EXE_STACK_NAMEPOLICYExecute Stack EXE_STACK_DESCPOLICYEnsure that the OS configuration parameter, which enables execution of code on the user stack, is not enabled EXE_STACK_IMPACTPOLICYEnabling code execution on the user stack may allow a malicious user to exploit stack buffer overflows. Overflows can cause portions of a system to fail, or even execute arbitrary code. EXE_STACK_RECOMMPOLICYDisable code execution on the user stack. OPEN_PORTS_NAMEPOLICYOpen Ports OPEN_PORTS_DESCPOLICYEnsure that no unintended ports are left open OPEN_PORTS_IMPACTPOLICYOpen ports may allow a malicious user to take over the host. OPEN_PORTS_RECOMMPOLICYDo not open insecure ports. INSEC_SERV_NAMEPOLICYInsecure Services INSEC_SERV_DESCPOLICYEnsure that there are no insecure services (for example, telnet and ftp) running on the server INSEC_SERV_IMPACTPOLICYInsecure services may allow a malicious user to take over the host. INSEC_SERV_RECOMMPOLICYDo not run insecure services. FILE_SYS_TYPE_NAMEPOLICYNTFS File System FILE_SYS_TYPE_DESCPOLICYEnsure that the file system on a Windows operating system uses NTFS FILE_SYS_TYPE_IMPACTPOLICYOther than NTFS, file systems on Windows platforms may have serious security risks. FILE_SYS_TYPE_RECOMMPOLICYOn Windows operating systems, it is strongly recommended to use NTFS as the file system.