Rem PLEASE DO NOT PUT ANY HEADERS HERE AS IT IS INVOKED FROM license_data_upgrade.sql Rem $Header: license_post_creation.sql 18-dec-2006.20:13:40 paachary Exp $ Rem Rem license_post_creation.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem license_post_creation.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem For NEW customers this file will be called through license/license_post_creation.sql Rem For UPGRADE to this will be called from license_data_upgrade.sql Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem paachary 12/14/06 - Added New Licensing Pack Information For Rem ckannusa 12/19/06 - Modify SOA Pack Abbreviation Name Rem ckannusa 09/14/06 - add SOA Mgmt Pack License Rem yxie 06/23/06 - Add SML for oracle_forms Rem yxie 07/20/06 - Backport yxie_forms_license_fix from main Rem bram 06/01/06 - ASM Changes Rem bram 05/26/06 - Add Callback for formsapp Rem yxie 05/17/06 - add formsapp and oracle_forms Rem yxie 07/17/06 - XbranchMerge yxie_formsapp_license from main Rem bram 05/26/06 - Add Callback for formsapp Rem yxie 05/17/06 - add formsapp and oracle_forms Rem acgopala 04/05/06 - bug-5118309 Rem acgopala 04/05/06 - Created Rem acgopala 04/05/06 - bug-5118309 Rem acgopala 04/05/06 - Created Rem BEGIN em_license.add_licensable_target_types ( p_pack_target_type => 'oracle_ias', p_target_type => 'oc4jjvm' ); em_license.add_licensable_target_types ( p_pack_target_type => 'osm_instance', p_target_type => 'osm_instance' ); em_license.del_licensable_target_types ( p_pack_target_type => 'rac_database', p_target_type => 'osm_instance' ); em_license.del_licensable_target_types ( p_pack_target_type => 'oracle_database', p_target_type => 'osm_instance' ); --Remove Callback entries for ASM mgmt_assoc.del_assoc_addition_callback ( p_procedure_name=> 'em_license.asm_license_assoc_create', p_source_target_type=> MGMT_GLOBAL.G_DATABASE_TARGET_TYPE ); em_license.add_pack_definitions ( p_pack_label => 'provisioning' , p_target_type => 'osm_instance' , p_pack_display_label => 'Provisioning Pack', p_pack_description => 'Provisioning Pack delivers functionality that automates deployment of software, applications, and patches.This pack provides functionality for :

  • Bare metal provisioning of operating systems and software images
  • Cloning of existing installations and software images (such as CRS/RAC and AS)
  • Deployment Procedure Manager
  • Patching
  • ', p_pack_abbr => 'PV' ); em_license.add_pack_definitions ( p_pack_label => 'db_diag' , p_target_type => 'osm_instance' , p_pack_display_label => 'Database Diagnostics Pack', p_pack_description => 'Oracle Diagnostics Pack 10g for database offers a complete, cost-effective, and easy to use solution for managing the performance of Oracle Database environments by providing unique functionality such as automatic identification of performance bottlenecks, guided problem resolution, and comprehensive system monitoring.

  • Performance Monitoring (Database and Host)
  • ADDM (Automated Database Diagnostic Monitor)
  • Automatic Workload Repository
  • Event Notifications: Notification Methods, Rules and Schedules
  • Event history/metric history (Database and Host)
  • Blackouts
  • ', p_pack_abbr => 'DD' ); em_license.add_pack_definitions ( p_pack_label => 'db_tuning' , p_target_type => 'osm_instance' , p_pack_display_label => 'Database Tuning Pack', p_pack_description => 'Oracle Tuning Pack 10g offers a set of new, groundbreaking technologies that automate the entire application tuning process, thereby significantly lowering database management costs while enhancing performance and reliability.

  • SQL Access Advisor
  • SQL Tuning Advisor
  • SQL Tuning Sets
  • Reorganize Objects
  • ', p_pack_abbr => 'DT' ); em_license.add_pack_definitions ( p_pack_label => 'db_config' , p_target_type => 'osm_instance' , p_pack_display_label => 'Database Configuration Pack', p_pack_description => 'Automates the time-consuming and often error prone process of software configuration, software and hardware inventory tracking, patching, cloning and policy management.

  • Database and Host Configuration
  • Deployments
  • Patch Database and View Patch Cache
  • Patch staging
  • Clone Database
  • Clone Oracle Home
  • Search configuration
  • Compare configuration
  • Policies
  • ' , p_pack_abbr => 'DC' ); em_license.add_pack_definitions ( p_pack_label => 'db_chgmgt' , p_target_type => 'osm_instance' , p_pack_display_label => 'Database Change Management Pack', p_pack_description => 'Oracle Change Management Pack 10g for database offers a set of applications to capture and compare the definitions of one or more database objects.

  • Create Metadata Baseline: You can capture database object definitions at different points in time and create reusable baseline versions.
  • Compare Database Objects: You can compare two sets of database objects definitions and view the differences. Comparison sources can be two databases, two baselines or a database and a baseline. You can repeat comparsions at different points in time and create comparison versions.
  • ' , p_pack_abbr => 'CM' ); em_license.add_pack_definitions ( p_pack_label => 'service_level_mgmt' , p_target_type => 'formsapp' , p_pack_display_label => 'Service Level Management Pack', p_pack_description => 'Service Level Management delivers functionality to actively monitor and report on availability,performance of critical applications, sites, and infrastructure components using synthetic transactions executed from remote sites (beacons.)' , p_pack_abbr => 'SLM' ); em_license.add_pack_definitions ( p_pack_label => 'service_level_mgmt' , p_target_type => 'oracle_forms' , p_pack_display_label => 'Service Level Management Pack', p_pack_description => 'Service Level Management delivers functionality to actively monitor and report on availability,performance of critical applications, sites, and infrastructure components using synthetic transactions executed from remote sites (beacons.)' , p_pack_abbr => 'SLM' ); em_license.add_licensable_target_types ( p_pack_target_type => 'oracle_forms', p_target_type => 'oracle_forms' ); em_license.add_licensable_target_types ( p_pack_target_type => 'formsapp', p_target_type => 'formsapp' ); em_license.add_licensable_target_types ( p_pack_target_type => 'oracle_ias', p_target_type => 'formsapp' ); em_license.add_licensable_target_types ( p_pack_target_type => 'oracle_ias', p_target_type => 'oracle_forms' ); --Add Callback for formsapp mgmt_assoc.add_assoc_addition_callback ( p_procedure_name=> 'em_license.formapp_license_assoc_create', p_assoc_def_name=> MGMT_ASSOC.ASSOC_DEF_DEPENDS_ON, p_source_target_type=> MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FORMSAPP_TARGET_TYPE ); mgmt_assoc.add_assoc_deletion_callback ( p_procedure_name => 'em_license.formapp_license_assoc_delete', p_assoc_def_name => MGMT_ASSOC.ASSOC_DEF_DEPENDS_ON, p_source_target_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FORMSAPP_TARGET_TYPE ); em_license.add_pack_definitions ( p_pack_label => 'mon_bpel' , p_target_type => 'oracle_integrationbpm' , p_pack_display_label => 'SOA Management Pack', p_pack_description => 'Monitoring of BPEL Process Manager.

  • Real-time and historical monitoring of Performance
  • SOA System and Services
  • Manage Domain, Process and Instances
  • ' , p_pack_abbr => 'SOAM' ); em_license.add_licensable_target_types ( p_pack_target_type => 'oracle_integrationbpm', p_target_type => 'oracle_integrationbpm' ); em_license.add_packs ( p_pack_name => 'mon_bpel' ); em_license.add_licensable_target_types ( p_pack_target_type => 'oracle_ias', p_target_type => 'oracle_integrationbpm' ); em_license.add_pack_definitions ( p_pack_label => 'linux_host_pack' , p_target_type => 'host' , p_pack_display_label => 'Linux Management Pack', p_pack_description => 'The Linux Management Pack provides a rich feature set for managing Linux host systems across their lifecycle. The pack includes the following functionality for the listed Linux target types only:

  • Bare metal provisioning and patching of Linux operating systems
  • Host configuration monitoring, history, and summary
  • Policy management and compliance support
  • Real-time and historical monitoring
  • Host OS Administration
  • Corresponding CLI verbs for above features
  • ', p_pack_abbr => 'LM' ); em_license.add_pack_definitions ( p_pack_label => 'linux_host_pack' , p_target_type => 'cluster' , p_pack_display_label => 'Linux Management Pack', p_pack_description => 'The Linux Management Pack provides a rich feature set for managing Linux host systems across their lifecycle. The pack includes the following functionality for the listed Linux target types only:

  • Bare metal provisioning and patching of Linux operating systems
  • Host configuration monitoring, history, and summary
  • Policy management and compliance support
  • Real-time and historical monitoring
  • Host OS Administration
  • Corresponding CLI verbs for above features
  • ', p_pack_abbr => 'LM' ); em_license.add_packs ( p_pack_name => 'linux_host_pack' ); COMMIT; END; /