Rem Rem $Header: chronos_rep_coll_pkgdef.sql 16-may-2002.18:17:17 rpinnama Exp $ Rem Rem chronos_rep_coll_pkgdef.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem chronos_rep_coll_pkgdef.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rpinnama 05/16/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts_2 Rem rpinnama 05/16/02 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE CHRONOS_REPOSITORY_COLLECTIONS IS -- NAME -- ChronosRegionColletion -- PURPOSE -- Function to calculate the region average values for a given target. -- Currently we only calculate values for regions that have thresholds (and -- thus events) set on them. The averages are calculated for all new data, -- that is, for all data that came in after the last run. -- -- PARAMETERS -- v_target_guid : uniquely identifies the COMPOSITE target to poll -- v_metric_guid : this is the guid for the table metric, not for the latency -- column (which is only what we return in this function currently). -- v_metric_result : the average(elapsed_time) for each region passed in -- -- NOTES -- None notes. PROCEDURE CHRONOS_REGION_COLLECTION ( v_target_guid IN RAW, v_metric_guid IN RAW, v_metric_result OUT MGMT_METRIC_RESULTS ); END CHRONOS_REPOSITORY_COLLECTIONS; / show errors;