Rem drv:
Rem $Header: collections_poleval_pkgdef.sql 03-jul-2006.00:06:55 jsadras Exp $
Rem collections_poleval_pkgdef.sql
Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Rem collections_poleval_pkgdef.sql -
Rem jsadras 02/14/06 - add get_set_composite_key for
Rem mgmt_metric_raw_table
Rem jsadras 02/07/06 - Enhance evaluate policy direct
Rem jsadras 07/17/06 - Backport jsadras_bug-5002887 from main
Rem jsadras 07/03/06 - add policy type to policy rec
Rem jsadras 07/13/06 - Backport jsadras_bug-5046257 from main
Rem niramach 01/09/06 - 10.3 Work start: Add p_config_std_guid to
Rem evaluate_policy to evaluate policies only part
Rem of the given config standard.
Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl
Rem jsadras 01/05/05 - remove clear_all_violations
Rem jsadras 12/29/04 - clear message
Rem jsadras 12/22/04 - result_key
Rem jsadras 12/16/04 - target_list in policy
Rem jsadras 11/10/04 - clear_all_violations
Rem jsadras 10/19/04 - repo_timing
Rem jsadras 10/14/04 - policy_timing
Rem jsadras 10/07/04 - policy_rec
Rem jsadras 10/06/04 - short_string_table
Rem jsadras 10/01/04 - eval_condition_text
Rem jsadras 09/23/04 - target_name
Rem jsadras 09/21/04 - format
Rem jsadras 09/17/04 - violation_type
Rem jsadras 09/15/04 - key_column_type
Rem jsadras 09/02/04 - get_set_composite_key
Rem jsadras 08/26/04 -
Rem jsadras 08/16/04 - expose key_match
Rem jsadras 08/13/04 -
Rem jsadras 07/24/04 - jsadras_repocollect1
Rem jsadras 07/06/04 - Created
TYPE g_integer_array_table IS TABLE OF mgmt_integer_array ;
target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%type,
next_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%type,
policy_guid mgmt_policies.policy_guid%type,
next_policy_guid mgmt_policies.policy_guid%type,
policy_name mgmt_policies.policy_name%type,
policy_type mgmt_policies.policy_type%type,
message mgmt_policies.message%type ,
message_nlsid mgmt_policies.message_nlsid%type ,
clear_message mgmt_policies.clear_message%type ,
clear_message_nlsid mgmt_policies.clear_message_nlsid%type ,
repo_timing_enabled mgmt_policies.repo_timing_enabled%type,
coll_name mgmt_collections.coll_name%type,
violation_level mgmt_violations.violation_level%type,
violation_type mgmt_violations.violation_type%type,
condition_type mgmt_policies.condition_type%type,
condition mgmt_policies.condition%type,
condition_operator mgmt_policies.condition_operator%type,
key_value mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.key_value%type,
key_operator mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.key_operator%type,
is_exception mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.is_exception%type,
num_occurrences mgmt_policy_assoc_cfg.num_occurrences%type,
evaluation_date date,
param_values mgmt_policy_param_val_array,
bind_columns mgmt_namevalue_array,
key_values mgmt_medium_string_array
) ;
-- To evaluate the policy for a task or for a specific target
-- Parameters
-- p_task_id : Task Id of the collection
-- p_metric_guid : Metric guid of the main record of the metric
-- p_coll_name : Collection Item name
-- p_key_cols : key Columns of the metric
-- p_met_cols : Metric column Name and metric type
-- p_metric_values: Metric results to be evaluated
-- Also used for target_guid
-- p_eval_mode : TASK_EVAL_MODE (1) uses task_id to get
-- policy information
-- TARGET_EVAL_MODE uses the target_guid in results
-- to get policy information
-- p_config_std_guid: Configuration standard guid if only policies part of
-- config standard should be evaluated.
PROCEDURE evaluate_policy(p_task_id IN NUMBER,
p_target_guids IN mgmt_target_guid_array := NULL,
p_metric_values IN mgmt_metric_value_array,
p_result_key_array IN mgmt_medium_string_table,
p_key_index_array IN g_integer_array_table,
p_eval_mode IN NUMBER
p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ',
p_config_std_guid IN RAW DEFAULT NULL
) ;
-- To evaluate policy/thresholds directly for given metric results
-- p_target_guids : List of targets for which thresholds have to be evaluated
-- p_metric_guid : The metric for which threshold needs to be evaluated
-- p_coll_name : The collection with which the thresholds are evaluated
-- p_metric_values: Metric value array ordered by target_guid
-- if it is not ordered by target_guid, results will be
-- erroneous
PROCEDURE evaluate_policy(p_target_guids IN mgmt_target_guid_array,
p_metric_guid IN RAW,
p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ',
p_metric_values IN mgmt_metric_value_array
) ;
-- Internal procedure to evaluate thresholds on metric raw records that
-- are not inserted by agent or repository
-- Example:BAM metrics, External metrics
-- Note: Since we do not have access to overall record for the metric
-- we cannot evaluate complex conditions or store violation context
PROCEDURE evaluate_thresholds(p_metric_raw_records IN mgmt_metric_raw_table,
p_coll_name IN VARCHAR2
) ;
-- is_valid_sql
-- Purpose
-- Function to verify if the condition text is valid
-- To be used before policy creation since we do not have a
-- policy guid at that point
-- A condition text is valid iff
-- it is a valid sql expression (where clause)
-- It references only metric column or policy parameters
-- Parameters
-- p_condition_Text : Condition text of the policy
-- p_param_columns : Param Name and Param Datatype array
-- p_metric_columns : metric Column Name and Metric Datatype array
-- Return Data:
-- Returns 0 If it is a valid bind
-- Returns 1 if the condition text has invalid syntax
-- Returns 2 if the condition text has bind columns which are not
-- policy parameters or metric columns
-- Returns SQLCODE of the error otherwise
-- To reference a param or metric column the column is
-- prefixed with :, For example :PASSWORD where PASSWORD
-- is a metric column or :MINPASSLEN when MINPASSLEN is
-- a policy param column
-- Sample Condition text=> length(:PASSWORD) < :MINPASSLEN
FUNCTION is_valid_condition(p_condition_text IN VARCHAR2,
p_param_columns IN mgmt_short_string_array,
p_metric_columns IN mgmt_short_string_array,
p_bind_columns OUT mgmt_namevalue_array,
p_error_message OUT VARCHAR2
-- Purpose
-- Gets the new severity_code/violation_level given current conditions
-- Code taken from collections engine
-- updates the counters p_crit_counter,p_warn_counter and p_info_counter
-- returns new severity code
PROCEDURE get_new_violation_status(p_crit_violation IN BOOLEAN,
p_warn_violation IN BOOLEAN,
p_info_violation IN BOOLEAN,
p_num_occurrences IN NUMBER,
p_last_violation_level IN NUMBER,
p_crit_counter IN OUT NUMBER,
p_warn_counter IN OUT NUMBER,
p_info_counter IN OUT NUMBER,
p_new_violation_level OUT NUMBER
) ;
-- log violation code exposed for testing purpose
PROCEDURE log_violation
(p_policy_rec IN EM_POLICY_EVAL_REC,
p_target_name IN VARCHAR2,
p_result_key_value IN VARCHAR2,
p_crit_violation IN BOOLEAN,
p_warn_violation IN BOOLEAN,
p_info_violation IN BOOLEAN,
p_metric_value IN mgmt_metric_value_obj,
p_value IN NUMBER,
p_string_value IN VARCHAR2,
p_violation_counter IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
p_violation_context IN OUT NOCOPY mgmt_short_string_array,
p_construct_context IN BOOLEAN := TRUE
) ;
-- evaluate condition text exposed for testing purpose
--p_condition_text: The text to be evaluated
--p_param_values : Parameter values
--p_metric_value : metric results
--p_bind_columns : Bind Columns/Types in the condition text
-- Name will be the name of the bind column
-- For policy parameters value would be 1
-- For metric columns value would be 2
--p_metric_columns: Name and metric type of metric columns
--p_crit_violation: TRUE if critical violation ELSE FALSE
--p_warn_violation: TRUE if warning violation ELSE FALSE
--p_info_violation: TRUE if info violation ELSE FALSE
PROCEDURE eval_condition_text(p_condition_text IN VARCHAR2,
p_param_values IN mgmt_policy_param_val_array,
p_metric_value IN mgmt_metric_value_obj,
p_bind_columns IN mgmt_namevalue_array,
p_metric_columns IN mgmt_namevalue_array,
p_crit_violation OUT BOOLEAN,
p_warn_violation OUT BOOLEAN,
p_info_violation OUT BOOLEAN) ;
-- get_set_composite_key exposed for testing purposes
PROCEDURE get_set_composite_key(p_metric_value IN mgmt_metric_value_obj,
p_key_index_array IN mgmt_integer_array,
p_num_keys IN NUMBER,
p_composite_key OUT RAW
) ;
-- Procedure to get the key values for mgmt_metric_raw_table object
-- for each row in the object
-- If the key count=0 then key_value=' '
-- if key_count=1 then key_value=key_value(1) from record
-- if key_count>1 then
-- get the composite key for the key parts
-- if no existing composite key, create
PROCEDURE get_set_composite_key(p_metric_raw_records IN mgmt_metric_raw_table,
p_key_values OUT mgmt_medium_string_table
) ;
-- Purpose
-- Initialize the index array which keep tracks of where a key value is
-- found in each metric result.
-- For example there are 2 records and the number of keys is 2.
-- In the first metric_value_obj record ,key 1 is found at position 3 in the
-- metric_values array, key 2 is found at position 1
-- In the second metric_value_obj record ,key 1 is found at position 2 in the
-- metric_values array, key 2 is found at position 4
-- key_index_array would contain 2 rows ( number of metric_value_obj records)
-- each row with number of columns = num_keys
-- key_index(1,1)=3 key_index(1,2)=1
-- key_index(2,1)=2 key_index(2,2)=4
-- Initialize key value array
-- which stores the key_value (composite_key_value if p_num_keys>1) for each
-- metric_value record
-- Parameters
-- p_metric_values : Metric values array consists of 1 or more metric_value_obj
-- p_key_columns : Key column list
-- p_key_index_tab : key index array
-- p_key_value_tab : Key values for each record
PROCEDURE initialize_counters(p_metric_values IN OUT mgmt_metric_value_array,
p_key_columns IN mgmt_namevalue_array,
p_key_index_array OUT NOCOPY g_integer_array_table,
p_result_key_array OUT NOCOPY mgmt_medium_string_table
) ;
-- key match function exposed for testing purpose.
-- Purpose:
-- Match the key defined in policy against metric result
-- Return TRUE if key matches else FALSE
-- Parameters
-- p_policy_key : Key value defined in the policy configuration
-- p_metric_value : The current metric value object
-- p_key_index_array :Array containing positions of key columns
-- p_key_operator : key operator of the configuration
-- p_num_keys : Number of keys for the metrica
-- Missing key value:if the key column is missing in the record
-- Invalid key value:If there is no policy key configuration
FUNCTION key_match(p_policy_key IN mgmt_medium_string_array,
p_metric_value IN mgmt_metric_value_obj,
p_key_index_array IN mgmt_integer_array,
p_key_operator IN VARCHAR2,
p_num_keys IN NUMBER
END em_policy_eval ;
show err