Rem Rem $Header: emcore/source/oracle/sysman/emdrep/sql/core/latest/ecm/ecm_delta_pkgbody.sql /st_emcore_10. 2011/06/28 10:53:26 rajranja Exp $ Rem Rem ecm_delta_pkgbody.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ecm_delta_pkgbody.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem vkhizder 06/18/09 - XbranchMerge vkhizder_bug6503115_10g from Rem st_emcore_10. Rem rrawat 06/01/07 - Bug-6082851 Rem rrawat 07/03/07 - Backport rrawat_6082851_rr from main Rem rrawat 06/01/07 - Bug-6082851 Rem rrawat 06/27/07 - Backport rrawat_bug-6082851 from main Rem jsmoler 01/12/06 - fix bug 4902525 Rem asaraswa 12/08/05 - Backport asaraswa_bug-4200301 from main Rem asaraswa 10/25/05 - fixing 4200301 Rem rrawat 06/20/05 - fix 4438657 Rem agor 06/17/05 - fix 3967064 Rem agor 04/12/05 - fix 4148619 Rem agor 03/08/05 - take care of keys which can be null Rem smalathe 11/26/04 - Bug#3903438: Modify query on MGMT_DELTA_IDS Rem jsmoler 11/04/04 - fix bug Rem smalathe 09/17/04 - Bug#3879246: Change GET_CURSOR function to Rem incorporate RAW datatype Rem mgoodric 07/16/04 - Add NLS key lookup Rem awarkar 12/05/03 - Bug Fix For Issue#3284443 Rem awarkar 11/15/03 - Bug Fix For Issue#3255739 Rem shuberma 11/10/03 - Making target purge policy system based Rem shuberma 09/18/03 - Adding exception block Rem shuberma 09/18/03 - Add purge policy callback Rem vkhizder 08/06/03 - fix for history related to single row tables Rem shuberma 07/11/03 - Fixing problem that prevents compilation of body Rem shuberma 07/08/03 - Fixing 2K database problem Rem shuberma 06/27/03 - Improvements to COMPARE_KEYS as per vitaliy''s comments/ Rem shuberma 06/25/03 - Fixing the compare_keys procedure so it handles null key values Rem shuberma 06/11/03 - Save directly to the repository instead of accumulating diffs in memory Rem shuberma 04/17/03 - Adding new areg to the retrieve comparison procedure Rem shuberma 03/20/03 - Adding optional arguments to purge history Rem shuberma 01/27/03 - Add method for getting entire save comparison Rem shuberma 01/14/03 - Changing start_delta signature Rem shuberma 12/30/02 - Adding work around for plsql bug 2013606 Rem shuberma 12/10/02 - adding new save comparison method Rem shuberma 11/20/02 - Making comparison use object for recording deltas Rem shuberma 11/19/02 - Modifying to allow use of delta query for both history can compare Rem shuberma 11/01/02 - Performance Rem shuberma 10/24/02 - Speeding up comparison Rem shuberma 10/17/02 - Adding PURGE_HISTORY procedure Rem shuberma 09/20/02 - passing two queries instead of one Rem shuberma 09/12/02 - Moving sql generation for compare into plsql Rem shuberma 09/05/02 - Adding method for doing comparisons and saving Rem shuberma 08/21/02 - add summary info to diff_query processing Rem shuberma 08/23/02 - Changes to allow for saving comparisons Rem shuberma 08/14/02 - fix bug when deltavalues are null for exist Rem shuberma 06/21/02 - Allow insert and deletes without values Rem shuberma 06/05/02 - Use delta values instead of name values for passing attributes.. Rem shuberma 05/22/02 - . Rem shuberma 05/17/02 - Adding type specific methods.. Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY MGMT_DELTA IS -- First a couple of constants used as templates for the sql queries. EACH_QUERY_TEMPLATE CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'select <TC1> from <TC2> f where <TC3> <TC4>'; -- <comma_separated_list_from_first_key_list_and_diff_list> TC1 CONSTANT VARCHAR2(5) := '<TC1>'; -- <one_query_in_parens_or_table_name_or_view_name> TC2 CONSTANT VARCHAR2(5) := '<TC2>'; -- <id_first_and_list> TC3 CONSTANT VARCHAR2(5) := '<TC3>'; -- <order_by_comma_separated_match_character_col_list> TC4 CONSTANT VARCHAR2(5) := '<TC4>'; TYPE T_ROW_GUID_TABLE IS TABLE OF MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY.ROW_GUID%TYPE; -- Constants used when selected configuration-item-type-instances are compared (only applicable to host) -- in these cases direct calls are made to DO_DIFF_QUERIES/DO_DIFF_QUERIES_AND_SAVE instead of -- MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT_PKG.COMPARE_GEN_CONF_AND_SAVE QUERY_PASSED_NOT_SIMPLE_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(20) := 'QUERY_PASSED:'; QUERY_INDICATOR_LENGTH CONSTANT SMALLINT := length(QUERY_PASSED_NOT_SIMPLE_NAME); -- Vendor Software Components (java flow is never hit so dont need to define here) -- COMPARE_QUERY_CONSTANT_VSCI CONSTANT VARCHAR2(20) := QUERY_PASSED_NOT_SIMPLE_NAME || 'VSCI'; -- COMPARE_QUERY_VSCI CONSTANT VARCHAR2( 4000) := -- 'SELECT name, type, version, vendor_software_guid' || -- ' FROM MGMT_HC_VENDOR_SW_COMPONENTS' || -- ' WHERE type = '; -- Dependees For Oracle Component COMPARE_QUERY_CONSTANT_DFOC CONSTANT VARCHAR2(20) := QUERY_PASSED_NOT_SIMPLE_NAME || 'DFOC'; COMPARE_QUERY_DFOC CONSTANT VARCHAR2( 4000) := ' ( ' || 'select unique ' || ', ' || ' ecm_util.CONCAT_COMPONENT_VERSION(, ' || ' component.container_guid) version, ' || ' component.external_name, ' || ' component_home.container_location, ' || ' component_home.snapshot_guid ' || 'from ' || ' mgmt_inv_component component, ' || ' ( ' || ' SELECT UNIQUE relationship.dependee_guid ' || ' FROM mgmt_inv_dependency_rule relationship ' || ' START WITH relationship.referencer_guid = ' || ' ( SELECT component_guid ' || ' FROM mgmt_inv_component r, mgmt_inv_container rh ' || ' WHERE rh.snapshot_guid = :b1 ' || ' AND rh.container_location = :b4 ' || ' AND rh.container_guid = r.container_guid ' || ' AND = :b2 ' || ' AND r.version = :b3) ' || ' CONNECT BY relationship.referencer_guid = PRIOR relationship.dependee_guid ' || ' ) rel , ' || ' mgmt_inv_container component_home ' || 'where component.component_guid = rel.dependee_guid ' || ' and component.container_guid = component_home.container_guid ' || ' ) '; -- Oracle PatchSets In Container COMPARE_QUERY_CONSTANT_OPSIC CONSTANT VARCHAR2(20) := QUERY_PASSED_NOT_SIMPLE_NAME || 'OPSIC'; COMPARE_QUERY_OPSIC CONSTANT VARCHAR2( 4000) := ' ( ' || ' SELECT home.snapshot_guid as snapshot_guid, ' || ' home.container_location as location, ' || ' p.external_name as name, p.version as version ' || ' FROM MGMT_INV_PATCHSET p, MGMT_INV_CONTAINER home ' || ' WHERE p.container_guid = home.container_guid ' || ' ) '; -- Oracle Interim-patches In Container COMPARE_QUERY_CONSTANT_OIPIC CONSTANT VARCHAR2(20) := QUERY_PASSED_NOT_SIMPLE_NAME || 'OIPIC'; COMPARE_QUERY_OIPIC CONSTANT VARCHAR2( 4000) := ' ( ' || ' SELECT home.snapshot_guid as snapshot_guid, ' || ' home.container_location as location, as patch_id' || ' FROM MGMT_INV_PATCH p, MGMT_INV_CONTAINER home ' || ' WHERE p.container_guid = home.container_guid ' || ' ) '; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A convenience function that returns a string that is all the keys -- of all the key's name-value pairs. This can be used to compare keys. -- Example result "VAL1VAL2" -- PROCEDURE GET_KEY_STRINGS( v_key MGMT_NAME_VALUES, v_key_string out VARCHAR2, v_key_string_rest out VARCHAR2 ) IS i NUMBER; BEGIN v_key_string := ''; v_key_string_rest := ''; IF v_key IS NULL OR v_key.COUNT = 0 THEN v_key_string := 'DEFAULT KEY STRING FOR SINGLE ROW KEYLESS SNAPSHOT TABLES'; RETURN; END IF; i := v_key.FIRST; BEGIN WHILE i IS NOT NULL LOOP v_key_string := v_key_string || ' ' || LENGTH(v_key(i).VALUE) || ' ' || v_key(i).VALUE; i := v_key.NEXT(i); END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN VALUE_ERROR THEN WHILE i IS NOT NULL LOOP v_key_string_rest := v_key_string_rest || ' ' || LENGTH(v_key(i).VALUE) || ' ' || v_key(i).VALUE; i := v_key.NEXT(i); END LOOP; END; EXCEPTION WHEN VALUE_ERROR THEN RETURN; -- Truncated. END GET_KEY_STRINGs; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Register an object key for a table. It returns a unique key, independent from the -- actual row values that identify the row. -- If already registered, no action is taken except to return the delta guid id for the row. -- v_collection_type The name of the table for which to record delta operations OR, an identifying -- category for the data being recorded, e.g. KERNAL_PARAMETERS. -- v_new_objkey A list (MGMT_NAME_VALUES) of name value pairs (MGMT_NAME_VALUE) that -- make of the key, or identifying information for the record being changed. The name -- component of each is typically a column name. -- RETURNS A guid representing the delta guid id used to identify all delta entries -- for the associated history rows. PROCEDURE REGISTER_OBJECT( v_collection_type VARCHAR2, v_new_objkey MGMT_NAME_VALUES, v_new_entryguid RAW, v_last_entryguid out RAW, v_row_guid out RAW ) IS l_tempkey MGMT_DELTA_IDS.KEY_STRING%TYPE; l_tempkeyrest MGMT_DELTA_IDS.KEY_STRING_REST%TYPE; BEGIN -- First see if the new obj is already registered. v_row_guid := NULL; v_last_entryguid := NULL; MGMT_DELTA.GET_KEY_STRINGS( v_new_objkey, l_tempkey, l_tempkeyrest ); -- A row was found, and the old and new row ids are different. -- Update the registration. UPDATE MGMT_DELTA_IDS SET LAST_DELTA_ENTRY_GUID = v_new_entryguid, LAST_UPDATED_TIME = SYSDATE WHERE KEY_STRING = l_tempkey AND COLLECTION_TYPE = v_collection_type AND nvl(KEY_STRING_REST, ' ') = nvl(l_tempkeyrest, ' ') RETURNING LAST_DELTA_ENTRY_GUID, ROW_GUID INTO v_last_entryguid, v_row_guid; IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_DELTA_IDS( LAST_DELTA_ENTRY_GUID, COLLECTION_TYPE, KEY_STRING, KEY_STRING_REST, LAST_UPDATED_TIME ) VALUES (v_new_entryguid, v_collection_type, l_tempkey, l_tempkeyrest, SYSDATE ) RETURNING ROW_GUID into v_row_guid; --Add the entries only if the key is not null and are not 0 IF (v_new_objkey IS NOT NULL AND v_new_objkey.COUNT > 0 ) THEN FOR i IN v_new_objkey.FIRST .. v_new_objkey.LAST LOOP INSERT INTO MGMT_DELTA_ID_VALUES( DELTA_IDS_GUID, NAME, VALUE, TYPE ) VALUES (v_row_guid, v_new_objkey(i).NAME, v_new_objkey(i).VALUE, v_new_objkey(i).TYPE ); END LOOP; END IF; END IF; END REGISTER_OBJECT; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROCEDURE RECORD_DELTA_ENTRY_VALUES( v_delta_entryguid RAW, v_column_values MGMT_DELTA_VALUES ) IS BEGIN IF v_column_values IS NULL OR v_column_values.COUNT <= 0 THEN RETURN; END IF; FOR i IN v_column_values.FIRST..v_column_values.LAST LOOP INSERT INTO MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_VALUES( DELTA_ENTRY_GUID, NAME, VALUE, OLD_VALUE, TYPE ) VALUES (v_delta_entryguid, v_column_values(i).NAME, v_column_values(i).LEFT_VALUE, v_column_values(i).RIGHT_VALUE, v_column_values(i).TYPE ); END LOOP; END RECORD_DELTA_ENTRY_VALUES; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Record a peration on the named table. -- v_collection_type: The name of the table for which to record a delete operation OR, an identifying -- category for the data being recorded, e.g. KERNAL_PARAMETERS. -- v_objkey: A list (MGMT_NAME_VALUES) of name value pairs (MGMT_NAME_VALUE) that -- make of the key, or identifying information for the record being deleted. The name -- component of each is typically a column name. -- v_column_values: This is a set (MGMT_DELTA_VALUES) of MGMT_DELTA_VALUE -- (column_name-new_column_value-old_column_value triplets) -- that capture all the column values for the row being deleted. -- The new value is left null. Typically, the -- name field is a column name and the values, the column value. However, when the -- table information being captured is a NAME-VALUE pair type table, then the name field of -- MGMT_DELTA_VALUE may actually be the value of the source table's NAME column. -- v_operation: Typically INSERT_C, UPDATE_C or DELETE_C PROCEDURE RECORD_OPERATION( v_collection_type VARCHAR2, v_objkey MGMT_NAME_VALUES, v_column_values MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, v_operation VARCHAR2, v_time DATE := SYSDATE ) IS l_row_guid RAW(16); l_deltaguid RAW(16); l_new_entryguid RAW(16); l_last_entryguid RAW(16); BEGIN -- First lookup the delta guid for the current transaction. l_deltaguid := GET_CURRENT_DELTA_GUID(); l_new_entryguid := SYS_GUID(); REGISTER_OBJECT( v_collection_type, v_objkey, l_new_entryguid, l_last_entryguid, l_row_guid ); INSERT INTO MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY( DELTA_GUID, ROW_GUID, OPERATION, DELTA_ENTRY_GUID, PREV_DELTA_ENTRY_GUID, DELTA_TIME) VALUES (l_deltaguid, l_row_guid, v_operation, l_new_entryguid, l_last_entryguid, v_time ); RECORD_DELTA_ENTRY_VALUES( l_new_entryguid, v_column_values ); END RECORD_OPERATION; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Record a delete operation on the named table. -- v_collection_type: The name of the table for which to record a delete operation OR, an identifying -- category for the data being recorded, e.g. KERNAL_PARAMETERS. -- v_objkey: A list (MGMT_NAME_VALUES) of name value pairs (MGMT_NAME_VALUE) that -- make of the key, or identifying information for the record being deleted. The name -- component of each is typically a column name. -- v_old_column_values: This is a set (MGMT_DELTA_VALUES) of MGMT_DELTA_VALUE -- (column_name-new_column_value-old_column_value triplets) -- that capture all the column values for the row being deleted. -- The new value is left null. Typically, the -- name field is a column name and the values, the column value. However, when the -- table information being captured is a NAME-VALUE pair type table, then the name field of -- MGMT_DELTA_VALUE may actually be the value of the source table's NAME column. -- PROCEDURE RECORD_DELETE( v_collection_type VARCHAR2, v_objkey MGMT_NAME_VALUES, v_old_column_values MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, v_time DATE := SYSDATE ) IS BEGIN RECORD_OPERATION( v_collection_type, v_objkey, v_old_column_values, DELETE_C, v_time ); END RECORD_DELETE; -- Record an update operation on the named table. -- v_collection_type: The name of the table for which to record an update operation OR, an identifying -- category for the data being recorded, e.g. KERNAL_PARAMETERS. -- v_objkey: A list (MGMT_NAME_VALUES) of name value pairs (MGMT_NAME_VALUE) that -- make of the key, or identifying information for the record being deleted. The name -- component of each is typically a column name. -- v_old_column_values: This is a set (MGMT_DELTA_VALUES) of MGMT_DELTA_VALUE -- (column_name-new_column_value-old_column_value triplets) -- that capture all the column values for the row being updated. Typically, the -- name field is a column name and the values, the column value. However, when the -- table information being captured is a NAME-VALUE pair type table, then the name field of -- MGMT_DELTA_VALUE may actually be the value of the source table's NAME column. PROCEDURE RECORD_UPDATE( v_collection_type VARCHAR2, v_objkey MGMT_NAME_VALUES, v_updated_column_values MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, v_time DATE := SYSDATE ) IS BEGIN IF v_updated_column_values IS NOT NULL AND v_updated_column_values.COUNT > 0 THEN RECORD_OPERATION( v_collection_type, v_objkey, v_updated_column_values, UPDATE_C, v_time ); END IF; END RECORD_UPDATE; -- Record an insert operation on the named table. -- v_collection_type: The name of the table for which to record an insert operation OR, an identifying -- category for the data being recorded, e.g. KERNAL_PARAMETERS. -- v_objkey: A list (MGMT_NAME_VALUES) of name value pairs (MGMT_NAME_VALUE) that -- make of the key, or identifying information for the record being inserted. The name -- component of each is typically a column name. -- v_inserted_column_value This is a set (MGMT_DELTA_VALUES) of -- MGMT_DELTA_VALUE (column_name-new_column_value-old_column_value triplets) -- that capture all the column values for the row being inserted. -- The old value field is left NULL. -- Typically, the name field is a column name and the values, the column value. -- However, when the table information being captured is a NAME-VALUE -- pair type table, then the name field of MGMT_DELTA_VALUE may actually -- be the value of the source table's NAME column. PROCEDURE RECORD_INSERT( v_collection_type VARCHAR2, v_objkey MGMT_NAME_VALUES, v_inserted_column_values MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, v_time DATE := SYSDATE ) IS BEGIN RECORD_OPERATION( v_collection_type, v_objkey, v_inserted_column_values, INSERT_C, v_time ); END RECORD_INSERT; ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This procedure is a convenience function that compares the old and new values and -- only adds an entry to the MGMT_DELTA_VALUES list if the two are different. -- v_updatetable The list of delta values. Could be passed in as null. If -- null, it will be assigned a new MGMT_DELTA_VALUES object. -- v_attribute_name The name of the attribute or column used to identify the value in -- the name-new_val-old_val triplet. -- v_right_value The old value of the attribute -- v_left_value The new value of the attribute. -- PROCEDURE TEST_AND_ADD_DELTA( v_updatetable in out MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, v_attribute_name in VARCHAR2, v_right_value in VARCHAR2, v_left_value in VARCHAR2, v_attribute_type in CHAR ) IS BEGIN IF NVL(v_right_value,' ') <> NVL(v_left_value,' ') THEN IF v_updatetable IS NULL THEN v_updatetable := MGMT_DELTA_VALUES(); END IF; v_updatetable.EXTEND; v_updatetable(v_updatetable.LAST) := MGMT_DELTA_VALUE( v_attribute_name, v_left_value, v_right_value, DIFFERENT_C, v_attribute_type ); END IF; END TEST_AND_ADD_DELTA; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- DO_TEST -- This function evaluates the p_pred rule that is passed in and returns the resulting -- value. If the predicate being passed in is null, then a default of an inequality comparison -- is performed. The condition is a sql conditional expression with the identifiers left and right -- being used to represent the left and right values. -- FUNCTION DO_TEST( p_pred VARCHAR2, left_value VARCHAR2, right_value VARCHAR2 ) RETURN boolean IS RES NUMBER; rule VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN IF p_pred IS NULL THEN RETURN nvl(left_value, ' ') <> nvl(right_value, ' '); ELSE rule := 'declare left VARCHAR2(1000); right VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN LEFT := :1; RIGHT := :2; select case when ' || EM_CHECK.NOOP(p_pred) || ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END INTO :3 from dual; END;'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE rule USING left_value, right_value, out RES; IF RES = 1 THEN RETURN true; END IF; END IF; RETURN false; END; FUNCTION DO_TEST( p_pred VARCHAR2, left_value TIMESTAMP, right_value TIMESTAMP ) RETURN boolean IS RES NUMBER; rule VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN IF p_pred IS NULL THEN RETURN nvl(to_char(left_value), ' ') <> nvl(to_char(right_value), ' '); ELSE rule := 'declare left TIMESTAMP; right TIMESTAMP; BEGIN LEFT := :1; RIGHT := :2; select case when ' || EM_CHECK.NOOP(p_pred) || ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END INTO :3 from dual; END;'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE rule USING left_value, right_value, out RES; IF RES = 1 THEN RETURN true; END IF; END IF; return false; END; FUNCTION DO_TEST( p_pred VARCHAR2, left_value NUMBER, right_value NUMBER ) RETURN boolean IS RES NUMBER; rule VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN IF p_pred IS NULL THEN RETURN nvl(left_value, 0) <> nvl(right_value, 0); ELSE rule := 'declare left NUMBER; right NUMBER; BEGIN LEFT := :1; RIGHT := :2; select case when ' || EM_CHECK.NOOP(p_pred) || ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END INTO :3 from dual; END;'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE rule USING left_value, right_value, out RES; IF RES = 1 THEN RETURN true; END IF; END IF; return false; END; ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This procedure is a convenience function that compares the old and new values and -- only adds an entry to the MGMT_DELTA_VALUES list if the two are different. -- v_updatetable The list of delta values. Could be passed in as null. If -- null, it will be assigned a new MGMT_DELTA_VALUES object. -- v_attribute A name value pair, the name is the name of the attribute, -- and the value is a rule for testing. -- v_left_value The new value of the attribute -- v_right_value The old value of the attribute. -- v_left_value The new value of the attribute -- v_right_value The old value of the attribute. FUNCTION TEST_AND_ADD_DIFF( v_updatetable in out MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, v_attribute in MGMT_DELTA_VALUE, v_left_value in VARCHAR2, v_right_value in VARCHAR2, v_flags in SMALLINT ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS BEGIN IF DO_TEST(v_attribute.LEFT_VALUE, v_left_value, v_right_value ) THEN IF v_updatetable IS NULL THEN v_updatetable := MGMT_DELTA_VALUES(); END IF; v_updatetable.EXTEND; v_updatetable(v_updatetable.LAST) := MGMT_DELTA_VALUE(, v_left_value, v_right_value, DIFFERENT_C, STRING_TYPE_C ); RETURN TRUE; ELSE -- The old value of the attribute is an indicator that same should be returned. IF (v_attribute.RIGHT_VALUE IS NOT NULL) OR (v_flags = RETURN_ALL) THEN IF v_updatetable IS NULL THEN v_updatetable := MGMT_DELTA_VALUES(); END IF; v_updatetable.EXTEND; -- Return both. We will indicate same, but may be different because of the -- rules. v_updatetable(v_updatetable.LAST) := MGMT_DELTA_VALUE(, v_left_value, v_right_value, SAME_C, STRING_TYPE_C ); END IF; END IF; RETURN FALSE; END TEST_AND_ADD_DIFF; FUNCTION GET_UTC_TIMESTAMP_STRING( p_time TIMESTAMP ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS l_charTime VARCHAR2(40); BEGIN l_charTime := NULL; IF p_time IS NOT NULL THEN -- work around for a plsql bug in 9.0.1, bug # 2013606 -- l_charTime := to_char(SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(p_time), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF' ); execute immediate 'select to_char(SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(:p_time), ''YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF'' ) from dual' into l_charTime using p_time; END IF; RETURN l_charTime; END GET_UTC_TIMESTAMP_STRING; FUNCTION TEST_AND_ADD_DIFF( v_updatetable in out MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, v_attribute in MGMT_DELTA_VALUE, v_left_value in TIMESTAMP, v_right_value in TIMESTAMP, v_flags in SMALLINT ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS BEGIN IF DO_TEST(v_attribute.LEFT_VALUE, v_left_value, v_right_value ) THEN IF v_updatetable IS NULL THEN v_updatetable := MGMT_DELTA_VALUES(); END IF; v_updatetable.EXTEND; v_updatetable(v_updatetable.LAST) := MGMT_DELTA_VALUE(, GET_UTC_TIMESTAMP_STRING( v_left_value ), GET_UTC_TIMESTAMP_STRING( v_right_value ), DIFFERENT_C, DATETIME_TYPE_C ); RETURN TRUE; ELSE -- The old value of the attribute is an indicator that same should be returned. IF (v_attribute.RIGHT_VALUE IS NOT NULL) OR (v_flags = RETURN_ALL) THEN IF v_updatetable IS NULL THEN v_updatetable := MGMT_DELTA_VALUES(); END IF; v_updatetable.EXTEND; -- Return both. We will indicate same, but may be different because of the -- rules. v_updatetable(v_updatetable.LAST) := MGMT_DELTA_VALUE(, GET_UTC_TIMESTAMP_STRING(v_left_value ), GET_UTC_TIMESTAMP_STRING( v_right_value ), SAME_C, DATETIME_TYPE_C ); END IF; END IF; RETURN FALSE; END TEST_AND_ADD_DIFF; FUNCTION TEST_AND_ADD_DIFF( v_updatetable in out MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, v_attribute in MGMT_DELTA_VALUE, v_left_value in NUMBER, v_right_value in NUMBER, v_flags in SMALLINT ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS BEGIN IF DO_TEST(v_attribute.LEFT_VALUE, v_left_value, v_right_value ) THEN IF v_updatetable IS NULL THEN v_updatetable := MGMT_DELTA_VALUES(); END IF; v_updatetable.EXTEND; v_updatetable(v_updatetable.LAST) := MGMT_DELTA_VALUE(, v_left_value, v_right_value, DIFFERENT_C, NUMBER_TYPE_C ); RETURN TRUE; ELSE -- The old value of the attribute is an indicator that same should be returned. IF (v_attribute.RIGHT_VALUE IS NOT NULL) OR (v_flags = RETURN_ALL) THEN IF v_updatetable IS NULL THEN v_updatetable := MGMT_DELTA_VALUES(); END IF; v_updatetable.EXTEND; -- Return both. We will indicate same, but may be different because of the -- rules. v_updatetable(v_updatetable.LAST) := MGMT_DELTA_VALUE(, v_left_value, v_right_value, SAME_C, NUMBER_TYPE_C ); END IF; END IF; RETURN FALSE; END TEST_AND_ADD_DIFF; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE ADD_NON_NULL_DELTA_VALUE( v_deltavalues in out MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, v_attribute_name in VARCHAR2, v_right_value in VARCHAR2, v_left_value in VARCHAR2, v_attribute_type in CHAR, p_side in VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN IF v_deltavalues IS NULL THEN v_deltavalues := MGMT_DELTA_VALUES(); END IF; v_deltavalues.EXTEND; v_deltavalues(v_deltavalues.LAST) := MGMT_DELTA_VALUE( v_attribute_name, v_left_value, v_right_value, p_side, v_attribute_type ); END ADD_NON_NULL_DELTA_VALUE; -- Register the start of a delta time slice. Used to associated a set of IUDs as part of -- the same delta. The caller can supplied thier own delta guid or have a new delta guid -- generated. This allows the code that calls the RECORD_XXX methods, such as triggers, -- to look up the delta guid for the current transaction. Note that the transaction id, should be kept -- up to date by calling the update_delta_XACT after any intermediate commits. The GUID returned will be -- a guid identifying the delta and is the same as v_delta_guid. -- v_delta_guid: A identifier of the current delta. If not supplied, the default will generate -- one. -- RETURNS: The delta guid. -- FUNCTION START_DELTA( v_delta_guid RAW := SYS_GUID()) RETURN RAW IS BEGIN INSERT INTO MGMT_DELTA_SNAP( DELTA_GUID, TRANSACTION_ID ) VALUES (v_delta_guid, DBMS_TRANSACTION.LOCAL_TRANSACTION_ID()); RETURN v_delta_guid; END START_DELTA; -- Register the start of a delta time slice. Used to associated a set of IUDs as part of -- the same delta. The caller can supplied thier own delta guid or have a new delta guid -- generated. This allows the code that calls the RECORD_XXX methods, such as triggers, -- to look up the delta guid for the current transaction. Note that the transaction id, should be kept -- up to date by calling the update_delta_XACT after any intermediate commits. The GUID returned will be -- a guid identifying the delta and is the same as v_delta_guid. -- l_snapguid: Snapshot_guid of the NEW or LEFT Snapshot. -- l_timestamp: The timestamp of the snapshot. -- l_target_name: Name of the left snapshot's target -- r_snapguid: Snapshot_guid of the OLD or RIGHT snapshot. -- r_timestamp: The timestamp of the snapshot. -- r_target_name: Name of the right snapshot's target -- target_type: Name of the targets' type -- snapshot_type: Name of the snapshots' type -- delta_type: The type of delta. (COMPARISON, HISTORY) -- v_delta_guid: A identifier of the current delta. If not supplied, the default will generate -- one. -- RETURNS: The delta guid. -- FUNCTION START_DELTA( l_snapguid RAW, l_timestamp DATE, l_target_name VARCHAR2, r_snapguid RAW, r_timestamp DATE, r_target_name VARCHAR2, target_type VARCHAR2, snapshot_type VARCHAR2, delta_type VARCHAR2, v_delta_guid RAW := SYS_GUID()) RETURN RAW IS BEGIN INSERT INTO MGMT_DELTA_SNAP( DELTA_GUID, TRANSACTION_ID, DELTA_TYPE, TARGET_TYPE, SNAPSHOT_TYPE, NEW_LEFT_SNAPSHOT_GUID, NEW_LEFT_TIMESTAMP, NEW_LEFT_TARGET_NAME, OLD_RIGHT_SNAPSHOT_GUID, OLD_RIGHT_TIMESTAMP, OLD_RIGHT_TARGET_NAME ) VALUES (v_delta_guid, DBMS_TRANSACTION.LOCAL_TRANSACTION_ID(), delta_type, target_type, snapshot_type, l_snapguid, l_timestamp, l_target_name, r_snapguid, r_timestamp, r_target_name ); RETURN v_delta_guid; END START_DELTA; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Update the delta identified by v_delta_guid. This will updated the deltas transaction id -- to be the current tranaction id. Used when intermediate commits are performed. -- v_delta_guid: The identifier of the delta for which to update the transaction id. -- PROCEDURE UPDATE_DELTA_XACT( v_delta_guid RAW ) IS BEGIN UPDATE MGMT_DELTA_SNAP SET TRANSACTION_ID = DBMS_TRANSACTION.LOCAL_TRANSACTION_ID WHERE DELTA_GUID = v_delta_guid; END UPDATE_DELTA_XACT; -- Get the delta_guid for the current transaction -- If none are recorded, i.e. not in a delta, then the delta guid will be "NO_DELTA"; -- FUNCTION GET_CURRENT_DELTA_GUID RETURN RAW IS l_deltaguid RAW(16); BEGIN BEGIN SELECT DELTA_GUID INTO l_deltaguid FROM MGMT_DELTA_SNAP WHERE TRANSACTION_ID = DBMS_TRANSACTION.LOCAL_TRANSACTION_ID(); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN l_deltaguid := NULL; END; IF (l_deltaguid IS NULL) THEN l_deltaguid := NO_DELTA; END IF; RETURN l_deltaguid; END GET_CURRENT_DELTA_GUID; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A convenience function that returns a string that is a concatenated list -- of all the key's name-value pairs. This can be used to compare keys. -- Example result "NAME1=VAL1 NAME2=VAL2" -- FUNCTION GET_DELTA_KEY_DISPLAY_STRING( v_key_row_guid RAW ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS tmp VARCHAR2(4000); tmp1 VARCHAR2( 4000); l_name VARCHAR2(64); l_value VARCHAR2(4000); CURSOR c1 IS SELECT NAME, "VALUE" FROM MGMT_DELTA_ID_VALUES WHERE DELTA_IDS_GUID = v_key_row_guid; BEGIN tmp := NULL; OPEN C1; LOOP FETCH c1 INTO l_name, l_value; EXIT WHEN c1%NOTFOUND; tmp1 := l_name || '=' ||l_value; IF tmp IS NULL THEN tmp := tmp1; ELSE tmp := tmp || ' ' || tmp1; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN tmp; EXCEPTION WHEN VALUE_ERROR THEN RETURN tmp; -- Truncated. END GET_DELTA_KEY_DISPLAY_STRING; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A convenience function that returns a string that is a concatenated list of -- the delte values' name-old_val-new_val triplets. -- v_vals The delta_entry_guid for the delta operation.. -- v_operation INSERT_C, UPDATE_C, or DELETE_C. Based on this, the -- old-val and new-vals are included or not. -- Example result NAME(OLD_VAL=>NEW_VAL) for update -- NAME(VAL) for INSERT or DELETE -- Result is truncated is max size of VARCHAR2 is exceeded. (VALUE_ERROR) FUNCTION GET_DELTA_VALUE_DISPLAY_STRING( v_delta_entryguid RAW, v_operation VARCHAR2 ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS result VARCHAR2(4000); comma VARCHAR2(3); l_name VARCHAR2(64); l_leftvalue VARCHAR2(4000); l_rightvalue VARCHAR2(4000); CURSOR c1 IS SELECT NAME, "VALUE", OLD_VALUE FROM MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_VALUES WHERE DELTA_ENTRY_GUID = v_delta_entryguid; BEGIN result := ''; comma := ''; OPEN C1; LOOP FETCH c1 INTO l_name, l_leftvalue, l_rightvalue; EXIT WHEN c1%NOTFOUND; IF v_operation = UPDATE_C THEN result := result || comma || l_name || '(' || l_rightvalue || '=>' || l_leftvalue || ')'; ELSE IF v_operation = INSERT_C THEN result := result || comma || l_name || '(' || l_leftvalue || ')'; ELSE result := result || comma || l_name || '(' || l_rightvalue || ')'; END IF; END IF; comma := ' '; END LOOP; RETURN result; EXCEPTION WHEN VALUE_ERROR THEN RETURN result; -- Truncated. END GET_DELTA_VALUE_DISPLAY_STRING; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A convenience function that returns a string that is a concatenated list of -- the delte values' name-old_val-new_val triplets. -- v_vals The name-old_val-new_val triplets. -- v_operation INSERT_C, UPDATE_C, or DELETE_C. Based on this, the -- old-val and new-vals are included or not. -- Example result NAME(OLD_VAL=>NEW_VAL) for update -- NAME(VAL) for INSERT or DELETE. -- FUNCTION GET_DELTA_VALUE_DISPLAY_STRING( v_vals MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, v_operation VARCHAR2 ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS tmp VARCHAR2(4000); tmp1 VARCHAR2( 1000); i NUMBER; BEGIN tmp := NULL; IF v_vals IS NULL THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; i := v_vals.FIRST; WHILE i IS NOT NULL LOOP IF v_operation = UPDATE_C THEN tmp1 := v_vals(i).NAME || '(' || v_vals(i).RIGHT_VALUE || '=>' || v_vals(i).LEFT_VALUE || ')'; ELSE IF v_operation = INSERT_C THEN tmp1 := v_vals(i).NAME || '(' || v_vals(i).LEFT_VALUE || ')'; ELSE tmp1 := v_vals(i).NAME || '(' || v_vals(i).RIGHT_VALUE || ')'; END IF; END IF; IF i = v_vals.FIRST THEN tmp := tmp1; ELSE tmp := tmp || ' ' || tmp1; END IF; i := v_vals.NEXT(i); END LOOP; RETURN tmp; END GET_DELTA_VALUE_DISPLAY_STRING; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function for getting key col list values. FUNCTION GET_KEYCOL_LIST_VALUES( p_keyList VARCHAR2_TABLE, p_curs INTEGER, p_rec_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab ) RETURN MGMT_NAME_VALUES IS keyCols MGMT_NAME_VALUES; charVal VARCHAR2(4000); -- Used to hold left side character column data. numVal NUMBER; -- Used to hold left side number column data. timeVal TIMESTAMP; -- Used to hold left side timestamp column data. BEGIN -- Look through and create the keylist structure with the key columns. -- They are always the first in the list in the same order as select list. keyCols := MGMT_NAME_VALUES(); IF p_keyList.COUNT > 0 THEN FOR i IN p_keyList.FIRST..p_keyList.LAST LOOP keyCols.EXTEND; CASE WHEN p_rec_tab(i).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_NUMBER THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(p_curs, i, numVal ); keyCols(keyCols.LAST) := MGMT_NAME_VALUE( p_keyList(i), numVal, NUMBER_TYPE_C ); WHEN p_rec_tab(i).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_DATE OR p_rec_tab(i).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP_TZ OR p_rec_tab(i).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP_LTZ OR p_rec_tab(i).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(p_curs, i, timeVal ); keyCols(keyCols.LAST) := MGMT_NAME_VALUE( p_keyList(i), GET_UTC_TIMESTAMP_STRING( timeVal ), DATETIME_TYPE_C ); ELSE DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(p_curs, i, charVal ); keyCols(keyCols.LAST) := MGMT_NAME_VALUE( p_keyList(i), charVal, STRING_TYPE_C ); END CASE; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN keyCols; END GET_KEYCOL_LIST_VALUES; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Procedure for getting left/right only entries. FUNCTION GET_ONE_SIDE_DELTA( p_collectionType VARCHAR2, p_keyCols MGMT_NAME_VALUES, p_attrList MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, p_curs INTEGER, p_rec_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab, p_side VARCHAR2, p_deltaSummary in out MGMT_DELTA_SUMMARY, p_flags SMALLINT ) RETURN MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_OBJ IS deltaVals MGMT_DELTA_VALUES; firstk NUMBER; fCharVal VARCHAR2(4000); -- Used to hold left side character column data. fNumVal NUMBER; -- Used to hold left side number column data. fTimeVal TIMESTAMP; -- Used to hold left side timestamp column data. sCharVal VARCHAR2(4000); -- Used to hold left side character column data. sNumVal NUMBER; -- Used to hold left side number column data. sTimeVal TIMESTAMP; -- Used to hold left side timestamp column data. rightOnly BOOLEAN; BEGIN rightOnly := p_side = RIGHT_ONLY_C; -- Get Deltas, one side only. -- for each row, loop through the rec_tabs and process each column pair, -- one pair for each entry int he attrList. deltaVals := MGMT_DELTA_VALUES(); FOR k IN 1..p_attrList.COUNT LOOP firstk := k + p_keyCols.COUNT; CASE WHEN p_rec_tab(firstk).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_NUMBER THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(p_curs, firstk, fNumVal ); IF rightOnly THEN sNumVal := fNumVal; fNumVal := null; ELSE sNumVal := null; END IF; MGMT_DELTA.ADD_NON_NULL_DELTA_VALUE( deltaVals, p_attrList(k).NAME, sNumVal, fNumVal, NUMBER_TYPE_C, p_side); WHEN p_rec_tab(firstk).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_DATE OR p_rec_tab(firstk).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP OR p_rec_tab(firstk).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP_TZ OR p_rec_tab(firstk).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP_LTZ THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(p_curs, firstk, fTimeVal ); IF rightOnly THEN sTimeVal := fTimeVal; fTimeVal := null; ELSE sTimeVal := null; END IF; MGMT_DELTA.ADD_NON_NULL_DELTA_VALUE( deltaVals, p_attrList(k).NAME, GET_UTC_TIMESTAMP_STRING(sTimeVal), GET_UTC_TIMESTAMP_STRING(fTimeVal), DATETIME_TYPE_C, p_side); ELSE DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(p_curs, firstk, fCharVal ); IF rightOnly THEN sCharVal := fCharVal; fCharVal := null; ELSE sCharVal := null; END IF; MGMT_DELTA.ADD_NON_NULL_DELTA_VALUE( deltaVals, p_attrList(k).NAME, sCharVal, fCharVal, STRING_TYPE_C, p_side); END CASE; END LOOP; IF rightOnly THEN p_deltaSummary.RIGHT_OLD_COUNT := p_deltaSummary.RIGHT_OLD_COUNT + 1; ELSE p_deltaSummary.LEFT_NEW_COUNT := p_deltaSummary.LEFT_NEW_COUNT + 1; END IF; -- Done with the columns for this row, not add an entry to the -- result if there were any deltas and we are returning them. IF p_flags <> RETURN_NONE THEN RETURN MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_OBJ( p_side, p_collectionType, p_keyCols, deltaVals ); END IF; RETURN NULL; END GET_ONE_SIDE_DELTA; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Procedure for getting diffs or sames. FUNCTION GET_BOTH_SIDE_DELTA( p_collectionType VARCHAR2, p_keyCols MGMT_NAME_VALUES, p_attrList MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, p_fCurs INTEGER, p_sCurs INTEGER, p_frec_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab, p_srec_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab, p_deltaSummary in out MGMT_DELTA_SUMMARY, p_flags SMALLINT ) RETURN MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_OBJ IS deltaVals MGMT_DELTA_VALUES; firstk NUMBER; fCharVal VARCHAR2(4000); -- Used to hold left side character column data. fNumVal NUMBER; -- Used to hold left side number column data. fTimeVal TIMESTAMP; -- Used to hold left side timestamp column data. sCharVal VARCHAR2(4000); -- Used to hold left side character column data. sNumVal NUMBER; -- Used to hold left side number column data. sTimeVal TIMESTAMP; -- Used to hold left side timestamp column data. diffFound BOOLEAN; testResult BOOLEAN; operation VARCHAR2(20); BEGIN -- for each row, loop through the rec_tabs and process each column pair, -- one pair for each entry in the attrList. deltaVals := MGMT_DELTA_VALUES(); diffFound := false; FOR k IN 1..p_attrList.COUNT LOOP firstk := k + p_keyCols.COUNT; CASE WHEN p_frec_tab(firstk).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_NUMBER THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(p_fCurs, firstk, fNumVal ); DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(p_sCurs, firstk, sNumVal ); testResult := MGMT_DELTA.TEST_AND_ADD_DIFF( deltaVals, p_attrList(k), fNumVal, sNumVal, p_flags ); WHEN p_frec_tab(firstk).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_DATE OR p_frec_tab(firstk).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP OR p_frec_tab(firstk).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP_TZ OR p_frec_tab(firstk).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP_LTZ THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(p_fCurs, firstk, fTimeVal ); DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(p_sCurs, firstk, sTimeVal ); testResult := MGMT_DELTA.TEST_AND_ADD_DIFF( deltaVals, p_attrList(k), fTimeVal, sTimeVal, p_flags ); ELSE DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(p_fCurs, firstk, fCharVal ); DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(p_sCurs, firstk, sCharVal ); testResult := MGMT_DELTA.TEST_AND_ADD_DIFF( deltaVals, p_attrList(k), fCharVal, sCharVal, p_flags ); END CASE; diffFound := diffFound OR testResult; END LOOP; -- Done with the columns for this row, not add an entry to the -- result if there were any deltas. IF deltaVals IS NOT NULL THEN IF diffFound THEN operation := DIFFERENT_C; p_deltaSummary.DIFFERENT_COUNT := p_deltaSummary.DIFFERENT_COUNT + 1; ELSE operation := SAME_C; END IF; -- If we are returning something...then place in entry list. IF (p_flags <> RETURN_NONE AND diffFound) OR (p_flags = RETURN_ALL) THEN RETURN MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_OBJ( operation, p_collectionType, p_keyCols, deltaVals ); END IF; END IF; RETURN NULL; END GET_BOTH_SIDE_DELTA; --------------------------------- FUNCTION GET_KEY_COLS( p_curs INTEGER, p_keyList VARCHAR2_TABLE, p_rec_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab) RETURN MGMT_NAME_VALUES IS keyCols MGMT_NAME_VALUES; BEGIN keyCols := NULL; IF DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(p_curs) > 0 THEN keyCols := GET_KEYCOL_LIST_VALUES( p_keyList, p_curs, p_rec_tab ); END IF; RETURN keyCols; END GET_KEY_COLS; ------------------------------------------- FUNCTION COMPARE_KEYS( fKeyCols MGMT_NAME_VALUES, sKeyCols MGMT_NAME_VALUES ) RETURN NUMBER IS result NUMBER; BEGIN IF fKeyCols IS NULL OR fKeyCols.COUNT <= 0 THEN RETURN 0; END IF; FOR i IN fKeyCols.FIRST..fKeyCols.LAST LOOP -- If both are null, then continue with next keys in loop. We will consider nulls equal. -- If one is null and the other is not, then the null is considered greater than the other. IF fKeyCols(i).VALUE IS NOT NULL THEN -- First of the two is not null. IF sKeyCols(i).VALUE IS NULL OR fKeyCols(i).VALUE < sKeyCols(i).VALUE THEN -- either second key is null or first key is less than the second key RETURN -1; ELSE IF fKeyCols(i).VALUE > sKeyCols(i).VALUE THEN -- The second isn't null and is less than the first key RETURN 1; END IF; END IF; ELSE IF sKeyCols(i).VALUE IS NOT NULL THEN -- second key is not null and the first key is null RETURN 1; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; -- No difference found. RETURN 0; END COMPARE_KEYS; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This function opens a cursor using the dbms_sql package. It uses this package so -- it can get the desc_tab that describes the columns and their datatypes. -- If we decide to keep the datatype information in the repository, then we can -- modify this so it doesn't need to use the dbms_sql. -- p_queryText Sql query to for which to open a cursor on. -- p_idList A list of MGMT_DELTA_VALUE objects that describe the id columns. -- p_bindRight True if we want to use the rightside id values for bind. Otherwise -- use the leftside id values. -- p_rec_tab A structure describing the results. -- Returns a cursor id. FUNCTION GET_CURSOR( p_queryText VARCHAR2, p_idList MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, p_bindRight BOOLEAN, p_rec_tab out dbms_sql.desc_tab ) RETURN INTEGER IS curs INTEGER; -- Local cursor id numrows INTEGER; -- Used to hold the results of the EXECUTE call. col_cnt NUMBER; -- Holds the number of columns return from describe_columns. numVal NUMBER; -- Used in the define_column call for number columns. charVal VARCHAR2(4000); -- Used in the define_column call for char columns. timeVal TIMESTAMP;-- Used in the define_column call for date/time columns. rawVal RAW(4000); -- Used in the define_column call for RAW columns. BEGIN -- Open a dynamic cursor; curs := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR; -- Parse the sql that was passed in. DBMS_SQL.PARSE( curs, p_queryText, DBMS_SQL.NATIVE ); -- Bind the id columns. FOR i IN p_idList.FIRST..p_idList.LAST LOOP IF p_bindRight THEN charVal := p_idList(i).right_value; ELSE charVal := p_idList(i).left_value; END IF; IF p_idList(i).type = NUMBER_TYPE_C THEN numVal := charVal; DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(curs, ':b'||i, numVal); ELSE IF p_idList(i).type = DATETIME_TYPE_C THEN timeVal := charVal; DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(curs, ':b'||i, timeVal); ELSE IF p_idList(i).type = RAW_TYPE_C THEN rawVal := charVal; DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE_RAW(curs, ':b'||i, rawVal); ELSE DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(curs, ':b'||i, charVal); END IF; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; -- Execute the sql statement numrows := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(curs); -- We want to examine the metadata to get datatypes. DBMS_SQL.DESCRIBE_COLUMNS( curs, col_cnt, p_rec_tab ); -- Loop throught the record that describes the columns and call the -- define column procedure. FOR i in p_rec_tab.first..p_rec_tab.last LOOP CASE WHEN p_rec_tab(i).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_NUMBER THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( curs, i, numVal ); WHEN p_rec_tab(i).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_DATE OR p_rec_tab(i).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP OR p_rec_tab(i).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP_TZ OR p_rec_tab(i).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP_LTZ THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( curs, i, timeVal ); ELSE DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( curs, i, charVal, p_rec_tab(i).col_max_len ); END CASE; END LOOP; RETURN curs; END GET_CURSOR; -- Given a table/view name OR query-constant -- This returns the table/view name ENQUOTED OR the query associated with constant -- stored in pkg-def FUNCTION GET_TC2_STRING( p_table_view_inner_query VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN IF substr(p_table_view_inner_query, 1, QUERY_INDICATOR_LENGTH ) != QUERY_PASSED_NOT_SIMPLE_NAME THEN return DBMS_ASSERT.ENQUOTE_NAME(p_table_view_inner_query); -- do not need to handle VSCI constant: that code is never hit in java: we never compare 2 selected vendor software components --ELSIF substr( p_table_view_inner_query, 1, length(COMPARE_QUERY_CONSTANT_VSCI)) = COMPARE_QUERY_CONSTANT_VSCI THEN -- return ' ( ' || COMPARE_QUERY_VSCI || DBMS_ASSERT.ENQUOTE_LITERAL (substr( p_table_view_inner_query, length(COMPARE_QUERY_CONSTANT_VSCI) + 1 )) || ' ) '; ELSIF p_table_view_inner_query = COMPARE_QUERY_CONSTANT_DFOC THEN return COMPARE_QUERY_DFOC; ELSIF p_table_view_inner_query = COMPARE_QUERY_CONSTANT_OPSIC THEN return COMPARE_QUERY_OPSIC; ELSIF p_table_view_inner_query = COMPARE_QUERY_CONSTANT_OIPIC THEN return COMPARE_QUERY_OIPIC; END IF; -- 2 returns with same so that history flow is terminates at first condition -- this return is unlikely but if happens will give better errors (than returning null) return DBMS_ASSERT.ENQUOTE_NAME(p_table_view_inner_query); END GET_TC2_STRING; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This function creates a query that can be used to get a cursor that contains -- rows with duplicate keys. The result set will be sorted on all the columns -- to ensure a consistent sort order -- p_queryTest The original text of the query -- p_attrList The lsit of attributes -- p_keyCols The list of keys FUNCTION GET_SUBLIST_QUERY(p_queryText VARCHAR2, p_attrList MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, p_keyCols MGMT_NAME_VALUES ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS newQuery VARCHAR2(1000) := 'select * from (' || p_queryText || ')'; orderByString VARCHAR2(10) := ' ORDER BY '; andString VARCHAR2(10) := ''; commaString VARCHAR2(2) := ' '; BEGIN IF p_keyCols IS NOT NULL AND p_keyCols.COUNT > 0 THEN newQuery := newQuery || ' WHERE '; FOR i IN p_keyCols.FIRST..p_keyCols.LAST LOOP newQuery := newQuery || andString || DBMS_ASSERT.ENQUOTE_NAME(p_keyCols(i).name) || ' = ' || ':x' || i; andString := ' and '; END LOOP; newQuery := newQuery || orderByString; FOR i IN p_keyCols.FIRST..p_keyCols.LAST LOOP newQuery := newQuery || commaString || DBMS_ASSERT.ENQUOTE_NAME(p_keyCols(i).name) ; commaString := ', '; END LOOP; orderByString := ''; END IF; IF p_attrList IS NOT NULL AND P_attrList.COUNT > 0 THEN newQuery := newQuery || orderByString; FOR i IN p_attrList.FIRST..p_attrList.LAST LOOP newQuery := newQuery || commaString || DBMS_ASSERT.ENQUOTE_NAME(p_attrList(i).NAME) ; commaString := ', '; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN newQuery; END GET_SUBLIST_QUERY; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This function opens a cursor using the dbms_sql package. It uses this package so -- it can get the desc_tab that describes the columns and their datatypes. -- If we decide to keep the datatype information in the repository, then we can -- modify this so it doesn't need to use the dbms_sql. -- p_queryText Sql query to for which to open a cursor on. -- p_idList A list of MGMT_DELTA_VALUE objects that describe the id columns. -- p_extraBindList A list of values for additional bind variables -- p_bindRight True if we want to use the rightside id values for bind. Otherwise -- use the leftside id values. -- p_rec_tab A structure describing the results. -- Returns a cursor id. FUNCTION GET_CURSOR_EXTRA_BINDS( p_queryText VARCHAR2, p_idList MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, p_extraBindList MGMT_NAME_VALUES, p_bindRight BOOLEAN, p_rec_tab out dbms_sql.desc_tab ) RETURN INTEGER IS curs INTEGER; -- Local cursor id numrows INTEGER; -- Used to hold the results of the EXECUTE call. col_cnt NUMBER; -- Holds the number of columns return from describe_columns. numVal NUMBER; -- Used in the define_column call for number columns. charVal VARCHAR2(4000); -- Used in the define_column call for char columns. timeVal TIMESTAMP;-- Used in the define_column call for date/time columns. rawVal RAW(4000); -- Used in the define_column call for RAW columns. BEGIN -- Open a dynamic cursor; curs := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR; -- Parse the sql that was passed in. DBMS_SQL.PARSE( curs, p_queryText, DBMS_SQL.NATIVE ); -- Bind the id columns. FOR i IN p_idList.FIRST..p_idList.LAST LOOP IF p_bindRight THEN charVal := p_idList(i).right_value; ELSE charVal := p_idList(i).left_value; END IF; IF p_idList(i).type = NUMBER_TYPE_C THEN numVal := charVal; DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(curs, ':b'||i, numVal); ELSE IF p_idList(i).type = DATETIME_TYPE_C THEN timeVal := charVal; DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(curs, ':b'||i, timeVal); ELSE IF p_idList(i).type = RAW_TYPE_C THEN rawVal := charVal; DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE_RAW(curs, ':b'||i, rawVal); ELSE DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(curs, ':b'||i, charVal); END IF; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; --Now we do EXACTLY what we just did above. The catch is that we are binding --the "additional" values. We also don't need to worry about the left v. --right stuff FOR i IN p_extraBindList.FIRST..p_extraBindList.LAST LOOP charVal := p_extraBindList(i).value; IF p_extraBindList(i).type = NUMBER_TYPE_C THEN numVal := charVal; DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(curs, ':x'||i, numVal); ELSE IF p_extraBindList(i).type = DATETIME_TYPE_C THEN timeVal := charVal; DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(curs, ':x'||i, timeVal); ELSE IF p_extraBindList(i).type = RAW_TYPE_C THEN rawVal := charVal; DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE_RAW(curs, ':x'||i, rawVal); ELSE DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(curs, ':x'||i, charVal); END IF; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; -- Execute the sql statement numrows := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(curs); -- We want to examine the metadata to get datatypes. DBMS_SQL.DESCRIBE_COLUMNS( curs, col_cnt, p_rec_tab ); -- Loop throught the record that describes the columns and call the -- define column procedure. FOR i in p_rec_tab.first..p_rec_tab.last LOOP CASE WHEN p_rec_tab(i).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_NUMBER THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( curs, i, numVal ); WHEN p_rec_tab(i).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_DATE OR p_rec_tab(i).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP OR p_rec_tab(i).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP_TZ OR p_rec_tab(i).col_type = DBMS_TYPES.TYPECODE_TIMESTAMP_LTZ THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( curs, i, timeVal ); ELSE DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( curs, i, charVal, p_rec_tab(i).col_max_len ); END CASE; END LOOP; RETURN curs; END GET_CURSOR_EXTRA_BINDS; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This procedure takes first and second (left and right, new and old) queries -- and various pieces of metadata to perform the query -- in and to add any results to the p_deltaEntries parameter. -- p_firstQueryText A query that returns a list of key columns, followed by a list of -- column pairs. Each key column corresponds to a column in the key list and each -- column pair corresponds to a column in the attrList. They must be in the same -- order. -- p_secondQueryText A query that returns a list of key columns, followed by a list of -- column pairs. Each key column corresponds to a column in the key list and each -- column pair corresponds to a column in the attrList. They must be in the same -- order. -- p_keyList A list of the column names of the key matching columns. -- p_attrList A list of the column names of the column pairs being compared. -- p_idList A list of column name, id pairs used to bind to the query. -- Each is bound to a variable whose name is the index of the pair and -- a l or r dependending if it is the left value or right (old) value. -- p_keyValList A list of the key values. We need this list in order to identify -- subsets of each cursor that have duplicate keys -- p_flags Flags are RETURN_NONE, RETURN_DIFFS, RETURN_ALL. -- p_deltaEntries A list of results so far accumulated. This procedure may add to that -- list. -- p_deltaSummary A structure in which to record the number of rows, each for -- sames and different. PROCEDURE GET_DELTAS_IGNORE_DUPLICATES( p_firstQueryText VARCHAR2, p_secondQueryText VARCHAR2, p_collectionType VARCHAR2, p_keyList VARCHAR2_TABLE, p_attrList MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, p_idList MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, p_keyValList MGMT_NAME_VALUES, p_flags SMALLINT, p_deltaRecorder in out MGMT_DELTA_RECORDER, p_deltaSummary in out MGMT_DELTA_SUMMARY ) IS fCurs INTEGER; -- Cursor Id for first query sCurs INTEGER; -- Cursor Id for second query fNumrows INTEGER; -- Numrows used to get return value from execute call. sNumrows INTEGER; -- Numrows used to get return value from execute call. col_cnt INTEGER; -- The column count from describe_columns frec_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab; -- The table that has describe_column information srec_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab; -- The table that has describe_column information fCharVal VARCHAR2(4000); -- Used to hold left side character column data. fNumVal NUMBER; -- Used to hold left side number column data. fTimeVal TIMESTAMP; -- Used to hold left side timestamp column data. sCharVal VARCHAR2(4000); -- Used to hold left side character column data. sNumVal NUMBER; -- Used to hold left side number column data. sTimeVal TIMESTAMP; -- Used to hold left side timestamp column data. fDone BOOLEAN; -- Used to indicate that cursor is exhausted. sDone BOOLEAN; fKeyCols MGMT_NAME_VALUES; -- To hold key for each entry. sKeyCols MGMT_NAME_VALUES; -- To hold key for each entry. deltaEntry MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_OBJ; BEGIN -- Get first and second query Cursor. fCurs := GET_CURSOR_EXTRA_BINDS( p_firstQueryText, p_idList, p_keyValList, FALSE, frec_tab ); sCurs := GET_CURSOR_EXTRA_BINDS( p_firstQueryText, p_idList, p_keyValList, TRUE, srec_tab ); -- LOOP until both left and right cursors are exhausted. fKeyCols := GET_KEY_COLS( fCurs, p_keyList, frec_tab ); sKeyCols := GET_KEY_COLS( sCurs, p_keyList, srec_tab ); LOOP fDone := fKeyCols IS NULL; sDone := sKeyCols IS NULL; deltaEntry := NULL; IF fDone AND sDone THEN EXIT; END IF; -- comVal = 0 then same. <0 then f < s, >0 then r > s. If fDone or sDone -- then we don't care but will make it zero so left and right test don't -- get fooled. -- If left is exhausted and not right, or left > right then IF fDone THEN -- Add a right only and advance the right cursor. -- FIrst get the keyCols deltaEntry := GET_ONE_SIDE_DELTA( p_collectionType, sKeyCols, p_attrList, sCurs, srec_tab, RIGHT_ONLY_C, p_deltaSummary, p_flags ); -- get next row. sKeyCols := GET_KEY_COLS( sCurs, p_keyList, srec_tab ); -- Else if right is exhausted and not left, or right > left then ELSE IF sDone THEN -- Add a left only and advance the left cursor. -- FIrst get the keyCols deltaEntry := GET_ONE_SIDE_DELTA( p_collectionType, fKeyCols, p_attrList, fCurs, frec_tab, LEFT_ONLY_C, p_deltaSummary, p_flags ); -- get next row. fKeyCols := GET_KEY_COLS( fCurs, p_keyList, frec_tab ); -- Else if left = right, then compare the left and right diff columns. ELSE deltaEntry := GET_BOTH_SIDE_DELTA( p_collectionType, fKeyCols, p_attrList, fCurs, sCurs, frec_tab, srec_tab, p_deltaSummary, p_flags ); -- get next rowx. fKeyCols := GET_KEY_COLS( fCurs, p_keyList, frec_tab ); sKeyCols := GET_KEY_COLS( sCurs, p_keyList, srec_tab ); END IF; END IF; IF deltaEntry IS NOT NULL THEN p_deltaRecorder.RECORD_DELTA( deltaEntry ); END IF; END LOOP; -- Close both cursors. dbms_sql.close_cursor(fCurs); dbms_sql.close_cursor(sCurs); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_sql.close_cursor(fCurs); dbms_sql.close_cursor(sCurs); RAISE; END GET_DELTAS_IGNORE_DUPLICATES; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This procedure takes first and second (left and right, new and old) queries -- and various pieces of metadata to perform the query -- in and to add any results to the p_deltaEntries parameter. -- p_firstQueryText A query that returns a list of key columns, followed by a list of -- column pairs. Each key column corresponds to a column in the key list and each -- column pair corresponds to a column in the attrList. They must be in the same -- order. -- p_secondQueryText A query that returns a list of key columns, followed by a list of -- column pairs. Each key column corresponds to a column in the key list and each -- column pair corresponds to a column in the attrList. They must be in the same -- order. -- p_keyList A list of the column names of the key matching columns. -- p_attrList A list of the column names of the column pairs being compared. -- p_idList A list of column name, id pairs used to bind to the query. -- Each is bound to a variable whose name is the index of the pair and -- a l or r dependending if it is the left value or right (old) value. -- p_flags Flags are RETURN_NONE, RETURN_DIFFS, RETURN_ALL. -- p_deltaEntries A list of results so far accumulated. This procedure may add to that -- list. -- p_deltaSummary A structure in which to record the number of rows, each for -- sames and different. PROCEDURE GET_DELTAS( p_firstQueryText VARCHAR2, p_secondQueryText VARCHAR2, p_collectionType VARCHAR2, p_keyList VARCHAR2_TABLE, p_attrList MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, p_idList MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, p_flags SMALLINT, p_deltaRecorder in out MGMT_DELTA_RECORDER, p_deltaSummary in out MGMT_DELTA_SUMMARY ) IS fCurs INTEGER; -- Cursor Id for first query sCurs INTEGER; -- Cursor Id for second query fNumrows INTEGER; -- Numrows used to get return value from execute call. sNumrows INTEGER; -- Numrows used to get return value from execute call. col_cnt INTEGER; -- The column count from describe_columns frec_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab; -- The table that has describe_column information srec_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab; -- The table that has describe_column information fCharVal VARCHAR2(4000); -- Used to hold left side character column data. fNumVal NUMBER; -- Used to hold left side number column data. fTimeVal TIMESTAMP; -- Used to hold left side timestamp column data. sCharVal VARCHAR2(4000); -- Used to hold left side character column data. sNumVal NUMBER; -- Used to hold left side number column data. sTimeVal TIMESTAMP; -- Used to hold left side timestamp column data. fDone BOOLEAN; -- Used to indicate that cursor is exhausted. sDone BOOLEAN; fKeyCols MGMT_NAME_VALUES; -- To hold key for each entry. sKeyCols MGMT_NAME_VALUES; -- To hold key for each entry. comVal NUMBER; deltaEntry MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_OBJ; tempDeltaEntry MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_OBJ; tempFKeyCols MGMT_NAME_VALUES; tempSKeyCols MGMT_NAME_VALUES; tempFDone BOOLEAN; tempSDone BOOLEAN; newFirstQueryText VARCHAR2(4000); newSecondQueryText VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN -- Get first and second query Cursor. fCurs := GET_CURSOR( p_firstQueryText, p_idList, FALSE, frec_tab ); sCurs := GET_CURSOR( p_firstQueryText, p_idList, TRUE, srec_tab ); -- LOOP until both left and right cursors are exhausted. fKeyCols := GET_KEY_COLS( fCurs, p_keyList, frec_tab ); sKeyCols := GET_KEY_COLS( sCurs, p_keyList, srec_tab ); LOOP fDone := fKeyCols IS NULL; sDone := sKeyCols IS NULL; deltaEntry := NULL; IF fDone AND sDone THEN EXIT; END IF; -- comVal = 0 then same. <0 then f < s, >0 then r > s. If fDone or sDone -- then we don't care but will make it zero so left and right test don't -- get fooled. comVal := 0; IF NOT (fDone OR sDone) THEN comVal := COMPARE_KEYS( fKeyCols, sKeyCols ); END IF; -- If left is exhausted and not right, or left > right then IF fDone OR comVal > 0 THEN -- Add a right only and advance the right cursor. -- FIrst get the keyCols deltaEntry := GET_ONE_SIDE_DELTA( p_collectionType, sKeyCols, p_attrList, sCurs, srec_tab, RIGHT_ONLY_C, p_deltaSummary, p_flags ); -- get next row. sKeyCols := GET_KEY_COLS( sCurs, p_keyList, srec_tab ); -- Else if right is exhausted and not left, or right > left then ELSE IF sDone OR comVal < 0 THEN -- Add a left only and advance the left cursor. -- FIrst get the keyCols deltaEntry := GET_ONE_SIDE_DELTA( p_collectionType, fKeyCols, p_attrList, fCurs, frec_tab, LEFT_ONLY_C, p_deltaSummary, p_flags ); -- get next row. fKeyCols := GET_KEY_COLS( fCurs, p_keyList, frec_tab ); -- Else if left = right, then compare the left and right diff columns. ELSE tempDeltaEntry := GET_BOTH_SIDE_DELTA( p_collectionType, fKeyCols, p_attrList, fCurs, sCurs, frec_tab, srec_tab, p_deltaSummary, p_flags ); -- get next rowx. tempFKeyCols := GET_KEY_COLS( fCurs, p_keyList, frec_tab ); tempSKeyCols := GET_KEY_COLS( sCurs, p_keyList, srec_tab ); --if the temporary delta entry is a diff, we don't necessarily want to --record it. What we need to do is to check if the next set of keys is --identical. The keys from the next row in each cursor need to be equal --to each other and to the keys from this row. tempFDone := tempFKeyCols IS NULL; tempSDone := tempSKeyCols IS NULL; IF (NOT (tempFDone OR tempSDone)) AND (COMPARE_KEYS(tempFKeyCols, tempSKeyCols) = 0) AND (COMPARE_KEYS(tempFKeyCols, fKeyCols) = 0) THEN --if we are here, it means that the next row has the same set of --keys as the current row. So we need to get the deltas for the --sub-list. newFirstQueryText := GET_SUBLIST_QUERY(p_firstQueryText, p_attrList, tempFKeyCols); newSecondQueryText := GET_SUBLIST_QUERY(p_secondQueryText, p_attrList, tempFKeyCols); --in theory, this should be all we need to do GET_DELTAS_IGNORE_DUPLICATES( newFirstQueryText, newSecondQueryText, p_collectionType, p_keyList, p_attrList, p_idList, tempFKeyCols, p_flags, p_deltaRecorder, p_deltaSummary); --now we just need ot advance the real cursors until we get past this --set of keys. We have to do both INDEPENDENTLY since there may be --actual insertions or deletions fKeyCols := GET_KEY_COLS(fCurs, p_keyList, frec_tab); sKeyCols := GET_KEY_COLS(sCurs, p_keyList, srec_tab); fDone := fKeyCols IS NULL; sDone := sKeyCols IS NULL; WHILE(NOT fDone) AND (COMPARE_KEYS(tempFKeyCols, fKeyCols) = 0) LOOP fKeyCols := GET_KEY_COLS(fCurs, p_keyList, frec_tab); fDone := fKeyCols IS NULL; END LOOP; WHILE (NOT sDOne) AND (COMPARE_KEYS(tempSKeyCols, sKeyCols) = 0) LOOP sKeyCols := GET_KEY_COLS(sCurs, p_keyList, srec_tab); sDone := sKeyCols IS NULL; END LOOP; ELSE fKeyCols := tempFKeyCols; sKeyCols := tempSKeyCols; deltaEntry := tempDeltaEntry; END IF; END IF; END IF; IF deltaEntry IS NOT NULL THEN p_deltaRecorder.RECORD_DELTA( deltaEntry ); END IF; END LOOP; -- Close both cursors. dbms_sql.close_cursor(fCurs); dbms_sql.close_cursor(sCurs); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_sql.close_cursor(fCurs); dbms_sql.close_cursor(sCurs); RAISE; END GET_DELTAS; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The following methods are used to create a sql query for doing comparisons. -- The following methods are used to build the string that will be substituted -- into the query templates -- This returns the select list for -- the comparison which includes the matching cols and the diff cols. FUNCTION GET_TC1_STRING( p_keyList VARCHAR2_TABLE, p_attrList MGMT_DELTA_VALUES ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS selectList VARCHAR2(1000) := ''; comma VARCHAR2(10) := ''; BEGIN IF p_keyList IS NOT NULL AND p_keyList.COUNT > 0 THEN FOR i IN p_keyList.FIRST..p_keyList.LAST LOOP selectList := selectList || comma || p_keyList(i); comma := ', '; END LOOP; END IF; IF p_attrList IS NOT NULL AND p_attrList.COUNT > 0 THEN FOR i IN p_attrList.FIRST..p_attrList.LAST LOOP selectList := selectList || comma || p_attrList(i).NAME ; comma := ', '; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN selectList; END GET_TC1_STRING; -- This function compares each column in the idlist with its bind var. FUNCTION GET_TC3_STRING( p_idList MGMT_DELTA_VALUES ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS idPred VARCHAR2(1000) := ''; andtxt VARCHAR2(10) := ' '; BEGIN FOR i IN p_idList.FIRST..p_idList.LAST LOOP -- Only append the id if the status field is not null IF p_idList(i).STATUS IS NULL THEN idPred := idPred || andtxt || p_idList(i).NAME || ' = :b' || i; andtxt := ' and '; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN idPred; END GET_TC3_STRING; -- This function is like TC1 except that it only returns the select list for -- the first (not the second attrs as in TC1). This is used for the existence -- query creation. FUNCTION GET_TC4_STRING( p_keyList VARCHAR2_TABLE ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS selectList VARCHAR2(1000) := ''; -- We want the sorting to be character sort to be consistent with the -- way comparisons are done when walking the two result sets, so we -- explicitly to a to_char... comma VARCHAR2(10) := 'to_char('; BEGIN IF p_keyList IS NOT NULL AND p_keyList.COUNT > 0 THEN selectList := ' order by '; FOR i IN p_keyList.FIRST..p_keyList.LAST LOOP selectList := selectList || comma || p_keyList(i) || ')'; comma := ', to_char('; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN selectList; END GET_TC4_STRING; -- GET_QUERY -- Createa a query given the base query or table name. See EACH_QUERY_TEMPLATE -- for the format of the query. It essentially returns the key and diff columns -- id'd by the id columns, order by the key columns. (Character sort order). FUNCTION GET_QUERY( p_queryText VARCHAR2, p_keyList VARCHAR2_TABLE, p_attrList MGMT_DELTA_VALUES, p_idList MGMT_DELTA_VALUES ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS -- init the query using the exists query template; query VARCHAR2(4000) := EACH_QUERY_TEMPLATE; tempstr VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN -- Now start substituting the appropriate values -- First add the select list. tempstr := GET_TC1_STRING( p_keyList, p_attrList ); query := REPLACE( query, TC1, tempstr ); -- Now plug in the query, table, or view. tempstr := GET_TC2_STRING(p_queryText); query := REPLACE( query, TC2, tempstr); -- Not add the id column match against the binds. tempstr := GET_TC3_STRING( p_idList ); query := REPLACE( query, TC3, tempstr ); -- And finally, the order-by match column list. tempstr := GET_TC4_STRING( p_keyList); query := REPLACE( query, TC4, tempstr ); RETURN query; END GET_QUERY; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DO_DIFF -- -- Execute all the queries represented by the members of the MGMT_DELTA_QUERIES -- collectio passed into this function. PROCEDURE DO_DIFF( p_deltaQueries MGMT_DELTA_QUERIES, p_deltaRecorder in out MGMT_DELTA_RECORDER ) IS firstQueryText VARCHAR2(8000); secondQueryText VARCHAR2(8000); summaryObj MGMT_DELTA_SUMMARY; BEGIN FOR i IN p_deltaQueries.FIRST..p_deltaQueries.LAST LOOP -- Set up the queries for each side. firstQueryText := GET_QUERY( p_deltaQueries(i).FIRST_QUERY_TEXT, p_deltaQueries(i).KEY_LIST, p_deltaQueries(i).ATTRIBUTE_LIST, p_deltaQueries(i).ID_LIST ); -- If the second query is null, then it should be the same as the first. IF p_deltaQueries(i).SECOND_QUERY_TEXT IS NULL THEN secondQueryText := firstQueryText; ELSE secondQueryText := GET_QUERY( p_deltaQueries(i).SECOND_QUERY_TEXT, p_deltaQueries(i).KEY_LIST, p_deltaQueries(i).ATTRIBUTE_LIST, p_deltaQueries(i).ID_LIST ); END IF; -- Set up a new summary object for this sub-comparison summaryObj := MGMT_DELTA_SUMMARY( p_deltaQueries(i).COLLECTION_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, VARCHAR2_TABLE()); BEGIN -- Do the comparison. GET_DELTAS( firstQueryText, secondQueryText, p_deltaQueries(i).COLLECTION_TYPE, p_deltaQueries(i).KEY_LIST, p_deltaQueries(i).ATTRIBUTE_LIST, p_deltaQueries(i).ID_LIST, p_deltaQueries(i).FLAGS, p_deltaRecorder, summaryObj ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- err_num := SQLCODE; summaryObj.ERRORS.EXTEND; summaryObj.ERRORS(summaryObj.ERRORS.LAST) := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 256); summaryObj.ERRORS.EXTEND; summaryObj.ERRORS(summaryObj.ERRORS.LAST) := SUBSTR(firstQueryText, 1, 256); IF p_deltaQueries(i).SECOND_QUERY_TEXT IS NOT NULL THEN summaryObj.ERRORS(summaryObj.ERRORS.LAST) := SUBSTR(secondQueryText, 1, 256); END IF; END; p_deltaRecorder.RECORD_SUMMARY( summaryObj ); END LOOP; END DO_DIFF; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SAVE_COMPARISON_DELTA -- -- Save the delta information in the repository given the comparison id. Note -- thar this does not update the summary information. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- p_comparisonGuid The comparison id under which to save this delta. -- p_collectionType The logical table name to which this diff refers. -- p_status SAME, DIFFERENT, LEFT_ONLY, RIGHT_ONLY -- p_keyList The key information -- p_diffList The non-key columns with differences. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SAVE_COMPARISON_RESULTS -- -- Do a comparison based on the metadata described in the list of logical table -- information. This version of do_diff_queries is meant for saved comparisons. -- The saved comparison's guid is returned. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- p_deltaRecorder Holds the comparison results. -- p_comparisonType The type of the comparison. For config fw, this is the -- snapshot_type. -- p_compTargetType The type of the target of the comparison. -- p_compTargetProperties A list of comparison target properties, which are -- name, left_value, right_value triplets. -- session_id - identifies the session in which this comparison is saved. -- RETURNS A guid pointing to the comparison result in the -- MGMT_DELTA_SAVED_COMPARISONS table. -- FUNCTION START_SAVE_COMPARISON_RESULTS( p_comparisonType VARCHAR2, p_compTargetType VARCHAR2, p_compTargetProperties COMPARISON_PROPERTIES, p_session_id RAW DEFAULT SYS_GUID()) RETURN RAW IS l_tempGuid RAW(16); l_tempKeyGuid RAW(16); l_deltaValues MGMT_DELTA_VALUES; BEGIN l_tempGuid := sys_guid(); -- First write a save comparison entry INSERT INTO mgmt_delta_saved_comparison( DELTA_COMP_GUID, COMPARISON_TYPE, TARGET_TYPE, SESSION_ID) VALUES ( l_tempGuid, p_comparisonType, p_compTargetType, p_session_id); -- Write out the comparison properties IF p_compTargetProperties IS NOT NULL AND p_compTargetProperties.COUNT > 0 THEN FOR h IN p_compTargetProperties.FIRST..p_compTargetProperties.LAST LOOP INSERT INTO MGMT_DELTA_COMP_PROPERTIES( DELTA_COMP_GUID, NAME, LEFT_VALUE, RIGHT_VALUE ) VALUES( l_tempGuid, p_compTargetProperties(h).NAME, p_compTargetProperties(h).LEFT_VALUE, p_compTargetProperties(h).RIGHT_VALUE ); END LOOP; END IF; RETURN l_tempGuid; END START_SAVE_COMPARISON_RESULTS; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DO_DIFF_QUERIES -- -- Do a comparison based on the metadata described in the list of logical table -- information. Return two cursors, one which is a list of all of the differences -- requested in the metadata, the other is a summary of the findings. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- p_deltaQueries A list of MGMT_DELTA_QUERY objects, each of which describes -- a logical table, the details of which are used to compare -- two snapshots. -- p_deRef A ref cursor to the MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_OBJ records. -- p_dsRef A ref cursor to the MGMT_DELTA_SUMMARY records. -- session_id - identifies the session in which this comparison is saved. -- PROCEDURE DO_DIFF_QUERIES( p_deltaQueries MGMT_DELTA_QUERIES, p_deRef out DELTA_ENTRY_REF, p_dsRef out DELTA_SUMMARY_REF, p_session_id RAW DEFAULT SYS_GUID()) IS deltaRecorder MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_RECORDER; l_compGuid RAW(16); BEGIN l_compGuid := START_SAVE_COMPARISON_RESULTS( NULL, NULL, NULL, p_session_id); deltaRecorder := MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_RECORDER( sysdate, l_compGuid ); DO_DIFF( p_deltaQueries, deltaRecorder ); RETRIEVE_SAVED_COMPARISON( l_compGuid, p_deRef, p_dsRef ); END DO_DIFF_QUERIES; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DO_DIFF_QUERIES_AND_SAVE -- -- Do a comparison based on the metadata described in the list of logical table -- information. This version of do_diff_queries is meant for saved comparisons. -- The saved comparison's guid is returned. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- p_deltaQueries A list of MGMT_DELTA_QUERY objects, each of which describes -- a logical table, the details of which are used to compare -- two snapshots. -- p_comparisonType The type of the comparison. For config fw, this is the -- snapshot_type. -- p_compTargetType The type of the target of the comparison. -- p_compTargetProperties A list of properties that describe the two targets of -- the comparison. -- session_id - identifies the session in which this comparison is saved. -- RETURNS A guid pointing to the comparison result in the -- MGMT_DELTA_SAVED_COMPARISONS table. -- FUNCTION DO_DIFF_QUERIES_AND_SAVE( p_deltaQueries MGMT_DELTA_QUERIES, p_comparisonType VARCHAR2, p_compTargetType VARCHAR2, p_compTargetProperties COMPARISON_PROPERTIES, p_session_id RAW DEFAULT SYS_GUID()) RETURN RAW IS deltaRecorder MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_RECORDER; l_compGuid RAW(16); BEGIN l_compGuid := START_SAVE_COMPARISON_RESULTS( p_comparisonType, p_compTargetType, p_compTargetProperties, p_session_id); deltaRecorder := MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_RECORDER( sysdate, l_compGuid ); DO_DIFF( p_deltaQueries, deltaRecorder ); return l_compGuid; END DO_DIFF_QUERIES_AND_SAVE; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION READ_DELTAS( p_status VARCHAR2, p_collection_type VARCHAR2, p_key_guid RAW) RETURN MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_OBJ IS key_values MGMT_NAME_VALUES; CURSOR c2 IS SELECT name, value, type FROM mgmt_delta_comp_key_cols WHERE key_guid = p_key_guid; key_rec c2%ROWTYPE; delta_values MGMT_DELTA_VALUES; CURSOR c3 IS SELECT name, left_value, right_value, status, type FROM mgmt_delta_comp_delta_details WHERE key_guid = p_key_guid order by name; detail_rec c3%ROWTYPE; BEGIN -- Get the key values for this delta entry. key_values := MGMT_NAME_VALUES(); FOR key_rec IN c2 LOOP key_values.EXTEND; key_values(key_values.LAST) := MGMT_NAME_VALUE(, key_rec.value, key_rec.type ); END LOOP; -- Now get the delta value details. delta_values := MGMT_DELTA_VALUES(); FOR detail_rec IN C3 LOOP delta_values.EXTEND; delta_values(delta_values.LAST) := MGMT_DELTA_VALUE(, detail_rec.left_value, detail_rec.right_value, detail_rec.status, detail_rec.type ); END LOOP; RETURN MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_OBJ( p_status, p_collection_type, key_values, delta_values ); END READ_DELTAS; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RETRIEVE_SAVED_COMPARISON -- p_diffGuid The id of the saved comparison. -- p_deRef A ref cursor to the MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_OBJ records. -- p_dsRef A ref cursor to the MGMT_DELTA_SUMMARY records. -- p_collectionTypes An optional list of comparison type to restrict the returned -- results to. PROCEDURE RETRIEVE_SAVED_COMPARISON( p_diffGuid RAW, p_deRef out DELTA_ENTRY_REF, p_dsRef out DELTA_SUMMARY_REF, p_collectionTypes VARCHAR2_TABLE := NULL ) IS l_deltaEntries MGMT_DELTA_ENTRIES; CURSOR c1 IS SELECT status, collection_type, key_guid FROM mgmt_delta_comparison_deltas d, TABLE( p_collectionTypes ) t WHERE d.collection_type = t.column_value AND delta_comp_guid = p_diffGuid; CURSOR c1All IS SELECT status, collection_type, key_guid FROM mgmt_delta_comparison_deltas WHERE delta_comp_guid = p_diffGuid; delta_rec c1%ROWTYPE; l_deltaEntry MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY_OBJ; BEGIN l_deltaEntries := MGMT_DELTA_ENTRIES(); IF p_collectionTypes IS NULL THEN FOR delta_rec IN c1All LOOP l_deltaEntry := READ_DELTAS( delta_rec.status, delta_rec.collection_type, delta_rec.key_guid ); -- Now make a deltaEntry and place it in the list. l_deltaEntries.EXTEND; l_deltaEntries(l_deltaEntries.LAST) := l_deltaEntry; END LOOP; OPEN p_dsRef FOR SELECT COLLECTION_TYPE, DIFFERENT_COUNT, LEFT_COUNT, RIGHT_COUNT, ERRORS FROM MGMT_DELTA_COMP_SUMMARIES WHERE DELTA_COMP_GUID = p_diffGuid; ELSE FOR delta_rec IN c1 LOOP l_deltaEntry := READ_DELTAS( delta_rec.status, delta_rec.collection_type, delta_rec.key_guid ); -- Now make a deltaEntry and place it in the list. l_deltaEntries.EXTEND; l_deltaEntries(l_deltaEntries.LAST) := l_deltaEntry; END LOOP; OPEN p_dsRef FOR SELECT COLLECTION_TYPE, DIFFERENT_COUNT, LEFT_COUNT, RIGHT_COUNT, ERRORS FROM MGMT_DELTA_COMP_SUMMARIES s, TABLE(p_collectionTypes) t WHERE s.COLLECTION_TYPE = t.column_value AND DELTA_COMP_GUID = p_diffGuid; END IF; OPEN p_deRef FOR SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(l_deltaEntries AS MGMT_DELTA_ENTRIES)); END RETRIEVE_SAVED_COMPARISON; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DO_HISTORY_DIFFS -- -- This procedure does a comparison for the purpose of saving the results in -- the history tables. It is essentially the same as do_diff_queries except -- where the results go. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- p_deltaQueries A list of MGMT_DELTA_QUERY objects, each of which describes -- a logical table, the details of which are used to compare -- two snapshots, one new current, one the previous current. -- The results of the comparison are recorded as history entries -- in the various MGMT_DELTA history tables. -- p_snaptime This is the date-time of when the new current was actual -- captured. It is used to record the time that the changes -- were detected. -- PROCEDURE DO_HISTORY_DIFFS( p_deltaQueries MGMT_DELTA_QUERIES, p_snaptime DATE ) IS deltaRecorder MGMT_HISTORY_ENTRY_RECORDER; BEGIN deltaRecorder := MGMT_HISTORY_ENTRY_RECORDER( p_snaptime ); DO_DIFF( p_deltaQueries, deltaRecorder ); END DO_HISTORY_DIFFS; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- PURGE_HISTORY_RECORDS -- BEGIN Purge policies callback procedures PROCEDURE ECM_HISTORY_PURGE(pcb_params IN OUT MGMT_PURGE_CALLBACK_PARAMS) IS TYPE p_rowid_list_type IS TABLE OF UROWID INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; l_purge_rowids p_rowid_list_type; l_rows_purged NUMBER := 0; -- Snapshot delta entries CURSOR purge_delta_snaps (c_purge_till_time DATE) IS SELECT snap.ROWID FROM MGMT_DELTA_SNAP snap WHERE snap.NEW_LEFT_TIMESTAMP < c_purge_till_time; CURSOR purge_delta_entries (c_purge_till_time DATE) IS SELECT ROWID FROM MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY e WHERE DELTA_TIME < c_purge_till_time AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM MGMT_DELTA_SNAP s WHERE e.DELTA_GUID = s.DELTA_GUID); -- Unused delta ids. CURSOR purge_delta_ids (c_purge_till_time DATE) IS SELECT ROWID FROM MGMT_DELTA_IDS id WHERE (id.LAST_UPDATED_TIME < c_purge_till_time) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY e WHERE id.ROW_GUID = e.ROW_GUID); BEGIN BEGIN OPEN purge_delta_snaps(pcb_params.purge_upto_time); LOOP -- Bulk collect row ids FETCH purge_delta_snaps BULK COLLECT INTO l_purge_rowids LIMIT 500; -- Exit when no more row ids fetched EXIT WHEN l_purge_rowids.COUNT <= 0; -- BULK delete FORALL i IN l_purge_rowids.FIRST..l_purge_rowids.LAST DELETE FROM MGMT_DELTA_SNAP WHERE ROWID = l_purge_rowids(i); COMMIT; l_purge_rowids.DELETE; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; -- If any error occurs before the snap or ids are purged, they will get purged -- on a later date. -- Close the cursor if open IF (purge_delta_snaps%ISOPEN) THEN CLOSE purge_delta_snaps; END IF; BEGIN OPEN purge_delta_entries(pcb_params.purge_upto_time); LOOP -- Bulk collect row ids FETCH purge_delta_entries BULK COLLECT INTO l_purge_rowids LIMIT 500; -- Exit when no more row ids fetched EXIT WHEN l_purge_rowids.COUNT <= 0; -- BULK delete FORALL i IN l_purge_rowids.FIRST..l_purge_rowids.LAST DELETE FROM MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY WHERE ROWID = l_purge_rowids(i); COMMIT; l_rows_purged := l_rows_purged + l_purge_rowids.COUNT; l_purge_rowids.DELETE; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; -- Close the cursor if open IF (purge_delta_entries%ISOPEN) THEN CLOSE purge_delta_entries; END IF; BEGIN OPEN purge_delta_ids(pcb_params.purge_upto_time); LOOP -- Bulk collect row ids FETCH purge_delta_ids BULK COLLECT INTO l_purge_rowids LIMIT 500; -- Exit when no more row ids fetched EXIT WHEN l_purge_rowids.COUNT <= 0; -- BULK delete FORALL i IN l_purge_rowids.FIRST..l_purge_rowids.LAST DELETE FROM MGMT_DELTA_IDS WHERE ROWID = l_purge_rowids(i); COMMIT; l_purge_rowids.DELETE; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; -- Close the cursor if open IF (purge_delta_ids%ISOPEN) THEN CLOSE purge_delta_ids; END IF; pcb_params.callback_result := 0; pcb_params.rows_processed := l_rows_purged; pcb_params.error_code := 0; pcb_params.error_msg := NULL; END ECM_HISTORY_PURGE; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- PURPOSE -- Cleans up all history records older than the number of days passed in. -- Returns the number of history entries purged. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- p_numberOfDays The number of days, prior to which the history should be -- purged. -- -- RETURNS The number of history entries purged. -- FUNCTION PURGE_HISTORY( p_numberOfDays NUMBER := 0, p_snapshotType VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_targetType VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_targetName VARCHAR2 := NULL ) RETURN NUMBER IS beforeDate DATE; rowcount NUMBER := 0; l_num_rows NUMBER := 0; l_num_rows1 NUMBER := 0; sqlText VARCHAR(256); l_row_guids T_ROW_GUID_TABLE; BEGIN -- Calculate the correct date to remove before. beforeDate := SYSDATE - p_numberOfDays; -- Delete from the delta_snap table older than the date. sqlText := 'DELETE FROM MGMT_DELTA_SNAP WHERE DELTA_TIMESTAMP < :bd'; IF p_snapshotType IS NOT NULL THEN sqlText := sqlText || ' AND SNAPSHOT_TYPE = ' || em_check.enquote_literal(replace(p_snapshotType, '''', '''''')); END IF; IF p_targetType IS NOT NULL THEN sqlText := sqlText || ' AND TARGET_TYPE = ' || em_check.enquote_literal(replace(p_targetType, '''', '''''')); END IF; IF p_targetName IS NOT NULL THEN sqlText := sqlText || ' AND NEW_LEFT_TARGET_NAME = ' || em_check.enquote_literal(replace(p_targetName, '''', '''''')); END IF; sqlText := sqlText || ' AND ROWNUM <= ' || MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT; -- Delete rows from the table in chunks of size MAX_COMMIT LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sqlText USING beforeDate; l_num_rows := SQL%ROWCOUNT; COMMIT; EXIT WHEN l_num_rows < MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT; END LOOP; -- Remove all the delta entries prior to the date only if the filters are all -- null in chunks of size MAX_COMMIT. LOOP IF p_snapshotType IS NULL AND p_targetType IS NULL AND p_targetName IS NULL THEN DELETE FROM MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY WHERE DELTA_TIME < beforeDate AND ROWNUM <= MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT RETURNING ROW_GUID BULK COLLECT INTO l_row_guids; l_num_rows := SQL%ROWCOUNT; ELSE -- There are filters so don't remove the entries that have NO_DELTA as their -- delta guid. Remove all other whose delta_guid does not have a corresponding -- entry in the DELTA_SNAP table. Those were removed based on the filters. DELETE FROM MGMT_DELTA_ENTRY e WHERE DELTA_TIME < beforeDate AND DELTA_GUID <> NO_DELTA AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM MGMT_DELTA_SNAP s WHERE e.DELTA_GUID = s.DELTA_GUID AND ROWNUM <= 1) AND rownum <= MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT RETURNING ROW_GUID BULK COLLECT INTO l_row_guids; l_num_rows := SQL%ROWCOUNT; END IF; FORALL i IN l_row_guids.FIRST..l_row_guids.LAST DELETE FROM MGMT_DELTA_IDS id WHERE id.ROW_GUID = l_row_guids(i) AND NOT EXISTS (select * from mgmt_delta_entry e where e.row_guid = id.row_guid and rownum <=1) ; l_num_rows1 := SQL%ROWCOUNT; rowcount := rowcount + l_num_rows; rowcount := rowcount + l_num_rows1; COMMIT; EXIT WHEN l_num_rows < MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT; END LOOP; RETURN ROWCOUNT; END PURGE_HISTORY; END MGMT_DELTA; / show errors;