create or replace PACKAGE BODY ecm_drill as PROCEDURE sw_targets_drill (inventory_cur_out OUT cursorType, external_name_in IN varchar2, version_in IN varchar2, target_name_in IN varchar2, target_type_in IN varchar2, targetList_in IN MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY) IS BEGIN IF((target_name_in IS NULL) and (target_type_in IS NULL)) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT inv.target_name, inv.display_name, inv.host_name, inv.display_target_name, inv.container_name, inv.container_location, inv.target_type, DECODE(advisory.home_location, NULL, 0, 1) as has_advisory FROM (SELECT UNIQUE t.target_name, t.display_name, t.host_name, s.display_target_name, h.container_name, h.container_location, t.target_type FROM mgmt_inv_component c, mgmt_inv_versioned_patch ivp, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_inv_container h, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_targets host, mgmt_target_properties p, mgmt_target_type_component_map m, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE c.external_name = external_name_in and decode(ivp.version, NULL, c.version, ivp.version) = version_in and c.component_guid = ivp.component_guid(+) and c.container_guid = h.container_guid and h.snapshot_guid = s.snapshot_guid and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and t.host_name = host.target_name and host.target_name = s.target_name and host.target_type = s.target_type and t.target_guid = p.target_guid and p.property_name = 'OracleHome' and p.property_value = h.container_location and t.target_type = m.target_type and m.component_name = and m.target_type = ttlist.target_type and t.target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((m.property_name IS NULL and m.property_value IS NULL and ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL) or exists (select * from mgmt_target_properties prop where prop.target_guid = t.target_guid and m.property_name = ttlist.property_name and m.property_value = ttlist.property_value and ttlist.property_name = prop.property_name and ttlist.property_value = prop.property_value )) ) inv, (SELECT UNIQUE hrv.column_str_value as home_location, orv.column_str_value as host_name FROM mgmt_policies p, mgmt_current_violation v, mgmt_violation_context hrv, mgmt_violation_context orv WHERE = 'ORACLE' and p.target_type = 'host' and p.policy_name = 'Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes' and p.policy_guid = v.policy_guid and (v.exempt_code = 0 or (v.exempt_code = 2 and v.exempt_until <= SYSDATE)) and v.target_guid = hrv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = hrv.policy_guid and v.key_value = hrv.key_value and hrv.column_name = 'HOME_LOCATION' and v.target_guid = orv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = orv.policy_guid and v.key_value = orv.key_value and orv.column_name = 'HOST_NAME' ) advisory WHERE inv.target_name = advisory.host_name(+) and inv.container_location = advisory.home_location(+); ELSIF(NOT ((target_name_in IS NULL) or (target_type_in IS NULL))) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT inv.target_name, inv.display_name, inv.host_name, inv.display_target_name, inv.container_name, inv.container_location, inv.target_type, DECODE(advisory.home_location, NULL, 0, 1) as has_advisory FROM (SELECT UNIQUE t.target_name as target_name, t.display_name as display_name, t.host_name, s.display_target_name, h.container_name, h.container_location, t.target_type as target_type FROM mgmt_inv_component c, mgmt_inv_versioned_patch ivp, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_inv_container h, mgmt_flat_target_assoc tm, mgmt_targets source_target, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_targets host, mgmt_target_properties p, mgmt_target_type_component_map m, mgmt_target_properties prop, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE tm.is_membership = 1 and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in and tm.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and tm.assoc_target_guid = t.target_guid and c.external_name = external_name_in and decode(ivp.version, NULL, c.version, ivp.version) = version_in and c.component_guid = ivp.component_guid(+) and c.container_guid = h.container_guid and h.snapshot_guid = s.snapshot_guid and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and t.host_name = s.target_name and s.target_name = host.target_name and s.target_type = host.target_type and tm.assoc_target_guid = p.target_guid and p.property_name = 'OracleHome' and p.property_value = h.container_location and t.target_type = m.target_type and m.component_name = and m.target_type = ttlist.target_type and t.target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((m.property_name IS NULL and m.property_value IS NULL and ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL) or exists (select * from mgmt_target_properties prop where prop.target_guid = t.target_guid and m.property_name = ttlist.property_name and m.property_value = ttlist.property_value and ttlist.property_name = prop.property_name and ttlist.property_value = prop.property_value )) ) inv, (SELECT UNIQUE hrv.column_str_value as home_location, orv.column_str_value as host_name FROM mgmt_policies p, mgmt_current_violation v, mgmt_violation_context hrv, mgmt_violation_context orv WHERE = 'ORACLE' and p.target_type = 'host' and p.policy_name = 'Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes' and p.policy_guid = v.policy_guid and (v.exempt_code = 0 or (v.exempt_code = 2 and v.exempt_until <= SYSDATE)) and v.target_guid = hrv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = hrv.policy_guid and v.key_value = hrv.key_value and hrv.column_name = 'HOME_LOCATION' and v.target_guid = orv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = orv.policy_guid and v.key_value = orv.key_value and orv.column_name = 'HOST_NAME' ) advisory WHERE inv.target_name = advisory.host_name(+) and inv.container_location = advisory.home_location(+); END IF; end sw_targets_drill; PROCEDURE sw_installs_drill (inventory_cur_out OUT cursorType, product_version_in IN varchar2, product_name_in IN varchar2, target_name_in IN varchar2, target_type_in IN varchar2, targetList_in IN MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY) IS BEGIN IF((target_name_in IS NULL) and (target_type_in IS NULL)) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT inv.display_target_name as display_target_name, inv.target_name as target_name, inv.container_name as container_name, inv.container_location as container_location, DECODE(advisory.home_location, NULL, 0, 1) as has_advisory FROM (SELECT UNIQUE s.display_target_name, s.target_name, ct.container_name, ct.container_location FROM mgmt_inv_component cp, mgmt_inv_versioned_patch ivp, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_inv_container ct, mgmt_targets host, mgmt_target_type_component_map map, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE host.target_type = 'host' and host.target_name = s.target_name and host.target_type = s.target_type and cp.container_guid = ct.container_guid and ct.snapshot_guid = s.snapshot_guid and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and cp.external_name = product_name_in and decode(ivp.version, NULL, cp.version, ivp.version) = product_version_in and cp.component_guid = ivp.component_guid(+) and = map.component_name and map.target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((map.property_name IS NULL and map.property_value IS NULL and ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL) or (map.property_name = ttlist.property_name and map.property_value = ttlist.property_value)) ) inv, (SELECT UNIQUE hrv.column_str_value as home_location, orv.column_str_value as host_name FROM mgmt_policies p, mgmt_current_violation v, mgmt_violation_context hrv, mgmt_violation_context orv WHERE = 'ORACLE' and p.target_type = 'host' and p.policy_name = 'Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes' and p.policy_guid = v.policy_guid and (v.exempt_code = 0 or (v.exempt_code = 2 and v.exempt_until <= SYSDATE)) and v.target_guid = hrv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = hrv.policy_guid and v.key_value = hrv.key_value and hrv.column_name = 'HOME_LOCATION' and v.target_guid = orv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = orv.policy_guid and v.key_value = orv.key_value and orv.column_name = 'HOST_NAME' ) advisory WHERE inv.target_name = advisory.host_name(+) and inv.container_location = advisory.home_location(+); ELSIF(NOT ((target_name_in IS NULL) or (target_type_in IS NULL))) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT inv.display_target_name as display_target_name, inv.target_name as target_name, inv.container_name as container_name, inv.container_location as container_location, DECODE(advisory.home_location, NULL, 0, 1) as has_advisory FROM (SELECT UNIQUE display_target_name, target_name, container_name, container_location FROM ( SELECT UNIQUE v.display_host_name as display_target_name, v.host_name as target_name, v.container_name as container_name, v.container_location as container_location FROM em$ecm_installs_groups v, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE v.composite_target_name = target_name_in and v.composite_target_type = target_type_in and v.external_name = product_name_in and v.version = product_version_in and v.software_target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((v.property_name IS NULL and v.property_value IS NULL and ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL) or exists (select * from mgmt_target_properties prop where prop.target_guid = v.software_target_guid and v.property_name = ttlist.property_name and v.property_value = ttlist.property_value and ttlist.property_name = prop.property_name and ttlist.property_value = prop.property_value )) ) UNION ( SELECT UNIQUE v.display_host_name as display_target_name, v.host_name as target_name, v.container_name as container_name, v.container_location as container_location FROM em$ecm_host_installs_groups v, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE v.composite_target_name = target_name_in and v.composite_target_type = target_type_in and v.external_name = product_name_in and v.version = product_version_in and v.target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((v.property_name IS NULL and v.property_value IS NULL and ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL) or (v.property_name = ttlist.property_name and v.property_value = ttlist.property_value)) ) ) inv, (SELECT UNIQUE hrv.column_str_value as home_location, orv.column_str_value as host_name FROM mgmt_policies p, mgmt_current_violation v, mgmt_violation_context hrv, mgmt_violation_context orv WHERE = 'ORACLE' and p.target_type = 'host' and p.policy_name = 'Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes' and p.policy_guid = v.policy_guid and (v.exempt_code = 0 or (v.exempt_code = 2 and v.exempt_until <= SYSDATE)) and v.target_guid = hrv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = hrv.policy_guid and v.key_value = hrv.key_value and hrv.column_name = 'HOME_LOCATION' and v.target_guid = orv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = orv.policy_guid and v.key_value = orv.key_value and orv.column_name = 'HOST_NAME' ) advisory WHERE inv.target_name = advisory.host_name(+) and inv.container_location = advisory.home_location(+); END IF; end sw_installs_drill; PROCEDURE sw_patches_drill(inventory_cur_out OUT cursorType, total_homes_out OUT number, product_version_in IN varchar2, product_name_in IN varchar2, target_name_in IN varchar2, target_type_in IN varchar2, targetList_in IN MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY) IS BEGIN IF((target_name_in IS NULL) and (target_type_in IS NULL)) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT patches.patchid as id, count(*) as count FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT cont.container_guid, as patchid FROM mgmt_inv_container cont, mgmt_inv_patch patch, mgmt_inv_component component, mgmt_inv_versioned_patch ivp, mgmt_target_type_component_map map, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_targets t, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.snapshot_guid = cont.snapshot_guid and cont.container_guid = patch.container_guid and cont.container_guid = component.container_guid and = map.component_name and map.target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((map.property_name IS NULL and map.property_value IS NULL and ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL) or (map.property_name = ttlist.property_name and map.property_value = ttlist.property_value)) and component.external_name = product_name_in and decode(ivp.version, NULL, component.version, ivp.version) = product_version_in and component.component_guid = ivp.component_guid(+) ) patches GROUP BY patches.patchid; SELECT count(distinct cont2.container_guid) into total_homes_out FROM mgmt_inv_container cont2, mgmt_inv_component comp2, mgmt_inv_versioned_patch ivp, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s2, mgmt_targets t2, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist, mgmt_target_type_component_map map WHERE s2.is_current = 'Y' and s2.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s2.target_name = t2.target_name and s2.target_type = t2.target_type and cont2.snapshot_guid = s2.snapshot_guid and cont2.container_guid = comp2.container_guid and comp2.external_name = product_name_in and decode(ivp.version, NULL, comp2.version, ivp.version) = product_version_in and comp2.component_guid = ivp.component_guid(+) and map.component_name = and map.target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((map.property_name IS NULL and map.property_value IS NULL and ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL) or (map.property_name = ttlist.property_name and map.property_value = ttlist.property_value)); ELSIF(NOT ((target_name_in IS NULL) or (target_type_in IS NULL))) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT id as id, count (distinct container_guid) as count FROM ( ( SELECT as id, v.container_guid as container_guid FROM em$ecm_installs_groups v, mgmt_inv_patch patch, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE v.composite_target_name = target_name_in and v.composite_target_type = target_type_in and v.container_guid = patch.container_guid and v.external_name= product_name_in and v.version= product_version_in and v.software_target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((v.property_name IS NULL and v.property_value IS NULL and ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL) or exists (select * from mgmt_target_properties prop where prop.target_guid = v.software_target_guid and v.property_name = ttlist.property_name and v.property_value = ttlist.property_value and ttlist.property_name = prop.property_name and ttlist.property_value = prop.property_value )) ) UNION ( SELECT as id, v.container_guid as container_guid FROM em$ecm_host_installs_groups v, mgmt_inv_patch patch, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE v.composite_target_name = target_name_in and v.composite_target_type = target_type_in and v.container_guid = patch.container_guid and v.external_name= product_name_in and v.version= product_version_in and v.target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((v.property_name IS NULL and v.property_value IS NULL and ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL) or (v.property_name = ttlist.property_name and v.property_value = ttlist.property_value)) ) ) GROUP BY id; SELECT count(distinct container_guid) into total_homes_out FROM ( ( SELECT v.container_guid as container_guid FROM em$ecm_installs_groups v, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE v.composite_target_name = target_name_in and v.composite_target_type = target_type_in and v.external_name= product_name_in and v.version= product_version_in and v.software_target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((v.property_name IS NULL and v.property_value IS NULL and ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL) or exists (select * from mgmt_target_properties prop where prop.target_guid = v.software_target_guid and v.property_name = ttlist.property_name and v.property_value = ttlist.property_value and ttlist.property_name = prop.property_name and ttlist.property_value = prop.property_value )) ) UNION ( SELECT v.container_guid as container_guid FROM em$ecm_host_installs_groups v, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE v.composite_target_name = target_name_in and v.composite_target_type = target_type_in and v.external_name= product_name_in and v.version= product_version_in and v.target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((v.property_name IS NULL and v.property_value IS NULL and ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL) or (v.property_name = ttlist.property_name and v.property_value = ttlist.property_value)) ) ); END IF; end sw_patches_drill; PROCEDURE hw_hosts_drill(inventory_cur_out OUT cursorType, system_config_in IN varchar2, machine_arch_in IN varchar2, target_name_in IN varchar2, target_type_in IN varchar2) IS BEGIN IF((target_name_in IS NULL) and (target_type_in IS NULL)) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT UNIQUE hostname, osname, hwname FROM ( SELECT t.target_name as hostname, ( || ' ' || o.base_version || ' ' || o.update_level) as osname, (hw.system_config || ' ' || hw.machine_architecture) as hwname FROM mgmt_hc_hardware_master hw, mgmt_hc_os_summary o, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s WHERE s.snapshot_guid = hw.snapshot_guid and s.snapshot_guid = o.snapshot_guid and s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.target_type = 'host' and NVL(hw.system_config, ' ') = system_config_in and NVL(hw.machine_architecture, ' ') = machine_arch_in ); ELSIF(NOT ((target_name_in IS NULL) or (target_type_in IS NULL))) THEN --we have to modify this code somewhat - the hosts on which the OCS targets reside are not --"in" the composite target, so they don't turn up in that recursive query we do. what we have --to do is take the master list and filter by whether or not any of the targets we get from --the target space query has a host that is from the master list. OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT UNIQUE hw_list.host_name as hostname, hw_list.osname || ' ' || hw_list.osversion || ' ' || hw_list.oslevel as osname, || ' ' || as hwname FROM ( SELECT UNIQUE hw.system_config as sc, hw.machine_architecture as ma, lt.hname as host_name, as osname, o.base_version as osversion, o.update_level as oslevel FROM mgmt_hc_hardware_master hw, mgmt_hc_os_summary o, mgmt_ecm_snapshot ps, ( select unique t.host_name as hname FROM mgmt_targets t, ( SELECT m.assoc_target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in UNION SELECT UNIQUE t.target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE target_name = target_name_in and target_type = target_type_in ) lt1 WHERE lt1.mguid = t.target_guid )lt WHERE ps.snapshot_guid = hw.snapshot_guid and ps.is_current = 'Y' and ps.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and lt.hname = ps.target_name and o.snapshot_guid = hw.snapshot_guid ) hw_list WHERE NVL(, ' ') = system_config_in and NVL(, ' ') = machine_arch_in; END IF; end hw_hosts_drill; PROCEDURE os_hosts_drill(inventory_cur_out OUT cursorType, osName_in IN varchar2, osVersion_in IN varchar2, patchLevel_in IN varchar2, target_name_in IN varchar2, target_type_in IN varchar2) IS BEGIN IF((target_name_in IS NULL) and (target_type_in IS NULL)) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT hostname, hwname, osname FROM ( SELECT t.target_name as hostname, hw.system_config || ' ' || Machine_architecture as hwname, || ' ' || o.base_version || ' ' || o.update_level as osname FROM mgmt_hc_hardware_master hw, mgmt_hc_os_summary o, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s WHERE s.snapshot_guid = hw.snapshot_guid and s.snapshot_guid = o.snapshot_guid and s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.target_type = 'host' and NVL(, ' ') = osName_in and NVL(o.base_version, ' ') = osVersion_in and NVL(o.update_level, ' ') = patchLevel_in ); ELSIF(NOT ((target_name_in IS NULL) or (target_type_in IS NULL))) THEN --we'll have to do the same thing here that we did for the HW case; just get all the hosts --linked to this composite target, and then filter by whether or not they have the os we want OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT UNIQUE hw_list.host_name as hostname, hw_list.osname || ' ' || hw_list.osversion || ' ' || hw_list.oslevel as osname, || ' ' || as hwname FROM ( SELECT UNIQUE hw.system_config as sc, hw.machine_architecture as ma, lt.hname as host_name, as osname, o.base_version as osversion, o.update_level as oslevel FROM mgmt_hc_hardware_master hw, mgmt_hc_os_summary o, mgmt_ecm_snapshot ps, ( select unique t.host_name as hname FROM mgmt_targets t, ( SELECT UNIQUE m.assoc_target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in UNION SELECT t.target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE target_name = target_name_in and target_type = target_type_in ) lt1 WHERE lt1.mguid = t.target_guid )lt WHERE ps.snapshot_guid = hw.snapshot_guid and ps.is_current = 'Y' and ps.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and lt.hname = ps.target_name and o.snapshot_guid = hw.snapshot_guid ) hw_list WHERE NVL(hw_list.osname, ' ') = osName_in and NVL(hw_list.osversion, ' ') = osVersion_in and NVL(hw_list.oslevel, ' ') = patchLevel_in; END IF; end os_hosts_drill; PROCEDURE os_patches_drill(inventory_cur_out OUT cursorType, total_count_out OUT NUMBER, osName_in IN varchar2, osVersion_in IN varchar2, patchLevel_in IN varchar2, target_name_in IN varchar2, target_type_in IN varchar) IS BEGIN IF((target_name_in IS NULL) and (target_type_in IS NULL)) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT, count(*) as instcount FROM ( SELECT s.snapshot_guid as guid FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_hc_os_summary o WHERE s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.snapshot_guid = o.snapshot_guid and NVL(, ' ') = osName_in and NVL(o.base_version, ' ') = osVersion_in and NVL(o.update_level, ' ') = patchLevel_in ) snapshot, mgmt_hc_os_components c where snapshot.guid = c.snapshot_guid and c.type = 'Patch' group by; SELECT count(*) into total_count_out FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_hc_os_summary o WHERE s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.snapshot_guid = o.snapshot_guid and NVL(, ' ') = osName_in and NVL(o.base_version, ' ') = osVersion_in and NVL(o.update_level, ' ') = patchLevel_in; ELSIF(NOT ((target_name_in IS NULL) or (target_type_in IS NULL))) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT, count(*) as instcount FROM ( SELECT ps.snapshot_guid as guid FROM mgmt_hc_os_summary o, mgmt_ecm_snapshot ps, ( SELECT UNIQUE t.host_name as hname FROM mgmt_targets t, ( SELECT m.assoc_target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in UNION SELECT t.target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_name = target_name_in and t.target_type = target_type_in ) lt1 WHERE lt1.mguid = t.target_guid )lt WHERE ps.snapshot_guid = o.snapshot_guid and ps.is_current = 'Y' and ps.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and lt.hname = ps.target_name and NVL(, ' ') = osName_in and NVL(o.base_version, ' ') = osVersion_in and NVL(o.update_level, ' ') = patchLevel_in ) snapshot, mgmt_hc_os_components c WHERE snapshot.guid = c.snapshot_guid and c.type = 'Patch' GROUP BY; SELECT count(*) into total_count_out FROM mgmt_hc_os_summary o, mgmt_ecm_snapshot ps, ( SELECT UNIQUE t.host_name as hname FROM mgmt_targets t, ( SELECT m.assoc_target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in UNION SELECT t.target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_name = target_name_in and t.target_type = target_type_in ) lt1 WHERE lt1.mguid = t.target_guid )lt WHERE ps.snapshot_guid = o.snapshot_guid and ps.is_current = 'Y' and ps.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and lt.hname = ps.target_name and NVL(, ' ') = osName_in and NVL(o.base_version, ' ') = osVersion_in and NVL(o.update_level, ' ') = patchLevel_in; END IF; end os_patches_drill; PROCEDURE os_with_patch_drill(inventory_cur_out OUT cursorType, osName_in IN varchar2, osVersion_in IN varchar2, patchLevel_in IN varchar2, patchName_in IN varchar2, target_name_in IN varchar2, target_type_in IN varchar) IS BEGIN IF ((target_name_in IS NULL) and (target_type_in IS NULL)) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT UNIQUE s.target_name as hostname, (h.system_config || ' ' || h.machine_architecture) as hwname, ( || ' ' || o.base_version || ' ' || o.update_level) as osname FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_hc_os_summary o, mgmt_hc_os_components p, mgmt_hc_hardware_master h WHERE s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and NVL(, ' ') = osName_in and NVL(o.base_version, ' ') = osVersion_in and NVL(o.update_level, ' ') = patchLevel_in and s.snapshot_guid = o.snapshot_guid and s.snapshot_guid = h.snapshot_guid(+) and s.snapshot_guid = p.snapshot_guid and p.type = 'Patch' and exists ( SELECT * FROM mgmt_hc_os_components p2 WHERE p2.type = 'Patch' and = patchName_in and s.snapshot_guid = p2.snapshot_guid ) GROUP BY s.target_name, h.system_config || ' ' || h.machine_architecture, || ' ' || o.base_version || ' ' || o.update_level; ELSIF (NOT ((target_name_in IS NULL) or (target_type_in IS NULL))) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT UNIQUE hw_list.host_name as hostname, hw_list.osname || ' ' || hw_list.osversion || ' ' || hw_list.oslevel as osname, || ' ' || as hwname FROM ( SELECT UNIQUE hw.system_config as sc, hw.machine_architecture as ma, lt.hname as host_name, NVL(, ' ') as osname, NVL(o.base_version, ' ') as osversion, NVL(o.update_level, ' ') as oslevel, ps.snapshot_guid FROM mgmt_hc_hardware_master hw, mgmt_hc_os_summary o, mgmt_ecm_snapshot ps, ( SELECT UNIQUE t.host_name as hname FROM mgmt_targets t, ( SELECT m.assoc_target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in UNION SELECT t.target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_name = target_name_in and t.target_type = target_type_in ) lt1 WHERE lt1.mguid = t.target_guid )lt WHERE ps.snapshot_guid = hw.snapshot_guid and ps.is_current = 'Y' and ps.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and lt.hname = ps.target_name and o.snapshot_guid = hw.snapshot_guid ) hw_list, mgmt_hc_os_components p WHERE NVL(hw_list.osname, ' ') = osName_in and NVL(hw_list.osversion, ' ') = osVersion_in and NVL(hw_list.oslevel, ' ') = patchLevel_in and hw_list.snapshot_guid = p.snapshot_guid and p.type = 'Patch' and exists ( SELECT * FROM mgmt_hc_os_components p2 WHERE p2.type = 'Patch' and = patchName_in and hw_list.snapshot_guid = p2.snapshot_guid ); END IF; end os_with_patch_drill; PROCEDURE os_no_patch_drill(inventory_cur_out OUT cursorType, osName_in IN varchar2, osVersion_in IN varchar2, patchLevel_in IN varchar2, patchName_in IN varchar2, target_name_in IN varchar2, target_type_in IN varchar) IS BEGIN IF ((target_name_in IS NULL) and (target_type_in IS NULL)) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT UNIQUE s.target_name as hostname, (h.system_config || ' ' || h.machine_architecture) as hwname, ( || ' ' || o.base_version || ' ' || o.update_level) as osname FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_hc_os_summary o, mgmt_hc_os_components p, mgmt_hc_hardware_master h WHERE s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and NVL(, ' ') = osName_in and NVL(o.base_version, ' ') = osVersion_in and NVL(o.update_level, ' ') = patchLevel_in and s.snapshot_guid = o.snapshot_guid and s.snapshot_guid = h.snapshot_guid(+) and s.snapshot_guid = p.snapshot_guid and p.type = 'Patch' and not exists ( SELECT * FROM mgmt_hc_os_components p2 WHERE p2.type = 'Patch' and = patchName_in and s.snapshot_guid = p2.snapshot_guid ) GROUP BY s.target_name, h.system_config || ' ' || h.machine_architecture, || ' ' || o.base_version || ' ' || o.update_level; ELSIF (NOT ((target_name_in IS NULL) or (target_type_in IS NULL))) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT UNIQUE hw_list.host_name as hostname, hw_list.osname || ' ' || hw_list.osversion || ' ' || hw_list.oslevel as osname, || ' ' || as hwname FROM ( SELECT UNIQUE hw.system_config as sc, hw.machine_architecture as ma, lt.hname as host_name, NVL(, ' ') as osname, NVL(o.base_version, ' ') as osversion, NVL(o.update_level, ' ') as oslevel, ps.snapshot_guid FROM mgmt_hc_hardware_master hw, mgmt_hc_os_summary o, mgmt_ecm_snapshot ps, ( select unique t.host_name as hname FROM mgmt_targets t, ( SELECT UNIQUE m.assoc_target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc m, mgmt_targets source_target WHERE m.is_membership = 1 and m.source_target_guid = source_target.target_guid and source_target.target_name = target_name_in and source_target.target_type = target_type_in UNION SELECT UNIQUE t.target_guid as mguid FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE target_name = target_name_in and target_type = target_type_in ) lt1 WHERE lt1.mguid = t.target_guid )lt WHERE ps.snapshot_guid = hw.snapshot_guid and ps.is_current = 'Y' and ps.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and lt.hname = ps.target_name and o.snapshot_guid = hw.snapshot_guid ) hw_list, mgmt_hc_os_components p WHERE NVL(hw_list.osname, ' ') = osName_in and NVL(hw_list.osversion, ' ') = osVersion_in and NVL(hw_list.oslevel, ' ') = patchLevel_in and hw_list.snapshot_guid = p.snapshot_guid and p.type = 'Patch' and not exists ( SELECT * FROM mgmt_hc_os_components p2 WHERE p2.type = 'Patch' and = patchName_in and hw_list.snapshot_guid = p2.snapshot_guid ); END IF; end os_no_patch_drill; PROCEDURE sw_with_patch_drill (inventory_cur_out OUT cursorType, product_version_in IN varchar2, product_name_in IN varchar2, patch_name_in IN varchar2, target_name_in IN varchar2, target_type_in IN varchar2, targetList_in IN MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY) IS BEGIN IF ((target_name_in IS NULL) and (target_type_in IS NULL)) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT inv.container_location, inv.container_name, inv.target_name, inv.display_target_name, DECODE(advisory.home_location, NULL, 0, 1) as has_advisory FROM (SELECT DISTINCT cont.container_location, cont.container_name, s.target_name, s.display_target_name FROM mgmt_inv_container cont, mgmt_inv_component comp, mgmt_inv_versioned_patch ivp, mgmt_target_type_component_map map, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and cont.snapshot_guid=s.snapshot_guid and cont.container_guid=comp.container_guid and comp.external_name = product_name_in and decode(ivp.version, NULL, comp.version, ivp.version) = product_version_in and comp.component_guid = ivp.component_guid(+) and = map.component_name and map.target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((map.property_name IS NULL and map.property_value IS NULL and ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL) or (map.property_name = ttlist.property_name and map.property_value = ttlist.property_value)) and exists ( SELECT * FROM mgmt_inv_patch patch WHERE = patch_name_in and cont.container_guid = patch.container_guid ) ) inv, (SELECT UNIQUE hrv.column_str_value as home_location, orv.column_str_value as host_name FROM mgmt_policies p, mgmt_current_violation v, mgmt_violation_context hrv, mgmt_violation_context orv WHERE = 'ORACLE' and p.target_type = 'host' and p.policy_name = 'Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes' and p.policy_guid = v.policy_guid and (v.exempt_code = 0 or (v.exempt_code = 2 and v.exempt_until <= SYSDATE)) and v.target_guid = hrv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = hrv.policy_guid and v.key_value = hrv.key_value and hrv.column_name = 'HOME_LOCATION' and v.target_guid = orv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = orv.policy_guid and v.key_value = orv.key_value and orv.column_name = 'HOST_NAME' ) advisory WHERE inv.target_name = advisory.host_name(+) and inv.container_location = advisory.home_location(+); ELSIF (NOT ((target_name_in IS NULL) OR (target_type_in IS NULL))) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR /* We can copy the same query we used above. However, we need to filter the software targets by whether or not they are linked to the composite target in question */ SELECT inv.container_location, inv.container_name, inv.target_name, inv.display_target_name, DECODE(advisory.home_location, NULL, 0, 1) as has_advisory FROM ( (-- these are the homes that correspond to software targets in the group SELECT DISTINCT v.container_location, v.container_name, v.host_name as target_name, v.display_host_name as display_target_name FROM em$ecm_installs_groups v, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE v.composite_target_name = target_name_in and v.composite_target_type = target_type_in and v.external_name = product_name_in and v.version = product_version_in and v.software_target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((v.property_name IS NULL and v.property_value IS NULL and ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL) or exists (select * from mgmt_target_properties prop where prop.target_guid = v.software_target_guid and v.property_name = ttlist.property_name and v.property_value = ttlist.property_value and ttlist.property_name = prop.property_name and ttlist.property_value = prop.property_value )) and exists ( SELECT * FROM mgmt_inv_patch patch WHERE = patch_name_in and v.container_guid = patch.container_guid ) ) UNION ( SELECT DISTINCT v.container_location, v.container_name, v.host_name as target_name, v.display_host_name FROM em$ecm_host_installs_groups v, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE v.composite_target_name = target_name_in and v.composite_target_type = target_type_in and v.target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((v.property_name IS NULL and v.property_value IS NULL and ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL) or (v.property_name = ttlist.property_name and v.property_value = ttlist.property_value)) and v.external_name = product_name_in and v.version = product_version_in and exists ( SELECT * FROM mgmt_inv_patch patch WHERE = patch_name_in and v.container_guid = patch.container_guid ) ) ) inv, (SELECT UNIQUE hrv.column_str_value as home_location, orv.column_str_value as host_name FROM mgmt_policies p, mgmt_current_violation v, mgmt_violation_context hrv, mgmt_violation_context orv WHERE = 'ORACLE' and p.target_type = 'host' and p.policy_name = 'Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes' and p.policy_guid = v.policy_guid and (v.exempt_code = 0 or (v.exempt_code = 2 and v.exempt_until <= SYSDATE)) and v.target_guid = hrv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = hrv.policy_guid and v.key_value = hrv.key_value and hrv.column_name = 'HOME_LOCATION' and v.target_guid = orv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = orv.policy_guid and v.key_value = orv.key_value and orv.column_name = 'HOST_NAME' ) advisory WHERE inv.target_name = advisory.host_name(+) and inv.container_location = advisory.home_location(+); END IF; end sw_with_patch_drill; PROCEDURE sw_no_patch_drill (inventory_cur_out OUT cursorType, product_version_in IN varchar2, product_name_in IN varchar2, patch_name_in IN varchar2, target_name_in IN varchar2, target_type_in IN varchar2, targetList_in IN MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY) IS BEGIN IF ((target_name_in IS NULL) and (target_type_in IS NULL)) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT inv.container_location, inv.container_name, inv.target_name, inv.display_target_name, DECODE(advisory.home_location, NULL, 0, 1) as has_advisory FROM (SELECT DISTINCT cont.container_location, cont.container_name, s.target_name, s.display_target_name FROM mgmt_inv_container cont, em$inv_component comp, mgmt_target_type_component_map map, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s WHERE s.target_name = t.target_name and s.target_type = t.target_type and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and cont.snapshot_guid = s.snapshot_guid and cont.container_guid = comp.container_guid and = map.component_name and comp.external_name = product_name_in and comp.version = product_version_in and not exists ( SELECT * FROM mgmt_inv_patch patch WHERE = patch_name_in and cont.container_guid = patch.container_guid ) ) inv, (SELECT UNIQUE hrv.column_str_value as home_location, orv.column_str_value as host_name FROM mgmt_policies p, mgmt_current_violation v, mgmt_violation_context hrv, mgmt_violation_context orv WHERE = 'ORACLE' and p.target_type = 'host' and p.policy_name = 'Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes' and p.policy_guid = v.policy_guid and (v.exempt_code = 0 or (v.exempt_code = 2 and v.exempt_until <= SYSDATE)) and v.target_guid = hrv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = hrv.policy_guid and v.key_value = hrv.key_value and hrv.column_name = 'HOME_LOCATION' and v.target_guid = orv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = orv.policy_guid and v.key_value = orv.key_value and orv.column_name = 'HOST_NAME' ) advisory WHERE inv.target_name = advisory.host_name(+) and inv.container_location = advisory.home_location(+); ELSIF (NOT ((target_name_in IS NULL) OR (target_type_in IS NULL))) THEN OPEN inventory_cur_out FOR /* We can copy the same query we used above. However, we need to filter the software targets by whether or not they are linked to the composite target in question */ SELECT inv.container_location, inv.container_name, inv.target_name, inv.display_target_name, DECODE(advisory.home_location, NULL, 0, 1) as has_advisory FROM ( ( SELECT DISTINCT v.container_location, v.container_name, v.host_name as target_name, v.display_host_name as display_target_name FROM em$ecm_installs_groups v, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE v.composite_target_name = target_name_in and v.composite_target_type = target_type_in and v.external_name = product_name_in and v.version = product_version_in and v.software_target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((v.property_name IS NULL and v.property_value IS NULL and ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL) or exists (select * from mgmt_target_properties prop where prop.target_guid = v.software_target_guid and v.property_name = ttlist.property_name and v.property_value = ttlist.property_value and ttlist.property_name = prop.property_name and ttlist.property_value = prop.property_value )) and not exists ( SELECT * FROM mgmt_inv_patch patch WHERE = patch_name_in and v.container_guid = patch.container_guid ) ) -- these are the homes that correspond to software targets in the group UNION ( SELECT DISTINCT v.container_location, v.container_name, v.host_name as target_name, v.display_host_name FROM em$ecm_host_installs_groups v, TABLE(CAST(targetList_in AS MGMT_INV_TARGET_LIST_OBJ_ARRAY)) ttlist WHERE v.composite_target_name = target_name_in and v.composite_target_type = target_type_in and v.target_type = ttlist.target_type and ((v.property_name IS NULL and v.property_value IS NULL and ttlist.property_name IS NULL and ttlist.property_value IS NULL) or (v.property_name = ttlist.property_name and v.property_value = ttlist.property_value)) and v.external_name = product_name_in and v.version = product_version_in and not exists ( SELECT * FROM mgmt_inv_patch patch WHERE = patch_name_in and v.container_guid = patch.container_guid ) ) ) inv, (SELECT UNIQUE hrv.column_str_value as home_location, orv.column_str_value as host_name FROM mgmt_policies p, mgmt_current_violation v, mgmt_violation_context hrv, mgmt_violation_context orv WHERE = 'ORACLE' and p.target_type = 'host' and p.policy_name = 'Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes' and p.policy_guid = v.policy_guid and (v.exempt_code = 0 or (v.exempt_code = 2 and v.exempt_until <= SYSDATE)) and v.target_guid = hrv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = hrv.policy_guid and v.key_value = hrv.key_value and hrv.column_name = 'HOME_LOCATION' and v.target_guid = orv.target_guid and v.policy_guid = orv.policy_guid and v.key_value = orv.key_value and orv.column_name = 'HOST_NAME' ) advisory WHERE inv.target_name = advisory.host_name(+) and inv.container_location = advisory.home_location(+); END IF; end sw_no_patch_drill; end ecm_drill; / show errors;