Rem drv: <create type="pkgbodys" pos="policy/policy_pkgbody.sql+"/> Rem Rem $Header: emcore/source/oracle/sysman/emdrep/sql/core/latest/compliance/compliance_config_std_pkgbody.sql /st_emcore_10. 2009/06/19 09:29:00 suvmalho Exp $ Rem Rem compliance_config_std_pkgbody.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem compliance_config_std_pkgbody.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem groyal 11/20/06 - Remove references to 11g specific tables Rem niramach 10/16/06 - Fix for bug 5557714 (Security fix). Rem groyal 08/25/06 - Replace total_violations with crit_violations, Rem warn_violations and info_violations, Rework trend-related procedures Rem sthiruna 08/10/06 - Fix for Bug 5404180. Modifying the logic for error Rem status in log_cs_evaluation_results. Rem sthiruna 08/03/06 - Commenting 11g packages Rem niramach 07/20/06 - Add update_cs_cqs_valid procedure to em_cs_compile_util pkg. Rem rreilly 07/17/06 - add ics rqs_guid generation Rem rreilly 07/10/06 - fix compliance score and do bulk calculation Rem aragarwa 06/28/06 - Fixing xsd changes : removing context, adding Rem targettype Rem rreilly 06/29/06 - adding the cs compile and evaluate packages Rem sthiruna 06/08/06 - Fix for bug 5263883 Rem aragarwa 06/11/06 - Removing default for few elements Rem aragarwa 05/17/06 - Removing hierarchy dname columns. Rem niramach 05/03/06 - Changes related to delete eval results API Rem - 10.3 and 11g table unification Rem - target filteration for trend pages Rem aragarwa 05/01/06 - Adding support for reusable queries and cs Rem inclusion Rem niramach 04/11/06 - Add delete cs eval results Api. Rem aragarwa 03/31/06 - Change MGMT_SHORT_STRING_TABLE to Rem MGMT_MEDIUM_STRING_TABLE for delete cs policies. Rem niramach 03/27/06 - Add procedures for trend overview sqls. Rem aragarwa 02/28/06 - reflecting XSD and table changes. Rem niramach 03/05/06 - Remove logging compliance score for rulefolder Rem level. Rem niramach 02/28/06 - Add performance log for cs evaluation. Rem kchiasso 02/23/06 - change owner to author Rem niramach 01/25/06 - Add procedures for cs evaluation. Rem aragarwa 01/23/06 - Adding procedures and functions for adding rows Rem in cs tables. Rem niramach 01/13/06 - Package body for configuration standards. Rem niramach 01/13/06 - Created Rem Rem **************************************************************************** Rem EM_CONFIG_STD package body Rem **************************************************************************** CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY em_config_std AS PROCEDURE commit_delete_cs_txn(p_execute_stmt VARCHAR2 , p_config_std_guid RAW, p_is_super_user INTEGER ) IS l_counter INTEGER :=0; BEGIN LOOP IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_DEBUG_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.DEBUG(' Executing SQL ' || p_execute_stmt, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE p_execute_stmt USING p_config_std_guid, p_is_super_user, MGMT_USER.USER_HAS_PRIV, MGMT_USER.GET_CURRENT_EM_USER, MGMT_USER.OPERATOR_TARGET, MGMT_USER.USER_HAS_PRIV, mgmt_global.MAX_COMMIT; l_counter := SQL%ROWCOUNT; COMMIT; IF l_counter < mgmt_global.MAX_COMMIT THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; END commit_delete_cs_txn; FUNCTION add_rulefolder ( p_cs_guid RAW, p_rulefolder_iname VARCHAR2, p_rulefolder_dname VARCHAR2, p_parent_guid RAW, p_child_position NUMBER, p_description VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_reference_url VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ) RETURN RAW IS l_rulefolder_guid RAW(16); BEGIN INSERT INTO mgmt_cs_rulefolder (cs_guid, rulefolder_iname, rulefolder_dname, description, reference_url) VALUES (p_cs_guid, p_rulefolder_iname, p_rulefolder_dname, p_description, p_reference_url) RETURNING rulefolder_guid INTO l_rulefolder_guid; INSERT INTO mgmt_cs_hierarchy (parent_guid,child_guid, child_type, child_position) VALUES (p_parent_guid, l_rulefolder_guid, MGMT_CONFIG_STD.G_ELEMENT_RULEFOLDER, p_child_position); RETURN l_rulefolder_guid; END add_rulefolder; FUNCTION add_rule( p_cs_guid RAW, p_rule_iname VARCHAR2, p_rule_dname VARCHAR2, p_parent_guid RAW, p_child_position NUMBER, p_test VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_importance_level NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_CONFIG_STD.G_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL, p_test_type NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_reference_url VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_description VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_rationale VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_fixtext VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_warning VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_message VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_clear_message VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_severity NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_CONFIG_STD.G_VIOL_SEVERITY_INFO, p_policy_guid RAW DEFAULT NULL, p_change_advisor_tag MGMT_CS_CHANGE_ADVISOR_DEF DEFAULT NULL, p_simple_test_condition NUMBER DEFAULT NULL ) RETURN RAW IS l_rule_guid RAW(16); l_change_advisor_type VARCHAR2(256) := NULL; l_change_advisor_subtype VARCHAR2(256) := NULL; l_change_advisor_reason VARCHAR2(256) := NULL; BEGIN IF ( p_change_advisor_tag IS NOT NULL ) THEN l_change_advisor_type := p_change_advisor_tag.change_advisor_type; l_change_advisor_subtype := p_change_advisor_tag.change_advisor_subtype; l_change_advisor_reason := p_change_advisor_tag.change_advisor_reason; END IF; INSERT INTO mgmt_cs_rule (cs_guid, rule_iname, rule_dname, importance_level, description, reference_url, rationale, fixtext, warning, test_type, test, policy_guid, change_advisor_type, change_advisor_subtype, change_advisor_reason, message, clear_message, severity, simple_test_condition) VALUES (p_cs_guid, p_rule_iname, p_rule_dname, p_importance_level, p_description, p_reference_url, p_rationale, p_fixtext, p_warning, p_test_type, p_test, p_policy_guid, l_change_advisor_type,l_change_advisor_subtype,l_change_advisor_reason, p_message, p_clear_message, p_severity, p_simple_test_condition) RETURNING rule_guid INTO l_rule_guid ; INSERT INTO mgmt_cs_hierarchy (parent_guid, child_guid, child_type, child_position) VALUES (p_parent_guid, l_rule_guid, MGMT_CONFIG_STD.G_ELEMENT_RULE, p_child_position); RETURN l_rule_guid; END add_rule; PROCEDURE add_simple_test( p_rule_guid RAW, p_property VARCHAR2, p_operator NUMBER, p_value VARCHAR2, p_position NUMBER ) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO mgmt_cs_rule_simple_test( rule_guid, property, operator, value, position) VALUES ( p_rule_guid, p_property, p_operator, p_value, p_position); END add_simple_test ; PROCEDURE add_fixlink( p_rule_guid RAW, p_display_label VARCHAR2, p_link_template VARCHAR2, p_link_encode NUMBER, p_is_link_empage NUMBER ) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO mgmt_cs_rule_fix_link( rule_guid, display_label, link_template, link_encode,is_link_em_page ) VALUES ( p_rule_guid,p_display_label,p_link_template, p_link_encode, p_is_link_empage); END add_fixlink ; -- Add keyword to configuration standard. PROCEDURE add_keyword( p_cs_guid RAW, p_keyword VARCHAR2 ) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO mgmt_cs_keyword (keyword, cs_guid) VALUES (p_keyword, p_cs_guid); END add_keyword; PROCEDURE add_reusable_query( p_cs_guid RAW, p_query_iname VARCHAR2, p_description VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_query VARCHAR2 ) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO mgmt_cs_reusable_query (cs_guid, reusable_query_iname, description, reusable_query) VALUES(p_cs_guid, p_query_iname, p_description, p_query); END add_reusable_query; PROCEDURE add_overridden_parameter( p_cs_inclusion_guid RAW, p_name VARCHAR2, p_value VARCHAR2, p_reference VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO mgmt_cs_inclusion_parameter (cs_inclusion_guid, param_iname, param_override_value, ref_param_iname) VALUES( p_cs_inclusion_guid, p_name, p_value, p_reference); END add_overridden_parameter; PROCEDURE add_violation_context ( p_rule_guid RAW, p_column_iname VARCHAR2, p_column_dname VARCHAR2, p_column_type NUMBER, p_column_position NUMBER, p_is_key NUMBER, p_is_hidden NUMBER, p_link_template VARCHAR2, p_link_encode NUMBER, p_is_empage NUMBER ) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO mgmt_cs_rule_viol_ctx (rule_guid, column_iname, column_dname, column_type, column_position, is_key, is_hidden, link_template,link_encode, is_link_em_page) VALUES( p_rule_guid, p_column_iname, p_column_dname, p_column_type, p_column_position, p_is_key, p_is_hidden, p_link_template, p_link_encode, p_is_empage); END add_violation_context; PROCEDURE add_parameter( p_cs_guid RAW, p_param_iname VARCHAR2, p_description VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_param_type NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_CONFIG_STD.G_STD_PARAM_NUMTYPE, p_param_value VARCHAR2, p_prohibit_changes NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_CONFIG_STD.G_STD_PARAM_PROCHANGE_FALSE, p_lower_bound NUMBER DEFAULT 0, p_upper_bound NUMBER DEFAULT 0, p_choice_list MGMT_CS_CHOICE_LIST_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL, p_must_match NUMBER DEFAULT 0 ) IS l_choice VARCHAR2(1024); l_param_guid RAW(16); choice_ctr NUMBER; BEGIN INSERT INTO mgmt_cs_parameter (cs_guid, param_iname, param_type,param_value, description,prohibit_changes, must_match, lower_bound, upper_bound) VALUES(p_cs_guid, p_param_iname, p_param_type, p_param_value, p_description, p_prohibit_changes,p_must_match, p_lower_bound, p_upper_bound) RETURNING param_guid INTO l_param_guid ; -- Insert into parameters IF ((p_choice_list IS NOT NULL) AND (p_choice_list.COUNT > 0)) THEN FOR choice_ctr IN p_choice_list.FIRST..p_choice_list.LAST LOOP l_choice := p_choice_list(choice_ctr); INSERT INTO mgmt_cs_parameter_choices( param_guid, choice_value ) VALUES ( l_param_guid , l_choice); END LOOP; END IF; END add_parameter; PROCEDURE delete_cs_data( p_cs_guid RAW) IS l_delete_stmt VARCHAR2(4000); l_counter INTEGER :=0; BEGIN -- Remove from all tables that have cs guid FOR crec IN ( SELECT table_name, target_column_name, cs_column_name FROM sys.obj$ o,$ t, sys.col$ tgc, sys.col$ mgc WHERE o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') AND like ('%TARGET_GUID%') AND tgc.obj# = o.obj# AND like ('%CS_GUID%') AND mgc.obj# = o.obj# AND like ('MGMT_%') AND o.obj# = t.obj# AND bitand(, 1) = 0 AND bitand(,32) = 0 AND bitand(,512) = 0 AND bitand(,32) = 0 AND bitand(,512) = 0 ORDER BY ) LOOP l_delete_stmt := 'DELETE FROM ' || EM_CHECK.simple_sql_name(crec.table_name) || ' WHERE ' || EM_CHECK.simple_sql_name(crec.cs_column_name) || ' = HEXTORAW(:cs_guid)' || ' AND ROWNUM <= :MAX_COMMIT_SIZE' ; LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_delete_stmt USING p_cs_guid, mgmt_global.MAX_COMMIT; l_counter := SQL%ROWCOUNT; COMMIT; IF l_counter < mgmt_global.MAX_COMMIT THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; END LOOP; END delete_cs_data; PROCEDURE delete_cs_metadata( p_cs_guid RAW) IS BEGIN -- Remove all copied policies remove_copied_policies(p_cs_guid); DELETE FROM mgmt_cs_keyword WHERE cs_guid = p_cs_guid; DELETE FROM mgmt_cs_hierarchy WHERE child_guid in (select rule_guid from mgmt_cs_rule where cs_guid = p_cs_guid union all select rulefolder_guid from mgmt_cs_rulefolder where cs_guid = p_cs_guid union all select cs_inclusion_guid from mgmt_cs_inclusion where parent_cs_guid = p_cs_guid ); -- first clear the choices table and then clean up parameters. DELETE FROM mgmt_cs_parameter_choices WHERE param_guid IN ( SELECT param_guid FROM mgmt_cs_parameter WHERE cs_guid = p_cs_guid ); DELETE FROM mgmt_cs_parameter WHERE cs_guid = p_cs_guid; DELETE FROM mgmt_cs_reusable_query WHERE cs_guid = p_cs_guid; DELETE FROM mgmt_cs_inclusion_parameter WHERE cs_inclusion_guid IN ( SELECT cs_inclusion_guid FROM mgmt_cs_inclusion WHERE parent_cs_guid = p_cs_guid ); DELETE FROM mgmt_cs_rule_fix_link WHERE rule_guid IN ( SELECT rule_guid FROM mgmt_cs_rule WHERE cs_guid = p_cs_guid AND TEST_TYPE = MGMT_CONFIG_STD.G_TEST_TYPE_DMQL); DELETE FROM mgmt_cs_rule_viol_ctx WHERE rule_guid IN ( SELECT rule_guid FROM mgmt_cs_rule WHERE cs_guid = p_cs_guid AND TEST_TYPE = MGMT_CONFIG_STD.G_TEST_TYPE_DMQL); DELETE FROM mgmt_cs_rule_simple_test WHERE rule_guid IN ( SELECT rule_guid FROM mgmt_cs_rule WHERE cs_guid = p_cs_guid); DELETE FROM mgmt_cs_inclusion WHERE parent_cs_guid = p_cs_guid; DELETE FROM mgmt_cs_rule WHERE cs_guid = p_cs_guid; DELETE FROM mgmt_cs_rulefolder WHERE cs_guid = p_cs_guid; DELETE FROM mgmt_cs_config_standard WHERE cs_guid = p_cs_guid; END delete_cs_metadata; PROCEDURE remove_copied_policies( p_cs_guid RAW) IS l_policy_names MGMT_MEDIUM_STRING_TABLE := MGMT_MEDIUM_STRING_TABLE(); l_target_types MGMT_MEDIUM_STRING_TABLE := MGMT_MEDIUM_STRING_TABLE(); l_policy_name mgmt_policies.policy_name%TYPE; l_target_type mgmt_policies.target_type%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT p.policy_name, p.target_type BULK COLLECT INTO l_policy_names, l_target_types FROM mgmt_cs_rule r, mgmt_policies p WHERE r.cs_guid = p_cs_guid AND p.policy_guid = r.policy_guid; IF ((l_policy_names IS NOT NULL) AND (l_policy_names.COUNT > 0)) THEN FOR ctr IN l_policy_names.FIRST..l_policy_names.LAST LOOP l_policy_name := l_policy_names(ctr); l_target_type := l_target_types(ctr); MGMT_POLICY.delete_policy(p_target_type => l_target_type, p_policy_name => l_policy_name); END LOOP; END IF; END remove_copied_policies; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To set the repository timing flag of the given configuration standard.This flag -- is to enable/disable logging the performance details of the cs evaluation in the -- the system performance logs. -- -- Parameters -- p_config_std_name : Configuration Standard internal name -- p_config_std_author: Author of the configuration standard -- p_version : Version of the configuration standard. -- p_enabled: Enabled/disabled flag . (0/1). PROCEDURE set_repo_timing( p_config_std_name IN VARCHAR2, p_config_std_author IN VARCHAR2, p_version IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1, p_enabled IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE) IS BEGIN em_check.check_range(p_value=>p_enabled, p_min_value=>0, p_max_value=>1, p_param_name=>' p_enabled ') ; UPDATE mgmt_cs_config_standard SET repo_timing_enabled = p_enabled WHERE cs_iname = p_config_std_name AND author = p_config_std_author AND version = p_version ; IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.CS_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR, MGMT_GLOBAL.CS_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR_M||'Config Std Name='|| p_config_std_name || ' author=' || p_config_std_author || ' version='|| p_version); END IF ; END set_repo_timing; -- --------------------------------------------------- -- Procedure: LOG_CS_EVALUATION_RESULTS -- -- Description: -- -- Called by MGMT_CONFIG_STD.EVALUATE_CONFIG_STD -- and from Java Classes. -- -- After all CS rules have been evaluated, summary -- counts and the compliance score are calculated -- for all targets. The results of these -- calculations are stored in MGMT_CS_EVAL_SUMM_* tables. -- -- Parameters: -- -- p_config_std_name - Configuration Standard Name -- p_rqs_guid - CS Runtime Query Set Guid -- p_cs_guid - Configuration Standard Guid -- p_target_type - target type -- p_targets_list - MGMT_TARGET_ARRAY having the list of MGMT_TARGET_OBJ -- p_repo_timing_enabled - Flag to turn on/off performance data logging. -- p_start_time - time the evaluation started -- -- NOTE: -- p_targets_list and p_start_time are NULL for DMQL CS. -- These values are retrieved from repository tables -- for this case. -- --------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE log_cs_evaluation_results( p_config_std_name IN VARCHAR2, p_rqs_guid IN RAW, p_cs_guid IN RAW, p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_targets_list IN MGMT_TARGET_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL, p_repo_timing_enabled IN NUMBER, p_start_time IN DATE DEFAULT NULL) IS TYPE l_targets_cur IS REF CURSOR; l_targets GUID_ARRAY; l_targets_sql l_targets_cur; l_start_time DATE := p_start_time; l_proceed BOOLEAN := TRUE; l_cs_type NUMBER(1); l_target_guid RAW(16); l_total_rules_evaluated NUMBER := 0; l_rules_evaluated NUMBER := 0; BEGIN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_DEBUG_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.DEBUG('log_cs_evaluation_results:Enter',G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; -- Get the Type of the CS rules: Policy or DMQL -- Currrently all CS rules must be of the same type BEGIN SELECT max(test_type), count(rule_iname) INTO l_cs_type, l_total_rules_evaluated FROM mgmt_cs_rule WHERE cs_guid=p_cs_guid GROUP BY cs_guid; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN EMDW_LOG.ERROR('log_cs_evaluation_results: Error: ' || 'The CS ' || p_cs_guid || ' has no associated rules.', G_MODULE_NAME); l_proceed := FALSE; END; -- Get the List of Targets IF l_cs_type = mgmt_config_std.G_TEST_TYPE_DMQL THEN EMDW_LOG.ERROR('log_cs_evaluation_results: Error: The type was DMQL.', G_MODULE_NAME); l_proceed := FALSE; ELSE OPEN l_targets_sql FOR SELECT t.target_guid FROM MGMT_TARGETS t, TABLE(CAST(p_targets_list as MGMT_TARGET_ARRAY)) p WHERE t.target_name = p.target_name AND t.target_type = p.target_type; END IF; FETCH l_targets_sql BULK COLLECT INTO l_targets; CLOSE l_targets_sql; -- Check for No Targets IF (l_targets IS NULL OR l_targets.COUNT <= 0) THEN EMDW_LOG.ERROR('log_cs_evaluation_results: Error: ' || 'No Targets were evaluated for CS ' || p_cs_guid, G_MODULE_NAME); l_proceed := FALSE; END IF; IF (l_proceed = TRUE) THEN -- POLICY CS ONLY: Save rule summary info for all rules and targets IF (l_cs_type = mgmt_config_std.G_TEST_TYPE_POLICY) THEN MERGE INTO mgmt_cs_eval_summ_rule e USING (SELECT rt.target_guid AS target_guid, rt.rule_guid AS rule_guid, nvl(p.total_violations_logged, 0) AS total_violations, nvl(p.last_evaluation_date, l_start_time) AS evaluation_date, nvl(err.status, case nvl(p.total_violations_logged, -1) when -1 then mgmt_config_std.G_UNKNOWN_RULES when 0 then mgmt_config_std.G_COMPLIANT_RULES else mgmt_config_std.G_NONCOMPLIANT_RULES end) AS status FROM mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_summ p, (SELECT ar.rule_guid AS rule_guid, ar.policy_guid AS policy_guid, at.column_value AS target_guid FROM mgmt_cs_rule ar, TABLE(cast(l_targets AS GUID_ARRAY)) at WHERE ar.cs_guid = p_cs_guid) rt, (SELECT distinct policy_guid, target_guid, mgmt_config_std.G_ERROR_RULES AS status FROM mgmt_policy_assoc_eval_details WHERE last_error_message IS NOT NULL) err WHERE rt.policy_guid = p.policy_guid(+) AND rt.target_guid = p.target_guid(+) AND p.policy_guid = err.policy_guid(+) AND p.target_guid = err.target_guid(+)) t ON (e.rqs_guid = p_rqs_guid AND t.target_guid = e.target_guid AND t.rule_guid = e.rule_guid) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET total_violations = t.total_violations, evaluation_date=t.evaluation_date, status = t.status WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (rqs_guid,target_guid,rule_guid,root_cs_guid, root_target_guid,total_violations,status,evaluation_date) VALUES (p_rqs_guid, t.target_guid,t.rule_guid,p_cs_guid, t.target_guid, t.total_violations,t.status,t.evaluation_date); END IF; -- Calculate Rule Folder Counts process_rule_folders( p_rqs_guid => p_rqs_guid, p_cs_guid => p_cs_guid, p_targets => l_targets); -- Calculate CS Counts and Compliance Score process_cs( p_rqs_guid => p_rqs_guid, p_cs_guid => p_cs_guid, p_targets => l_targets, p_eval_date => l_start_time); -- Performance Numbers IF p_repo_timing_enabled = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE THEN MGMT_LOG.log_performance (v_job_name_in => G_MODULE_NAME, v_duration_in => (SYSDATE - l_start_time)*86400000, v_time_in => SYSDATE, v_is_total_in => 'Y', v_name_in => 'Total rules evaluated for all selected targets' , v_value_in => (l_total_rules_evaluated * l_targets.COUNT), v_client_data_in => p_config_std_name) ; END IF ; END IF; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_DEBUG_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.DEBUG('log_cs_evaluation_results:Exit Normal',G_MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; END log_cs_evaluation_results; -- --------------------------------------------------- -- Procedure: PROCESS_RULE_FOLDERS -- -- Description: -- -- Calculates CS evaluation results for all rule -- folders. Rule Folders deepest in the hierarchy -- are evaluated evaluated first. This is because -- all the child rule folder counts are needed to get -- the values for a parent rule folder. -- -- Parameters: -- -- p_rqs_guid - CS Runtime Query Set Guid -- p_cs_guid - Unique ID for the CS -- p_targets - table of evaluated targets -- -- --------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE process_rule_folders( p_rqs_guid IN RAW, p_cs_guid IN RAW, p_targets IN GUID_ARRAY) IS CURSOR l_getFoldersCursor IS SELECT rf.child_guid FROM (SELECT child_guid, child_type, LEVEL as child_level FROM mgmt_cs_hierarchy START WITH parent_guid=p_cs_guid CONNECT BY PRIOR child_guid = parent_guid) rf WHERE rf.child_type = mgmt_config_std.G_ELEMENT_RULEFOLDER ORDER BY rf.child_level DESC; l_folders GUID_ARRAY; l_folder_guid RAW(16); BEGIN -- Get all rule folders, lowest folders first.. OPEN l_getFoldersCursor; FETCH l_getFoldersCursor BULK COLLECT INTO l_folders; CLOSE l_getFoldersCursor; -- NOTE: Rule Folders are processessed one at a time, rule -- folders with the greatest LEVEL values must be -- processed first. IF ((l_folders IS NOT NULL) AND (l_folders.COUNT > 0)) THEN FOR i IN l_folders.FIRST..l_folders.LAST LOOP l_folder_guid := l_folders(i); -- MERGE all data for this rule folder into -- MGMT_CS_EVAL_SUMM_RULEFOLDER for all targets MERGE INTO mgmt_cs_eval_summ_rulefolder e USING (SELECT c.target_guid, c.root_cs_guid, c.root_target_guid, sum(c.compliant_rules) as compliant_rules, sum(c.non_compliant_rules) as non_compliant_rules, sum(c.error_rules) as error_rules, sum(c.unknown_rules) as unknown_rules, sum(c.crit_violations) as crit_violations, sum(c.warn_violations) as warn_violations, sum(c.info_violations) as info_violations FROM (SELECT s.target_guid, s.root_cs_guid, s.root_target_guid, decode(s.status, mgmt_config_std.G_COMPLIANT_RULES, 1, 0) as compliant_rules, decode(s.status, mgmt_config_std.G_NONCOMPLIANT_RULES, 1, 0) as non_compliant_rules, decode(s.status, mgmt_config_std.G_ERROR_RULES, 1, 0) as error_rules, decode(s.status, mgmt_config_std.G_UNKNOWN_RULES, 1, 0) as unknown_rules, decode(r.severity, mgmt_config_std.G_VIOL_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, s.total_violations, 0) as crit_violations, decode(r.severity, mgmt_config_std.G_VIOL_SEVERITY_WARNING, s.total_violations, 0) as warn_violations, decode(r.severity, mgmt_config_std.G_VIOL_SEVERITY_INFO, s.total_violations, 0) as info_violations FROM mgmt_cs_eval_summ_rule s, mgmt_cs_rule r, TABLE(CAST(p_targets as GUID_ARRAY)) trg, (SELECT child_guid as rule_guid FROM mgmt_cs_hierarchy WHERE parent_guid = l_folder_guid AND child_type = mgmt_config_std.G_ELEMENT_RULE) chld WHERE s.rqs_guid = p_rqs_guid AND s.target_guid = trg.column_value AND s.rule_guid = chld.rule_guid AND r.rule_guid = s.rule_guid UNION ALL SELECT sf.target_guid, sf.root_cs_guid, sf.root_target_guid, sf.compliant_rules, sf.non_compliant_rules, sf.error_rules, sf.unknown_rules, sf.crit_violations, sf.warn_violations, sf.info_violations FROM mgmt_cs_eval_summ_rulefolder sf, TABLE(CAST(p_targets as GUID_ARRAY)) trg, (SELECT child_guid as rulefolder_guid FROM mgmt_cs_hierarchy WHERE parent_guid = l_folder_guid AND child_type = mgmt_config_std.G_ELEMENT_RULEFOLDER) chld WHERE sf.rqs_guid = p_rqs_guid AND sf.target_guid = trg.column_value AND sf.rulefolder_guid = chld.rulefolder_guid) c GROUP BY c.target_guid, c.root_cs_guid, c.root_target_guid) t ON (e.rulefolder_guid = l_folder_guid AND e.rqs_guid = p_rqs_guid AND e.target_guid = t.target_guid) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET compliant_rules = t.compliant_rules, non_compliant_rules = t.non_compliant_rules, error_rules = t.error_rules, unknown_rules = t.unknown_rules, crit_violations = t.crit_violations, warn_violations = t.warn_violations, info_violations = t.info_violations WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (rqs_guid,target_guid,rulefolder_guid,root_cs_guid, root_target_guid,compliant_rules, non_compliant_rules, error_rules, unknown_rules, crit_violations, warn_violations, info_violations) VALUES (p_rqs_guid, t.target_guid,l_folder_guid,t.root_cs_guid, t.root_target_guid, t.compliant_rules, t.non_compliant_rules, t.error_rules, t.unknown_rules, t.crit_violations, t.warn_violations, t.info_violations); END LOOP; END IF; END process_rule_folders; -- --------------------------------------------------- -- Procedure: PROCESS_CS -- -- Description: -- -- Calculates CS counts and compliance score for -- all targets. -- -- Parameters: -- -- p_rqs_guid - CS Runtime Query Set Guid -- p_cs_guid - Unique ID for the CS -- p_targets - table of evaluated targets -- p_eval_date - cs evaluation date -- -- --------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE process_cs( p_rqs_guid IN RAW, p_cs_guid IN RAW, p_targets IN GUID_ARRAY, p_eval_date IN DATE) IS BEGIN -- MERGE CS data for all targets into the MGMT_CS_EVAL_SUMM_RQS table -- NOTE: the USING query ignores all rules that have an importance_level -- of not scored. It does this, because importance_level of -- not scored is 0 and summing 0 or multiplying by 0 = 0, and 0 -- means ignored. So, if G_IMPORTANCE_NOT_SCORED changes from 0 -- to another value, this query will break and the refrences to -- r.importance_level will need to be wrapped in a CASE statement -- to force not scored rules to be ignored. MERGE INTO mgmt_cs_eval_summ_rqs e USING (SELECT c.target_guid, c.root_cs_guid, c.root_target_guid, c.compliant_rules, c.non_compliant_rules, c.error_rules, c.unknown_rules, c.crit_violations, c.warn_violations, c.info_violations, (CASE WHEN c.importance_total = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (c.weighted_total/c.importance_total) END) as compliance_score FROM (SELECT s.target_guid, s.root_cs_guid, s.root_target_guid, sum(CASE WHEN s.status = mgmt_config_std.G_COMPLIANT_RULES THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as compliant_rules, sum(CASE WHEN s.status = mgmt_config_std.G_NONCOMPLIANT_RULES THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as non_compliant_rules, sum(CASE WHEN s.status = mgmt_config_std.G_ERROR_RULES THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as error_rules, sum(CASE WHEN s.status = mgmt_config_std.G_UNKNOWN_RULES THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as unknown_rules, sum(decode(r.severity, mgmt_config_std.G_VIOL_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, s.total_violations, 0)) as crit_violations, sum(decode(r.severity, mgmt_config_std.G_VIOL_SEVERITY_WARNING, s.total_violations, 0)) as warn_violations, sum(decode(r.severity, mgmt_config_std.G_VIOL_SEVERITY_INFO, s.total_violations, 0)) as info_violations, sum(CASE WHEN s.status = mgmt_config_std.G_COMPLIANT_RULES THEN r.importance_level WHEN s.status = mgmt_config_std.G_NONCOMPLIANT_RULES THEN r.importance_level ELSE 0 END) as importance_total, sum(CASE WHEN s.status = mgmt_config_std.G_COMPLIANT_RULES THEN (r.importance_level * 100) ELSE 0 END) as weighted_total FROM mgmt_cs_rule r, mgmt_cs_eval_summ_rule s, TABLE(CAST(p_targets as GUID_ARRAY)) trg WHERE r.cs_guid = p_cs_guid AND s.rqs_guid = p_rqs_guid AND s.target_guid = trg.column_value AND r.rule_guid = s.rule_guid GROUP BY s.rqs_guid, s.target_guid, s.root_cs_guid, s.root_target_guid) c ) t ON (e.rqs_guid = p_rqs_guid AND e.target_guid = t.target_guid) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET compliant_rules = t.compliant_rules, non_compliant_rules = t.non_compliant_rules, error_rules = t.error_rules, unknown_rules = t.unknown_rules, crit_violations = t.crit_violations, warn_violations = t.warn_violations, info_violations = t.info_violations, last_evaluation_date = p_eval_date, compliance_score = t.compliance_score WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (rqs_guid, target_guid,root_cs_guid, root_target_guid, compliant_rules, non_compliant_rules, error_rules, unknown_rules, crit_violations, warn_violations, info_violations, last_evaluation_date, compliance_score) VALUES (p_rqs_guid, t.target_guid,t.root_cs_guid, t.root_target_guid, t.compliant_rules, t.non_compliant_rules, t.error_rules, t.unknown_rules, t.crit_violations, t.warn_violations, t.info_violations, p_eval_date, t.compliance_score); END process_cs; -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Compliance trend overview charts related procedures. -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- -- PURPOSE -- Returns the min and max timestamps for data availability for the specified -- metric. -- -- Parameters -- p_rqs_guid : Guid of config std. -- p_object_guid : Guid of config std/rule folder/rule for which trend data is required. -- p_metric_name : Name of metric for which trend data to be shown -- p_metric_column : Name of metric column for which trend data to be shown -- p_target_name : Target for which trend data to be shown -- p_min_collection_time: Min data availablity -- p_max_collection_time: Max data availablity -- PROCEDURE get_min_max_collection_time( p_rqs_guid IN RAW, p_object_guid IN RAW, p_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, p_metric_column IN VARCHAR2, p_target_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', p_min_collection_time OUT DATE, p_max_collection_time OUT DATE ) IS l_repos_tgt_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; BEGIN l_repos_tgt_guid := get_repos_target_guid(); SELECT MIN_TIME, MAX_TIME INTO p_min_collection_time, p_max_collection_time FROM (with metric_info as (select l_repos_tgt_guid as target_guid, m.metric_guid, k.composite_key from mgmt_targets tgt, mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys k where m.target_type = 'oracle_emrep' and m.metric_name = p_metric_name and m.metric_column = p_metric_column and k.target_guid = l_repos_tgt_guid and k.key_part1_value = p_rqs_guid and k.key_part2_value = p_object_guid and k.key_part3_value = tgt.target_guid and tgt.target_name like p_target_name ) select min(t) as MIN_TIME, max(t) as MAX_TIME from ( select rm.collection_timestamp as t from metric_info, mgmt_metrics_raw rm where rm.target_guid = metric_info.target_guid and rm.metric_guid = metric_info.metric_guid and rm.key_value = metric_info.composite_key union all select hm.rollup_timestamp as t from metric_info, mgmt_metrics_1hour hm where hm.target_guid = metric_info.target_guid and hm.metric_guid = metric_info.metric_guid and hm.key_value = metric_info.composite_key union all select dm.rollup_timestamp as t from metric_info, mgmt_metrics_1day dm where dm.target_guid = metric_info.target_guid and dm.metric_guid = metric_info.metric_guid and dm.key_value = metric_info.composite_key )); END get_min_max_collection_time; -- -- Returns the trend(historic) data for a given configuration standard and -- time period. -- -- Parameters -- p_rqs_guid : Guid of config standard for which trend data is required. -- p_target_name : Target for which trend data to be shown -- p_historyForNDays : History for how many days? -- p_historyStartDate : Start date -- p_historyEndDate : End date -- p_eval_summ_cursor: Cursor evaluation summary trend data -- p_comp_score_buckets_cursor: Cursor for compliance score buckets chart -- PROCEDURE get_cs_trend_data( p_rqs_guid IN RAW, p_target_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', p_historyForNDays IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_historyStartDate IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_historyEndDate IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_eval_summ_cursor OUT sys_refcursor, p_comp_score_buckets_cursor OUT sys_refcursor ) IS l_table_type NUMBER := G_RAW_TABLE_TYPE; l_table_name VARCHAR2(30); l_repos_tgt_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_time_range VARCHAR2(2000); l_summ_sql VARCHAR2(32767); l_bucket_sql VARCHAR2(32767); l_inDays BOOLEAN; BEGIN l_repos_tgt_guid := get_repos_target_guid(); l_table_type := get_trend_table_type(p_historyForNDays => p_historyForNDays); IF (p_historyForNDays IS NOT NULL) THEN l_inDays := TRUE; l_table_type := get_trend_table_type(p_historyForNDays => p_historyForNDays); ELSE l_inDays := FALSE; l_table_type := get_trend_table_type(p_historyStartDate => p_historyStartDate); END IF; IF (l_table_type = G_RAW_TABLE_TYPE) THEN IF (l_inDays) THEN l_time_range := 'v.collection_timestamp >= sysdate - :4'; ELSE l_time_range := 'v.collection_timestamp >= :4 and v.collection_timestamp <= :5'; END IF; l_summ_sql := 'SELECT key.key_part1_value as rqs_guid, round(avg(to_number(v.value))) as total_violations, round(avg(to_number(vs.value))) as compliance_score, count(distinct(key.key_part3_value)) as targets_evaluated, v.collection_timestamp as time FROM mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_metrics ms, mgmt_metrics_raw v, mgmt_metrics_raw vs, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys key, mgmt_targets t WHERE m.target_type = ''oracle_emrep'' and m.metric_name = ''CS_EVAL_SUMM_STANDARD'' and ms.target_type = m.target_type and ms.metric_name = m.metric_name and m.metric_column = ''VIOLATION_COUNT'' and ms.metric_column = ''COMPLIANCE_SCORE'' and v.target_guid = :1 and v.metric_guid = m.metric_guid and vs.target_guid = v.target_guid and vs.metric_guid = ms.metric_guid and key.target_guid = v.target_guid and key.composite_key = v.key_value and key.composite_key = vs.key_value and key.key_part1_value = :2 and t.target_name like :3 and key.key_part3_value = t.target_guid and ' || l_time_range || ' and vs.collection_timestamp = v.collection_timestamp GROUP BY key.key_part1_value, v.collection_timestamp ORDER BY v.collection_timestamp'; l_bucket_sql := 'WITH buckets as ( SELECT avgs.target_guid, avgs.rqs_guid, case when(width_bucket(avgs.compliance_score, 0, 101, 5)=1) then 1 else 0 end as bucket1, case when(width_bucket(avgs.compliance_score, 0, 101, 5)=2) then 1 else 0 end as bucket2, case when(width_bucket(avgs.compliance_score, 0, 101, 5)=3) then 1 else 0 end as bucket3, case when(width_bucket(avgs.compliance_score, 0, 101, 5)=4) then 1 else 0 end as bucket4, case when(width_bucket(avgs.compliance_score, 0, 101, 5)=5) then 1 else 0 end as bucket5, avgs.time FROM (SELECT key.key_part1_value as rqs_guid, key.key_part3_value as target_guid, round(avg(to_number(v.value))) as compliance_score, v.collection_timestamp as time FROM mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_metrics_raw v, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys key, mgmt_targets t WHERE m.target_type = ''oracle_emrep'' and m.metric_name = ''CS_EVAL_SUMM_STANDARD'' and m.metric_column = ''COMPLIANCE_SCORE'' and v.target_guid = :1 and v.metric_guid = m.metric_guid and key.target_guid = v.target_guid and key.composite_key = v.key_value and key.key_part3_value = t.target_guid and key.key_part1_value = :2 and t.target_name like :3 and ' || l_time_range || ' GROUP BY key.key_part1_value, key.key_part3_value, v.collection_timestamp) avgs ) SELECT x.rqs_guid as rqs_guid, SUM(x.bucket1) as bucket1, SUM(x.bucket2) as bucket2, SUM(x.bucket3) as bucket3, SUM(x.bucket4) as bucket4, SUM(x.bucket5) as bucket5, x.time FROM buckets x GROUP BY x.rqs_guid,time ORDER BY time'; ELSE IF (l_inDays) THEN l_time_range := 'v.rollup_timestamp >= sysdate - :4'; ELSE l_time_range := 'v.rollup_timestamp >= :4 and v.rollup_timestamp <= :5'; END IF; l_table_name := CASE l_table_type WHEN G_1HOUR_TABLE_TYPE THEN 'mgmt_metrics_1hour' WHEN G_1DAY_TABLE_TYPE THEN 'mgmt_metrics_1day' ELSE 'mgmt_metrics_1hour' END; l_summ_sql := 'SELECT key.key_part1_value as rqs_guid, round(avg(to_number(v.value_average))) as total_violations, round(avg(to_number(vs.value_average))) as compliance_score, count(distinct(key.key_part3_value)) as targets_evaluated, v.rollup_timestamp as time FROM mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_metrics ms, ' || l_table_name || ' v, ' || l_table_name || ' vs, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys key , mgmt_targets t WHERE m.target_type = ''oracle_emrep'' and m.metric_name = ''CS_EVAL_SUMM_STANDARD'' and ms.target_type = m.target_type and ms.metric_name = m.metric_name and m.metric_column = ''VIOLATION_COUNT'' and ms.metric_column = ''COMPLIANCE_SCORE'' and v.target_guid = :1 and v.metric_guid = m.metric_guid and vs.target_guid = v.target_guid and vs.metric_guid = ms.metric_guid and key.target_guid = v.target_guid and key.composite_key = v.key_value and key.composite_key = vs.key_value and key.key_part1_value = :2 and t.target_name like :3 and key.key_part3_value = t.target_guid and ' || l_time_range || ' and vs.rollup_timestamp = v.rollup_timestamp GROUP BY key.key_part1_value, v.rollup_timestamp ORDER BY v.rollup_timestamp'; l_bucket_sql := 'WITH buckets as ( SELECT avgs.target_guid, avgs.rqs_guid, case when(width_bucket(avgs.compliance_score, 0, 101, 5)=1) then 1 else 0 end as bucket1, case when(width_bucket(avgs.compliance_score, 0, 101, 5)=2) then 1 else 0 end as bucket2, case when(width_bucket(avgs.compliance_score, 0, 101, 5)=3) then 1 else 0 end as bucket3, case when(width_bucket(avgs.compliance_score, 0, 101, 5)=4) then 1 else 0 end as bucket4, case when(width_bucket(avgs.compliance_score, 0, 101, 5)=5) then 1 else 0 end as bucket5, avgs.time FROM (SELECT key.key_part1_value as rqs_guid, key.key_part3_value as target_guid, round(avg(to_number(v.value_average))) as compliance_score, v.rollup_timestamp as time FROM mgmt_metrics m, ' || l_table_name || ' v, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys key, mgmt_targets t WHERE m.target_type = ''oracle_emrep'' and m.metric_name = ''CS_EVAL_SUMM_STANDARD'' and m.metric_column = ''COMPLIANCE_SCORE'' and v.target_guid = :1 and v.metric_guid = m.metric_guid and key.target_guid = v.target_guid and key.composite_key = v.key_value and key.key_part3_value = t.target_guid and key.key_part1_value = :2 and t.target_name like :3 and ' || l_time_range || ' GROUP BY key.key_part1_value, key.key_part3_value, v.rollup_timestamp) avgs ) SELECT x.rqs_guid as rqs_guid, SUM(x.bucket1) as bucket1, SUM(x.bucket2) as bucket2, SUM(x.bucket3) as bucket3, SUM(x.bucket4) as bucket4, SUM(x.bucket5) as bucket5, x.time FROM buckets x GROUP BY x.rqs_guid,time ORDER BY time'; END IF; IF (l_inDays) THEN OPEN p_eval_summ_cursor FOR l_summ_sql USING l_repos_tgt_guid, p_rqs_guid, p_target_name, p_historyForNDays; OPEN p_comp_score_buckets_cursor FOR l_bucket_sql USING l_repos_tgt_guid, p_rqs_guid, p_target_name, p_historyForNDays; ELSE OPEN p_eval_summ_cursor FOR l_summ_sql USING l_repos_tgt_guid, p_rqs_guid, p_target_name, p_historyStartDate, p_historyEndDate; OPEN p_comp_score_buckets_cursor FOR l_bucket_sql USING l_repos_tgt_guid, p_rqs_guid, p_target_name, p_historyStartDate, p_historyEndDate; END IF; END get_cs_trend_data; -- -- PURPOSE -- Returns the trend(historic) data for a given rule folder and time period. -- -- Parameters -- p_rqs_guid: Guid of the config standard for which trend data is required. -- p_folder_guid : Guid of folder for which trend data is required. -- p_target_name : Target for which trend data to be shown -- p_historyForNDays : History for how many days? -- p_historyStartDate : Start date -- p_historyEndDate : End date -- p_eval_summ_cursor: Cursor evaluation summary trend data -- PROCEDURE get_folder_trend_data( p_rqs_guid IN RAW, p_folder_guid IN RAW, p_target_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', p_historyForNDays IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_historyStartDate IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_historyEndDate IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_eval_summ_cursor OUT sys_refcursor ) IS l_table_type NUMBER := G_RAW_TABLE_TYPE; l_table_name VARCHAR2(30); l_repos_tgt_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_time_range VARCHAR2(2000); l_summ_sql VARCHAR2(32767); l_inDays BOOLEAN; BEGIN l_repos_tgt_guid := get_repos_target_guid(); l_table_type := get_trend_table_type(p_historyForNDays => p_historyForNDays); IF (p_historyForNDays IS NOT NULL) THEN l_inDays := TRUE; l_table_type := get_trend_table_type(p_historyForNDays => p_historyForNDays); ELSE l_inDays := FALSE; l_table_type := get_trend_table_type(p_historyStartDate => p_historyStartDate); END IF; IF (l_table_type = G_RAW_TABLE_TYPE) THEN IF (l_inDays) THEN l_time_range := 'v.collection_timestamp >= sysdate - :5'; ELSE l_time_range := 'v.collection_timestamp >= :5 and v.collection_timestamp <= :6'; END IF; l_summ_sql := 'SELECT key.key_part2_value as folder_guid, round(avg(to_number(v.value))) as total_violations, count(distinct(key.key_part3_value)) as targets_evaluated, v.collection_timestamp as time FROM mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_metrics_raw v, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys key , mgmt_targets t WHERE m.target_type = ''oracle_emrep'' and m.metric_name = ''CS_EVAL_SUMM_FOLDER'' and m.metric_column = ''VIOLATION_COUNT'' and v.target_guid = :1 and v.metric_guid = m.metric_guid and key.target_guid = v.target_guid and key.composite_key = v.key_value and key.key_part1_value = :2 and key.key_part2_value = :3 and t.target_name like :4 and key.key_part3_value = t.target_guid and ' || l_time_range || ' and v.collection_timestamp = v.collection_timestamp and v.collection_timestamp = v.collection_timestamp GROUP BY key.key_part2_value, v.collection_timestamp ORDER BY v.collection_timestamp'; ELSE IF (l_inDays) THEN l_time_range := 'v.rollup_timestamp >= sysdate - :5'; ELSE l_time_range := 'v.rollup_timestamp >= :5 and v.rollup_timestamp <= :6'; END IF; l_table_name := CASE l_table_type WHEN G_1HOUR_TABLE_TYPE THEN 'mgmt_metrics_1hour' WHEN G_1DAY_TABLE_TYPE THEN 'mgmt_metrics_1day' ELSE 'mgmt_metrics_1hour' END; l_summ_sql := 'SELECT key.key_part2_value as folder_guid, round(avg(to_number(v.value_average))) as total_violations, count(distinct(key.key_part3_value)) as targets_evaluated, v.rollup_timestamp as time FROM mgmt_metrics m, ' || l_table_name || ' v, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys key , mgmt_targets t WHERE m.target_type = ''oracle_emrep'' and m.metric_name = ''CS_EVAL_SUMM_FOLDER'' and m.metric_column = ''VIOLATION_COUNT'' and v.target_guid = :1 and v.metric_guid = m.metric_guid and key.target_guid = v.target_guid and key.composite_key = v.key_value and key.key_part1_value = :2 and key.key_part2_value = :3 and t.target_name like :4 and key.key_part3_value = t.target_guid and ' || l_time_range || ' and v.rollup_timestamp = v.rollup_timestamp and v.rollup_timestamp = v.rollup_timestamp GROUP BY key.key_part2_value, v.rollup_timestamp ORDER BY v.rollup_timestamp'; END IF; IF (l_inDays) THEN OPEN p_eval_summ_cursor FOR l_summ_sql USING l_repos_tgt_guid, p_rqs_guid, p_folder_guid, p_target_name, p_historyForNDays; ELSE OPEN p_eval_summ_cursor FOR l_summ_sql USING l_repos_tgt_guid, p_rqs_guid, p_folder_guid, p_target_name, p_historyStartDate, p_historyEndDate; END IF; END get_folder_trend_data; -- -- PURPOSE -- Returns the trend(historic) data for a given rule and time period. -- -- Parameters -- p_rqs_guid : Guid of config standard for which trend data is required. -- p_rule_guid : Guid of rule for which trend data is required. -- p_target_name : Target for which trend data to be shown -- p_historyForNDays : History for how many days? -- p_historyStartDate : Start date -- p_historyEndDate : End date -- p_eval_summ_cursor: Cursor evaluation summary trend data -- PROCEDURE get_rule_trend_data( p_rqs_guid IN RAW, p_rule_guid IN RAW, p_target_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', p_historyForNDays IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_historyStartDate IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_historyEndDate IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_eval_summ_cursor OUT sys_refcursor ) IS l_table_type NUMBER := G_RAW_TABLE_TYPE; l_table_name VARCHAR2(30); l_repos_tgt_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_time_range VARCHAR2(2000); l_summ_sql VARCHAR2(32767); l_inDays BOOLEAN; BEGIN l_repos_tgt_guid := get_repos_target_guid(); IF (p_historyForNDays IS NOT NULL) THEN l_inDays := TRUE; l_table_type := get_trend_table_type(p_historyForNDays => p_historyForNDays); ELSE l_inDays := FALSE; l_table_type := get_trend_table_type(p_historyStartDate => p_historyStartDate); END IF; IF (l_table_type = G_RAW_TABLE_TYPE) THEN IF (l_inDays) THEN l_time_range := 'v.collection_timestamp >= sysdate - :5'; ELSE l_time_range := 'v.collection_timestamp >= :5 and v.collection_timestamp <= :6'; END IF; l_summ_sql := 'SELECT key.key_part2_value as rule_guid, round(avg(to_number(v.value))) as total_violations, count(distinct(key.key_part3_value)) as targets_evaluated, v.collection_timestamp as time FROM mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_metrics_raw v, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys key , mgmt_targets t WHERE m.target_type = ''oracle_emrep'' and m.metric_name = ''CS_EVAL_SUMM_RULE'' and m.metric_column = ''VIOLATION_COUNT'' and v.target_guid = :1 and v.metric_guid = m.metric_guid and key.target_guid = v.target_guid and key.composite_key = v.key_value and key.key_part1_value = :2 and key.key_part2_value = :3 and t.target_name like :4 and key.key_part3_value = t.target_guid and ' || l_time_range || ' GROUP BY key.key_part2_value, v.collection_timestamp ORDER BY v.collection_timestamp'; ELSE IF (l_inDays) THEN l_time_range := 'v.rollup_timestamp >= sysdate - :5'; ELSE l_time_range := 'v.rollup_timestamp >= :5 and v.rollup_timestamp <= :6'; END IF; l_table_name := CASE l_table_type WHEN G_1HOUR_TABLE_TYPE THEN 'mgmt_metrics_1hour' WHEN G_1DAY_TABLE_TYPE THEN 'mgmt_metrics_1day' ELSE 'mgmt_metrics_1hour' END; l_summ_sql := 'SELECT key.key_part2_value as rule_guid, round(avg(to_number(v.value_average))) as total_violations, count(distinct(key.key_part3_value)) as targets_evaluated, v.rollup_timestamp as time FROM mgmt_metrics m, ' || l_table_name || ' v, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys key , mgmt_targets t WHERE m.target_type = ''oracle_emrep'' and m.metric_name = ''CS_EVAL_SUMM_RULE'' and m.metric_column = ''VIOLATION_COUNT'' and v.target_guid = :1 and v.metric_guid = m.metric_guid and key.target_guid = v.target_guid and key.composite_key = v.key_value and key.key_part1_value = :2 and key.key_part2_value = :3 and t.target_name like :4 and key.key_part3_value = t.target_guid and ' || l_time_range || ' GROUP BY key.key_part2_value, v.rollup_timestamp ORDER BY v.rollup_timestamp'; END IF; IF (l_inDays) THEN OPEN p_eval_summ_cursor FOR l_summ_sql USING l_repos_tgt_guid, p_rqs_guid, p_rule_guid, p_target_name, p_historyForNDays; ELSE OPEN p_eval_summ_cursor FOR l_summ_sql USING l_repos_tgt_guid, p_rqs_guid, p_rule_guid, p_target_name, p_historyStartDate, p_historyEndDate; END IF; END get_rule_trend_data; -- -- PURPOSE -- Returns the table type (Raw/1hour/1day) from which the historical data to be fetched. -- -- Parameters -- p_historyForNDays : Number of days for which historic data is required -- FUNCTION get_trend_table_type( p_historyForNDays IN NUMBER DEFAULT 7 ) RETURN NUMBER IS l_table_type NUMBER := G_1HOUR_TABLE_TYPE; BEGIN --More than 7 days history IF (p_historyForNDays > 7) THEN l_table_type := G_1DAY_TABLE_TYPE; --More than 1 day history ELSIF (p_historyForNDays > 1) THEN l_table_type := G_1HOUR_TABLE_TYPE; ELSE l_table_type := G_RAW_TABLE_TYPE; END IF; RETURN l_table_type; END get_trend_table_type; -- -- PURPOSE -- Returns the table type (Raw/1hour/1day) from which the historical data to be fetched. -- -- Parameters -- p_historyStartDate : Start date from when onwards the historic data is required. -- FUNCTION get_trend_table_type( p_historyStartDate IN DATE ) RETURN NUMBER IS l_raw_retention_window NUMBER := 0; l_1hour_retention_window NUMBER := 0; l_table_type NUMBER := G_RAW_TABLE_TYPE; l_period NUMBER := 0; BEGIN --Get the retention windows l_raw_retention_window := emd_loader.get_raw_retention_window; l_1hour_retention_window := emd_loader.get_1hour_retention_window; --If start date is given IF (l_period <= (l_raw_retention_window*86400000)) THEN l_table_type := G_RAW_TABLE_TYPE; ELSIF (l_period <= (l_1hour_retention_window*86400000)) THEN l_table_type := G_1HOUR_TABLE_TYPE; ELSE l_table_type := G_1DAY_TABLE_TYPE; END IF; RETURN l_table_type; END get_trend_table_type; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To delete the evaluation results of the given configuration standard for all targets -- for which the user has operator target privileges. -- -- Parameters -- p_config_std_guid : Configuration Standard GUID -- PROCEDURE delete_cs_eval_results ( p_config_std_guid RAW ) IS l_delete_stmt VARCHAR2(4000); is_super_user INTEGER := MGMT_USER.USER_DOES_NOT_HAVE_PRIV; BEGIN is_super_user := MGMT_USER.has_priv(MGMT_USER.GET_CURRENT_EM_USER,MGMT_USER.SUPER_USER); --There could be more number of records,so handle commit along the way. l_delete_stmt := 'DELETE FROM mgmt_cs_eval_summ_rqs ' || 'WHERE ' || 'rqs_guid = HEXTORAW(:config_std_guid ) AND '|| '((:is_super_user = :USER_HAS_PRIV) OR '|| '(MGMT_USER.has_priv(:current_em_user,:OPERATOR_TARGET,'|| 'target_guid) = :USER_HAS_PRIV)) AND '|| ' ROWNUM <= :MAX_COMMIT_SIZE' ; --Executes the delete statement and commits the txn appropriately em_config_std.commit_delete_cs_txn(p_execute_stmt => l_delete_stmt, p_config_std_guid => p_config_std_guid, p_is_super_user => is_super_user); --submit job which deletes the evaluation results from rule folder and policy -- tables. submit_delete_eval_results_job(p_config_std_guid => p_config_std_guid); END delete_cs_eval_results; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To delete the evaluation results of the rule folder of the given config std for -- all targets evaluated for which the user has the target operator privileges. -- This api will be called from delete eval results job. -- -- Parameters -- p_config_std_guid : Configuration Standard GUID -- PROCEDURE delete_eval_results_data ( p_config_std_guid RAW) IS l_policy_guids MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY := MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY(); l_policy_guid mgmt_policies.policy_guid%TYPE; l_delete_stmt VARCHAR2(4000); l_counter INTEGER :=0; l_annot_purged NUMBER := 0; l_notify_log_purged NUMBER := 0; l_notify_rq NUMBER := 0; is_super_user INTEGER := MGMT_USER.USER_DOES_NOT_HAVE_PRIV; BEGIN is_super_user := MGMT_USER.has_priv(MGMT_USER.GET_CURRENT_EM_USER,MGMT_USER.SUPER_USER); --delete for all targets evaluated l_delete_stmt := 'DELETE FROM mgmt_cs_eval_summ_rulefolder '|| 'WHERE '|| 'rqs_guid = HEXTORAW(:config_std_guid) AND '|| '((:is_super_user = :USER_HAS_PRIV) OR '|| '(MGMT_USER.has_priv(:current_em_user,:OPERATOR_TARGET,'|| 'target_guid) = :USER_HAS_PRIV)) AND '|| 'ROWNUM <= :MAX_COMMIT_SIZE'; --Executes the delete statement and commits the txn appropriately em_config_std.commit_delete_cs_txn(p_execute_stmt => l_delete_stmt, p_config_std_guid => p_config_std_guid, p_is_super_user => is_super_user); --Get the policy guids of the rules under the rule folders SELECT policy_guid BULK COLLECT INTO l_policy_guids FROM mgmt_cs_rule WHERE cs_guid = p_config_std_guid; IF ((l_policy_guids IS NOT NULL) AND (l_policy_guids.COUNT > 0)) THEN FOR ctr IN l_policy_guids.FIRST..l_policy_guids.LAST LOOP l_policy_guid := l_policy_guids(ctr); --disable the trigger on MGMT_VIOLATION for delete EM_SEVERITY.g_from_purge_api := TRUE ; -- Remove from all tables that have policy guid -- MGMT_VIOLATION_*, MGMT_POLICY_EVAL_* tables are included here FOR crec IN ( SELECT table_name, target_column_name, policy_column_name FROM sys.obj$ o,$ t, sys.col$ tgc, sys.col$ mgc WHERE o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') AND like ('%TARGET_GUID%') AND tgc.obj# = o.obj# AND like ('%POLICY_GUID%') AND mgc.obj# = o.obj# AND like ('MGMT_%') AND o.obj# = t.obj# AND bitand(, 1) = 0 AND bitand(,32) = 0 AND bitand(,512) = 0 AND bitand(,32) = 0 AND bitand(,512) = 0 ORDER BY ) LOOP --delete for targets evaluated l_delete_stmt := 'DELETE FROM ' || EM_CHECK.simple_sql_name(crec.table_name) || ' WHERE ' || EM_CHECK.simple_sql_name(crec.policy_column_name) || ' = HEXTORAW(:policy_guid) '|| ' AND ((:is_super_user = :USER_HAS_PRIV) OR '|| ' (MGMT_USER.has_priv(:current_em_user,:OPERATOR_TARGET,'|| EM_CHECK.simple_sql_name(crec.target_column_name) ||') = :USER_HAS_PRIV))'|| ' AND ROWNUM <= :MAX_COMMIT_SIZE' ; LOOP IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_DEBUG_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.DEBUG(' Executing SQL ' || l_delete_stmt, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_delete_stmt USING l_policy_guid , is_super_user, MGMT_USER.USER_HAS_PRIV, MGMT_USER.GET_CURRENT_EM_USER, MGMT_USER.OPERATOR_TARGET, MGMT_USER.USER_HAS_PRIV, mgmt_global.MAX_COMMIT; l_counter := SQL%ROWCOUNT; -- Delete from other table through trigger has been disabled -- for MGMT_VIOLATIONS using EM_SEVERITY.G_FROM_PURGE_API flag -- hence deleting it using procedure. IF crec.table_name = 'MGMT_VIOLATIONS' AND EM_SEVERITY.p_violation_guids IS NOT NULL AND EM_SEVERITY.p_violation_guids.count > 0 THEN --CHECK: Is this call required? EM_SEVERITY.purge_for_violation_guids ( p_violation_guids => EM_SEVERITY.p_violation_guids, p_annot_purged => l_annot_purged, p_notify_log_purged => l_notify_log_purged, p_notify_rq => l_notify_rq ); EM_SEVERITY.p_violation_guids.delete; EM_SEVERITY.p_violation_guids := MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY(); END IF; COMMIT; IF l_counter < mgmt_global.MAX_COMMIT THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; --END OF COMMIT CHECK LOOP END LOOP; -- END OF FOR crec IN LOOP --enable the trigger on MGMT_VIOLATION for delete EM_SEVERITY.g_from_purge_api := FALSE ; END LOOP; -- END OF policy guids LOOP --Delete corresponding rule eval results records from mgmt_cs_eval_summ_rule table l_delete_stmt := 'DELETE FROM mgmt_cs_eval_summ_rule '|| 'WHERE '|| 'rqs_guid = HEXTORAW(:config_std_guid) AND '|| '((:is_super_user = :USER_HAS_PRIV) OR '|| '(MGMT_USER.has_priv(:current_em_user,:OPERATOR_TARGET,'|| 'target_guid) = :USER_HAS_PRIV)) '|| ' AND ROWNUM <= :MAX_COMMIT_SIZE' ; --Executes the delete statement and commits the txn appropriately em_config_std.commit_delete_cs_txn(p_execute_stmt => l_delete_stmt, p_config_std_guid => p_config_std_guid, p_is_super_user => is_super_user); END IF; END delete_eval_results_data; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Executes the given delete cs statement and commits along the way based on the MAX_COMMIT value. -- -- -- Parameters -- p_execute_stmt : Statement to be executed -- p_config_std_guid : Configuration Standard Guid -- p_is_super_user : Whether the current em user is super user or not. -- /* PROCEDURE commit_delete_cs_txn(p_execute_stmt VARCHAR2 , p_config_std_guid RAW, p_is_super_user INTEGER ) IS l_counter INTEGER :=0; BEGIN LOOP IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_DEBUG_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.DEBUG(' Executing SQL ' || p_execute_stmt, G_MODULE_NAME); END IF; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE EM_CHECK.NOOP(p_execute_stmt) USING p_config_std_guid, p_is_super_user, MGMT_USER.USER_HAS_PRIV, MGMT_USER.GET_CURRENT_EM_USER, MGMT_USER.OPERATOR_TARGET, MGMT_USER.USER_HAS_PRIV, mgmt_global.MAX_COMMIT; l_counter := SQL%ROWCOUNT; COMMIT; IF l_counter < mgmt_global.MAX_COMMIT THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; END commit_delete_cs_txn; */ -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Submits the delete eval results job which takes care of deleting the evaluation -- results from rule folder summary and policy evaluation results tables. -- -- -- Parameters -- p_config_std_guid : Configuration Standard GUID -- PROCEDURE submit_delete_eval_results_job( p_config_std_guid RAW) IS l_job_params MGMT_JOB_PARAM_LIST; l_job_targets MGMT_JOB_TARGET_LIST; l_schedule MGMT_JOB_SCHEDULE_RECORD; l_job_name VARCHAR2(64); l_job_id RAW(16); l_execution_id RAW(16); BEGIN -- This job has no targets. l_job_targets := MGMT_JOB_TARGET_LIST(); l_job_params := MGMT_JOB_PARAM_LIST(); l_job_params.extend(1); l_job_params(1) := MGMT_JOB_PARAM_RECORD('configStdGuid', 1, p_config_std_guid, null); -- Its schedule is immediate. l_schedule := MGMT_JOBS.get_job_schedule_record(MGMT_JOBS.ONE_TIME_FREQUENCY_CODE, SYSDATE, null, 0, 0, 0, null, null, MGMT_JOBS.TIMEZONE_REPOSITORY, 0, 0, null); l_job_name := 'DEL_EVALRES_JOB_' || SYS_GUID(); BEGIN MGMT_JOBS.submit_job(p_job_name => l_job_name, p_description => 'This is a delete compliance evaluation results job', p_job_type => MGMT_CONFIG_STD.G_DELETE_EVAL_RESULTS, p_job_targets => l_job_targets, p_job_params => l_job_params, p_schedule => l_schedule, p_job_id_out => l_job_id, p_execution_id_out => l_execution_id, p_owner => MGMT_USER.get_current_em_user(), p_system_job => MGMT_JOB_ENGINE.SYSTEM_JOB_RETRY, p_job_creds => null, p_job_target_type => null, p_job_notify_states => null); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; END submit_delete_eval_results_job; --Returns the repository target guid. FUNCTION get_repos_target_guid RETURN RAW IS l_repos_tgt_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_current_user VARCHAR2(256) := MGMT_USER.get_current_em_user(); BEGIN BEGIN -- Enter super-user mode to get the repository guid since only users having -- access to repository can get the repository guid SETEMUSERCONTEXT(MGMT_USER.get_repository_owner, MGMT_USER.OP_SET_IDENTIFIER); --Assumption: Only one target for repository target type. --Get the repository target guid from mgmt_targets in super user mode. SELECT target_guid INTO l_repos_tgt_guid FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_type = 'oracle_emrep'; -- Revert back to being the same user as we entered SETEMUSERCONTEXT(l_current_user, MGMT_USER.OP_SET_IDENTIFIER); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF l_current_user IS NOT NULL THEN SETEMUSERCONTEXT(l_current_user, MGMT_USER.OP_SET_IDENTIFIER); END IF; RAISE; END; RETURN l_repos_tgt_guid; END get_repos_target_guid; END em_config_std; / show errors;