Rem Rem $Header: ecm_config_fw_metadata.sql 10-jun-2003.15:16:15 rmenon Exp $ Rem Rem ecm_config_fw_metadata.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2003, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ecm_config_fw_metadata.sql - ECm configuration framework metadata Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This file contains view definitions for objects specifically used by Rem the config framework AND then invokes another sql script for running the Rem DML that loads the data into the snapshot metadata tables. Rem Rem NOTES Rem NOTE. DO NOT MODIFY THE VIEWS IN THIS FILE UNLESS YOU ALSO MAKE Rem appropriate changes to the various xml files (e.g., ecm_cfw_host_config.xml) Rem that are used to generate the scripts invoked from this file. If you Rem do modify any of the .xml files, make sure you regenerate the metadata Rem script files. (e.g. ecm_cfw_host_config.sql. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rmenon 06/10/03 - added address_length_in_bits to ECM$OS_SUMMARY; added local_disk_space_in_gb to ECM$HARDWARE_MASTER Rem shuberma 04/07/03 - shuberma_new_host_config_fw_def Rem shuberma 04/04/03 - Rem shuberma 04/04/03 - Created Rem Rem ===================================================================== Rem Host Configuration Views Rem The following views are used by the Host Configuration comparison code. Rem The comparison code is driven by the metadata, defined in ecm_cfw_host_config.sql Rem and generated from ecm_cfw_host_config.xml. Rem The views are a thin layer on top of various host_config tables. Rem View of MGMT_HC_OS_SUMMARY create or replace view ECM$OS_SUMMARY as select snapshot_guid as ecm_snapshot_id, name, vendor_name, base_version, update_level, distributor_version, address_length_in_bits, max_swap_space_in_mb from MGMT_HC_OS_SUMMARY; Rem View of MGMT_HC_OS_PROPERTIES create or replace view ECM$OS_PROPERTIES as select snapshot_guid as ecm_snapshot_id, type, name, value from MGMT_HC_OS_PROPERTIES; Rem View of MGMT_HC_FS_MOUNT_DETAILS create or replace view ECM$FS_MOUNT_DETAILS as select snapshot_guid as ecm_snapshot_id, resource_name, type, mount_location, mount_options from MGMT_HC_FS_MOUNT_DETAILS; Rem View of MGMT_HC_OS_COMPONENTS other than patches create or replace view ECM$OS_COMPONENTS as select snapshot_guid as ecm_snapshot_id, name, type, version, description from MGMT_HC_OS_COMPONENTS where type <> 'Patch'; Rem View of MGMT_HC_OS_COMPONENTS, for patches create or replace view ECM$OS_PATCHES as select snapshot_guid as ecm_snapshot_id, name from MGMT_HC_OS_COMPONENTS where type = 'Patch'; Rem View of MGMT_HC_VENDOR_SW_SUMMARY create or replace view ECM$OS_REGISTERED_SW as select snapshot_guid as ecm_snapshot_id, name, vendor_name, version, count(*) as count from MGMT_HC_VENDOR_SW_SUMMARY group by snapshot_guid, name, vendor_name, version; Rem View of MGMT_INV_COMPONENT with some other values from joins with Rem Versioned patches and home (container). create or replace view ECM$ORACLE_TOPLEVEL as select h.snapshot_guid as ecm_snapshot_id,, c.external_name, case when p.version IS NULL THEN c.version ELSE p.version END as version, count(*) as count from MGMT_INV_CONTAINER h, MGMT_INV_COMPONENT c, MGMT_INV_VERSIONED_PATCH p where h.container_guid = c.container_guid and c.component_guid = p.component_guid(+) and c.IS_TOP_LEVEL = 'Y' group by h.snapshot_guid,, c.external_name, case when p.version IS NULL THEN c.version ELSE p.version END; Rem View of MGMT_HC_HARDWARE_MASTER -- Views for the Hardware drillins: create or replace view ECM$HARDWARE_MASTER as select snapshot_guid as ecm_snapshot_id, vendor_name, system_config, machine_architecture, local_disk_space_in_gb, clock_freq_in_mhz, memory_size_in_mb, cpu_count, cpu_board_count, iocard_count, fan_count, power_supply_count from MGMT_HC_HARDWARE_MASTER; Rem View of MGMT_HC_CPU_DETAILS create or replace view ECM$CPU_DETAILS as select snapshot_guid as ecm_snapshot_id, vendor_name, freq_in_mhz, ecache_in_mb, impl, revision, mask, count(*) as count from MGMT_HC_CPU_DETAILS group by snapshot_guid, vendor_name, freq_in_mhz,ecache_in_mb,impl, revision,mask; Rem View of MGMT_HC_IOCARD_DETAILS create or replace view ECM$IOCARD_DETAILS as select snapshot_guid as ecm_snapshot_id, vendor_name, name, freq_in_mhz, bus, revision, count(*) as count from MGMT_HC_IOCARD_DETAILS group by snapshot_guid, vendor_name, name,freq_in_mhz,bus, revision; Rem View of MGMT_HC_NIC_DETAILS create or replace view ECM$NIC_DETAILS as select snapshot_guid as ecm_snapshot_id, name, flags, max_transfer_unit, mask, count(*) as count from MGMT_HC_NIC_DETAILS group by snapshot_guid, name, flags,max_transfer_unit, mask; show errors;