Rem Rem $Header: chronos_prmapping_pkgbody.sql 11-sep-2006.09:23:16 jureyes Exp $ Rem Rem chronos_prmapping_pkgbody.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem chronos_prmapping_pkgbody.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem jureyes 09/11/06 - Backport jureyes_bug-5487000 from main Rem jureyes 08/10/06 - Backport jureyes_bug5186918 from main Rem jureyes 02/17/06 - Backport jureyes_bug-5005456 from main Rem jureyes 01/30/06 - Backport jureyes_bug-4962183 from main Rem yxie 12/12/05 - Backport yxie_bug-4725344 from main Rem jureyes 08/29/06 - Fix bug 5487000 (problem with sql statements with Rem more than 4,000 characters). Rem jureyes 07/24/06 - Fix bug 5186918 (enable logging for Rem oc4js) Rem jureyes 02/08/06 - Fix bug 5005456 (disable selection in the table Rem for 10.1.3 OC4Js). Rem jureyes 01/25/06 - CHange name of function GET_EUMJ2EE_DATA (bug Rem 4962183) Rem yxie 12/06/05 - Fix bug 4725344: convert all sysdate to target timezone Rem jureyes 11/29/05 - Fix timing in Sql Queries (not use sysdate). Rem jureyes 07/12/05 - Fix "slowest requests by" in the "Request Rem Performance" page. Rem yxie 06/27/05 - make 7-day view gets from daily rollup table Rem yxie 06/06/05 - changes depends_on to supports_eum_on Rem yxie 05/12/05 - fix security issue Rem jureyes 05/06/05 - Add procedure that fetches multiple sql requests Rem at a time to reduce trips to database. Rem yxie 04/15/05 - changing contains to depends_on Rem yxie 03/23/05 - reconstruct eum/e2e request url mapping query Rem eporter 03/14/05 - Use PR Mapping bootstrap table Rem jureyes 03/04/05 - Rem eporter 02/24/05 - Use new rollup tables Rem jureyes 02/02/05 - fix EUMJ2EE query Rem yxie 10/11/04 - Rem yxie 09/27/04 - yxie_request_performances Rem yxie 09/09/04 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY EMD_CHRONOS_PRMAPPING AS ------------------------------------------------------------- -- CHRONOS_GET_PAGE_REQUESTS_DATA ------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE CHRONOS_GET_PAGE_REQUESTS_DATA( webapp_name_in IN VARCHAR2, webapp_type_in IN VARCHAR2, page_url_in IN VARCHAR2, delta_days_in IN NUMBER, results_out OUT p_cursor_type) IS startTime DATE; endTime DATE; websiteGuid RAW(16); BEGIN SELECT target_guid INTO websiteGuid FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE target_name = webapp_name_in AND target_type = webapp_type_in; endTime := MGMT_TARGET.SYSDATE_TARGET(websiteGuid); startTime := endTime-delta_days_in; IF(delta_days_in < 7) THEN OPEN results_out FOR SELECT request_url, SUM(num_cache_hits), DECODE(SUM(num_cache_hits), 0, 0, SUM(cache_hits_avg_svr_time*num_cache_hits) / SUM(num_cache_hits)), SUM(num_non_cache_hits), DECODE(SUM(num_non_cache_hits), 0, 0, SUM(non_cache_hits_avg_svr_time*num_non_cache_hits) / SUM(num_non_cache_hits)) FROM em$rt_pr_mapping pr, mgmt_targets mt, mgmt_target_assocs mta WHERE mta.assoc_target_guid = pr.target_guid AND mta.source_target_guid = mt.target_guid AND mt.target_name = webapp_name_in AND mt.target_type = webapp_type_in AND mta.assoc_guid = MGMT_WEBSITE_TARGET.supports_eum_on_guid AND pr.page_url = page_url_in AND pr.rollup_timestamp > startTime AND pr.rollup_timestamp <= endTime GROUP BY request_url ORDER BY request_url; ELSE OPEN results_out FOR SELECT request_url, SUM(num_cache_hits), DECODE(SUM(num_cache_hits), 0, 0, SUM(cache_hits_avg_svr_time*num_cache_hits) / SUM(num_cache_hits)), SUM(num_non_cache_hits), DECODE(SUM(num_non_cache_hits), 0, 0, SUM(non_cache_hits_avg_svr_time*num_non_cache_hits) / SUM(num_non_cache_hits)) FROM mgmt_rt_pr_mapping_1day pr, mgmt_targets mt, mgmt_target_assocs mta WHERE mta.assoc_target_guid = pr.target_guid AND mta.source_target_guid = mt.target_guid AND mt.target_name = webapp_name_in AND mt.target_type = webapp_type_in AND mta.assoc_guid = MGMT_WEBSITE_TARGET.supports_eum_on_guid AND pr.page_url = page_url_in AND pr.rollup_timestamp > startTime AND pr.rollup_timestamp <= endTime GROUP BY request_url ORDER BY request_url; END IF; END CHRONOS_GET_PAGE_REQUESTS_DATA; ------------------------------------------------------------- -- CHRONOS_GET_REQUESTS_DATA ------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE CHRONOS_GET_REQUESTS_DATA( webapp_name_in IN VARCHAR2, webapp_type_in IN VARCHAR2, request_urls_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, delta_days_in IN NUMBER, results_out OUT p_cursor_type) IS pr_mapping_table VARCHAR(64); e2e_table VARCHAR(64); prquery VARCHAR(2000); e2equery VARCHAR(2000); mappingquery VARCHAR(5000); startTime DATE; endTime DATE; websiteGuid RAW(16); BEGIN IF(delta_days_in < 7) THEN pr_mapping_table := 'em$rt_pr_mapping'; ELSE pr_mapping_table := 'mgmt_rt_pr_mapping_1day'; END IF; IF (delta_days_in < 7) THEN e2e_table := 'mgmt_e2e_summary_1hour'; ELSE e2e_table := 'mgmt_e2e_summary_1day'; END IF; SELECT target_guid INTO websiteGuid FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE target_name = webapp_name_in AND target_type = webapp_type_in; endTime := MGMT_TARGET.SYSDATE_TARGET(websiteGuid); startTime := endTime-delta_days_in; prquery := 'SELECT request_url, '|| ' SUM(num_cache_hits) cacheHits, '|| ' DECODE(SUM(num_cache_hits), 0, 0, '|| ' SUM(cache_hits_avg_svr_time*num_cache_hits) / SUM(num_cache_hits)) cacheTime, '|| ' SUM(num_non_cache_hits) noncacheHits, '|| ' DECODE(SUM(num_non_cache_hits), 0, 0, '|| ' SUM(non_cache_hits_avg_svr_time*num_non_cache_hits) / SUM(num_non_cache_hits)) noncacheTime '|| 'FROM '||pr_mapping_table||' pr, mgmt_targets mt, '|| ' mgmt_target_assocs mta, mgmt_target_assoc_defs mtad '|| 'WHERE request_url IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(:c1 AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))) '|| ' AND mta.assoc_target_guid = pr.target_guid '|| ' AND mta.source_target_guid = mt.target_guid '|| ' AND mt.target_name = :c2 '|| ' AND mt.target_type = :c3 '|| ' AND mta.assoc_guid = mtad.assoc_guid '|| ' AND mtad.assoc_def_name = ''supports_eum_on'''|| ' AND pr.rollup_timestamp > :c4 '|| ' AND pr.rollup_timestamp <= :c5 '|| 'GROUP BY request_url'; e2equery := 'SELECT uri, '|| ' SUM(hit_count) totalHits, '|| ' SUM(total_time) totalTime, '|| ' SUM(servlet_time) servletTime, '|| ' SUM(jsp_time) jspTime, '|| ' SUM(ejb_time) ejbTime, '|| ' SUM(jdbc_time) jdbcTime '|| 'FROM '||e2e_table||' ee, mgmt_targets mt2, '|| ' mgmt_target_assocs mta2, mgmt_target_assoc_defs mtad2 '|| 'WHERE uri IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(:c6 AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))) '|| ' AND mta2.assoc_target_guid = ee.target_guid '|| ' AND mta2.source_target_guid = mt2.target_guid '|| ' AND mt2.target_name = :c7 '|| ' AND mt2.target_type = :c8 '|| ' AND mta2.assoc_guid = mtad2.assoc_guid '|| ' AND mtad2.assoc_def_name = ''supports_e2e_on'''|| ' AND ee.rollup_timestamp > :c9 '|| ' AND ee.rollup_timestamp <= :c10 '|| 'GROUP BY uri'; mappingquery := 'SELECT request_url, cacheHits, cacheTime, noncacheHits, nonCacheTime, '|| ' totalHits, totalTime, servletTime, jspTime, ejbTime, jdbcTime '|| 'FROM '|| ' ('||prquery||') LEFT OUTER JOIN ('||e2equery||') '|| 'ON request_url = uri '|| 'ORDER BY request_url'; OPEN results_out FOR mappingquery USING request_urls_in, webapp_name_in, webapp_type_in, startTime, endTime, request_urls_in, webapp_name_in, webapp_type_in, startTime, endTime; END CHRONOS_GET_REQUESTS_DATA; ------------------------------------------------------------- -- CHRONOS_GET_EUMJ2EE_DATA ------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE CHRONOS_GET_REQUEST_PERF_DATA( p_webcache_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, p_oc4j_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, p_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_tier IN VARCHAR2, p_time_ctx IN VARCHAR2, p_min_hits IN NUMBER, p_max_rows IN NUMBER, p_results_out OUT p_cursor_type) IS l_oc4js MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY; l_webcaches MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY; l_min_hits NUMBER; l_max_rows NUMBER; l_e2e_table_name VARCHAR2(128); l_eum_table_name VARCHAR2(128); l_order_clause VARCHAR2(512); l_filter_col VARCHAR2(128); l_inner_stmt VARCHAR2(4000); l_stmt VARCHAR2(4000); l_num_days NUMBER; l_tmpnum NUMBER; l_target_date date; BEGIN SELECT MGMT_TARGET.SYSDATE_TARGET(mt.target_guid) INTO l_target_date FROM MGMT_TARGETS mt WHERE mt.target_name=p_target_name AND mt.target_type=p_target_type; -- build target guid arrays l_oc4js := MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY(); IF (p_oc4j_guids_in IS NOT NULL) AND (p_oc4j_guids_in.COUNT > 1) THEN FOR l_tmpnum IN 2..p_oc4j_guids_in.COUNT LOOP l_oc4js.EXTEND(1); l_oc4js(l_tmpnum-1) := HEXTORAW(p_oc4j_guids_in(l_tmpnum)); END LOOP; END IF; -- build target guid arrays l_webcaches := MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY(); IF (p_webcache_guids_in IS NOT NULL) AND (p_webcache_guids_in.COUNT > 1) THEN FOR l_tmpnum IN 2..p_webcache_guids_in.COUNT LOOP l_webcaches.EXTEND(1); l_webcaches(l_tmpnum-1) := HEXTORAW(p_webcache_guids_in(l_tmpnum)); END LOOP; END IF; -- process time ctx IF p_time_ctx = 'byWeek' THEN l_num_days := 7; l_e2e_table_name := 'mgmt_e2e_summary_1day'; l_eum_table_name := 'mgmt_rt_pr_mapping_1day'; ELSIF p_time_ctx = 'byMonth' THEN l_num_days := 31; l_e2e_table_name := 'mgmt_e2e_summary_1day'; l_eum_table_name := 'mgmt_rt_pr_mapping_1day'; ELSE -- default time ctx is byDay l_num_days := 1; l_e2e_table_name := 'mgmt_e2e_summary_1hour'; l_eum_table_name := 'em$rt_pr_mapping'; END IF; -- process min_hits l_min_hits := p_min_hits; IF l_min_hits < 0 THEN l_min_hits := 0; END IF; -- process max rows (min is 10) l_max_rows := p_max_rows; IF l_max_rows < 10 THEN l_max_rows := 10; END IF; -- build the sql statement l_inner_stmt := '((SELECT NVL(e2e.request_url, eum.request_url) as request_url, ' || 'NVL(j2ee_hits, 0) as j2ee_hits, j2ee_total_time, jdbc_time, ' || 'num_cache_hits, NVL(num_non_cache_hits, 0) as num_non_cache_hits, ' || 'noncache_time, ' || 'servlet_total_count, servlet_total_time, jsp_total_count, ' || 'jsp_total_time, ejb_total_count, ejb_total_time, j2ee_time ' || 'FROM ( ' || 'SELECT uri as request_url, ' || 'SUM(hit_count) j2ee_hits, ' || 'SUM(total_time) j2ee_total_time, ' || 'SUM(jdbc_time) jdbc_time, ' || 'SUM(servlet_count) servlet_total_count, ' || 'SUM(servlet_time) servlet_total_time, ' || 'SUM(jsp_count) jsp_total_count, ' || 'SUM(jsp_time) jsp_total_time, ' || 'SUM(ejb_count) ejb_total_count, ' || 'SUM(ejb_time) ejb_total_time, ' || 'SUM(servlet_time+jsp_time+ejb_time) j2ee_time '|| 'FROM ' || l_e2e_table_name || ' ' || 'WHERE target_guid IN ' || '( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(:c1 AS MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY)) ) ' || 'AND rollup_timestamp > ( :c2 - :c3 ) ' || 'AND rollup_timestamp <= :c4 ' || 'GROUP BY URI ' || ') e2e, ' || '( ' || 'SELECT request_url, SUM(num_cache_hits) num_cache_hits, ' || 'SUM(num_non_cache_hits) num_non_cache_hits, ' || 'SUM(non_cache_hits_avg_svr_time*num_non_cache_hits) noncache_time ' || 'FROM ' || l_eum_table_name || ' ' || 'WHERE target_guid IN ' || '( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(:c5 AS MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY)) ) ' || 'AND rollup_timestamp <= :c6 ' || 'AND rollup_timestamp > ( :c7 - :c8 ) ' || 'GROUP BY request_url ' || ') eum ' || 'WHERE e2e.request_url = eum.request_url(+)) ' || 'UNION ' || '(SELECT NVL(e2e.request_url, eum.request_url) as request_url, ' || 'NVL(j2ee_hits,0) as j2ee_hits, j2ee_total_time, jdbc_time, ' || 'num_cache_hits, NVL(num_non_cache_hits, 0) as num_non_cache_hits, ' || 'noncache_time, ' || 'servlet_total_count, servlet_total_time, jsp_total_count, ' || 'jsp_total_time, ejb_total_count, ejb_total_time, j2ee_time ' || 'FROM ( ' || 'SELECT uri as request_url, ' || 'SUM(hit_count) j2ee_hits, ' || 'SUM(total_time) j2ee_total_time, ' || 'SUM(jdbc_time) jdbc_time, ' || 'SUM(servlet_count) servlet_total_count, ' || 'SUM(servlet_time) servlet_total_time, ' || 'SUM(jsp_count) jsp_total_count, ' || 'SUM(jsp_time) jsp_total_time, ' || 'SUM(ejb_count) ejb_total_count, ' || 'SUM(ejb_time) ejb_total_time, ' || 'SUM(servlet_time+jsp_time+ejb_time) j2ee_time '|| 'FROM ' || l_e2e_table_name || ' ' || 'WHERE target_guid IN ' || '( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(:c9 AS MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY)) ) ' || 'AND rollup_timestamp > ( :c10 - :c11 ) ' || 'AND rollup_timestamp <= :c12 ' || 'GROUP BY URI ' || ') e2e, ' || '( ' || 'SELECT request_url, SUM(num_cache_hits) num_cache_hits, ' || 'SUM(num_non_cache_hits) num_non_cache_hits, ' || 'SUM(non_cache_hits_avg_svr_time*num_non_cache_hits) noncache_time ' || 'FROM ' || l_eum_table_name || ' ' || 'WHERE target_guid IN ' || '( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(:c13 AS MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY)) ) ' || 'AND rollup_timestamp <= :c14 ' || 'AND rollup_timestamp > ( :c15 - :c16 ) ' || 'GROUP BY request_url ' || ') eum ' || 'WHERE e2e.request_url(+) = eum.request_url) ) inner_stmt '; IF p_tier = 'WEBSERVER' THEN l_stmt := 'SELECT request_url, j2ee_hits, j2ee_total_time, jdbc_time, ' || 'num_cache_hits, num_non_cache_hits, noncache_time, ' || 'servlet_total_count, servlet_total_time, jsp_total_count, ' || 'jsp_total_time, ejb_total_count, ejb_total_time, j2ee_time ' || 'FROM ' || '( SELECT request_url, j2ee_hits, j2ee_total_time, jdbc_time, ' || 'num_cache_hits, num_non_cache_hits, noncache_time, ' || 'servlet_total_count, servlet_total_time, jsp_total_count, ' || 'jsp_total_time, ejb_total_count, ejb_total_time, j2ee_time, ' || 'DECODE(num_non_cache_hits, 0, 0, noncache_time/num_non_cache_hits) AS order_col ' || 'FROM ' || l_inner_stmt || ' ' || 'WHERE num_non_cache_hits >= :c17 ' || 'ORDER BY order_col desc ) ' || 'WHERE rownum <= :c18'; ELSIF p_tier = 'DATABASE' THEN l_stmt := 'SELECT request_url, j2ee_hits, j2ee_total_time, jdbc_time, ' || 'num_cache_hits, num_non_cache_hits, noncache_time, ' || 'servlet_total_count, servlet_total_time, jsp_total_count, ' || 'jsp_total_time, ejb_total_count, ejb_total_time, j2ee_time ' || 'FROM ' || '( SELECT request_url, j2ee_hits, j2ee_total_time, jdbc_time, ' || 'num_cache_hits, num_non_cache_hits, noncache_time, ' || 'servlet_total_count, servlet_total_time, jsp_total_count, ' || 'jsp_total_time, ejb_total_count, ejb_total_time, j2ee_time, ' || 'DECODE(j2ee_hits, 0, 0, jdbc_time/j2ee_hits) AS order_col ' || 'FROM ' || l_inner_stmt || ' ' || 'WHERE j2ee_hits >= :c17 ' || 'ORDER BY order_col desc ) ' || 'WHERE rownum <= :c18'; ELSE l_stmt := 'SELECT request_url, j2ee_hits, j2ee_total_time, jdbc_time, ' || 'num_cache_hits, num_non_cache_hits, noncache_time, ' || 'servlet_total_count, servlet_total_time, jsp_total_count, ' || 'jsp_total_time, ejb_total_count, ejb_total_time, j2ee_time ' || 'FROM ' || '( SELECT request_url, j2ee_hits, j2ee_total_time, jdbc_time, ' || 'num_cache_hits, num_non_cache_hits, noncache_time, ' || 'servlet_total_count, servlet_total_time, jsp_total_count, ' || 'jsp_total_time, ejb_total_count, ejb_total_time, j2ee_time, ' || 'DECODE(j2ee_hits, 0, 0, (j2ee_total_time-jdbc_time)/j2ee_hits) AS order_col ' || 'FROM ' || l_inner_stmt || ' ' || 'WHERE j2ee_hits >= :c17 ' || 'ORDER BY order_col desc ) ' || 'WHERE rownum <= :c18'; END IF; -- open the cursor OPEN p_results_out FOR l_stmt USING l_oc4js, l_target_date, l_num_days, l_target_date, l_webcaches, l_target_date, l_target_date, l_num_days, l_oc4js, l_target_date, l_num_days, l_target_date, l_webcaches,l_target_date, l_target_date, l_num_days, l_min_hits, l_max_rows; END CHRONOS_GET_REQUEST_PERF_DATA; -- Old Implementation of CHRONOS_GET_EUMJ2EE_DATA -- This implementation will be obsolete and must be removed ------------------------------------------------------------- -- CHRONOS_GET_EUMJ2EE_DATA ------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE CHRONOS_GET_EUMJ2EE_DATA( p_webcache_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, p_oc4j_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, p_tier IN VARCHAR2, p_time_ctx IN VARCHAR2, p_min_hits IN NUMBER, p_max_rows IN NUMBER, p_results_out OUT p_cursor_type) IS l_oc4js MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY; l_webcaches MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY; l_min_hits NUMBER; l_max_rows NUMBER; l_e2e_table_name VARCHAR2(128); l_eum_table_name VARCHAR2(128); l_order_clause VARCHAR2(512); l_filter_col VARCHAR2(128); l_inner_stmt VARCHAR2(4000); l_stmt VARCHAR2(4000); l_num_days NUMBER; l_tmpnum NUMBER; BEGIN -- build target guid arrays l_oc4js := MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY(); IF (p_oc4j_guids_in IS NOT NULL) AND (p_oc4j_guids_in.COUNT > 1) THEN FOR l_tmpnum IN 2..p_oc4j_guids_in.COUNT LOOP l_oc4js.EXTEND(1); l_oc4js(l_tmpnum-1) := HEXTORAW(p_oc4j_guids_in(l_tmpnum)); END LOOP; END IF; -- build target guid arrays l_webcaches := MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY(); IF (p_webcache_guids_in IS NOT NULL) AND (p_webcache_guids_in.COUNT > 1) THEN FOR l_tmpnum IN 2..p_webcache_guids_in.COUNT LOOP l_webcaches.EXTEND(1); l_webcaches(l_tmpnum-1) := HEXTORAW(p_webcache_guids_in(l_tmpnum)); END LOOP; END IF; -- process time ctx IF p_time_ctx = 'byWeek' THEN l_num_days := 7; l_e2e_table_name := 'mgmt_e2e_summary_1day'; l_eum_table_name := 'mgmt_rt_pr_mapping_1day'; ELSIF p_time_ctx = 'byMonth' THEN l_num_days := 31; l_e2e_table_name := 'mgmt_e2e_summary_1day'; l_eum_table_name := 'mgmt_rt_pr_mapping_1day'; ELSE -- default time ctx is byDay l_num_days := 1; l_e2e_table_name := 'mgmt_e2e_summary_1hour'; l_eum_table_name := 'em$rt_pr_mapping'; END IF; -- process min_hits l_min_hits := p_min_hits; IF l_min_hits < 0 THEN l_min_hits := 0; END IF; -- process max rows (min is 10) l_max_rows := p_max_rows; IF l_max_rows < 10 THEN l_max_rows := 10; END IF; -- build the sql statement l_inner_stmt := '((SELECT NVL(e2e.request_url, eum.request_url) as request_url, ' || 'NVL(j2ee_hits, 0) as j2ee_hits, j2ee_total_time, jdbc_time, ' || 'num_cache_hits, NVL(num_non_cache_hits, 0) as num_non_cache_hits, ' || 'noncache_time, ' || 'servlet_total_count, servlet_total_time, jsp_total_count, ' || 'jsp_total_time, ejb_total_count, ejb_total_time, j2ee_time ' || 'FROM ( ' || 'SELECT uri as request_url, ' || 'SUM(hit_count) j2ee_hits, ' || 'SUM(total_time) j2ee_total_time, ' || 'SUM(jdbc_time) jdbc_time, ' || 'SUM(servlet_count) servlet_total_count, ' || 'SUM(servlet_time) servlet_total_time, ' || 'SUM(jsp_count) jsp_total_count, ' || 'SUM(jsp_time) jsp_total_time, ' || 'SUM(ejb_count) ejb_total_count, ' || 'SUM(ejb_time) ejb_total_time, ' || 'SUM(servlet_time+jsp_time+ejb_time) j2ee_time '|| 'FROM ' || l_e2e_table_name || ' ' || 'WHERE target_guid IN ' || '( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(:c1 AS MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY)) ) ' || 'AND rollup_timestamp >= ( SYSDATE - :c2 ) ' || 'GROUP BY URI ' || ') e2e, ' || '( ' || 'SELECT request_url, SUM(num_cache_hits) num_cache_hits, ' || 'SUM(num_non_cache_hits) num_non_cache_hits, ' || 'SUM(non_cache_hits_avg_svr_time*num_non_cache_hits) noncache_time ' || 'FROM ' || l_eum_table_name || ' ' || 'WHERE target_guid IN ' || '( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(:c3 AS MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY)) ) ' || 'AND rollup_timestamp <= SYSDATE ' || 'AND rollup_timestamp >= ( SYSDATE - :c4 ) ' || 'GROUP BY request_url ' || ') eum ' || 'WHERE e2e.request_url = eum.request_url(+)) ' || 'UNION ' || '(SELECT NVL(e2e.request_url, eum.request_url) as request_url, ' || 'NVL(j2ee_hits,0) as j2ee_hits, j2ee_total_time, jdbc_time, ' || 'num_cache_hits, NVL(num_non_cache_hits, 0) as num_non_cache_hits, ' || 'noncache_time, ' || 'servlet_total_count, servlet_total_time, jsp_total_count, ' || 'jsp_total_time, ejb_total_count, ejb_total_time, j2ee_time ' || 'FROM ( ' || 'SELECT uri as request_url, ' || 'SUM(hit_count) j2ee_hits, ' || 'SUM(total_time) j2ee_total_time, ' || 'SUM(jdbc_time) jdbc_time, ' || 'SUM(servlet_count) servlet_total_count, ' || 'SUM(servlet_time) servlet_total_time, ' || 'SUM(jsp_count) jsp_total_count, ' || 'SUM(jsp_time) jsp_total_time, ' || 'SUM(ejb_count) ejb_total_count, ' || 'SUM(ejb_time) ejb_total_time, ' || 'SUM(servlet_time+jsp_time+ejb_time) j2ee_time '|| 'FROM ' || l_e2e_table_name || ' ' || 'WHERE target_guid IN ' || '( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(:c5 AS MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY)) ) ' || 'AND rollup_timestamp >= ( SYSDATE - :c6 ) ' || 'GROUP BY URI ' || ') e2e, ' || '( ' || 'SELECT request_url, SUM(num_cache_hits) num_cache_hits, ' || 'SUM(num_non_cache_hits) num_non_cache_hits, ' || 'SUM(non_cache_hits_avg_svr_time*num_non_cache_hits) noncache_time ' || 'FROM ' || l_eum_table_name || ' ' || 'WHERE target_guid IN ' || '( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(:c7 AS MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY)) ) ' || 'AND rollup_timestamp <= SYSDATE ' || 'AND rollup_timestamp >= ( SYSDATE - :c8 ) ' || 'GROUP BY request_url ' || ') eum ' || 'WHERE e2e.request_url(+) = eum.request_url) ) inner_stmt '; IF p_tier = 'WEBSERVER' THEN l_stmt := 'SELECT request_url, j2ee_hits, j2ee_total_time, jdbc_time, ' || 'num_cache_hits, num_non_cache_hits, noncache_time, ' || 'servlet_total_count, servlet_total_time, jsp_total_count, ' || 'jsp_total_time, ejb_total_count, ejb_total_time, j2ee_time ' || 'FROM ' || '( SELECT request_url, j2ee_hits, j2ee_total_time, jdbc_time, ' || 'num_cache_hits, num_non_cache_hits, noncache_time, ' || 'servlet_total_count, servlet_total_time, jsp_total_count, ' || 'jsp_total_time, ejb_total_count, ejb_total_time, j2ee_time, ' || 'DECODE(num_non_cache_hits, 0, 0, noncache_time/num_non_cache_hits) AS order_col ' || 'FROM ' || l_inner_stmt || ' ' || 'WHERE num_non_cache_hits >= :c9 ' || 'ORDER BY order_col desc ) ' || 'WHERE rownum <= :c10'; ELSIF p_tier = 'DATABASE' THEN l_stmt := 'SELECT request_url, j2ee_hits, j2ee_total_time, jdbc_time, ' || 'num_cache_hits, num_non_cache_hits, noncache_time, ' || 'servlet_total_count, servlet_total_time, jsp_total_count, ' || 'jsp_total_time, ejb_total_count, ejb_total_time, j2ee_time ' || 'FROM ' || '( SELECT request_url, j2ee_hits, j2ee_total_time, jdbc_time, ' || 'num_cache_hits, num_non_cache_hits, noncache_time, ' || 'servlet_total_count, servlet_total_time, jsp_total_count, ' || 'jsp_total_time, ejb_total_count, ejb_total_time, j2ee_time, ' || 'DECODE(j2ee_hits, 0, 0, jdbc_time/j2ee_hits) AS order_col ' || 'FROM ' || l_inner_stmt || ' ' || 'WHERE j2ee_hits >= :c9 ' || 'ORDER BY order_col desc ) ' || 'WHERE rownum <= :c10'; ELSE l_stmt := 'SELECT request_url, j2ee_hits, j2ee_total_time, jdbc_time, ' || 'num_cache_hits, num_non_cache_hits, noncache_time, ' || 'servlet_total_count, servlet_total_time, jsp_total_count, ' || 'jsp_total_time, ejb_total_count, ejb_total_time, j2ee_time ' || 'FROM ' || '( SELECT request_url, j2ee_hits, j2ee_total_time, jdbc_time, ' || 'num_cache_hits, num_non_cache_hits, noncache_time, ' || 'servlet_total_count, servlet_total_time, jsp_total_count, ' || 'jsp_total_time, ejb_total_count, ejb_total_time, j2ee_time, ' || 'DECODE(j2ee_hits, 0, 0, (j2ee_total_time-jdbc_time)/j2ee_hits) AS order_col ' || 'FROM ' || l_inner_stmt || ' ' || 'WHERE j2ee_hits >= :c9 ' || 'ORDER BY order_col desc ) ' || 'WHERE rownum <= :c10'; END IF; -- open the cursor OPEN p_results_out FOR l_stmt USING l_oc4js, l_num_days, l_webcaches, l_num_days, l_oc4js, l_num_days, l_webcaches,l_num_days, l_min_hits, l_max_rows; END CHRONOS_GET_EUMJ2EE_DATA; ------------------------------------------------------------- -- E2E_GET_SQL_TEXT_DATA ------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE E2E_GET_SQL_TEXT_DATA(sql_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, p_results_out OUT p_cursor_type) IS q_stmt VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN q_stmt:= 'SELECT DISTINCT stmt_guid, stmt_text, part_no FROM mgmt_e2e_sql_stmt ' || 'WHERE RAWTOHEX(stmt_guid) IN (SELECT * from TABLE(CAST(:x1 AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))) ' || 'ORDER BY stmt_guid, part_no'; OPEN p_results_out FOR q_stmt USING sql_guids_in; END E2E_GET_SQL_TEXT_DATA; ------------------------------------------------------------- -- E2E_GET_COMPONENT_VERSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE E2E_GET_COMPONENT_VERSIONS(comp_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, p_type_in IN VARCHAR2, p_property_in IN VARCHAR2, p_results_out OUT p_cursor_type) IS BEGIN OPEN p_results_out FOR SELECT tgt.target_name, mtp.property_value FROM mgmt_target_properties mtp, (SELECT target_guid, target_name from mgmt_targets where target_type = p_type_in and target_name in (SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(comp_names_in AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))) ) tgt where mtp.property_name = p_property_in and mtp.target_guid = tgt.target_guid; END E2E_GET_COMPONENT_VERSIONS; END EMD_CHRONOS_PRMAPPING; / SHOW ERRORS;