Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: chronos_schema_upgrade_db.sql 03-jun-2008.12:16:38 jashukla Exp $ Rem Rem chronos_schema_upgrade_db.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem chronos_schema_upgrade_db.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem jashukla 06/03/08 - Bug 7144619 remove internal identifiers Rem chyu 08/16/06 - Rem bmallipe 08/13/06 - adding the chronos tables for DBControl upgrade Rem bmallipe 08/13/06 - Created Rem rem here is from chronos types CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE MgmtChrnsRegionMembers AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(256); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE MgmtChrnsEventURLInfo AS OBJECT ( url_filename VARCHAR(512), url_sum NUMBER, url_count NUMBER ); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE MgmtChrnsEventURLInfoTable AS TABLE OF MgmtChrnsEventURLInfo; / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE MgmtChrnsTgtGuid AS OBJECT ( target_guid RAW(16) ); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE MgmtChrnsTgtGuids AS TABLE OF MgmtChrnsTgtGuid; / create or replace type MGMT_CHRONOS_ANALYZE_OBJ as OBJECT ( value VARCHAR2(256), value_type NUMBER ); / create or replace type MGMT_CHRONOS_ANALYZE_ARRAY as TABLE of MGMT_CHRONOS_ANALYZE_OBJ; / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE MgmtChrnsAnlzFxdAxesMembers AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(256); / -- Creating MGMT_MNTR_USER_STATS_OBJ will throw an ORA-02303 error if it is -- replaced while REPLACE TYPE MGMT_MNTR_USER_STATS_ARRAY exists. -- Delete the dependent type so that MGMT_MNTR_USER_STATS_OBJ can be replaced. DECLARE l_dummy VARCHAR2(1); BEGIN SELECT NULL INTO l_dummy FROM sys.user_types WHERE type_name = 'MGMT_MNTR_USER_STATS_ARRAY'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TYPE MGMT_MNTR_USER_STATS_ARRAY'; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; -- Do nothing if type MGMT_MNTR_USER_STATS_ARRAY does not exist END; / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE MGMT_MNTR_USER_STATS_OBJ as OBJECT ( queryName VARCHAR2(1024), displayName VARCHAR2(128), avgVal VARCHAR2(20), servAvgVal VARCHAR2(20), dbAvgVal VARCHAR2(20), hitsVal VARCHAR2(20), minVal VARCHAR2(20), maxVal VARCHAR2(20), stddevVal VARCHAR2(20), varianceVal VARCHAR2(20), critThreshold VARCHAR2(20), warnThreshold VARCHAR2(20), urlLink VARCHAR2(1280), mostFavorite VARCHAR(5), incompleteHitsVal VARCHAR2(20), incompleteAvgVal VARCHAR2(20) ); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE MGMT_MNTR_USER_STATS_ARRAY as TABLE of MGMT_MNTR_USER_STATS_OBJ; / rem here is from the chronos_tables.sql rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table contains the raw url access rem response time samples that are collected at a target. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME rem - the name of the metric that is being defined rem rem COLLECTION_TIMESTAMP rem - the date/time when the metric was collected rem rem STATUS rem - Status code returned from the metric being measured rem rem STATUS_DESCRIPTION rem - Text message describing the status condition. rem rem SUBMIT_ACTION_TIMESTAMP rem - Time stamp for submit event on browser that started a rem client transaction logged in latency cookie rem rem LOAD_ACTION_TIMESTAMP rem - Time stamp for load event on browser that marks end of rem a transaction logged in latency cookie rem rem ELAPSED_TIME rem - Number of milliseconds it took to access this url. rem For Chronos: Difference in milliseconds between rem SUBMIT_ACTION_TIMESTAMP and LOAD_ACTION_TIMESTAMP. rem rem URL_FILENAME rem - This is the url filename relative to the webserver host and port. rem The response of this url is measured in elapsed_time. rem For Chronos: Referring URL that requested oem slr gif file. rem rem URL_BASE rem - The base of the URL, which contains the protocol, the rem host id, and the port # (e.g. "") rem rem VISITOR_NODE rem - Resolved machine name from which a logged request is rem made rem rem VISITOR_DOMAIN rem - Domain of the machine making requests rem For Chronos: logged in access_log rem rem VISITOR_IP rem - ip address of machine making requests rem rem VISITOR_IP_NUM rem - ip address of machine making requests as a number rem rem SERVER_IN_TIMESTAMP rem - Relative timestamp for receiving a webserver request rem rem SERVER_OUT_TIMESTAMP rem - Relative timestamp for webserver response to a request rem rem SERVER_LATENCY_TIME rem - Total of latencies for all constituent requests made rem for rendering a page rem rem BROWSER_NAME rem - Name of web browser in user-agent information logged in rem access_log rem rem BROWSER_VERSION rem - Version of web browser in user-agent rem rem OS_NAME rem - Name of operating system in user-agent information rem rem OS_VERSION rem - Version of operating system in user-agent information rem in access_log rem rem USERNAME rem - The name of the user that submited the request (if available) rem rem COOKIE_INDEX rem - The filed used on joins with the cookie table. rem rem CACHE_RENDERED rem - Marks latency time for pages that got rendered out rem of webcache. No page request was found in the log file rem corresponding to the marker file request. rem rem NOTES rem rem The default value for the value of a response time value is NULL. rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, collection_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, status NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, status_description VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, submit_action_timestamp NUMBER DEFAULT 0, load_action_timestamp NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, elapsed_time NUMBER DEFAULT 0, url_filename VARCHAR2(1024) DEFAULT NULL, url_base VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT NULL, visitor_node VARCHAR2(1024) DEFAULT NULL, visitor_domain VARCHAR2(1024) DEFAULT NULL, visitor_ip VARCHAR2(15) DEFAULT NULL, visitor_ip_num NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, server_in_timestamp NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, server_out_timestamp NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, server_latency_time NUMBER DEFAULT 0, database_time NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, icx_session_id VARCHAR2(32) DEFAULT NULL, browser_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, browser_version VARCHAR2(16) DEFAULT NULL, os_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, os_version VARCHAR2(25) DEFAULT NULL, username VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, cookie_index VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT NULL, cache_rendered CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' ) STORAGE (FREELISTS 4) INITRANS 2 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_URLS table is used to define a set of watch list URLs rem for a given application (as identified by a composite_target). rem rem The table contains a list of named URLs. Only one name is allowed for rem a composite target. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem URL_GUID rem The unique guid to identify a display name. rem rem TARGET_GUID rem The Composite target guid defined in rem MGMT_COMP_TARGET_DEF table. rem rem DISPLAY_NAME rem The display name for the url. rem rem URL_FILENAME rem The file name of a URL (e.g. "/somepath/somefile.html"). This is rem the relative path from the webserver root. rem rem DESCRIPTION: rem Optional end user readable description of the URL. rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_URLS ( url_guid RAW(16) DEFAULT SYS_GUID(), target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, display_name VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL, url_filename VARCHAR2(512) NOT NULL, description VARCHAR2(256) ) MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem MGMT_RT_REGIONS table defines a set of regions for reporting purposes. rem Each region consists of a set of domains, which are specified in the rem MGMT_RT_REGION_ENTRIES and MGMT_RT_REGION_MAPPING tables. rem Regions are not hierarchical. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem REGION_GUID rem The unique guid to identify a display name. rem rem TARGET_GUID rem The Composite target guid defined in MGMT_TARGETS. rem REGION : rem This is a logical group for the domain. An example for region rem might be a country name, company, etc that the domain is in. rem (i.e. usA, Spain, Italy, California, Corporate HQ, etc.) rem rem DESCRIPTION : rem Description of the region. rem rem NOTES rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_REGIONS ( region_guid RAW(16) DEFAULT SYS_GUID(), target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, region_name VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL, description VARCHAR2(256) ) MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem MGMT_RT_REGION_ENTRIES table defines rem rem COLUMNS rem rem ID : rem A unique ID for each row that is used for joining with the rem MGMT_RT_REGION_MAPPING table. rem rem MIN_IP : rem A representation of the minimum ip address for the region as a number. rem The first octet is the most significant byte. rem For example = 5; = 513; etc rem If the region is specified in terms of an IP subnet, the minimum ip rem address will be >= 0. If the region is specified as a domain, like rem, the min_ip is set to -1. rem rem MAX_IP : rem A representation of the maximum ip address for the region as a number. rem rem DOMAIN : rem The actual domain if the region entry is specified by a domain. rem Otherwise, a textual representation of the IP subnet. rem rem REF_COUNT : rem A count of how many times this region entry is used in the mapping rem table. Keeping a refenence count in this table allows an unused entry rem to be deleted when a Web Application is deleted. rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_REGION_ENTRIES ( id NUMBER NOT NULL, min_ip NUMBER NOT NULL, max_ip NUMBER NOT NULL, domain VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, ref_count NUMBER NOT NULL ) MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem MGMT_RT_REGION_MAPPING table defines a mapping from the rem MGMT_RT_REGION_ENTRIES table to the MGMT_RT_REGIONS table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem ID : rem Serves as a mapping from this table to the region mapping table. rem Must be unique per Web Application. rem rem REGION_GUID : rem The unique guid to identify a display name. CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_REGION_MAPPING ( id NUMBER NOT NULL, region_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL ) MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_TARGET_PROPERTIES table holds the list of chronos rem target properties rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - target guid . rem rem PROPERTY_NAME - the name of the property. rem rem PROPERTY_VALUE - the value of the property. rem rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_TARGET_PROPERTIES (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, property_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, property_value VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL) MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_BOOTSTRAP_TIMES table holds the list of chronos rem target properties rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - target guid . rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP - the last time for which bootstrap data exists. rem rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_BOOTSTRAP_TIMES (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL) MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_COOKIE_DATA table contains the cookie data for a rem response time collection, broken down into name/value pairs. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem RAW INDEX rem - The field that glues rows in this table with a row in rem the MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table rem rem NAME rem - The name portion of the cookie's name/value pair rem rem VALUE rem - the value portion of the cookie's name/value pair rem rem NOTES rem rem There can be duplicates in the table. rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_COOKIE_DATA ( raw_index VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT NULL, name VARCHAR2(256) NOT NULL, value VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL) STORAGE (FREELISTS 4) INITRANS 2 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_URL_1HOUR table contains the rollup metrics from the rem response data samples collected on the target system rolled rem into 1 hour intervals. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the description of the rem MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem URL_FILENAME rem - the url filename relative to the webserver host and port. rem rem URL_LINK rem - complete url specification for the measured url rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this rem case the rollup times will be on 1 hour boundaries using a rem 24 hour clock. Samples included in the rollup are greater rem than or equal to the start of the period, and less than rem the next period. So the 00 rollup includes samples from rem midnight up to samples collected at 1 o'clock AM. rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_AVERAGE rem rem - The average value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MINIMUM rem rem - The minimum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MAXIMUM rem rem - The maximum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_SDEV rem rem - The standard deviation of the metric for samples in the rem time period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_VARIANCE rem rem - The variance of the metric for samples in the time period rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_URL_1HOUR (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, url_filename VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, url_link VARCHAR2(1280) DEFAULT ' ', rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, db_time_average NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_minimum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_maximum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_sdev NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_variance NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_URL_BOOTSTRAP table contains the rollup metrics from the rem response data samples collected on the target system rolled rem into 1 hour intervals. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the description of the rem MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem URL_FILENAME rem - the url filename relative to the webserver host and port. rem rem URL_LINK rem - complete url specification for the measured url rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this rem case the rollup times will be on 1 hour boundaries using a rem 24 hour clock. Samples included in the rollup are greater rem than or equal to the start of the period, and less than rem the next period. So the 00 rollup includes samples from rem midnight up to samples collected at 1 o'clock AM. rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_AVERAGE rem rem - The average value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MINIMUM rem rem - The minimum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MAXIMUM rem rem - The maximum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_SDEV rem rem - The standard deviation of the metric for samples in the rem time period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_VARIANCE rem rem - The variance of the metric for samples in the time period rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_URL_BOOTSTRAP (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, url_filename VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, url_link VARCHAR2(1280) DEFAULT ' ', rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, db_time_average NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_minimum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_maximum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_sdev NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_variance NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_URL_1DAY table contains the rollup metrics from the response rem data samples into 1 day intervals that were collected on the target rem system. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the description of the rem MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem URL_FILENAME rem - the url filename relative to the webserver host and port. rem rem URL_LINK rem - complete url specification for the measured url rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this case rem the rollup times will be on daily boundaries. Samples included rem in the rollup are greater than or equal to the start of the rem period, and less than the next period. So the rollup period for rem the first day of the month includes samples from midnight on rem that day up to samples collected on midnight of the following day. rem rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_AVERAGE rem rem - The average value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MINIMUM rem rem - The minimum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MAXIMUM rem rem - The maximum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_SDEV rem rem - The standard deviation of the metric for samples in the rem time period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_VARIANCE rem rem - The variance of the metric for samples in the time period rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_URL_1DAY (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, url_filename VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, url_link VARCHAR2(1280) DEFAULT ' ', rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, db_time_average NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_minimum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_maximum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_sdev NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_variance NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_URL_DIST_1HOUR table contains the rollup metrics from the rem response data samples into 1 hour intervals that were collected on the rem target system. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the rem description of the MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem URL_FILENAME rem - the url filename relative to the webserver host and port. rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this case rem the rollup times will be on daily boundaries. Samples included rem in the rollup are greater than or equal to the start of the rem period, and less than the next period. So the rollup period for rem the first day of the month includes samples from midnight on rem that day up to samples collected on midnight of the following day. rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem NUM_SECONDS rem rem - The number of seconds that all the hits in this record took to rem respond to the client. rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_URL_DIST_1HOUR (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, url_filename VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER DEFAULT 0, num_seconds NUMBER DEFAULT 0, dist_value_type NUMBER(4) DEFAULT 0) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_URL_DIST_BOOTSTRAP table contains the rollup metrics from rem the response data samples into 1 hour intervals that were collected on rem the target system. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the rem description of the MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem URL_FILENAME rem - the url filename relative to the webserver host and port. rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this case rem the rollup times will be on daily boundaries. Samples included rem in the rollup are greater than or equal to the start of the rem period, and less than the next period. So the rollup period for rem the first day of the month includes samples from midnight on rem that day up to samples collected on midnight of the following day. rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem NUM_SECONDS rem rem - The number of seconds that all the hits in this record took to rem respond to the client. rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_URL_DIST_BOOTSTRAP (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, url_filename VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER DEFAULT 0, num_seconds NUMBER DEFAULT 0, dist_value_type NUMBER(4) DEFAULT 0) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_URL_DIST_1DAY table contains the rollup metrics from the rem response data samples into 1 day intervals that were collected on the rem target system. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the rem description of the MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem URL_FILENAME rem - the url filename relative to the webserver host and port. rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this case rem the rollup times will be on daily boundaries. Samples included rem in the rollup are greater than or equal to the start of the rem period, and less than the next period. So the rollup period for rem the first day of the month includes samples from midnight on rem that day up to samples collected on midnight of the following day. rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem NUM_SECONDS rem rem - The number of seconds that all the hits in this record took to rem respond to the client. rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_URL_DIST_1DAY (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, url_filename VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER DEFAULT 0, num_seconds NUMBER DEFAULT 0, dist_value_type NUMBER(4) DEFAULT 0) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_1HOUR table contains the rollup metrics from the rem response data samples into 1 hour intervals that were collected on the rem target system. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the rem description of the MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem VISITOR_DOMAIN - domain of the visitor to the website, matches rem the visitor_domain collected in MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW rem rem VISITOR_SUBNET - subnet portion of ip address of visitor to the website rem rem VISITOR_SUBNET_NUM - subnet portion of ip address of visitor to the rem website as a number rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this rem case the rollup times will be on 1 hour boundaries using a rem 24 hour clock. Samples included in the rollup are greater rem than or equal to the start of the period, and less than rem the next period. So the 00 rollup includes samples from rem midnight up to samples collected at 1 o'clock AM. rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_AVERAGE rem rem - The average value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MINIMUM rem rem - The minimum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MAXIMUM rem rem - The maximum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_SDEV rem rem - The standard deviation of the metric for samples in the rem time period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_VARIANCE rem rem - The variance of the metric for samples in the time period rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_1HOUR (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, visitor_domain VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, visitor_subnet VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL, visitor_subnet_num NUMBER DEFAULT NULL NOT NULL, rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, db_time_average NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_minimum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_maximum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_sdev NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_variance NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_BOOTSTRAP table contains the rollup metrics from the rem response data samples into 1 hour intervals that were collected on the rem target system. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the rem description of the MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem VISITOR_DOMAIN - domain of the visitor to the website, matches rem the visitor_domain collected in MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW rem rem VISITOR_SUBNET - subnet portion of ip address of visitor to the website rem rem VISITOR_SUBNET_NUM - subnet portion of ip address of visitor to the rem website as a number rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this rem case the rollup times will be on 1 hour boundaries using a rem 24 hour clock. Samples included in the rollup are greater rem than or equal to the start of the period, and less than rem the next period. So the 00 rollup includes samples from rem midnight up to samples collected at 1 o'clock AM. rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_AVERAGE rem rem - The average value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MINIMUM rem rem - The minimum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MAXIMUM rem rem - The maximum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_SDEV rem rem - The standard deviation of the metric for samples in the rem time period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_VARIANCE rem rem - The variance of the metric for samples in the time period rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_BOOTSTRAP (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, visitor_domain VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, visitor_subnet VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL, visitor_subnet_num NUMBER NOT NULL, rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, db_time_average NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_minimum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_maximum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_sdev NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_variance NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_1DAY table contains the rollup metrics from the rem response data samples into 1 day intervals that were collected on the rem target system. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the rem description of the MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem VISITOR_DOMAIN - domain of the visitor to the website, matches rem the visitor_domain collected in MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW rem rem VISITOR_SUBNET - subnet portion of ip address of visitor to the website rem rem VISITOR_SUBNET_NUM - subnet portion of ip address of visitor to the rem website as a number rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this case rem the rollup times will be on daily boundaries. Samples included rem in the rollup are greater than or equal to the start of the rem period, and less than the next period. So the rollup period for rem the first day of the month includes samples from midnight on rem that day up to samples collected on midnight of the following day. rem RESPONSE_TIME_AVERAGE rem rem - The average value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MINIMUM rem rem - The minimum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MAXIMUM rem rem - The maximum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_SDEV rem rem - The standard deviation of the metric for samples in the rem time period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_VARIANCE rem rem - The variance of the metric for samples in the time period rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_1DAY (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, visitor_domain VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, visitor_subnet VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL, visitor_subnet_num NUMBER DEFAULT NULL NOT NULL, rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, db_time_average NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_minimum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_maximum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_sdev NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_variance NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_DIST_1HOUR table contains the rollup metrics from rem the response data samples into 1 hour intervals that were collected on rem the target system. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the rem description of the MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem VISITOR_DOMAIN - domain of the visitor to the website, matches rem the visitor_domain collected in MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW rem rem VISITOR_SUBNET - subnet portion of ip address of visitor to the website rem rem VISITOR_SUBNET_NUM - subnet portion of ip address of visitor to the rem website as a number rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this case rem the rollup times will be on daily boundaries. Samples included rem in the rollup are greater than or equal to the start of the rem period, and less than the next period. So the rollup period for rem the first day of the month includes samples from midnight on rem that day up to samples collected on midnight of the following day. rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem NUM_SECONDS rem rem - The number of seconds that all the hits in this record took to rem respond to the client. rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_DIST_1HOUR (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, visitor_domain VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, visitor_subnet VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL, visitor_subnet_num NUMBER DEFAULT NULL NOT NULL, rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER DEFAULT 0, num_seconds NUMBER DEFAULT 0, dist_value_type NUMBER(4) DEFAULT 0) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_DIST_BOOTSTRAP table contains the rollup metrics rem fromthe response data samples into 1 hour intervals that were collected rem on the target system. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the rem description of the MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem VISITOR_DOMAIN - domain of the visitor to the website, matches rem the visitor_domain collected in MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW rem rem VISITOR_SUBNET - subnet portion of ip address of visitor to the website rem rem VISITOR_SUBNET_NUM - subnet portion of ip address of visitor to the rem website as a number rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this case rem the rollup times will be on daily boundaries. Samples included rem in the rollup are greater than or equal to the start of the rem period, and less than the next period. So the rollup period for rem the first day of the month includes samples from midnight on rem that day up to samples collected on midnight of the following day. rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem NUM_SECONDS rem rem - The number of seconds that all the hits in this record took to rem respond to the client. rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_DIST_BOOTSTRAP (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, visitor_domain VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, visitor_subnet VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL, visitor_subnet_num NUMBER NOT NULL, rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER DEFAULT 0, num_seconds NUMBER DEFAULT 0, dist_value_type NUMBER(4) DEFAULT 0) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_DIST_1DAY table contains the rollup metrics from rem the response data samples into 1 day intervals that were collected on rem the target system. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the rem description of the MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem VISITOR_DOMAIN - domain of the visitor to the website, matches rem the visitor_domain collected in MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW rem rem VISITOR_SUBNET - subnet portion of ip address of visitor to the website rem rem VISITOR_SUBNET_NUM - subnet portion of ip address of visitor to the rem website as a number rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this case rem the rollup times will be on daily boundaries. Samples included rem in the rollup are greater than or equal to the start of the rem period, and less than the next period. So the rollup period for rem the first day of the month includes samples from midnight on rem that day up to samples collected on midnight of the following day. rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem NUM_SECONDS rem rem - The number of seconds that all the hits in this record took to rem respond to the client. rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_DIST_1DAY (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, visitor_domain VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, visitor_subnet VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL, visitor_subnet_num NUMBER DEFAULT NULL NOT NULL, rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER DEFAULT 0, num_seconds NUMBER DEFAULT 0, dist_value_type NUMBER(4) DEFAULT 0) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_IP_1HOUR table contains the rollup metrics from the rem response data samples into 1 hour intervals that were collected on the rem target system. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the rem description of the MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem VISITOR_NODE - the resolved node name (if available) or IP address of the rem visitor node. This may be a gateway or router if one rem exists between the user machine and the webserver target. rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this rem case the rollup times will be on 1 hour boundaries using a rem 24 hour clock. Samples included in the rollup are greater rem than or equal to the start of the period, and less than rem the next period. So the 00 rollup includes samples from rem midnight up to samples collected at 1 o'clock AM. rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_AVERAGE rem rem - The average value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MINIMUM rem rem - The minimum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MAXIMUM rem rem - The maximum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_SDEV rem rem - The standard deviation of the metric for samples in the rem time period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_VARIANCE rem rem - The variance of the metric for samples in the time period rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_IP_1HOUR (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, visitor_node VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, db_time_average NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_minimum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_maximum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_sdev NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_variance NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_IP_BOOTSTRAP table contains the rollup metrics from the rem response data samples into 1 hour intervals that were collected on the rem target system. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the rem description of the MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem VISITOR_NODE - the resolved node name (if available) or IP address of the rem visitor node. This may be a gateway or router if one rem exists between the user machine and the webserver target. rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this rem case the rollup times will be on 1 hour boundaries using a rem 24 hour clock. Samples included in the rollup are greater rem than or equal to the start of the period, and less than rem the next period. So the 00 rollup includes samples from rem midnight up to samples collected at 1 o'clock AM. rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_AVERAGE rem rem - The average value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MINIMUM rem rem - The minimum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MAXIMUM rem rem - The maximum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_SDEV rem rem - The standard deviation of the metric for samples in the rem time period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_VARIANCE rem rem - The variance of the metric for samples in the time period rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_IP_BOOTSTRAP (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, visitor_node VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, db_time_average NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_minimum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_maximum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_sdev NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_variance NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_IP_1DAY table contains the rollup metrics from the rem response data samples into 1 day intervals that were collected on the rem target system. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the rem description of the MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem VISITOR_NODE - the node name (if available) or IP address of the rem visitor node. This may be a gateway or router if one rem exists between the user machine and the webserver target. rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this rem case the rollup times will be on 1 hour boundaries using a rem 24 hour clock. Samples included in the rollup are greater rem than or equal to the start of the period, and less than rem the next period. So the 00 rollup includes samples from rem midnight up to samples collected at 1 o'clock AM. rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this case rem the rollup times will be on daily boundaries. Samples included rem in the rollup are greater than or equal to the start of the rem period, and less than the next period. So the rollup period for rem the first day of the month includes samples from midnight on rem that day up to samples collected on midnight of the following day. rem RESPONSE_TIME_AVERAGE rem rem - The average value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MINIMUM rem rem - The minimum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_MAXIMUM rem rem - The maximum value of the metric for samples in the time rem period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_SDEV rem rem - The standard deviation of the metric for samples in the rem time period rem rem RESPONSE_TIME_VARIANCE rem rem - The variance of the metric for samples in the time period rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_IP_1DAY (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, visitor_node VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, response_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_average NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_minimum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_maximum NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_sdev NUMBER NOT NULL, server_time_variance NUMBER NOT NULL, db_time_average NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_minimum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_maximum NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_sdev NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, db_time_variance NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_IP_DIST_1HOUR table contains the rollup metrics from the rem response data samples into 1 hour intervals that were collected on the rem target system. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the rem description of the MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem VISITOR_NODE - the resolved node name (if available) or IP address of the rem visitor node. This may be a gateway or router if one rem exists between the user machine and the webserver target. rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this case rem the rollup times will be on daily boundaries. Samples included rem in the rollup are greater than or equal to the start of the rem period, and less than the next period. So the rollup period for rem the first day of the month includes samples from midnight on rem that day up to samples collected on midnight of the following day. rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem NUM_SECONDS rem rem - The number of seconds that all the hits in this record took to rem respond to the client. rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_IP_DIST_1HOUR (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, visitor_node VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER DEFAULT 0, num_seconds NUMBER DEFAULT 0, dist_value_type NUMBER(4) DEFAULT 0) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_IP_DIST_BOOTSTRAP table contains the rollup metrics from rem the response data samples into 1 hour intervals that were collected on rem the target system. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the rem description of the MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem VISITOR_NODE - the resolved node name (if available) or IP address of the rem visitor node. This may be a gateway or router if one rem exists between the user machine and the webserver target. rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this case rem the rollup times will be on daily boundaries. Samples included rem in the rollup are greater than or equal to the start of the rem period, and less than the next period. So the rollup period for rem the first day of the month includes samples from midnight on rem that day up to samples collected on midnight of the following day. rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem NUM_SECONDS rem rem - The number of seconds that all the hits in this record took to rem respond to the client. rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_IP_DIST_BOOTSTRAP (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, visitor_node VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER DEFAULT 0, num_seconds NUMBER DEFAULT 0, dist_value_type NUMBER(4) DEFAULT 0) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_IP_DIST_1DAY table contains the rollup metrics from the rem response data samples into 1 day intervals that were collected on the rem target system. rem The individual targets (i.e. webservers) where metrics were collected rem are maintained in this rollup table. rem rem For more information on valid metrics, see the rem description of the MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem METRIC_NAME - the name of the metric collected rem rem VISITOR_NODE - the resolved node name (if available) or IP address of the rem visitor node. This may be a gateway or router if one rem exists between the user machine and the webserver target. rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem rem - the date/time for the start of the rollup period. In this case rem the rollup times will be on daily boundaries. Samples included rem in the rollup are greater than or equal to the start of the rem period, and less than the next period. So the rollup period for rem the first day of the month includes samples from midnight on rem that day up to samples collected on midnight of the following day. rem rem HITS - The number of hits that have been rolled for this time period. rem rem NUM_SECONDS rem rem - The number of seconds that all the hits in this record took to rem respond to the client. rem rem NOTES rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_IP_DIST_1DAY (target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, visitor_node VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, rollup_timestamp DATE NOT NULL, hits NUMBER DEFAULT 0, num_seconds NUMBER DEFAULT 0, dist_value_type NUMBER(4) DEFAULT 0) PCTFREE 0 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_PR_MAPPING (Page Request Mapping) table holds a mapping of rem page URLs to their component requests. Each PAGE_URL can have several rem REQUEST_URLs associated with it. rem This table is like a raw table in that it comes directly from the CME. rem Even though it is aggregated by hour, there can be multiple entries rem that have the same PAGE_URL, REQUEST_URL, and AGGREGATE_HOUR_TIMESTAMP. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem PAGE_URL - The page that the user visited that resulted in rem requests for each REQUEST_URL. rem rem REQUEST_URL - The component of the PAGE_URL. rem rem NUM_CACHE_HITS - The number of caches hits on the request URL. rem rem CACHE_HITS_AVG_SVR_TIME rem - The average server time for cached hits on rem the REQUEST_URL. rem rem NUM_NON_CACHE_HITS rem - The number of non-cached hits for the REQUEST_URL. rem rem NON_CACHE_HITS_AVG_SVR_TIME rem - The average server time for non-cached rem hits on the REQUEST_URL. rem rem AGGREGATE_HOUR_TIMESTAMP rem - The hour in which the samples were aggregated. rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_PR_MAPPING (TARGET_GUID RAW(16) NOT NULL, PAGE_URL VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, REQUEST_URL VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, NUM_CACHE_HITS NUMBER DEFAULT 0, CACHE_HITS_AVG_SVR_TIME NUMBER(10,2) DEFAULT 0, NUM_NON_CACHE_HITS NUMBER DEFAULT 0, NON_CACHE_HITS_AVG_SVR_TIME NUMBER(10,2) DEFAULT 0, AGGREGATE_HOUR_TIMESTAMP DATE NOT NULL); rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_INCOMPLETE_LOADS table holds data on the incomplete page rem loads on a webserver. rem This table is like a raw table in that it comes directly from the CME. rem Even though it is aggregated by hour, there can be multiple entries rem that have the same PAGE_URL and AGGREGATE_HOUR_TIMESTAMP. rem rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem PAGE_URL - The page that the user visited that resulted in rem an incomplete page load. rem rem NUM_INCOMPLETE_LOADS rem - The number of incomplete loads that occured in the rem hour. rem rem AVG_SERVER_TIME- The average server time spent processing the rem incomplete page loads. rem rem AGGREGATE_HOUR_TIMESTAMP rem - The hour in which the samples were aggregated. rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_INCOMPLETE_LOADS (TARGET_GUID RAW(16) NOT NULL, PAGE_URL VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, NUM_INCOMPLETE_LOADS NUMBER DEFAULT 0, AVG_SERVER_TIME NUMBER(10,2) DEFAULT 0, AGGREGATE_HOUR_TIMESTAMP DATE NOT NULL); rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_PR_MAPPING_1HOUR (Page Request Mapping) table holds a rem mapping of page URLs to their component requests. Each PAGE_URL can rem have several REQUEST_URLs associated with it. rem This table contains rolled up page request mappings from the rem MGMT_RT_PR_MAPPING table. Unlike the MGMT_RT_PR_MAPPING table, this rem table does not have any rows with the same PAGE_URL, REQUEST_URL, and rem AGGREGATE_HOUR_TIMESTAMP. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem PAGE_URL - The page that the user visited that resulted in rem requests for each REQUEST_URL. rem rem REQUEST_URL - The component of the PAGE_URL. rem rem NUM_CACHE_HITS - The number of caches hits on the request URL. rem rem CACHE_HITS_AVG_SVR_TIME rem - The average server time for cached hits on rem the REQUEST_URL. rem rem NUM_NON_CACHE_HITS rem - The number of non-cached hits for the REQUEST_URL. rem rem NON_CACHE_HITS_AVG_SVR_TIME rem - The average server time for non-cached rem hits on the REQUEST_URL. rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem - The hour in which the samples were rolled up. rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_PR_MAPPING_1HOUR (TARGET_GUID RAW(16) NOT NULL, PAGE_URL VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, REQUEST_URL VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, NUM_CACHE_HITS NUMBER DEFAULT 0, CACHE_HITS_AVG_SVR_TIME NUMBER(10,2) DEFAULT 0, NUM_NON_CACHE_HITS NUMBER DEFAULT 0, NON_CACHE_HITS_AVG_SVR_TIME NUMBER(10,2) DEFAULT 0, ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP DATE); rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_INCOMPLETE_LOADS_1HOUR table holds data on the incomplete rem page loads on a webserver. rem This table contains rolled up incomplete page loads from the rem MGMT_RT_INCOMPLETE_LOADS table. Unlike the MGMT_RT_INCOMPLETE_LOADS table, this rem table does not have any rows with the same PAGE_URL and rem AGGREGATE_HOUR_TIMESTAMP. rem rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem PAGE_URL - The page that the user visited that resulted in rem an incomplete page load. rem rem NUM_INCOMPLETE_LOADS rem - The number of incomplete loads that occured in the rem hour. rem rem AVG_SERVER_TIME- The average server time spent processing the rem incomplete page loads. rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem - The hour in which the samples were rolled up. rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_INCOMPLETE_LOADS_1HOUR (TARGET_GUID RAW(16) NOT NULL, PAGE_URL VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, NUM_INCOMPLETE_LOADS NUMBER DEFAULT 0, AVG_SERVER_TIME NUMBER(10,2) DEFAULT 0, ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP DATE); rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_PR_MAPPING_1DAY (Page Request Mapping) table holds a rem mapping of page URLs to their component requests. Each PAGE_URL can rem have several REQUEST_URLs associated with it. rem This table contains rolled up page request mappings from the rem MGMT_RT_PR_MAPPING_1HOUR table by day. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem PAGE_URL - The page that the user visited that resulted in rem requests for each REQUEST_URL. rem rem REQUEST_URL - The component of the PAGE_URL. rem rem NUM_CACHE_HITS - The number of caches hits on the request URL. rem rem CACHE_HITS_AVG_SVR_TIME rem - The average server time for cached hits on rem the REQUEST_URL. rem rem NUM_NON_CACHE_HITS rem - The number of non-cached hits for the REQUEST_URL. rem rem NON_CACHE_HITS_AVG_SVR_TIME rem - The average server time for non-cached rem hits on the REQUEST_URL. rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem - The hour in which the samples were rolled up. rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_PR_MAPPING_1DAY (TARGET_GUID RAW(16) NOT NULL, PAGE_URL VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, REQUEST_URL VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, NUM_CACHE_HITS NUMBER DEFAULT 0, CACHE_HITS_AVG_SVR_TIME NUMBER(10,2) DEFAULT 0, NUM_NON_CACHE_HITS NUMBER DEFAULT 0, NON_CACHE_HITS_AVG_SVR_TIME NUMBER(10,2) DEFAULT 0, ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP DATE); rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_RT_INCOMPLETE_LOADS_1DAY table holds data on the incomplete rem page loads on a webserver. rem This table contains rolled up incomplete page loads from the rem MGMT_RT_INCOMPLETE_LOADS_1HOUR table by day. rem rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem PAGE_URL - The page that the user visited that resulted in rem an incomplete page load. rem rem NUM_INCOMPLETE_LOADS rem - The number of incomplete loads that occured in the rem hour. rem rem AVG_SERVER_TIME- The average server time spent processing the rem incomplete page loads. rem rem ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP rem - The hour in which the samples were rolled up. rem rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_RT_INCOMPLETE_LOADS_1DAY (TARGET_GUID RAW(16) NOT NULL, PAGE_URL VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, NUM_INCOMPLETE_LOADS NUMBER DEFAULT 0, AVG_SERVER_TIME NUMBER(10,2) DEFAULT 0, ROLLUP_TIMESTAMP DATE); rem here is from the chronos_indexes.sql Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW ADD CONSTRAINT MGMT_RT_METRICS_RAW_PK PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, collection_timestamp, url_filename, metric_name, submit_action_timestamp, visitor_ip) USING INDEX STORAGE (FREELISTS 4) INITRANS 4; create index mgmt_rt_metrics_raw_ip_num_idx on mgmt_rt_metrics_raw (visitor_ip_num); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_URLS table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_URLS ADD CONSTRAINT MGMT_RT_URLS_PK PRIMARY KEY (url_guid); ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_URLS ADD CONSTRAINT MGMT_RT_URLS_NAME_UN UNIQUE(target_guid, display_name); ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_URLS ADD CONSTRAINT MGMT_RT_URLS_URL_UN UNIQUE(target_guid, url_filename); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_REGIONS table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_REGIONS ADD CONSTRAINT MGMT_RT_REGIONS_PK PRIMARY KEY (region_guid); ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_REGIONS ADD CONSTRAINT MGMT_RT_REGIONS_UN UNIQUE(target_guid, region_name); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_REGION_ENTRIES table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_REGION_ENTRIES ADD CONSTRAINT MGMT_RT_REGION_ENTRIES_PK PRIMARY KEY (id); ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_REGION_ENTRIES ADD CONSTRAINT MGMT_RT_REGION_ENTRIES_UN_DOM UNIQUE (domain); create index IDX_REGION_MIN_IP on MGMT_RT_REGION_ENTRIES (MIN_IP); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_REGION_MAPPING table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_REGION_MAPPING ADD CONSTRAINT MGMT_RT_REGION_MAPPING_PK PRIMARY KEY (id, region_guid); create index MGMT_RT_REGION_MAPPING_ID_IDX on MGMT_RT_REGION_MAPPING (id); ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_REGION_MAPPING ADD CONSTRAINT MGMT_RT_REGION_MAPPING_FK FOREIGN KEY (region_guid) REFERENCES MGMT_RT_REGIONS (region_guid) ON DELETE CASCADE; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_TARGET_PROPERTIES table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_TARGET_PROPERTIES ADD CONSTRAINT RT_TARGET_PROPERTIES_PK PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, property_name); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_COOKIE_DATA table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_COOKIE_DATA ADD CONSTRAINT MGMT_RT_COOKIE_DATA_PK PRIMARY KEY (raw_index,name,value) USING INDEX STORAGE (FREELISTS 4) INITRANS 4; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_URL_1HOUR table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_URL_1HOUR ADD CONSTRAINT url_1hour_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, url_filename, url_link) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_URL_1DAY table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_URL_1DAY ADD CONSTRAINT url_1day_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, url_filename,url_link) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_URL_DIST_1HOUR table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_URL_DIST_1HOUR ADD CONSTRAINT url_dist_1hour_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, url_filename, num_seconds, dist_value_type) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_URL_DIST_1DAY table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_URL_DIST_1DAY ADD CONSTRAINT url_dist_1day_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, url_filename, num_seconds,dist_value_type) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_1HOUR table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_1HOUR ADD CONSTRAINT domain_1hour_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, visitor_domain, visitor_subnet) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_1DAY table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_1DAY ADD CONSTRAINT domain_1day_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, visitor_domain, visitor_subnet) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_DIST_1HOUR table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_DIST_1HOUR ADD CONSTRAINT domain_dist_1hour_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, visitor_domain, visitor_subnet, num_seconds, dist_value_type) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_DIST_1DAY table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_DIST_1DAY ADD CONSTRAINT domain_dist_1day_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, visitor_domain, visitor_subnet, num_seconds, dist_value_type) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_IP_1HOUR table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_IP_1HOUR ADD CONSTRAINT ip_1hour_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, visitor_node) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_IP_1DAY table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_IP_1DAY ADD CONSTRAINT ip_1day_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, visitor_node) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_IP_DIST_1HOUR table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_IP_DIST_1HOUR ADD CONSTRAINT ip_dist_1hour_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, visitor_node, num_seconds, dist_value_type) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_IP_DIST_1DAY table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_IP_DIST_1DAY ADD CONSTRAINT ip_dist_1day_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, visitor_node, num_seconds, dist_value_type) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_BOOTSTRAP_TIMES table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_BOOTSTRAP_TIMES ADD CONSTRAINT mgmt_rt_bootstrap_times_pk PRIMARY KEY (target_guid) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_URL_BOOTSTRAP table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_URL_BOOTSTRAP ADD CONSTRAINT url_bootstrap_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, url_filename, url_link) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_URL_DIST_BOOTSTRAP table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_URL_DIST_BOOTSTRAP ADD CONSTRAINT url_dist_bootstrap_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, url_filename, num_seconds, dist_value_type) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_BOOTSTRAP table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_BOOTSTRAP ADD CONSTRAINT domain_bootstrap_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, visitor_domain, visitor_subnet) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_DIST_BOOTSTRAP table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_DOMAIN_DIST_BOOTSTRAP ADD CONSTRAINT domain_dist_bs_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, visitor_domain, visitor_subnet, num_seconds, dist_value_type) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_IP_BOOTSTRAP table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_IP_BOOTSTRAP ADD CONSTRAINT ip_bootstrap_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, visitor_node) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_IP_DIST_BOOTSTRAP table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_IP_DIST_BOOTSTRAP ADD CONSTRAINT ip_dist_bootstrap_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, metric_name, visitor_node, num_seconds, dist_value_type) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_INCOMPLETE_LOADS table Rem CREATE INDEX inc_loads_idx ON MGMT_RT_INCOMPLETE_LOADS (target_guid, aggregate_hour_timestamp, page_url); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_INCOMPLETE_LOADS_1HOUR table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_INCOMPLETE_LOADS_1HOUR ADD CONSTRAINT inc_loads_1hour_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, page_url) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_INCOMPLETE_LOADS_1DAY table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_INCOMPLETE_LOADS_1DAY ADD CONSTRAINT inc_loads_1day_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, page_url) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_PR_MAPPING table Rem CREATE INDEX pr_mapping_idx ON MGMT_RT_PR_MAPPING (target_guid, aggregate_hour_timestamp, page_url, request_url); Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_PR_MAPPING_1HOUR table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_PR_MAPPING_1HOUR ADD CONSTRAINT pr_mapping_1hour_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, page_url, request_url) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0; Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_RT_PR_MAPPING_1DAY table Rem ALTER TABLE MGMT_RT_PR_MAPPING_1DAY ADD CONSTRAINT pr_mapping_1day_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, rollup_timestamp, page_url, request_url) USING INDEX PCTFREE 0;