Rem drv:
Rem $Header: baselines_pkgdefs.sql 01-jul-2005.17:22:03 gsbhatia Exp $
Rem baselines_pkgdefs.sql
Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Rem baselines_pkgdefs.sql -
Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl
Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl
Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header
Rem gsbhatia 02/09/05 - updating repmgr header
Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header
Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header
Rem jsoule 07/02/04 - add wrapper for baselineable check
Rem njuillar 11/06/03 - perf fixes
Rem njuillar 04/23/03 - Added get_src_dest_tgt_diff_counts function
Rem aholser 04/08/03 - return emd_url from saveThresholds
Rem ancheng 04/04/03 - change get_edit_metric_thresholds
Rem ancheng 11/07/02 - add get_edit_metric_thresholds
Rem tjaiswal 09/03/02 - Add composite key support
Rem tjaiswal 08/13/02 - Edit thresholds enhancements
Rem tjaiswal 07/18/02 - Add plsql for copy metric settings
Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts
Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - Created
-- Package level Type Definition
COPY_TO_MODE VARCHAR2(15) := 'copyTo';
COPY_FROM_MODE VARCHAR2(15) := 'copyFrom';
-- Name: get_edit_metric_thresholds
-- Package: emd_mntr_baseline
-- Purpose:
-- Get the metric thresholds data for the given target.
-- IN parameters:
-- target_name_in: VARCHAR2 the name of the target
-- target_type_in: VARCHAR2 the type of the target
-- metric_name_in: VARCHAR2 the metric name
-- metric_column_in: VARCHAR2 the metric column
-- OUT parameters:
-- has_priv_out: NUMBER 1 if the user has at least OPERATOR_TARGET privilege
-- 0 otherwise
-- target_guid_out: RAW target guid
-- metric_thresholds_cur_out: CURSORTYPE contains all the metric thresholds
-- information
-- ERROR codes:
-- TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR: target does not exist error
PROCEDURE get_edit_metric_thresholds(target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
metric_name_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
metric_column_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
target_guid_out OUT RAW,
has_priv_out OUT NUMBER,
metric_thresholds_cur_out OUT cursorType);
-- Name: get_metric_threshold_data
-- Package: emd_mntr_baseline
-- Purpose:
-- Get the metric thresholds data for the given target; wrapper for the
-- get_edit_metric_thresholds procedure.
-- IN parameters:
-- target_name_in: VARCHAR2 the name of the target
-- target_type_in: VARCHAR2 the type of the target
-- metric_name_in: VARCHAR2 the metric name
-- metric_column_in: VARCHAR2 the metric column
-- OUT parameters:
-- has_priv_out: NUMBER 1 if the user has at least OPERATOR_TARGET privilege
-- 0 otherwise
-- target_guid_out: RAW target guid
-- is_baselineable_out: VARCHAR2 'true' iff this target supports dynamic baselines
-- metric_thresholds_cur_out: CURSORTYPE contains all the metric thresholds
-- information
-- ERROR codes:
-- TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR: target does not exist error
PROCEDURE get_metric_threshold_data(target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
metric_name_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
metric_column_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
target_guid_out OUT RAW,
has_priv_out OUT NUMBER,
is_baselineable_out OUT VARCHAR2,
metric_thresholds_cur_out OUT cursorType);
-- Name: get_target_baselines
-- Package: emd_mntr_baseline
-- Purpose:
-- Get the baselines for the given target.
-- IN parameters:
-- target_name_in: VARCHAR2
-- the name of the target
-- target_type_in: VARCHAR2
-- the type of the target
-- OUT parameters:
-- baselines_out: CURSORTYPE
-- A cursor which returns rows containing:
-- baseline_name: VARCHAR2
-- the name of the baseline
-- baseline_date: DATE
-- the date of the baseline
-- baseline_date_string: VARCHAR2
-- the date of the baseline as a string value
-- is_active: NUMBER
-- if this baseline is active
-- target_guid: RAW
-- the target_guid of the baseline
-- ERROR codes:
-- TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR: target does not exist error
PROCEDURE get_target_baselines(
target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
baselines_out OUT cursorType);
-- Name: edit_baseline
-- Package: emd_mntr_baseline
-- Purpose:
-- Create/Edit the baseline
-- IN parameters:
-- target_name_in: VARCHAR2
-- the name of the target
-- target_type_in: VARCHAR2
-- the type of the target
-- baseline_name_in: VARCHAR2
-- the name of the baseline
-- baseline_date_in: VARCHAR2
-- the date of the baseline as a string
-- date_format_in: VARCHAR2
-- the format of the baseline date.
-- for day rollup, the format is: dd-MM-yyyy
-- for hour rollup, the format is: dd-MM-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
-- baseline_active_in: NUMBER
-- is this baseline active? 1 - is active, 0 - not active
-- baseline_thr_data_in: MGMT_BASELINE_OBJ_ARRAY
-- An array containing the baseline thresholds data
-- mode_in: NUMBER
-- CREATE_MODE for create, EDIT_MODE for edit
-- OUT parameters:
-- none
-- ERROR codes:
-- TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR: target does not exist error
-- INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES_ERR: insufficient privileges error
-- DUPLICATE_BASELINE_NAME_ERR: duplicate baseline name error(for create mode)
-- BASELINE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR: baseline does not exist error(for edit mode)
PROCEDURE edit_baseline(
target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
baseline_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
baseline_date_in IN VARCHAR2,
date_format_in IN VARCHAR2,
baseline_active_in IN NUMBER,
baseline_thr_data_in IN MGMT_BASELINE_OBJ_ARRAY,
mode_in IN NUMBER );
-- Name: delete_baseline
-- Package: emd_mntr_baseline
-- Purpose:
-- Delete the baseline
-- IN parameters:
-- target_name_in: VARCHAR2
-- the name of the target
-- target_type_in: VARCHAR2
-- the type of the target
-- baseline_name_in: VARCHAR2
-- the name of the baseline
-- OUT parameters:
-- none
-- ERROR codes:
-- TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR: target does not exist error
-- INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES_ERR: insufficient privileges error
-- BASELINE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR: baseline does not exist error(for edit mode)
PROCEDURE delete_baseline(
target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
baseline_name_in IN VARCHAR2 );
-- Name: get_baseline_data
-- Package: emd_mntr_baseline
-- Purpose:
-- Get the baseline data for a given baseline name.
-- IN parameters:
-- target_name_in: VARCHAR2
-- the name of the target
-- target_type_in: VARCHAR2
-- the type of the target
-- baseline_name_in: VARCHAR2
-- the name of the baseline
-- OUT parameters:
-- baseline_date_out: DATE
-- the date of the baseline
-- baseline_date_string_out OUT VARCHAR2,
-- the baseline date as a string value
-- baseline_active_out: NUMBER
-- is this baseline active?
-- baseline_data_out: CURSORTYPE
-- A cursor which returns rows containing:
-- metric_name: VARCHAR2 the metric name
-- metric_column: VARCHAR2 the metric column
-- metric_label: VARCHAR2 the label for metric name
-- column_label: VARCHAR2 the label for metric column
-- key_column: VARCHAR2 the key column
-- metric_type: NUMBER(1) the metric type
-- key_value: VARCHAR2 the key value
-- metric_value: NUMBER the metric value
-- warning_threshold: VARCHAR2 the warning threshold
-- critical_threshold: VARCHAR2 the critical threshold
-- warning_operator: VARCHAR2 the warning operator
-- critical_operator: VARCHAR2 the critical operator
-- metric_guid: RAW the metric guid
-- target_guid: RAW the target guid
-- ERROR codes:
-- TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR: target does not exist error
-- BASELINE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR: baseline does not exist error(for edit mode)
PROCEDURE get_baseline_data(
target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
baseline_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
baseline_date_out OUT DATE,
baseline_date_string_out OUT VARCHAR2,
baseline_active_out OUT NUMBER,
baseline_data_out OUT cursorType);
-- Name: get_baseline_data_for_date
-- Package: emd_mntr_baseline
-- Purpose:
-- Get the baseline data for the given date. This data will be used in creating
-- or editing a baseline
-- IN parameters:
-- target_name_in: VARCHAR2
-- the name of the target
-- target_type_in: VARCHAR2
-- the type of the target
-- baseline_date_in: DATE
-- the date of the baseline
-- date_format_in: VARCHAR2
-- the format to be used for the date
-- rollup_mode_in: NUMBER
-- 0 for day rollup, 1 for hour rollup
-- OUT parameters:
-- baseline_data_out: CURSORTYPE
-- A cursor which returns rows containing:
-- metric_name: VARCHAR2 the metric name
-- metric_column: VARCHAR2 the metric column
-- metric_label: VARCHAR2 the label for metric name
-- column_label: VARCHAR2 the label for metric column
-- key_column: VARCHAR2 the key column
-- metric_type: NUMBER(1) the metric type
-- key_value: VARCHAR2 the key value
-- metric_value: NUMBER the metric value
-- warning_threshold: VARCHAR2 the warning threshold
-- critical_threshold: VARCHAR2 the critical threshold
-- warning_operator: VARCHAR2 the warning operator
-- critical_operator: VARCHAR2 the critical operator
-- metric_guid: RAW the metric guid
-- target_guid: RAW the target guid
-- ERROR codes:
-- TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR: target does not exist error
PROCEDURE get_baseline_data_for_date(
target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
baseline_date_in IN VARCHAR2,
date_format_in IN VARCHAR2,
rollup_mode_in IN NUMBER,
baseline_data_out OUT cursorType);
-- Name: get_baseline_data_for_thr
-- Package: emd_mntr_baseline
-- Purpose:
-- Get the baseline data for the given date and passed in metric thresholds data.
-- This data will be used in creating or editing a baseline
-- IN parameters:
-- target_name_in: VARCHAR2
-- the name of the target
-- target_type_in: VARCHAR2
-- the type of the target
-- baseline_date_in: DATE
-- the date of the baseline
-- date_format_in: VARCHAR2
-- the format to be used for the date
-- rollup_mode_in: NUMBER
-- 0 for day rollup, 1 for hour rollup
-- met_thr_data_in: MGMT_METRIC_THR_OBJ_ARRAY
-- An array containing the metric thresholds data
-- OUT parameters:
-- baseline_data_out: CURSORTYPE
-- A cursor which returns rows containing:
-- metric_name: VARCHAR2 the metric name
-- metric_column: VARCHAR2 the metric column
-- metric_label: VARCHAR2 the label for metric name
-- column_label: VARCHAR2 the label for metric column
-- key_column: VARCHAR2 the key column
-- metric_type: NUMBER(1) the metric type
-- key_value: VARCHAR2 the key value
-- metric_value: NUMBER the metric value
-- warning_threshold: VARCHAR2 the warning threshold
-- critical_threshold: VARCHAR2 the critical threshold
-- warning_operator: VARCHAR2 the warning operator
-- critical_operator: VARCHAR2 the critical operator
-- metric_guid: RAW the metric guid
-- target_guid: RAW the target guid
-- ERROR codes:
-- TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR: target does not exist error
PROCEDURE get_baseline_data_for_thr(
target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
baseline_date_in IN VARCHAR2,
date_format_in IN VARCHAR2,
rollup_mode_in IN NUMBER,
baseline_data_out OUT cursorType);
-- Name: save_thresholds
-- Package: emd_mntr_baseline
-- Purpose:
-- Save the thresholds data for a given target
-- IN parameters:
-- target_name_in: VARCHAR2
-- the name of the target
-- target_type_in: VARCHAR2
-- the type of the target
-- met_thr_data_in: MGMT_METRIC_THR_OBJ_ARRAY
-- An array containing the metric thresholds data. contains data both
-- for a composite or non composite key
-- OUT parameters:
-- emd_url_out: VARCHAR2
-- The emd_url for the target
-- ERROR codes:
-- TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR: target does not exist error
-- INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES_ERR: insufficient privileges error
PROCEDURE save_thresholds( target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
emd_url_out OUT VARCHAR2,
is_multi_agent_target_out OUT NUMBER);
-- Name: copy_thresholds
-- Package: emd_mntr_baseline
-- Purpose:
-- Copy the thresholds data of the source target to the destination target
-- IN parameters:
-- source_target_name_in: VARCHAR2
-- the name of the source target
-- source_target_type_in: VARCHAR2
-- the type of the source target
-- destination_target_name_in: VARCHAR2
-- the name of the destination target
-- destination_target_type_in: VARCHAR2
-- the type of the destination target
-- source_tgt_met_thr_data_in: MGMT_METRIC_THR_OBJ_ARRAY
-- An array containing the metric thresholds data fo the source target
-- copy_common_ony_in: NUMBER
-- if this is 1, only the metrics(with or without key values) common
-- to both the source and destination target will be copied
-- if this is 0, a "clone" of the source target metrics will be performed
-- on the destination target metrics. look in the plsql implementation
-- for more details on this
-- OUT parameters:
-- dest_tgt_met_thr_data_out: CURSORTYPE
-- This cursor contains the thresholds data of the destination target
-- after the thresholds of the source target were copied to the
-- destination target
-- A cursor which returns rows containing:
-- metric_name: VARCHAR2 the metric name
-- metric_column: VARCHAR2 the metric column
-- metric_label: VARCHAR2 the label for metric name
-- column_label: VARCHAR2 the label for metric column
-- key_column: VARCHAR2 the key column
-- metric_type: NUMBER(1) the metric type
-- coll_name: VARCHAR2 the collection name of this metric
-- key_value: VARCHAR2 the key value
-- eval_order: NUMBER the eval order of this metric
-- warning_threshold: VARCHAR2 the warning threshold
-- critical_threshold: VARCHAR2 the critical threshold
-- warning_operator: VARCHAR2 the warning operator
-- critical_operator: VARCHAR2 the critical operator
-- num_occurences: NUMBER number of occurrences
-- fixit_job: VARCHAR2 the fixit job associated with this metric
-- metric_guid: RAW the metric guid
-- target_guid: RAW the target guid
-- non_applicable_metric_list: SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY
-- A list of all metrics which are not applicable to the destination target
-- and whose thresholds were not copied over to the destination target
-- non_applicable_kvalue_list: SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY
-- A list of all key values which are not applicable to the destination
-- target and whose thresholds were not copied over to the destination target
-- NOTE: the length of arrays non_applicable_metric_list and
-- non_applicable_kvalue_list are the same. also
-- non_applicable_kvalue_list(i) corresponds to
-- non_applicable_metric_list(i)
-- is_multi_agent_target: NUMBER
-- A flag to indicate whether or not the destination target is multi-agent.
-- If it is, we need to submit a job to update all of its standby agents
-- with the thresholds of the source target.
-- ERROR codes:
-- TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR: target does not exist error
-- INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES_ERR: insufficient privileges error
PROCEDURE copy_thresholds(
source_target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
source_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
destination_target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
destination_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
source_tgt_met_thr_data_in IN MGMT_METRIC_THR_OBJ_ARRAY,
copy_common_only_in IN NUMBER,
dest_tgt_met_thr_data_out OUT cursorType,
non_applicable_metric_list OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY,
non_applicable_kvalue_list OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY,
is_multi_agent_target_out OUT NUMBER);
PROCEDURE get_number_of_pending_changes(target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
pending_changes_count OUT NUMBER);
FUNCTION get_additions_count(source_target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
destination_target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
copy_mode_in IN VARCHAR2,
tgt_met_thr_data_in IN MGMT_METRIC_THR_OBJ_ARRAY)
RETURN number;
FUNCTION get_deletions_count(source_target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
destination_target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
copy_mode_in IN VARCHAR2,
tgt_met_thr_data_in IN MGMT_METRIC_THR_OBJ_ARRAY)
RETURN number;
PROCEDURE get_metric_indices_changes(source_target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
dest_target_data_in SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY,
tgt_met_thr_data_in IN MGMT_METRIC_THR_OBJ_ARRAY,
copy_mode_in IN VARCHAR2,
data_cursor_out OUT cursorType);
PROCEDURE get_pending_jobs_from_target(source_target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
source_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
data_cursor_out OUT cursorType);
PROCEDURE get_pending_jobs_to_target(destination_target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
destination_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
data_cursor_out OUT cursorType);
PROCEDURE get_past_changes(current_target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
current_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
data_cursor_out OUT cursorType);
PROCEDURE get_threshold_update_data(operation_guid_in IN VARCHAR2,
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
data_cursor_out OUT cursorType);
PROCEDURE delete_past_changes(operation_guids_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY,
PROCEDURE is_valid_target(target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
result_out OUT NUMBER);
-- Name: get_src_dest_tgt_diff_met
-- Package: emd_mntr_baseline
-- Purpose:
-- Get the diff metrics(with key values) between the source and the
-- destination target
-- IN parameters:
-- target_name_in: VARCHAR2
-- the name of the source target
-- target_type_in: VARCHAR2
-- the type of the source target
-- selected_target_name_in: VARCHAR2
-- the name of the destination target
-- selected_target_type_in: VARCHAR2
-- the type of the destination target
-- copy_mode_in: VARCHAR2
-- the copy mode - copyTo or copyFrom
-- NOTE: if copy_mode_in is copyTo, source target is target_name_in
-- if copy_mode_in is copyTo, source target is selected_target_name_in
-- tgt_met_thr_data_in: MGMT_METRIC_THR_OBJ_ARRAY
-- An array containing the metric thresholds data of the current target
-- OUT parameters:
-- source_tgt_only_met_out: CURSORTYPE
-- This cursor contains those metrics with key values that have thresholds
-- setup only on the source target
-- A cursor which returns rows containing:
-- metric_label: VARCHAR2 the label for metric name
-- column_label: VARCHAR2 the label for metric column
-- key_value: VARCHAR2 the key value
-- metric_guid: RAW the metric guid
-- dest_tgt_only_met_out: CURSORTYPE
-- This cursor contains those metrics with key values that have thresholds
-- setup only on the destination target
-- A cursor which returns rows containing:
-- metric_label: VARCHAR2 the label for metric name
-- column_label: VARCHAR2 the label for metric column
-- key_value: VARCHAR2 the key value
-- metric_guid: RAW the metric guid
-- common_met_out: CURSORTYPE
-- This cursor contains those metrics with thresholds which are common to
-- both the source and destination target
-- A cursor which returns rows containing:
-- metric_label: VARCHAR2 the label for metric name
-- column_label: VARCHAR2 the label for metric column
-- key_value: VARCHAR2 the key value
-- metric_guid: RAW the metric guid
-- ERROR codes:
-- TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR: target does not exist error
-- INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES_ERR: insufficient privileges error
PROCEDURE get_src_dest_tgt_diff_met(
target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
selected_target_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
selected_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2,
copy_mode_in IN VARCHAR2,
tgt_met_thr_data_in IN MGMT_METRIC_THR_OBJ_ARRAY,
source_tgt_only_met_out OUT cursorType,
dest_tgt_only_met_out OUT cursorType,
common_met_out OUT cursorType);
-- Name: get_targets_of_type
-- Package: emd_mntr_baseline
-- Purpose:
-- Get all the targets of the type
-- IN parameters:
-- target_type_in: VARCHAR2
-- the type of the target
-- Returns:
-- A cursor which returns rows containing:
-- target_name: VARCHAR2 the target name
-- target_type: VARCHAR2 the target type
-- target_guid: RAW the target guid
-- ERROR codes:
-- None.
FUNCTION get_targets_of_type(
target_type_in IN VARCHAR2 )
RETURN cursorType;
END emd_mntr_baseline;
show errors;