Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: license_data_upgrade.sql 14-dec-2006.22:41:59 paachary Exp $ Rem Rem license_data_upgrade.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem license_data_upgrade.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem For Customers who are upgrading to this file will be called Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem paachary 12/14/06 - Added New Licensing Pack Information For Rem Added logic to grant the new license packs introduced during Rem to respective targets. Rem bram 06/06/06 - bug-5147049 Rem acgopala 04/05/06 - bug-5118309 Rem acgopala 04/05/06 - Created Rem acgopala 04/05/06 - bug-5118309 Rem acgopala 04/05/06 - Created Rem -- Creating a tempopary table to handle the packs created before CREATE TABLE admin_license_pre_10203 AS SELECT * FROM mgmt_admin_licenses; @&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/ --Prior to ASM was associated with a Database --The Entries with respect to ASM in mgmt_licensed_targets table would be as -- -- --From release onwards ASM will be a independent licensable target --hence we need to update ASM related entries as mgmt_licensed_targets ---- DECLARE TYPE l_target_guid_table IS TABLE OF mgmt_targets.TARGET_GUID%TYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; l_target_guid_arr l_target_guid_table; BEGIN SELECT asm.target_guid BULK COLLECT INTO l_target_guid_arr FROM mgmt_licensed_targets asm,mgmt_targets tar WHERE asm.target_guid=tar.target_guid AND tar.target_type=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_ASM_TARGET_TYPE; IF (l_target_guid_arr IS NOT NULL) AND (l_target_guid_arr.count>0) THEN FOR i IN 1..l_target_guid_arr.count LOOP BEGIN UPDATE MGMT_LICENSED_TARGETS SET from_target_guid=l_target_guid_arr(i) WHERE target_guid=l_target_guid_arr(i); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; END LOOP; END IF; COMMIT; END; / -- The following block has been added to grant license on the targets for which new packs have been -- added post -- 1. First take the new packs introduced during -- 2. Pick up all the target types associated with these new packs from mgmt_license_definition -- 3. Pick up all the corresponding targets to the above targrt types and grant license to these targets on those new packs -- 4. Have a logic for the above to take care of iAS related packs DECLARE l_target_type_arr VARCHAR2_TABLE := VARCHAR2_TABLE(); l_pack_label_arr VARCHAR2_TABLE := VARCHAR2_TABLE(); l_target_guid_arr MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY := MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY(); l_count NUMBER DEFAULT 0; BEGIN -- First take the new packs introduced during -- Pick up all the target types associated with these new packs from mgmt_license_definitions SELECT mld.target_type, mld.pack_label, mt.target_guid BULK COLLECT INTO l_target_type_arr, l_pack_label_arr, l_target_guid_arr FROM mgmt_license_definitions mld, mgmt_targets mt WHERE mld.target_type = mt.target_type AND mld.pack_label NOT IN ( SELECT pack_name FROM admin_license_pre_10203 ); -- Pick up all the corresponding targets to the above targrt types and grant license to these targets on those new packs IF (l_target_guid_arr.COUNT > 0 AND l_target_guid_arr IS NOT NULL) THEN FOR itgtguidcnt IN 1..l_target_guid_arr.COUNT LOOP em_license.grant_license ( p_target_type =>l_target_type_arr(itgtguidcnt), p_target_guid =>l_target_guid_arr(itgtguidcnt), p_pack_label =>l_pack_label_arr(itgtguidcnt) ); END LOOP; END IF; -- This block grants license on iAS related packs introduced post beta to all the standalone iAS dependent target types. l_pack_label_arr.DELETE; SELECT distinct pack_label pack_name BULK COLLECT INTO l_pack_label_arr FROM mgmt_license_definitions WHERE target_type=mgmt_global.G_IAS_TARGET_TYPE AND pack_label NOT IN ( SELECT pack_name FROM admin_license_pre_10203 ); IF (l_pack_label_arr.COUNT > 0 AND l_pack_label_arr IS NOT NULL) THEN FOR inewiaspackscnt IN 1..l_pack_label_arr.COUNT LOOP FOR c1 IN ( SELECT target_guid FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_type IN ( SELECT target_type FROM mgmt_licensable_target_types WHERE pack_target_type = mgmt_global.G_IAS_TARGET_TYPE AND target_type NOT IN (mgmt_global.G_IAS_TARGET_TYPE) ) ) LOOP -- Now check whether this ias dependent target is a standalone SELECT count(*) INTO l_count FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_guid IN ( SELECT source_target_guid FROM mgmt_target_assocs WHERE assoc_target_guid= c1.target_guid ) AND target_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IAS_TARGET_TYPE; IF (l_count = 0) THEN -- this is a Stand Alone BEGIN INSERT INTO mgmt_licensed_targets (target_guid, pack_name, from_target_guid) VALUES (c1.target_guid,l_pack_label_arr(inewiaspackscnt),c1.target_guid); EXCEPTION WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN NULL; END;--exception was added since we are granting license --by invoking 'insert into table' directly and not through grant_license api; --wherein otherwise this exception would be handled in grant_license() END IF; END LOOP;-- end c1 END LOOP; END IF; COMMIT; END; / DROP TABLE admin_license_pre_10203;