" agent time, as defined by the heartbeat BEGIN -- get the agent's target guid SELECT t2.target_guid INTO l_agent_guid FROM MGMT_TARGETS t1, MGMT_TARGETS t2 WHERE t1.target_guid=p_target_guid AND t1.emd_url=t2.emd_url AND t2.target_type=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AGENT_TARGET_TYPE; -- get the agent's last heartbeat timestamp, last heartbeat timestamp utc, timezone region SELECT p.last_heartbeat_ts, p.last_heartbeat_utc, t.timezone_region INTO l_last_hb, l_last_hb_utc, l_timezone_region FROM MGMT_EMD_PING p, MGMT_TARGETS t WHERE t.target_guid=p.target_guid AND t.target_guid=l_agent_guid; -- now add the agent skew to the target's time l_comp_time := p_timestamp + (mgmt_global.to_utc(l_last_hb, l_timezone_region) - l_last_hb_utc); -- add 10 seconds to account for the oms loader processing ... l_comp_time := l_comp_time + (10/(24*60*60)); RETURN l_comp_time; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN p_timestamp; END; END adjust_target_time; -- -- PROCEDURE: get_group_comp_sum_met -- -- PURPOSE: -- A private util procedure. -- Returns a summary of severity details for the members of -- a particular type of an ocs group target. -- PROCEDURE get_group_comp_sum_met(target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, member_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, target_types IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, metric_names IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, metric_columns IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, key_values IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, metric_cols_cur_out OUT cursorType, metric_sevs_cur_out OUT cursorType, metric_vals_cur_out OUT cursorType, metric_blkout_cur_out OUT cursorType, metric_blkout_hist_out OUT cursorType, targets_cur_out OUT cursorType) IS l_target_guid RAW(16); metric_guids METRIC_KEY_ARRAY := METRIC_KEY_ARRAY(); mguid raw(16) := '0000000000000000'; target_guids MGMT_GUID_ARRAY := MGMT_GUID_ARRAY(); tguid raw(16) := '0000000000000000'; l_curr_idx INTEGER := 0; mname VARCHAR2(64) := ''; mcol VARCHAR2(64) := ''; msname VARCHAR2(64) := ''; BEGIN l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid(target_name_in, target_type_in); FOR i in 1..metric_names.count LOOP BEGIN SELECT metric_guid INTO mguid FROM mgmt_metrics WHERE target_type = target_types(i) AND metric_name = metric_names(i) AND metric_column = metric_columns(i); metric_guids.extend; l_curr_idx := l_curr_idx + 1; metric_guids(l_curr_idx) := METRIC_KEY_OBJ( NULL, NULL, NULL ); metric_guids(l_curr_idx).guid := mguid; metric_guids(l_curr_idx).name := target_types(i); metric_guids(l_curr_idx).key_value := key_values(i); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN null; END; END LOOP; FOR i in 1..metric_guids.count LOOP dbms_output.put_line( 'metric_guids[' || i || ']: ' || metric_guids(i).guid ); END LOOP; l_curr_idx := 0; FOR record IN ( SELECT mem.member_target_guid FROM mgmt_targets tgt, mgmt_target_assocs mem, mgmt_targets ct, mgmt_targets mt WHERE ct.target_name = target_name_in AND ct.target_type = target_type_in AND mt.target_type = member_target_type_in AND mem.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_contains_guid AND mem.source_target_guid = ct.target_guid AND mem.assoc_target_guid = mt.target_guid AND tgt.target_guid = mem.source_target_guid ) LOOP target_guids.extend; l_curr_idx := l_curr_idx + 1; target_guids(l_curr_idx) := MGMT_GUID_OBJ( NULL, NULL ); target_guids(l_curr_idx).guid := record.member_target_guid; target_guids(l_curr_idx).name := ''; END LOOP; FOR i in 1..target_guids.count LOOP dbms_output.put_line( 'target_guids[' || i || ']: ' || target_guids(i).guid ); END LOOP; -- get the data for metric_cols_cur_out -- This only handles non composite keys OPEN metric_cols_cur_out FOR SELECT met.metric_guid, met.metric_name, met.metric_column, met.short_name || ' ' || guids.key_value as short_name, guids.key_value FROM mgmt_metrics met, TABLE(CAST(metric_guids AS METRIC_KEY_ARRAY) ) guids WHERE AND met.metric_guid=guids.guid AND met.metric_type = 0 ORDER BY met.short_name; dbms_output.put_line( 'After getting the metric columns' ); -- get the data for metric_sevs_cur_out OPEN metric_sevs_cur_out FOR SELECT /*+ ORDERED USE_HASH(sev) INDEX(tgt) INDEX(sev) INDEX(thr) */ thr.target_guid, thr.metric_guid, NVL(sev.severity_code,MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR) severity_code, mguids.key_value FROM mgmt_targets tgt, mgmt_metrics met, mgmt_metric_thresholds thr, mgmt_current_severity sev, TABLE(CAST(target_guids AS MGMT_GUID_ARRAY) ) tguids, TABLE(CAST(metric_guids AS METRIC_KEY_ARRAY) ) mguids WHERE tgt.target_guid = tguids.guid AND met.target_type = tgt.target_type AND met.metric_guid = mguids.guid AND met.metric_type = 0 AND thr.target_guid = tgt.target_guid AND thr.metric_guid = met.metric_guid AND thr.target_guid = sev.target_guid (+) AND thr.metric_guid = sev.metric_guid (+) AND sev.key_value = mguids.key_value AND thr.key_value = mguids.key_value; dbms_output.put_line( 'After getting the metric severities' ); -- get the data for metric_vals_cur_out OPEN metric_vals_cur_out FOR SELECT /*+ INDEX(curmet) */ curmet.target_guid, curmet.metric_guid, ROUND(curmet.value,2) value, mguids.key_value FROM mgmt_metrics met, mgmt_current_metrics curmet, TABLE(CAST(target_guids AS MGMT_GUID_ARRAY) ) tguids, TABLE(CAST(metric_guids AS METRIC_KEY_ARRAY) ) mguids WHERE met.target_type = AND met.metric_guid = mguids.guid AND curmet.target_guid = tguids.guid AND met.metric_type = 0 AND curmet.metric_guid = met.metric_guid AND curmet.key_value = mguids.key_value; dbms_output.put_line( 'After getting the metric values' ); -- get the data for metric_blkout_cur_out OPEN metric_blkout_cur_out FOR SELECT /*+ INDEX(tgt) INDEX(thr) */ thr.target_guid, thr.metric_guid, mguids.key_value, group_comp_mntr.get_met_sev_blkout_status(tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, met.metric_name, met.metric_column, mguids.key_value) blkout_status FROM mgmt_targets tgt, mgmt_metrics met, mgmt_metric_thresholds thr, TABLE(CAST(target_guids AS MGMT_GUID_ARRAY) ) tguids, TABLE(CAST(metric_guids AS METRIC_KEY_ARRAY) ) mguids WHERE tgt.target_guid = tguids.guid AND met.target_type = tgt.target_type AND met.metric_guid = mguids.guid AND met.metric_type = 0 AND thr.target_guid = tgt.target_guid AND thr.metric_guid = met.metric_guid AND thr.key_value = mguids.key_value; dbms_output.put_line( 'After getting the metric blackout status value' ); OPEN targets_cur_out FOR SELECT tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.target_name as display_name, tgt.type_display_name, NVL(avail.current_status,MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) cur_status, tgt.target_guid, NVL(sev.warning_count,0) AS warning_count, NVL(sev.critical_count,0) AS critical_count, DECODE(prop.property_value, NULL, 0, 1) is_group FROM mgmt_targets tgt, mgmt_target_assocs mem, mgmt_targets ct mgmt_current_availability avail, (SELECT SUM(DECODE(csev.severity_code, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING,1,0)) warning_count, SUM(DECODE(csev.severity_code, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,1,0)) critical_count, target_guid tguid FROM mgmt_current_severity csev GROUP BY target_guid ) sev, (SELECT target_type, property_value FROM mgmt_type_properties WHERE property_name = 'is_group') prop WHERE ct.target_name = target_name_in AND ct.target_type = target_type_in AND mem.assoc_target_guid = tgt.target_guid AND mem.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_contains_guid AND mem.source_target_guid = ct.target_guid AND tgt.target_guid = avail.target_guid (+) AND tgt.target_guid = sev.tguid (+) AND tgt.target_type = prop.target_type (+) AND tgt.target_type = member_target_type_in ORDER BY tgt.type_display_name, tgt.target_name; OPEN metric_blkout_hist_out FOR SELECT * FROM (SELECT /*+ INDEX(tgt) INDEX(met) INDEX(blkout) */ tgt.target_name, met.column_label, blkout.blkout_timestamp, blkout.severity_code, blkout.user_name FROM mgmt_targets tgt, mgmt_metrics met, met_sev_blkout blkout, TABLE(CAST(target_guids AS MGMT_GUID_ARRAY) ) tguids, TABLE(CAST(metric_guids AS METRIC_KEY_ARRAY) ) mguids WHERE tgt.target_guid = tguids.guid AND tguids.guid = blkout.target_guid AND tgt.target_type = AND mguids.guid = blkout.metric_guid AND mguids.key_value = blkout.key_value AND blkout.metric_guid = met.metric_guid AND = met.target_type ORDER BY blkout_timestamp desc ) WHERE rownum < 15; dbms_output.put_line( 'After getting the target values' ); END get_group_comp_sum_met; -- -- PURPOSE: -- Returns a summary of monitoring details for the members of -- a particular target -- PROCEDURE get_group_comp_mntr_summary (target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, member_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, met_obj_in IN METRICS_OBJ_ARRAY, summary_out OUT cursorType, rolled_up_met_sev_out OUT cursorType) IS l_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; BEGIN -- may throw a TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST EXCEPTION l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid(target_name_in, target_type_in); IF( member_target_type_in IS NULL OR length(member_target_type_in) = 0 ) THEN -- get member monitoring summary for all member targets of the -- composite target OPEN summary_out FOR SELECT tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.target_name as display_name, tgt.type_display_name, mgmt_target.get_avail_current_status(tgt.target_guid) AS current_status, NVL(sev_detail.warning_count,0) AS warning_count, NVL(sev_detail.critical_count,0) AS critical_count, tgt.target_guid, tgt.is_group AS is_group_type FROM mgmt_target_assocs mem, mgmt_targets tgt, (SELECT sev.target_guid, SUM(DECODE(sev.severity_code,MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING,1,0)) AS warning_count, SUM(DECODE(sev.severity_code,MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,1,0)) AS critical_count FROM mgmt_target_assocs members, mgmt_current_severity sev, mgmt_metrics met, TABLE(CAST(met_obj_in AS METRICS_OBJ_ARRAY)) met_obj WHERE members.source_target_guid=l_target_guid AND members.assoc_target_guid=sev.target_guid AND members.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_contains_guid AND met_obj.target_type = met.target_type AND met_obj.metric_name = met.metric_name AND met_obj.metric_column = met.metric_column AND met.metric_guid = sev.metric_guid AND met_obj.key_value = sev.key_value GROUP BY sev.target_guid) sev_detail WHERE mem.source_target_guid=l_target_guid AND mem.assoc_target_guid = tgt.target_guid AND mem.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_contains_guid AND tgt.target_guid = sev_detail.target_guid (+) ORDER BY tgt.type_display_name, tgt.target_name; ELSE -- get member monitoring summary for member targets of type - -- member_target_type_in of the composite target OPEN summary_out FOR SELECT tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.target_name as display_name, tgt.type_display_name, mgmt_target.get_avail_current_status(tgt.target_guid) AS current_status, NVL(sev_detail.warning_count,0) AS warning_count, NVL(sev_detail.critical_count,0) AS critical_count, tgt.target_guid, tgt.is_group AS is_group_type FROM mgmt_target_assocs mem, mgmt_targets tgt, (SELECT sev.target_guid, SUM(DECODE(sev.severity_code,MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING,1,0)) AS warning_count, SUM(DECODE(sev.severity_code,MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,1,0)) AS critical_count FROM mgmt_target_assocs members, mgmt_current_severity sev, mgmt_metrics met, TABLE(CAST(met_obj_in AS METRICS_OBJ_ARRAY)) met_obj WHERE members.source_target_guid=l_target_guid AND members.assoc_target_guid=sev.target_guid AND members.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_assoc_guid AND met_obj.target_type = met.target_type AND met_obj.metric_name = met.metric_name AND met_obj.metric_column = met.metric_column AND met.metric_guid = sev.metric_guid AND met_obj.key_value = sev.key_value GROUP BY sev.target_guid) sev_detail WHERE mem.source_target_guid=l_target_guid AND mem.assoc_target_guid = tgt.target_guid AND mem.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_contains_guid AND tgt.target_guid = sev_detail.target_guid (+) AND tgt.target_type=member_target_type_in ORDER BY tgt.type_display_name, tgt.target_name; END IF; -- get the rolled up metric sev data get_grp_comp_rolledup_met_sev( target_name_in, target_type_in, member_target_type_in, met_obj_in, rolled_up_met_sev_out ); END get_group_comp_mntr_summary; -- -- PROCEDURE: get_group_comp_sev_summary -- -- PURPOSE: -- Returns a summary of severity details for the members of -- a particular ocs group target. -- PROCEDURE get_group_comp_sev_summary (target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, member_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, met_obj_in IN METRICS_OBJ_ARRAY, metric_cols_cur_out OUT cursorType, metric_sevs_cur_out OUT cursorType, metric_vals_cur_out OUT cursorType, metric_blkout_cur_out OUT cursorType, metric_blkout_hist_out OUT cursorType, targets_cur_out OUT cursorType) IS target_types SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY; metric_names SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY; metric_columns SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY; metric_short_names SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY; key_values SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY; l_curr_idx INTEGER := 0; l_key_value VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN IF( met_obj_in IS NULL OR met_obj_in.count = 0 ) THEN -- only create empty arrays target_types := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); metric_names := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); metric_columns := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); key_values := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); ELSE -- copy the contents of met_obj_in the different arrays target_types := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); metric_names := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); metric_columns := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); key_values := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); FOR i in 1..met_obj_in.count LOOP target_types.extend; metric_names.extend; metric_columns.extend; key_values.extend; l_curr_idx := l_curr_idx + 1; target_types(l_curr_idx) := met_obj_in(l_curr_idx).target_type; metric_names(l_curr_idx) := met_obj_in(l_curr_idx).metric_name; metric_columns(l_curr_idx) := met_obj_in(l_curr_idx).metric_column; l_key_value := met_obj_in(l_curr_idx).key_value; -- handle null value for key values IF( l_key_value IS NULL ) THEN l_key_value := ' '; END IF; key_values(l_curr_idx) := l_key_value; END LOOP; END IF; get_group_comp_sum_met( target_name_in, target_type_in, member_target_type_in, target_types, metric_names, metric_columns, key_values, metric_cols_cur_out, metric_sevs_cur_out, metric_vals_cur_out, metric_blkout_cur_out, metric_blkout_hist_out, targets_cur_out ); END get_group_comp_sev_summary; -- -- PROCEDURE: get_group_comp_ws_sev_summary -- -- PURPOSE: -- Returns a summary of severity details for the website members of -- a particular ocs group target. -- PROCEDURE get_group_comp_ws_sev_summary (target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, targets_sev_cur_out OUT cursorType, metric_blkout_hist_out OUT cursorType) IS l_target_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_target_type VARCHAR2(64) := ''; l_target_display_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_target_guid RAW(16) := '0000000000000000'; l_metric_name VARCHAR2(64) := 'http_response'; l_metric_column VARCHAR2(64) := 'max_response_time'; l_metric_guid RAW(16); l_key_value VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_metric_value NUMBER := 0; l_severity_value NUMBER := 15; l_blackout_status_value NUMBER := 15; l_has_thresholds NUMBER := 0; -- 0 does not have thresholds, 1 has thresholds target_met_sevs TARGET_MET_SEV_ARRAY := TARGET_MET_SEV_ARRAY(); l_curr_idx INTEGER := 0; l_avail_txn_name VARCHAR2(64) := ''; L_NO_METRIC_GUID constant raw(16) := '0000000000000000'; l_num_thr NUMBER := 0; BEGIN -- get the metric guid l_metric_guid := mgmt_target.get_metric_guid( 'website', l_metric_name, l_metric_column ); FOR record IN ( SELECT tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.display_name, tgt.target_guid FROM mgmt_targets tgt, mgmt_target_assocs mem, mgmt_targets ct, mgmt_targets nt WHERE ct.target_name = target_name_in AND ct.target_type = target_type_in AND mt.target_type = 'website' AND mem.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_contains_guid AND mt.target_guid = mem.assoc_target_guid AND ct.target_guid = mem.source_target_guid AND tgt.target_guid = mem.assoc_target_guid ) LOOP target_met_sevs.extend; l_curr_idx := l_curr_idx + 1; target_met_sevs(l_curr_idx) := TARGET_MET_SEV_OBJ( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); -- add the target details target_met_sevs(l_curr_idx).target_name := record.target_name; target_met_sevs(l_curr_idx).target_type := record.target_type; target_met_sevs(l_curr_idx).target_display_name := record.display_name; target_met_sevs(l_curr_idx).target_guid := record.target_guid; -- add the metric details target_met_sevs(l_curr_idx).metric_name := l_metric_name; target_met_sevs(l_curr_idx).metric_column := l_metric_column; target_met_sevs(l_curr_idx).metric_guid := l_metric_guid; -- for this website, get the availability transaction name BEGIN SELECT INTO l_avail_txn_name FROM mgmt_targets tgt, mgmt_bcn_txn_defn txn WHERE tgt.target_name = record.target_name AND tgt.target_type = record.target_type AND txn.target_guid = tgt.target_guid AND txn.is_representative = 'Y' AND txn.txn_type = 'HTTP' ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_avail_txn_name := ''; END; -- add the transaction name target_met_sevs(l_curr_idx).txn_name := l_avail_txn_name; -- add the beacon name target_met_sevs(l_curr_idx).bcn_name := '-'; -- use this transaction name, and "-" for the beacon name and get the -- composite key BEGIN SELECT composite_key INTO l_key_value FROM mgmt_metrics_composite_keys keys, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE tgt.target_name = record.target_name AND tgt.target_type = record.target_type AND tgt.target_guid = keys.target_guid AND keys.key_part1_value = l_avail_txn_name AND keys.key_part2_value = '-' ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- is this okay? l_key_value := L_NO_METRIC_GUID; END; -- add the key value target_met_sevs(l_curr_idx).key_value := l_key_value; -- use these values to get the met sev status for the http_response -- max_response_time metric l_blackout_status_value := get_met_sev_blkout_status( record.target_name, record.target_type, l_metric_name, l_metric_column, l_key_value ); -- add the blackout status value target_met_sevs(l_curr_idx).blackout_status_value := l_blackout_status_value; -- get the metric value BEGIN SELECT value INTO l_metric_value FROM mgmt_current_metrics curmet WHERE curmet.target_guid = record.target_guid AND curmet.metric_guid = l_metric_guid AND curmet.key_value = l_key_value; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- is this okay? l_metric_value := 0; END; -- add the metric value target_met_sevs(l_curr_idx).metric_value := l_metric_value; -- get the current severity value BEGIN SELECT severity_code INTO l_severity_value FROM mgmt_current_severity cursev WHERE cursev.target_guid = record.target_guid AND cursev.metric_guid = l_metric_guid AND cursev.key_value = l_key_value; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- is this okay? l_severity_value := 15; END; -- add the severity value target_met_sevs(l_curr_idx).severity_value := l_severity_value; -- find out if this metric has thresholds BEGIN SELECT count(*) INTO l_num_thr FROM mgmt_admin_metric_thresholds WHERE target_guid = record.target_guid AND metric_guid = l_metric_guid AND key_value <> 'default_threshold' AND key_value = l_key_value; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- is this okay? l_num_thr := 0; END; -- add the has thr value IF( l_num_thr > 0 ) THEN target_met_sevs(l_curr_idx).has_thresholds := 1; ELSE target_met_sevs(l_curr_idx).has_thresholds := 0; END IF; END LOOP; -- return the targets cursor OPEN targets_sev_cur_out FOR SELECT s.target_name, s.target_type, s.target_display_name, s.target_guid, s.metric_name, s.metric_column, s.metric_guid, s.key_value, s.txn_name, s.bcn_name, s.metric_value, s.severity_value, s.blackout_status_value, s.has_thresholds FROM TABLE(CAST(target_met_sevs AS TARGET_MET_SEV_ARRAY) ) s; -- return the metric blackout history cursor OPEN metric_blkout_hist_out FOR SELECT * FROM (SELECT /*+ INDEX(blkout) */ tsev.target_name, 'Slowest Page Response' || ' ' || tsev.txn_name || ';' || tsev.bcn_name as column_label, blkout.blkout_timestamp, blkout.severity_code, blkout.user_name FROM met_sev_blkout blkout, TABLE(CAST(target_met_sevs AS TARGET_MET_SEV_ARRAY) ) tsev WHERE tsev.target_guid = blkout.target_guid AND tsev.metric_guid = blkout.metric_guid AND tsev.key_value = blkout.key_value ORDER BY blkout_timestamp desc ) WHERE rownum < 15; END get_group_comp_ws_sev_summary; -- -- PROCEDURE: get_met_sev_blkout_status -- -- PURPOSE: -- Returns 1 if this metric severity should be shown as a blacked out icon. -- this also means that the metric severity blackout is currently set. -- 15 if this metric severity should be shown as clear -- 20 if this metric severity should be shown as warning -- 25 if this metric severity should be shown as critical -- FUNCTION get_met_sev_blkout_status (target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, metric_name_in IN VARCHAR2, metric_column_in IN VARCHAR2, key_value_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS -- the target guid of this target tguid RAW(16); -- the metric guid of this metric mguid RAW(16); -- the severity code of the most recent severity for this metric of this -- target scode NUMBER := 15; -- the collection timestamp of the most recent severity for this metric -- of this target stime DATE := SYSDATE; -- the severity code of the most recent blackout record for this metric -- of this target bcode NUMBER := 15; -- the timestamp of the most recent blackout record for this metric of -- this target btime DATE := SYSDATE; -- the collection timestamp of the most recent clear severity for this -- metric of this target ctime DATE := SYSDATE; severity_record_found NUMBER := 0; -- not found blkout_record_found NUMBER := 0; -- not found clr_sev_record_found NUMBER := 0; -- not found clr_sev_exists NUMBER := 0; -- 0 does not exist. 1 if a clear sev exists at a time greater than btime and less than stime BEGIN -- the blackout references made in this procedure, the met_sev_blkout table -- is not related to the EM blackout feature -- NOTE: key_value_in is expected as ' ' if empty --dbms_output.put_line( target_name_in || ' - ' || target_type_in || ' - ' || metric_name_in || ' - ' || metric_column_in || ' - ' || key_value_in ); -- get the target guid tguid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid( target_name_in, target_type_in ); -- get the metric guid mguid := mgmt_target.get_metric_guid( target_type_in, metric_name_in, metric_column_in ); --dbms_output.put_line( 'tguid: ' || tguid || ', mguid: ' || mguid ); -- get the severity code, collection timestamp for the most recent severity -- record for the metric of this target FOR record IN ( SELECT severity_code, collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_severity WHERE target_guid = tguid AND metric_guid = mguid AND key_value = key_value_in AND severity_code IN ( 15, 20, 25 ) ORDER by collection_timestamp DESC, severity_code ASC ) LOOP -- only get the most recent row severity_record_found := 1; scode := record.severity_code; stime := record.collection_timestamp; exit; END LOOP; --dbms_output.put_line( 'severity_record_found: ' || severity_record_found ); --dbms_output.put_line( 'scode: ' || scode ); --dbms_output.put_line( 'stime: ' || to_char(stime, 'mm-dd-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM') ); -- if the most recent severity was not found, use an old date for stime IF( severity_record_found = 0 ) THEN scode := 15; stime := SYSDATE-10000; END IF; -- get the severity code, timestamp of the most recent blackout record for -- the metric of this target FOR record IN ( SELECT severity_code, blkout_timestamp FROM met_sev_blkout WHERE target_guid = tguid AND metric_guid = mguid AND key_value = key_value_in ORDER by blkout_timestamp DESC ) LOOP -- only get the most recent row blkout_record_found := 1; bcode := record.severity_code; btime := record.blkout_timestamp; exit; END LOOP; --dbms_output.put_line( 'blkout_record_found: ' || blkout_record_found ); --dbms_output.put_line( 'bcode: ' || bcode ); --dbms_output.put_line( 'btime: ' || to_char(btime, 'mm-dd-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM') ); -- if the blackout record is not found, simply return the value of scode IF( blkout_record_found = 0 ) THEN -- show the severity icon based on scode --dbms_output.put_line( 'blackout record not found, so returning: ' || scode ); RETURN scode; END IF; -- if the blackout record is found but bcode is 0, then this means that the -- metric severity blackout has been unset. in this case also, simply -- return the value of scode IF( bcode = 0 ) THEN -- show the severity icon based on scode --dbms_output.put_line( 'blackout unset, so returning: ' || scode ); RETURN scode; END IF; -- get the severity code, collection timestamp for the most recent -- clear severity for the metric of this target FOR record IN ( SELECT severity_code, collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_severity WHERE target_guid = tguid AND metric_guid = mguid AND key_value = key_value_in AND severity_code = 15 ORDER by collection_timestamp DESC ) LOOP -- only get the most recent row clr_sev_record_found := 1; ctime := record.collection_timestamp; exit; END LOOP; --dbms_output.put_line( 'clr_sev_record_found: ' || clr_sev_record_found ); --dbms_output.put_line( 'ctime: ' || to_char(ctime, 'mm-dd-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM') ); -- if the most recent clear severity was not found, use an old date for ctime -- this also means a clear never occurred ... -- if the most recent clear severity is found, figure out if the clear -- severity timestamp is between greater than btime and less than stime IF( clr_sev_record_found = 0 ) THEN ctime := SYSDATE-10000; clr_sev_exists := 0; ELSE IF( (ctime > btime) AND (ctime < stime) ) THEN clr_sev_exists := 1; ELSE clr_sev_exists := 0; END IF; END IF; --dbms_output.put_line( 'clr_sev_exists: ' || clr_sev_exists ); -- if btime is greater than stime, simply return blue icon code IF( btime > stime ) THEN -- show blue --dbms_output.put_line( 'btime > stime, so returning 1' ); RETURN 1; END IF; --dbms_output.put_line( 'FINAL: bcode: ' || bcode || ', scode: ' || scode || ', clr_sev_exists: ' || clr_sev_exists ); -- if we have reached this point, then btime < stime and a clear sev -- may or may not have occurred ... IF( (bcode = 15) OR (bcode = 25) ) THEN -- the blue-ing/blackout was initiated when the severity was 15 or 25 IF( scode = 15 ) THEN -- show green RETURN 15; ELSIF( scode = 20 ) THEN IF( clr_sev_exists = 1 ) THEN -- show yellow RETURN 20; ELSE -- show blue RETURN 1; END IF; ELSIF( scode = 25 ) THEN IF( clr_sev_exists = 1 ) THEN -- show red RETURN 25; ELSE -- show blue RETURN 1; END IF; ELSE -- default to green RETURN 15; END IF; ELSIF( bcode = 20 ) THEN -- the blue-ing/blackout was initiated when the severity was 20 IF( scode = 15 ) THEN -- show green RETURN 15; ELSIF( scode = 20 ) THEN -- show yellow RETURN 20; ELSIF( scode = 25 ) THEN -- show red RETURN 25; ELSE -- default to green RETURN 15; END IF; END IF; END get_met_sev_blkout_status; -- -- PROCEDURE: update_met_sev_blkout_status -- -- PURPOSE: -- Update the metrci severity blackout status for the given metric of the -- given target type. This inserts a record in the table - MET_SEV_BLKOUT -- -- If mode_in = 1, this is an action to "set" the blackout on the metric -- severity. -- If mode_in = 0, this is an action to "unset" the blackout on the metric -- severity -- PROCEDURE update_met_sev_blkout_status (target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, metric_name_in IN VARCHAR2, metric_column_in IN VARCHAR2, key_value_in IN VARCHAR2, sev_code_in IN NUMBER, mode_in IN NUMBER) IS l_target_guid RAW(16); l_agent_target_guid RAW(16); l_metric_guid RAW(16); l_user_name VARCHAR2(64); l_message VARCHAR2(4000); l_sysdate DATE; l_cur_blkout_status NUMBER := 1; -- 1 -> set else not set BEGIN -- get the target guid l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid( target_name_in, target_type_in ); -- get the metric guid l_metric_guid := mgmt_target.get_metric_guid( target_type_in, metric_name_in, metric_column_in ); -- get current user name from sys context l_user_name := UPPER(mgmt_user.get_current_em_user() ); -- figure out if the metric severity is currently under blackout or not -- if l_cur_blkout_status = 1, the blackout is set, otherwise it is not set l_cur_blkout_status := get_met_sev_blkout_status( target_name_in, target_type_in, metric_name_in, metric_column_in, key_value_in ); -- the current time should be converted to the time in the target's timezone -- because the severities for this target also have the timestamp in the -- target's timezone l_sysdate := TGT_SYSDATE_WGUID( l_target_guid ); -- the converted time could still be off because of the time skews on the -- repository machine and the target machine. so adjust the target time -- further based on the last heart beat of the agent of this target ... l_sysdate := adjust_target_time( l_sysdate, l_target_guid ); IF( mode_in = 1 ) THEN -- set the blackout on the metric severity only if it not already set IF( l_cur_blkout_status <> 1 ) THEN -- get the message l_message := 'Setting metric severity blackout ...'; -- insert the record in the MET_SEV_BLKOUT table BEGIN INSERT INTO MET_SEV_BLKOUT (target_guid, metric_guid, key_value, blkout_timestamp, severity_code, message, user_name) VALUES (l_target_guid, l_metric_guid, key_value_in, l_sysdate, sev_code_in, l_message, l_user_name); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- ignore the error message. NULL; END; END IF; ELSE -- clear the blackout on the metric severity only if it is set IF( l_cur_blkout_status = 1 ) THEN -- get the message l_message := 'Clearing metric severity blackout ...'; -- insert the record in the MET_SEV_BLKOUT table with "0" for the -- severity code indicating this is a unset of the metric sevetity -- blackout BEGIN INSERT INTO MET_SEV_BLKOUT (target_guid, metric_guid, key_value, blkout_timestamp, severity_code, message, user_name) VALUES (l_target_guid, l_metric_guid, key_value_in, l_sysdate, 0, l_message, l_user_name); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- ignore the error message. NULL; END; END IF; END IF; END update_met_sev_blkout_status; -- -- PROCEDURE: get_rolled_up_met_sev -- -- PURPOSE: -- Get the rolled up metric severity across all the targets of type -- member_target_type_in of the composite target - -- (target_name_in, target_type_in) for all the summary metrics defined -- in met_obj_in -- FUNCTION get_rolled_up_met_sev (target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, member_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, met_obj_in IN METRICS_OBJ_ARRAY) RETURN NUMBER IS l_rolled_up_sev NUMBER := 15; l_curr_sev NUMBER := 15; BEGIN FOR record IN ( SELECT mem.member_target_name, mem.member_target_type FROM mgmt_targets tgt, mgmt_target_assocs mem, mgmt_targets ct, mgmt_targets mt WHERE ct.target_name = target_name_in AND ct.target_type = target_type_in AND mt.target_type = member_target_type_in AND mem.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_contains_guid AND mt.target_guid = mem.assoc_target_guid AND ct.target_guid = mem.source_target_guid AND tgt.target_guid = mem.source_target_guid ) LOOP FOR i in 1..met_obj_in.count LOOP --dbms_output.put_line( record.member_target_type || ' <-> ' || met_obj_in(i).target_type ); IF( record.member_target_type = met_obj_in(i).target_type ) THEN l_curr_sev := get_met_sev_blkout_status( record.member_target_name, record.member_target_type, met_obj_in(i).metric_name, met_obj_in(i).metric_column, met_obj_in(i).key_value ); --dbms_output.put_line( record.member_target_name || ' - ' || record.member_target_type || ' - ' || met_obj_in(i).metric_name || ' - ' || met_obj_in(i).metric_column || ' - ' || met_obj_in(i).key_value || ' -> ' || l_curr_sev ); -- treat a blackout status as clear status IF( l_curr_sev = 1 ) THEN l_curr_sev := 15; END IF; -- decide if rollup should happen between the values for the rolled up -- sev and the current sev IF( should_rollup_sev( l_rolled_up_sev, l_curr_sev ) = 1 ) THEN l_rolled_up_sev := l_curr_sev; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; END LOOP; RETURN l_rolled_up_sev; END get_rolled_up_met_sev; -- -- PROCEDURE: get_grp_comp_rolledup_met_sev -- -- PURPOSE: -- Returns a summary of the rolled metric severity for every target type -- of this composite target -- -- ERROR CODES: -- TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR: No such target was found. This could also mean -- that the user does not have access to view this target. -- PROCEDURE get_grp_comp_rolledup_met_sev (target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, member_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, met_obj_in IN METRICS_OBJ_ARRAY, rolled_up_met_sev_out OUT cursorType) IS summary_data SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY(); l_curr_idx NUMBER := 0; l_result NUMBER := 15; l_type_disp_name VARCHAR2(64) := ''; l_website_met_exists NUMBER := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; BEGIN -- find out if atleast one website metric exists in met_obj_in ... l_website_met_exists := website_met_exists( met_obj_in ); IF( member_target_type_in IS NULL OR length(member_target_type_in) = 0 ) THEN -- get rolled up severity summary for all member targets of the -- composite target FOR record IN ( SELECT distinct mem.member_target_type, tgt.target_type type_display_name FROM mgmt_target_assocs mem, mgmt_targets ct mgmt_targets tgt WHERE ct.target_name = target_name_in AND ct.target_type = target_type_in AND mem.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_contains_guid AND ct.target_guid = mem.source_target_guid AND mem.assoc_target_guid = tgt.target_guid ) LOOP -- special case for websites: if the target type is website and -- no metrics have been configured for the website targets, -- in this case, call a seperate function to get the rolled up -- metric severity for websites ... IF( record.member_target_type = 'website' AND l_website_met_exists = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE ) THEN l_result := group_comp_mntr.get_rolled_up_met_sev_ws( target_name_in, target_type_in); ELSE -- get rolled up severity summary for member targets of type - -- record.member_target_type of the composite target l_result := group_comp_mntr.get_rolled_up_met_sev( target_name_in, target_type_in, record.member_target_type, met_obj_in ); END IF; summary_data.extend; l_curr_idx := l_curr_idx + 1; summary_data(l_curr_idx) := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR( NULL, NULL ); summary_data(l_curr_idx).name := record.type_display_name; summary_data(l_curr_idx).value := l_result; dbms_output.put_line( record.member_target_type || ': ' || l_result ); END LOOP; OPEN rolled_up_met_sev_out FOR SELECT type_display_name, s.value rolled_up_sev FROM TABLE(CAST(summary_data AS SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY) ) s; ELSE -- special case for websites: if the target type is website and -- no metrics have been configured for the website targets, -- in this case, call a seperate function to get the rolled up -- metric severity for websites ... IF( member_target_type_in = 'website' AND l_website_met_exists = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE ) THEN l_result := group_comp_mntr.get_rolled_up_met_sev_ws( target_name_in, target_type_in); ELSE -- get rolled up severity summary for member targets of type - -- member_target_type_in of the composite target l_result := group_comp_mntr.get_rolled_up_met_sev( target_name_in, target_type_in, member_target_type_in, met_obj_in ); END IF; -- get the type display name for member_target_type_in BEGIN SELECT distinct type_display_name INTO l_type_disp_name FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_type = member_target_type_in; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_type_disp_name := member_target_type_in; END; summary_data.extend; l_curr_idx := l_curr_idx + 1; summary_data(l_curr_idx) := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR( NULL, NULL ); summary_data(l_curr_idx).name := l_type_disp_name; summary_data(l_curr_idx).value := l_result; dbms_output.put_line( member_target_type_in || ': ' || l_result ); OPEN rolled_up_met_sev_out FOR SELECT type_display_name, s.value rolled_up_sev FROM TABLE(CAST(summary_data AS SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY) ) s; END IF; END get_grp_comp_rolledup_met_sev; -- -- PROCEDURE: get_group_overview_summary -- -- PURPOSE: -- Returns a summary of monitoring details for the members of -- a particular group target. -- PROCEDURE get_group_overview_summary (target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, met_obj_in IN METRICS_OBJ_ARRAY, rolled_up_data_out OUT cursorType) IS summary_cur cursorType; rolled_up_met_sev_cur cursorType; target_rollup_data TARGET_ROLLUP_ARRAY := TARGET_ROLLUP_ARRAY(); l_curr_idx INTEGER := 0; l_current_status NUMBER := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP; -- default to up l_rolled_up_status NUMBER := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP; -- default to up l_current_severity NUMBER := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR; -- default to clear l_rolled_up_severity NUMBER := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR; -- default to clear ignore1 VARCHAR2(512) := ''; ignore2 VARCHAR2(512) := ''; ignore3 VARCHAR2(512) := ''; ignore4 VARCHAR2(512) := ''; ignore5 NUMBER := 0; ignore6 NUMBER := 0; ignore7 RAW(16) := '0000000000000000'; ignore8 NUMBER := 0; BEGIN -- loop through the group target and call get_group_comp_mntr_summary for -- every member of the group target FOR record IN ( SELECT tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.display_name, tgt.type_display_name FROM mgmt_targets tgt, mgmt_target_assocs mem, mgmt_targets ct WHERE ct.target_name = target_name_in AND ct.target_type = target_type_in AND ct.target_guid = mem.source_target_guid AND mem.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOc.g_contains_guid AND mem.assoc_target_guid = tgt.target_guid ) LOOP dbms_output.put_line( 'calling get_group_comp_mntr_summary for: ' || record.target_name || ', ' || record.target_type ); get_group_comp_mntr_summary( record.target_name, record.target_type, '', met_obj_in, summary_cur, rolled_up_met_sev_cur ); -- initialize the rolled up status and severity values l_rolled_up_status := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP; l_rolled_up_severity := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR; -- loop through summary_cur to get the rolled up status dbms_output.put_line( 'looping through summary_cur' ); LOOP FETCH summary_cur INTO ignore1, ignore2, ignore3, ignore4, l_current_status, ignore5, ignore6, ignore7, ignore8; EXIT WHEN summary_cur%NOTFOUND; dbms_output.put_line( 'before rollup: l_rolled_up_status: ' || l_rolled_up_status || ', l_current_status: ' || l_current_status ); -- rollup the status IF( should_rollup_status( l_rolled_up_status, l_current_status ) = 1 ) THEN l_rolled_up_status := l_current_status; dbms_output.put_line( 'after rollup: l_rolled_up_status: ' || l_rolled_up_status ); END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE summary_cur; -- at this point l_rolled_up_status will have the rolled up status of -- all member targets of record.target_name, record.target_type -- loop through rolled_up_met_sev_cur to get the rolled up metric -- severity dbms_output.put_line( 'looping through rolled_up_met_sev_cur' ); LOOP FETCH rolled_up_met_sev_cur INTO ignore1, l_current_severity; EXIT WHEN rolled_up_met_sev_cur%NOTFOUND; dbms_output.put_line( 'before rollup: l_rolled_up_severity: ' || l_rolled_up_severity || ', l_current_severity: ' || l_current_severity ); -- rollup the severity IF( should_rollup_sev( l_rolled_up_severity, l_current_severity ) = 1 ) THEN l_rolled_up_severity := l_current_severity; dbms_output.put_line( 'after rollup: l_rolled_up_severity: ' || l_rolled_up_severity ); END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE rolled_up_met_sev_cur; -- at this point l_rolled_up_severity will have the rolled up severity of -- all summary metrics of all member targets of -- record.target_name, record.target_type -- now add the data to target_rollup_data target_rollup_data.extend; l_curr_idx := l_curr_idx + 1; target_rollup_data(l_curr_idx) := TARGET_ROLLUP_OBJ( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); dbms_output.put_line( 'adding record: ' || record.target_name || ', ' || record.target_type || ', ' || record.display_name || ', ' || record.type_display_name || ', ' || l_rolled_up_status || ', ' || l_rolled_up_severity ); target_rollup_data(l_curr_idx).target_name := record.target_name; target_rollup_data(l_curr_idx).target_type := record.target_type; target_rollup_data(l_curr_idx).display_name := record.display_name; target_rollup_data(l_curr_idx).type_display_name := record.type_display_name; target_rollup_data(l_curr_idx).rolled_up_status := l_rolled_up_status; target_rollup_data(l_curr_idx).rolled_up_severity := l_rolled_up_severity; END LOOP; -- return the targets rolled up data cursor - rolled_up_data_out OPEN rolled_up_data_out FOR SELECT s.target_name, s.target_type, s.display_name, s.type_display_name, s.rolled_up_status, s.rolled_up_severity FROM TABLE(CAST(target_rollup_data AS TARGET_ROLLUP_ARRAY) ) s; END get_group_overview_summary; END group_comp_mntr; / show errors;