Rem drv: <create type="tables"/> Rem Rem $Header: baselines_tables.sql 29-jun-2005.01:47:13 gsbhatia Exp $ Rem Rem baselines_tables.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem baselines_tables.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/09/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem rpinnama 05/14/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/14/02 - Created Rem rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_TARGET_BASELINES table contains the baseline overview data rem for a given target. The baseline related thresholds data are stored rem in MGMT_TARGET_BASELINES_DATA table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem BASELINE_NAME rem rem - The name of the baseline rem rem BASELINE_DATE rem rem - The date associated with the baseline rem rem IS_ACTIVE rem rem - Is this baseline active? If the metric thresholds are rem edited using this baseline s data, then this baseline rem is considered active rem rem TARGET_GUID rem rem - The target guid of the target whose metric values are used rem in creating this baseline rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_TARGET_BASELINES (baseline_name VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL, baseline_date DATE NOT NULL, is_active NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0, target_guid RAW(16) ) MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_TARGET_BASELINES_DATA table contains the baseline detail data rem for a given target s baseline. The detail data consists of the metric rem values and the warning and critical thresholds for these values. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem BASELINE_NAME rem rem - The name of the baseline rem rem TARGET_GUID rem rem - The target guid of the target whose metric values are used rem in creating this baseline rem rem METRIC_GUID rem rem - The guid of a given metric of a target type rem rem KEY_VALUE rem rem - If the metric defined at collection time is a TABLE type, the rem value of the column in the table that is designated as the rem key for the row that identifies the value of this metric should rem be written here. This information is used during reporting to rem uniquely identify the specific value in the table that was rem collected. KEY_VALUE is the identifying row. Together with the rem target name, target type, and metric name, the metric value can be rem uniquely identified. This allows us to flatten tables of metrics into rem simple metric values. For example, the value in this table might rem be \usr if we were storing the SpaceUsed metric. rem rem VALUE_AVERAGE rem rem - The average value of the metric for samples in the time period rem rem VALUE_MINIMUM rem rem - The minimum value of the metric for samples in the time period rem rem VALUE_MAXIMUM rem rem - The maximum value of the metric for samples in the time period rem rem WARNING_OPERATOR rem rem - The operator for the warning threshold. This is used in rem the reporting environment to create a line on the graph rem representing the warning threshold appropriately. rem rem 0 - GT rem 1 - EQ rem 2 - LT rem 3 - LE rem 4 - GE rem 5 - CONTAINS rem 6 - NE rem 7 - MATCH : regular expression rem rem WARNING_THRESHOLD rem rem - value for the warning. Together with the warning operator rem a graph line can be drawn to show the warning threshold. rem rem CRITICAL_OPERATOR rem rem - The operator for the critical threshold. This is used in rem the reporting environment to create a line on the graph rem representing the critical threshold appropriately. rem rem 0 - GT rem 1 - EQ rem 2 - LT rem 3 - LE rem 4 - GE rem 5 - CONTAINS rem 6 - NE rem 7 - MATCH : regular expression rem rem CRITICAL_THRESHOLD rem rem - value for the critical severity. Together with the rem critical operator, a graph line can be drawn to show the rem critical severity threshold. rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_TARGET_BASELINES_DATA (baseline_name VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL, target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, key_value VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', value_average NUMBER DEFAULT 0, value_minimum NUMBER DEFAULT 0, value_maximum NUMBER DEFAULT 0, warning_operator NUMBER DEFAULT 0, warning_threshold VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', critical_operator NUMBER DEFAULT 0, critical_threshold VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ') MONITORING;