Rem Rem $Header: audit_tables.sql 10-aug-2007.11:03:05 pshishir Exp $ Rem Rem audit_tables.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem audit_tables.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem pshishir 08/10/07 - Created Rem -- MGMT_AUDIT_CUSTOM_ATTRIBS table stores the basic information about the -- custom attributes register by end user. It stores attribute_name, -- display name, description and mandatory requirement of custom attributes CREATE TABLE MGMT_AUDIT_CUSTOM_ATTRIBS ( ca_name VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT NULL, ca_display_name VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT NULL, ca_description VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, ca_required NUMBER (1) DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT MGMT_AUDIT_CUSTOM_ATTRIBS_PK PRIMARY KEY(ca_name) ) MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE MGMT_AUDIT_CUSTOM_ATTRIBS IS 'This table stores the audit custom attributes name and its details'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_AUDIT_CUSTOM_ATTRIBS.ca_name IS 'Name that uniquely identifies the custom attribute.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_AUDIT_CUSTOM_ATTRIBS.ca_display_name IS 'The display name of custom attributes.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN MGMT_AUDIT_CUSTOM_ATTRIBS.ca_required IS 'This column is used to check whether the custom attribute is mandatory or not. By default, this is not a mandatory field and the Value = 0, Value = 1 if it is mandatory.'; ALTER TABLE mgmt_user_session ADD ( ca_name_1 VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT NULL, ca_value_1 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, ca_name_2 VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT NULL, ca_value_2 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, ca_name_3 VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT NULL, ca_value_3 VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL );