Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: ecm_schema_upgrade.sql 17-apr-2007.06:17:59 denath Exp $ Rem Rem ecm_schema_upgrade.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ecm_schema_upgrade.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem denath 04/13/07 - Bug fix 5479717. changed definition of Rem mgmt$cpf_homes_info view for performance. Rem denath 04/13/07 - Created Rem --View Name: MGMT$CPF_HOMES_INFO --Description: Gets the CPF Specific Oracle Home Information CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$CPF_HOMES_INFO AS select /*+ ORDERED */ cont.container_guid as home_id, tgt.target_guid as host_target_guid, tgt.target_name as home_host, cont.container_location as home_directory, cont.container_name as home_name, decode(prop.property_value, null, decode(cont.oui_platform, 610, 212, 87, 87, 197, 197, 2, 59, 211, 209, 110, 214, 46, 46, 912, 912, 208, 208, 453, 453, 23, 23, 173, 173 ), prop.property_value) as home_aru_platform, decode(prop.property_value, null, 'OUI', 'ARU') as home_platform_type, summ.map_target_type as home_target_type, summ.comp_version as home_version, replace(host.address_length_in_bits, '-bit', '') as home_host_bit_length from mgmt_targets tgt, mgmt_ecm_snapshot snap, mgmt_inv_container cont, mgmt_inv_summary summ, mgmt_inv_container_property prop, mgmt_hc_os_summary host where tgt.target_type = 'host' and tgt.target_type = snap.target_type and tgt.target_name = snap.target_name and snap.is_current = 'Y' and snap.snapshot_type = 'host_configuration' and snap.snapshot_guid = cont.snapshot_guid and host.snapshot_guid = snap.snapshot_guid and cont.container_type = 'O' and cont.container_guid = summ.container_guid and cont.container_guid = prop.container_guid (+) and 'ARU_PLATFORM_ID' = prop.property_name (+) and snap.snapshot_guid = summ.snapshot_guid;