Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: emcore/source/oracle/sysman/emdrep/sql/core/latest/ecm/ecm_views.sql /st_emcore_10. 2010/05/01 04:30:45 niramach Exp $ Rem Rem ecm_views.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ecm_views.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem niramach 04/28/10 - XbranchMerge niramach_bug-8837368 from Rem st_emcore_10. Rem denath 04/13/07 - Bug fix 5479717.addded ordered hint to Rem mgmt$cpf_homes_info view and removed unwanted Rem transitive joins. Rem denath 05/07/07 - Backport denath_bug-5479717 from main Rem rrawat 10/13/06 - Backport rrawat_bug-5546644 from main Rem nitijain 12/05/05 - Backport nitijain_tran_bugs3 from main Rem asaraswa 12/04/05 - Backport asaraswa_bug-4687751 from Rem st_emcore_10. Rem rrawat 10/07/06 - fixing 5546644 Rem asaraswa 11/18/05 - fixing 4687751 Rem nitijain 11/29/05 - Correcting ecm_homes_by_aruid view to use host Rem target name Rem asaraswa 11/18/05 - fixing 4687751 Rem nitijain 11/29/05 - Correcting ecm_homes_by_aruid view to use host Rem target name Rem pdasika 09/14/05 - adding another predicate for mgmt$cpf_homes_info Rem nitijain 08/19/05 - Changing em$ecm_homes_by_aruid so as not to use mgmt_target_type_component_map (for extensibility reasons) Rem abhalla 08/03/05 - adding a view MGMT$CPF_PATCH_DATA Rem asaraswa 07/13/05 - schema changes for bug 4491006 Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem asaraswa 07/01/05 - fixing os summary view Rem pdasika 06/23/05 - modifying mgmt$applied_patchsets to display external name Rem asaraswa 05/16/05 - adding view for failed collections Rem apbharga 04/28/05 - minor modifications to cpf homes view to improve Rem performance Rem asaraswa 03/28/05 - adding MHZ to processor frequency in Rem mgmt$csa_collections Rem mningomb 02/18/05 - Make patching MGMT$ views 10.2 security compliant Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem asaraswa 02/09/05 - adding new columns to mgmt$csa_collections Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem mningomb 02/01/05 - Correction in em$ecm_homes_by_aruid Rem mgoodric 01/28/05 - fix UPDATE operations with null attributes Rem ramalhot 01/17/05 - assoc def name changed from member to contains Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem pdasika 12/16/04 - adding new views for oracle home patching reports Rem achugh 12/13/04 - to add views for host-patching Rem mgoodric 12/13/04 - add LBL_TIMEZONE to CONFIG_HISTORY views Rem asaraswa 11/23/04 - adding new data to mgmt$csa_collections Rem mningomb 11/09/04 - changes to CPF_HOMES_INFO Rem asaraswa 10/27/04 - adding views for CSA rules and custom props Rem vkhizder 10/14/04 - improving perf of history views Rem apbharga 09/30/04 - changes for using ARU platform id in affected homes for CPF Rem mgoodric 09/26/04 - fix CONFIG_HISTORY views returning key columns Rem mningomb 09/22/04 - changes to ecm_homes_by_aruid to return Rem platform_id also Rem mgoodric 09/20/04 - remove check for column history_ui_on (for now) Rem mningomb 09/16/04 - changes to ecm_homes_by_aruid Rem asaraswa 09/16/04 - removing unused view em$ecm_target_install Rem mgoodric 09/11/04 - integrate with new history_ui_on flags Rem apbharga 08/31/04 - New CPF Algoritm requires changes to Rem MGMT_BUG_ADV_HOME_PATCH Rem mningomb 08/23/04 - 10gr2: CPF Info Rem asaraswa 08/16/04 - changing mgmt$cs_clients to work with new search Rem ramalhot 08/24/04 - cutover to new assoc tables Rem mgoodric 07/21/04 - add configHistory views Rem vkhizder 07/15/04 - changing security conditions for CSA to depend on app id Rem vkhizder 02/26/04 - various CSA schema changes Rem asaraswa 11/14/03 - removing use of group_flat_memberships view Rem asaraswa 11/12/03 - adding views to find installs in groups Rem vkhizder 10/17/03 - adding csa views Rem asaraswa 09/23/03 - fixing bug in count of missing hosts Rem vkhizder 06/26/03 - adding csa views Rem vkhizder 05/01/03 - changing emd_url to host_name/target_name matching for finding targets host Rem shuberma 12/23/02 - Adding a query for the clone wizard destination lookup Rem shuberma 11/01/02 - Fixing bug 2649501 Rem mgoodric 10/22/02 - Add support for EM_OS_BITLENGTH for platforms Rem shuberma 09/23/02 - Removing the concatenation of columns and returning them separately Rem shuberma 09/19/02 - Rem shuberma 09/19/02 - Adding views for rollup tables Rem mgoodric 07/09/02 - Generalize patch wizard targets Rem shuberma 06/05/02 - Correcting ecm_patch_entries view.. Rem rpinnama 05/14/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/14/02 - Created Rem rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_ARU_PRODUCT_FAMILIES rem rem COLUMNS rem rem FAMILY_ID - The ARU product id (PRODUCT_ID) from the rem ARU.ARU_PRODUCTS table for this product family. rem rem FAMILY_NAME - The display string from (PRODUCT_NAME) from the rem ARU.ARU_PRODUCTS table for this product family. rem rem NOTES rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT_ARU_PRODUCT_FAMILIES AS select product_id as family_id, product_name as family_name from mgmt_aru_products p where exists ( select * from mgmt_aru_family_product_map m where p.product_id = m.family_id ); rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The EM$ECM_DEPOT_PATCH_ENTRIES view returns the data needed by the view rem patch page. rem rem COLUMNS rem NAME - The name of the depot entry. rem TYPE - The type of the entry (PATCH or PATCH_SET) rem MANUALLY_ENTERED - Was this patch manually entered into the depot? rem 'Y' or 'N'; rem PLATFORM - The platform, e.g. SunOS rem DESCRIPTION - A text description of the depot entry. rem BUGS_FIXED - A string which is a concatenated (space delimited) rem list of the bug numbers. rem APPROVED - Y or N rem COMPONENT - The name of the base component that this patches. rem COMPONENT_VERSION - The version of the base component that this rem patches. rem LANGUAGE - The language of the patch (ENGLISH) rem ARU_ID - The internal id of the depot entry. rem PLATFORM_ID - the ARU id of the platform. rem PRODUCT_ID - the ARU id of the product or component. rem PATCH_DATE - the ARU date of the patch. rem rem NOTES rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$ECM_DEPOT_PATCH_ENTRIES ( NAME, TYPE, MANUALLY_ENTERED, PLATFORM, DESCRIPTION, COMPONENT, COMPONENT_VERSION, LANGUAGE, ARU_ID, PLATFORM_ID, PRODUCT_ID, PATCH_DATE, AUTOMATED ) AS SELECT pc.BUG_NO AS name, pc.TYPE AS type, pc.MANUALLY_POSTED AS manually_entered, plat_map.em_os_name AS platform, pc.ABSTRACT AS description, prod_map.em_target_type AS component, pc.RELEASE AS component_version, pc.language_id AS language, pc.ARU_ID AS aru_id, pc.platform_id AS platform_id, pc.product_id AS product_id, pc.PATCH_DATE AS patch_date, DECODE(pc.automated,'C','AUTOMATED','M','MANUAL','P','PARTIAL','MANUAL') AS automated FROM MGMT_ECM_PATCH_CACHE pc, MGMT_ARU_PRODUCTS prod_map, MGMT_ARU_PLATFORMS plat_map WHERE pc.platform_id = plat_map.platform_id(+) AND pc.product_id = prod_map.product_id(+) WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The EM$ECM_TARGETS_VIEW view returns the data needed by the view rem targets page of the db/ias patch wizard rem rem COLUMNS rem TARGET_NAME - The name of the target entry. rem TARGET_TYPE - The type of the target entry rem (oracle_database, oracle_emd, oracle_ias, etc) rem TARGET_GIUD - The UNIQUE identifier FOR target rem PLATFORM - The platform, e.g. SunOS rem VERSION - The platform version, e.g. 5.6. rem HOST - The host name of the target. rem ORACLE_HOME - The Oracle Home path for this target. rem ADDRESS_SIZE - The platform OS bit-length, e.g. 32 rem rem NOTES rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$ECM_TARGETS_VIEW AS select db.target_name as target_name, db.target_type as target_type, db.target_guid as target_guid, hos.property_value as platform, iv.property_value as version, htg.target_name as host, dbp.property_value as oracle_home, replace(os.address_length_in_bits, '-bit','') as address_size from mgmt_targets db, mgmt_targets htg, mgmt_target_properties hos, mgmt_target_properties iv, mgmt_target_properties dbp, mgmt_ecm_snapshot snap, mgmt_hc_os_summary os where htg.target_type = 'host' and db.host_name = htg.target_name and hos.target_guid = htg.target_guid and hos.property_name = 'OS' and db.target_guid = iv.target_guid and iv.property_name = 'Version' and dbp.target_guid = db.target_guid and dbp.property_name = 'OracleHome' and snap.target_name = htg.target_name and snap.target_type = htg.target_type and snap.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and snap.is_current = 'Y' and os.snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The EM$ECM_HOMES_BY_ARUID view returns homes list for search in 'homes listing' rem of patch wizard rem rem COLUMNS rem HOME_ID - The home container guid rem PLATFORM - The platform, e.g. SunOS rem HOST - The host of the home rem HOME_LOCATION - The directory on the host for the oracle home rem HOME_NAME - The name of the home rem TARGET_TYPE - The product target type of the component in the home rem ADDRESS_SIZE - The platform OS bit-length, e.g. 32 rem ID_TYPE - 'ARU' or 'NON-ARU' signifying if aru id was found for the home or not rem rem NOTES rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$ECM_HOMES_BY_ARUID AS select home.container_guid as home_id, plat.em_os_name as platform, snap.target_name as host, home.container_location as home_location, home.container_name as home_name, db.target_type as target_type, plat.em_os_bitlength as address_size, 'ARU' as id_type, decode(patchset.version,null,comp.version,patchset.version) as version, plat.platform_id as platform_id from mgmt_inv_container home, mgmt_inv_container_property prop, mgmt_inv_component comp, mgmt_ecm_snapshot snap, mgmt_aru_platforms plat, mgmt_inv_versioned_patch patchset, mgmt_targets db, mgmt_target_properties dbp where home.container_type = 'O' and home.container_guid = prop.container_guid and prop.property_name = 'ARU_PLATFORM_ID' and plat.platform_id = to_number(prop.property_value) and comp.container_guid = home.container_guid and home.snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid and snap.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and snap.is_current = 'Y' and comp.component_guid = patchset.component_guid(+) and dbp.property_name(+) ='OracleHome' and db.target_guid(+) = dbp.target_guid and dbp.property_value(+) = home.container_location union select /*+ INDEX(patchset MGMT_ECM_IDX_PLAT_NAME)*/ home.container_guid as home_id, hos.property_value as platform, snap.target_name as host, home.container_location as home_location, home.container_name as home_name, db.target_type as target_type, replace(os.address_length_in_bits, '-bit','') as address_size, 'NO_ARU' as id_type, decode(patchset.version,null,comp.version,patchset.version) as version, oui.aru_id as platform_id from mgmt_inv_container home, mgmt_ecm_snapshot snap, mgmt_targets htg, mgmt_target_properties hos, mgmt_inv_component comp, mgmt_hc_os_summary os, mgmt_inv_versioned_patch patchset, mgmt_targets db, mgmt_target_properties dbp, mgmt_oui_aru_map oui where home.container_type = 'O' and home.snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid and snap.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and snap.is_current = 'Y' and snap.target_name = htg.target_name and snap.target_type = 'host' and htg.target_guid = hos.target_guid and hos.property_name = 'OS' and hos.property_value is not null and comp.container_guid = home.container_guid and os.snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid and oui.oui_id = home.oui_platform and comp.component_guid = patchset.component_guid(+) and dbp.property_name(+) = 'OracleHome' and db.target_guid(+) = dbp.target_guid and dbp.property_value(+) = home.container_location and not exists ( select property_value from mgmt_inv_container_property p where container_guid = home.container_guid and p.property_name = 'ARU_PLATFORM_ID' ) WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The EM$ECM_TARGETS_BY_ARUID view returns the data needed by the view rem targets page of the db/ias patch wizard rem rem COLUMNS rem TARGET_NAME - The name of the target entry. rem TARGET_TYPE - The type of the target entry rem (oracle_database, oracle_emd, oracle_ias, etc) rem TARGET_GIUD - The UNIQUE identifier FOR target rem PLATFORM - The platform, e.g. SunOS rem VERSION - The platform version, e.g. 5.6. rem HOST - The host name of the target. rem ORACLE_HOME - The Oracle Home path for this target. rem ADDRESS_SIZE - The platform OS bit-length, e.g. 32 rem rem NOTES rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$ECM_TARGETS_BY_ARUID AS select db.target_name as target_name, db.target_type as target_type, db.target_guid as target_guid, plat.em_os_name as platform, iv.property_value as version, htg.target_name as host, dbp.property_value as oracle_home, plat.em_os_bitlength as address_size, 'ARU' as id_type, home.container_guid as container_guid, prop.property_value as target_aru_id from mgmt_targets db, mgmt_targets htg, mgmt_target_properties iv, mgmt_target_properties dbp, mgmt_ecm_snapshot snap, mgmt_inv_container home, mgmt_aru_platforms plat, mgmt_inv_container_property prop where htg.target_type = 'host' and db.host_name = htg.target_name and db.target_guid = iv.target_guid and iv.property_name = 'Version' and db.target_guid = dbp.target_guid and dbp.property_name = 'OracleHome' and snap.target_name = htg.target_name and snap.target_type = htg.target_type and snap.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and snap.is_current = 'Y' and home.snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid and home.container_location = dbp.property_value and home.container_type = 'O' and prop.container_guid = home.container_guid and plat.platform_id = to_number(prop.property_value) and prop.property_name = 'ARU_PLATFORM_ID' union select db.target_name as target_name, db.target_type as target_type, db.target_guid as target_guid, hos.property_value as platform, iv.property_value as version, htg.target_name as host, dbp.property_value as oracle_home, replace(os.address_length_in_bits, '-bit','') as address_size, 'NOT_ARU' as id_type, home.container_guid as container_guid, to_char(oui.aru_id) as target_aru_id from mgmt_targets db, mgmt_targets htg, mgmt_target_properties hos, mgmt_target_properties iv, mgmt_target_properties dbp, mgmt_ecm_snapshot snap, mgmt_hc_os_summary os, mgmt_inv_container home, mgmt_oui_aru_map oui where htg.target_type = 'host' and db.host_name = htg.target_name and hos.target_guid = htg.target_guid and hos.property_name = 'OS' and db.target_guid = iv.target_guid and iv.property_name = 'Version' and dbp.target_guid = db.target_guid and dbp.property_name = 'OracleHome' and snap.target_name = htg.target_name and snap.target_type = htg.target_type and snap.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and snap.is_current = 'Y' and os.snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid and home.snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid and home.container_location = dbp.property_value and home.container_type = 'O' and oui.oui_id = home.oui_platform and not exists ( select property_value from mgmt_inv_container_property p where container_guid = home.container_guid and p.property_name = 'ARU_PLATFORM_ID' ) WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem MGMT_INV_COMPONENT rem rem All component inventory elements will rem have an entry in this table. rem rem COLUMNS rem NAME rem The name of the inventory element. rem BASE_VERSION rem The base version of the component rem VERSION rem The version of the inventory entry reflecting rem the latest versioned patch. rem CONTAINER_GUID rem A FK pointing to the parent container. rem COMPONENT_GUID rem A global unique id for this entry. rem DESCRIPTION rem A description of the entry, as specified in the rem installation. rem EXTERNAL_NAME rem A external name of this component, as specified rem in the installation. rem LANGUAGES rem A list of language codes indicating the supported rem languages. rem INSTALLED_LOCATION rem Location, or path of this component. rem INSTALLER_VERSION rem MIN_DEINSTALLER_VERSION rem IS_TOP_LEVEL Is this a top level component in its container rem possible values: Y, N rem TIMESTAMP rem When installed. rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$INV_COMPONENT ( "NAME","BASE_VERSION","VERSION","CONTAINER_GUID", "COMPONENT_GUID","DESCRIPTION","EXTERNAL_NAME", "LANGUAGES","INSTALLED_LOCATION","INSTALLER_VERSION", "MIN_DEINSTALLER_VERSION","IS_TOP_LEVEL","TIMESTAMP") AS select as name, c.version as base_version, decode( p.version, null, c.version, p.version ) as version, c.container_guid, c.component_guid, c.description, c.external_name, c.languages, c.installed_location, c.installer_version, c.min_deinstaller_version, c.is_top_level, c.timestamp from mgmt_inv_component c, mgmt_inv_versioned_patch p where c.component_guid = p.component_guid(+) WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem EM$TARGET_INSTANCE_INSTALL rem rem Get rollup information for targets on in composite targets on visible hosts. rem This retrieves the number of rem oracle-home installations,the number of instances and if there rem are any one-off patches in the home install - for each target rem composite_target type, composite_target name, target type, name and version. rem rem COLUMNS rem COMPOSITE_TARGET_TYPE rem The type of the composite target, e.g. 'oracle_database_group' rem COMPOSITE_TARGET_NAME rem The name of the composite target rem TARGET_TYPE rem The target type, e.g. 'oracle_database' rem EXTERNAL_NAME rem The external name as recorded in the inventory, or the targets installation rem VERSION rem The version of the target that is installed. This reflects patchset rem version if a patchset was installed. rem NUM_INSTALLS rem Given the composite target, target_type, external name, and version, this is the number rem of installations found among all the visible hosts rem NUM_INSTANCES rem Given the composite target, target_type, external name and version, this is the number of rem visible instances found. rem PATCHED rem Are any of the installs (of the num_intalls) patched? rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$ECM_COMPOSITE_TARG_INSTALL AS select composite_target_name, composite_target_type, inst.target_type, external_name, version, count( distinct container_guid ) as num_installs, count(distinct target_guid ) as num_instances, case sum(num_patched) when 0 then 'No' else 'Yes' end as patched from ( select map.target_type, component.external_name, case when ps_patch.version is null then component.version else ps_patch.version end as version, host.target_name as host_name, home.container_location, case when exists ( select * from mgmt_inv_patch p where p.container_guid = home.container_guid )then 1 else 0 end as num_patched, home.container_guid from mgmt_targets host, mgmt_ecm_snapshot snapshot, mgmt_inv_container home, mgmt_inv_component component, mgmt_inv_versioned_patch ps_patch, mgmt_target_type_component_map map where host.target_type = 'host' and host.target_name = snapshot.target_name and host.target_type = snapshot.target_type and snapshot.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and snapshot.is_current = 'Y' and home.snapshot_guid = snapshot.snapshot_guid and component.container_guid = home.container_guid and component.component_guid = ps_patch.component_guid(+) and map.component_name = ) inst, ( select ct.target_name composite_target_name, ct.target_type composite_target_type, host.target_name as host_target_name, target.target_name as target_name, target.target_type as target_type, property.property_value as home_location, target.target_guid from mgmt_target_assocs composite, mgmt_targets ct, mgmt_target_assoc_defs def, mgmt_targets host, mgmt_targets target, mgmt_target_properties property where composite.assoc_target_guid = target.target_guid and host.target_type = 'host' and host.target_name = target.host_name and property.target_guid = target.target_guid and property.property_name = 'OracleHome' and composite.assoc_guid = def.assoc_guid and def.assoc_def_name = 'contains' and def.scope_target_type = ' ' and ct.target_guid = composite.source_target_guid ) targs where inst.host_name = targs.host_target_name(+) and inst.container_location = targs.home_location(+) and inst.target_type = targs.target_type(+) group by composite_target_name, composite_target_type, inst.target_type, external_name, version WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem EM$ECM_HARDWARE_COUNT rem rem Get hardware rollup information for visible hosts rem This retrieves the number of each hw config rem rem COLUMNS rem SYSTEM CONFIG rem String describing hw config. rem MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE rem String describing hw config. rem NUM_HOSTS rem Number of hosts with this config. rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$ECM_HARDWARE_COUNT AS select system_config, machine_architecture, count( * ) as num_hosts from mgmt_targets host, mgmt_hc_hardware_master hw, mgmt_ecm_snapshot ss, mgmt_ecm_snap_component_info cc where host.target_type = 'host' and host.target_name = ss.target_name and host.target_type = ss.target_type and ss.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and ss.is_current = 'Y' and ss.snapshot_guid = hw.snapshot_guid and ss.snapshot_guid = cc.snapshot_guid and cc.component_name = 'oracle.hardware' and cc.collection_status = 'COLLECTED' group by system_config, machine_architecture WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem EM$ECM_OS_COUNT rem rem Get OS rollup information for visible hosts rem This retrieves the number of each os config rem rem COLUMNS rem NAME rem OS Name rem BASE_VERSION rem OS VERSION before update level rem UPDATE_LEVEL rem OS_UPDATE LEVEL rem NUM_HOSTS rem Number of hosts with this config. rem PATCHED rem Are any of the OS of this config patched? rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$ECM_OS_COUNT AS SELECT, o.base_version, o.update_level, count(*) num_hosts, decode(max(o.patches), 0, 'No', 'Yes') as patched FROM mgmt_hc_os_summary o WHERE o.snapshot_guid in ( SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ c.snapshot_guid FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_snap_component_info c WHERE s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' AND s.target_type = 'host' AND s.target_type = t.target_type AND s.target_name = t.target_name AND s.is_current = 'Y' AND s.snapshot_guid = c.snapshot_guid AND c.component_name = 'oracle.os_software' AND c.collection_status = 'COLLECTED' ) GROUP BY, o.base_version, o.update_level WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem EM$ECM_COMPOSITE_HW_COUNT rem rem Get hardware rollup information for hosts that are somehow related rem to targets in composite targets rem This retrieves the number of each hw config for each rem composite_target type, composite_target name rem rem COLUMNS rem COMPOSITE_TARGET_TYPE rem The type of the composite target, e.g. 'oracle_database_group' rem COMPOSITE_TARGET_NAME rem The name of the composite target rem SYSTEM CONFIG rem String describing hw config. rem MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE rem String describing hw config. rem NUM_HOSTS rem Number of hosts with this config. rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$ECM_COMPOSITE_HW_COUNT AS select composite_target_type, composite_target_name, system_config, machine_architecture, count( * ) as num_hosts from ( select unique ct.target_type composite_target_type, ct.target_name composite_target_name, snapshot_guid from mgmt_target_assocs composite, mgmt_targets ct, mgmt_target_assoc_defs def, mgmt_targets target, mgmt_targets host, mgmt_ecm_snapshot ss where composite.assoc_target_guid = target.target_guid and target.host_name = host.target_name and host.target_type = 'host' and host.target_name = ss.target_name and host.target_type = ss.target_type and ss.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and ss.is_current = 'Y' and ct.target_guid = composite.source_target_guid and def.assoc_guid = composite.assoc_guid and def.assoc_def_name = 'contains' and def.scope_target_type = ' ' ) ss, mgmt_hc_hardware_master hw where ss.snapshot_guid = hw.snapshot_guid group by composite_target_type, composite_target_name, system_config, machine_architecture WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem EM$ECM_COMPOSITE_OS_COUNT rem rem Get OS rollup information for hosts that are somehow related rem to targets in composite targets rem This retrieves the number of each os config for each rem composite_target type, composite_target name rem rem COLUMNS rem COMPOSITE_TARGET_TYPE rem The type of the composite target, e.g. 'oracle_database_group' rem COMPOSITE_TARGET_NAME rem The name of the composite target rem NAME rem OS Name rem BASE_VERSION rem OS VERSION before update level rem UPDATE_LEVEL rem OS_UPDATE LEVEL rem NUM_HOSTS rem Number of hosts with this config. rem PATCHED rem Are any of the OS of this config patched? rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$ECM_COMPOSITE_OS_COUNT AS select composite_target_name, composite_target_type, name, base_version, update_level, count( * ) as num_hosts, case sum( num_patched ) when 0 then 'No' else 'Yes' end as patched from ( select unique ct.target_name composite_target_name, ct.target_type composite_target_type, name, base_version, update_level, ss.snapshot_guid, case when exists (select * from mgmt_hc_os_components c where ss.snapshot_guid = c.snapshot_guid and c.type = 'Patch') then 1 else 0 end as num_patched from mgmt_target_assocs composite, mgmt_targets ct, mgmt_target_assoc_defs def, mgmt_targets target, mgmt_targets host, mgmt_hc_os_summary os, mgmt_ecm_snapshot ss where composite.assoc_target_guid = target.target_guid and target.host_name = host.target_name and host.target_type = 'host' and host.target_name = ss.target_name and host.target_type = ss.target_type and ss.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and ss.is_current = 'Y' and ss.snapshot_guid = os.snapshot_guid and ct.target_guid = composite.source_target_guid and def.assoc_guid = composite.assoc_guid and def.assoc_def_name = 'contains' and def.scope_target_type = ' ' ) group by composite_target_name, composite_target_type, name, base_version, update_level WITH READ ONLY; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$ECM_HOST_HOME_INFO AS SELECT t.target_name as host_name, ecm_util.HOST_HOME_LIST( t.target_name, t.target_type ) as home_info, as os_name, os.base_version os_base_version, os.update_level os_update_level, os.address_length_in_bits os_address_length_in_bits FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_hc_os_summary os WHERE t.target_type = 'host' and t.target_name = s.target_name and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.target_type = 'host' and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_guid = os.snapshot_guid WITH READ ONLY; rem ********************** CSA VIEWS (BEGIN) ************************** -- The following views had been added for history / generic UI purposes -- Given the next set of views, these should be reviewed / removed if -- not needed, or modified to use the other views.. Or they can just stay -- the same. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$ECM_CSA_CUSTOM AS SELECT ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID, TYPE, NAME, TYPE_UI, NAME_UI, VALUE, DISPLAY_UI FROM MGMT_ECM_CSA_CUSTOM WHERE HISTORY_TRACKING = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$ECM_HW_CPU AS SELECT ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID, VENDOR_NAME, FREQ_IN_MHZ, ECACHE_IN_MB, IMPL, REVISION, MASK, COUNT(*) AS COUNT FROM MGMT_ECM_HW_CPU group by ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID, VENDOR_NAME, FREQ_IN_MHZ, ECACHE_IN_MB, IMPL, REVISION, MASK; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$ECM_HW_IOCARD AS SELECT ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID, VENDOR_NAME, NAME, FREQ_IN_MHZ, BUS, REVISION, COUNT(*) AS COUNT FROM MGMT_ECM_HW_IOCARD group by ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID, VENDOR_NAME, NAME, FREQ_IN_MHZ, BUS, REVISION; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$ECM_HW_NIC AS SELECT NAME, DESCRIPTION, FLAGS, MAX_TRANSFER_UNIT, INET_ADDRESS, MASK, BROADCAST_ADDRESS, MAC_ADDRESS, HOSTNAME_ALIASES, DEFAULT_GATEWAY, DHCP_ENABLED, COUNT(*) AS COUNT FROM MGMT_ECM_HW_NIC group by NAME, DESCRIPTION, FLAGS, MAX_TRANSFER_UNIT, INET_ADDRESS, MASK, BROADCAST_ADDRESS, MAC_ADDRESS, HOSTNAME_ALIASES, DEFAULT_GATEWAY, DHCP_ENABLED; -- The following views are hidden for now but ARE accessible to -- knowledgable (internal CSA) users through "Search using SQL" GUI. -- View Name : MGMT$CSA_CLIENTS -- Description : This view presents all top-level information about CSA hosts. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CSA_CLIENTS AS SELECT s.display_target_name, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp, csa.NET_IP, csa.NET_EFFECTIVE_IP, s.message as collection_message, info.os_user_name, info.hostname, info.domain, info.boot_disk_volume_serial_num, info.worst_rule_status as compliance, info.appid as appid, csa.NET_SUBNET, csa.NET_LATENCY_IN_MS, csa.NET_BANDWIDTH_IN_KBITPS, csa.BROWSER_TYPE, csa.BROWSER_VERSION, csa.BROWSER_JVM_VENDOR, csa.BROWSER_JVM_VERSION, csa.BROWSER_PROXY_SERVER, csa.BROWSER_PROXY_EXCEPTIONS, csa.BROWSER_CACHE_SIZE_IN_MB, csa.BROWSER_CACHE_UPDATE_FRQ, csa.BROWSER_HTTP1_1_SUPPORT, csa.REFERRING_URL_HEADER, csa.REFERRING_URL_PARAMS, csa.CSA_URL_HEADER, csa.CSA_URL_PARAMS, csa.DESTINATION_URL_HEADER, csa.DESTINATION_URL_PARAMS, csa.CONNECTION_TYPE, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_csa_cookies c where s.snapshot_guid = c.ecm_snapshot_id ) as number_of_cookies, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_csa_custom c where s.snapshot_guid = c.ecm_snapshot_id ) as number_of_custom_values, hw.vendor_name as hardware_vendor_name, hw.system_config, hw.machine_architecture, hw.clock_freq_in_mhz as bus_freq_in_mhz, hw.MEMORY_SIZE_IN_MB, hw.AVAIL_MEMORY_SIZE_IN_MB, hw.LOCAL_DISK_SPACE_IN_GB, hw.AVAIL_LOCAL_DISK_SPACE_IN_GB, hw.cpu_count, ( select min(freq_in_mhz) from mgmt_ecm_hw_cpu cpu where s.snapshot_guid = cpu.ecm_snapshot_id ) as min_cpu_speed_in_mhz, ( select max(freq_in_mhz) from mgmt_ecm_hw_cpu cpu where s.snapshot_guid = cpu.ecm_snapshot_id ) as max_cpu_speed_in_mhz, ( select max(vendor_name || ' ' || impl || ' ' || freq_in_mhz || 'MHz') from mgmt_ecm_hw_cpu cpu where s.snapshot_guid = cpu.ecm_snapshot_id) as cpu, hw.cpu_board_count, hw.iocard_count, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_hw_nic nic where s.snapshot_guid = nic.ecm_snapshot_id ) as nic_count, hw.fan_count, hw.power_supply_count, hw.system_bios, as os_name, os.vendor_name as os_vendor_name, os.base_version as os_base_version, os.update_level as os_update_level, os.distributor_version as os_distributor_version, os.max_swap_space_in_mb, os.address_length_in_bits as os_address_length_in_bits, os.max_process_virtual_memory, os.TIMEZONE, os.TIMEZONE_REGION, os.TIMEZONE_DELTA, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_os_property p where s.snapshot_guid = p.ecm_snapshot_id ) as number_of_os_properties, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_os_component c where s.snapshot_guid = c.ecm_snapshot_id and c.type = 'Patch' ) as number_of_os_patches, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_os_filesystem f where s.snapshot_guid = f.ecm_snapshot_id ) as number_of_os_filesystems, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_os_registered_sw s where s.snapshot_guid = s.ecm_snapshot_id ) as number_of_os_registered_sw, s.snapshot_guid as snapshot_id, s.target_guid as target_id, s.target_name as internal_target_name, s.target_type as internal_target_type, s.elapsed_time as collection_duration, s.saved_timestamp as loaded_timestamp, info.applet_version, info.target_id_method, info.custom_class, info.custom_class_version, info.target_key1, info.target_key2, info.target_key3, info.proxy_target_name, info.proxy_target_display_name, info.proxy_target_id FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_csa csa, mgmt_ecm_csa_general_info info, mgmt_ecm_hw hw, mgmt_ecm_os os WHERE s.snapshot_type = 'oracle_csa_host' AND s.is_current = 'Y' AND s.snapshot_guid = csa.ecm_snapshot_id AND s.snapshot_guid = info.ecm_snapshot_id AND s.snapshot_guid = hw.ecm_snapshot_id AND s.snapshot_guid = os.ecm_snapshot_id AND (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_csa_appid_target_map m, mgmt_targets t WHERE info.appid = m.appid AND t.target_guid = m.target_guid) OR mgmt_user.has_priv(mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(), 'SUPER_USER') = 1) WITH READ ONLY; COMMENT ON TABLE MGMT$CSA_CLIENTS IS 'This view has been deprecated. It has been replaced by MGMT$CSA_COLLECTIONS'; -- View Name : MGMT$CSA_COLLECTIONS -- Description : View of all collections, used for search feature CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CSA_COLLECTIONS AS SELECT s.display_target_name, (s.display_target_name || NVL2(info.target_key1, '; ' || target_key1, '') || NVL2(info.target_key2, '; ' || target_key2, '') || NVL2(info.target_key3, '; ' || target_key3, '')) as csaclient, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp, FROM_TZ(CAST(s.start_timestamp as TIMESTAMP), os.timezone_region) AT LOCAL as adj_timestamp, csa.NET_IP, csa.NET_EFFECTIVE_IP, s.message as collection_message, info.os_user_name, info.hostname, info.domain, NVL2(info.domain, (CASE WHEN info.hostname LIKE '%' || info.domain THEN info.hostname ELSE info.hostname || '.' || info.domain END), info.hostname) as host, info.boot_disk_volume_serial_num, info.worst_rule_status as compliance, info.appid as appid, csa.NET_SUBNET, csa.NET_LATENCY_IN_MS, csa.NET_BANDWIDTH_IN_KBITPS, csa.BROWSER_TYPE, csa.BROWSER_VERSION, csa.browser_type || ' ' || csa.browser_version as browser, csa.BROWSER_JVM_VENDOR, csa.BROWSER_JVM_VERSION, csa.BROWSER_PROXY_SERVER, csa.BROWSER_PROXY_EXCEPTIONS, csa.BROWSER_CACHE_SIZE_IN_MB, csa.BROWSER_CACHE_UPDATE_FRQ, csa.BROWSER_HTTP1_1_SUPPORT, csa.REFERRING_URL_HEADER, csa.REFERRING_URL_PARAMS, csa.referring_url_header || NVL2(referring_url_params, '?' || referring_url_params, '') as refurl, csa.CSA_URL_HEADER, csa.CSA_URL_PARAMS, csa.csa_url_header || NVL2(csa_url_params, '?' || csa_url_params, '') as csaurl, csa.DESTINATION_URL_HEADER, csa.DESTINATION_URL_PARAMS, csa.destination_url_header || NVL2(destination_url_params, '?' || destination_url_params, '') as desturl, csa.CONNECTION_TYPE, csa.IS_WINDOWS_ADMIN, csa.WINDOWS_DOMAIN, csa.BROWSER_PROXY_ENABLED, csa.AUTO_CONFIG_URL, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_csa_cookies c where s.snapshot_guid = c.ecm_snapshot_id ) as number_of_cookies, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_csa_custom c where s.snapshot_guid = c.ecm_snapshot_id ) as number_of_custom_values, hw.system_config || ' ' || hw.machine_architecture || ', ' || hw.memory_size_in_mb || 'MB RAM (' || hw.avail_memory_size_in_mb || ' free), ' || hw.local_disk_space_in_gb || 'GB HD (' || hw.avail_local_disk_space_in_gb || ' free)' || NVL2(hw.clock_freq_in_mhz, ', ' || hw.clock_freq_in_mhz || 'MHz FSB', '') || NVL2(hw.cpu_count, ', ' || hw.cpu_count || ' CPUs', '') || NVL2(hw.vendor_name, ', ' || hw.vendor_name, '') as hardware, hw.vendor_name as hardware_vendor_name, hw.system_config, hw.machine_architecture, hw.clock_freq_in_mhz as bus_freq_in_mhz, hw.MEMORY_SIZE_IN_MB, hw.AVAIL_MEMORY_SIZE_IN_MB, hw.LOCAL_DISK_SPACE_IN_GB, hw.AVAIL_LOCAL_DISK_SPACE_IN_GB, hw.cpu_count, hw.SYSTEM_SERIAL_NUMBER, ( select min(freq_in_mhz) from mgmt_ecm_hw_cpu cpu where s.snapshot_guid = cpu.ecm_snapshot_id ) as min_cpu_speed_in_mhz, ( select max(freq_in_mhz) from mgmt_ecm_hw_cpu cpu where s.snapshot_guid = cpu.ecm_snapshot_id ) as max_cpu_speed_in_mhz, ( select max(vendor_name || ' ' || impl || ' ' || freq_in_mhz || 'MHz') from mgmt_ecm_hw_cpu cpu where s.snapshot_guid = cpu.ecm_snapshot_id) as cpu, hw.cpu_board_count, hw.iocard_count, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_hw_nic nic where s.snapshot_guid = nic.ecm_snapshot_id ) as nic_count, hw.fan_count, hw.power_supply_count, hw.system_bios, || ' ' || os.base_version || ' ' || os.update_level || '(' || os.address_length_in_bits || ')' || decode (os.distributor_version, 'N/A', '', ' ' || os.distributor_version) as operatingsystem, as os_name, os.vendor_name as os_vendor_name, os.base_version as os_base_version, os.update_level as os_update_level, os.distributor_version as os_distributor_version, os.max_swap_space_in_mb, os.address_length_in_bits as os_address_length_in_bits, os.max_process_virtual_memory, os.TIMEZONE, os.TIMEZONE_REGION, os.TIMEZONE_DELTA, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_os_property p where s.snapshot_guid = p.ecm_snapshot_id ) as number_of_os_properties, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_os_component c where s.snapshot_guid = c.ecm_snapshot_id and c.type = 'Patch' ) as number_of_os_patches, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_os_filesystem f where s.snapshot_guid = f.ecm_snapshot_id ) as number_of_os_filesystems, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_os_registered_sw s where s.snapshot_guid = s.ecm_snapshot_id ) as number_of_os_registered_sw, s.snapshot_guid as snapshot_id, s.target_guid as target_id, s.target_name as internal_target_name, s.target_type as internal_target_type, s.elapsed_time as collection_duration, s.saved_timestamp as loaded_timestamp, info.applet_version, info.target_id_method, info.custom_class, info.custom_class_version, NVL(info.target_key1, ' ') as key1, NVL(info.target_key2, ' ') as key2, NVL(info.target_key3, ' ') as key3, info.proxy_target_name, info.proxy_target_display_name, info.proxy_target_id, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_csa_rules r where s.snapshot_guid = r.ecm_snapshot_id) as rules_count, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_csa_rules r where s.snapshot_guid = r.ecm_snapshot_id and r.status = -2 ) as rules_na_count, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_csa_rules r where s.snapshot_guid = r.ecm_snapshot_id and r.status = 15 ) as rules_passed_count, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_csa_rules r where s.snapshot_guid = r.ecm_snapshot_id and r.status = 18 ) as rules_info_count, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_csa_rules r where s.snapshot_guid = r.ecm_snapshot_id and r.status = 20 ) as rules_warning_count, ( select count(*) from mgmt_ecm_csa_rules r where s.snapshot_guid = r.ecm_snapshot_id and r.status = 25 ) as rules_critical_count FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_csa csa, mgmt_ecm_csa_general_info info, mgmt_ecm_hw hw, mgmt_ecm_os os WHERE s.snapshot_type = 'oracle_csa_host' AND s.is_current = 'Y' AND s.snapshot_guid = csa.ecm_snapshot_id AND s.snapshot_guid = info.ecm_snapshot_id AND s.snapshot_guid = hw.ecm_snapshot_id AND s.snapshot_guid = os.ecm_snapshot_id AND (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_csa_appid_target_map m, mgmt_targets t WHERE info.appid = m.appid AND t.target_guid = m.target_guid) OR mgmt_user.has_priv(mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(), 'SUPER_USER') = 1) WITH READ ONLY; -- View Name : MGMT$CSA_FAILED -- Description : View for all failed all collections, used for search feature CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CSA_FAILED AS SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_csa_failed WITH READ ONLY; -- View Name : MGMT$CSA_HOST_OS_COMPONENTS -- Description : This view presents all os components (such as patches -- and packages) found on CSA hosts. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CSA_HOST_OS_COMPONENTS AS SELECT s.display_target_name, c.type,, c.version, c.description, c.installation_date, s.snapshot_guid as snapshot_id, s.target_guid as target_id, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_os_component c WHERE s.snapshot_type = 'oracle_csa_host' AND s.is_current = 'Y' AND s.snapshot_guid = c.ecm_snapshot_id AND (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_csa_general_info info, mgmt_ecm_csa_appid_target_map m, mgmt_targets t WHERE s.snapshot_guid = info.ecm_snapshot_id AND info.appid = m.appid AND t.target_guid = m.target_guid) OR mgmt_user.has_priv(mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(), 'SUPER_USER') = 1) WITH READ ONLY; -- View Name : MGMT$CSA_HOST_SW -- Description : This view presents all os-registered software found on CSA hosts. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CSA_HOST_SW AS SELECT s.display_target_name,, sw.vendor_name, sw.version, sw.installation_date, sw.installed_location, sw.description, sw.vendor_sw_specific_info, s.snapshot_guid as snapshot_id, s.target_guid as target_id, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_os_registered_sw sw WHERE s.snapshot_type = 'oracle_csa_host' AND s.is_current = 'Y' AND s.snapshot_guid = sw.ecm_snapshot_id AND (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_csa_general_info info, mgmt_ecm_csa_appid_target_map m, mgmt_targets t WHERE s.snapshot_guid = info.ecm_snapshot_id AND info.appid = m.appid AND t.target_guid = m.target_guid) OR mgmt_user.has_priv(mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(), 'SUPER_USER') = 1) WITH READ ONLY; -- View Name : MGMT$CSA_HOST_COOKIES -- Description : This view presents cookies collection by CSA host collections. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CSA_HOST_COOKIES AS SELECT s.display_target_name,, c.value, s.snapshot_guid as snapshot_id, s.target_guid as target_id, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_csa_cookies c WHERE s.snapshot_type = 'oracle_csa_host' AND s.is_current = 'Y' AND s.snapshot_guid = c.ecm_snapshot_id AND (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_csa_general_info info, mgmt_ecm_csa_appid_target_map m, mgmt_targets t WHERE s.snapshot_guid = info.ecm_snapshot_id AND info.appid = m.appid AND t.target_guid = m.target_guid) OR mgmt_user.has_priv(mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(), 'SUPER_USER') = 1) WITH READ ONLY; -- View Name : MGMT$CSA_HOST_CUSTOM -- Description : This view presents custom values collected by CSA host collections. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CSA_HOST_CUSTOM AS SELECT s.display_target_name, c.type,, c.type_ui, c.name_ui, c.value, c.display_ui, c.history_tracking, s.snapshot_guid as snapshot_id, s.target_guid as target_id, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_csa_custom c WHERE s.snapshot_type = 'oracle_csa_host' AND s.is_current = 'Y' AND s.snapshot_guid = c.ecm_snapshot_id AND (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_csa_general_info info, mgmt_ecm_csa_appid_target_map m, mgmt_targets t WHERE s.snapshot_guid = info.ecm_snapshot_id AND info.appid = m.appid AND t.target_guid = m.target_guid) OR mgmt_user.has_priv(mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(), 'SUPER_USER') = 1) WITH READ ONLY; -- View name : MGMT$CSA_HOST_RULES -- Descrption : This view represents all rules evaluated by a CSA collection CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CSA_HOST_RULES AS SELECT s.snapshot_guid as snapshot_id, as name, r.description as description, r.status as status, r.moreinfo as moreinfo FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_csa_rules r WHERE s.snapshot_type = 'oracle_csa_host' AND s.is_current = 'Y' AND s.snapshot_guid = r.ecm_snapshot_id AND (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_csa_general_info info, mgmt_ecm_csa_appid_target_map m, mgmt_targets t WHERE s.snapshot_guid = info.ecm_snapshot_id AND info.appid = m.appid AND t.target_guid = m.target_guid) OR mgmt_user.has_priv(mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(), 'SUPER_USER') = 1) WITH READ ONLY; -- View Name : MGMT$CSA_HOST_CPUS -- Description : This view presents CPU information collected by CSA host collections. -- host collections. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CSA_HOST_CPUS AS SELECT s.display_target_name, c.vendor_name, c.freq_in_mhz, c.ecache_in_mb, c.impl, c.revision, c.mask, s.snapshot_guid as snapshot_id, s.target_guid as target_id, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp, count(*) as number_of_cpus FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_hw_cpu c WHERE s.snapshot_type = 'oracle_csa_host' AND s.is_current = 'Y' AND s.snapshot_guid = c.ecm_snapshot_id AND (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_csa_general_info info, mgmt_ecm_csa_appid_target_map m, mgmt_targets t WHERE s.snapshot_guid = info.ecm_snapshot_id AND info.appid = m.appid AND t.target_guid = m.target_guid) OR mgmt_user.has_priv(mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(), 'SUPER_USER') = 1) GROUP BY s.display_target_name, c.vendor_name, c.freq_in_mhz, c.ecache_in_mb, c.impl, c.revision, c.mask, s.snapshot_guid, s.target_guid, s.start_timestamp WITH READ ONLY; -- View Name : MGMT$CSA_HOST_IOCARDS -- Description : This view presents iocards collected by CSA host collections. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CSA_HOST_IOCARDS AS SELECT s.display_target_name, c.vendor_name,, c.freq_in_mhz, c.bus, c.revision, s.snapshot_guid as snapshot_id, s.target_guid as target_id, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp, count(*) as number_of_iocards FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_hw_iocard c WHERE s.snapshot_type = 'oracle_csa_host' AND s.is_current = 'Y' AND s.snapshot_guid = c.ecm_snapshot_id AND (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_csa_general_info info, mgmt_ecm_csa_appid_target_map m, mgmt_targets t WHERE s.snapshot_guid = info.ecm_snapshot_id AND info.appid = m.appid AND t.target_guid = m.target_guid) OR mgmt_user.has_priv(mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(), 'SUPER_USER') = 1) GROUP BY s.display_target_name, c.vendor_name,, c.freq_in_mhz, c.bus, c.revision, s.snapshot_guid, s.target_guid, s.start_timestamp WITH READ ONLY; -- View Name : MGMT$CSA_HOST_NICS -- Description : This view presents NICs collected by CSA host collections. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CSA_HOST_NICS AS SELECT s.display_target_name,, n.description, n.flags, n.max_transfer_unit, n.inet_address, n.mask, n.broadcast_address, n.mac_address, n.hostname_aliases, n.default_gateway, n.dhcp_enabled, s.snapshot_guid as snapshot_id, s.target_guid as target_id, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_hw_nic n WHERE s.snapshot_type = 'oracle_csa_host' AND s.is_current = 'Y' AND s.snapshot_guid = n.ecm_snapshot_id AND (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_csa_general_info info, mgmt_ecm_csa_appid_target_map m, mgmt_targets t WHERE s.snapshot_guid = info.ecm_snapshot_id AND info.appid = m.appid AND t.target_guid = m.target_guid) OR mgmt_user.has_priv(mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(), 'SUPER_USER') = 1) WITH READ ONLY; -- View Name : MGMT$CSA_HOST_OS_PROPERTIES -- Description : This view presents OS properties collected by CSA host collections. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CSA_HOST_OS_PROPERTIES AS SELECT s.display_target_name, p.source,, p.value, s.snapshot_guid as snapshot_id, s.target_guid as target_id, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_os_property p WHERE s.snapshot_type = 'oracle_csa_host' AND s.is_current = 'Y' AND s.snapshot_guid = p.ecm_snapshot_id AND (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_csa_general_info info, mgmt_ecm_csa_appid_target_map m, mgmt_targets t WHERE s.snapshot_guid = info.ecm_snapshot_id AND info.appid = m.appid AND t.target_guid = m.target_guid) OR mgmt_user.has_priv(mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(), 'SUPER_USER') = 1) WITH READ ONLY; -- View Name : MGMT$CSA_HOST_OS_FILESYSTEMS -- Description : This view presents OS filesystems collected by CSA host collections. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CSA_HOST_OS_FILESYSTEMS AS SELECT s.display_target_name, f.resource_name, f.mount_location, f.type, f.disk_space_in_gb, f.avail_disk_space_in_gb, f.local_drive, f.mount_options, s.snapshot_guid as snapshot_id, s.target_guid as target_id, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s, mgmt_ecm_os_filesystem f WHERE s.snapshot_type = 'oracle_csa_host' AND s.is_current = 'Y' AND s.snapshot_guid = f.ecm_snapshot_id AND (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_csa_general_info info, mgmt_ecm_csa_appid_target_map m, mgmt_targets t WHERE s.snapshot_guid = info.ecm_snapshot_id AND info.appid = m.appid AND t.target_guid = m.target_guid) OR mgmt_user.has_priv(mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(), 'SUPER_USER') = 1) WITH READ ONLY; rem ********************** CSA VIEWS (END) ************************** rem ********************* VIEWS for ECM rollup tables --View Name: EM$ECM_INSTALLS_GROUPS --Description: returns all groups, the software targets in those groups, and the installations for those targets CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$ECM_INSTALLS_GROUPS AS SELECT UNIQUE source_target.target_name as composite_target_name, source_target.target_type as composite_target_type, t.target_name as software_target_name, t.target_type as software_target_type, t.target_guid as software_target_guid, s.display_target_name as display_host_name, s.target_name as host_name, h.container_name as container_name, h.container_location as container_location, h.container_guid as container_guid, c.external_name as external_name, decode(ivp.version, NULL, c.version, ivp.version) as version, as component_name, map.property_name, map.property_value FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_inv_container h, mgmt_flat_target_assoc tm, mgmt_targets source_target, mgmt_targets assoc_target, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_targets host, mgmt_inv_component c, mgmt_inv_versioned_patch ivp, mgmt_target_properties home_prop, mgmt_target_type_component_map map WHERE tm.is_membership = 1 and tm.assoc_target_guid = t.target_guid and source_target.target_guid = tm.source_target_guid and assoc_target.target_guid = tm.assoc_target_guid and t.host_name = s.target_name and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.target_type = 'host' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and s.target_name = host.target_name and s.target_type = host.target_type and s.snapshot_guid = h.snapshot_guid and c.container_guid = h.container_guid and assoc_target.target_type = map.target_type and = map.component_name and t.target_guid = home_prop.target_guid and home_prop.property_name = 'OracleHome' and home_prop.property_value = h.container_location and c.component_guid = ivp.component_guid(+) WITH READ ONLY; --View Name: EM$ECM_HOST_INSTALLS_GROUPS --Description: finds representative components (along -- with their mapped types) for all homes on hosts included in groups CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW EM$ECM_HOST_INSTALLS_GROUPS AS SELECT UNIQUE source_target.target_name as composite_target_name, source_target.target_type as composite_target_type, s.display_target_name as display_host_name, s.target_name as host_name, h.container_name as container_name, h.container_location as container_location, h.container_guid as container_guid, c.external_name as external_name, decode(ivp.version, NULL, c.version, ivp.version) as version, as component_name, map.property_name, map.property_value, map.target_type FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc tm, mgmt_targets source_target, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_ecm_snapshot s, mgmt_inv_container h, mgmt_inv_component c, mgmt_inv_versioned_patch ivp, mgmt_target_type_component_map map WHERE tm.is_membership = 1 and tm.assoc_target_guid = t.target_guid and source_target.target_guid = tm.source_target_guid and t.target_type = 'host' --this gets us all the hosts explicitly included with this group and s.is_current = 'Y' and s.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and t.target_name = s.target_name and t.target_type = s.target_type and s.snapshot_guid = h.snapshot_guid and h.container_guid = c.container_guid and map.component_name = and c.component_guid = ivp.component_guid(+) WITH READ ONLY; --View Name: MGMT$CPF_ADVISORY_INFO --Description: Gets The CPF Specific Advisory Information CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CPF_ADVISORY_INFO AS select a.advisory_name as advisory_name, a.url as advisory_url, a.impact as advisory_impact, a.abstract as advisory_abstract, ab.bug_number as advisory_bug from mgmt_bug_advisory a, mgmt_bug_advisory_bug ab where a.advisory_name = ab.advisory_name; --View Name: MGMT$CPF_HOMES_INFO --Description: Gets the CPF Specific Oracle Home Information CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CPF_HOMES_INFO AS select /*+ ORDERED */ cont.container_guid as home_id, tgt.target_guid as host_target_guid, tgt.target_name as home_host, cont.container_location as home_directory, cont.container_name as home_name, decode(prop.property_value, null, decode(cont.oui_platform, 610, 212, 87, 87, 197, 197, 2, 59, 211, 209, 110, 214, 46, 46, 912, 912, 208, 208, 453, 453, 23, 23, 173, 173 ), prop.property_value) as home_aru_platform, decode(prop.property_value, null, 'OUI', 'ARU') as home_platform_type, summ.map_target_type as home_target_type, summ.comp_version as home_version, replace(host.address_length_in_bits, '-bit', '') as home_host_bit_length from mgmt_targets tgt, mgmt_ecm_snapshot snap, mgmt_inv_container cont, mgmt_inv_summary summ, mgmt_inv_container_property prop, mgmt_hc_os_summary host where tgt.target_type = 'host' and tgt.target_type = snap.target_type and tgt.target_name = snap.target_name and snap.is_current = 'Y' and snap.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and snap.snapshot_guid = cont.snapshot_guid and host.snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid and cont.container_type = 'O' and cont.container_guid = summ.container_guid and cont.container_guid = prop.container_guid (+) and 'ARU_PLATFORM_ID' = prop.property_name (+) and snap.snapshot_guid = summ.snapshot_guid; --View Name: MGMT$CPF_PATCH_INFO --Description: Gets the CPF Specific Patch Information CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CPF_PATCH_INFO AS select data.ap_guid as patch_ap_guid, data.patch_guid as patch_guid, data.patch_id as patch_id, data.release_id as patch_release_id, data.platform_id as patch_platform_id, data.product_id as patch_product_id, data.patch_type as patch_type, data.bug_number as patch_fixes_bug, decode(pc.patch_id, null, 'N', 'Y') as patch_valid_status from (select ap.ap_guid, pp.patch_guid, ap.patch_id, ap.release_id, pp.platform_id, ap.product_id, ap.patch_type, pfb.bug_number from mgmt_bug_available_patch ap, mgmt_bug_patch_platform pp, mgmt_bug_patch_fixes_bug pfb where ap.ap_guid = pp.ap_guid and ap.ap_guid = pfb.ap_guid) data, mgmt_bug_patch_certificate pc where data.patch_id = pc.patch_id (+) and data.release_id = pc.release_id (+) and data.platform_id = pc.platform_id (+) order by data.patch_id, data.release_id, data.platform_id; --View Name: MGMT$CPF_PATCH_DATA --Description: Gets the CPF Specific Patch Information without Patch Validation Status CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CPF_PATCH_DATA (PATCH_AP_GUID, PATCH_GUID, PATCH_ID, PATCH_RELEASE_ID, PATCH_PLATFORM_ID, PATCH_PRODUCT_ID, PATCH_TYPE, PATCH_FIXES_BUG ) as select data.ap_guid as patch_ap_guid, data.patch_guid as patch_guid, data.patch_id as patch_id, data.release_id as patch_release_id, data.platform_id as patch_platform_id, data.product_id as patch_product_id, data.patch_type as patch_type, data.bug_number as patch_fixes_bug from (select ap.ap_guid, pp.patch_guid, ap.patch_id, ap.release_id, pp.platform_id, ap.product_id, ap.patch_type, pfb.bug_number from mgmt_bug_available_patch ap, mgmt_bug_patch_platform pp, mgmt_bug_patch_fixes_bug pfb where ap.ap_guid = pp.ap_guid and ap.ap_guid = pfb.ap_guid) data order by data.patch_id, data.release_id, data.platform_id; rem ********************** CONFIG HISTORY VIEWS (BEGIN) ************************** -- The following views had been added for Configuration History delta purposes rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The ECM$HIST_HARDWARE view returns the data needed by the snapshot rem delta functions to record general hardware history changes. rem rem COLUMNS rem ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID snapshot_guid of the snapshot rem HOSTNAME Name of the host (w/o domain) rem DOMAIN IP domain of the host rem VENDOR_NAME Name of the hardware vendor rem SYSTEM_CONFIG Hardware platform, e.g. SunOS rem MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE Machine architecture, e.g. i686 rem CLOCK_FREQ_IN_MHZ System clock frequency in megahertz rem MEMORY_SIZE_IN_MB Total size of memory in megabytes rem LOCAL_DISK_SPACE_IN_GB Total size of local disk space in gigabytes rem CPU_COUNT Number of CPUs rem CPU_BOARD_COUNT Number of CPU boards rem FAN_COUNT Number of fans rem POWER_SUPPLY_COUNT Number of power supplies rem rem NOTES rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ECM$HIST_HARDWARE AS SELECT s.snapshot_guid AS ecm_snapshot_id, s.hostname, s.domain, m.vendor_name, m.system_config, m.machine_architecture, m.clock_freq_in_mhz, m.memory_size_in_mb, m.local_disk_space_in_gb, m.cpu_count, m.cpu_board_count, m.iocard_count, m.fan_count, m.power_supply_count FROM mgmt_hc_system_summary s, mgmt_hc_hardware_master m WHERE s.snapshot_guid = m.snapshot_guid WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The ECM$HIST_CPU_DETAILS view returns the data needed by the snapshot rem delta functions to record CPU history changes. rem rem COLUMNS rem ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID snapshot_guid of the snapshot rem VENDOR_NAME Name of the vendor of the CPU rem FREQ_IN_MHZ Frequency of CPU in megahertz rem ECACHE_IN_MB Size of CPU cache in megabytes rem IMPL CPU implementation rem REVISION CPU revision rem MASK rem COUNT Number of CPU instances rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ECM$HIST_CPU_DETAILS AS SELECT snapshot_guid AS ecm_snapshot_id, vendor_name, freq_in_mhz, ecache_in_mb, impl, revision, mask, count(*) AS count FROM mgmt_hc_cpu_details GROUP BY snapshot_guid,vendor_name,freq_in_mhz,ecache_in_mb,impl,revision,mask WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The ECM$HIST_IOCARD_DETAILS view returns the data needed by the snapshot rem delta functions to record I/O card history changes. rem rem COLUMNS rem ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID snapshot_guid of the snapshot rem VENDOR_NAME Name of the vendor of the I/O card rem NAME Name of the I/O card rem FREQ_IN_MHZ Frequency of I/O card in megahertz rem BUS Type of bus (e.g. ISA, PCI, API) rem REVISION I/O card revision rem COUNT Number of I/O card instances rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ECM$HIST_IOCARD_DETAILS AS SELECT snapshot_guid AS ecm_snapshot_id, vendor_name, name, freq_in_mhz, bus, revision, count(*) AS count FROM mgmt_hc_iocard_details GROUP BY snapshot_guid,vendor_name,name,freq_in_mhz,bus,revision WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The ECM$HIST_NIC_DETAILS view returns the data needed by the snapshot rem delta functions to record Network card history changes. rem rem COLUMNS rem ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID snapshot_guid of the snapshot rem NAME Name of the network card rem FLAGS Network interface flags rem MAX_TRANSFER_UNIT Maximum transfer packet size in bytes rem INET_ADDRESS Internet Protocol address rem MASK IP address mask rem BROADCAST_ADDRESS IP address of broadcast router rem MAC_ADDRESS Internal identifier of network card rem HOST_ALIASES List of DNS aliases for IP address rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ECM$HIST_NIC_DETAILS AS SELECT snapshot_guid AS ecm_snapshot_id, name, flags, max_transfer_unit, inet_address, mask, broadcast_address, mac_address, hostname_aliases FROM mgmt_hc_nic_details WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The ECM$HIST_OS_SUMMARY view returns the data needed by the snapshot rem delta functions to record general OS history changes. rem rem COLUMNS rem ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID snapshot_guid of the snapshot rem NAME Name of the Operation System rem VENDOR_NAME Name of the vendor of the OS rem BASE_VERSION Version of the OS rem UPDATE_LEVEL Patch level of the OS rem DISTRIBUTOR_VERSION Version of the OS distibutor (Linux only) rem MAX_SWAP_SPACE_IN_MB Size of OS swap space in megabytes rem ADDRESS_LENGTH_IN_BITS OS word length in bits (e.g. 32 or 64) rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ECM$HIST_OS_SUMMARY AS SELECT snapshot_guid AS ecm_snapshot_id, name, vendor_name, base_version, update_level, distributor_version, max_swap_space_in_mb, address_length_in_bits FROM mgmt_hc_os_summary WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The ECM$HIST_OS_COMPONENTS view returns the data needed by the snapshot rem delta functions to record OS component history. rem rem COLUMNS rem ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID snapshot_guid of the snapshot rem NAME Name of the component rem TYPE Type of the component (e.g. Package or Patch) rem VERSION Version of the component rem DESCRIPTION Description of the component rem INSTALLATION_DATE Install date for the component rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ECM$HIST_OS_COMPONENTS AS SELECT snapshot_guid AS ecm_snapshot_id, name, type, version, description, installation_date FROM mgmt_hc_os_components WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The ECM$HIST_OS_PROPERTIES view returns the data needed by the snapshot rem delta functions to record OS property history changes. rem rem COLUMNS rem ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID snapshot_guid of the snapshot rem TYPE Source of the property (e.g. /usr/sbin/sysdev) rem NAME Name of the property rem VALUE Property value rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ECM$HIST_OS_PROPERTIES AS SELECT snapshot_guid AS ecm_snapshot_id, type, name, value FROM mgmt_hc_os_properties WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The ECM$HIST_FS_MOUNT_DETAILS view returns the data needed by the snapshot rem delta functions to record OS file system history changes. rem rem COLUMNS rem ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID snapshot_guid of the snapshot rem RESOURCE_NAME Name of the mount point rem MOUNT_LOCATION Path for the mount point rem TYPE Type of file system (e.g. nfs, vfs) rem MOUNT_OPTIONS Flags for the mount location (e.g. rw, timeout=600) rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ECM$HIST_FS_MOUNT_DETAILS AS SELECT snapshot_guid AS ecm_snapshot_id, resource_name, mount_location, type, mount_options FROM mgmt_hc_fs_mount_details WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The ECM$HIST_OS_REGISTERED_SW view returns the data needed by the snapshot rem delta functions to record installed OS software history. rem rem COLUMNS rem ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID snapshot_guid of the snapshot rem NAME Name of the software rem VENDOR_NAME Name of the software vendor rem VERSION Version of the software rem INSTALLATION_DATE Install date for the software rem INSTALLED_LOCATION Path to the installed location rem DESCRIPTION Description of the software rem VENDOR_SOFTWARE_SPECIFIC_INFO Optional software info rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ECM$HIST_OS_REGISTERED_SW AS SELECT snapshot_guid AS ecm_snapshot_id, name, vendor_name, version, installation_date, installed_location, description, vendor_software_specific_info FROM mgmt_hc_vendor_sw_summary WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The ECM$HIST_ORACLE_SOFTWARE view returns the data needed by the snapshot rem delta functions to record history changes for a snapshot. rem rem COLUMNS rem ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID snapshot_guid of the snapshot rem CONTAINER_LOCATION Path to the location of the container rem CONTAINER_NAME Name of the inventory container rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ECM$HIST_ORACLE_SOFTWARE AS SELECT snapshot_guid AS ecm_snapshot_id, container_location, container_name FROM mgmt_inv_container WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The ECM$HIST_INV_COMPONENTS view returns the data needed by the snapshot rem delta functions to record history changes for a snapshot. rem rem COLUMNS rem ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID snapshot_guid of the snapshot rem NAME Name of the inventory element rem VERSION Base version of the component rem CONTAINER_LOCATION Path to the location of the home rem DESCRIPTION Cescription of the entry, as specified in the rem installation rem EXTERNAL_NAME External name of this component, as specified rem in the installation rem LANGUAGES List of language codes indicating the supported rem languages rem INSTALLED_LOCATION Location, or path of this component rem INSTALLER_VERSION rem MIN_DEINSTALLER_VERSION rem IS_TOP_LEVEL Is this a top level component in its container rem possible values: Y, N rem TIMESTAMP When installed rem PATCH_VERSION Version of the inventory entry reflecting rem the latest versioned patch rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ECM$HIST_INV_COMPONENTS AS SELECT h.snapshot_guid AS ecm_snapshot_id,, c.version, h.container_location, c.description, NVL(c.external_name, AS external_name, c.languages, c.installed_location, c.installer_version, c.min_deinstaller_version, c.is_top_level, c.timestamp, NVL(p.version,c.version) AS patch_version FROM mgmt_inv_component c, mgmt_inv_container h, mgmt_inv_versioned_patch p WHERE c.container_guid = h.container_guid AND c.component_guid = p.component_guid(+) WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The ECM$HIST_INV_PATCHSETS view returns the data needed by the snapshot rem delta functions to record history changes for a snapshot. rem rem COLUMNS rem ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID snapshot_guid of the snapshot rem NAME Name of the inventory patchset rem VERSION Base version of the patchset rem CONTAINER_LOCATION Path to the location of the home rem DESCRIPTION Description of the entry, as specified in the rem installation rem EXTERNAL_NAME External name of this component, as specified rem in the installation rem INSTALLER_VERSION rem MIN_DEINSTALLER_VERSION rem IS_TOP_LEVEL Is this a top level component in its container rem possible values: Y, N rem TIMESTAMP When installed rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ECM$HIST_INV_PATCHSETS AS SELECT h.snapshot_guid AS ecm_snapshot_id,, p.version, h.container_location, p.description, NVL(p.external_name, AS external_name, p.installer_version, p.min_deinstaller_version, p.timestamp FROM mgmt_inv_patchset p, mgmt_inv_container h WHERE p.container_guid = h.container_guid WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The ECM$HIST_INV_PATCHES view returns the data needed by the snapshot rem delta functions to record history changes for a snapshot. rem rem COLUMNS rem ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID snapshot_guid of the snapshot rem ID Id of the inventory patch rem CONTAINER_LOCATION Path to the location of the home rem DESCRIPTION Description of the entry, as specified in the rem installation rem TIMESTAMP When installed rem IS_ROLLBACKABLE Is this patch rollbackable rem possible values: Y, N rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ECM$HIST_INV_PATCHES AS SELECT h.snapshot_guid AS ecm_snapshot_id,, h.container_location, p.description, p.timestamp, p.is_rollbackable FROM mgmt_inv_patch p, mgmt_inv_container h WHERE p.container_guid = h.container_guid WITH READ ONLY; -- The following views had been added for Configuration History UI purposes rem rem PURPOSE rem rem MGMT$ECM_CONFIG_HISTORY view returns the data needed for generic categories rem rem COLUMNS rem rem DELTATIME Entry collection timestamp rem DELTAGUID Entry GUID rem TIMEZONE Target timezone region rem TARGET_NAME Target name of entry rem HOSTNAME Host name for target rem TARGET_TYPE Target type of target rem SNAPSHOTTYPE Snapshot type name rem COLLECTIONTYPE Table name of entry rem TABLE_PATH Full path of table, including parents rem CATEGORY Fully qualified leaf category rem OPERATION Type of change (UPDATE,DELETE,INSERT,SAME) rem ROWGUID Entry ID GUID rem ATTRIBUTE Attribute column name rem NEWVALUE New value of attribute rem OLDVALUE Old value of attribute rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ECM_CONFIG_HISTORY AS SELECT -- UNIQUE e.delta_time AS DELTATIME, e.delta_entry_guid AS DELTAGUID, g.timezone_region AS TIMEZONE, g.target_name AS TARGET_NAME, g.host_name AS HOSTNAME, g.target_type AS TARGET_TYPE, p.snapshot_type AS SNAPSHOTTYPE, i.collection_type AS COLLECTIONTYPE, mdt.full_table_path AS TABLE_PATH, p.target_type || '|' || p.snapshot_type || '|' || mdt.full_table_path || '|L' AS CATEGORY, e.operation AS OPERATION, i.row_guid AS ROWGUID, AS ATTRIBUTE, d.value AS NEWVALUE, d.old_value AS OLDVALUE FROM mgmt_delta_entry e, mgmt_delta_entry_values d, mgmt_delta_ids i, mgmt_delta_snap p, mgmt_targets g, mgmt_ecm_snapshot_metadata md, mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_tables mdt WHERE e.row_guid = i.row_guid AND e.delta_entry_guid = d.delta_entry_guid(+) AND e.operation != 'SAME' AND ((e.operation != 'UPDATE') OR NOT(NVL(d.value,' ') = NVL(d.old_value,' '))) AND p.delta_guid = e.delta_guid AND p.new_left_target_name = g.target_name AND p.target_type = g.target_type AND p.delta_type = 'HISTORY' AND p.target_type = md.target_type AND p.snapshot_type = md.snapshot_type AND md.kind = 'P' AND md.history_ui_on = 'Y' AND md.metadata_id = mdt.metadata_id AND = i.collection_type AND mdt.history_ui_on = 'Y' AND (exists (select * from mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_columns mdc where mdc.metadata_id = md.metadata_id AND mdc.table_name = AND = AND mdc.history_ui_on = 'Y') OR is null) WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem MGMT$ECM_CONFIG_HISTORY_KEY1 view returns the data needed for specific categories rem rem COLUMNS rem rem DELTATIME Entry collection timestamp rem DELTAGUID Entry GUID rem TIMEZONE Target timezone region rem TARGET_NAME Target name of entry rem HOSTNAME Host name for target rem TARGET_TYPE Target type of target rem SNAPSHOTTYPE Snapshot type name rem COLLECTIONTYPE Table name of entry rem TABLE_PATH Full path of table, including parents rem CATEGORY Fully qualified leaf category rem OPERATION Type of change (UPDATE,DELETE,INSERT,SAME) rem KEY1 Value of Key 1 rem ATTRIBUTE Attribute column name rem NEWVALUE New value of attribute rem OLDVALUE Old value of attribute rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ECM_CONFIG_HISTORY_KEY1 AS SELECT -- UNIQUE e.delta_time AS DELTATIME, e.delta_entry_guid AS DELTAGUID, g.timezone_region AS TIMEZONE, g.target_name AS TARGET_NAME, g.host_name AS HOSTNAME, g.target_type AS TARGET_TYPE, p.snapshot_type AS SNAPSHOTTYPE, i.collection_type AS COLLECTIONTYPE, t.full_table_path AS TABLE_PATH, p.target_type || '|' || p.snapshot_type || '|' || t.full_table_path || '|L' AS CATEGORY, e.operation AS OPERATION, iv1.value AS KEY1, AS ATTRIBUTE, d.value AS NEWVALUE, d.old_value AS OLDVALUE FROM mgmt_ecm_md_hist_tbls t, mgmt_delta_entry e, mgmt_delta_entry_values d, mgmt_delta_ids i, mgmt_delta_id_values iv1, mgmt_delta_snap p, mgmt_targets g WHERE t.num_hist_ui_keys = 1 AND t.target_type = p.target_type AND t.snapshot_type = p.snapshot_type AND = i.collection_type AND p.delta_type = 'HISTORY' AND e.row_guid = i.row_guid AND e.delta_entry_guid = d.delta_entry_guid(+) AND e.operation != 'SAME' AND ((e.operation != 'UPDATE') OR NOT(NVL(d.value,' ') = NVL(d.old_value,' '))) AND p.delta_guid = e.delta_guid AND p.new_left_target_name = g.target_name AND p.target_type = g.target_type AND iv1.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key1 AND (exists (select * from mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_columns mdc where mdc.metadata_id = t.metadata_id AND mdc.table_name = AND = AND mdc.history_ui_on = 'Y') OR is null) WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem MGMT$ECM_CONFIG_HISTORY_KEY2 view returns the data needed for specific categories rem rem COLUMNS rem rem DELTATIME Entry collection timestamp rem DELTAGUID Entry GUID rem TIMEZONE Target timezone region rem TARGET_NAME Target name of entry rem HOSTNAME Host name for target rem TARGET_TYPE Target type of target rem SNAPSHOTTYPE Snapshot type name rem COLLECTIONTYPE Table name of entry rem TABLE_PATH Full path of table, including parents rem CATEGORY Fully qualified leaf category rem OPERATION Type of change (UPDATE,DELETE,INSERT,SAME) rem KEY1 Value of Key 1 rem KEY2 Value of Key 2 rem ATTRIBUTE Attribute column name rem NEWVALUE New value of attribute rem OLDVALUE Old value of attribute rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ECM_CONFIG_HISTORY_KEY2 AS SELECT -- UNIQUE e.delta_time AS DELTATIME, e.delta_entry_guid AS DELTAGUID, g.timezone_region AS TIMEZONE, g.target_name AS TARGET_NAME, g.host_name AS HOSTNAME, g.target_type AS TARGET_TYPE, p.snapshot_type AS SNAPSHOTTYPE, i.collection_type AS COLLECTIONTYPE, t.full_table_path AS TABLE_PATH, p.target_type || '|' || p.snapshot_type || '|' || t.full_table_path || '|L' AS CATEGORY, e.operation AS OPERATION, iv1.value AS KEY1, iv2.value AS KEY2, AS ATTRIBUTE, d.value AS NEWVALUE, d.old_value AS OLDVALUE FROM mgmt_ecm_md_hist_tbls t, mgmt_delta_entry e, mgmt_delta_entry_values d, mgmt_delta_ids i, mgmt_delta_id_values iv1, mgmt_delta_id_values iv2, mgmt_delta_snap p, mgmt_targets g WHERE t.num_hist_ui_keys = 2 AND t.target_type = p.target_type AND t.snapshot_type = p.snapshot_type AND = i.collection_type AND p.delta_type = 'HISTORY' AND e.row_guid = i.row_guid AND e.delta_entry_guid = d.delta_entry_guid(+) AND e.operation != 'SAME' AND ((e.operation != 'UPDATE') OR NOT(NVL(d.value,' ') = NVL(d.old_value,' '))) AND p.delta_guid = e.delta_guid AND p.new_left_target_name = g.target_name AND p.target_type = g.target_type AND iv1.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key1 AND iv2.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key2 AND (exists (select * from mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_columns mdc where mdc.metadata_id = t.metadata_id AND mdc.table_name = AND = AND mdc.history_ui_on = 'Y') OR is null) WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem MGMT$ECM_CONFIG_HISTORY_KEY3 view returns the data needed for specific categories rem rem COLUMNS rem rem DELTATIME Entry collection timestamp rem DELTAGUID Entry GUID rem TIMEZONE Target timezone region rem TARGET_NAME Target name of entry rem HOSTNAME Host name for target rem TARGET_TYPE Target type of target rem SNAPSHOTTYPE Snapshot type name rem COLLECTIONTYPE Table name of entry rem TABLE_PATH Full path of table, including parents rem CATEGORY Fully qualified leaf category rem OPERATION Type of change (UPDATE,DELETE,INSERT,SAME) rem KEY1 Value of Key 1 rem KEY2 Value of Key 2 rem KEY3 Value of Key 3 rem ATTRIBUTE Attribute column name rem NEWVALUE New value of attribute rem OLDVALUE Old value of attribute rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ECM_CONFIG_HISTORY_KEY3 AS SELECT --UNIQUE e.delta_time AS DELTATIME, e.delta_entry_guid AS DELTAGUID, g.timezone_region AS TIMEZONE, g.target_name AS TARGET_NAME, g.host_name AS HOSTNAME, g.target_type AS TARGET_TYPE, p.snapshot_type AS SNAPSHOTTYPE, i.collection_type AS COLLECTIONTYPE, t.full_table_path AS TABLE_PATH, p.target_type || '|' || p.snapshot_type || '|' || t.full_table_path || '|L' AS CATEGORY, e.operation AS OPERATION, iv1.value AS KEY1, iv2.value AS KEY2, iv3.value AS KEY3, AS ATTRIBUTE, d.value AS NEWVALUE, d.old_value AS OLDVALUE FROM mgmt_ecm_md_hist_tbls t, mgmt_delta_entry e, mgmt_delta_entry_values d, mgmt_delta_ids i, mgmt_delta_id_values iv1, mgmt_delta_id_values iv2, mgmt_delta_id_values iv3, mgmt_delta_snap p, mgmt_targets g WHERE t.num_hist_ui_keys = 3 AND t.target_type = p.target_type AND t.snapshot_type = p.snapshot_type AND = i.collection_type AND p.delta_type = 'HISTORY' AND e.row_guid = i.row_guid AND e.delta_entry_guid = d.delta_entry_guid(+) AND e.operation != 'SAME' AND ((e.operation != 'UPDATE') OR NOT(NVL(d.value,' ') = NVL(d.old_value,' '))) AND p.delta_guid = e.delta_guid AND p.new_left_target_name = g.target_name AND p.target_type = g.target_type AND iv1.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key1 AND iv2.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key2 AND iv3.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key3 AND (exists (select * from mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_columns mdc where mdc.metadata_id = t.metadata_id AND mdc.table_name = AND = AND mdc.history_ui_on = 'Y') OR is null) WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem MGMT$ECM_CONFIG_HISTORY_KEY4 view returns the data needed for specific categories rem rem COLUMNS rem rem DELTATIME Entry collection timestamp rem DELTAGUID Entry GUID rem TIMEZONE Target timezone region rem TARGET_NAME Target name of entry rem HOSTNAME Host name for target rem TARGET_TYPE Target type of target rem SNAPSHOTTYPE Snapshot type name rem COLLECTIONTYPE Table name of entry rem TABLE_PATH Full path of table, including parents rem CATEGORY Fully qualified leaf category rem OPERATION Type of change (UPDATE,DELETE,INSERT,SAME) rem KEY1 Value of Key 1 rem KEY2 Value of Key 2 rem KEY3 Value of Key 3 rem KEY4 Value of Key 4 rem ATTRIBUTE Attribute column name rem NEWVALUE New value of attribute rem OLDVALUE Old value of attribute rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ECM_CONFIG_HISTORY_KEY4 AS SELECT --UNIQUE e.delta_time AS DELTATIME, e.delta_entry_guid AS DELTAGUID, g.timezone_region AS TIMEZONE, g.target_name AS TARGET_NAME, g.host_name AS HOSTNAME, g.target_type AS TARGET_TYPE, p.snapshot_type AS SNAPSHOTTYPE, i.collection_type AS COLLECTIONTYPE, t.full_table_path AS TABLE_PATH, p.target_type || '|' || p.snapshot_type || '|' || t.full_table_path || '|L' AS CATEGORY, e.operation AS OPERATION, iv1.value AS KEY1, iv2.value AS KEY2, iv3.value AS KEY3, iv4.value AS KEY4, AS ATTRIBUTE, d.value AS NEWVALUE, d.old_value AS OLDVALUE FROM mgmt_ecm_md_hist_tbls t, mgmt_delta_entry e, mgmt_delta_entry_values d, mgmt_delta_ids i, mgmt_delta_id_values iv1, mgmt_delta_id_values iv2, mgmt_delta_id_values iv3, mgmt_delta_id_values iv4, mgmt_delta_snap p, mgmt_targets g WHERE t.num_hist_ui_keys = 4 AND t.target_type = p.target_type AND t.snapshot_type = p.snapshot_type AND = i.collection_type AND p.delta_type = 'HISTORY' AND e.row_guid = i.row_guid AND e.delta_entry_guid = d.delta_entry_guid(+) AND e.operation != 'SAME' AND ((e.operation != 'UPDATE') OR NOT(NVL(d.value,' ') = NVL(d.old_value,' '))) AND p.delta_guid = e.delta_guid AND p.new_left_target_name = g.target_name AND p.target_type = g.target_type AND iv1.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key1 AND iv2.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key2 AND iv3.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key3 AND iv4.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key4 AND (exists (select * from mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_columns mdc where mdc.metadata_id = t.metadata_id AND mdc.table_name = AND = AND mdc.history_ui_on = 'Y') OR is null) WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem MGMT$ECM_CONFIG_HISTORY_KEY5 view returns the data needed for specific categories rem rem COLUMNS rem rem DELTATIME Entry collection timestamp rem DELTAGUID Entry GUID rem TIMEZONE Target timezone region rem TARGET_NAME Target name of entry rem HOSTNAME Host name for target rem TARGET_TYPE Target type of target rem SNAPSHOTTYPE Snapshot type name rem COLLECTIONTYPE Table name of entry rem TABLE_PATH Full path of table, including parents rem CATEGORY Fully qualified leaf category rem OPERATION Type of change (UPDATE,DELETE,INSERT,SAME) rem KEY1 Value of Key 1 rem KEY2 Value of Key 2 rem KEY3 Value of Key 3 rem KEY4 Value of Key 4 rem KEY5 Value of Key 5 rem ATTRIBUTE Attribute column name rem NEWVALUE New value of attribute rem OLDVALUE Old value of attribute rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ECM_CONFIG_HISTORY_KEY5 AS SELECT --UNIQUE e.delta_time AS DELTATIME, e.delta_entry_guid AS DELTAGUID, g.timezone_region AS TIMEZONE, g.target_name AS TARGET_NAME, g.host_name AS HOSTNAME, g.target_type AS TARGET_TYPE, p.snapshot_type AS SNAPSHOTTYPE, i.collection_type AS COLLECTIONTYPE, t.full_table_path AS TABLE_PATH, p.target_type || '|' || p.snapshot_type || '|' || t.full_table_path || '|L' AS CATEGORY, e.operation AS OPERATION, iv1.value AS KEY1, iv2.value AS KEY2, iv3.value AS KEY3, iv4.value AS KEY4, iv5.value AS KEY5, AS ATTRIBUTE, d.value AS NEWVALUE, d.old_value AS OLDVALUE FROM mgmt_ecm_md_hist_tbls t, mgmt_delta_entry e, mgmt_delta_entry_values d, mgmt_delta_ids i, mgmt_delta_id_values iv1, mgmt_delta_id_values iv2, mgmt_delta_id_values iv3, mgmt_delta_id_values iv4, mgmt_delta_id_values iv5, mgmt_delta_snap p, mgmt_targets g WHERE t.num_hist_ui_keys = 5 AND t.target_type = p.target_type AND t.snapshot_type = p.snapshot_type AND = i.collection_type AND p.delta_type = 'HISTORY' AND e.row_guid = i.row_guid AND e.delta_entry_guid = d.delta_entry_guid(+) AND e.operation != 'SAME' AND ((e.operation != 'UPDATE') OR NOT(NVL(d.value,' ') = NVL(d.old_value,' '))) AND p.delta_guid = e.delta_guid AND p.new_left_target_name = g.target_name AND p.target_type = g.target_type AND iv1.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key1 AND iv2.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key2 AND iv3.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key3 AND iv4.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key4 AND iv5.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key5 AND (exists (select * from mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_columns mdc where mdc.metadata_id = t.metadata_id AND mdc.table_name = AND = AND mdc.history_ui_on = 'Y') OR is null) WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem MGMT$ECM_CONFIG_HISTORY_KEY6 view returns the data needed for specific categories rem rem COLUMNS rem rem DELTATIME Entry collection timestamp rem DELTAGUID Entry GUID rem TIMEZONE Target timezone region rem TARGET_NAME Target name of entry rem HOSTNAME Host name for target rem TARGET_TYPE Target type of target rem SNAPSHOTTYPE Snapshot type name rem COLLECTIONTYPE Table name of entry rem TABLE_PATH Full path of table, including parents rem CATEGORY Fully qualified leaf category rem OPERATION Type of change (UPDATE,DELETE,INSERT,SAME) rem KEY1 Value of Key 1 rem KEY2 Value of Key 2 rem KEY3 Value of Key 3 rem KEY4 Value of Key 4 rem KEY5 Value of Key 5 rem KEY6 Value of Key 6 rem ATTRIBUTE Attribute column name rem NEWVALUE New value of attribute rem OLDVALUE Old value of attribute rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$ECM_CONFIG_HISTORY_KEY6 AS SELECT --UNIQUE e.delta_time AS DELTATIME, e.delta_entry_guid AS DELTAGUID, g.timezone_region AS TIMEZONE, g.target_name AS TARGET_NAME, g.host_name AS HOSTNAME, g.target_type AS TARGET_TYPE, p.snapshot_type AS SNAPSHOTTYPE, i.collection_type AS COLLECTIONTYPE, t.full_table_path AS TABLE_PATH, p.target_type || '|' || p.snapshot_type || '|' || t.full_table_path || '|L' AS CATEGORY, e.operation AS OPERATION, iv1.value AS KEY1, iv2.value AS KEY2, iv3.value AS KEY3, iv4.value AS KEY4, iv5.value AS KEY5, iv6.value AS KEY6, AS ATTRIBUTE, d.value AS NEWVALUE, d.old_value AS OLDVALUE FROM mgmt_ecm_md_hist_tbls t, mgmt_delta_entry e, mgmt_delta_entry_values d, mgmt_delta_ids i, mgmt_delta_id_values iv1, mgmt_delta_id_values iv2, mgmt_delta_id_values iv3, mgmt_delta_id_values iv4, mgmt_delta_id_values iv5, mgmt_delta_id_values iv6, mgmt_delta_snap p, mgmt_targets g WHERE t.num_hist_ui_keys = 6 AND t.target_type = p.target_type AND t.snapshot_type = p.snapshot_type AND = i.collection_type AND p.delta_type = 'HISTORY' AND e.row_guid = i.row_guid AND e.delta_entry_guid = d.delta_entry_guid(+) AND e.operation != 'SAME' AND ((e.operation != 'UPDATE') OR NOT(NVL(d.value,' ') = NVL(d.old_value,' '))) AND p.delta_guid = e.delta_guid AND p.new_left_target_name = g.target_name AND p.target_type = g.target_type AND iv1.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key1 AND iv2.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key2 AND iv3.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key3 AND iv4.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key4 AND iv5.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key5 AND iv6.delta_ids_guid = i.row_guid AND = t.hist_ui_key6 AND (exists (select * from mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_columns mdc where mdc.metadata_id = t.metadata_id AND mdc.table_name = AND = AND mdc.history_ui_on = 'Y') OR is null) WITH READ ONLY; rem ********************** CONFIG HISTORY VIEWS (END) ************************** rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT$EM_HOMES_PLATFORM view returns the data needed for the patches applied report rem rem COLUMNS rem rem PLATFORM_ID - The aru platform id of the home rem PLATFORM_NAME - The aru platform name of the home rem The hosts platform is returned in case rem the aru platform id cannot be determined rem PLATFORM_ID - The aru platform id CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$EM_HOMES_PLATFORM (HOME_ID, PLATFORM_ID, PLATFORM) AS SELECT home.container_guid as home_id, plat.platform_id as platform_id, plat.platform_name as platform FROM mgmt_inv_container home, mgmt_inv_container_property prop, mgmt_aru_platforms plat, mgmt_ecm_snapshot snap, mgmt_targets target WHERE home.container_type = 'O' and home.container_guid = prop.container_guid and prop.property_name = 'ARU_PLATFORM_ID' and plat.platform_id = to_number(prop.property_value) and home.snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid and snap.target_name = target.target_name and snap.target_type = target.target_type and snap.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and snap.is_current = 'Y' UNION SELECT distinct home.container_guid as home_id, plat.platform_id as platform_id, hos.property_value as platform FROM mgmt_inv_container home, mgmt_ecm_snapshot snap, mgmt_targets htg, mgmt_target_properties hos, mgmt_aru_platforms plat WHERE home.container_type = 'O' and home.snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid and snap.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and snap.is_current = 'Y' and snap.target_name = htg.target_name and snap.target_type = htg.target_type and htg.target_type = 'host' and htg.target_guid = hos.target_guid and hos.property_name = 'OS' and hos.property_value is not null and plat.em_os_name = hos.property_value and not exists ( select property_value from mgmt_inv_container_property p where container_guid = home.container_guid and p.property_name = 'ARU_PLATFORM_ID' ) WITH READ ONLY; rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT$HOMES_AFFECTED view returns the results for the Affected Homes report. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem HOST - The host name rem HOME_DIRECTORY - The home location rem TARGET_GUID - The target_guid rem ALERTS - Number of alerts affecting the home CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$HOMES_AFFECTED (HOST, HOME_DIRECTORY, TARGET_GUID, ALERTS) AS SELECT a.host_name as host, a.home_location as home_directory, a.target_guid, count (distinct advisory_name) as alerts FROM mgmt_bug_adv_home_patch a, mgmt_targets t WHERE a.target_guid = t.target_guid group by a.host_name,a.home_location,a.target_guid WITH READ ONLY; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT$PATCHES_AFFECTED view returns the results for the Advisories report. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem ADVISORY_NAME - The Alert that is being described rem IMPACT - The impact of the alert rem ABSTRACT - The abtract of what the Alert applies to rem HOST_NAME - The host on which the affected home lies rem HOME_LOCATION - The Directory of the Home rem TARGET_GUID - The target_guid of the home CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$PATCH_ADVISORIES (ADVISORY_NAME, IMPACT, ABSTRACT, HOST_NAME, HOME_LOCATION, TARGET_GUID) AS SELECT hom.advisory_name, adv.impact, adv.abstract, hom.host_name, hom.home_location, tgt.TARGET_GUID FROM mgmt_bug_advisory adv, mgmt_bug_adv_home_patch hom, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE adv.advisory_name = hom.advisory_name and tgt.target_type = 'host' and tgt.target_name = hom.host_name group by hom.advisory_name,impact,abstract,hom.host_name,home_location,tgt.target_guid WITH READ ONLY; COMMENT ON COLUMN SYSMAN.MGMT$PATCH_ADVISORIES.ADVISORY_NAME IS 'the advisory which is applicable to the home'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SYSMAN.MGMT$PATCH_ADVISORIES.TARGET_GUID IS 'target_guid of the home'; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT$APPL_PATCH_AND_PATCHSET view returns the results for the Applicable Patches/Patchsets report rem rem COLUMNS rem rem PATCH_ID - The patch_id of the Patch/Patchset rem TYPE - The type of entry(Patch or Patchset) rem PRODUCT - product name on which the patch is applicable rem PATCH_RELEASE - The release_name of the patch. rem For a patch it is the version that it is applicable on. rem For a patchset it is the version that the home becomes on applying the patchset. rem PLATFORM - The platform on which the patch is applicable rem ADVISORY - The advisory which is applicable for the patch rem HOST_NAME - The host name of the home on which the patch is applicable rem HOME_LOCATION - The directory of the Home on which the patch is applicable rem PATCH_GUID - The patch_guid of the patch/patchset rem TARGET_GUID - The target_guid of the home CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$APPL_PATCH_AND_PATCHSET (PATCH_ID, TYPE, PRODUCT, PATCH_RELEASE, PLATFORM, ADVISORY, HOST_NAME, HOME_LOCATION, PATCH_GUID, TARGET_GUID) AS SELECT ap.patch_id, ap.patch_type as type, prod.product_name as product, rel.release_name as patch_release, plat.platform_name as platform, ecm_util.patch_advisory_list(pp.patch_guid) as advisory, patch.host_name, patch.home_location, patch.patch_guid, patch.target_guid FROM mgmt_bug_available_patch ap, mgmt_bug_patch_platform pp, mgmt_aru_products prod, mgmt_aru_releases rel, mgmt_aru_platforms plat, mgmt_bug_adv_home_patch patch, mgmt_targets targets WHERE ap.ap_guid = pp.ap_guid and ap.product_id = prod.product_id and ap.release_id = rel.release_id and pp.PLATFORM_ID = plat.PLATFORM_ID and pp.patch_guid = patch.patch_guid and patch.target_guid = targets.target_guid WITH READ ONLY; rem PURPOSE rem rem The view returns the results for the Applied Patches report rem rem COLUMNS rem rem PATCH - The patch id of the patch applied rem BUGS - The list of bugs that the patch fixes rem INSTALLATION_TIME - The installation time of the patch rem HOST - The Host on which the patch was applied rem HOME_LOCATION - The Home Directory on which the patch was applied. rem HOME_NAME - The Home Name where the patch was applied rem CONTAINER_GUID - The container_guid of the home rem TARGET_GUID - The target_guid of the target CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$APPLIED_PATCHES (PATCH, BUGS, INSTALLATION_TIME, HOST, HOME_LOCATION, HOME_NAME, CONTAINER_GUID, TARGET_GUID) AS SELECT to_char( as patch, ecm_util.fixed_bugs_in_patch(patch.patch_guid) as bugs, patch.timestamp as installation_time, tgt.target_name as host, con.container_location as home_location, con.container_name as home_name, con.container_guid, tgt.target_guid FROM mgmt_inv_container con, mgmt_ecm_snapshot snap, mgmt_inv_patch patch, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE con.snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid AND snap.is_current = 'Y' AND snap.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' AND con.container_guid = patch.container_guid AND tgt.target_name = snap.target_name WITH READ ONLY; rem PURPOSE rem rem The view returns the results for the Applied Patchsets report rem rem COLUMNS rem rem VERSION - The platform version rem NAME - The Patchset Name rem TIMESTAMP - The installation time of the patch rem HOST - The Host on which the patch was applied rem HOME_NAME - The Home Name where the patch was applied rem HOME_LOCATION - The Home Directory on which the patch was applied. rem CONTAINER_GUID - The container_guid of the home rem TARGET_GUID - The target_guid of the target CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$APPLIED_PATCHSETS (VERSION, NAME, TIMESTAMP, HOST, HOME_NAME, HOME_LOCATION, CONTAINER_GUID, TARGET_GUID) AS SELECT patchset.version, NVL(patchset.external_name, as name, patchset.timestamp, snap.target_name as host, con.container_name as home_name, con.container_location as home_location, con.container_guid, tgt.target_guid FROM mgmt_inv_container con, mgmt_ecm_snapshot snap, mgmt_inv_patchset patchset, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE con.snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid AND snap.is_current = 'Y' AND snap.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' AND con.container_guid = patchset.container_guid AND tgt.target_name = snap.target_name WITH READ ONLY; rem Create Host Patching views. @&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/latest/ecm/ecm_hostpatch_views.sql show errors;