Rem Rem $Header: group_cpf_pkgbody.sql 10-dec-2004.05:43:37 mningomb Exp $ Rem Rem group_cpf_pkgbody.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem group_cpf_pkgbody.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem PL/SQL for getting the group patch advisories Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem mningomb 12/10/04 - Cutover Critical patch advisories policy to 10.2 Rem policy framework Rem mningomb 11/24/04 - mningomb_cpfps Rem mningomb 11/17/04 - Rem mningomb 10/21/04 Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY GROUP_PATCH_ADVISORIES IS PROCEDURE getHostHomeCount (p_alert_name IN varchar2, p_group_name in varchar2, p_group_type in varchar2, p_host_count OUT integer, p_home_count OUT integer) IS CURSOR count_cur(group_name in varchar2, group_type in varchar2, alert_name varchar2) IS select count(unique t.host_name) as host_count, count(unique t.home_location) as home_count from mgmt_policies p, mgmt_current_violation v, mgmt_violation_context arv, mgmt_violation_context hrv, mgmt_violation_context orv, (select unique h.target_guid as host_guid, h.host_name as host_name, p.property_value as home_location from mgmt_targets t, mgmt_targets h, mgmt_target_properties p, mgmt$group_flat_memberships m where m.composite_target_name = group_name and m.composite_target_type = group_type and m.member_target_guid = t.target_guid and t.host_name = h.target_name and h.target_type = 'host' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid and p.property_name = 'OracleHome') t where = 'ORACLE' and p.target_type = 'host' and p.policy_name = 'Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes' and p.policy_guid = v.policy_guid and v.target_guid = t.host_guid and (v.exempt_code = 0 or (v.exempt_code = 2 and v.exempt_until <= SYSDATE)) and v.target_guid = arv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = arv.policy_guid and v.key_value = arv.key_value and arv.column_name = 'ADVISORY_NAME' and v.target_guid = hrv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = hrv.policy_guid and v.key_value = hrv.key_value and hrv.column_name = 'HOME_LOCATION' and hrv.column_str_value = t.home_location and v.target_guid = orv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = orv.policy_guid and v.key_value = orv.key_value and orv.column_name = 'HOST_NAME' and orv.column_str_value = t.host_name and arv.column_str_value = alert_name; countRec count_cur%ROWTYPE; BEGIN OPEN count_cur(p_group_name,p_group_type, p_alert_name); LOOP FETCH count_cur INTO countRec; EXIT WHEN count_cur%NOTFOUND; p_host_count := countRec.host_count; p_home_count := countRec.home_count; END LOOP; CLOSE count_cur; END; PROCEDURE get_group_patch_advisories ( p_group_name in varchar2, p_group_type in varchar2, p_advisories OUT advisories_ref_cur) IS adv_tab patch_advisories_type; hostCount integer := 0; homeCount integer := 0; BEGIN select patch_adv_type(name, url, impact, abstract, 0,0) bulk collect into adv_tab from ( select a.advisory_name name, a.url url, a.impact impact, a.abstract abstract from mgmt_bug_advisory a, (select unique arv.column_str_value as unique_advs from mgmt_policies p, mgmt_current_violation v, mgmt_violation_context arv, mgmt_violation_context hrv, mgmt_violation_context orv, (select unique h.target_guid as host_guid, h.host_name as host_name, p.property_value as home_location from mgmt_targets t, mgmt_targets h, mgmt_target_properties p, mgmt$group_flat_memberships m where m.composite_target_name = p_group_name and m.composite_target_type = p_group_type and m.member_target_guid = t.target_guid and t.host_name = h.target_name and h.target_type = 'host' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid and p.property_name = 'OracleHome') t where = 'ORACLE' and p.target_type = 'host' and p.policy_name = 'Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes' and p.policy_guid = v.policy_guid and v.target_guid = t.host_guid and (v.exempt_code = 0 or (v.exempt_code = 2 and v.exempt_until <= SYSDATE)) and v.target_guid = arv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = arv.policy_guid and v.key_value = arv.key_value and arv.column_name = 'ADVISORY_NAME' and v.target_guid = hrv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = hrv.policy_guid and v.key_value = hrv.key_value and hrv.column_name = 'HOME_LOCATION' and hrv.column_str_value = t.home_location and v.target_guid = orv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = orv.policy_guid and v.key_value = orv.key_value and orv.column_name = 'HOST_NAME' and orv.column_str_value = t.host_name) rv where a.advisory_name = rv.unique_advs); FOR indx in 1..adv_tab.count LOOP getHostHomeCount(adv_tab(indx).adv_name, p_group_name, p_group_type, hostCount, homeCount); dbms_output.PUT_LINE(adv_tab(indx).adv_name); adv_tab(indx).host_count := hostCount; adv_tab(indx).home_count := homeCount; END LOOP; OPEN p_advisories FOR SELECT adv_name, adv_url, adv_impact, adv_abstract, host_count, home_count FROM TABLE(CAST(adv_tab AS patch_advisories_type)) ORDER BY adv_name desc; END; PROCEDURE get_group_advisories_count ( p_group_name in varchar2, p_group_type in varchar2, p_advisories OUT varchar2) IS BEGIN select count(*) into p_advisories from ( select a.advisory_name name, a.url url, a.impact impact, a.abstract abstract from mgmt_bug_advisory a, (select unique arv.column_str_value as unique_advs from mgmt_policies p, mgmt_current_violation v, mgmt_violation_context arv, mgmt_violation_context hrv, mgmt_violation_context orv, (select unique h.target_guid as host_guid, h.host_name as host_name, p.property_value as home_location from mgmt_targets t, mgmt_targets h, mgmt_target_properties p, mgmt$group_flat_memberships m where m.composite_target_name = p_group_name and m.composite_target_type = p_group_type and m.member_target_guid = t.target_guid and t.host_name = h.target_name and h.target_type = 'host' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid and p.property_name = 'OracleHome') t where = 'ORACLE' and p.target_type = 'host' and p.policy_name = 'Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes' and p.policy_guid = v.policy_guid and v.target_guid = t.host_guid and (v.exempt_code = 0 or (v.exempt_code = 2 and v.exempt_until <= SYSDATE)) and v.target_guid = arv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = arv.policy_guid and v.key_value = arv.key_value and arv.column_name = 'ADVISORY_NAME' and v.target_guid = hrv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = hrv.policy_guid and v.key_value = hrv.key_value and hrv.column_name = 'HOME_LOCATION' and hrv.column_str_value = t.home_location and v.target_guid = orv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = orv.policy_guid and v.key_value = orv.key_value and orv.column_name = 'HOST_NAME' and orv.column_str_value = t.host_name) rv where a.advisory_name = rv.unique_advs); END; PROCEDURE get_group_affected_homes_count ( p_group_name in varchar2, p_group_type in varchar2, p_homes OUT varchar2) IS BEGIN select count(unique t.home_location) into p_homes from mgmt_policies p, mgmt_current_violation v, mgmt_violation_context arv, mgmt_violation_context hrv, mgmt_violation_context orv, (select unique h.target_guid as host_guid, h.host_name as host_name, p.property_value as home_location from mgmt_targets t, mgmt_targets h, mgmt_target_properties p, mgmt$group_flat_memberships m where m.composite_target_name = p_group_name and m.composite_target_type = p_group_type and m.member_target_guid = t.target_guid and t.host_name = h.target_name and h.target_type = 'host' and p.target_guid = t.target_guid and p.property_name = 'OracleHome') t where = 'ORACLE' and p.target_type = 'host' and p.policy_name = 'Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes' and p.policy_guid = v.policy_guid and v.target_guid = t.host_guid and (v.exempt_code = 0 or (v.exempt_code = 2 and v.exempt_until <= SYSDATE)) and v.target_guid = arv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = arv.policy_guid and v.key_value = arv.key_value and arv.column_name = 'ADVISORY_NAME' and v.target_guid = hrv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = hrv.policy_guid and v.key_value = hrv.key_value and hrv.column_name = 'HOME_LOCATION' and hrv.column_str_value = t.home_location and v.target_guid = orv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = orv.policy_guid and v.key_value = orv.key_value and orv.column_name = 'HOST_NAME' ; END; END; / show errors;