Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: emcore/source/oracle/sysman/emdrep/sql/core/latest/collections/collections_task_pkgdef.sql /st_emcore_10. 2008/10/23 21:13:20 jsadras Exp $ Rem Rem collections_task_pkgdef.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem collections_task_pkgdef.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem jsadras 10/21/08 - Backport jsadras_bug-7479372 from Rem st_emcore_10. Rem jsadras 10/14/08 - Bug:7479372,expose run_tasks Rem jsadras 08/22/07 - Backport jsadras_bug-6347110 from main Rem jsadras 07/30/07 - Backport jsadras_bug-6156475 from main Rem jsadras 08/17/07 - Bug:6347110, task workers Rem jsadras 07/22/07 - Bug:6156475, snapshot collections processing Rem change Rem pmodi 09/09/05 - Add new proc to detect and clean anamolies in Rem task job Rem scgrover 07/06/05 - add extended sql trace Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem jsadras 06/12/05 - add task class descriptions Rem jsadras 04/26/05 - set/get default worker parameter Rem jsadras 11/23/04 - set_max_time_worker Rem jsadras 11/18/04 - set_min_interval Rem jsadras 11/03/04 - task_priority Rem jsadras 11/02/04 - extend task_type Rem jsadras 08/26/04 - retry Rem jsadras 08/17/04 - jsadras_repocollect2 Rem jsadras 08/17/04 - module_name Rem jsadras 08/03/04 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE em_task AS -- -- Module to implement multiple collection workers for repository -- collections. This would be enhanced to provide general -- threads for background execution of pl/sql code in the -- repository. -- USE mgmt_collection to add/remove workers for now. -- G_LOG_CONTEXT CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'REPOCOLLECTION' ; -- -- base task priorities for stop, event based tasks, -- scheduled repository metric collections and others -- We will add mod(task_type,10) to this to get priority -- G_TASK_PRIORITY_STOP CONSTANT NUMBER := 10 ; G_TASK_PRIORITY_EVENT CONSTANT NUMBER := 60 ; G_TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT CONSTANT NUMBER := 100 ; -- -- Task types used for event metric collections -- will be removed , do not use -- G_TASK_TYPE_EVENT_LOW CONSTANT NUMBER := 2 ; G_TASK_TYPE_EVENT_HIGH CONSTANT NUMBER := 2 ; -- -- Task status, will be deprecated. -- G_TASK_STATUS_IDLE CONSTANT NUMBER := 0 ; G_TASK_STATUS_RUNNING CONSTANT NUMBER := 1 ; -- -- Worker status -- G_WORKER_STATUS_STARTING CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 0 ; G_WORKER_STATUS_STARTED CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 1 ; G_WORKER_STATUS_STOP_PENDING CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 2 ; -- -- Supported task types -- -- 1-Scheduled repository collection task -- 2-Availability metric calculation task -- 3-Asyncronously scheduled repo collection task.. will be depreciated -- replace with g_task_type_snapshot for performance reasons -- 4-Adhoc task which accepts p_context as input -- 5-Snapshot dependent collections G_TASK_TYPE_REPO CONSTANT NUMBER := 1 ; G_TASK_TYPE_AVAIL CONSTANT NUMBER := 2 ; G_TASK_TYPE_REPO_ASYNC CONSTANT NUMBER := 3 ; G_TASK_TYPE_ADHOC CONSTANT NUMBER := 4 ; G_TASK_TYPE_SNAPSHOT CONSTANT NUMBER := 5 ; -- -- Task classes -- G_TASK_CLASS_MIN CONSTANT NUMBER := 0 ; G_TASK_CLASS_SHORT_RUNNING CONSTANT NUMBER := 0 ; G_TASK_CLASS_LONG_RUNNING CONSTANT NUMBER := 1 ; G_TASK_CLASS_MAX CONSTANT NUMBER := 1 ; -- -- Task class descriptions -- G_TASK_CLASS_DESC CONSTANT mgmt_short_string_array := mgmt_short_string_array('Short Running','Long Running') ; -- -- Not a task class but to tell the worker to pick up -- tasks of all classes -- G_ALL_TASKS CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) := ' ' ; -- -- Worker stop modes -- In Normal stop mode the worker will execute all collections and stop -- In Immediate mode the worker will exit immediately -- For both normal/immediate mode, the worker will only be removed when it -- is running. If the worker is idle, you will have to wait for next execution -- G_WORKER_STOP_NORMAL CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 0 ; G_WORKER_STOP_IMMEDIATE CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 1 ; -- -- Worker procedure G_WORKER_PROC CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'EM_TASK.WORKER' ; -- -- To get the next wake up time for the worker -- G_INTERVAL_PROC CONSTANT VARCHAR2(40) := 'SYSDATE + 1/1440' ; G_MINUTE CONSTANT NUMBER := 1/1440 ; G_TASK_QUEUE_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(11) := 'MGMT_TASK_Q' ; G_MODULE_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := 'EM_TASK' ; G_UTC_TIMEZONE CONSTANT VARCHAR2(3) := 'GMT' ; EST_WORKER_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := 'EST_WORKER'; -- -- Locks the task so that others cannot update it -- PROCEDURE lock_task(p_task_id IN NUMBER) ; -- -- Procedure to get task information -- PROCEDURE get_task_info(p_task_id IN NUMBER, p_task_info OUT NOCOPY mgmt_collection_tasks%ROWTYPE, p_lock_task IN BOOLEAN := FALSE ) ; -- -- creates a task with the specified schedule -- FUNCTION create_task(p_coll_schedule IN mgmt_coll_schedule_obj, p_task_type IN NUMBER := 0 , p_timezone_region IN VARCHAR2 := G_UTC_TIMEZONE, p_task_proc IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_context IN mgmt_namevalue_array DEFAULT NULL, p_priority IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_task_class IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0 ) RETURN NUMBER ; -- -- Update task Queue Information -- PROCEDURE update_task(p_task_id IN NUMBER, p_task_type IN NUMBER := NULL, p_priority IN NUMBER := NULL, p_next_time_utc IN DATE := NULL ) ; -- -- Schedule the next execution of the task -- called by worker modules after completion -- FUNCTION schedule_next_execution(p_task_info IN mgmt_collection_tasks%rowtype) RETURN DATE ; -- -- Updates the task to a new schedule -- PROCEDURE update_task(p_task_id IN NUMBER, p_coll_schedule IN mgmt_coll_schedule_obj, p_timezone_region IN VARCHAR2) ; -- -- Procedure to run a task manually -- PROCEDURE run_task(p_task_id IN NUMBER) ; -- -- run the tasks in AQ, to be called only from emd_maintenance -- for dbconsole only, not to be used elsewhere -- FUNCTION run_tasks(p_worker_id IN NUMBER, p_task_class_list IN VARCHAR2 := G_ALL_TASKS) RETURN NUMBER ; -- -- Procedure to remove a task -- -- p_task_in_aq:TRUE if the task is in AQ and needs to be removed -- FALSE if task is not in AQ -- PROCEDURE remove_task(p_task_id IN NUMBER, p_remove_aq IN BOOLEAN := TRUE) ; -- --function to return the next time for the task -- FUNCTION get_next_time_utc(p_frequency_code IN NUMBER, p_start_time IN DATE := NULL, p_end_time IN DATE := NULL, p_execution_hours IN NUMBER := NULL, p_execution_minutes IN NUMBER := NULL, p_interval IN NUMBER := NULL, p_days IN MGMT_INTEGER_ARRAY := NULL, p_months IN MGMT_INTEGER_ARRAY := NULL, p_last_collection_time IN DATE := NULL, p_timezone_region IN VARCHAR := G_UTC_TIMEZONE ) RETURN DATE ; -- -- Create a worker , do not call directly -- FUNCTION create_worker(p_background IN BOOLEAN := TRUE, p_task_class_list IN VARCHAR2 := NULL ) RETURN NUMBER ; -- -- get the next execution time for the dbms_job -- FUNCTION get_next_execution_time RETURN DATE ; -- -- the actual worker which picks up tasks in the queue -- PROCEDURE DBMSJOB_EXTENDED_SQL_TRACE_ON(p_value IN BOOLEAN, p_worker IN NUMBER); PROCEDURE worker(p_worker_id IN NUMBER) ; -- -- removes the worker -- The worker calls this to remove itself when it is -- signalled to stop using stop_worker -- PROCEDURE remove_worker(p_worker_id IN NUMBER) ; -- -- stop the worker identified by worker_id -- The worker removes itself when it wakes up -- PROCEDURE stop_worker(p_worker_id IN NUMBER, p_stop_mode IN NUMBER := G_WORKER_STOP_NORMAL) ; -- -- Stop the task workers by worker count -- PROCEDURE stop_workers(p_worker_count IN NUMBER := NULL, p_stop_mode IN NUMBER := G_WORKER_STOP_NORMAL, p_task_class_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) ; -- -- enqueue task in the AQ -- PROCEDURE enqueue_task(p_coll_queue_rec IN OUT mgmt_coll_queue_obj, p_priority IN NUMBER DEFAULT G_TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, p_delay_sec IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, p_queue_name IN VARCHAR2 := G_TASK_QUEUE_NAME ) ; -- --dequeue task in the AQ -- FUNCTION dequeue_task(p_dequeue_id IN NUMBER, p_dequeue_mode IN NUMBER, p_task_class_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT G_ALL_TASKS, p_queue_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT G_TASK_QUEUE_NAME) RETURN mgmt_coll_queue_obj ; -- Set the minimum interval acceptable for collections, defaults to 1 minute PROCEDURE set_min_interval(p_interval IN NUMBER) ; -- --Set the maximum time a worker can run continously: Default : 1 hour -- PROCEDURE set_max_run_time_worker(p_minutes IN NUMBER) ; -- -- Procedure to detect and clean anamolies in task job. -- This procedure runs every hour hour or so and detects anamolies -- and corrects them. When we run into space issues, if we rollback, then we get -- into a infinite loop with the same aq entr being processed unsuccessfully -- many times. If we error out the AQ entries are not created. PROCEDURE resubmit_failed_task ; END em_task; / show err