CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE body ecm_inv AS -- -- PROCEDURE: get_inv_hw_info -- -- PURPOSE: -- This procedure returns HW inventory info for a given context -- -- IN Parameters: -- target_name_in: the name of the target that defines the context in which we are searching -- target_type_in: the type of the target that defines the context in which we are searching -- these two must either both be null or both be non-null -- -- OUT Parameters: -- inventory_cur_out: the cursor containing the inventory information -- number_of_hosts_out: The total number of host targets found -- refreshed_hosts_out: the number of updated hosts PROCEDURE get_inv_hw_info( inventory_cur_out OUT cursorType, target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, number_of_hosts_out OUT NUMBER, refreshed_hosts_out OUT NUMBER, collection_errors_out OUT NUMBER) IS -- Package level Type Definition BEGIN IF((target_name_in IS NULL) and (target_type_in IS NULL)) THEN --We want the table for the whole enterprise - so just use the old SQL to return it OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT system_config as sc, machine_architecture as ma, num_hosts as co FROM EM$ECM_HARDWARE_COUNT; -- Get total number of hosts discovered by emd SELECT count(*) into number_of_hosts_out FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_type = 'host'; -- Get the number of hosts that actually have current snapshots SELECT count(distinct t.target_name) into refreshed_hosts_out FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_snap_component_info c, mgmt_targets t WHERE s.is_current = 'Y' and s.target_type = 'host' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.snapshot_guid = c.snapshot_guid and c.component_name = 'oracle.hardware' and c.collection_status = 'COLLECTED'; -- Get collection errors which includes warnings also SELECT count (*) into collection_errors_out FROM( SELECT t.target_name FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_snap_component_info i WHERE s.snapshot_guid = i.snapshot_guid and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and (i.collection_status = 'COLLECTION_FAILED' or i.collection_message IS NOT NULL) and i.component_name = 'oracle.hardware' UNION SELECT t.target_name FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_type = 'host' and NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s WHERE s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' ) ); ELSIF(not ((target_name_in IS NULL) or (target_type_in IS NULL))) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR select sc, ma, count(distinct host_name) as co FROM ( SELECT hw.system_config as sc, hw.machine_architecture as ma, lt.hname as host_name FROM mgmt_hc_hardware_master hw, mgmt_ecm_snapshot ps, mgmt_ecm_snap_component_info c, ( select unique t.host_name as hname FROM mgmt_targets t, ( SELECT UNIQUE m.assoc_target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and m.is_membership = 1 UNION SELECT UNIQUE t.target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_name = target_name_in and t.target_type = target_type_in ) lt1 WHERE lt1.mguid = t.target_guid )lt WHERE ps.snapshot_guid = hw.snapshot_guid and ps.is_current = 'Y' and ps.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and ps.snapshot_guid = c.snapshot_guid and c.component_name = 'oracle.hardware' and c.collection_status = 'COLLECTED' and lt.hname = ps.target_name ) group by sc, ma; -- Get total number of hosts discovered by emd for this particular composite target SELECT count(distinct target_space.host_name) into number_of_hosts_out FROM ( SELECT UNIQUE t.host_name as host_name FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 AND t.target_guid = m.assoc_target_guid AND m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid AND source_target.target_name = target_name_in AND source_target.target_type = target_type_in /*UNION SELECT t.host_name FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_name = target_name_in and t.target_type = target_type_in*/ ) target_space WHERE TRIM(target_space.host_name) IS NOT NULL; --get number of hosts in this composite target that have a refreshed configuration SELECT count(distinct target_space.host_name) into refreshed_hosts_out FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_snap_component_info c, -- mgmt_targets host, ( SELECT UNIQUE t.host_name FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target, mgmt_targets t WHERE m.is_membership = 1 AND t.target_guid = m.assoc_target_guid AND m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid AND source_target.target_name = target_name_in AND source_target.target_type = target_type_in UNION SELECT t.host_name FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_name = target_name_in and t.target_type = target_type_in ) target_space WHERE target_space.host_name = s.target_name --and s.target_name = host.target_name --and s.target_type = host.target_type and s.target_type = 'host' and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.snapshot_guid = c.snapshot_guid and c.component_name = 'oracle.hardware' and c.collection_status = 'COLLECTED'; SELECT count(*) into collection_errors_out FROM( SELECT t.target_name FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_snap_component_info i, ( select unique t.host_name as hname FROM mgmt_targets t, ( SELECT UNIQUE m.assoc_target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in ) lt1 WHERE lt1.mguid = t.target_guid )lt WHERE lt.hname = t.target_name and s.snapshot_guid = i.snapshot_guid and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and (i.collection_status = 'COLLECTION_FAILED' or i.collection_message IS NOT NULL) and i.component_name = 'oracle.hardware' UNION SELECT t.target_name FROM mgmt_targets t, ( select unique t.host_name as hname FROM mgmt_targets t, ( SELECT UNIQUE m.assoc_target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in ) lt1 WHERE lt1.mguid = t.target_guid )lt WHERE lt.hname = t.target_name and t.target_type = 'host' and NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s WHERE s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' ) ); END IF; END get_inv_hw_info; -- PROCEDURE: get_inv_os_info -- -- PURPOSE: -- This procedure returns os inventory info for a given context -- -- IN Parameters: -- target_name_in: the name of the target that defines the context in which we are searching -- target_type_in: the type of the target that defines the context in which we are searching -- these two must either both be null or both be non-null -- -- OUT Parameters: -- inventory_cur_out: the cursor containing the inventory information -- number_of_hosts_out: The total number of host targets found -- refreshed_hosts_out: the number of updated hosts PROCEDURE get_inv_os_info(inventory_cur_out OUT cursorType, target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, number_of_hosts_out OUT NUMBER, refreshed_hosts_out OUT NUMBER, collection_errors_out OUT NUMBER) IS BEGIN IF((target_name_in IS NULL) and (target_type_in IS NULL)) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT name, base_version, update_level, num_hosts, patched FROM EM$ECM_OS_COUNT; -- Get total number of hosts discovered by emd SELECT count(*) into number_of_hosts_out FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_type = 'host'; -- Get the number of hosts which have oracle software collected --successfully by ECM SELECT count(*) into refreshed_hosts_out FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_snap_component_info c, mgmt_targets t WHERE s.is_current = 'Y' and s.target_type = 'host' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.snapshot_guid = c.snapshot_guid and c.component_name = 'oracle.os_software' and c.collection_status = 'COLLECTED'; SELECT count (*) into collection_errors_out FROM( SELECT t.target_name FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_snap_component_info i WHERE s.snapshot_guid = i.snapshot_guid and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and (i.collection_status = 'COLLECTION_FAILED' or i.collection_message IS NOT NULL) and i.component_name = 'oracle.os_software' UNION SELECT t.target_name FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_type = 'host' and NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s WHERE s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' ) ); ELSIF(not ((target_name_in IS NULL) or (target_type_in IS NULL))) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT, o.base_version, o.update_level, count(*) num_hosts, decode(max(o.patches), 0, 'No', 'Yes') as patched FROM mgmt_hc_os_summary o WHERE o.snapshot_guid in ( SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ c.snapshot_guid FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT t.host_name as hname FROM mgmt_targets t, ( SELECT m.assoc_target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in UNION ALL SELECT t.target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_name = target_name_in and t.target_type = target_type_in ) lt1 WHERE lt1.mguid = t.target_guid )lt, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_snap_component_info c WHERE s.snapshot_guid = c.snapshot_guid and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and c.component_name = 'oracle.os_software' and c.collection_status = 'COLLECTED' and lt.hname = s.target_name ) GROUP BY, o.base_version, o.update_level; SELECT count(distinct target_space.host_name) into number_of_hosts_out FROM ( SELECT UNIQUE t.host_name as host_name FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target, mgmt_targets t WHERE m.is_membership = 1 AND t.target_guid = m.assoc_target_guid AND m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid AND source_target.target_name = target_name_in AND source_target.target_type = target_type_in UNION SELECT t.host_name FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_name = target_name_in and t.target_type = target_type_in ) target_space WHERE TRIM(target_space.host_name) IS NOT NULL; --get number of hosts in this composite target that have a refreshed configuration SELECT count(distinct target_space.host_name) into refreshed_hosts_out FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_snap_component_info c, -- mgmt_targets host, ( SELECT UNIQUE t.host_name FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target, mgmt_targets t WHERE m.is_membership = 1 AND t.target_guid = m.assoc_target_guid ANd m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid AND source_target.target_name = target_name_in AND source_target.target_type = target_type_in /*UNION SELECT t.host_name FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_name = target_name_in and t.target_type = target_type_in*/ ) target_space WHERE target_space.host_name = s.target_name --and s.target_name = host.target_name --and s.target_type = host.target_type and s.target_type = 'host' and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.snapshot_guid = c.snapshot_guid and c.component_name = 'oracle.os_software' and c.collection_status = 'COLLECTED'; SELECT count(*) into collection_errors_out FROM( SELECT t.target_name FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_snap_component_info i, ( select unique t.host_name as hname FROM mgmt_targets t, ( SELECT UNIQUE m.assoc_target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in ) lt1 WHERE lt1.mguid = t.target_guid )lt WHERE lt.hname = t.target_name and s.snapshot_guid = i.snapshot_guid and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and (i.collection_status = 'COLLECTION_FAILED' or i.collection_message IS NOT NULL) and i.component_name = 'oracle.os_software' UNION SELECT t.target_name FROM mgmt_targets t, ( select unique t.host_name as hname FROM mgmt_targets t, ( SELECT UNIQUE m.assoc_target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in ) lt1 WHERE lt1.mguid = t.target_guid )lt WHERE lt.hname = t.target_name and t.target_type = 'host' and NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s WHERE s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' ) )t; END IF; END get_inv_os_info; -- -- PROCEDURE: get_inv_sw_info -- -- PURPOSE: -- This procedure returns information about various kinds of software, depending on the -- types listed in the targetList_in argument PROCEDURE get_inv_sw_info( inventory_cur_out OUT cursorType, target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, targetList_in IN MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY, number_of_targets_out OUT NUMBER, collection_errors_out OUT NUMBER) IS BEGIN /*We don't really need to compute the total number of host and the number of refreshed hosts What we display for the software table is collection errors, so let's just count that number directly*/ IF((target_name_in IS NULL) and (target_type_in is NULL)) THEN SELECT count (*) into collection_errors_out FROM( SELECT t.target_name FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_snap_component_info i WHERE s.snapshot_guid = i.snapshot_guid and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and (i.collection_status = 'COLLECTION_FAILED' or i.collection_message IS NOT NULL) and i.component_name = 'oracle.oracle_inventory' UNION SELECT t.target_name FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_type = 'host' and NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s WHERE s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' ) ); SELECT count(distinct target.target_guid) into number_of_targets_out from mgmt_targets target, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist where ttlist.target_type = target.target_type and ((ttlist.property_name is null and ttlist.property_value is null) or exists (select * from mgmt_target_properties sub_type where target.target_guid = sub_type.target_guid and ttlist.property_name = sub_type.property_name and ttlist.property_value = sub_type.property_value) ); OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT external_name as product_name, version as product_version, num_installs, num_instances, patched FROM ( SELECT itarget_type, external_name, version, count(distinct it.container_guid) as num_installs, count(distinct it.target_guid) as num_instances, case max(it.is_patched) when 0 then 'No' else 'Yes' end as patched FROM ( SELECT /*+ USE_HASH(targs inst) */ external_name as external_name, version as version, container_guid as container_guid, target_guid, is_patched, inst.target_type as itarget_type FROM ( SELECT summary.map_target_type as target_type, summary.map_property_name as property_name, summary.map_property_value as property_value, summary.comp_external_name as external_name, summary.comp_version as version, host.target_name as host_name, summary.container_location, summary.is_patched, summary.container_guid FROM mgmt_targets host, MGMT_INV_SUMMARY summary, mgmt_ecm_snapshot snapshot, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE host.target_type = 'host' and host.target_name = snapshot.target_name and host.target_type = snapshot.target_type and snapshot.snapshot_guid = summary.snapshot_guid and snapshot.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and snapshot.is_current = 'Y' and summary.map_target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL and summary.map_property_name IS NULL and summary.map_property_value IS NULL) or (ttlist.property_name = summary.map_property_name and ttlist.property_value = summary.map_property_value)) ) inst, ( SELECT target.target_type, target.host_name as host_target_name, target.target_name as target_name, target.target_guid, location_property.property_value as home_location, ttlist.property_name, ttlist.property_value FROM mgmt_targets target, mgmt_target_properties location_property, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE ttlist.target_type = target.target_type and location_property.target_guid = target.target_guid and location_property.property_name = 'OracleHome' and ((ttlist.property_name is null and ttlist.property_value is null) or exists ( select * from mgmt_target_properties sub_type where target.target_guid = sub_type.target_guid and ttlist.property_name =sub_type.property_name and ttlist.property_value = sub_type.property_value ) ) ) targs WHERE inst.host_name = targs.host_target_name(+) and inst.container_location = targs.home_location(+) and inst.target_type = targs.target_type(+) and ((inst.property_name IS NULL and inst.property_value IS NULL) or (inst.property_name = targs.property_name and inst.property_value = targs.property_value)) ) it group by itarget_type, external_name, version ); ELSIF(NOT ((target_name_in IS NULL) OR (target_type_in IS NULL))) THEN SELECT count(*) into collection_errors_out FROM( SELECT t.target_name FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_snap_component_info i, ( select unique t.host_name as hname FROM mgmt_targets t, ( SELECT UNIQUE m.assoc_target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in ) lt1 WHERE lt1.mguid = t.target_guid )lt WHERE lt.hname = t.target_name and s.snapshot_guid = i.snapshot_guid and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and (i.collection_status = 'COLLECTION_FAILED' or i.collection_message IS NOT NULL) and i.component_name = 'oracle.oracle_inventory' UNION SELECT t.target_name FROM mgmt_targets t, ( select unique t.host_name as hname FROM mgmt_targets t, ( SELECT UNIQUE m.assoc_target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in ) lt1 WHERE lt1.mguid = t.target_guid )lt WHERE lt.hname = t.target_name and t.target_type = 'host' and NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s WHERE s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' ) )t; --get software targets in this group SELECT count(distinct target.target_guid) into number_of_targets_out FROM ( SELECT assoc_target.target_guid as target_guid, assoc_target.target_type as target_type FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target, mgmt_targets assoc_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 and assoc_target.target_guid = m.assoc_target_guid and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in ) target, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE ttlist.target_type = target.target_type and ((ttlist.property_name is null and ttlist.property_value is null) or exists (select * from mgmt_target_properties sub_type where target.target_guid = sub_type.target_guid and ttlist.property_name = sub_type.property_name and ttlist.property_value = sub_type.property_value) ); OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT external_name as product_name, version as product_version, count(distinct inst_container_guid) as num_installs, count(distinct target_guid) as num_instances, case max(is_patched) when 0 then 'No' else 'Yes' end as patched FROM ( ( SELECT summary.comp_external_name as external_name, summary.comp_version as version, summary.container_guid as inst_container_guid, summary.is_patched, t.target_guid as target_guid FROM ( SELECT m.assoc_target_guid as target_guid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in UNION SELECT target_guid as target_guid FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_name = target_name_in and target_type = target_type_in ) target_space, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_targets host_t, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_inv_summary summary, mgmt_target_properties t_home WHERE t.target_guid = target_space.target_guid and host_t.target_name = t.host_name and --this gets us all the hosts involved with this group s.target_name = host_t.target_name and s.target_type = host_t.target_type and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.snapshot_guid = summary.snapshot_guid and summary.map_target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL and summary.map_property_name IS NULL and summary.map_property_value IS NULL) or (summary.map_property_name = ttlist.property_name and summary.map_property_value = ttlist.property_value)) and t.target_guid = t_home.target_guid and t_home.property_name = 'OracleHome' and ttlist.target_type = t.target_type and ((ttlist.property_name is null and ttlist.property_value is null) or exists (select * from mgmt_target_properties sub_type where t.target_guid = sub_type.target_guid and ttlist.property_name = sub_type.property_name and ttlist.property_value = sub_type.property_value) ) and summary.container_location = t_home.property_value(+) ) UNION ( SELECT summary.comp_external_name as external_name, summary.comp_version as version, summary.container_guid as inst_container_guid, summary.is_patched, NULL as target_guid FROM ( SELECT m.assoc_target_guid as target_guid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in UNION SELECT target_guid as target_guid FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_name = target_name_in and target_type = target_type_in ) target_space, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_targets host_t, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_inv_summary summary WHERE t.target_guid = target_space.target_guid and t.target_type = 'host' and host_t.target_name = t.host_name and --this gets us all the hosts involved with this group s.target_name = host_t.target_name and s.target_type = host_t.target_type and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.snapshot_guid = summary.snapshot_guid and summary.map_target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL and summary.map_property_name IS NULL and summary.map_property_value IS NULL) or (summary.map_property_name = ttlist.property_name and summary.map_property_value = ttlist.property_value)) ) ) GROUP BY external_name, version; END IF; END get_inv_sw_info; end ecm_inv; / show errors;