Rem Rem $Header: beacon_txn_view_pkgbody.sql 27-apr-2007.16:21:12 andyao Exp $ Rem Rem beacon_txn_view_pkgbody.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem beacon_txn_view_pkgbody.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem andyao 04/27/07 - add query to get beacon platform information Rem mfidanbo 11/23/05 - Backport mfidanbo_bug-4731612 from main Rem mfidanbo 11/16/05 - sort by target_name, type Rem mfidanbo 09/07/05 - step alerts should show up Rem mfidanbo 08/30/05 - fix txn status Rem mfidanbo 08/29/05 - get the current status of bcn/txn from Rem severities Rem mfidanbo 08/10/05 - fix duplicate alerts bug Rem mfidanbo 07/13/05 - support timezone conversion Rem andyao 06/29/05 - add procedure to get beacon status Rem mfidanbo 06/23/05 - alerts sql for test Rem mfidanbo 06/08/05 - parameterize tz Rem mfidanbo 05/22/05 - violation_duration can be null Rem mfidanbo 04/10/05 - remove yellow bar Rem mfidanbo 02/23/05 - Rem mfidanbo 02/15/05 - superimpose only blackout for bcn,test avail Rem periods Rem mfidanbo 01/18/05 - add local beacon Rem mfidanbo 01/07/05 - Rem mfidanbo 12/23/04 - fix fetch error Rem mfidanbo 12/03/04 - fix composite key query Rem mfidanbo 11/19/04 - dependency issue Rem mfidanbo 11/18/04 - add composite key to cursor bcn_txn Rem mfidanbo 11/14/04 - txn avail changes Rem mfidanbo 11/10/04 - mfidanbo_mta_changes Rem mfidanbo 11/09/04 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY MGMT_BCN_TXN_VIEW IS FUNCTION get_test_start_avail_marker ( target_guid_in IN RAW, test_guid_in IN RAW ) RETURN DATE IS l_start_date DATE; CURSOR timestampCursor IS SELECT end_collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_gensvc_test_avail WHERE target_guid = target_guid_in AND test_guid = test_guid_in ORDER BY start_collection_timestamp asc; BEGIN FOR record IN timestampCursor LOOP l_start_date := record.end_collection_timestamp; EXIT; END LOOP; IF( l_start_date is null) THEN l_start_date := mgmt_avail.get_target_start_marker_time(target_guid_in); END IF; return l_start_date; END get_test_start_avail_marker; FUNCTION get_test_end_avail_marker ( target_guid_in IN RAW, test_guid_in IN RAW) RETURN DATE IS l_end_date DATE := mgmt_avail.get_target_end_marker_time(target_guid_in); BEGIN BEGIN SELECT marker_timestamp INTO l_end_date FROM mgmt_gensvc_test_avail_marker WHERE target_guid = target_guid_in AND test_guid = test_guid_in; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN return l_end_date; END; return l_end_date; END get_test_end_avail_marker; PROCEDURE compute_start_end_dates( target_guid_in IN RAW, test_guid_in IN RAW, start_date_in IN DATE, end_date_in IN DATE, num_of_days_in IN NUMBER, start_date_out OUT DATE, end_date_out OUT DATE) IS l_target_sysdate DATE; l_recomputed_start_date DATE; l_recomputed_end_date DATE; l_start_date DATE; l_end_date DATE; l_start_marker DATE; l_end_marker DATE; BEGIN l_target_sysdate := MGMT_TARGET.SYSDATE_TARGET(target_guid_in); IF( start_date_in IS NOT NULL AND end_date_in IS NOT NULL ) THEN l_start_date := start_date_in; l_end_date := end_date_in; ELSE l_start_date := l_target_sysdate - num_of_days_in; l_end_date := l_target_sysdate; END IF; l_recomputed_start_date := GREATEST( l_start_date, mgmt_avail.get_target_start_marker_time( target_guid_in ) ); l_recomputed_end_date := LEAST( l_end_date, mgmt_avail.get_target_end_marker_time( target_guid_in ) ); -- get the test avail marker times l_start_date := get_test_start_avail_marker(target_guid_in, test_guid_in); l_end_date := get_test_end_avail_marker(target_guid_in, test_guid_in); l_recomputed_start_date := GREATEST(l_recomputed_start_date, l_start_date); l_recomputed_end_date := LEAST(l_recomputed_end_date, l_end_date); IF( l_recomputed_start_date > l_recomputed_end_date ) THEN l_recomputed_start_date := l_recomputed_end_date; END IF; start_date_out := l_recomputed_start_date; end_date_out := l_recomputed_end_date; END compute_start_end_dates; FUNCTION get_test_start_date( target_guid_in IN RAW, test_guid_in IN RAW, start_date_in IN DATE, end_date_in IN DATE ) RETURN DATE IS l_start_date DATE; l_end_date DATE; BEGIN compute_start_end_dates(target_guid_in, test_guid_in, start_date_in, end_date_in, 0, l_start_date, l_end_date); return l_start_date; END get_test_start_date; FUNCTION get_test_end_date( target_guid_in IN RAW, test_guid_in IN RAW, start_date_in IN DATE, end_date_in IN DATE ) RETURN DATE IS l_start_date DATE; l_end_date DATE; BEGIN compute_start_end_dates(target_guid_in, test_guid_in, start_date_in, end_date_in, 0, l_start_date, l_end_date); return l_end_date; END get_test_end_date; FUNCTION get_test_avail_pct( target_guid_in IN RAW, test_guid_in IN RAW, start_date_in IN DATE, end_date_in IN DATE, num_of_days_in IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS l_target_sysdate DATE; l_start_date DATE; l_end_date DATE; l_uptime NUMBER; l_downtime NUMBER; avail_pct_value NUMBER; l_numerator NUMBER; l_denominator NUMBER; BEGIN compute_start_end_dates(target_guid_in, test_guid_in, start_date_in, end_date_in, num_of_days_in, l_start_date, l_end_date); SELECT SUM(DECODE(a.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP, NVL(a.end_collection_timestamp, l_end_date)- GREATEST(a.start_collection_timestamp, l_start_date), 0)), SUM(DECODE(a.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_DOWN, NVL(a.end_collection_timestamp, l_end_date)- GREATEST(a.start_collection_timestamp, l_start_date), 0)) INTO l_uptime, l_downtime FROM MGMT_GENSVC_TEST_AVAIL a WHERE a.target_guid = target_guid_in AND a.test_guid = test_guid_in AND NVL(a.end_collection_timestamp, l_end_date) >= l_start_date AND a.start_collection_timestamp <= l_end_date GROUP BY a.target_guid, a.test_guid; l_numerator := l_uptime; -- denominator is (uptime + downtime) l_denominator := l_uptime + l_downtime; IF( l_denominator = 0 ) THEN avail_pct_value := -1; ELSE avail_pct_value := (l_numerator/l_denominator) * 100; END IF; RETURN avail_pct_value; END get_test_avail_pct; FUNCTION get_test_guid( tgt_guid IN RAW, test_name IN VARCHAR2, test_type IN VARCHAR2) RETURN RAW IS l_test_guid RAW(16); BEGIN SELECT d.txn_guid INTO l_test_guid FROM MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN d WHERE d.target_guid = tgt_guid AND = test_name AND d.txn_type = test_type AND rownum = 1; RETURN l_test_guid; END get_test_guid; FUNCTION get_cur_test_status( tgt_guid IN RAW, tst_guid IN RAW) RETURN NUMBER IS l_status NUMBER := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN; BEGIN SELECT avail.current_status INTO l_status FROM MGMT_GENSVC_TEST_CUR_AVAIL avail WHERE avail.target_guid = tgt_guid AND avail.test_guid = tst_guid; RETURN l_status; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN; END get_cur_test_status; FUNCTION get_cur_test_status( target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, test_name_in IN VARCHAR2, test_type_in IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN NUMBER IS l_target_guid RAW(16); l_test_guid RAW(16); BEGIN l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid(target_name_in, target_type_in); l_test_guid := get_test_guid(l_target_guid, test_name_in, test_type_in); return get_cur_test_status(l_target_guid, l_test_guid); END get_cur_test_status; PROCEDURE GET_SING_TEST_STATUS ( target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, test_guid_in IN RAW, start_date_in IN DATE, end_date_in IN DATE, num_days_in IN NUMBER, avail_pct_out OUT NUMBER, current_status OUT NUMBER, since OUT DATE) IS l_target_guid RAW(16); BEGIN l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid( target_name_in, target_type_in ); SELECT avail.current_status, avail.start_collection_timestamp INTO current_status, since FROM MGMT_GENSVC_TEST_CUR_AVAIL avail WHERE avail.target_guid = l_target_guid AND avail.test_guid = test_guid_in; avail_pct_out := get_test_avail_pct(l_target_guid, test_guid_in, start_date_in, end_date_in, num_days_in); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN avail_pct_out := -1; current_status := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN; END GET_SING_TEST_STATUS; PROCEDURE GET_CUR_TESTS_STATUS ( target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, tests_in IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY, status_cursor OUT CURSORTYPE) IS l_target_guid RAW(16); BEGIN l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid( target_name_in, target_type_in ); OPEN status_cursor FOR SELECT tests.test_name AS test_name, tests.test_type AS test_type, avail.test_guid AS test_guid, avail.severity_guid AS sev_guid, avail.current_status AS status, avail.start_collection_timestamp AS since FROM MGMT_GENSVC_TEST_CUR_AVAIL avail, (SELECT d.txn_guid as test_guid, as test_name, tests_inner.value as test_type FROM MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN d, (SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(tests_in AS SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY))) tests_inner WHERE d.target_guid = l_target_guid AND = AND d.txn_type = tests_inner.value) tests WHERE avail.target_guid = l_target_guid AND avail.test_guid = tests.test_guid ORDER BY tests.test_name, tests.test_type; END GET_CUR_TESTS_STATUS; PROCEDURE GET_TESTS_STATUS_AVAIL ( target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, tests_in IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY, start_date_in IN DATE, -- should be in tgt tz end_date_in IN DATE, -- should be in tgt tz num_of_days_in IN NUMBER, tz_used IN VARCHAR2, status_cursor OUT CURSORTYPE) IS l_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_target_sysdate DATE; l_start_date DATE; l_end_date DATE; l_num_of_days NUMBER; l_tgt_tz mgmt_targets.timezone_region%TYPE; l_to_tz mgmt_targets.timezone_region%TYPE; l_test_info COMPONENT_ARRAY; l_single_test_avail COMP_AVAIL_ARRAY; l_all_test_avail COMP_AVAIL_ARRAY := COMP_AVAIL_ARRAY(); BEGIN l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid( target_name_in, target_type_in ); SELECT timezone_region INTO l_tgt_tz FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid; IF ( tz_used IS NULL) THEN l_to_tz := l_tgt_tz; ELSE l_to_tz := tz_used; END IF; SELECT COMPONENT(d.txn_guid,, tests_inner.value, get_cur_test_status(l_target_guid, d.txn_guid), null, null, get_test_start_date(l_target_guid, d.txn_guid, start_date_in, end_date_in), get_test_end_date(l_target_guid, d.txn_guid, start_date_in, end_date_in), 0, 0) BULK COLLECT INTO l_test_info FROM MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN d, (SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(tests_in AS SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY))) tests_inner WHERE d.target_guid = l_target_guid AND = AND d.txn_type = tests_inner.value; IF(l_test_info IS NOT NULL AND l_test_info.COUNT > 0) THEN FOR i IN l_test_info.FIRST..l_test_info.LAST LOOP SELECT COMP_AVAIL( avail.test_guid, l_test_info(i).target_name, l_test_info(i).target_type, l_test_info(i).current_status, avail.severity_guid, avail.current_status, (LEAST(l_test_info(i).end_time, NVL(avail.end_collection_timestamp, l_test_info(i).end_time) ) - GREATEST(avail.start_collection_timestamp, l_test_info(i).start_time) )*24*60*60, MGMT_GLOBAL.ADJUST_TZ(GREATEST(avail.start_collection_timestamp, l_test_info(i).start_time), l_tgt_tz, l_to_tz), MGMT_GLOBAL.ADJUST_TZ(LEAST(l_test_info(i).end_time, NVL(avail.end_collection_timestamp, l_test_info(i).end_time)), l_tgt_tz, l_to_tz), 0, 0 ) BULK COLLECT INTO l_single_test_avail FROM MGMT_GENSVC_TEST_AVAIL avail WHERE avail.target_guid = l_target_guid AND avail.test_guid = l_test_info(i).target_guid AND NVL(avail.end_collection_timestamp, l_test_info(i).end_time) > l_test_info(i).start_time AND avail.start_collection_timestamp <= l_test_info(i).end_time AND NVL(avail.end_collection_timestamp, l_test_info(i).end_time) > avail.start_collection_timestamp AND l_test_info(i).start_time < l_test_info(i).end_time; -- l_single_test_avail is already initialized so just check if count is 0. IF(l_single_test_avail.COUNT = 0) THEN l_single_test_avail := COMP_AVAIL_ARRAY(); l_single_test_avail.extend(1); l_single_test_avail(1) := gensvc_view.get_empty_record(l_test_info(i), start_date_in, end_date_in); END IF; FOR j IN l_single_test_avail.FIRST..l_single_test_avail.LAST LOOP l_all_test_avail.extend(1); l_all_test_avail(l_all_test_avail.count) := l_single_test_avail(j); END LOOP; IF(l_single_test_avail IS NOT NULL) THEN l_single_test_avail.DELETE; l_single_test_avail := NULL; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; OPEN status_cursor FOR SELECT avail.target_name as test_name, avail.target_type as test_type, avail.target_guid as test_guid, avail.severity_guid as severity_guid, avail.current_status as current_status, avail.historical_status as historical_status, avail.start_timestamp as start_timestamp, avail.end_timestamp as end_timestamp, avail.duration as duration FROM (SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST (l_all_test_avail AS COMP_AVAIL_ARRAY))) avail ORDER BY avail.target_type, avail.target_name, avail.start_timestamp; END GET_TESTS_STATUS_AVAIL; FUNCTION GET_SING_BCN_TXN_STATUS(target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, target_guid_in IN RAW, txn_guid_in IN RAW, key_value_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS l_status NUMBER; l_metric_name MGMT_METRICS.METRIC_NAME%TYPE; l_metric_column MGMT_METRICS.METRIC_COLUMN%TYPE; l_metric_guid MGMT_METRICS.METRIC_GUID%TYPE; l_last_sev_ts DATE; BEGIN -- Get the availability metric for the given test type SELECT DISTINCT test.avail_metric, test.avail_metric_column INTO l_metric_name, l_metric_column FROM MGMT_TEST test, MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN d WHERE test.test_type = d.txn_type AND d.txn_guid = txn_guid_in AND d.target_guid = target_guid_in; l_metric_guid := mgmt_metric.get_metric_guid_for_target( target_type_in, target_name_in, l_metric_name, l_metric_column); -- Select the most recent severity where the timestamp is before the -- test marker. SELECT MAX(v.collection_timestamp) INTO l_last_sev_ts FROM MGMT_VIOLATIONS v, MGMT_GENSVC_TEST_AVAIL_MARKER t WHERE t.target_guid = target_guid_in AND t.test_guid = txn_guid_in AND v.target_guid = target_guid_in AND v.key_value = key_value_in AND v.policy_guid = l_metric_guid AND v.collection_timestamp < t.marker_timestamp; -- get the violation level of the severity we are looking for SELECT DECODE(v.violation_level, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CLEAR, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_DOWN, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_UNKNOWN) INTO l_status FROM MGMT_VIOLATIONS v WHERE v.target_guid = target_guid_in AND v.key_value = key_value_in AND v.policy_guid = l_metric_guid AND l_last_sev_ts = v.collection_timestamp; RETURN l_status; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN; END GET_SING_BCN_TXN_STATUS; PROCEDURE GET_BCN_TXN_STATUS ( target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, test_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, bcn_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, status_cursor OUT CURSORTYPE) IS l_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; BEGIN l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid( target_name_in, target_type_in ); OPEN status_cursor FOR SELECT keys.bcn_guid as bcn_guid, keys.test_guid as test_guid, keys.bcn_name as bcn_name, keys.is_avail as is_avail, keys.is_local as is_local, GET_SING_BCN_TXN_STATUS(target_name_in, target_type_in, l_target_guid, keys.test_guid, keys.key_val) as status, keys.key_val as composite_key FROM (SELECT d.txn_guid as test_guid, t.beacon_target_guid as bcn_guid, t.is_local as is_local, tt.target_name as bcn_name, k.composite_key as key_val, t.participates_avail as is_avail FROM MGMT_METRICS_COMPOSITE_KEYS k, MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN d, MGMT_BCN_TARGET t, MGMT_TARGETS tt WHERE t.target_guid = l_target_guid AND tt.target_guid = t.beacon_target_guid AND t.beacon_target_guid IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(bcn_guids_in AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))) AND d.txn_guid IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(test_guids_in AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))) AND d.target_guid = l_target_guid AND k.target_guid = l_target_guid AND k.key_part1_value = AND k.key_part2_value = tt.target_name AND (k.key_part3_value IS NULL OR k.key_part3_value = ' ') AND (k.key_part4_value IS NULL OR k.key_part4_value = ' ') AND (k.key_part5_value IS NULL OR k.key_part5_value = ' ')) keys ORDER BY keys.test_guid, keys.bcn_guid; END GET_BCN_TXN_STATUS; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Return true if any of the composite's members are in the state specified -- by the searchState argument. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION anyMembersInState (memberList IN OUT NOCOPY MemberListType, searchState NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS -- returnFlag BOOLEAN := false; BEGIN FOR i IN memberList.targetGUID.FIRST..memberList.targetGUID.LAST LOOP -- IF (memberList.currentStatus(i) = searchState) THEN returnFlag := true; END IF; END LOOP; -- RETURN returnFlag; END anyMembersInState; -- -- MemberTargetStatus() - Given the current target guid and state-change currentStatus, -- return the current state -- -- FUNCTION MemberTargetStatus(memberList IN OUT NOCOPY MemberListType, targetGUID RAW, currentStatus NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS returnState NUMBER := 1; tmpState BOOLEAN; BEGIN FOR i IN memberList.targetGUID.FIRST..memberList.targetGUID.LAST LOOP -- Update the state of the current target while walking the list IF (memberList.targetGUID(i) = targetGUID) THEN memberList.currentStatus(i) := currentStatus; END IF; -- END LOOP; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- States that propagate to the composite and their order of prescedence -- (Example - if any member is in blackout the composite is blacked out, -- even if another member is down -OR- If a member is down the composite is -- down even if another member is experiencing agent-down, error or unknown -- status: -- -- Blackout - scheduled downtime takes prescedence over downtime... -- Down - down -- Agent down - network down, agent down or host down -- Error - error evaluating response/status metric -- Unknown - first time state of target while agent is calculating response/status -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tmpState := anyMembersInState(memberList, mgmt_global.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT); IF (tmpState = true) THEN returnState := mgmt_global.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT; ELSE -- tmpState := anyMembersInState(memberList, mgmt_global.G_STATUS_DOWN); IF (tmpState = true) THEN returnState := mgmt_global.G_STATUS_DOWN; -- ELSE tmpState := anyMembersInState(memberList, mgmt_global.G_STATUS_AGENT_DOWN); IF (tmpState = true) THEN returnState := mgmt_global.G_STATUS_AGENT_DOWN; -- ELSE tmpState := anyMembersInState(memberList, mgmt_global.G_STATUS_ERROR); IF (tmpState = true) THEN returnState := mgmt_global.G_STATUS_ERROR; -- ELSE tmpState := anyMembersInState(memberList, mgmt_global.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN); IF (tmpState = true) THEN returnState := mgmt_global.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN; END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; RETURN returnState; END MemberTargetStatus; -- internal procedure to get the txn,bcn avail history for a single test and beacon FUNCTION BCN_TXN_AVAIL ( target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, target_guid_in IN RAW, test_guid_in IN RAW, bcn_guid_in IN RAW, target_avail IN MgmtBcnAvailTableType, bcn_avail IN MgmtBcnAvailTableType, key_val_in IN RAW, start_date_in IN DATE, end_date_in IN DATE, tgt_tz_in IN VARCHAR2, to_tz_in IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN MgmtBcnAvailTableType IS availability_cursor CURSORTYPE; memberStatusList MemberListType; inRec MgmtBcnAvailRowType := MgmtBcnAvailRowType(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); openRec MgmtBcnAvailRowType := MgmtBcnAvailRowType(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); outRec MgmtBcnAvailRowType := MgmtBcnAvailRowType(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); availRecords MgmtBcnAvailTableType := MgmtBcnAvailTableType(); compositeStatus NUMBER := -999; compositeTimezoneRegion VARCHAR2(64); recordCount NUMBER := 0; currentState NUMBER := 1; start_date_used DATE; end_date_used DATE; BEGIN memberStatusList.targetGUID := TargetGUIDList(key_val_in, bcn_guid_in, target_guid_in); memberStatusList.currentStatus := CurrentStatusList(MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP); availRecords.EXTEND; -- combine avail periods coming from severities (CLEAR = UP, CRITICAL = DOWN), -- avail periods of the target and avail periods of beacon start_date_used := MGMT_GLOBAL.ADJUST_TZ(start_date_in, to_tz_in, tgt_tz_in); --in tgt tz end_date_used := MGMT_GLOBAL.ADJUST_TZ(end_date_in, to_tz_in, tgt_tz_in); --in tgt tz OPEN availability_cursor FOR SELECT target_guid, severity_guid, current_status, start_collection_timestamp, end_collection_timestamp FROM ( SELECT key_val_in as target_guid, null as severity_guid, DECODE(v.violation_level, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_DOWN, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP) as current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.ADJUST_TZ(GREATEST(v.collection_timestamp, start_date_used),tgt_tz_in, to_tz_in) AS start_collection_timestamp, MGMT_GLOBAL.ADJUST_TZ( DECODE(v.violation_duration, null, end_date_used, LEAST((v.collection_timestamp + v.violation_duration / 24), end_date_used) ), tgt_tz_in, to_tz_in ) AS end_collection_timestamp FROM (SELECT DISTINCT m.metric_guid as metric_guid FROM MGMT_TEST t, MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN d, MGMT_METRICS m WHERE t.test_type = d.txn_type AND d.txn_guid = test_guid_in AND t.avail_metric = m.metric_name AND t.avail_metric_column = m.metric_column AND target_type_in = m.target_type) metric_info, MGMT_VIOLATIONS v WHERE v.target_guid = target_guid_in AND v.policy_guid = metric_info.metric_guid AND v.key_value = key_val_in AND v.collection_timestamp < end_date_used AND ( ( ( v.collection_timestamp + (v.violation_duration / 24)) > start_date_used ) OR ( v.violation_duration is null ) ) UNION ALL (SELECT target_guid, severity_guid, current_status, GREATEST(start_collection_timestamp, start_date_in) AS start_collection_timestamp, LEAST(end_collection_timestamp, end_date_in) AS end_collection_timestamp FROM TABLE(CAST(bcn_avail AS MgmtBcnAvailTableType)) WHERE start_collection_timestamp < end_date_in -- dates are in to_tz AND end_collection_timestamp > start_date_in AND start_collection_timestamp < end_collection_timestamp ) UNION ALL (SELECT target_guid, severity_guid, current_status, GREATEST(start_collection_timestamp, start_date_in) AS start_collection_timestamp, LEAST(end_collection_timestamp, end_date_in) AS end_collection_timestamp FROM TABLE(CAST(target_avail AS MgmtBcnAvailTableType)) WHERE start_collection_timestamp < end_date_in -- dates are in to_tz AND end_collection_timestamp > start_date_in AND start_collection_timestamp < end_collection_timestamp ) ) tbl ORDER BY start_collection_timestamp; LOOP FETCH availability_cursor INTO inRec.target_guid, inRec.severity_guid, inRec.current_status, inRec.start_collection_timestamp, inRec.end_collection_timestamp; EXIT WHEN availability_cursor%NOTFOUND; currentState := MemberTargetStatus(memberStatusList, inRec.target_guid, inRec.current_status); -- -- We only want to examine changes in status of the composite and its -- members. If the new record has the same status as the composite, -- skip to the next. -- IF (currentState != compositeStatus) THEN IF (currentState != 1) THEN IF (openRec.target_guid IS NULL) THEN -- -- If this is the first time through, we just assign the input record -- to the temporary and make sure the end timestamp is null. -- openRec := inRec; openRec.current_status := currentState; openRec.target_guid := key_val_in; openRec.end_collection_timestamp := null; ELSE -- -- Move the temporary record to the output record and assign the -- the start timestamp of the input record to the end timestamp of the -- output record. -- outRec := openRec; outRec.end_collection_timestamp := inRec.start_collection_timestamp; IF ((outRec.target_guid IS NOT NULL) AND (inRec.start_collection_timestamp > openRec.start_collection_timestamp) AND (inRec.start_collection_timestamp > start_date_in)) THEN recordCount := recordCount + 1; availRecords(recordCount) := outRec; availRecords.EXTEND; END IF; -- -- Move the input record to the temporary record and null the end -- timestamp. -- openRec := inRec; openRec.current_status := currentState; openRec.target_guid := key_val_in; openRec.end_collection_timestamp := null; END IF; -- End if openRec.target_guid is null -- -- Maintain the composite status. -- compositeStatus := currentState; ELSE -- -- If all members are up, then send the completed record back to the -- caller. -- IF (currentState = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP) THEN -- -- Move the temporary record to the output record and assign the -- the start timestamp of the input record to the end timestamp of the -- output record. -- outRec := openRec; outRec.end_collection_timestamp := inRec.start_collection_timestamp; IF outRec.target_guid IS NOT NULL THEN recordCount := recordCount + 1; availRecords(recordCount) := outRec; availRecords.EXTEND; -- PIPE ROW(outRec); END IF; -- -- Move the input record to the temporary record and null the end -- timestamp. -- openRec := inRec; openRec.target_guid := key_val_in; openRec.end_collection_timestamp := null; -- -- Maintain the composite status. -- compositeStatus := currentState; END IF; -- End if allMembersUp END IF; -- End if currentState = 0 END IF; -- End currentState != compositeStatus END LOOP; -- -- When there are no more records to process for the members, and the open -- record is valid, send the open record back as the last record to the -- caller. -- IF openRec.target_guid IS NOT NULL THEN recordCount := recordCount + 1; -- close the open record first openRec.end_collection_timestamp := end_date_in; IF recordCount = 1 THEN availRecords := MgmtBcnAvailTableType(openRec); ELSE availRecords(recordCount) := openRec; END IF; END IF; -- -- Clean up and return to the caller. -- IF availability_cursor%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE availability_cursor; END IF; memberStatusList.targetGUID.DELETE; memberStatusList.currentStatus.DELETE; RETURN availRecords; END BCN_TXN_AVAIL; PROCEDURE GET_BCN_TXN_AVAIL ( target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, start_date_in IN DATE, end_date_in IN DATE, num_days_in IN NUMBER, test_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, bcn_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, tz_used IN VARCHAR2, start_date_out OUT DATE, end_date_out OUT DATE, status_cursor OUT mgmt_bcn_txn_avail_array) IS l_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; bcn_cnt INTEGER; test_cnt INTEGER; total_cnt INTEGER; target_avail_tbl MgmtBcnAvailTableType := MgmtBcnAvailTableType(); bcn_avail_tbl MgmtBcnAvailTableType; temp_tbl MgmtBcnAvailTableType; bcn_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; test_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; comp_key mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_bcn_start_date DATE; l_bcn_end_date DATE; l_test_start_date DATE; l_test_end_date DATE; l_target_start_date DATE; l_target_end_date DATE; l_tgt_tz mgmt_targets.timezone_region%TYPE; l_bcn_tz mgmt_targets.timezone_region%TYPE; l_to_tz mgmt_targets.timezone_region%TYPE; l_temp_count PLS_INTEGER; l_temp_row MgmtBcnAvailRowType; BEGIN l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid( target_name_in, target_type_in ); SELECT timezone_region INTO l_tgt_tz FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid; IF(tz_used IS NULL) THEN l_to_tz := l_tgt_tz; ELSE l_to_tz := tz_used; END IF; gensvc_view.compute_disp_start_end_dates(l_target_guid, NULL, start_date_in, end_date_in, num_days_in, start_date_out, end_date_out); gensvc_view.compute_start_end_dates(l_target_guid, NULL, start_date_in, end_date_in, num_days_in, l_target_start_date, l_target_end_date); BEGIN SELECT MgmtBcnAvailRowType(avail.target_guid, null, DECODE(avail.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT, avail.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP), MGMT_GLOBAL.ADJUST_TZ(GREATEST(avail.start_collection_timestamp, start_date_in), l_tgt_tz, l_to_tz), MGMT_GLOBAL.ADJUST_TZ(NVL(avail.end_collection_timestamp, end_date_in), l_tgt_tz, l_to_tz)) BULK COLLECT INTO target_avail_tbl FROM mgmt_availability avail WHERE avail.target_guid = l_target_guid AND NVL(avail.end_collection_timestamp, end_date_in) > l_target_start_date AND NVL(avail.end_collection_timestamp, end_date_in) > avail.start_collection_timestamp AND avail.start_collection_timestamp <= l_target_end_date; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN target_avail_tbl := MgmtBcnAvailTableType(); END; status_cursor := mgmt_bcn_txn_avail_array(); total_cnt := 0; FOR bcn_cnt IN 1..bcn_guids_in.COUNT LOOP bcn_guid := HEXTORAW(bcn_guids_in(bcn_cnt)); bcn_avail_tbl := MgmtBcnAvailTableType(); -- Get availability periods for the beacon. Adjust the timezone to the target timezone. SELECT GREATEST( MGMT_GLOBAL.ADJUST_TZ(l_target_start_date, l_tgt_tz, t.timezone_region), mgmt_avail.get_target_start_marker_time(bcn_guid)), LEAST( MGMT_GLOBAL.ADJUST_TZ(l_target_end_date, l_tgt_tz, t.timezone_region), mgmt_avail.get_target_end_marker_time(bcn_guid)), t.timezone_region INTO l_bcn_start_date, l_bcn_end_date, l_bcn_tz FROM MGMT_TARGETS t WHERE t.target_guid = bcn_guid; SELECT MgmtBcnAvailRowType(avail.target_guid, null, avail.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.ADJUST_TZ(GREATEST(avail.start_collection_timestamp, l_bcn_start_date), t.timezone_region, l_to_tz), MGMT_GLOBAL.ADJUST_TZ(NVL(avail.end_collection_timestamp, l_bcn_end_date),t.timezone_region, l_to_tz)) BULK COLLECT INTO bcn_avail_tbl FROM mgmt_availability avail, mgmt_targets t WHERE avail.target_guid = bcn_guid AND t.target_guid = bcn_guid AND NVL(avail.end_collection_timestamp, l_bcn_end_date) > l_bcn_start_date AND NVL(avail.end_collection_timestamp, l_bcn_end_date) > avail.start_collection_timestamp AND avail.start_collection_timestamp <= l_bcn_end_date; -- We have three independent sources to compute the availability periods from -- Therefore we need to make sure that final_start_marker = GREATEST(bcn_start_marker, tgt_start_marker, test_start_marker) -- and final_end_marker = LEAST(bcn_end_marker, tgt_end_marker, test_end_marker) l_bcn_start_date := GREATEST(MGMT_GLOBAL.ADJUST_TZ(l_bcn_start_date, l_bcn_tz, l_tgt_tz), l_target_start_date); l_bcn_end_date := LEAST(MGMT_GLOBAL.ADJUST_TZ(l_bcn_end_date, l_bcn_tz, l_tgt_tz), l_target_end_date); FOR test_cnt IN 1..test_guids_in.COUNT LOOP total_cnt := total_cnt + 1; status_cursor.extend; test_guid := HEXTORAW(test_guids_in(test_cnt)); SELECT k.composite_key INTO comp_key FROM MGMT_METRICS_COMPOSITE_KEYS k, MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN d, MGMT_TARGETS t WHERE t.target_guid = bcn_guid AND d.txn_guid = test_guid AND k.target_guid = l_target_guid AND k.key_part1_value = AND k.key_part2_value = t.target_name AND (k.key_part3_value IS NULL OR k.key_part3_value = ' ') AND (k.key_part4_value IS NULL OR k.key_part4_value = ' ') AND (k.key_part5_value IS NULL OR k.key_part5_value = ' ') AND rownum=1; l_test_start_date := MGMT_GLOBAL.ADJUST_TZ(get_test_start_date(l_target_guid, test_guid, l_bcn_start_date, l_bcn_end_date), l_tgt_tz, l_to_tz); l_test_end_date := MGMT_GLOBAL.ADJUST_TZ(get_test_end_date(l_target_guid, test_guid, l_bcn_start_date, l_bcn_end_date), l_tgt_tz, l_to_tz); temp_tbl := BCN_TXN_AVAIL(target_type_in, l_target_guid, test_guid, bcn_guid, target_avail_tbl, bcn_avail_tbl, comp_key, l_test_start_date, l_test_end_date, l_tgt_tz, l_to_tz); -- FOR l_temp_count IN temp_tbl.FIRST..temp_tbl.LAST -- LOOP -- l_temp_row := temp_tbl(l_temp_count); -- MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR('BCN_TXN', 15, l_temp_row.target_guid || ' ' || l_temp_row.current_status || ' ' || to_char(l_temp_row.start_collection_timestamp,'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss') || ' ' || to_char(l_temp_row.end_collection_timestamp, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss')); -- END LOOP; status_cursor(total_cnt) := mgmt_bcn_txn_avail(bcn_guid, test_guid, temp_tbl); END LOOP; bcn_avail_tbl.DELETE; END LOOP; target_avail_tbl.DELETE; END GET_BCN_TXN_AVAIL; PROCEDURE GET_TEST_AVAIL ( target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, test_name_in IN VARCHAR2, test_type_in IN VARCHAR2, num_days_in IN NUMBER, start_date_out OUT DATE, end_date_out OUT DATE, avail_pct_out OUT NUMBER, current_status OUT NUMBER, since OUT DATE, avail_states OUT CURSORTYPE) IS l_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_test_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_test_nv_pair SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY(); l_start_date DATE; l_end_date DATE; BEGIN l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid( target_name_in, target_type_in ); l_test_guid := get_test_guid(l_target_guid, test_name_in, test_type_in ); gensvc_view.compute_disp_start_end_dates(l_target_guid, null, null, null, num_days_in, start_date_out, end_date_out); l_test_nv_pair.EXTEND; l_test_nv_pair(1) := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR(test_name_in, test_type_in); GET_TESTS_STATUS_AVAIL(target_name_in, target_type_in, l_test_nv_pair, start_date_out, end_date_out, null, null, avail_states); GET_SING_TEST_STATUS(target_name_in, target_type_in, l_test_guid, start_date_out, end_date_out, null, avail_pct_out, current_status, since); l_test_nv_pair.DELETE; END GET_TEST_AVAIL; PROCEDURE GET_CUR_BEACONS_STATUS ( bcn_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, status_cursor OUT CURSORTYPE) IS BEGIN OPEN status_cursor FOR SELECT cur_avail.target_guid, cur_avail.current_status FROM mgmt_current_availability cur_avail WHERE RAWTOHEX(cur_avail.target_guid) IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(bcn_guids_in AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))); END GET_CUR_BEACONS_STATUS; PROCEDURE GET_CUR_BEACONS_AGENT_INFO ( bcn_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, agent_info_cursor OUT CURSORTYPE) IS BEGIN OPEN agent_info_cursor FOR SELECT t1.target_guid, p1.property_value, p2.property_value FROM mgmt_targets t1, mgmt_targets t2, mgmt_target_properties p1, mgmt_target_properties p2 WHERE t1.emd_url = t2.emd_url AND t1.target_type = 'oracle_beacon' AND t2.target_type = 'oracle_emd' AND p1.target_guid = t2.target_guid AND p1.property_name = 'OS' AND p2.target_guid = t2.target_guid AND p2.property_name = 'Version' AND RAWTOHEX(t1.target_guid) IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(bcn_guids_in AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))); END GET_CUR_BEACONS_AGENT_INFO; PROCEDURE GET_TXN_ALERTS ( target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, test_name_in IN VARCHAR2, test_type_in IN VARCHAR2, alerts_out OUT CURSORTYPE) IS l_target_guid MGMT_TARGETS.TARGET_GUID%TYPE; l_test_guid MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN.TXN_GUID%TYPE; BEGIN l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid( target_name_in, target_type_in ); l_test_guid := get_test_guid(l_target_guid, test_name_in, test_type_in ); OPEN alerts_out FOR SELECT keys.key_part2_value as beacon_name, alert.message as message, alert.message_nlsid as message_nlsid, alert.message_params as message_params, alert.violation_level as severity_code, alert.collection_timestamp as triggered_date, alert.violation_guid as severity_guid, metr.metric_label, metr.metric_label_nlsid, metr.column_label, metr.column_label_nlsid FROM mgmt_bcn_txn_defn test, mgmt_current_violation alert, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys keys, mgmt_metrics metr, mgmt_targets t WHERE test.target_guid = t.target_guid AND t.target_guid = l_target_guid AND test.txn_guid = l_test_guid AND keys.target_guid = t.target_guid AND keys.key_part1_value = -- AND (keys.key_part3_value IS NULL OR keys.key_part3_value = ' ') -- AND (keys.key_part4_value IS NULL OR keys.key_part4_value = ' ') -- AND (keys.key_part5_value IS NULL OR keys.key_part5_value = ' ') AND alert.key_value = keys.composite_key AND alert.target_guid = t.target_guid AND ( alert.violation_level = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING OR alert.violation_level = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL ) AND metr.metric_guid = alert.policy_guid AND t.target_type = metr.target_type AND t.type_meta_ver = metr.type_meta_ver AND (t.category_prop_1 = metr.category_prop_1 OR metr.category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (t.category_prop_2 = metr.category_prop_2 OR metr.category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (t.category_prop_3 = metr.category_prop_3 OR metr.category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (t.category_prop_4 = metr.category_prop_4 OR metr.category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (t.category_prop_5 = metr.category_prop_5 OR metr.category_prop_5 = ' '); END GET_TXN_ALERTS; END MGMT_BCN_TXN_VIEW; / show errors;