Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: collections_util_pkgdef.sql 30-jul-2007.01:35:50 jsadras Exp $ Rem Rem collections_util_pkgdef.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem collections_util_pkgdef.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem jsadras 07/23/07 - Bug:6156475, run snapshot collections Rem jsadras 07/30/07 - Backport jsadras_bug-6156475 from main Rem sthiruna 07/28/06 - Copying Config Standard changes from Rem EMCORE_MAIN_LINUX Rem jsadras 02/27/06 - add direct load of metric data Rem jsadras 07/17/06 - Backport jsadras_bug-5002887 from main Rem neearora 03/28/06 - Bug 5108394. Adding capability in loader to Rem delete rows through uploads Rem neearora 07/16/06 - Backport neearora_bug-5108394 from main Rem niramach 01/09/06 - 10.3 Work start:Add p_config_std_guid optional Rem parameter to run_collection to identify Rem configuration standard being evaluated. Rem rpinnama 10/24/05 - Fix 4692595 : Donot clear alerts for common Rem metrics in handle_metaver_change callback Rem rpinnama 09/28/05 - Fix 4637956 : Do not process collections for Rem multi-column UDMs Rem rkpandey 09/13/05 - Add pl/sql handlers for rowsets Rem pmodi 08/02/05 - Changing default value Rem jsadras 07/26/05 - handle metaver change for default collections Rem pmodi 07/25/05 - Include new param in log_metric_errors Rem jsadras 07/15/05 - run_disable_steps/change open_metric_errors Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem jsadras 06/29/05 - lock_and_get_schedule Rem rpinnama 05/31/05 - Add copy_object_coll API Rem jsadras 04/26/05 - asyncronous snapshot collection Rem jsadras 04/13/05 - add clear open errors Rem jsadras 03/24/05 - add is_transient Rem jsadras 03/17/05 - Added schedule_obj_from_coll Rem ramalhot 02/02/05 - changed signature for handle_target_delete Rem jsadras 01/31/05 - metric versioning support Rem jsadras 12/15/04 - run_collection Rem jsadras 11/02/04 - suspend_task Rem jsadras 10/21/04 - run_collection Rem jsadras 10/20/04 - add_mod_del_coll_items Rem rpinnama 10/21/04 - Add target deletion callback Rem jsadras 10/14/04 - g_args_array Rem rpatti 10/22/04 - remove coll properties for all coll for a given Rem metric Rem jsadras 09/20/04 - type_meta_ver Rem rpinnama 10/01/04 - Add copy collections API Rem rpinnama 10/01/04 - Add add_collection and add_coll_metric_task API Rem jsadras 09/16/04 - error_message Rem jsadras 09/07/04 - metric_column Rem shuberma 09/03/04 - Adding run snapshot policy utility. Rem rpinnama 09/08/04 - Add metric guid to coll_item properties table Rem jsadras 08/26/04 - Rem jsadras 08/17/04 - jsadras_repocollect2 Rem jsadras 08/10/04 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE em_coll_util IS -- The module name for error and performance logging G_MODULE_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(40) := 'EM_COL_UTIL' ; --constants for p_op_code for schedule_repo_collection G_SCHEDULE_COLLECTION_OP CONSTANT NUMBER := 0 ; G_SUSPEND_COLLECTION_OP CONSTANT NUMBER := 1 ; G_STOP_COLLECTION_OP CONSTANT NUMBER := 2 ; --constants for p_op_code for add_mod_del_coll_items G_DISABLE_COLL_ITEMS CONSTANT NUMBER := 0 ; G_ENABLE_COLL_ITEMS CONSTANT NUMBER := 1 ; G_CREATE_COLL_ITEMS CONSTANT NUMBER := 2 ; G_DELETE_COLL_ITEMS CONSTANT NUMBER := 3 ; TYPE g_args_array IS VARRAY(5) OF mgmt_short_string_array ; -- List of predefined argument arrays g_args g_args_array ; -- -- validate the target metric combination -- PROCEDURE validate_target_metric(p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, p_metric_column IN VARCHAR2 := ' ', p_target_guid OUT RAW, p_type_meta_ver OUT VARCHAR2, p_timezone_region OUT VARCHAR2, p_metric_guid OUT RAW, p_source_type OUT NUMBER, p_is_repository OUT NUMBER, p_cat_prop_array OUT mgmt_short_string_array ) ; -- -- validate the collection schedule -- PROCEDURE validate_schedule(p_coll_schedule IN mgmt_coll_schedule_obj) ; -- -- Get the collection schedule object using the target/collection -- IF p_timezone_region is passed in the start date will be set -- to sysdate in p_timezone_region.If it is not set, the start date -- will be set to sysdate in the GMT(UTC) timezone -- FUNCTION lock_and_get_schedule (p_target_guid IN RAW, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_timezone_region IN VARCHAR2 := NULL ) RETURN mgmt_coll_schedule_obj ; -- -- add a collection item -- for a target type/target guid or template guid -- PROCEDURE add_collection_entry (p_object_guid IN RAW, p_object_type IN NUMBER, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_schedule_ex IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_coll_schedule IN mgmt_coll_schedule_obj DEFAULT NULL, p_is_repository IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_store_metric IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_is_enabled IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_is_transient IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE ) ; -- -- Add a collection record. -- PROCEDURE add_collection_rec ( p_object_guid IN RAW, p_object_type IN NUMBER, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_schedule_ex IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_schedule IN mgmt_coll_schedule_obj DEFAULT NULL, p_store_metric IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_upload_frequency IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, p_is_enabled IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_is_transient IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE) ; -- -- modify collections schedule or store_metric or enable -- PROCEDURE modify_collection_entry (p_object_guid IN RAW, p_object_type IN NUMBER, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_schedule_ex IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_coll_schedule IN mgmt_coll_schedule_obj DEFAULT NULL, p_store_metric IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_is_enabled IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_from_trigger IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, p_is_transient IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) ; -- -- delete collection for target type/target guid or template guid -- PROCEDURE delete_collection_entry(p_object_guid IN RAW, p_object_type IN NUMBER, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_from_trigger IN BOOLEAN := FALSE) ; -- -- Add/Modify the metrics in a collection -- -- Parameters -- p_dml_operation : I Add metric to the collection -- U Update task information for a metric -- D Delete metric from the collection -- p_from_trigger : If called from the trigger on collection tables, this -- will be set to TRUE. This will result in errors not -- being converted to mgmt_global.invalid_params_err. -- PROCEDURE add_modify_metric_task (p_target_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_task_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_dml_operation IN VARCHAR2 := 'I', p_from_trigger IN BOOLEAN := FALSE ) ; -- -- Add a collection metric task entry -- PROCEDURE add_collection_metric_task (p_target_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_task_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL); -- -- removes the task id from collections tables -- Called by em_task engine when next scheduled time is null -- PROCEDURE set_task_null(p_task_id IN NUMBER) ; -- -- -- Schedules a repository collection -- Takes care of all changes -- Pseudo Code: -- Handles following conditions -- -- Condition 1: -- IF task exists for the target/metric -- Lock task -- If Suspend operation -- If last target in task then remove task -- If not last target then set task_id=null -- IF schedule operation -- If last target update task schedule -- If not last target then -- remove target from task -- allocate new or matching task -- -- Condition 2: -- IF task does not exist and schedule operation then -- allocate new or matching task -- -- Condition 3: -- IF task does not exist and stop operation then -- removes metric collection record. -- PROCEDURE schedule_repo_collection (p_target_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_op_code IN NUMBER, p_source_type IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_SOURCE_PLSQL, p_coll_schedule IN mgmt_coll_schedule_obj DEFAULT NULL, p_cat_prop_array IN mgmt_short_string_array DEFAULT NULL, p_timezone_region IN VARCHAR2 := NULL ) ; -- -- Applies to repository collections only -- Suspends Schedules or stops Collections -- Suspend updates thec collection task to null -- Stop removes the collection record from the system -- schedule will schedule repository collection -- Parameter: -- p_op_code : Can take the values -- EM_COLL_UTIL.G_SUSPEND_COLLECTION_OP -- EM_COLL_UTIL.G_RESUME_COLLECTION_OP -- EM_COLL_UTIL.G_STOP_COLLECTION_OP -- PROCEDURE suspend_resume_stop_collection (p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_metric_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_metric_column IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_op_code IN NUMBER DEFAULT G_SUSPEND_COLLECTION_OP, p_target_guid IN RAW := NULL) ; -- -- Handles the starting of default collections for new versions and -- stopping old collections whenever a target's type meta version is -- upgraded -- PROCEDURE handle_metaver_change_def_coll (p_callback_obj IN MGMT_TARGET_META_VER_CBK_OBJ) ; -- -- PURPOSE -- To bulk insert metric values into mgmt_metric_raw table -- Parameters -- p_metric_values: Rows to be inserted -- p_check_threshold : 1 - Check values against thresholds and raise alerts -- 0 - Do not check thresholds -- PROCEDURE insert_metric_raw (p_metric_values IN mgmt_metric_raw_table, p_store_metric IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_check_threshold IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE) ; -- -- -- Internal procedure to store metric data returned by external -- metric evaluation procedures directly and to evaluate thresholds on it -- PROCEDURE store_metric_data (p_target_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_metric_results IN mgmt_metric_results_table, p_store_metric IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_check_thresholds IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, p_collection_timestamp IN DATE DEFAULT NULL ) ; -- -- Internal procedure to run the collection -- Parameters: -- p_task_id : Task id of the collection if task mode -- p_target_guid : target guid if target eval mode -- p_metric_guid : Metric guid if target eval mode -- p_coll_name : Collection name, valid only for on-demand collections -- background collections will not be passing this. -- p_key_value : only the metric result records which match this -- this key value are returned back -- p_store_metric : Is the metric to be stored? defaults to -- the collection store metric for task mode. -- p_store_metric_errors: Should metric errors be stored, only -- applicable to on-demand collection -- p_eval_mode : Values: G_TARGET_EVAL_MODE, G_TASK_EVAL_MODE -- G_TASK_EVAL_MODE: The collection is run based on the -- the task id parameter. The collection -- worker calls in this mode. -- G_TARGET_EVAL_MODE: The collection is run for a single -- target/metric which is passed in. -- p_evaluate_policy: Applicable to realtime collections only, should policies -- be evaluated, if p_store_metric is set to TRUE then -- this will be forced to TRUE -- p_timezone_region : timezone region of the target. We avoid quering -- mgmt_targets. -- p_metric_values : metric values returned for realtime collections -- p_error_message : error message passed back instead of raising error -- p_config_std_guid : Configuration standard guid if config standard is being -- evaluated. -- PROCEDURE run_collection (p_task_id IN NUMBER := NULL, p_target_guids IN mgmt_target_guid_array := NULL, p_metric_guid IN RAW := NULL, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2 := ' ', p_key_value IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, p_store_metric IN NUMBER := NULL, p_store_metric_errors IN NUMBER := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_eval_mode IN NUMBER := EM_METRIC_EVAL.G_TARGET_EVAL_MODE, p_evaluate_policy IN NUMBER := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_timezone_region IN VARCHAR2 := 'GMT', p_metric_values OUT NOCOPY mgmt_metric_value_array, p_error_message IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, p_config_std_guid IN RAW DEFAULT NULL ) ; -- -- Runs all the scheduled repository collection with the given collection name -- (scheduled also includes collections scheduled with on-demand frequency) -- PROCEDURE run_collection(p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2) ; -- -- ** Deprecated, run snapshot_collection will be used instead -- -- This is called by the background tasking engine to run the snapshot collections -- -- Currently a task to run this procedure is submitted whenever a call to -- em_coll_util.run_snapshot_colls is made. -- PROCEDURE run_collection(p_context mgmt_namevalue_array) ; -- -- run_snapshot_collections. -- When a snapshot is loaded, a entry is put into AQ with the target name,target type -- and snapshot type. When the task entry is dequeued, then this procedure is called -- with the context which contains snapshot name, target type and target name -- PROCEDURE run_snapshot_collections(p_context mgmt_namevalue_array) ; -- -- Locking to make sure that only one instance of the metric -- can be run at any time -- PROCEDURE lock_metric(p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_willing_to_wait IN BOOLEAN) ; -- -- Delete a collection item -- PROCEDURE delete_coll_items(p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_type_meta_ver IN VARCHAR2, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2) ; -- -- Add/Modify/Delete collection items -- If p_op_code = G_CREATE_COLL_ITEMS -- then collection items are created -- If p_op_code = G_MODIFY_COLL_ITEMS -- if metrics list is provided , it replaces existing metrics -- in collection item -- The collection item is enabled/disabled based on p_is_enabled flag -- PROCEDURE add_mod_del_coll_items (p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_type_meta_ver IN VARCHAR2, p_metrics_list IN mgmt_metric_name_array DEFAULT NULL, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_op_code IN NUMBER := G_CREATE_COLL_ITEMS, p_valid_if_list IN mgmt_validif_array DEFAULT NULL, p_is_enabled IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE) ; -- -- Utility function to copy default collections from one target type version -- to another. Not called now -- PROCEDURE copy_default_collections(p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_from_type_meta_ver IN VARCHAR2, p_to_type_meta_ver IN VARCHAR2) ; -- -- run post disable steps -- Clear alerts for all metrics in the collection -- Clear errors afor all metrics in the collection -- PROCEDURE run_disable_steps(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2) ; -- -- Clear open metric errors for the target/metric -- -- p_target_guid: Target for which metric error is to be cleared -- p_metric_guid: Metric for which metric error is to be cleared, right now -- error is logged/cleared only on the table metric guid -- corresponding to this metric guid -- p_collection_timestamp: Collection timestamp of the error, will default to -- sysdate of target -- p_coll_name : Collection Name -- p_agent_guid : Agent guid -- PROCEDURE clear_open_metric_errors (p_target_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_collection_timestamp IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_agent_guid IN RAW DEFAULT NULL, p_error_type IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR) ; -- -- Utility function to log metric errors -- PROCEDURE log_metric_errors (p_target_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_error_message IN VARCHAR2, p_collection_timestamp IN DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_agent_guid IN RAW DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_ALL_ZERO_GUID, p_metric_error_type IN NUMBER DEFAULT MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR ) ; -- -- add default collection properties for target type -- PROCEDURE create_coll_properties(p_object_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_object_type IN NUMBER, p_coll_properties IN mgmt_namevalue_array ) ; -- -- add one collection property -- PROCEDURE add_coll_item_property( p_object_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_object_type IN NUMBER, p_property_name IN VARCHAR2, p_property_value IN VARCHAR2) ; -- -- Update single collection property -- PROCEDURE update_coll_item_property( p_object_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_property_name IN VARCHAR2, p_property_value IN VARCHAR2) ; -- -- get a collection property value -- FUNCTION get_coll_item_property( p_object_guid IN RAW, p_object_type IN NUMBER, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_property_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN MGMT_COLL_ITEM_PROPERTIES.property_value%TYPE; -- -- Delete single collection property -- PROCEDURE delete_coll_item_property( p_object_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_property_name IN VARCHAR2); -- -- delete collection properties for the target type -- PROCEDURE delete_coll_properties(p_object_guid IN RAW, p_object_type IN NUMBER, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ) ; -- delete_collection_int -- Removes all collection related information for a given collection -- -- Parameters: -- p_target_guid : The GUID of the target -- p_coll_name : The name of the collection to be deleted -- If NULL, all collections for the target are deleted. -- p_clear_alerts : A flag to indicate whether the alerts related to the -- collection have to be deleted or not. -- NOTE: This is an internal procedure. -- The external interface is MGMT_COLLECTION.DELETE_COLLECTION PROCEDURE delete_collection_int(p_target_guid RAW, p_coll_name VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_clear_alerts NUMBER DEFAULT 1); -- remove target collections -- Removes collections related information for the given target -- -- Parameters: -- p_target_name: The Name of the target -- p_target_type: The type of the target -- p_target_guid: The GUID of the target -- -- NOTES: -- The registered callback to delete collection information PROCEDURE handle_target_delete(p_target_name VARCHAR2, p_target_type VARCHAR2, p_target_guid RAW) ; -- add object collections -- Adds collections related information for the given object -- -- Parameters: -- p_target_tyoe: The target type -- p_object_guid: The GUID identifying the object -- p_object_type: The type of object -- p_coll_list : The list of collections to be added PROCEDURE add_object_collections( p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_object_guid IN RAW, p_object_type IN NUMBER, p_coll_list IN MGMT_MNTR_COLLECTION_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL); -- remove object collections -- Removes collections related information for the given object -- This remove excludes collections for remote and multi-column UDM metrics -- -- Parameters: -- p_object_guid: The GUID identifying the object -- p_object_type: The type of object PROCEDURE remove_object_collections( p_object_guid IN RAW, p_object_type IN NUMBER); -- remove object collections -- Removes all collections related information for the given object -- -- Parameters: -- p_object_guid: The GUID identifying the object -- p_object_type: The type of object PROCEDURE remove_all_object_collections( p_object_guid IN RAW, p_object_type IN NUMBER); -- copy_object_coll -- To copy a single collection from one object type to another. -- This procedure copies the collection, collection_metric task, -- collection properties -- Parameters: -- p_src_object_guid: The GUID identifying the source -- p_src_object_type: The type of source -- p_dest_object_guid: The GUID identifying the destination -- p_dest_object_type: The type of destination -- p_src_coll_name: The coll name of the source -- p_dest_coll_name: The coll name of the destination PROCEDURE copy_object_coll( p_src_object_guid IN RAW, p_src_object_type IN NUMBER, p_dest_object_guid IN RAW, p_dest_object_type IN NUMBER, p_src_coll_name IN VARCHAR2, p_dest_coll_name IN VARCHAR2); -- copy_object_collections -- To copy collections from one object type to another. -- This procedure copies the collections, collection_metric tasks, -- collection properties and collection credentials -- Parameters: -- p_src_object_guid: The GUID identifying the source -- p_src_object_type: The type of source -- p_dest_object_guid: The GUID identifying the destination -- p_dest_object_type: The type of destination PROCEDURE copy_object_collections( p_src_object_guid IN RAW, p_src_object_type IN NUMBER, p_dest_object_guid IN RAW, p_dest_object_type IN NUMBER); -- run_snapshot_dependent_colls. -- To be called when snapshots are refreshed. This procedure looks at the snapshot-metric dependency MAP and determines -- which metrics (repository based) select from data populated by the snapshot. Since this indicates that the underlying -- data may have changed, those metrics' collections are run. -- NOTE: this procedure commits before exiting and does not though any exceptions. -- Parameters: -- p_snapshotType: The snapshot type (or name) that has just been refreshed. -- p_targetType: Needed along with the snapshot type to uniquely identify the snapshot that was refreshed. -- p_targetName: The snapshot was refreshed for this target. -- *** -- ****This does not run the collections syncronously, it submits a task to -- ****run the snapshot collections asyncronously -- *** PROCEDURE run_snapshot_dependent_colls( p_snapshotType VARCHAR2, p_targetType VARCHAR2, p_targetName VARCHAR2 ); -- Rowset handler for MGMT_METRIC_COLLECTIONS PROCEDURE process_collection_row( p_target_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_schedule_ex IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_is_repository IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1, p_store_metric IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_schedule IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_last_collected_timestamp DATE DEFAULT NULL, p_status_message IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_suspended IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL); -- Rowset handler for MGMT_COLLECTION_PROPERTIES PROCEDURE process_coll_prop_row( p_target_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW, p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_property_name IN VARCHAR2, p_property_value IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' '); -- Rowset handler for MGMT_METRIC_THRESHOLDS PROCEDURE process_threshold_row( p_target_guid RAW, p_metric_guid RAW, p_coll_name VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_key_value VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_warning_operator NUMBER DEFAULT 0, p_warning_threshold VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_critical_operator NUMBER DEFAULT 0, p_critical_threshold VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_num_occurences NUMBER DEFAULT 1, p_eval_order NUMBER DEFAULT 0, p_fixit_job VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', p_num_warnings NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_num_criticals NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_message VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_message_nlsid VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); -- Rowset handler for deletion of MGMT_METRIC_THRESHOLDS PROCEDURE delete_metric_threshold( p_target_guid RAW, p_metric_guid RAW, p_coll_name VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_key_value VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_warning_operator NUMBER DEFAULT 0, p_warning_threshold VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_critical_operator NUMBER DEFAULT 0, p_critical_threshold VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', p_num_occurences NUMBER DEFAULT 1, p_eval_order NUMBER DEFAULT 0, p_fixit_job VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', p_num_warnings NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_num_criticals NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_message VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_message_nlsid VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); --cursor used within collections triggers CURSOR metrics_cursor(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_metric_guid IN RAW) IS SELECT metrics.metric_name, metrics.metric_type, metrics.is_repository, metrics.rowid metrics_rowid, nvl(targets.timezone_region, EM_TASK.G_UTC_TIMEZONE) timezone_region, mgmt_short_string_array(metrics.category_prop_1, metrics.category_prop_2, metrics.category_prop_3, metrics.category_prop_4, metrics.category_prop_5) cat_props FROM mgmt_metrics metrics, mgmt_targets targets WHERE metrics.metric_guid = p_metric_guid AND metrics.metric_column = ' ' AND targets.target_guid = p_target_guid AND (metrics.category_prop_1 = ' ' OR metrics.category_prop_1 = targets.category_prop_1) AND (metrics.category_prop_2 = ' ' OR metrics.category_prop_2 = targets.category_prop_2) AND (metrics.category_prop_3 = ' ' OR metrics.category_prop_3 = targets.category_prop_3) AND (metrics.category_prop_4 = ' ' OR metrics.category_prop_4 = targets.category_prop_4) AND (metrics.category_prop_5 = ' ' OR metrics.category_prop_5 = targets.category_prop_5) ; END em_coll_util; / show errors