Rem Rem $Header: csa_client_pkgdef.sql 07-dec-2004.11:16:17 asaraswa Exp $ Rem Rem csa_client_pkgdef.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem csa_client_pkgdef.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem asaraswa 12/07/04 - changing collector query to return number of Rem clients Rem asaraswa 09/20/04 - adding procedures for target associations Rem asaraswa 08/24/04 - adding rules cursor to client homepage query Rem asaraswa 08/12/04 - changing client homepage queries to use internal Rem target name Rem rpinnama 06/12/04 - Rem asaraswa 04/06/04 - adding query for CSA collector homepage Rem asaraswa 03/19/04 - asaraswa_csa_patch Rem asaraswa 03/01/04 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE ecm_csa AS TYPE cursorType IS REF CURSOR; PROCEDURE client_homepage_data( details_cursor_out OUT cursorType, sw_cursor_out OUT cursorType, cookie_cursor_out OUT cursorType, custom_cursor_out OUT cursorType, rules_cursor_out OUT cursorType, target_name_in IN VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE client_network_browser_data(data_cursor_out OUT cursorType, target_name_in IN VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE client_os_general_data(data_cursor_out OUT cursorType, props_cursor_out OUT cursorType, target_name_in IN VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE client_os_filesystem_data(data_cursor_out OUT cursorType, fs_cursor_out OUT cursorType, target_name_in IN VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE client_os_patches_data(data_cursor_out OUT cursorType, patches_cursor_out OUT cursorType, target_name_in IN VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE client_hw_details(data_cursor_out OUT cursorType, cpu_cursor_out OUT cursorType, io_devices_cursor_out OUT cursorType, network_interfaces_cursor_out OUT cursorType, target_name_in IN VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE collector_details(host_out OUT VARCHAR2, dir_out OUT VARCHAR2, num_clients_out OUT NUMBER, target_name_in IN VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE target_assoc_details(targets_out OUT cursorType, appIDs_out OUT cursorType, target_types_out OUT cursorType, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2); end ecm_csa; / show errors;