Rem Rem $Header: admin_pin_plsql.sql 02-feb-2005.01:00:42 jsadras Exp $ Rem Rem admin_pin_plsql.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem admin_pin_plsql.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem jsadras 02/01/05 - report on shared pool usage Rem rpinnama 09/26/02 - rpinnama_fix_repos_sdk_violations Rem rpinnama 09/26/02 - Created Rem DECLARE BEGIN EMD_MAINTENANCE.PIN_PLSQL; END; / prompt shared pool statistics column mb format 999.99 column kept_mb format 999.99 heading "Kept|(MB)" column not_kept_mb format 999.99 heading "Not kept|(MB)" compute sum of mb on report break on report select name , round(bytes/(1024*1024),2) MB from v$sgastat a where pool = 'shared pool' order by MB ; prompt db object cache:sharable memory compute sum of kept_mb , not_kept_mb on report SELECT namespace, sum(decode(kept,'YES',sharable_mem,0))/1048576 KEPT_MB , sum(decode(kept,'NO',sharable_mem,0))/1048576 NOT_KEPT_MB , count(*) count FROM v$db_object_cache GROUP BY namespace ;