Rem Rem $Header: emcore/source/oracle/sysman/emdrep/sql/core/latest/ecm/ecm_ct_pkgbody.sql /st_emcore_10. 2009/06/19 18:17:46 vkhizder Exp $ Rem Rem ecm_ct_pkgbody.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ecm_ct_pkgbody.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem vkhizder 06/18/09 - XbranchMerge vkhizder_bug6503115_10g from Rem st_emcore_10. Rem rrawat 06/26/07 - Bug-5997153 Rem rrawat 07/23/07 - Backport rrawat_bug-5977153 from main Rem agor 09/07/06 - Backport agor_bug-5478815 from Rem st_emcore_10. Rem rrawat 07/11/06 - Backport rrawat_bug-5211702 from main Rem rrawat 06/20/06 - Bug-5211702 Rem vkhizder 08/09/05 - fixing error handling due to agent fix for bug Rem 4313253 Rem mgoodric 07/20/05 - add additional parameter to after_load proc Rem agor 05/18/05 - catch exceptions Rem shuberma 04/21/05 - Modifying handle_orphaned_snapshots to avoid Rem infinite loop. Rem shuberma 04/15/05 - Remove deletes from post load procedures. Rem akskumar 04/07/05 - copy_snapshot to return saved config guid Rem asaraswa 04/07/05 - modify post-load procedure for host configs to Rem update the patches column in mgmt_hc_os_summary Rem mgoodric 04/06/05 - fix 10.2GC Beta upgrade bug Rem asaraswa 02/25/05 - adding code to populate mgmt_inv_summary Rem agor 02/16/05 - fix 4189156 Rem vkhizder 12/03/04 - delete performance improvements Rem mningomb 12/10/04 - Cutover Critical patch advisories policy to 10.2 Rem policy framework Rem vkhizder 11/24/04 - adding comments Rem akskumar 11/10/04 - saving configurations for composite targets Rem shuberma 09/27/04 - Remove call to old policy fw. Rem shuberma 09/03/04 - Adding procedure for running on-demand metrics Rem that are dependent upon snapshots. Rem vkhizder 07/27/04 - host config loading changes Rem rpinnama 06/12/04 - Remove set ECHO Rem vkhizder 03/03/04 - Rem vkhizder 02/17/04 - making csa clients non-targets Rem vkhizder 12/29/03 - fixing null comparinson Rem mgoodric 10/21/03 - check mgmt_current_metric_errors for errors Rem vkhizder 10/17/03 - commenting on effects of after-load procedure Rem shuberma 08/12/03 - Moving policy check until after commit and Rem delete of old snapshot. THis is because the Rem policy checker sees the old data Rem vkhizder 07/23/03 - only loader metadata tables/views are relevant Rem for deletion/copy Rem mgoodric 06/13/03 - added COPY_SNAPSHOT Rem vkhizder 06/03/03 - handing target deletion Rem shuberma 06/02/03 - Adding call to run policy checks on refresh Rem vkhizder 05/19/03 - adding oui platform Rem vkhizder 03/25/03 - more framework improvements Rem mgoodric 03/15/03 - use exceptions to raise errors Rem mgoodric 03/14/03 - add PRELOAD_CALLBACK and POSTLOAD_CALLBACK Rem agor 01/02/03 - add clonable Rem vkhizder 12/18/02 - adding some generic snapshot related procedures Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY ECM_CT IS -- a list of host config snapshot ids TYPE T_SNAP_GUID_TABLE IS TABLE OF MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT.SNAPSHOT_GUID%TYPE; -- Private constant for the number of retries of snapshot copy operation -- when snapshot changes while the copy operation is in progress NUM_OF_SNAPSHOT_COPY_RETRIES CONSTANT NUMBER := 3; SAVE_COMPOSITE_FAIL constant NUMBER:=0; SAVE_COMPOSITE_SUC constant NUMBER:=1; SAVE_COMPOSITE_HOST constant NUMBER:=2; -- ********************************************************************* PROCEDURE INSERT_SNAPSHOT_INFO (v_type VARCHAR2, v_type_version VARCHAR2, v_target_name VARCHAR2, v_target_type VARCHAR2, v_display_target_name VARCHAR2, v_display_target_type VARCHAR2, v_description VARCHAR2, v_start_timestamp DATE, v_elapsed_time NUMBER, v_current VARCHAR2, v_collection_error_stream VARCHAR2, v_guid OUT RAW) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT (snapshot_type, snapshot_type_version, target_name, target_type, display_target_name, display_target_type, description, start_timestamp, elapsed_time, is_current, collection_error_stream) VALUES (v_type, v_type_version, v_target_name, v_target_type, v_display_target_name, v_display_target_type, v_description, v_start_timestamp, v_elapsed_time, v_current, v_collection_error_stream) RETURNING snapshot_guid INTO v_guid; END INSERT_SNAPSHOT_INFO; -- ********************************************************************* PROCEDURE INSERT_CONTAINER (v_snapshot_guid RAW, v_type VARCHAR2, v_name VARCHAR2, v_location VARCHAR2, v_oui_platform NUMBER, v_clonable VARCHAR2, v_guid OUT RAW) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO MGMT_INV_CONTAINER (container_type, container_name, snapshot_guid, container_location, oui_platform, is_clonable) VALUES (v_type, v_name, v_snapshot_guid, v_location, v_oui_platform, v_clonable) RETURNING container_guid INTO v_guid; END INSERT_CONTAINER; -- ********************************************************************* PROCEDURE INSERT_COMPONENT (v_name VARCHAR2, v_version VARCHAR2, v_container_guid RAW, v_desription VARCHAR2, v_external_name VARCHAR2, v_languages VARCHAR2, v_installed_location VARCHAR2, v_installer_version VARCHAR2, v_min_deinstaller_version VARCHAR2, v_isTopLevel VARCHAR2, v_timestamp STRING, v_guid OUT RAW) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO MGMT_INV_COMPONENT (name, version, container_guid, description, external_name, languages, installed_location, installer_version, min_deinstaller_version,is_top_level, timestamp) VALUES(v_name, v_version, v_container_guid, v_desription, v_external_name, v_languages, v_installed_location, v_installer_version, v_min_deinstaller_version, v_isTopLevel, to_date(v_timestamp,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')) RETURNING component_guid INTO v_guid; END INSERT_COMPONENT; -- ********************************************************************* PROCEDURE INSERT_PATCH (v_id VARCHAR2, v_container_guid RAW, v_timestamp STRING, v_description VARCHAR2, v_isRollbackable VARCHAR2, v_guid OUT RAW) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO MGMT_INV_PATCH (id, container_guid, timestamp, description, is_rollbackable) VALUES (v_id, v_container_guid, to_date(v_timestamp,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), v_description, v_isRollbackable) RETURNING patch_guid INTO v_guid; END INSERT_PATCH; -- ********************************************************************* PROCEDURE INSERT_PATCHSET (v_name VARCHAR2, v_version VARCHAR2, v_container_guid RAW, v_description VARCHAR2, v_external_name VARCHAR2, v_installer_version VARCHAR2, v_min_deinstaller_version VARCHAR2, v_timestamp STRING, v_guid OUT RAW) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO MGMT_INV_PATCHSET (name, version, container_guid, description, external_name, installer_version, min_deinstaller_version, timestamp) VALUES (v_name, v_version, v_container_guid, v_description, v_external_name, v_installer_version, v_min_deinstaller_version, to_date(v_timestamp,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')) RETURNING patchset_guid INTO v_guid; END INSERT_PATCHSET; -- ********************************************************************* PROCEDURE INSERT_GEN_SNAPSHOT_INFO (v_snapshot_type VARCHAR2, v_target_id VARCHAR2, v_target_name VARCHAR2, v_target_type VARCHAR2, v_display_target_name VARCHAR2, v_display_target_type VARCHAR2, v_description VARCHAR2, v_start_timestamp DATE, v_elapsed_time NUMBER, v_current VARCHAR2, v_status VARCHAR2, v_message VARCHAR2, v_creator VARCHAR2, v_guid OUT VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT (snapshot_type, target_guid, target_name, target_type, display_target_name, display_target_type, description, start_timestamp, elapsed_time, is_current, status, message, creator) VALUES (v_snapshot_type, HEXTORAW(v_target_id), v_target_name, v_target_type, v_display_target_name, v_display_target_type, v_description, v_start_timestamp, v_elapsed_time, v_current, v_status, v_message, v_creator) RETURNING RAWTOHEX(snapshot_guid) INTO v_guid; END INSERT_GEN_SNAPSHOT_INFO; -- ********************************************************************* -- use current EM user as snapshot creator PROCEDURE INSERT_GEN_SNAPSHOT_INFO (v_snapshot_type VARCHAR2, v_target_id VARCHAR2, v_target_name VARCHAR2, v_target_type VARCHAR2, v_display_target_name VARCHAR2, v_display_target_type VARCHAR2, v_description VARCHAR2, v_start_timestamp DATE, v_elapsed_time NUMBER, v_current VARCHAR2, v_status VARCHAR2, v_message VARCHAR2, v_guid OUT VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT (snapshot_type, target_guid, target_name, target_type, display_target_name, display_target_type, description, start_timestamp, elapsed_time, is_current, status, message, creator) VALUES (v_snapshot_type, HEXTORAW(v_target_id), v_target_name, v_target_type, v_display_target_name, v_display_target_type, v_description, v_start_timestamp, v_elapsed_time, v_current, v_status, v_message, mgmt_user.get_current_em_user()) RETURNING RAWTOHEX(snapshot_guid) INTO v_guid; END INSERT_GEN_SNAPSHOT_INFO; -- ********************************************************************* -- Private PROCEDURE CT_LOG (v_message IN VARCHAR2) IS l_index NUMBER := 1; l_length NUMBER := 0; BEGIN IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN BEGIN l_length := LENGTH(v_message); WHILE (l_length > 0) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (SUBSTR(v_message,l_index,255)); l_length := l_length - 255; l_index := l_index + 255; END LOOP; -- ignore any errors EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; END IF; END CT_LOG; -- ********************************************************************* /* VK: This method is not used any longer.. for now just commenting it out in case we want to revert back to using (a derivative of) this code -- Private PROCEDURE FAIL_WITH_STATUS ( v_code IN NUMBER, v_message IN VARCHAR2) IS l_error_message VARCHAR2(32767) := NULL; BEGIN BEGIN IF (v_message IS NOT NULL) THEN l_error_message := v_message; ELSE l_error_message := SQLERRM; END IF; -- truncate message if >= 4000 IF (LENGTH(l_error_message) >= ECM_CT.G_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN) THEN l_error_message := SUBSTR(l_error_message,1,(ECM_CT.G_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN-3)) || '...'; END IF; -- VK: "SNAPSHOT" would have to be registered with -- mgmt_log.register_logging_module before it can be used. Also, -- this "Error in snapshot: Error:" message seems a bit strange.. And -- should the truncation above account for this prefix? -- After-load procedure should just throw the exception.. -- I believe the generic loader will log it -- MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR ('SNAPSHOT', null, -- 'Error in snapshot: ' || ' Error: ' || l_error_message); -- ignore any errors EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; raise_application_error (v_code, l_error_message); END FAIL_WITH_STATUS; */ -- ********************************************************************* -- Called by Generic Loader before entering metric collection data -- to create a snapshot in MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT -- -- Inputs: target_guid - guid of collection target -- collection_name - snapshot type -- collection_timestamp - collection time at target -- emd_url - Agent's URL -- version - snapshot version -- config_metadata_version - configuration metadata version -- -- Output: ecm_snapshot_guid - guid of the new snapshot PROCEDURE PRELOAD_CALLBACK ( v_input IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY, v_preLoadOutput OUT SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY) IS -- obtained from v_input l_target_guid MGMT_TARGETS.TARGET_GUID%TYPE; l_snapshot_type MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.SNAPSHOT_TYPE%TYPE := NULL; l_start_timestamp MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.START_TIMESTAMP%TYPE := SYSDATE; -- returned in v_preLoadOutput l_snapshot_guid VARCHAR2(64) := NULL; -- obtained from mgmt_targets l_target_name MGMT_TARGETS.TARGET_NAME%TYPE := NULL; l_target_type MGMT_TARGETS.TARGET_TYPE%TYPE := NULL; l_display_target_name MGMT_TARGETS.DISPLAY_NAME%TYPE := NULL; l_display_target_type MGMT_TARGETS.TYPE_DISPLAY_NAME%TYPE := NULL; -- local variables l_input_name VARCHAR(256) := NULL; l_null_description CONSTANT MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.DESCRIPTION%TYPE := NULL; l_null_message CONSTANT MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.MESSAGE%TYPE := NULL; l_null_elapsed_time CONSTANT MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.ELAPSED_TIME%TYPE := -1; l_null_creator CONSTANT MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.CREATOR%TYPE := NULL; BEGIN FOR i IN 1..v_input.COUNT LOOP l_input_name := UPPER(v_input(i).name); IF (l_input_name = ECM_CT.G_TARGET_GUID) THEN l_target_guid := HEXTORAW(v_input(i).value); IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('--> ' || v_input(i).name || ' = ''' || l_target_guid || ''''); END IF; ELSIF (l_input_name = ECM_CT.G_COLLECTION_NAME) THEN l_snapshot_type := v_input(i).value; IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('--> ' || v_input(i).name || ' = ''' || l_snapshot_type || ''''); END IF; ELSIF (l_input_name = ECM_CT.G_COLLECTION_TIMESTAMP) THEN l_start_timestamp := TO_DATE(v_input(i).value,MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AGENT_DATE_FORMAT); IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('--> ' || v_input(i).name || ' = ''' || l_start_timestamp || ''''); END IF; END IF; END LOOP; IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Retrieving target data with ''' || l_target_guid || ''''); END IF; BEGIN SELECT target_name, target_type, display_name, type_display_name INTO l_target_name, l_target_type, l_display_target_name, l_display_target_type FROM mgmt_targets WHERE (target_guid = l_target_guid); -- bail out when target doesn't exist EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.target_does_not_exist; END; IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Creating new ''' || l_snapshot_type || ''' snapshot for target ''' || l_target_name || ''''); END IF; INSERT_GEN_SNAPSHOT_INFO ( l_snapshot_type, RAWTOHEX(l_target_guid), l_target_name, l_target_type, l_display_target_name, l_display_target_type, l_null_description, l_start_timestamp, l_null_elapsed_time, ECM_CT.G_IS_TRANSIENT_TYPE, ECM_CT.G_NOT_FOUND_STATUS, l_null_message, l_null_creator, l_snapshot_guid); COMMIT; -- Store the snapshot guid for later use v_preLoadOutput := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY(); v_preLoadOutput.extend(1); v_preLoadOutput(1) := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR(ECM_CT.G_ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID, l_snapshot_guid); END PRELOAD_CALLBACK; -- ********************************************************************* -- Called by Generic Loader after entering metric collection data -- to calculate change history for the snapshot in MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT -- -- Inputs: target_guid - guid of collection target -- collection_name - snapshot type -- collection_timestamp - collection time at target -- emd_url - Agent's URL -- version - snapshot version -- config_metadata_version - configuration metadata version -- -- Inputs: ecm_snapshot_guid - guid of the new snapshot PROCEDURE POSTLOAD_CALLBACK ( v_input IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY, v_preLoadOutput IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY) IS -- obtained from v_input l_target_guid MGMT_TARGETS.TARGET_GUID%TYPE; l_snapshot_type MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.SNAPSHOT_TYPE%TYPE := NULL; l_start_timestamp MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.START_TIMESTAMP%TYPE := SYSDATE; -- obtained from v_preLoadOutput l_snapshot_guid MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.SNAPSHOT_GUID%TYPE; -- obtained from mgmt_targets l_target_name MGMT_TARGETS.TARGET_NAME%TYPE := NULL; l_target_type MGMT_TARGETS.TARGET_TYPE%TYPE := NULL; l_display_target_name MGMT_TARGETS.DISPLAY_NAME%TYPE := NULL; l_display_target_type MGMT_TARGETS.TYPE_DISPLAY_NAME%TYPE := NULL; -- obtained from mgmt_ecm_snapshot_metadata l_after_load_proc_name MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT_METADATA.AFTER_LOAD_PROC_NAME%TYPE := NULL; l_history_on MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT_METADATA.HISTORY_ON%TYPE := 'N'; -- useful types TYPE T_NUMBER_TABLE IS TABLE OF NUMBER; TYPE T_VARCHAR2_TABLE IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(4000); TYPE T_GUID_TABLE IS TABLE OF MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.SNAPSHOT_GUID%TYPE; -- used for collecting metric warnings l_error_message VARCHAR2(32767) := NULL; l_metric_error_type T_NUMBER_TABLE; l_metric_error_message T_VARCHAR2_TABLE; l_lock_snapshot_list T_GUID_TABLE; -- used to determine lock conditions l_lock_guid VARCHAR2(64) := NULL; l_current_snapshot_guid MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.SNAPSHOT_GUID%TYPE; -- used to form call to after_load_proc l_sql VARCHAR2(200) := NULL; l_metadata_version VARCHAR2(64) := NULL; l_afterLoadInput SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY := NULL; -- used to detect old-style AFTER_LOAD interface wrong_number_of_arguments EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(wrong_number_of_arguments, -6553); -- local variables l_input_name VARCHAR(256) := NULL; l_preLoadOutput_name VARCHAR(256) := NULL; l_null_description CONSTANT MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.DESCRIPTION%TYPE := NULL; l_null_message CONSTANT MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.MESSAGE%TYPE := NULL; l_null_elapsed_time CONSTANT MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.ELAPSED_TIME%TYPE := -1; l_null_creator CONSTANT MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.CREATOR%TYPE := NULL; BEGIN BEGIN FOR i IN 1..v_input.COUNT LOOP l_input_name := UPPER(v_input(i).name); IF (l_input_name = ECM_CT.G_TARGET_GUID) THEN l_target_guid := HEXTORAW(v_input(i).value); IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('--> ' || v_input(i).name || ' = ''' || l_target_guid || ''''); END IF; ELSIF (l_input_name = ECM_CT.G_COLLECTION_NAME) THEN l_snapshot_type := v_input(i).value; IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('--> ' || v_input(i).name || ' = ''' || l_snapshot_type || ''''); END IF; ELSIF (l_input_name = ECM_CT.G_COLLECTION_TIMESTAMP) THEN l_start_timestamp := TO_DATE(v_input(i).value,MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AGENT_DATE_FORMAT); IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('--> ' || v_input(i).name || ' = ''' || l_start_timestamp || ''''); END IF; ELSIF (l_input_name = ECM_CT.G_CONFIG_METADATA_VERSION) THEN l_metadata_version := v_input(i).value; IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('--> ' || v_input(i).name || ' = ''' || l_metadata_version || ''''); END IF; END IF; END LOOP; FOR i IN 1..v_preLoadOutput.COUNT LOOP l_preLoadOutput_name := UPPER(v_preLoadOutput(i).name); IF (l_preLoadOutput_name = ECM_CT.G_ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID) THEN l_snapshot_guid := HEXTORAW(v_preLoadOutput(i).value); IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('--> ' || v_preLoadOutput(i).name || ' = ''' || l_snapshot_guid || ''''); END IF; END IF; END LOOP; -- In addition to retrieving target data, the following makes sure -- target has not been deleted yet (by checking for l_target_guid). -- If ecm handle_target_deletion callback is started before this check, the -- following check will see that the target is no longer in mgmt_targets table. -- If this check succeeds and target deletion as well as the callback start -- after this check, the target guid will be removed from the snapshot row -- committed in the preload_callback procedure with the ecm handle_target_deletion -- callback procedure (which will see the row due to the prior commit.) -- The snapshot itself will be removed as part of delete_orphan_snapshots procedure. IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Retrieving target data with ''' || l_target_guid || ''''); END IF; BEGIN SELECT target_name, target_type, display_name, type_display_name INTO l_target_name, l_target_type, l_display_target_name, l_display_target_type FROM mgmt_targets WHERE (target_guid = l_target_guid); -- bail out if target doesn't exist EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.target_does_not_exist; END; IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Collecting metric warnings for target_guid ''' || l_target_guid || ''''); END IF; BEGIN SELECT metric_error_type, metric_error_message BULK COLLECT INTO l_metric_error_type, l_metric_error_message FROM mgmt_metric_errors WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid AND coll_name = l_snapshot_type AND collection_timestamp = l_start_timestamp AND metric_error_message IS NOT NULL; FOR i IN 1..l_metric_error_message.COUNT LOOP IF (l_metric_error_type(i) = ECM_CT.G_IS_METRIC_ERROR) THEN IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Found metric errors for target_guid ''' || l_target_guid || ''''); END IF; -- delete snapshot UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE WHERE snapshot_guid = l_snapshot_guid; RETURN; END IF; IF (l_metric_error_message(i) IS NOT NULL) THEN IF (l_error_message IS NULL) THEN l_error_message := l_metric_error_message(i); ELSE l_error_message := l_error_message || ' ' || CHR(10) || l_metric_error_message(i); END IF; END IF; END LOOP; -- truncate message if >= 4000 IF (LENGTH(l_error_message) >= ECM_CT.G_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN) THEN l_error_message := SUBSTR(l_error_message,1,(ECM_CT.G_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN-3)) || '...'; END IF; UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET message = l_error_message WHERE (snapshot_guid = l_snapshot_guid); -- ignore no metric errors EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Finding after_load_proc_name procedure and executing it'); END IF; BEGIN SELECT after_load_proc_name INTO l_after_load_proc_name FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot_metadata WHERE (snapshot_type = l_snapshot_type) AND (target_type = l_target_type) AND (kind = ECM_CT.G_IS_LOADER); -- ignore when no after_load_proc EXCEPTION -- should we raise exception if there is no metadata? For now, proceed. WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; IF (l_after_load_proc_name IS NOT NULL) THEN -- Store the metadata version for integrators to use l_afterLoadInput := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY(); l_afterLoadInput.extend(1); l_afterLoadInput(1) := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR(ECM_CT.G_CONFIG_METADATA_VERSION, l_metadata_version); l_sql := 'CALL ' || EM_CHECK.QUALIFIED_SQL_NAME(l_after_load_proc_name) || '(:snapshot_guid,:afterLoadInput)'; IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Executing ' || l_sql || ' with ''' || l_snapshot_guid || ''''); END IF; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql USING l_snapshot_guid, l_afterLoadInput; EXCEPTION -- Retry callback if new parameter is not currently supported by callback WHEN wrong_number_of_arguments THEN -- ORA-06553: PLS-306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'AFTER_LOAD' l_sql := 'CALL ' || EM_CHECK.QUALIFIED_SQL_NAME(l_after_load_proc_name) || '(:snapshot_guid)'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql USING l_snapshot_guid; END; -- Re-obtaining various target/snapshot information in case it was -- changed by the after-load procedure. CSA performs such changes. -- Generally, integrators should NOT perform such changes. SELECT target_guid, target_name, target_type, display_target_name, display_target_type, snapshot_type INTO l_target_guid, l_target_name, l_target_type, l_display_target_name, l_display_target_type, l_snapshot_type FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE snapshot_guid = l_snapshot_guid; -- Note: start_timestamp and elapsed_time fields could also be changed by -- after-load procedure but we do not reacquire them above as they are -- not used below. END IF; IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Trying to lock current snapshot'); END IF; BEGIN SELECT snapshot_guid INTO l_current_snapshot_guid FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE (snapshot_type = l_snapshot_type) AND (target_name = l_target_name) AND (target_type = l_target_type) AND (is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_CURRENT_TYPE) FOR UPDATE OF is_current; -- ignore when no current snapshot EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; -- Lock on new row if no lock obtained on current snapshot IF (l_current_snapshot_guid IS NULL) THEN IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Inserting locking snapshot with new guid'); END IF; INSERT_GEN_SNAPSHOT_INFO ( l_snapshot_type, NULL, l_target_name, l_target_type, l_display_target_name, l_display_target_type, l_null_description, SYSDATE, l_null_elapsed_time, ECM_CT.G_IS_LOCKED_TYPE, ECM_CT.G_NOT_FOUND_STATUS, l_null_message, l_null_creator, l_lock_guid); COMMIT; IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Locking snapshot with ''' || l_lock_guid || ''''); END IF; BEGIN SELECT snapshot_guid BULK COLLECT INTO l_lock_snapshot_list FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE (snapshot_type = l_snapshot_type) AND (target_name = l_target_name) AND (target_type = l_target_type) AND (is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_LOCKED_TYPE) FOR UPDATE OF is_current; -- bail out with error when lock is missing EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN raise_application_error (MGMT_GLOBAL.SNAPSHOT_LOCK_ERR, 'Could not find just created lock row'); END; IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Retrying lock of current snapshot'); END IF; -- We are now locked on L snapshot. If a new current -- snapshot appears meanwhile, let's try to lock on -- it as well and get its guid. BEGIN SELECT snapshot_guid INTO l_current_snapshot_guid FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE (snapshot_type = l_snapshot_type) AND (target_name = l_target_name) AND (target_type = l_target_type) AND (is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_CURRENT_TYPE) FOR UPDATE OF is_current; -- ignore if we still can't get the lock EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; END IF; BEGIN SELECT history_on INTO l_history_on FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot_metadata WHERE snapshot_type = l_snapshot_type AND target_type = l_target_type AND kind = ECM_CT.G_IS_PRESENTATION; EXCEPTION -- for now don't worry if metadata is missing WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; IF (l_history_on = 'Y') THEN IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Calculating history for snapshot_guid ''' || l_snapshot_guid || ''''); END IF; MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT_PKG.DO_AND_SAVE_HISTORY ( l_snapshot_type, l_target_type, l_snapshot_guid, l_current_snapshot_guid); END IF; IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Making snapshot current for snapshot_guid ''' || l_snapshot_guid || ''''); END IF; -- delete old current snapshot IF (l_current_snapshot_guid IS NOT NULL) THEN UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE WHERE snapshot_guid = l_current_snapshot_guid; END IF; -- make new snapshot into current snapshot UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_CURRENT_TYPE, status = ECM_CT.G_COLLECTED_STATUS WHERE snapshot_guid = l_snapshot_guid; COMMIT; -- bail out after deleting temporary snapshot EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE WHERE snapshot_guid = l_snapshot_guid; RAISE; END; IF (l_lock_guid IS NOT NULL) THEN IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Deleting snapshot with ''' || l_lock_guid || ''''); END IF; BEGIN -- Due to bug 4254731, this delete is changed to an update. The update will -- ensure that the entry gets cleaned up when other deleted snapshots are cleaned -- up -- DELETE FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE WHERE snapshot_guid = HEXTORAW(l_lock_guid); COMMIT; -- bail out when nothing to do EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; END IF; -- Run policy checks for this snapshot. The snapshot type, target type and -- target name are used to determine if there are any policies that need -- to be run because they specified ON_REFRESH. -- This is here because the is_current flag is expected to be 'Y' for the -- snapshot being tested. -- Also, it is done in the same transaction as the appearance of the new -- snapshot so the policy violations reported are always consistent with -- the current snapshot displayed. BEGIN -- New way is to collection dependent metrics which will evaluate policies. EM_COLL_UTIL.run_snapshot_dependent_colls( p_snapshotType=>l_snapshot_type, p_targetType=>l_target_type, p_targetName=>l_target_name ); -- ignore all errors EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; END POSTLOAD_CALLBACK; -- ********************************************************************* -- Called to delete a generic snapshot -- -- Inputs: snapshot_guid - guid of the snapshot to be deleted PROCEDURE DELETE_SNAPSHOT (v_snapshot_guid IN RAW) IS BEGIN UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE WHERE snapshot_guid = v_snapshot_guid; COMMIT; END DELETE_SNAPSHOT; /************************ old code for DELETE_SNAPSHOT ******************* -- obtained from mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot l_snapshot_type MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.SNAPSHOT_TYPE%TYPE; l_target_type MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.TARGET_TYPE%TYPE; -- obtained from mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_tables l_table_names VARCHAR2_TABLE; -- sql to be executed l_sql VARCHAR2(200) := NULL; BEGIN IF ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1 THEN CT_LOG('-- Deleting snapshot_guid ''' || v_snapshot_guid || ''''); END IF; BEGIN SELECT snapshot_type, target_type INTO l_snapshot_type, l_target_type FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE snapshot_guid = v_snapshot_guid FOR UPDATE OF is_current; -- bail out when nothing to do EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN; END; UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE WHERE snapshot_guid = v_snapshot_guid; COMMIT; BEGIN SELECT BULK COLLECT INTO l_table_names FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot_metadata m, mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_tables t WHERE m.snapshot_type = l_snapshot_type AND m.target_type = l_target_type AND m.kind = ECM_CT.G_IS_LOADER AND m.metadata_id = t.metadata_id ORDER BY tbl_order DESC; IF l_table_names IS NOT NULL AND l_table_names.COUNT > 0 THEN FOR i IN l_table_names.FIRST..l_table_names.LAST LOOP IF ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1 THEN CT_LOG('-- Deleting data in table "' || l_table_names(i) || '"'); END IF; BEGIN l_sql := 'DECLARE guid RAW(16); ' || 'BEGIN guid := :1;' || ' DELETE FROM ' || em_check.sql_object_name( em_check.enquote_name(l_table_names(i), false)) || ' WHERE ' || ECM_CT.G_ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID || ' = guid; ' || 'END;'; IF ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1 THEN CT_LOG('-- Executing ' || l_sql || ' with ''' || v_snapshot_guid || ''''); END IF; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql USING v_snapshot_guid; COMMIT; -- ignore when table is empty EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; END LOOP; END IF; -- don't worry when no loader tables / views are found EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; IF ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1 THEN CT_LOG('-- Destroying snapshot_guid ''' || v_snapshot_guid || ''''); END IF; DELETE FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE snapshot_guid = v_snapshot_guid; COMMIT; END DELETE_SNAPSHOT; ************************ old code for DELETE_SNAPSHOT *******************/ -- ********************************************************************* PROCEDURE HANDLE_ORPHAN_SNAPSHOTS (v_number_of_days IN NUMBER DEFAULT 3) IS -- number of processed snapshots l_num_snapshots NUMBER := 0; BEGIN LOOP BEGIN UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE WHERE is_current <> ECM_CT.G_IS_CURRENT_TYPE AND is_current <> ECM_CT.G_IS_NOTCURRENT_TYPE AND is_current <> ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE AND (SYSDATE - v_number_of_days) > saved_timestamp AND ROWNUM <= MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT; l_num_snapshots := SQL%ROWCOUNT; IF l_num_snapshots > 0 THEN COMMIT; END IF; EXCEPTION -- NO_DATA_FOUND cannot be thrown for UPDATE of 0 rows. WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(ECM_PURGE_LOG_MODULE_NAME, ORPHAN_SNAP_CREATION_ERR_1, 'Encountered a problem while setting up orphan ECM snapshots for ' || 'deletion. Will try to process orphan snapshots one by one. ' || 'Problem: ' || SQLCODE || ': ' || SQLERRM, v_log_level_in => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_WARN); -- If there are no errors during one-by-one processing of orphans, -- try to continue with the outer loop l_num_snapshots := MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT + 1; -- Update snapshots one-by-one FOR snap IN (SELECT snapshot_guid FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE is_current <> ECM_CT.G_IS_CURRENT_TYPE AND is_current <> ECM_CT.G_IS_NOTCURRENT_TYPE AND (SYSDATE - v_number_of_days) > saved_timestamp AND ROWNUM <= MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT) LOOP BEGIN UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE WHERE snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(ECM_PURGE_LOG_MODULE_NAME, ORPHAN_SNAP_CREATION_ERR_2, 'Failed to set up orphan snapshot for deletion. ' || 'Snapshot ID: ' || snap.snapshot_guid || ' Problem: ' || SQLCODE || ': ' || SQLERRM, v_log_level_in => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_ERROR); -- Make sure that after we go through the rest of -- orphan snapshots in this chunk, we exit the -- outer loop since there is -- at least one snapshot that we cannot update, -- and so we do not want to end up in infinite loop -- which keeps trying to update it. l_num_snapshots := 0; END; END LOOP; -- commit all successful updates COMMIT; END; EXIT WHEN l_num_snapshots < MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT; END LOOP; RETURN; END HANDLE_ORPHAN_SNAPSHOTS; -- ********************************************************************* -- Called to delete all generic snapshots marked for deletion -- Parameters: -- p_target_types - target types array. Must match in length to snapshot -- types array. -- p_snapshot_types - snapshot types array. Must match in length to -- target types array. Snapshot type at index i is for target type -- at index i in the target types array. -- p_is_primary - indicates if this is the primary thread or one of the -- worker threads. In the former case, snapshots are removed from -- mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot table. In the latter case, they are just -- marked for later removal by primary thread. There should be only one -- primary thread. -- p_result_out - returns number of snapshots that we attempt to delete by -- converting them to G_IS_BEING_DELETED_TYPE state PROCEDURE DELETE_SNAPSHOTS(p_target_types VARCHAR2_TABLE, p_snapshot_types VARCHAR2_TABLE, p_is_primary BOOLEAN := FALSE, p_result_out OUT NUMBER) IS -- obtained from mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_tables l_table_names VARCHAR2_TABLE; -- sql to be executed l_sql VARCHAR2(512) := NULL; -- current date l_cur_date MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.SAVED_TIMESTAMP%TYPE; -- number of processed snapshots l_num_snapshots NUMBER := 0; -- number of processed rows (current and total) l_num_rows NUMBER := 0; l_total_num_rows NUMBER := 0; -- temp variable for error case l_any_work_left NUMBER := 0; BEGIN p_result_out := 0; -- Delete each snapshot type FOR snap_type_idx IN p_snapshot_types.FIRST..p_snapshot_types.LAST LOOP BEGIN l_table_names := NULL; BEGIN SELECT BULK COLLECT INTO l_table_names FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot_metadata m, mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_tables t WHERE m.target_type = p_target_types(snap_type_idx) AND m.snapshot_type = p_snapshot_types(snap_type_idx) AND m.kind = ECM_CT.G_IS_LOADER AND m.metadata_id = t.metadata_id ORDER BY tbl_order DESC; EXCEPTION -- ignore if no tables in snapshot WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; -- Convert all snapshots of this type with is_current = -- ECM_CT.G_IS_BEING_DELETED_TYPE into ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE. This is -- assuming that the only reason there would be snapshots of -- ECM_CT.G_IS_BEING_DELETED_TYPE type is if DB crashed and/or the -- previous deletion process got interrupted. Noone but this thread -- should be deleting snapshots of this type during the execution of -- this method. UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE WHERE target_type = p_target_types(snap_type_idx) AND snapshot_type = p_snapshot_types(snap_type_idx) AND is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_BEING_DELETED_TYPE; IF SQL%ROWCOUNT > 0 THEN COMMIT; END IF; -- loop over all snapshots; MAX_COMMIT snapshots at a time LOOP -- Mark snapshots to be deleted UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_BEING_DELETED_TYPE WHERE target_type = p_target_types(snap_type_idx) AND snapshot_type = p_snapshot_types(snap_type_idx) AND is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE AND rownum <= MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT; l_num_snapshots := SQL%ROWCOUNT; p_result_out := p_result_out + l_num_snapshots; IF l_num_snapshots > 0 THEN COMMIT; ELSE EXIT; END IF; -- if there are tables in the current snapshot type IF l_table_names IS NOT NULL AND l_table_names.COUNT > 0 THEN -- delete data from each table FOR tbl_idx IN l_table_names.FIRST..l_table_names.LAST LOOP -- Delete rows from the table tbl_idx in chunks of size MAX_COMMIT LOOP BEGIN l_sql := ' DELETE FROM ' || em_check.sql_object_name( em_check.enquote_name(l_table_names(tbl_idx), false)) || ' WHERE ' || ECM_CT.G_ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID || ' IN (SELECT snapshot_guid FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot ' || ' WHERE target_type = ' || em_check.enquote_literal( replace(p_target_types(snap_type_idx), '''', '''''')) || ' AND snapshot_type = ' || em_check.enquote_literal( replace(p_snapshot_types(snap_type_idx), '''', '''''')) || ' AND is_current = ''' || ECM_CT.G_IS_BEING_DELETED_TYPE || ''') ' || ' AND ROWNUM <= ' || MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql; l_num_rows := SQL%ROWCOUNT; l_total_num_rows := l_total_num_rows + l_num_rows; -- Total number of rows could be less than MAX_COMMIT -- if some tables have almost nothing to delete IF l_total_num_rows >= MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT THEN COMMIT; l_total_num_rows := 0; END IF; EXCEPTION -- NO_DATA_FOUND cannot be thrown for DELETE of 0 rows. -- includes ref. constraints violations, deadlocks, etc. WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(ECM_PURGE_LOG_MODULE_NAME, DELETE_SNAP_ERR_3, 'Encountered a problem while purging data from table ' || l_table_names(tbl_idx) || ' for target type ' || p_target_types(snap_type_idx) || ' / snapshot type ' || p_snapshot_types(snap_type_idx) || '. Will try to remove data one snapshot at a time. ' || 'Problem: ' || SQLCODE || ': ' || SQLERRM, v_log_level_in => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_WARN); -- Retry slowly and find out where the exception happened COMMIT; -- commit anything that DID succeed since last commit l_total_num_rows := 0; l_cur_date := SYSDATE; -- Delete rows for snapshots one-by-one and handle the errors FOR snap IN (SELECT snapshot_guid FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE target_type = p_target_types(snap_type_idx) AND snapshot_type = p_snapshot_types(snap_type_idx) AND is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_BEING_DELETED_TYPE) LOOP BEGIN -- Delete data from the table l_table_names(tbl_idx) -- for the snapshot LOOP l_sql := ' DELETE FROM ' || em_check.sql_object_name( em_check.enquote_name(l_table_names(tbl_idx), false)) || ' WHERE ' || ECM_CT.G_ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID || ' = :1 ' || ' AND ROWNUM <= ' || MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql USING snap.snapshot_guid; l_num_rows := SQL%ROWCOUNT; l_total_num_rows := l_total_num_rows + l_num_rows; -- commit when enough rows are deleted IF l_total_num_rows >= MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT THEN COMMIT; l_total_num_rows := 0; END IF; EXIT WHEN l_num_rows < MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT; END LOOP; -- If code ends up here for the last snapshot, -- then all snapshots got -- successfully removed without errors when -- we tried one-by-one removal. -- Next, since l_num_rows < MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT -- at this point, the outter loop for the given table -- will correctly exit: we are done with this table. EXCEPTION -- NO_DATA_FOUND cannot be thrown for DELETE of 0 rows. WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(ECM_PURGE_LOG_MODULE_NAME, DELETE_SNAP_ERR_4, 'Failed to purge data from table ' || l_table_names(tbl_idx) || ' for target type ' || p_target_types(snap_type_idx) || ' / snapshot type ' || p_snapshot_types(snap_type_idx) || '. Snapshot ID with the problem: ' || snap.snapshot_guid || '. Problem: ' || SQLCODE || ': ' || SQLERRM, v_log_level_in => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_ERROR); -- commit successful deletions IF l_total_num_rows > 0 THEN COMMIT; l_total_num_rows := 0; END IF; -- l_total_num_rows is 0 in this case no matter what. UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_ERROR_TYPE, saved_timestamp = l_cur_date WHERE snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid; COMMIT; -- see if any work is left from this current chunk -- of snapshots l_any_work_left := NULL; BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO l_any_work_left FROM DUAL WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE target_type = p_target_types(snap_type_idx) AND snapshot_type = p_snapshot_types(snap_type_idx) AND is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_BEING_DELETED_TYPE); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; IF l_any_work_left IS NOT NULL THEN -- Now that we found error and changed the -- snapshot's is_current, we'll try to proceed with -- fast removal approach in the hope that this was -- the only problematic snapshot. -- Exit inner loop (for one-by-one processing of -- snapshots), but not the outer loop for -- table tbl_idx: l_num_rows := MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT + 1; EXIT; ELSE -- If no work is left, go on to the next set of -- snapshots. Do not go back to the outer loop, -- since there is a chance of getting exception -- again, even with 0 snapshots to delete, -- and then we'd end up here again with infinite -- loop. -- So, exit both inner and outer loops. If any -- tables are left, they we'll go quickly through -- them - through this or other paths. l_num_rows := 0; EXIT; END IF; END; END LOOP; -- deleting rows for snapshots one-by-one END; -- all code and exception handling for table tbl_idx -- Exit the loop when the number of removed rows does not -- reach the maximum (as specified by rownum constraint) EXIT WHEN l_num_rows < MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT; END LOOP; -- delete rows from table tbl_idx in chunks END LOOP; -- delete data from each table -- commit deletion of any remaining rows IF l_total_num_rows > 0 THEN COMMIT; END IF; END IF; -- if there are tables in the metadata for the snapshot type -- Delete / update rows in mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot table BEGIN IF p_is_primary THEN -- delete rows from the mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot table DELETE FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE target_type = p_target_types(snap_type_idx) AND snapshot_type = p_snapshot_types(snap_type_idx) AND is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_BEING_DELETED_TYPE; ELSE -- update rows in the mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot table to -- be removed later by primary thread / job UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_ALMOST_DELETED_TYPE WHERE target_type = p_target_types(snap_type_idx) AND snapshot_type = p_snapshot_types(snap_type_idx) AND is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_BEING_DELETED_TYPE; END IF; COMMIT; EXCEPTION -- NO_DATA_FOUND cannot be thrown for delete / update WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(ECM_PURGE_LOG_MODULE_NAME, DELETE_SNAP_ERR_5, 'Encountered a problem while removing last snapshot rows' || ' for target type ' || p_target_types(snap_type_idx) || ' / snapshot type ' || p_snapshot_types(snap_type_idx) || '. Will try to remove the rows one snapshot at a time. ' || 'Problem: ' || SQLCODE || ': ' || SQLERRM, v_log_level_in => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_WARN); -- find problematic snapshots, and remove / update others l_cur_date := SYSDATE; FOR snap IN (SELECT snapshot_guid FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE target_type = p_target_types(snap_type_idx) AND snapshot_type = p_snapshot_types(snap_type_idx) AND is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_BEING_DELETED_TYPE) LOOP BEGIN IF p_is_primary THEN DELETE FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid; ELSE UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_ALMOST_DELETED_TYPE WHERE snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid; END IF; EXCEPTION -- NO_DATA_FOUND cannot be thrown for delete / update WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(ECM_PURGE_LOG_MODULE_NAME, DELETE_SNAP_ERR_6, 'Failed to remove last snapshot row' || ' for target type ' || p_target_types(snap_type_idx) || ' / snapshot type ' || p_snapshot_types(snap_type_idx) || '. Snapshot ID with the problem: ' || snap.snapshot_guid || '. Problem: ' || SQLCODE || ': ' || SQLERRM, v_log_level_in => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_ERROR); -- Last try: make the snapshot an error snapshot and go on UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_ERROR_TYPE, saved_timestamp = l_cur_date WHERE snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid; END; END LOOP; -- finding problematic snapshots COMMIT; END; -- delete / update rows in mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot table -- Exit loop when number of snapshots selected for removal -- does not reach the maximum as determined by rownum constraint -- in the query at the beginning of the loop EXIT WHEN l_num_snapshots < MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT; END LOOP; -- loop over all snapshots to delete, a chunk at a time -- catch any exceptions for the snapshot type deletion -- log error, and try to delete other snapshot types EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(ECM_PURGE_LOG_MODULE_NAME, DELETE_SNAP_ERR_7, 'Failed to purge deleted snapshots' || ' for target type ' || p_target_types(snap_type_idx) || ' / snapshot type ' || p_snapshot_types(snap_type_idx) || '. Problem: ' || SQLCODE || ': ' || SQLERRM, v_log_level_in => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_ERROR); END; END LOOP; -- delete each snapshot type END DELETE_SNAPSHOTS; -- ********************************************************************* -- Called to delete all generic snapshots marked for deletion -- This is the primary deletion thread if deletions are split into threads -- To split out CSA snapshot deletion into separate thread: -- (1) Uncomment 2 sections below that talk about CSA: one for -- not including CSA in primary threads, and the other -- that handles "almost deleted" snapshots created by other threads. -- (2) Uncomment DELETE_CSA_SNAPSHOTS procedure in both this and pkgdef files. PROCEDURE DELETE_SNAPSHOTS(pcb_params IN OUT MGMT_PURGE_CALLBACK_PARAMS) IS l_target_types VARCHAR2_TABLE; l_snapshot_types VARCHAR2_TABLE; -- number of processed snapshots l_num_snapshots NUMBER := 0; l_result NUMBER := 0; -- current date l_cur_date MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.SAVED_TIMESTAMP%TYPE; -- continue deletion of target types? l_continue_deletion BOOLEAN := TRUE; BEGIN -- select snapshot types to delete: all non-host-config, non CSA types. BEGIN SELECT target_type, snapshot_type BULK COLLECT INTO l_target_types, l_snapshot_types FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot_metadata WHERE kind = ECM_CT.G_IS_LOADER; /*** Exclude CSA snapshot deletion from this procedure AND NOT ((target_type = 'oracle_csa_collector' -- all but CSA AND snapshot_type = 'oracle_csa') OR (target_type = 'oracle_csa_client' AND snapshot_type = 'oracle_csa_host')); ***/ -- handle the case when there are no types to work on EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN l_continue_deletion := FALSE; END; IF l_continue_deletion THEN DELETE_SNAPSHOTS(l_target_types, l_snapshot_types, TRUE, l_result); END IF; pcb_params.rows_processed := l_result; pcb_params.callback_result := 0; pcb_params.error_code := 0; pcb_params.error_msg := NULL; /*** Following includes CSA and snapshots deleted in other threads -- Delete "almost deleted" snapshots created by other threads. LOOP BEGIN DELETE FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_ALMOST_DELETED_TYPE AND rownum <= MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT; l_num_snapshots := SQL%ROWCOUNT; COMMIT; EXCEPTION -- NO_DATA_FOUND cannot be thrown for delete WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(ECM_PURGE_LOG_MODULE_NAME, DELETE_SNAP_ERR_8, 'Encountered a problem while removing last snapshot rows. ' || 'Will try to remove the rows one snapshot at a time. ' || 'Problem: ' || SQLCODE || ': ' || SQLERRM, v_log_level_in => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_WARN); -- find problematic snapshots, and remove others l_cur_date := SYSDATE; FOR snap IN (SELECT snapshot_guid FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_ALMOST_DELETED_TYPE AND rownum <= MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT) LOOP BEGIN DELETE FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid; EXCEPTION -- NO_DATA_FOUND cannot be thrown for delete WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(ECM_PURGE_LOG_MODULE_NAME, DELETE_SNAP_ERR_9, 'Failed to remove last snapshot row. ' || ' Snapshot ID with the problem: ' || snap.snapshot_guid || '. Problem: ' || SQLCODE || ': ' || SQLERRM, v_log_level_in => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_ERROR); -- Last try: make the snapshot an error snapshot and go on UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_ERROR_TYPE, saved_timestamp = l_cur_date WHERE snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid; END; END LOOP; -- finding problematic snapshots, and removing others -- do not exit the loop in case of exception l_num_snapshots := MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT + 1; COMMIT; END; EXIT WHEN l_num_snapshots < MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT; END LOOP; -- end of deleting "almost deleted" snapshots ***/ -- This has to follow deletion of "almost deleted" snapshots, -- since otherwise this procedure would orphan old "almost -- deleted" snapshots by changing them back to "deleted" -- snapshots before having a chance to actually delete them -- first. HANDLE_ORPHAN_SNAPSHOTS; END DELETE_SNAPSHOTS; -- ********************************************************************* /*** Uncomment this procedure if CSA is separated into a separate "thread". **** See comments above in this file for what else needs to be done. -- Called to delete all CSA snapshots marked for deletion PROCEDURE DELETE_CSA_SNAPSHOTS IS l_target_types VARCHAR2_TABLE; l_snapshot_types VARCHAR2_TABLE; BEGIN l_target_types := VARCHAR2_TABLE(); l_snapshot_types := VARCHAR2_TABLE(); l_target_types.EXTEND; l_snapshot_types.EXTEND; l_target_types(l_target_types.LAST) := 'oracle_csa_collector'; l_snapshot_types(l_snapshot_types.LAST) := 'oracle_csa'; l_target_types.EXTEND; l_snapshot_types.EXTEND; l_target_types(l_target_types.LAST) := 'oracle_csa_client'; l_snapshot_types(l_snapshot_types.LAST) := 'oracle_csa_host'; DELETE_SNAPSHOTS(l_target_types, l_snapshot_types, FALSE); END DELETE_CSA_SNAPSHOTS; ***/ -- ********************************************************************* PROCEDURE HANDLE_ORPHAN_HOST_CONFIGS (v_number_of_days IN NUMBER DEFAULT 3) IS -- number of purged snapshots l_num_snapshots NUMBER := 0; BEGIN -- delete rows from the "suspect orphans" table that did not turn out to -- be orphans or that were removed on a previous run of purge; i.e. delete -- any suspect snapshot ids for which there is no longer any snapshots -- in the snapshot table with temporary status (e.g. T, D, L) BEGIN DELETE FROM mgmt_ecm_host_configs_to_del suspect WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s WHERE suspect.snapshot_guid = s.snapshot_guid AND s.is_current <> ECM_CT.G_IS_CURRENT_TYPE AND s.is_current <> ECM_CT.G_IS_NOTCURRENT_TYPE); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; -- Setup orphan snapshots for removal: old suspects and -- current snapshots without corresponding targets. LOOP BEGIN UPDATE mgmt_ecm_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE WHERE is_current <> ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE AND snapshot_guid in (SELECT snapshot_guid FROM ((SELECT snapshot_guid FROM mgmt_ecm_host_configs_to_del suspect WHERE (SYSDATE - suspect.ts) > v_number_of_days) UNION ALL (SELECT s.snapshot_guid FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s WHERE s.is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_CURRENT_TYPE AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_name = s.target_name AND t.target_type = s.target_type)) ) WHERE ROWNUM <= MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT ); l_num_snapshots := SQL%ROWCOUNT; IF l_num_snapshots > 0 THEN COMMIT; END IF; EXCEPTION -- NO_DATA_FOUND cannot be thrown for UPDATE of 0 rows WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(ECM_PURGE_LOG_MODULE_NAME, ORPHAN_HOST_CONFIG_ERR_10, 'Encountered a problem while setting up orphan host ' || 'config snapshots for deletion. Will try to process ' || 'orphan snapshots one by one. ' || 'Problem: ' || SQLCODE || ': ' || SQLERRM, v_log_level_in => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_WARN); -- If there are no errors during one-by-one processing of orphans, -- try to continue with the outer loop l_num_snapshots := MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT + 1; FOR snap IN (SELECT snapshot_guid FROM ((SELECT snapshot_guid FROM mgmt_ecm_host_configs_to_del suspect WHERE (SYSDATE - suspect.ts) > v_number_of_days) UNION ALL (SELECT s.snapshot_guid FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s WHERE s.is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_CURRENT_TYPE AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_name = s.target_name AND t.target_type = s.target_type)) ) WHERE ROWNUM <= MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT ) LOOP BEGIN UPDATE mgmt_ecm_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE WHERE snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(ECM_PURGE_LOG_MODULE_NAME, ORPHAN_HOST_CONFIG_ERR_11, 'Failed to set up orphan host config snapshot for ' || 'deletion. Snapshot ID: ' || snap.snapshot_guid || ' Problem: ' || SQLCODE || ': ' || SQLERRM, v_log_level_in => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_ERROR); -- Make sure that after we go through the rest of -- orphan snapshots in this chunk, we exit the -- outer loop since there is -- at least one snapshot that we cannot update, -- and so we do not want to end up in infinite loop -- which keeps trying to update it. l_num_snapshots := 0; END; END LOOP; -- commit all successful updates COMMIT; END; -- removal of a chunk of orphans EXIT WHEN l_num_snapshots < MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT; END LOOP; -- insert new potential suspects: e.g. lock snapshots for which there -- already exists a current snapshot, and other snapshot that are neither -- current nor saved. BEGIN INSERT INTO mgmt_ecm_host_configs_to_del (SELECT s.SNAPSHOT_GUID, SYSDATE FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s WHERE (s.is_current <> ECM_CT.G_IS_CURRENT_TYPE AND s.is_current <> ECM_CT.G_IS_NOTCURRENT_TYPE AND s.is_current <> ECM_CT.G_IS_LOCKED_TYPE) OR (s.is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_LOCKED_TYPE AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot s2 WHERE s.target_name = s2.target_name AND s.target_type = s2.target_type AND s.snapshot_type = s2.snapshot_type AND s.snapshot_type_version = s2.snapshot_type_version AND s2.is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_CURRENT_TYPE) ) ); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; -- ignore exceptions END; END HANDLE_ORPHAN_HOST_CONFIGS; -- ********************************************************************* -- Called to delete all host configuration snapshots marked for deletion PROCEDURE DELETE_HOST_CONFIG_SNAPSHOTS (pcb_params IN OUT MGMT_PURGE_CALLBACK_PARAMS) IS -- sql to be executed l_sql VARCHAR2(512) := NULL; -- current date l_cur_date MGMT_ECM_HOST_CONFIGS_TO_DEL.TS%TYPE; -- number of processed snapshots l_num_snapshots NUMBER := 0; -- number of processed rows (current and total) l_num_rows NUMBER := 0; l_total_num_rows NUMBER := 0; -- number of snapshots that we will attempt to delete -- by converting them to G_IS_BEING_DELETED_TYPE state l_prev_result NUMBER := 0; l_result NUMBER := 0; l_snapshot_guids T_SNAP_GUID_TABLE; BEGIN -- loop over all snapshots; MAX_COMMIT snapshots at a time LOOP l_prev_result := l_result; SELECT snapshot_guid BULK COLLECT INTO l_snapshot_guids FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot WHERE is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE AND ROWNUM <= MGMT_GLOBAL.MAX_COMMIT; IF (l_snapshot_guids IS NOT NULL AND l_snapshot_guids.COUNT > 0) THEN FOR i IN l_snapshot_guids.FIRST..l_snapshot_guids.LAST LOOP BEGIN DELETE FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot WHERE snapshot_guid = l_snapshot_guids(i); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(ECM_PURGE_LOG_MODULE_NAME, DELETE_HOST_CONFIG_ERR_12, 'Failed to purge host config snapshot with ID: ' || l_snapshot_guids(i) || '. Problem: ' || SQLCODE || ': ' || SQLERRM, v_log_level_in => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_ERROR); -- This snapshot will get moved to orphan suspect list UPDATE mgmt_ecm_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_ERROR_TYPE WHERE snapshot_guid = l_snapshot_guids(i); END; COMMIT; l_result := l_result + 1; END LOOP; -- delete snapshots in a chunk END IF; EXIT WHEN l_prev_result = l_result; END LOOP; -- loop over all snapshots, a chunk at a time -- compute orphan snapshots and mark them for deletion HANDLE_ORPHAN_HOST_CONFIGS; pcb_params.callback_result := 0; pcb_params.error_code := 0; pcb_params.error_msg := NULL; pcb_params.rows_processed := l_result; -- catch any exceptions for the snapshot type deletion -- log error, and try to delete other snapshot types EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(ECM_PURGE_LOG_MODULE_NAME, DELETE_HOST_CONFIG_ERR_13, 'Failed to delete host config snapshots' || '. Problem: ' || SQLCODE || ': ' || SQLERRM, v_log_level_in => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_ERROR); pcb_params.callback_result := 0; pcb_params.error_code := 0; pcb_params.error_msg := 'Failed to delete host config snapshots. See logged errors.'; pcb_params.rows_processed := l_result; -- Should we re-RAISE the exception here? -- For now we do not, because we do not do this for -- generic framework, where every exception is only -- logged so we can proceed with other snapshot type -- deletions. -- RAISE; END DELETE_HOST_CONFIG_SNAPSHOTS; -- Dummy for -> upgrade PROCEDURE PURGE_HOST_CONFIGS (pcb_params IN OUT MGMT_PURGE_CALLBACK_PARAMS) IS BEGIN NULL; END PURGE_HOST_CONFIGS; -- ********************************************************************* -- Get the key list. Need to look at the metadata of this table and the -- parent tables, even though the actual table has all the columns in it. -- Private FUNCTION GET_KEY_COLUMN_LIST ( v_table_name IN VARCHAR2, v_metadata_id IN RAW) RETURN VARCHAR2_TABLE IS l_key_list VARCHAR2_TABLE := NULL; BEGIN BEGIN SELECT BULK COLLECT INTO l_key_list FROM ( SELECT name FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_tables t START WITH name = v_table_name AND metadata_id = v_metadata_id CONNECT BY name = PRIOR t.parent_table_name AND metadata_id = v_metadata_id ) t, mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_columns c WHERE (c.table_name = AND (c.metadata_id = v_metadata_id) AND (c.IS_KEY = 'Y'); -- ignore if no key columns found EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; RETURN l_key_list; END; -- ********************************************************************* -- Get a list of all non-key columns in a table -- Private FUNCTION GET_NON_KEY_COLUMN_LIST ( v_table_name IN VARCHAR2, v_metadata_id IN RAW) RETURN VARCHAR2_TABLE IS l_nonkey_list VARCHAR2_TABLE := NULL; BEGIN BEGIN SELECT name BULK COLLECT INTO l_nonkey_list FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_columns WHERE (table_name = v_table_name) AND (metadata_id = v_metadata_id) AND (is_key = 'N'); -- ignore when no non-key columns found EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; RETURN l_nonkey_list; END; -- ********************************************************************* -- Private FUNCTION TO_STRING (v_list IN VARCHAR2_TABLE) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS l_string VARCHAR2(32767) := ''; l_comma VARCHAR2(1) := ''; BEGIN IF (v_list IS NOT NULL AND v_list.COUNT > 0) THEN FOR i IN v_list.FIRST..v_list.LAST LOOP IF (LENGTH(v_list(i)) > 0) THEN l_string := l_string || l_comma || em_check.simple_sql_name(em_check.enquote_name(v_list(i), false)); l_comma := ','; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN l_string; END; -- ********************************************************************* -- Private PROCEDURE DUPLICATE_TABLE_DATA ( v_snapshot_guid IN RAW, v_new_snapshot_guid IN RAW, v_table_names IN VARCHAR2_TABLE, v_metadata_id RAW) IS l_sql VARCHAR2(4000) := NULL; l_key_columns VARCHAR2(4000) := NULL; l_columns VARCHAR2(4000) := NULL; l_column_names VARCHAR2_TABLE; BEGIN IF (v_table_names IS NOT NULL AND v_table_names.COUNT > 0) THEN FOR i IN v_table_names.FIRST..v_table_names.LAST LOOP IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Duplicating data in table "' || v_table_names(i) || '"'); END IF; BEGIN -- Compute the table's column list, l_columns, from the metadata -- find key column names for v_table_names(i) including those inherited -- from ancestor tables l_column_names := GET_KEY_COLUMN_LIST (v_table_names(i), v_metadata_id); l_key_columns := TO_STRING(l_column_names); -- CT_LOG('-- Key Columns: ' || l_key_columns); -- find non-key column names for v_table_names(i) l_column_names := GET_NON_KEY_COLUMN_LIST (v_table_names(i), v_metadata_id); l_columns := TO_STRING(l_column_names); -- CT_LOG('-- Non-key Columns: ' || l_columns); IF (LENGTH(l_key_columns) > 0 AND LENGTH(l_columns) > 0) THEN l_columns := l_key_columns || ' , ' || l_columns; ELSIF (LENGTH(l_key_columns) > 0) THEN l_columns := l_key_columns; END IF; -- l_columns is not wrapped in em_check (or dbms_assert) since per Ravi P. it's -- sufficient to create l_columns with wrapped columns there. Thus, -- we do the wrapping of each column in TO_STRING function. l_sql := 'DECLARE guid RAW(16); new_guid VARCHAR2(64); ' || 'BEGIN guid := :1; new_guid := RAWTOHEX(:2);' || ' INSERT INTO ' || em_check.sql_object_name( em_check.enquote_name(v_table_names(i), false)) || ' (' || ECM_CT.G_ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID || ', ' || l_columns || ')' || ' (SELECT HEXTORAW(new_guid), ' || l_columns || ' FROM ' || em_check.sql_object_name( em_check.enquote_name(v_table_names(i), false)) || ' WHERE (' || ECM_CT.G_ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID || ' = guid)); ' || 'END;'; IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Executing ' || l_sql || ' with ''' || v_snapshot_guid || ''''); END IF; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql USING v_snapshot_guid, v_new_snapshot_guid; COMMIT; -- ignore if table data is empty EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; END LOOP; END IF; END DUPLICATE_TABLE_DATA; -- ********************************************************************* -- Called to copy a generic snapshot -- -- Inputs: snapshot_guid - guid of the existing snapshot -- description - description of saved snapshot -- Output: savedConfigGuid - guid of the newly saved configuration -- Private PROCEDURE COPY_SNAPSHOT ( v_snapshot_guid IN RAW, v_description IN VARCHAR2, v_savedConfigGuid OUT VARCHAR2) IS -- obtained from mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot l_snapshot_type MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.SNAPSHOT_TYPE%TYPE := NULL; l_start_timestamp MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.START_TIMESTAMP%TYPE := SYSDATE; l_elapsed_time MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.ELAPSED_TIME%TYPE := -1; l_target_guid MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.TARGET_GUID%TYPE; l_target_name MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.TARGET_NAME%TYPE := NULL; l_target_type MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.TARGET_TYPE%TYPE := NULL; l_display_target_name MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.DISPLAY_TARGET_NAME%TYPE := NULL; l_display_target_type MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.DISPLAY_TARGET_TYPE%TYPE := NULL; l_status MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.STATUS%TYPE := NULL; l_message MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.MESSAGE%TYPE := NULL; l_creator MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.CREATOR%TYPE := MGMT_USER.GET_CURRENT_EM_USER(); l_is_current MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.IS_CURRENT%TYPE := NULL; -- obtained from mgmt_ecm_snapshot_metadata l_metadata_id_l MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT_METADATA.METADATA_ID%TYPE; -- obtained from mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_tables l_table_names VARCHAR2_TABLE; -- obtained from INSERT_GEN_SNAPSHOT_INFO l_snapshot_guid VARCHAR2(64) := NULL; l_new_snapshot_guid MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.SNAPSHOT_GUID%TYPE; -- local variables l_is_current_new MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.IS_CURRENT%TYPE := NULL; BEGIN BEGIN IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Copying snapshot_guid ''' || v_snapshot_guid || ''''); END IF; BEGIN SELECT snapshot_type, start_timestamp, elapsed_time, target_guid, target_name, target_type, display_target_name, display_target_type, is_current, message, status INTO l_snapshot_type, l_start_timestamp, l_elapsed_time, l_target_guid, l_target_name, l_target_type, l_display_target_name, l_display_target_type, l_is_current, l_message, l_status FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE (snapshot_guid = v_snapshot_guid); -- bail out if no snapshot found EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN raise_application_error (MGMT_GLOBAL.SNAPSHOT_MISSING_ERR, 'Could not find snapshot to copy'); END; IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Creating new ''' || l_snapshot_type || ''' snapshot for target ''' || l_target_name || ''''); END IF; INSERT_GEN_SNAPSHOT_INFO ( l_snapshot_type, RAWTOHEX(l_target_guid), l_target_name, l_target_type, l_display_target_name, l_display_target_type, v_description, l_start_timestamp, l_elapsed_time, ECM_CT.G_IS_SAVING_TYPE, l_status, l_message, l_creator, l_snapshot_guid); COMMIT; l_new_snapshot_guid := HEXTORAW(l_snapshot_guid); -- check if target still exists and null out target_guid if not BEGIN SELECT target_name INTO l_target_name FROM mgmt_targets WHERE (target_guid = l_target_guid); -- null out target_guid if target no longer exists EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET target_guid = NULL WHERE (snapshot_guid = l_new_snapshot_guid); END; -- Duplicate loader tables BEGIN SELECT metadata_id INTO l_metadata_id_l FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot_metadata WHERE snapshot_type = l_snapshot_type AND target_type = l_target_type AND kind = ECM_CT.G_IS_LOADER; SELECT name BULK COLLECT INTO l_table_names FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_tables WHERE metadata_id = l_metadata_id_l ORDER BY tbl_order DESC; DUPLICATE_TABLE_DATA (v_snapshot_guid, l_new_snapshot_guid, l_table_names, l_metadata_id_l); -- don't worry if no loader tables / views are found EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; -- check if the old snapshot is still valid BEGIN SELECT is_current INTO l_is_current_new FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE (snapshot_guid = v_snapshot_guid) AND (is_current = l_is_current); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN raise_application_error (MGMT_GLOBAL.SNAPSHOT_MISSING_ERR, 'Snapshot dissapeared during the copy operation'); END; UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_NOTCURRENT_TYPE WHERE (snapshot_guid = l_new_snapshot_guid); COMMIT; v_savedConfigGuid := RAWTOHEX(l_new_snapshot_guid); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- delete snapshot UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE WHERE snapshot_guid = l_new_snapshot_guid; COMMIT; RAISE; END; END COPY_SNAPSHOT; -- ********************************************************************* -- Called to copy a generic snapshot -- -- Inputs: target name, target type, and snapshot type of the current snapshot -- to be coppied. v_description is the description of the new saved snapshot. -- v_snapGuidIn is the snapshot GUID of the configuration to be saved, -- not-null in case of saving of saved configurations. -- returns guid of the newly saved configuration FUNCTION COPY_SNAPSHOT_GEN ( v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_snapshot_type IN VARCHAR2, v_description IN VARCHAR2, v_snapGuidIn IN VARCHAR2 default null) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS l_current_snapshot_guid MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.SNAPSHOT_GUID%TYPE; l_success BOOLEAN := FALSE; l_saved_snapshot_guid VARCHAR2(32) :=null; BEGIN FOR i IN 1..NUM_OF_SNAPSHOT_COPY_RETRIES LOOP BEGIN IF (v_snapGuidIn IS NULL) THEN SELECT snapshot_guid INTO l_current_snapshot_guid FROM mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot WHERE (snapshot_type = v_snapshot_type) AND (target_name = v_target_name) AND (target_type = v_target_type) AND (is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_CURRENT_TYPE); END IF; -- bail out when snapshot doesn't exist EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN raise_application_error (MGMT_GLOBAL.SNAPSHOT_MISSING_ERR, 'Could not find snapshot to copy'); END; BEGIN IF(v_snapGuidIn IS NOT NULL) THEN l_current_snapshot_guid := HEXTORAW(v_snapGuidIn); END IF; COPY_SNAPSHOT (l_current_snapshot_guid, v_description,l_saved_snapshot_guid); l_success := TRUE; EXIT; -- try again if snapshot changed during the copy EXCEPTION WHEN MGMT_GLOBAL.SNAPSHOT_MISSING THEN NULL; END; END LOOP; IF (NOT l_success) THEN -- snapshot keeps changing for all retries.. raise_application_error (MGMT_GLOBAL.SNAPSHOT_MISSING_ERR, 'Snapshot keeps getting updated during the snapshot save operation.'); END IF; -- l_saved_snapshot_guid := 'F4276509CA25E495E030578C9203448E'; return l_saved_snapshot_guid; END; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SAVE_COMPOSITE_CONFIG -- This is to save all the member snapshots for a given composite target type -- Inputs: target name, target type of the current target, whose configs are to -- be copied recursively for all members. v_description is the description of the new saved snapshots, -- which will be used same for all the members PROCEDURE SAVE_COMPOSITE_CONFIG(v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_description IN VARCHAR2, p_save_details out cursorType) IS l_save_result save_composite_tab:=save_composite_tab(); l_temp_rec save_composite_rec; l_collection_time DATE; l_comp_target_guid RAW(16) := mgmt_target.get_target_guid(v_target_name, v_target_type); -- saveRec l_member_details%ROWTYPE; l_is_composite NUMBER:=0; l_value MGMT_TYPE_PROPERTIES.property_value%TYPE; l_saved_config_guid varchar2(32); BEGIN FOR saveRec in ( SELECT t.target_name target_name,t.target_type target_type, t.display_name display_target_name, t.type_display_name display_target_type,m.snapshot_type FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc members, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_ecm_snapshot_metadata m WHERE members.is_membership = 1 AND members.source_target_guid = l_comp_target_guid AND members.assoc_target_guid = t.target_guid AND m.target_type = t.target_type AND m.kind='P' AND m.compare_on='Y' and m.compare_ui_on='Y' UNION SELECT t.target_name target_name,t.target_type target_type, t.display_name display_target_name, t.type_display_name display_target_type,m.snapshot_type FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_ecm_snapshot_metadata m where t.target_name=v_target_name AND t.target_type=v_target_type AND m.target_type=v_target_type AND m.kind='P' AND m.compare_on='Y' AND m.compare_ui_on='Y' ) LOOP l_save_result.extend; IF (saveRec.target_type='host') THEN l_save_result(l_save_result.last) := save_composite_rec( saveRec.target_name, saveRec.target_type, saveRec.display_target_name, saveRec.display_target_type, saveRec.snapshot_type, l_collection_time,NULL,SAVE_COMPOSITE_HOST ); ELSE BEGIN -- currently this is going to work only for generic configs -- not going to work for host configurations l_saved_config_guid:=COPY_SNAPSHOT_GEN(saveRec.target_name,saveRec.target_type, saveRec.snapshot_type,v_description); --get the collection time to display in the save multiple config confirmation page. SELECT START_TIMESTAMP INTO l_collection_time FROM MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT WHERE target_name=saveRec.target_name AND target_type=saveRec.target_type AND snapshot_type=saveRec.snapshot_type AND is_current='Y'; l_save_result(l_save_result.last) := save_composite_rec( saveRec.target_name, saveRec.target_type, saveRec.display_target_name, saveRec.display_target_type, saveRec.snapshot_type, l_collection_time,NULL,SAVE_COMPOSITE_SUC ); EXCEPTION when others then l_save_result(l_save_result.last) := save_composite_rec( saveRec.target_name, saveRec.target_type, saveRec.display_target_name, saveRec.display_target_type, saveRec.snapshot_type, NULL,SQLERRM,SAVE_COMPOSITE_FAIL ); END; END IF; END LOOP; OPEN p_save_details FOR SELECT target_name, target_type, display_target_name, display_target_type, snapshot_type, collection_time,error_message,save_success FROM TABLE(CAST(l_save_result AS save_composite_tab)) ORDER BY target_name; END SAVE_COMPOSITE_CONFIG; -- ********************************************************************* -- The ecm target deletion callback PROCEDURE HANDLE_TARGET_DELETION ( p_target_name VARCHAR2, p_target_type VARCHAR2, p_target_guid RAW) IS BEGIN -- mark the current snapshots for deletion UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid AND is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_CURRENT_TYPE; -- set target_guid to null in all snapshots for the deleted target UPDATE mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot SET target_guid = NULL WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid; COMMIT; END HANDLE_TARGET_DELETION; -- ********************************************************************* -- Called by host config loading code to convert temporary snapshot to -- current one and compute history -- -- Inputs: v_snapshot_guid - guid of the temporary snapshot to be converted PROCEDURE HOST_CONFIG_POSTLOAD (v_snapshot_guid RAW) IS -- information about the input snapshot, which is about to become current l_target_name MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT.TARGET_NAME%TYPE; l_target_type MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT.TARGET_TYPE%TYPE; l_snapshot_type MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT.SNAPSHOT_TYPE%TYPE; l_snapshot_type_version MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT.SNAPSHOT_TYPE_VERSION%TYPE; -- used to determine lock conditions l_lock_snapshot_list T_SNAP_GUID_TABLE; l_lock_guid MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT.SNAPSHOT_GUID%TYPE := NULL; l_current_snapshot_guid MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT.SNAPSHOT_GUID%TYPE := NULL; BEGIN BEGIN SELECT target_name, target_type, snapshot_type, snapshot_type_version INTO l_target_name, l_target_type, l_snapshot_type, l_snapshot_type_version FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot WHERE snapshot_guid = v_snapshot_guid; EXCEPTION -- snapshot no longer exists for some reason, so nothing to do WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN; END; --insert an entry for this snapshot's components and containers into --mgmt_inv_summary INSERT INTO mgmt_inv_summary ( snapshot_guid, comp_external_name, comp_version, container_location, container_guid, is_patched, map_target_type, map_property_name, map_property_value) SELECT v_snapshot_guid, comp.external_name, case when ps_patch.version is null then comp.version else ps_patch.version end as version, cont.container_location, cont.container_guid, case when exists ( SELECT * FROM mgmt_inv_patch p WHERE p.container_guid = cont.container_guid ) then 1 else 0 end as is_patched, map.target_type, map.property_name, map.property_value FROM mgmt_inv_container cont, mgmt_inv_component comp, mgmt_inv_versioned_patch ps_patch, mgmt_target_type_component_map map WHERE cont.snapshot_guid = v_snapshot_guid and comp.container_guid = cont.container_guid and comp.component_guid = ps_patch.component_guid(+) and map.component_name =; COMMIT; -- update the patches column in mgmt_hc_os_summary based on whether or not the os is patched UPDATE mgmt_hc_os_summary SET patches = (SELECT count(*) FROM mgmt_hc_os_components c WHERE c.snapshot_guid = v_snapshot_guid and c.type='Patch') WHERE snapshot_guid = v_snapshot_guid; COMMIT; BEGIN SELECT snapshot_guid INTO l_current_snapshot_guid FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot WHERE snapshot_type = l_snapshot_type AND target_name = l_target_name AND target_type = l_target_type AND snapshot_type_version = l_snapshot_type_version AND is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_CURRENT_TYPE FOR UPDATE OF is_current; EXCEPTION -- ignore when no current snapshot WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; -- Lock on new row if no lock obtained on current snapshot IF (l_current_snapshot_guid IS NULL) THEN INSERT_SNAPSHOT_INFO ( l_snapshot_type, l_snapshot_type_version, l_target_name, l_target_type, l_target_name, l_target_type, NULL, SYSDATE, -1, ECM_CT.G_IS_LOCKED_TYPE, NULL, l_lock_guid); COMMIT; BEGIN SELECT snapshot_guid BULK COLLECT INTO l_lock_snapshot_list FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot WHERE snapshot_type = l_snapshot_type AND target_name = l_target_name AND target_type = l_target_type AND snapshot_type_version = l_snapshot_type_version AND is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_LOCKED_TYPE FOR UPDATE OF is_current; -- bail out with error when lock is missing EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN raise_application_error (MGMT_GLOBAL.SNAPSHOT_LOCK_ERR, 'Could not find just created host configuration lock row'); END; END IF; -- make current snapshot, if any, into DELTA snapshot type -- If we had to create L snapshot above and meanwhile a -- current snapshot appeared, we would get the lock here. UPDATE mgmt_ecm_snapshot SET snapshot_type = 'DELTA' WHERE snapshot_type = l_snapshot_type AND target_name = l_target_name AND target_type = l_target_type AND snapshot_type_version = l_snapshot_type_version AND is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_CURRENT_TYPE; -- make input (temporary) snapshot into current UPDATE mgmt_ecm_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_CURRENT_TYPE WHERE snapshot_guid = v_snapshot_guid; -- compute history MGMT_HC_DELTA.RECORD_HC_DIFFS( l_target_name, l_target_type, l_snapshot_type, l_target_name, l_target_type, 'DELTA', 'DELTA'); -- prepare DELTA snapshot (i.e. old current snapshot) for deletion UPDATE mgmt_ecm_snapshot SET snapshot_type = l_snapshot_type, is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE WHERE snapshot_type = 'DELTA' AND target_name = l_target_name AND target_type = l_target_type AND snapshot_type_version = l_snapshot_type_version AND is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_CURRENT_TYPE; COMMIT; -- Dues to bug 4254731, this delete is removed. It was identified as deadlocking -- probably due to BLOCK locks. Removing the code is ok becuase the entry -- we be garbage collected when the HOST CONFIG ORPHANS are cleaned up. -- It is a single entry with no children, so it should not be a space usage -- problem. -- -- If we created a lock snapshot, remove it now -- IF (l_lock_guid IS NOT NULL) THEN -- -- BEGIN -- DELETE FROM mgmt_ecm_snapshot -- WHERE snapshot_guid = l_lock_guid; -- COMMIT; -- -- -- bail out when nothing to do -- EXCEPTION -- WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; -- END; -- -- END IF; END HOST_CONFIG_POSTLOAD; -- ********************************************************************* PROCEDURE HOST_CONFIG_TARGET_DELETION ( p_target_name VARCHAR2, p_target_type VARCHAR2, p_target_guid RAW) IS BEGIN -- delete host config snapshot UPDATE mgmt_ecm_snapshot SET is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_DELETED_TYPE WHERE target_name = p_target_name AND target_type = p_target_type AND is_current = 'Y'; COMMIT; UPDATE mgmt_ecm_savedhostconfig SET target_guid = NULL WHERE target_guid = p_target_guid; COMMIT; END HOST_CONFIG_TARGET_DELETION; -- ********************************************************************* -- Test post load procedure. Call the procedure assuming there is a (single) -- temporary snapshot for a given target name / type and snapshot type PROCEDURE TEST_POST_LOAD ( p_target_name VARCHAR2, p_target_type VARCHAR2, p_snapshot_type VARCHAR2) IS v_in1 SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY; v_in2 SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY; v_target_guid MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.TARGET_GUID%TYPE; v_snapshot_guid MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT.SNAPSHOT_GUID%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT snapshot_guid, target_guid INTO v_snapshot_guid, v_target_guid FROM MGMT_ECM_GEN_SNAPSHOT WHERE target_name = p_target_name AND target_type = p_target_type AND snapshot_type = p_snapshot_type AND is_current = ECM_CT.G_IS_TRANSIENT_TYPE; v_in1 := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY(); v_in1.extend(4); v_in1(1) := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR(ECM_CT.G_COLLECTION_NAME, p_snapshot_type); v_in1(2) := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR(ECM_CT.G_TARGET_GUID, v_target_guid); v_in1(3) := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR(ECM_CT.G_COLLECTION_TIMESTAMP, SYSDATE()); v_in1(4) := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR(ECM_CT.G_CONFIG_METADATA_VERSION, '1.0'); v_in2 := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY(); v_in2.extend(1); v_in2(1) := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR(ECM_CT.G_ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID, v_snapshot_guid); POSTLOAD_CALLBACK(v_in1, v_in2); END TEST_POST_LOAD; -- ********************************************************************* -- Test PROCEDURE AFTER_LOAD_PROC ( v_snapshot_guid IN RAW, v_afterLoadInput IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY) IS BEGIN IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Begin AFTER_LOAD_PROC'); CT_LOG('--> snapshot_guid = ''' || v_snapshot_guid || ''''); CT_LOG('-- End AFTER_LOAD_PROC'); END IF; END AFTER_LOAD_PROC; -- ********************************************************************* -- Test PROCEDURE AFTER_IMPORT_PROC ( v_snapshot_guid IN RAW, v_afterImportInput IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY) IS BEGIN IF (ECM_CT.G_IS_DEBUG = 1) THEN CT_LOG('-- Begin AFTER_IMPORT_PROC'); CT_LOG('--> snapshot_guid = ''' || v_snapshot_guid || ''''); CT_LOG('-- End AFTER_IMPORT_PROC'); END IF; END AFTER_IMPORT_PROC; -- ********************************************************************* PROCEDURE GET_HOST_CONFIG_INFO ( v_sguid IN VARCHAR2, v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_isStale OUT VARCHAR2, p_systemConfig OUT VARCHAR2, p_hardwareProvider OUT VARCHAR2, p_numberOfCpus OUT INTEGER, p_memory OUT INTEGER, osName OUT VARCHAR2, l_home_list OUT MGMT_ORACLESW_LIST, l_vendor_list OUT MGMT_VENDORSW_LIST, p_comps OUT sys_refcursor) IS p_snaprow NUMBER := 0; BEGIN p_isStale := 'FALSE'; BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO p_snaprow FROM MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT WHERE snapshot_guid = HEXTORAW(v_sguid); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN p_isStale := 'TRUE'; END; open p_comps for SELECT component_name, collection_status, collection_message FROM MGMT_ECM_SNAP_COMPONENT_INFO WHERE snapshot_guid = HEXTORAW(v_sguid) ; BEGIN SELECT s.system_config, s.vendor_name, s.cpu_count, s.memory_size_in_mb into p_systemConfig, p_hardwareProvider,p_numberOfCpus,p_memory FROM MGMT_HC_HARDWARE_MASTER s WHERE s.snapshot_guid = HEXTORAW(v_sguid) ; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; BEGIN SELECT || ' '|| os.base_version || decode(os.update_level, null,'',' '|| os.update_level) || decode ( os.address_length_in_bits, null, '', ' (' || os.address_length_in_bits || ')') into osName FROM MGMT_HC_OS_SUMMARY os WHERE snapshot_guid = HEXTORAW(v_sguid); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; BEGIN SELECT MGMT_ORACLESW_RECORD(, comp.external_name, decode(patch.version, NULL, comp.version, patch.version), comp.version, cont.container_location, cont.container_name, comp.TIMESTAMP, decode(advisory.home_location, NULL, 0, 1)) BULK COLLECT INTO l_home_list FROM MGMT_INV_COMPONENT comp, mgmt_inv_container cont, MGMT_INV_VERSIONED_PATCH patch, (SELECT /*+ index(hrv) */ unique hrv.column_str_value as home_location FROM mgmt_policies p, mgmt_current_violation v, mgmt_violation_context hrv, mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_name = v_target_name AND t.target_type = v_target_type AND = 'ORACLE' AND p.target_type = 'host' AND p.policy_name = 'Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes' AND p.policy_guid = v.policy_guid AND (v.exempt_code = 0 or (v.exempt_code = 2 and v.exempt_until <= SYSDATE)) AND v.target_guid = hrv.target_guid AND v.policy_guid = hrv.policy_guid AND v.key_value = hrv.key_value AND hrv.column_name = 'HOME_LOCATION' ) advisory WHERE comp.is_top_level = 'Y' and comp.component_guid = patch.component_guid(+) and comp.container_guid = cont.container_guid and cont.snapshot_guid = HEXTORAW(v_sguid) and cont.container_location = advisory.home_location(+) GROUP BY, comp.external_name, decode(patch.version, NULL, comp.version, patch.version), comp.version, cont.container_location, cont.container_name, comp.TIMESTAMP, advisory.home_location; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; BEGIN SELECT MGMT_VENDORSW_RECORD(, s.vendor_name, s.version, s.installed_location, count(*), s.installation_date) BULK COLLECT INTO l_vendor_list FROM MGMT_HC_VENDOR_SW_SUMMARY s WHERE s.snapshot_guid = HEXTORAW(v_sguid) GROUP BY, s.vendor_name, s.version, s.installed_location,s.installation_date; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; END GET_HOST_CONFIG_INFO; PROCEDURE GET_HW_INFO ( v_sguid IN VARCHAR2, p_isStale OUT VARCHAR2, l_hwgenlist OUT MGMT_HWGEN_LIST, l_cpulist OUT MGMT_CPUDETAILS_LIST, l_iocardlist OUT MGMT_IOCARDDETAILS_LIST, l_niclist OUT MGMT_NICDETAILS_LIST ) IS p_snaprow NUMBER := 0; BEGIN p_isStale := 'FALSE'; BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO p_snaprow FROM MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT WHERE snapshot_guid = HEXTORAW(v_sguid); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN p_isStale := 'TRUE'; END; BEGIN select MGMT_HWGEN_RECORD (system_config, machine_architecture, vendor_name, memory_size_in_mb, local_disk_space_in_gb, clock_freq_in_mhz, cpu_count, cpu_board_count, iocard_count, fan_count, power_supply_count) BULK COLLECT INTO l_hwgenlist from MGMT_HC_HARDWARE_MASTER where snapshot_guid = HEXTORAW(v_sguid); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; BEGIN select MGMT_CPUDETAILS_RECORD (freq_in_mhz, vendor_name, revision, ecache_in_mb, impl, mask ) BULK COLLECT INTO l_cpulist from MGMT_HC_CPU_DETAILS where snapshot_guid = HEXTORAW(v_sguid); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; BEGIN select MGMT_IOCARDDETAILS_RECORD (name, vendor_name, bus, freq_in_mhz, revision ) BULK COLLECT INTO l_iocardlist from MGMT_HC_IOCARD_DETAILS where snapshot_guid = HEXTORAW(v_sguid); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; BEGIN select MGMT_NICDETAILS_RECORD ( name, inet_address, max_transfer_unit, broadcast_address, mask, flags, mac_address, hostname_aliases ) BULK COLLECT INTO l_niclist from MGMT_HC_NIC_DETAILS where snapshot_guid = HEXTORAW(v_sguid); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; END GET_HW_INFO; END ECM_CT; / show errors;