Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: emcore/source/oracle/sysman/emdrep/sql/core/latest/compliance/compliance_config_std_pkgdef.sql /st_emcore_10. 2009/06/19 09:29:00 suvmalho Exp $ Rem Rem compliance_config_std_pkgdef.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem compliance_config_std_pkgdef.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem niramach 10/17/06 - Renamed the commit_txn procedure. Rem groyal 08/27/06 - Rework trend-related procedures Rem sthiruna 08/03/06 - Commenting 11g packages Rem niramach 07/20/06 - Add update_cs_cqs_valid procedure to em_cs_compile_util pkg. Rem rreilly 07/19/06 - generate RQS guids Rem aragarwa 06/28/06 - Fixing xsd changes : removing context, adding Rem targettype etc. Rem rreilly 06/29/06 - adding the cs compile and evaluate packages Rem sthiruna 06/12/06 - Fix for bug 5263883 Rem aragarwa 06/11/06 - Removing default for few elements Rem aragarwa 05/17/06 - removing dname from hierarchy table. Rem niramach 05/03/06 - Changes related to delete eval results api & Rem niramach - target filteration for trend pages Rem aragarwa 05/01/06 - Adding support for reusable queries and cs Rem inclusion Rem niramach 04/11/06 - Add delete cs eval results PL/SQL Api. Rem aragarwa 04/10/06 - adding few more elements to rule tables. Rem niramach 03/27/06 - Add procedures for trend overview sqls. Rem aragarwa 02/28/06 - reflecting XSD and table changes. Rem niramach 03/07/06 - Change the signature of update_cs_rulefolder_eval_summ. Rem niramach 02/28/06 - Add set_repo_timing procedure. Rem kchiasso 02/23/06 - change owner to author Rem niramach 01/30/06 - Add procedures for cs evaluation. Rem aragarwa 01/23/06 - Adding procedures and functions for adding rows Rem in cs tables. Rem niramach 01/13/06 - Package definition for configuration standard. Rem niramach 01/13/06 - Created Rem Rem **************************************************************************** Rem EM_CONFIG_STD package definition Rem **************************************************************************** CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE em_config_std IS G_MODULE_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'EM_CONFIG_STD'; G_RAW_TABLE_TYPE CONSTANT INTEGER := 0; G_1HOUR_TABLE_TYPE CONSTANT INTEGER := 1; G_1DAY_TABLE_TYPE CONSTANT INTEGER := 2; FUNCTION add_rulefolder( p_cs_guid RAW, p_rulefolder_iname VARCHAR2, p_rulefolder_dname VARCHAR2, p_parent_guid RAW, p_child_position NUMBER, p_description VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_reference_url VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ) RETURN RAW; FUNCTION add_rule( p_cs_guid RAW, p_rule_iname VARCHAR2, p_rule_dname VARCHAR2, p_parent_guid RAW, p_child_position NUMBER, p_test VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_importance_level NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_CONFIG_STD.G_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL, p_test_type NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_reference_url VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_description VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_rationale VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_fixtext VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_warning VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_message VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_clear_message VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_severity NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_CONFIG_STD.G_VIOL_SEVERITY_INFO, p_policy_guid RAW DEFAULT NULL, p_change_advisor_tag MGMT_CS_CHANGE_ADVISOR_DEF DEFAULT NULL, p_simple_test_condition NUMBER DEFAULT NULL ) RETURN RAW; PROCEDURE add_fixlink( p_rule_guid RAW, p_display_label VARCHAR2, p_link_template VARCHAR2, p_link_encode NUMBER, p_is_link_empage NUMBER ); PROCEDURE add_simple_test( p_rule_guid RAW, p_property VARCHAR2, p_operator NUMBER, p_value VARCHAR2, p_position NUMBER ); PROCEDURE add_keyword( p_cs_guid RAW, p_keyword VARCHAR2 ); PROCEDURE add_reusable_query( p_cs_guid RAW, p_query_iname VARCHAR2, p_description VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_query VARCHAR2 ); PROCEDURE add_overridden_parameter( p_cs_inclusion_guid RAW, p_name VARCHAR2, p_value VARCHAR2, p_reference VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ); PROCEDURE add_violation_context ( p_rule_guid RAW, p_column_iname VARCHAR2, p_column_dname VARCHAR2, p_column_type NUMBER, p_column_position NUMBER, p_is_key NUMBER, p_is_hidden NUMBER, p_link_template VARCHAR2, p_link_encode NUMBER, p_is_empage NUMBER ); PROCEDURE add_parameter( p_cs_guid RAW, p_param_iname VARCHAR2, p_description VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_param_type NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_CONFIG_STD.G_STD_PARAM_NUMTYPE, p_param_value VARCHAR2, p_prohibit_changes NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_CONFIG_STD.G_STD_PARAM_PROCHANGE_FALSE, p_lower_bound NUMBER DEFAULT 0, p_upper_bound NUMBER DEFAULT 0, p_choice_list MGMT_CS_CHOICE_LIST_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL, p_must_match NUMBER DEFAULT 0 ); PROCEDURE delete_cs_data( p_cs_guid RAW); PROCEDURE delete_cs_metadata( p_cs_guid RAW); PROCEDURE remove_copied_policies( p_cs_guid RAW); -- PURPOSE -- -- To set the repository timing flag of the given configuration standard.This flag -- is to enable/disable logging the performance details of the cs evaluation in the -- the system performance logs. -- -- Parameters -- p_config_std_name : Configuration Standard internal name -- p_config_std_author: Author of the configuration standard -- p_version : Version of the configuration standard. -- p_enabled: Enabled/disabled flag . (0/1). PROCEDURE set_repo_timing( p_config_std_name IN VARCHAR2, p_config_std_author IN VARCHAR2, p_version IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1, p_enabled IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE); -- --------------------------------------------------- -- Procedure: LOG_CS_EVALUATION_RESULTS -- -- Description: -- -- After all CS rules have been evaluated, summary -- counts and the compliance score are calculated -- for all targets. The results of these -- calculations are stored in MGMT_CS_EVAL_SUMM_* tables. -- -- Parameters: -- -- p_config_std_name - Configuration Standard Name -- p_rqs_guid - CS Runtime Query Set Guid -- p_cs_guid - Configuration Standard Guid -- p_target_type - CS Context class -- p_targets_list - MGMT_TARGET_ARRAY having the list of MGMT_TARGET_OBJ -- p_repo_timing_enabled - Flag to turn on/off performance data logging. -- p_start_time - time the evaluation started -- -- NOTE: -- p_targets_list and p_start_time are NULL for DMQL CS. -- These values are retrieved from repository tables -- for this case. -- --------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE log_cs_evaluation_results( p_config_std_name IN VARCHAR2, p_rqs_guid IN RAW, p_cs_guid IN RAW, p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_targets_list IN MGMT_TARGET_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL, p_repo_timing_enabled IN NUMBER, p_start_time IN DATE DEFAULT NULL); -- --------------------------------------------------- -- Procedure: PROCESS_RULE_FOLDERS -- -- Description: -- -- Calculates CS evaluation results for all rule -- folders. Rule Folders deepest in the hierarchy -- are evaluated evaluated first. This is because -- all the child rule folder counts are needed to get -- the values for a parent rule folder. -- -- Parameters: -- -- p_rqs_guid - CS Runtime Query Set Guid -- p_cs_guid - Unique ID for the CS -- p_targets - table of evaluated targets -- -- --------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE process_rule_folders( p_rqs_guid IN RAW, p_cs_guid IN RAW, p_targets IN GUID_ARRAY); -- --------------------------------------------------- -- Procedure: PROCESS_CS -- -- Description: -- -- Calculates CS counts and compliance score for -- all targets. -- -- Parameters: -- -- p_rqs_guid - CS Runtime Query Set Guid -- p_cs_guid - Unique ID for the CS -- p_targets - table of evaluated targets -- p_eval_date - cs evaluation date -- -- --------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE process_cs( p_rqs_guid IN RAW, p_cs_guid IN RAW, p_targets IN GUID_ARRAY, p_eval_date IN DATE); -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Compliance trend overview charts related procedures. -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- -- PURPOSE -- Returns the min and max timestamps for data availability for the specified -- metric. -- -- Parameters -- p_rqs_guid : Guid of config std. -- p_object_guid : Guid of config std/rule folder/rule for which trend data is required. -- p_metric_name : Name of metric for which trend data to be shown -- p_metric_column : Name of metric column for which trend data to be shown -- p_target_name : Target for which trend data to be shown -- p_min_collection_time: Min data availablity -- p_max_collection_time: Max data availablity -- PROCEDURE get_min_max_collection_time( p_rqs_guid IN RAW, p_object_guid IN RAW, p_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, p_metric_column IN VARCHAR2, p_target_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', p_min_collection_time OUT DATE, p_max_collection_time OUT DATE ); -- -- Returns the trend(historic) data for a given configuration standard and -- time period. -- -- Parameters -- p_rqs_guid : Guid of config standard for which trend data is required. -- p_target_name : Target for which trend data to be shown -- p_historyForNDays : History for how many days? -- p_historyStartDate : Start date -- p_historyEndDate : End date -- p_eval_summ_cursor: Cursor evaluation summary trend data -- p_comp_score_buckets_cursor: Cursor for compliance score buckets chart -- PROCEDURE get_cs_trend_data( p_rqs_guid IN RAW, p_target_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', p_historyForNDays IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_historyStartDate IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_historyEndDate IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_eval_summ_cursor OUT sys_refcursor, p_comp_score_buckets_cursor OUT sys_refcursor ); -- -- PURPOSE -- Returns the trend(historic) data for a given rule folder and time period. -- -- Parameters -- p_rqs_guid: Guid of the config standard for which trend data is required. -- p_folder_guid : Guid of folder for which trend data is required. -- p_target_name : Target for which trend data to be shown -- p_historyForNDays : History for how many days? -- p_historyStartDate : Start date -- p_historyEndDate : End date -- p_eval_summ_cursor: Cursor evaluation summary trend data -- PROCEDURE get_folder_trend_data( p_rqs_guid IN RAW, p_folder_guid IN RAW, p_target_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', p_historyForNDays IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_historyStartDate IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_historyEndDate IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_eval_summ_cursor OUT sys_refcursor ); -- -- PURPOSE -- Returns the trend(historic) data for a given rule and time period. -- -- Parameters -- p_rqs_guid : Guid of config standard for which trend data is required. -- p_rule_guid : Guid of rule for which trend data is required. -- p_target_name : Target for which trend data to be shown -- p_historyForNDays : History for how many days? -- p_historyStartDate : Start date -- p_historyEndDate : End date -- p_eval_summ_cursor: Cursor evaluation summary trend data -- PROCEDURE get_rule_trend_data( p_rqs_guid IN RAW, p_rule_guid IN RAW, p_target_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', p_historyForNDays IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_historyStartDate IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_historyEndDate IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_eval_summ_cursor OUT sys_refcursor ); -- -- PURPOSE -- Returns the table type (Raw/1hour/1day) from which the historical data to be fetched. -- -- Parameters -- p_historyForNDays : Number of days for which historic data is required -- FUNCTION get_trend_table_type ( p_historyForNDays IN NUMBER DEFAULT 7 ) RETURN NUMBER ; -- -- PURPOSE -- Returns the table type (Raw/1hour/1day) from which the historical data to be fetched. -- -- Parameters -- p_historyStartDate : Start date from when onwards the historic data is required. -- FUNCTION get_trend_table_type ( p_historyStartDate IN DATE ) RETURN NUMBER ; --Returns the repository target guid. FUNCTION get_repos_target_guid RETURN RAW; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To delete the evaluation results of the given configuration standard for all targets -- for which the user has operator target privileges. -- -- Parameters -- p_config_std_guid : Configuration Standard GUID -- PROCEDURE delete_cs_eval_results (p_config_std_guid RAW); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To delete the evaluation results of the rule folder of the given config std for -- all targets evaluated for which the user has the target operator privileges. -- This api will be called from delete eval results job. -- -- Parameters -- p_config_std_guid : Configuration Standard GUID -- PROCEDURE delete_eval_results_data ( p_config_std_guid RAW); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Executes the given delete cs statement and commits along the way based on the MAX_COMMIT value. -- -- -- Parameters -- p_execute_stmt : Statement to be executed -- p_config_std_guid : Configuration Standard Guid -- p_is_super_user : Whether the current em user is super user or not. -- -- PROCEDURE commit_delete_cs_txn(p_execute_stmt VARCHAR2 , p_config_std_guid RAW, -- p_is_super_user INTEGER ); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Submits the delete eval results job which takes care of deleting the evaluation -- results from rule folder summary and policy evaluation results tables. -- -- -- Parameters -- p_config_std_guid : Configuration Standard GUID -- PROCEDURE submit_delete_eval_results_job( p_config_std_guid RAW); END em_config_std; / show errors;