Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: availability_tables.sql 29-jun-2005.01:47:12 gsbhatia Exp $ Rem Rem availability_tables.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem availability_tables.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem rpinnama 05/16/05 - Fix bug 4345566 : Improve the perf of before Rem insert trigger (Add max_avail_sev_ts) Rem jsadras 03/30/05 - Convert mgmt_availability to iot Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/09/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem scgrover 01/27/05 - convert to iot Rem scgrover 01/26/05 - make table iot Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem gan 08/20/04 - add monitoring Rem mbhoopat 11/16/03 - master-changed callback changes Rem streddy 07/22/03 - Added callback table Rem streddy 04/29/03 - Added mgmt_master_agent table Rem tzimmerm 10/10/02 - Removing mgmt_availability_1Day table Rem tzimmerm 06/26/02 - Adding agent down state to 1day rollup table Rem rpinnama 06/05/02 - Add availability marker table. Rem rpinnama 05/14/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/14/02 - Created Rem rem rem PURPOSE rem rem This table contains information for contiguous availability durations rem for each target. Each duration is either up, down, or in blackout. The rem endpoints of the duration are defined in start_collection_timestamp rem and end_collection_timestamp. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem SEVERITY_GUID rem rem - This is the guid of the severity record associated with this rem availability record. It can be used to associate availability rem records with annotations and/or severities. rem rem CURRENT_STATUS rem rem - The status of the target over this duration. Status codes rem are: rem 0 - target down (unscheduled) rem 1 - target up rem 2 - target status unknown (Response metric in error) rem 3 - target status unmonitored (Monitoring EMD is down) rem 5 - target in blackout rem rem START_COLLECTION_TIMESTAMP rem rem - The timestamp marking the beginning of the duration. rem rem END_COLLECTION_TIMESTAMP rem rem - The timestamp marking the end of the duration. The open rem duration has an end_collection_timestamp of null (this rem represents the current status of a target. rem rem NOTES CREATE TABLE MGMT_AVAILABILITY (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, severity_guid RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, current_status NUMBER NOT NULL, start_collection_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, end_collection_timestamp DATE DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT availability_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, start_collection_timestamp, current_status)) ORGANIZATION INDEX COMPRESS 1 STORAGE (FREELISTS 4) INITRANS 2 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem This table contains the latest availability status for all monitored rem targets. This table will contain exactly one row per monitored target. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem Column definitions are identical to MGMT_AVAILABILITY. The only rem difference is that end_collection_timestamp has been removed because rem it has no meaning or value here. rem rem NOTES rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, severity_guid RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, current_status NUMBER NOT NULL, start_collection_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY_PK PRIMARY KEY (target_guid) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_AVAILABILITY_MARKER table contains the timestamp and rem the last known availability status up to which we reliably know the rem availability status of the target. rem This table will contain exactly one row per monitored target. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem MARKER_TIMESTAMP rem rem - The timestamp marking the time upto which we know rem the availability of the target reliably. rem rem MARKER_AVAIL_STATUS rem - The availability status of the target at the marker timestamp. rem rem NOTES rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_AVAILABILITY_MARKER (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, marker_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, marker_avail_status NUMBER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT MGMT_AVAIL_MARKER_PK PRIMARY KEY (target_guid) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_MASTER_AGENT table contains the master agent history for rem OMS/Agent mediated multi-agent targets. Master agent is the agent that rem is reponsible for monitoring/managing a multi-agent target. This data is rem used by different components of the repository to discard unwanted metric rem and severity data. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID : The unique ID of the target. rem AGENT_GUID : The unique ID of the agent that is the new master. rem START_TIMESTAMP : Timestamp marking the beginning of the duration rem END_TIMESTAMP : Timestamp marking the end of the duration. rem rem NOTES rem rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_MASTER_AGENT (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, agent_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, start_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, end_timestamp DATE, CONSTRAINT PK_MGMT_MASTER_AGENT PRIMARY KEY(target_guid, agent_guid, start_timestamp)) INITRANS 2 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_MASTER_CHANGED_CALLBACKS table holds a set of callbacks rem that will be executed when a target is added. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem CALLBACK_NAME The add callback name rem rem TARGET_NAME Target name for which this callback is applicable. rem ' ' for any target instance. rem rem TARGET_TYPE Target type for which this callback is applicable. rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_MASTER_CHANGED_CALLBACK ( target_name VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', target_type VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, callback_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT MGMT_MASTER_CHANGED_CBACK_PK PRIMARY KEY (target_name, target_type, callback_name) ) MONITORING;