Rem PLEASE DO NOT PUT ANY HEADERS HERE AS IT IS INVOKED FROM license_data_upgrade.sql Rem $Header: license_post_creation.sql 09-dec-2005.02:20:05 bram Exp $ Rem Rem license_post_creation.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem license_post_creation.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem For NEW customers this file will be called through license/license_post_creation.sql Rem For UPGRADE FROM 10.2 to this will be called from license_data_upgrade.sql Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem bram 12/04/05 - Created Rem DECLARE l_count NUMBER := 0; BEGIN --Delete Entry for slb and sms association from mgmt_license_definitions SELECT COUNT(1) INTO l_count FROM mgmt_license_definitions WHERE PACK_LABEL='storage_smp' AND TARGET_TYPE='slb' AND PACK_ABBR='SMS'; IF l_count>0 THEN DELETE FROM mgmt_license_definitions WHERE PACK_LABEL='storage_smp' AND TARGET_TYPE='slb' AND PACK_ABBR='SMS'; COMMIT; END IF; --This block will create an association between slb and SMND em_license.add_pack_definitions ( p_pack_label => 'nd_smp' , p_target_type => 'slb' , p_pack_display_label => 'Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Plug-in for Network Devices', p_pack_description => 'The System Monitoring Plug-in for Network Devices provides performance and availabity data collection.

  • Real-time and historical monitoring
  • Event monitoring
  • Notifications
  • Performance reporting for network devices
  • ' , p_pack_abbr => 'SMND' ); -- The description for the provisioning packs have changed, so putting -- the new descriptions here. em_license.add_pack_definitions ( p_pack_label => 'provisioning' , p_target_type => 'oracle_database' , p_pack_display_label => 'Provisioning Pack', p_pack_description => 'Provisioning Pack delivers functionality that automates deployment of software, applications, and patches.This pack provides functionality for :

  • Bare metal provisioning of operating systems and software images
  • Cloning of existing installations and software images (such as CRS/RAC and AS)
  • Deployment Procedure Manager
  • Patching
  • ' , p_pack_abbr => 'PV' ); em_license.add_pack_definitions ( p_pack_label => 'provisioning' , p_target_type => 'oracle_ias' , p_pack_display_label => 'Provisioning Pack', p_pack_description => 'Provisioning Pack delivers functionality that automates deployment of software, applications, and patches.This pack provides functionality for :

  • Bare metal provisioning of operating systems and software images
  • Cloning of existing installations and software images (such as CRS/RAC and AS)
  • Deployment Procedure Manager
  • Patching
  • ' , p_pack_abbr => 'PV' ); em_license.add_pack_definitions ( p_pack_label => 'provisioning' , p_target_type => 'host' , p_pack_display_label => 'Provisioning Pack', p_pack_description => 'Provisioning Pack delivers functionality that automates deployment of software, applications, and patches.This pack provides functionality for :

  • Bare metal provisioning of operating systems and software images
  • Cloning of existing installations and software images (such as CRS/RAC and AS)
  • Deployment Procedure Manager
  • Patching
  • ' , p_pack_abbr => 'PV' ); em_license.add_pack_definitions ( p_pack_label => 'provisioning' , p_target_type => 'cluster' , p_pack_display_label => 'Provisioning Pack', p_pack_description => 'Provisioning Pack delivers functionality that automates deployment of software, applications, and patches.This pack provides functionality for :

  • Bare metal provisioning of operating systems and software images
  • Cloning of existing installations and software images (such as CRS/RAC and AS)
  • Deployment Procedure Manager
  • Patching
  • ' , p_pack_abbr => 'PV' ); em_license.add_pack_definitions ( p_pack_label => 'provisioning' , p_target_type => 'rac_database' , p_pack_display_label => 'Provisioning Pack', p_pack_description => 'Provisioning Pack delivers functionality that automates deployment of software, applications, and patches.This pack provides functionality for :

  • Bare metal provisioning of operating systems and software images
  • Cloning of existing installations and software images (such as CRS/RAC and AS)
  • Deployment Procedure Manager
  • Patching
  • ' , p_pack_abbr => 'PV' ); COMMIT; END; /