Rem !!! Please donot add any header to this file. Rem !!! Only gets called from latest/console/page_custmzn_tables.sql. Rem Rem $Header: drop_page_custmzn_tables.sql 27-apr-2007.09:12:07 denath Exp $ Rem Rem drop_page_custmzn_tables.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem drop_page_custmzn_tables.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem denath 04/24/07 - Bug fix 5953382. dropped table to be sure of not Rem hittng any unknown issue. Rem denath 04/24/07 - Created Rem DECLARE table_exists NUMBER := 0; BEGIN select count(*) into table_exists from all_tables where table_name = 'EM_PAGE_CUST_METADATA' and owner = '&&EM_REPOS_USER'; if table_exists = 1 then BEGIN execute immediate 'drop table &&EM_REPOS_USER..EM_PAGE_CUST_METADATA'; END; end if; END; / DECLARE table_exists NUMBER := 0; BEGIN select count(*) into table_exists from all_tables where table_name = 'EM_PAGE_CONDITION_METADATA' and owner = '&&EM_REPOS_USER'; if table_exists = 1 then BEGIN execute immediate 'drop table &&EM_REPOS_USER..EM_PAGE_CONDITION_METADATA'; END; end if; END; / DECLARE table_exists NUMBER := 0; BEGIN select count(*) into table_exists from all_tables where table_name = 'EM_PAGE_CUSTOMIZATIONS' and owner = '&&EM_REPOS_USER'; if table_exists = 1 then BEGIN execute immediate 'drop table &&EM_REPOS_USER..EM_PAGE_CUSTOMIZATIONS'; END; end if; END; / DECLARE table_exists NUMBER := 0; BEGIN select count(*) into table_exists from all_tables where table_name = 'EM_PAGE_CUSTOM_CONDITIONS' and owner = '&&EM_REPOS_USER'; if table_exists = 1 then BEGIN execute immediate 'drop table &&EM_REPOS_USER..EM_PAGE_CUSTOM_CONDITIONS'; END; end if; END; /