Rem Rem $Header: chronos_prmapping_pkgdef.sql 17-feb-2006.14:42:22 jureyes Exp $ Rem Rem chronos_prmapping_pkgdef.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem chronos_prmapping_pkgdef.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem jureyes 02/17/06 - Backport jureyes_bug-5005456 from main Rem jureyes 01/30/06 - Backport jureyes_bug-4962183 from main Rem yxie 12/12/05 - Backport yxie_bug-4725344 from main Rem jureyes 02/08/06 - Fix bug 5005456 (disable selection in the table Rem for 10.1.3 OC4Js). Rem jureyes 01/25/06 - Change name of function GET_EUMJ2EE_DATA (bug Rem 4962183). Rem jureyes 11/29/05 - Fix timing in Sql Queries (not use sysdate). Rem jureyes 05/06/05 - Add procedure that fetches multiple sql requests Rem at a time to reduce trips to database. Rem yxie 03/23/05 - reconstruct e2e/eum request url matching query Rem eporter 02/24/05 - change tabs to spaces Rem jureyes 02/03/05 - fix EUMJ2EE query Rem yxie 10/11/04 - Rem yxie 09/27/04 - yxie_request_performances Rem yxie 09/09/04 - Created Rem rem ------------------------------------------------------- rem rem User Monitoring (Chronos) Package for Component Requests rem rem ------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE Package EMD_CHRONOS_PRMAPPING AS TYPE p_cursor_type IS REF CURSOR; -- procedure to retrieve web cache timing data for components -- request of a page url on a page basis -- -- CHRONOS_GET_PAGE_REQUESTS_DATA -- PROCEDURE CHRONOS_GET_PAGE_REQUESTS_DATA( webapp_name_in IN VARCHAR2, webapp_type_in IN VARCHAR2, page_url_in IN VARCHAR2, delta_days_in IN NUMBER, results_out OUT p_cursor_type); -- procedure to retrieve oc4j timing data for components -- request of a page url on a request basic -- -- CHRONOS_GET_REQUESTS_DATA -- PROCEDURE CHRONOS_GET_REQUESTS_DATA( webapp_name_in IN VARCHAR2, webapp_type_in IN VARCHAR2, request_urls_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, delta_days_in IN NUMBER, results_out OUT p_cursor_type); -- procedure to retrieve webcache and oc4j timing data -- for all component requests performance -- -- CHRONOS_GET_EUMJ2EE_DATA -- PROCEDURE CHRONOS_GET_REQUEST_PERF_DATA(p_webcache_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, p_oc4j_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, p_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_tier IN VARCHAR2, p_time_ctx IN VARCHAR2, p_min_hits IN NUMBER, p_max_rows IN NUMBER, p_results_out OUT p_cursor_type); -- Old Implementation of CHRONOS_GET_EUMJ2EE_DATA -- This implementation will be obsolete and must be removed -- CHRONOS_GET_EUMJ2EE_DATA PROCEDURE CHRONOS_GET_EUMJ2EE_DATA(p_webcache_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, p_oc4j_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, p_tier IN VARCHAR2, p_time_ctx IN VARCHAR2, p_min_hits IN NUMBER, p_max_rows IN NUMBER, p_results_out OUT p_cursor_type); -- procedure to retrieve the text for sql requests -- -- E2E_GET_SQL_TEXT_DATA -- PROCEDURE E2E_GET_SQL_TEXT_DATA(sql_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, p_results_out OUT p_cursor_type); -- procedure to retrieve the component versions -- -- E2E_GET_COMPONENT_VERSIONS -- PROCEDURE E2E_GET_COMPONENT_VERSIONS(comp_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, p_type_in IN VARCHAR2, p_property_in IN VARCHAR2, p_results_out OUT p_cursor_type); END EMD_CHRONOS_PRMAPPING; / SHOW ERRORS;