Rem Rem $Header: availability_pkgbodys.sql 21-sep-2006.03:16:17 kannatar Exp $ Rem Rem availability_pkgbodys.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem availability_pkgbodys.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem kannatar 09/21/06 - Rem sbhagwat 03/29/06 - Retroactive Blackout Rem pratagar 08/29/05 - bug 4572196 Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem vkgarg 05/20/05 - bug # 3970199 Rem yaofeng 05/05/05 - add timezone Rem jsadras 03/11/05 - Bug:4186866, replace tgt_sysdate_wguid Rem neearora 03/03/05 - Added entry for emdw_log Rem dcawley 02/21/05 - Replace enter super user mode Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/09/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem jpyang 11/22/04 - bug 3725326 Rem dcawley 07/07/04 - Increase user name size Rem ancheng 02/09/04 - add availability formula Rem ancheng 09/24/03 - bug 3146085 Rem ancheng 08/06/03 - severity/annotation change Rem rpatti 04/15/03 - add func to get target availability Rem tjaiswal 10/04/02 - Bug 2607107 Rem tjaiswal 09/19/02 - Bug 2566344 Rem tjaiswal 07/02/02 - Fix sorting of avail tables Rem tjaiswal 06/26/02 - Fix avail overview plsql Rem tjaiswal 06/20/02 - Cleanup plsql after review Rem tjaiswal 06/17/02 - Misc avail plsql changes Rem tjaiswal 06/14/02 - Modify queries for avail overview details Rem tjaiswal 06/10/02 - Add plsql for avail ui changes Rem rpatti 05/21/02 - show more detailed availability states Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - Restructured. Rem rpatti 04/12/02 - ignore blackout in avail% calculation Rem smishra 01/23/02 - Fixed the NPE bug after metric_guid cutover. Rem rpinnama 01/15/02 - Add support for unmonitored state. Rem edemembe 12/27/01 - Removing target name/type and metric name/column references Rem rpinnama 10/23/01 - Use target time for calculating the availability Rem tjaiswal 10/11/01 - Fix get_outage_detail Rem rpinnama 10/15/01 - Rollback TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE changes Rem smishra 10/09/01 - Put the workaround for jdbc timestamp bug Rem smishra 10/05/01 - Created Rem ------------------------------------------------------- -- The PL/SQL package body for mgmt_avail ------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY mgmt_avail IS -- -- Internal procedure to get the emd target_guid given the target_guid of a -- target -- since not all targets are agent target, return null (instead of target -- not found error when target is a repository only target. FUNCTION get_emd_target (target_guid_in IN mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE) RETURN mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE IS l_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_emd_target:Entry target_guid_in = ' || target_guid_in, MODULE_NAME); END IF; SELECT target_guid INTO l_target_guid FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AGENT_TARGET_TYPE AND emd_url = ( SELECT emd_url FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_guid = target_guid_in); IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_emd_target:Exit l_target_guid = ' || l_target_guid, MODULE_NAME); END IF; RETURN l_target_guid; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_emd_target:Exit Exception NO_DATA_FOUND returning NULL', MODULE_NAME); END IF; RETURN NULL; END get_emd_target; -- -- Internal procedure for get_avail_overview_details -- PROCEDURE get_avail_summary( target_guid_in IN mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, recomputed_start_date_in IN DATE, recomputed_end_date_in IN DATE, avail_summary_cur_out OUT CURSORTYPE ) IS l_num_of_days NUMBER; l_last_load_time DATE := NULL; l_timezone_region VARCHAR2(64) := NULL; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_avail_summary:Entry target_guid_in = ' || target_guid_in || ' target_type_in = ' || target_type_in || ' recomputed_start_date_in = ' || recomputed_start_date_in || ' recomputed_end_date_in = ' || recomputed_end_date_in, MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- get the number of days based on recomputed start date and end date l_num_of_days := recomputed_end_date_in - recomputed_start_date_in; -- target begin marker is the first time from when the target's availability -- is known -- target end marker is the time upto which the target's availability is -- known reliably SELECT last_load_time, timezone_region INTO l_last_load_time, l_timezone_region FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_guid = target_guid_in; -- get the avail summary data OPEN avail_summary_cur_out FOR SELECT l_last_load_time "last_load_time", l_timezone_region "timezone_region", up_time, total_downtime, total_error_time, total_unmonitored_time, total_unreachable_time, total_blackout_time, total_unknown_time, times_down, (DECODE(times_down, 0, 0, (total_downtime+ total_error_time+ total_unmonitored_time+ total_unreachable_time+ total_unknown_time)/times_down)) avg_repair_time, LEAST(l_num_of_days,longest_downtime) longest_downtime FROM ( SELECT SUM(DECODE(a.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UP, NVL(a.end_collection_timestamp, recomputed_end_date_in)- GREATEST(a.start_collection_timestamp, recomputed_start_date_in), 0)) up_time, SUM(DECODE(a.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_DOWN, NVL(a.end_collection_timestamp, recomputed_end_date_in)- GREATEST(a.start_collection_timestamp, recomputed_start_date_in), 0)) total_downtime, SUM(DECODE(a.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_ERROR, NVL(a.end_collection_timestamp, recomputed_end_date_in)- GREATEST(a.start_collection_timestamp, recomputed_start_date_in), 0)) total_error_time, SUM(DECODE(a.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_AGENT_DOWN, NVL(a.end_collection_timestamp, recomputed_end_date_in)- GREATEST(a.start_collection_timestamp, recomputed_start_date_in), 0)) total_unmonitored_time, SUM(DECODE(a.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE, NVL(a.end_collection_timestamp, recomputed_end_date_in)- GREATEST(a.start_collection_timestamp, recomputed_start_date_in), 0)) total_unreachable_time, SUM(DECODE(a.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT, NVL(a.end_collection_timestamp, recomputed_end_date_in)- GREATEST(a.start_collection_timestamp, recomputed_start_date_in), 0)) total_blackout_time, SUM(DECODE(a.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN, NVL(a.end_collection_timestamp, recomputed_end_date_in)- GREATEST(a.start_collection_timestamp, recomputed_start_date_in), 0)) total_unknown_time, SUM(DECODE(a.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_DOWN, 1, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_ERROR, 1, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_AGENT_DOWN, 1, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE, 1, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN, 1, 0)) times_down, MAX(DECODE(a.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_DOWN, NVL(a.end_collection_timestamp, recomputed_end_date_in)- GREATEST(a.start_collection_timestamp, recomputed_start_date_in), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_ERROR, NVL(a.end_collection_timestamp, recomputed_end_date_in)- GREATEST(a.start_collection_timestamp, recomputed_start_date_in), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_AGENT_DOWN, NVL(a.end_collection_timestamp, recomputed_end_date_in)- GREATEST(a.start_collection_timestamp, recomputed_start_date_in), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE, NVL(a.end_collection_timestamp, recomputed_end_date_in)- GREATEST(a.start_collection_timestamp, recomputed_start_date_in), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN, NVL(a.end_collection_timestamp, recomputed_end_date_in)- GREATEST(a.start_collection_timestamp, recomputed_start_date_in), 0)) longest_downtime FROM MGMT_AVAILABILITY a WHERE a.target_guid = target_guid_in AND NVL(a.end_collection_timestamp, recomputed_end_date_in) > recomputed_start_date_in AND a.start_collection_timestamp <= recomputed_end_date_in); IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_avail_summary:Exit', MODULE_NAME); END IF; END get_avail_summary; -- -- get_avail_current_status function -- -- PURPOSE: Procedure to find out the current status for a given target. -- -- IN parameters: -- target_name_in : target name -- target_type_in : target type -- -- Returns: -- the target's current availability state -- -- ERROR CODES: -- 1. target does not exist -- FUNCTION get_avail_current_status( target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS -- Unknown status to be returned by default l_current_status_val NUMBER := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN; l_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_avail_current_status:Entry target_name_in = ' || target_name_in || ' target_type_in = ' || target_type_in, MODULE_NAME); END IF; l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid(target_name_in, target_type_in); SELECT a.current_status INTO l_current_status_val FROM mgmt_current_availability a WHERE a.target_guid=l_target_guid; IF l_current_status_val IS NOT NULL THEN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_avail_current_status:Exit l_current_status_val = ' || l_current_status_val, MODULE_NAME); END IF; return l_current_status_val; -- else return unknown status ELSE IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_avail_current_status:Exit l_current_status_val = ' || MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN, MODULE_NAME); END IF; return MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_avail_current_status:Exit l_current_status_val = ' || MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN, MODULE_NAME); END IF; return MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN; WHEN TOO_MANY_ROWS THEN RAISE; END; -- -- get_target_start_marker_time function -- -- PURPOSE: Procedure to find out the start marker time for a given target. -- start marker time for a target is the first time from when the -- target's availability is known -- FUNCTION get_target_start_marker_time( target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN DATE IS l_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_start_marker_time DATE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_target_start_marker_time:Entry target_name_in = ' || target_name_in || ' target_type_in = ' || target_type_in, MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- first get the target_guid -- may throw a TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST EXCEPTION l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid(target_name_in, target_type_in); -- get the start marker time l_start_marker_time := get_target_start_marker_time( l_target_guid ); IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_target_start_marker_time:Exit l_start_marker_time = '|| l_start_marker_time, MODULE_NAME); END IF; RETURN l_start_marker_time; END get_target_start_marker_time; -- -- get_target_start_marker_time function -- -- PURPOSE: Procedure to find out the start marker time for a given target. -- start marker time for a target is the first time from when the -- target's availability is known -- FUNCTION get_target_start_marker_time( target_guid_in IN mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE) RETURN DATE IS l_start_marker_time DATE := NULL; CURSOR timestampCursor IS SELECT end_collection_timestamp FROM mgmt_availability WHERE target_guid = target_guid_in ORDER BY start_collection_timestamp asc; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_target_start_marker_time:Entry target_guid_in = ' || target_guid_in, MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- get the start marker time -- TODO: should get the start marker time from mgmt_availability_marker table -- end time of first avail record is the start marker time. FOR record IN timestampCursor LOOP -- pick only the first record l_start_marker_time := record.end_collection_timestamp; EXIT; END LOOP; -- if this is null, use the load timestamp for this target IF( l_start_marker_time IS NULL ) THEN BEGIN SELECT load_timestamp INTO l_start_marker_time FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_guid = target_guid_in; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.target_does_not_exist; END; END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_target_start_marker_time:Exit l_start_marker_time = '|| l_start_marker_time, MODULE_NAME); END IF; RETURN l_start_marker_time; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.target_does_not_exist; END get_target_start_marker_time; -- -- get_target_end_marker_time function -- -- PURPOSE: Procedure to find out the end marker time for a given target. -- end marker time for a target is the time upto which the target's -- availability is known reliably -- FUNCTION get_target_end_marker_time( target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN DATE IS l_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_end_marker_time DATE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_target_end_marker_time:Entry target_name_in = ' || target_name_in || ' target_type_in = ' || target_type_in,MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- first get the target_guid -- may throw a TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST EXCEPTION l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid(target_name_in, target_type_in); -- get the end marker time l_end_marker_time := get_target_end_marker_time( l_target_guid ); IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_target_end_marker_time:Exit l_end_marker_time = '|| l_end_marker_time, MODULE_NAME); END IF; RETURN l_end_marker_time; END get_target_end_marker_time; -- -- get_target_end_marker_time function -- -- PURPOSE: Procedure to find out the end marker time for a given target. -- end marker time for a target is the time upto which the target's -- availability is known reliably -- FUNCTION get_target_end_marker_time( target_guid_in IN mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE) RETURN DATE IS l_end_marker_time DATE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_target_end_marker_time:Entry target_guid_in = ' || target_guid_in, MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- get the end marker time SELECT marker_timestamp INTO l_end_marker_time FROM mgmt_availability_marker WHERE target_guid = target_guid_in; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_target_end_marker_time:Exit l_end_marker_time = '|| l_end_marker_time, MODULE_NAME); END IF; RETURN l_end_marker_time; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.target_does_not_exist; END get_target_end_marker_time; -- -- get_availability_summary procedure -- PROCEDURE get_availability_summary( target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, num_of_days_in IN NUMBER, avail_summary_cur_out OUT CURSORTYPE ) IS l_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_target_sysdate DATE; l_start_date DATE; l_end_date DATE; l_start_marker_time DATE; l_end_marker_time DATE; l_recomputed_start_date DATE; l_recomputed_end_date DATE; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_availability_summary:Entry target_name_in = ' || target_name_in || ' target_type_in = ' || target_type_in || ' num_of_days_in = ' || num_of_days_in, MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Store the target guid to improve performance. l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid( target_name_in, target_type_in ); -- Get the target's sysdate using targets time zone. l_target_sysdate := MGMT_TARGET.sysdate_target(l_target_guid); -- use num_days_in to figure out start date and end date l_start_date := l_target_sysdate - num_of_days_in; l_end_date := l_target_sysdate; -- determine the start marker time l_start_marker_time := get_target_start_marker_time( l_target_guid ); -- determine the end marker time l_end_marker_time := get_target_end_marker_time( l_target_guid ); -- now factor in the start marker time and end marker time and recompute the -- l_start_date and l_end_date -- recompute the start date using the start_merker_time_out l_recomputed_start_date := GREATEST( l_start_date, l_start_marker_time ); -- recompute the end date using the start_merker_time_out l_recomputed_end_date := LEAST( l_end_date, l_end_marker_time ); -- if l_recomputed_start_date is after l_recomputed_end_date, make -- l_recomputed_start_date the same as l_recomputed_end_date IF( l_recomputed_start_date > l_recomputed_end_date ) THEN l_recomputed_start_date := l_recomputed_end_date; END IF; -- get the avail summary data get_avail_summary(l_target_guid, target_type_in, l_recomputed_start_date, l_recomputed_end_date, avail_summary_cur_out); IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_availability_summary:Exit', MODULE_NAME); END IF; END get_availability_summary; -- -- get_avail_overview_details procedure -- PROCEDURE get_avail_overview_details( target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, start_date_in IN DATE, end_date_in IN DATE, num_of_days_in IN NUMBER, view_type_in IN NUMBER, has_agent_view_priv_out OUT NUMBER, avail_pct_out OUT NUMBER, avail_formula_out OUT NUMBER, current_status_out OUT NUMBER, current_status_since_out OUT DATE, start_time_out OUT DATE, end_time_out OUT DATE, start_marker_time_out OUT DATE, end_marker_time_out OUT DATE, avail_summary_cur_out OUT CURSORTYPE, avail_states_cur_out OUT CURSORTYPE, avail_met_sev_cur_out OUT CURSORTYPE, outage_detail_cur_out OUT CURSORTYPE ) IS l_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_emd_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_metric_guid mgmt_metrics.metric_guid%TYPE; l_emd_metric_guid mgmt_metrics.metric_guid%TYPE; l_target_sysdate DATE; l_start_date DATE; l_end_date DATE; l_first_point_timestamp DATE; l_recomputed_start_date DATE; l_recomputed_end_date DATE; l_num_of_days NUMBER; l_current_user VARCHAR2(256); BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_avail_overview_details:Entry target_name_in = ' || target_name_in || ' target_type_in = ' || target_type_in || ' start_date_in = ' || start_date_in || ' end_date_in = ' || end_date_in || ' num_of_days_in = ' || num_of_days_in || ' view_type_in = ' || view_type_in, MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- Store the target guid to improve performance. l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid( target_name_in, target_type_in ); -- get the metric guid for Response/Status metric for type - target_type_in l_metric_guid := mgmt_target.get_metric_guid( target_type_in, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AVAIL_METRIC_NAME, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AVAIL_METRIC_COLUMN ); -- Get the target's sysdate using targets time zone. l_target_sysdate := mgmt_target.sysdate_target(l_target_guid); -- only if start_date_in and end_date_in are both not null, use them -- else use num_of_days_in to compute l_start_date, l_end_date IF( start_date_in IS NOT NULL AND end_date_in IS NOT NULL ) THEN -- ignore num_days_in l_start_date := start_date_in; l_end_date := end_date_in; -- compute l_num_of_days(used for avail_pct function) based on these dates l_num_of_days := end_date_in - start_date_in; ELSE -- use num_days_in l_start_date := l_target_sysdate - num_of_days_in; l_end_date := l_target_sysdate; -- use num_of_days_in for l_num_of_days(used for avail_pct function) l_num_of_days := num_of_days_in; END IF; -- the start time and the end time for the timeline window needs to be -- returned in the timezone of the target in question -- if start date and end date were passed in from the ui, then this will -- be used for the start time and end time to be returned. otherwise, the -- start date and end date computed above will be used for the start time -- and end time to be returned -- determine the start time to be returned start_time_out := l_start_date; -- determine the end time to be returned end_time_out := l_end_date; -- determine the start marker time start_marker_time_out := get_target_start_marker_time( l_target_guid ); -- determine the end marker time end_marker_time_out := get_target_end_marker_time( l_target_guid ); -- now factor in the start marker time and end marker time and recompute the -- l_start_date and l_end_date -- recompute the start date using the start_merker_time_out l_recomputed_start_date := GREATEST( l_start_date, start_marker_time_out ); -- recompute the end date using the start_merker_time_out l_recomputed_end_date := GREATEST( l_end_date, end_marker_time_out ); -- if l_recomputed_start_date is after l_recomputed_end_date, make -- l_recomputed_start_date the same as l_recomputed_end_date IF( l_recomputed_start_date > l_recomputed_end_date ) THEN l_recomputed_start_date := l_recomputed_end_date; END IF; -- get the avail pct of the target using the computed l_num_of_days above avail_pct_out := mgmt_target.get_avail_pct_value( l_target_guid, l_num_of_days ); -- find out which availability formula to use by looking for the -- avail_formula parameter BEGIN SELECT parameter_value into avail_formula_out FROM MGMT_PARAMETERS p WHERE p.parameter_name = 'avail_formula'; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN avail_formula_out := 0; END; -- get the current status of the target current_status_out := mgmt_target.get_avail_current_status( l_target_guid ); -- get the current status since timestamp current_status_since_out := mgmt_target.get_current_status_timestamp(l_target_guid); -- get the avail summary data get_avail_summary(l_target_guid, target_type_in, l_recomputed_start_date, l_recomputed_end_date, avail_summary_cur_out); -- get the avail states data needed for the avail time line OPEN avail_states_cur_out FOR SELECT avail.target_guid, avail.current_status, (LEAST(NVL(avail.end_collection_timestamp, l_recomputed_end_date),l_recomputed_end_date) - GREATEST(avail.start_collection_timestamp, l_recomputed_start_date))*24*60*60 as duration, GREATEST(avail.start_collection_timestamp, l_recomputed_start_date) as start_timestamp, NVL(avail.end_collection_timestamp, l_recomputed_end_date) as end_timestamp FROM mgmt_availability avail WHERE avail.target_guid = l_target_guid AND NVL(avail.end_collection_timestamp, l_recomputed_end_date) > l_recomputed_start_date AND avail.start_collection_timestamp <= l_recomputed_end_date ORDER BY start_timestamp; -- get the avail metric severity state data -- first find the extra point timestamp BEGIN SELECT MAX(collection_timestamp) INTO l_first_point_timestamp FROM mgmt_severity WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid AND metric_guid = l_metric_guid AND collection_timestamp <= l_start_date AND severity_code != MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_COMMENT; IF(l_first_point_timestamp IS NULL) THEN l_first_point_timestamp := l_start_date; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN l_first_point_timestamp := l_start_date; END; -- now get the metric sev state data only if view_type = AVAIL_STATUS_VIEW_TYPE -- if target_type_in is not of agent type, then the severity state data should -- include that of this target and of the agent target too -- if target_type_in is of agent type, then the severity state data should -- be of this target only IF( view_type_in = AVAIL_STATUS_VIEW_TYPE ) THEN IF( target_type_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AGENT_TARGET_TYPE ) THEN OPEN avail_met_sev_cur_out FOR SELECT sev.severity_guid, sev.severity_code, sev.collection_timestamp AS collection_timestamp_date, '' AS user_name, sev.message, sev.message_nlsid, sev.message_params, ( (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mgmt_severity_annotation WHERE severity_guid = sev.severity_guid) + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mgmt_notification_log WHERE source_obj_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_ANNOTATION_SOURCE_SEVERITY AND source_obj_guid = sev.severity_guid) ) AS annotation_count, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type FROM mgmt_severity sev, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE sev.target_guid = l_target_guid AND sev.metric_guid = l_metric_guid AND sev.collection_timestamp >= l_first_point_timestamp AND sev.severity_code != MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_COMMENT AND sev.target_guid = tgt.target_guid ORDER BY sev.collection_timestamp desc; ELSE -- in this case, first get the target_guid of the corresponding emd target -- enter super user mode just in case user doesn't have the priviledge to -- access agent. We always need to get agent severity info with the target -- severity info l_current_user := MGMT_USER.get_current_em_user(); SETEMUSERCONTEXT(MGMT_USER.GET_REPOSITORY_OWNER, MGMT_USER.OP_SET_IDENTIFIER); l_emd_target_guid := get_emd_target( l_target_guid ); -- get the metric guid for Response/Status metric for type - oracle_emd l_emd_metric_guid := mgmt_target.get_metric_guid( MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AGENT_TARGET_TYPE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AVAIL_METRIC_NAME, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AVAIL_METRIC_COLUMN ); -- now get the severity state data for this target and for the emd -- target -- since this can result in duplicate records, therefore, do a unique -- to remove these duplicates OPEN avail_met_sev_cur_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT sev.severity_guid, sev.severity_code, sev.collection_timestamp AS collection_timestamp_date, '' AS user_name, sev.message, sev.message_nlsid, sev.message_params, ( (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mgmt_severity_annotation WHERE severity_guid = sev.severity_guid) + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mgmt_notification_log WHERE source_obj_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_ANNOTATION_SOURCE_SEVERITY AND source_obj_guid = sev.severity_guid) ) AS annotation_count, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type FROM mgmt_severity sev, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE sev.target_guid IN (l_target_guid, l_emd_target_guid) AND sev.metric_guid IN (l_metric_guid, l_emd_metric_guid) AND sev.collection_timestamp >= l_first_point_timestamp AND sev.severity_code != MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_COMMENT AND sev.target_guid = tgt.target_guid AND NOT (sev.target_guid = l_target_guid AND (sev.severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_UNREACHABLE_START OR sev.severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_UNREACHABLE_CLEAR) ) ORDER BY sev.collection_timestamp desc; --- get out of superuser mode SETEMUSERCONTEXT(l_current_user, MGMT_USER.OP_SET_IDENTIFIER); -- check if the user has VIEW_TARGET privilege on the agent has_agent_view_priv_out := mgmt_user.has_priv( l_current_user, mgmt_user.VIEW_TARGET, l_emd_target_guid); END IF; ELSIF( view_type_in = AVAIL_STATUS_WITH_RBK ) THEN -- now get the metric sev state data only if view_type = AVAIL_STATUS_WITH_RBK -- This will be a union of conventional severity plus rbk severity -- if target_type_in is not of agent type, then the severity state data should -- include that of this target and of the agent target too -- if target_type_in is of agent type, then the severity state data should -- be of this target only -- Changes done to show the severity collection in the given range.Not using l_first_point_timestamp IF( target_type_in = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AGENT_TARGET_TYPE ) THEN OPEN avail_met_sev_cur_out FOR SELECT severity_guid,severity_code,collection_timestamp_date,user_name, message,message_nlsid,message_params,annotation_count,target_name, target_type,is_rbk from (SELECT sev.severity_guid, sev.severity_code, sev.collection_timestamp AS collection_timestamp_date, '' AS user_name, sev.message, sev.message_nlsid, sev.message_params, (0) AS annotation_count, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, 'Y' AS is_rbk FROM mgmt_severity_rbk sev, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE sev.target_guid = l_target_guid AND sev.metric_guid = l_metric_guid AND sev.collection_timestamp >= l_start_date AND sev.collection_timestamp <= l_end_date AND sev.severity_code != MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_COMMENT AND sev.target_guid = tgt.target_guid UNION SELECT sev.severity_guid, sev.severity_code, sev.collection_timestamp AS collection_timestamp_date, '' AS user_name, sev.message, sev.message_nlsid, sev.message_params, ( (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mgmt_severity_annotation WHERE severity_guid = sev.severity_guid) + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mgmt_notification_log WHERE source_obj_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_ANNOTATION_SOURCE_SEVERITY AND source_obj_guid = sev.severity_guid) ) AS annotation_count, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, 'N' AS is_rbk FROM mgmt_severity sev, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE sev.target_guid = l_target_guid AND sev.metric_guid = l_metric_guid AND sev.collection_timestamp >= l_start_date AND sev.collection_timestamp <= l_end_date AND sev.severity_code != MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_COMMENT AND sev.target_guid = tgt.target_guid) ORDER BY collection_timestamp_date desc, DECODE(severity_code, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_BLACKOUT_START, 3, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_BLACKOUT_END, 2, 1); ELSE -- in this case, first get the target_guid of the corresponding emd target -- enter super user mode just in case user doesn't have the priviledge to -- access agent. We always need to get agent severity info with the target -- severity info l_current_user := MGMT_USER.get_current_em_user(); SETEMUSERCONTEXT(MGMT_USER.GET_REPOSITORY_OWNER, MGMT_USER.OP_SET_IDENTIFIER); l_emd_target_guid := get_emd_target( l_target_guid ); -- get the metric guid for Response/Status metric for type - oracle_emd l_emd_metric_guid := mgmt_target.get_metric_guid( MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AGENT_TARGET_TYPE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AVAIL_METRIC_NAME, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AVAIL_METRIC_COLUMN ); -- now get the severity state data for this target and for the emd -- target -- since this can result in duplicate records, therefore, do a unique -- to remove these duplicates OPEN avail_met_sev_cur_out FOR SELECT severity_guid,severity_code,collection_timestamp_date,user_name, message,message_nlsid,message_params,annotation_count,target_name, target_type,is_rbk from (SELECT DISTINCT sev.severity_guid, sev.severity_code, sev.collection_timestamp AS collection_timestamp_date, '' AS user_name, sev.message, sev.message_nlsid, sev.message_params, (0) AS annotation_count, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type,'Y' AS is_rbk FROM mgmt_severity_rbk sev, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE sev.target_guid = l_target_guid AND sev.metric_guid = l_metric_guid AND sev.collection_timestamp >= l_start_date AND sev.collection_timestamp <= l_end_date AND sev.severity_code != MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_COMMENT AND sev.target_guid = tgt.target_guid AND NOT (sev.target_guid = l_target_guid AND (sev.severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_UNREACHABLE_START OR sev.severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_UNREACHABLE_CLEAR) ) UNION SELECT DISTINCT sev.severity_guid, sev.severity_code, sev.collection_timestamp AS collection_timestamp_date, '' AS user_name, sev.message, sev.message_nlsid, sev.message_params, ( (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mgmt_severity_annotation WHERE severity_guid = sev.severity_guid) + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mgmt_notification_log WHERE source_obj_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_ANNOTATION_SOURCE_SEVERITY AND source_obj_guid = sev.severity_guid) ) AS annotation_count, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, 'N' AS is_rbk FROM mgmt_severity sev, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE sev.target_guid IN (l_target_guid, l_emd_target_guid) AND sev.metric_guid IN (l_metric_guid, l_emd_metric_guid) AND sev.collection_timestamp >= l_start_date AND sev.collection_timestamp <= l_end_date AND sev.severity_code != MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_COMMENT AND sev.target_guid = tgt.target_guid AND NOT (sev.target_guid = l_target_guid AND (sev.severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_UNREACHABLE_START OR sev.severity_code = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_UNREACHABLE_CLEAR))) ORDER BY collection_timestamp_date desc, DECODE(severity_code, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_BLACKOUT_START, 3, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_BLACKOUT_END, 2, 1); --- get out of superuser mode SETEMUSERCONTEXT(l_current_user, MGMT_USER.OP_SET_IDENTIFIER); -- check if the user has VIEW_TARGET privilege on the agent has_agent_view_priv_out := mgmt_user.has_priv( l_current_user, mgmt_user.VIEW_TARGET, l_emd_target_guid); END IF; ELSE -- open a dummy empty cursor OPEN avail_met_sev_cur_out FOR SELECT * FROM dual WHERE rownum < 1; END IF; -- get the outage details data only if view_type = OUTAGE_DETAILS_VIEW_TYPE -- for the bound l_first_point_timestamp to l_recomputed_end_date IF( view_type_in = OUTAGE_DETAILS_VIEW_TYPE ) THEN OPEN outage_detail_cur_out FOR SELECT avail.target_guid, avail.current_status outage_type, DECODE(avail.end_collection_timestamp, NULL, 'TRUE', 'FALSE') is_open, (LEAST(NVL(avail.end_collection_timestamp, l_recomputed_end_date),l_recomputed_end_date) - avail.start_collection_timestamp)*24*60 as duration, avail.start_collection_timestamp as start_timestamp_date, NVL(avail.end_collection_timestamp, l_recomputed_end_date) as end_timestamp_date FROM mgmt_availability avail WHERE avail.target_guid = l_target_guid AND ( (avail.current_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_DOWN) OR (avail.current_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_ERROR) OR (avail.current_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_AGENT_DOWN) OR (avail.current_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNREACHABLE) OR -- (avail.current_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_BLACKOUT) OR (avail.current_status = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) ) AND NVL(avail.end_collection_timestamp, l_recomputed_end_date) > l_recomputed_start_date AND avail.start_collection_timestamp <= l_recomputed_end_date ORDER BY start_timestamp_date desc; ELSE -- open a dummy empty cursor OPEN outage_detail_cur_out FOR SELECT * FROM dual WHERE rownum < 1; END IF; IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'get_avail_overview_details:Exit' || ' has_agent_view_priv_out = ' || has_agent_view_priv_out || ' avail_pct_out = ' || avail_pct_out || ' avail_formula_out = ' || avail_formula_out || ' current_status_out = ' || current_status_out || ' current_status_since_out = ' || current_status_since_out || ' start_time_out = ' || start_time_out || ' end_time_out = ' || end_time_out || ' start_marker_time_out = ' || start_marker_time_out || ' end_marker_time_out = ' || end_marker_time_out, MODULE_NAME); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Make sure to reset the context in the case of any errors SETEMUSERCONTEXT(l_current_user, MGMT_USER.OP_SET_IDENTIFIER); RAISE; END get_avail_overview_details; -- -- Note: Should not use this to add annotations any more. Will be removed. -- Call emd_schema.add_severity_annotation. -- PROCEDURE add_avail_comment(target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, annotation_in IN VARCHAR2) IS l_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_metric_guid mgmt_metrics.metric_guid%TYPE; l_user_name VARCHAR2(64); l_key_value VARCHAR2(256) := ' '; BEGIN IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'add_avail_comment:Entry target_name_in = ' || target_name_in || ' target_type_in = ' || target_type_in || ' annotation_in = ' || annotation_in, MODULE_NAME); END IF; -- get current user name from sys context l_user_name := UPPER(mgmt_user.get_current_em_user() ); -- get the target guid l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid( target_name_in, target_type_in ); -- get the metric guid l_metric_guid := mgmt_target.get_metric_guid( target_type_in, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AVAIL_METRIC_NAME, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AVAIL_METRIC_COLUMN ); -- get the avail severity state data INSERT INTO mgmt_severity (target_guid, metric_guid, key_value, collection_timestamp, load_timestamp, severity_code, severity_type, severity_guid, annotated_flag, notification_status, message, user_name) VALUES (l_target_guid, l_metric_guid, l_key_value, SYSDATE, NULL, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_COMMENT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, annotation_in, l_user_name); IF (EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set)THEN'add_avail_comment:Exit', MODULE_NAME); END IF; END add_avail_comment; END mgmt_avail; / show errors;