Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: data_propagation_tables.sql 21-apr-2007.00:38:36 nqureshi Exp $ Rem Rem data_propagation_tables.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2003, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem data_propagation_tables.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem nqureshi 04/21/07 - pdp backport Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem rzazueta 05/03/05 - Add columns to mgmt_update_operations_details Rem table Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/09/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem jgwang 01/26/05 - add UDM credential support Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem rzazueta 09/01/04 - Add support for templates Rem gan 08/17/04 - monitoring Rem dcawley 07/07/04 - Increase user name size Rem skini 09/22/03 - Data prop for credentials Rem rzazueta 07/18/03 - Replace emd_url with agent_guid Rem skini 06/30/03 - blocksize fixes Rem rzazueta 06/18/03 - Move primary key constraints to indexes file Rem rzazueta 06/12/03 - rzazueta_propagate_target_data Rem rzazueta 06/12/03 - Created Rem rem rem MGMT_UPDATE_OPERATIONS rem rem PURPOSE rem Gives a general overview of submitted update jobs rem rem COLUMNS rem OPERATION_GUID - The operation GUID rem JOB_ID - The ID of the job that is servicing this operation rem JOB_OWNER - The user that submitted the job rem SUBMISSION_TIMESTAMP - The time that job was submitted by the user rem LAST_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP - The last time the job was modified by any rem authorized user rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_UPDATE_OPERATIONS (operation_guid RAW(16) DEFAULT SYS_GUID() NOT NULL, job_id RAW(16), job_owner VARCHAR2(256), submission_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, last_updated_timestamp DATE DEFAULT NULL ) MONITORING; rem rem MGMT_UPDATE_OPERATIONS_DATA rem rem PURPOSE rem Holds details about each individual data set involved in the operation rem rem COLUMNS rem OPERATION_GUID - The operation GUID rem DATA_SET_GUID - The unique data set GUID rem SOURCE_TARGET_GUID - The guid of the source target or of the source template rem DATA_SET_TYPE - The type of the data set. Possible values are rem defined in the MGMT_TARGET_UPDATE package. rem Depending on the data set type, the actual rem data is stored in one of: rem MGMT_UPDATE_THRESHOLDS_DATA, rem MGMT_UPDATE_PROPERTIES_DATA, rem MGMT_UPDATE_CREDENTIALS_DATA, rem MGMT_UPDATE_COLL_CREDS_DATA. rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_UPDATE_OPERATIONS_DATA (operation_guid RAW(16), data_set_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, source_target_guid RAW(16), data_set_type NUMBER(2) NOT NULL ) MONITORING; rem rem MGMT_UPDATE_OPERATIONS_DETAILS rem rem PURPOSE rem Gives details about the status of an operation on each target. rem The propagation job will update a row in this table, setting rem the status to COMPLETED or FAILED, as the case may be, when it rem attempts to contact the agent in order to propagate the data. rem rem COLUMNS rem OPERATION_GUID - The operation guid . rem DESTINATION_TARGET_GUID - The target guid of the target being updated rem for that particular execution of the job rem with this JOB_ID. rem AGENT_GUID - Target guid of the emd monitoring the destination rem target. There could be multiple values in that rem column for a target since it may be multi-agent. rem EXECUTION_ID - The id of the execution that is processing rem this target. rem EXECUTION_STATUS - The current status of this particular execution. rem The following statuses will be supported for rem the functionalities discussed here: Scheduled, rem Executing, Failed, Completed. rem LAST_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP - The last time the job ran on a given target. The rem job may get rescheduled if communication with the rem agent gets lost while the job is running. rem ERROR_MESSEAGE - The error message of the last run. rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_UPDATE_OPERATIONS_DETAILS (operation_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, destination_target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, agent_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, execution_id RAW(16), execution_status NUMBER, last_updated_timestamp DATE DEFAULT NULL, error_message VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT '' ) MONITORING; rem rem MGMT_UPDATE_THRESHOLDS_DATA rem rem PURPOSE rem Stores update data for the thresholds data set. rem rem COLUMNS rem DATA_SET_GUID - Identifies update data for a particular update rem job; used to join this table with rem MGMT_UPDATE_OPERATIONS_DATA rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_UPDATE_THRESHOLDS_DATA (data_set_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, key_value VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, eval_order NUMBER, num_occurences NUMBER, fixit_job VARCHAR2(256), warning_threshold VARCHAR2(256), critical_threshold VARCHAR2(256), warning_operator NUMBER, critical_operator NUMBER, key_part1_value VARCHAR2(256), key_part2_value VARCHAR2(256), key_part3_value VARCHAR2(256), key_part4_value VARCHAR2(256), key_part5_value VARCHAR2(256) ) MONITORING; rem rem MGMT_UPDATE_PROPERTIES_DATA rem rem PURPOSE rem Stores update data for the properties data set rem rem COLUMNS rem DATA_SET_GUID - Identifies update data for a particular update rem job; used to join this table with rem MGMT_UPDATE_OPERATIONS_DATA rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_UPDATE_PROPERTIES_DATA (data_set_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, property_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, property_type VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, property_value VARCHAR2(1024) ) MONITORING; rem rem MGMT_UPDATE_CREDENTIALS_DATA rem rem PURPOSE rem Stores update data for the credentials data set. rem rem COLUMNS rem DATA_SET_GUID - Identifies update data for a particular update rem job; used to join this table with rem MGMT_UPDATE_OPERATIONS_DATA rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_UPDATE_CREDENTIALS_DATA (data_set_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, credential_set_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, credential_column VARCHAR2(32) NOT NULL, credential_value VARCHAR2(1024) ) MONITORING; rem rem MGMT_UPDATE_COLL_CREDS_DATA rem rem PURPOSE rem Stores update data for the credentials data set. rem rem COLUMNS rem DATA_SET_GUID - Identifies update data for a particular update rem job; used to join this table with rem MGMT_UPDATE_OPERATIONS_DATA rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_UPDATE_COLL_CREDS_DATA (data_set_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, collection_name VARCHAR2(64), credential_set_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, credential_column VARCHAR2(32) NOT NULL, credential_value VARCHAR2(1024) ) MONITORING; rem rem MGMT_UPDATE_TEMPLATE_DATA_MAP rem rem PURPOSE rem Stores the mapping of data_set_guid to template_copy_guid. rem rem COLUMNS rem DATA_SET_GUID - Identifies data for a particular data propagation job rem TEMPLATE_COPY_GUID - GUID of the template copy rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_UPDATE_TEMPLATE_DATA_MAP (data_set_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, template_copy_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL ) MONITORING; rem rem MGMT_UPDATE_PDP_DATA rem rem PURPOSE rem Stores update data for the apply PDP operation. rem rem COLUMNS rem DATA_SET_GUID - Identifies update data for a particular update rem job; used to join this table with rem MGMT_UPDATE_OPERATIONS_DATA rem setting_name - name of the setting (command/prompt_for_password etc) rem setting_value - actual value of the setting CREATE TABLE MGMT_UPDATE_PDP_DATA (data_set_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, setting_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, setting_value VARCHAR2(64) ) MONITORING;