# $Header: csa_collector.pl 23-may-2005.07:34:55 asaraswa Exp $
# csa_collector.pl
# Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.  
#    NAME
#      csa_collector.pl - <one-line expansion of the name>
#      <short description of component this file declares/defines>
#    NOTES
#      <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.>
#    asaraswa    05/23/05 - fxing output 
#    asaraswa    12/07/04 - asaraswa_bug-4016273
#    asaraswa    12/06/04 - Creation
use File::Spec();

($hostName,$oracleHome) = @ARGV;

#as a precaution, we will check the length of the host name to make 
#sure our target name will fit

$suffix = "_oms_csa_collector";

if (length($hostName) > (256 - length($suffix)))
    $hostName = substr($hostName, (256 - length($suffix)));

$target_name = $hostName . $suffix;
$recDir = File::Spec->catfile($oracleHome, 'oms_csa/results');

print "<Targets>\n";
print "    <Target TYPE=\"oracle_csa_collector\" NAME=\"$target_name\" DISPLAY_NAME=\"$target_name\">\n";

print "        <Property NAME=\"recvFileDir\" VALUE=\"$recDir\"/>\n";
print "    </Target>\n";
print "</Targets>\n";