/ Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // // NAME // PrvgMsg.msg // // DESCRIPTION // Message file // // NOTES // // MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) // ptare 08/03/11 - Add NTP offset limit error message // nvira 07/20/11 - bug fix 12699639 // nvira 06/16/11 - XbranchMerge nvira_bug-8289500 from main // agorla 07/14/11 - bug#12729472 - Document DB_CREDENTIAL_ERROR // dsaggi 06/14/11 - XbranchMerge dsaggi_bug-12639866 from main // agorla 06/13/11 - XbranchMerge agorla_b-10158893 from main // ptare 05/31/11 - XbranchMerge ptare_bug-12412514 from main // ptare 05/25/11 - Add OCR key related messages // nvira 05/16/11 - Backport nvira_bug-12378265 from main // agorla 05/09/11 - XbranchMerge agorla_bug-12354619 from main // spavan 05/03/11 - XbranchMerge spavan_bug-11688154 from main // agorla 05/03/11 - dbinst -upgrade messages // ptare 04/28/11 - XbranchMerge ptare_bug-10069762 from main // agorla 04/28/11 - db stale schema messages // spavan 04/25/11 - XbranchMerge spavan_bug-9445585 from main // nvira 04/13/11 - add msg of oracle patch task // ptare 04/21/11 - Add messages for private IP and subnet check // kfgriffi 04/20/11 - Backport 11857256 from main // spavan 04/18/11 - XbranchMerge spavan_bug-9958592 from main // agorla 04/13/11 - bug#12354619 - add message // kfgriffi 04/11/11 - Backport kfgriffi_bug-11871148 from main // kfgriffi 04/11/11 - Backport kfgriffi_bug-11871148 from main // kfgriffi 04/04/11 - Fix bug 11857256 // kfgriffi 03/28/11 - Fix bug 11871148 // ptare 03/21/11 - XbranchMerge ptare_bug-10418718 from main // spavan 03/10/11 - fix bug11688154 // kfgriffi 03/09/11 - Backport kfgriffi_tcpsrvrkill from main // agorla 03/09/11 - bug#10158893 - multicast check messages // nvira 03/04/11 - add messages for sqlnet.ora // agorla 03/02/11 - XbranchMerge agorla_bug-10361306 from main // spavan 02/25/11 - fix bug11797743 // nvira 02/24/11 - add message for kernel param config values // agorla 02/21/11 - XbranchMerge agorla_bug-10623974 from main // agorla 02/21/11 - bug#10240356 - add messages // spavan 02/18/11 - XbranchMerge spavan_b9815115 from st_has_11.2.0 // narbalas 02/17/11 - Backport narbalas_bug-9569077 from main // agorla 02/09/11 - bug#10623974 - add messages // ptare 02/07/11 - XbranchMerge ptare_bug_main-10404930 from main // narbalas 01/27/11 - Adding messages for sTaskRootConsistency // kfgriffi 01/26/11 - Backport 9857270 from main // agorla 01/26/11 - bug#10361306 - mtu mismatch msg for private ifs // ptare 01/26/11 - XbranchMerge ptare_bug-7636743 from main // ptare 01/24/11 - XbranchMerge ptare_bug-10089347 from main // ptare 01/21/11 - Add messages for the Registry Key retrieval on // windows // narbalas 01/20/11 - Adding messages for comp freespace // ptare 01/20/11 - Add SoftwareVersion retrieval message // ptare 01/17/11 - Add message for getAvailableSpace API // spavan 01/15/11 - fix bug9958592 // spavan 01/12/11 - fix bug9445585 // kfgriffi 01/10/11 - Fix bug 9857270 // ptare 01/06/11 - XbranchMerge ptare_bug-10281734 from // st_has_11.2.0 // agorla 01/05/11 - XbranchMerge agorla_bug-10092020 from main // kfgriffi 12/17/10 - XbranchMerge kfgriffi_bug-9688889 from main // ptare 12/10/10 - Add ASMLib Configuration related messages // spavan 12/09/10 - XbranchMerge spavan_cvuhelper from main // ptare 12/07/10 - Add messages for ASM stamp to device path // ptare 11/25/10 - Bug#9544895 Add messages for Firewall check // spavan 07/27/10 - fix bug9815115 // agorla 12/06/10 - bug#10092020 - add messages // kfgriffi 12/06/10 - Fix bug 9688889 // kfgriffi 11/08/10 - Add process termination message // agorla 10/22/10 - Messages for SQL health check // spavan 10/08/10 - add error messages for cvuhelper // narbalas 09/22/10 - Fix SIHA environment // ptare 01/10/11 - XbranchMerge ptare_bug_10649094 from main // kfgriffi 12/17/10 - XbranchMerge kfgriffi_bug-9688889 from main // spavan 12/09/10 - XbranchMerge spavan_cvuhelper from main // ptare 12/07/10 - Add messages for ASM stamp to device path // ptare 11/25/10 - Bug#9544895 Add messages for Firewall check // spavan 07/27/10 - fix bug9815115 // ptare 07/20/10 - Add Domainuser failure message // ptare 07/20/10 - Add Domainuser failure message // kfgriffi 06/24/10 - Add LV error message // spavan 06/03/10 - fix bug9713349 // */ // // PACKAGE=package oracle.ops.verification.resources; // MSGIDTYPE=interface 0205, REPORT_HEALTH_CHECK, "Health Check" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0206, COMP_HEALTH_CHECK_DISP_NAME, "Health Check" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0207, VERIFYING_TASK_TEMPLATE, "Verifying {0} ..." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0208, VERIFYING_OS_BEST_PRACTICE, "Verifying OS Best Practice" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0209, VERIFYING_CLUSTERWARE_BEST_PRACTICE, "Verifying Clusterware Best Practice" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0210, VERIFYING_DATABASE_BEST_PRACTICE, "Verifying Database Best Practice for \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0211, BEST_PRACTICE_HTML_REPORT_TITLE, "CVU Best Practice Verification Report" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0212, BEST_PRACTICE_HTML_REPORT_OWNER, "Oracle" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0213, DB_DISCOVERY_ERROR, "Error discovering databases, database best practices will not be performed." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0214, BEST_PRACTICE_DB_USER_PASSWORD, "Please specify password for user \"{0}\" : " // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0215, VERIFYING_OS_MANDATORY_REQUIREMENTS, "Verifying OS mandatory requirements" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0216, VERIFYING_CLUSTERWARE_MANDATORY_REQUIREMENTS, "Verifying Clusterware mandatory requirements" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0217, VERIFYING_DATABASE_MANDATORY_REQUIREMENTS, "Verifying Database mandatory requirements for \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0218, VERIFYING_DATABASE, "Verifying Database \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0219, DB_CREDENTIAL_ERROR, "Authorization error establishing connection to database \"{0}\". Verification will be skipped for this database." // *Cause: Authorization error occurred while establishing connection to the database using 'cvusys' user. This may be because of 'cvusys' user does not exist, password is wrong, or 'cvusys' user account is locked. // *Action: Make sure that the 'cvusys' user exists in the database, account is unlocked and the supplied password is correct. The 'cvusys' user can be created by running script /cv/admin/cvusys.sql / 0220, BEST_PRACTICE_DB_PORT, "Please specify database port [default 1521] : " // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0221, BEST_PRACTICE_DISPLAY_NOT_SET, "Cannot launch browser to display the report. Check if the DISPLAY variable is set." // *Cause: DISPLAY environment variable is not set // *Action: set DISPLAY / 0222, DB_CONNECT_ERROR, "Error establishing connection to database \"{0}\". Verification will be skipped for this database." // *Cause: Error occurred while establishing connection with the database using 'cvusys' user. // *Action: Examine the accompanying error message for details. / 0300, PHYSICAL_MEMORY_SUMMARY_PASSED, "Physical memory meets or exceeds recommendation" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0301, PHYSICAL_MEMORY_SUMMARY_FAILED, "Physical memory did not meet the recommended value of {0} on {1}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0302, AVAILABLE_MEMORY_SUMMARY_PASSED, "Available memory meets or exceeds recommendation" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0303, AVAILABLE_MEMORY_SUMMARY_FAILED, "Available memory did not meet the recommended value of {0} on {1}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0304, SWAP_SPACE_SUMMARY_PASSED, "Swap configuration meets or exceeds recommendation" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0305, SWAP_SPACE_SUMMARY_FAILED, "Swap configuration did not meet the recommended value of {0} on {1}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0306, USER_EXISTENCE_SUMMARY_PASSED, "User {0} exists" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0307, USER_EXISTENCE_SUMMARY_FAILED, "User {0} does not exist on {1}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0308, GROUP_EXISTENCE_SUMMARY_PASSED, "Group {0} exists" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0309, GROUP_EXISTENCE_SUMMARY_FAILED, "Group {0} does not exist on {1}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0310, RUN_LEVEL_SUMMARY_PASSED, "Run level recommendation are met" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0311, RUN_LEVEL_SUMMARY_FAILED, "Run level is not set to the recommended value of {0} on {1}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0312, ARCHITECTURE_SUMMARY_PASSED, "Architecture recommendation is met" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0313, ARCHITECTURE_SUMMARY_FAILED, "Architecture does not meet the recommended {0} on {1}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0314, PATCH_SUMMARY_PASSED, "Patch {0} meets recommendation" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0315, PATCH_SUMMARY_FAILED, "Patch {0} recommendation is not met on {1}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0316, KERNEL_PARAMETER_SUMMARY_PASSED, "Kernel parameter {0} meets recommendation" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0317, KERNEL_PARAMETER_SUMMARY_FAILED, "Kernel parameter {0} does not meet recommendation on {1}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0318, PACKAGE_SUMMARY_PASSED, "Package {0} meets recommendation" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0319, PACKAGE_SUMMARY_FAILED, "Package {0} recommendation is not met on {1}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0320, GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_SUMMARY_PASSED, "User {0} is a member of group {1}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0321, GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_SUMMARY_FAILED, "User {0} is not a member of group {1} on {3}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0322, GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_PRIMARY_SUMMARY_PASSED, "Group {1} is the primary group of user {0}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0323, GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_PRIMARY_SUMMARY_FAILED, "Group {1} is not the primary group of user {0} on {3}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0324, KERNEL_VERSION_SUMMARY_PASSED, "Kernel version meets recommendation" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0325, KERNEL_VERSION_SUMMARY_FAILED, "Kernel version does not meet recommended {0} on {1}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0326, REPORT_TXT_FREE_SPACE, "Free Space" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0400, HDR_CURRENT, "Current" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0500, REPORT_TXT_UNDEFINED, "undefined" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0550, FAILED_READ_OCRDUMP_KEY, "Failed to retrieve the value of an OCR key \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An attempt to read the specified OCR key from the local node failed. // *Action: Ensure that current user has required privileges to access 'ocrdump'. / 0551, OCRDUMP_KEY_ABSENT, "The OCR key \"{0}\" was not found in OCR" // *Cause: Could not find the specified OCR key in OCR. // *Action: Ensure that current user has required privileges to access 'ocrdump'. / 0600, PATH_EXISTS_OR_CAN_BE_CREATED, "Path \"{0}\" either already exists or can be successfully created on nodes: \"{1}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0700, ROLLING_UPGRADE_STACK_NOT_UP, "CRS stack must be running on the local node for performing rolling upgrade." // *Cause: CRS stack is not running on the local node. // *Action: Start the stack on the local node. / 0701, SPECIFY_NODELIST_ON_CLI, "Specify nodelist with -n ." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1001, CVUHELPER_INSUFFICIENT_ARGUMENTS, "Insufficient number of arguments while executing \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An attempt was made to execute the specified script with insufficient number of arguments. // *Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services. / 1002, TASK_SCAN_CVUHELPER_FAILURE, "Command \"{0}\" to obtain SCAN configuration failed" // *Cause: An attempt to execute the displayed command failed. // *Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services. / 1003, TASK_OCR_LOC_VALID_CVUHELPER_ERR, "Command \"{0}\" to check if OCR locations are on shared storage failed" // *Cause: An attempt to execute the displayed command failed. // *Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services. / 1004, TASK_GNS_VIP_DOMAIN_CVUHELPER_ERR, "Command \"{0}\" to obtain GNS domain and GNS-VIP configuration failed" // *Cause: An attempt to execute the displayed command failed. // *Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services. / 1005, TASK_GNS_STATUS_CVUHELPER_ERR, "Command \"{0}\" to obtain GNS and GNS-VIP status failed" // *Cause: An attempt to execute the displayed command failed. // *Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services. / 1006, TASK_ASM_RUNNING_CVUHELPER_ERR, "Command \"{0}\" to check if ASM instance is running failed" // *Cause: An attempt to execute the displayed command failed. // *Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services. / 1007, TASK_ASM_DGCOUNT_CVUHELPER_ERR, "Command \"{0}\" to get ASM disk groups configured on local node failed" // *Cause: An attempt to execute the displayed command failed. // *Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services. / 1008, TASK_ASM_RUNCHECK_ERROR, "ASM status could not be verified on nodes \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An attempt to verify if ASM running on the nodes specified. // *Action: Look at the error messages that accompany this message. / 1009, TASK_GNS_SCANNAME_CVUHELPER_ERR, "Command \"{0}\" to obtain SCAN name failed" // *Cause: An attempt to execute the displayed command failed. // *Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services. / 1010, TASK_NET_CONFIG_CVUHELPER_ERR, "Command \"{0}\" to obtain configuration of network resource for network number {1} failed" // *Cause: An attempt to execute the displayed command failed. // *Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services. / 1011, TASK_NODEADD_FAIL_CRSVER, "The CRS software versions found on cluster nodes \"{0}\" and \"{1}\" do not match" // *Cause: The CRS software version found on the two nodes indicated do not match. // *Action: Make sure the existing cluster nodes have the same CRS software version installed before trying to add another node to the cluster. / 1012, TASK_NODEADD_CRSHOME_FAIL, "The shared state of the CRS home path \"{0}\" on nodes to be added does not match the shared state on existing cluster nodes" // *Cause: The CRS home IS shared on the existing cluster and NOT shared on the nodes to be added, or the CRS home is NOT shared on the existing cluster nodes and IS shared on the nodes to be added. // *Action: The CRS home must be shared by all nodes or by none. / 1013, TASK_NODEADD_PATH_FAIL, "The path \"{0}\" does not exist or cannot be created on the nodes to be added" // *Cause: The path does not exist on the nodes being added and the parent path is not writable. // *Action: Ensure that the path identified either exists or can be created. / 1014, OCR_LOC_FOUND, "Found OCR location \"{0}\" on node(s): \"{1}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1015, TASK_NTP_OFFSET_NOT_WITHIN_LIMITS, "Time server \"{0}\" has time offsets that are not within permissible limit \"{1}\" on nodes \"{2}\". " // *Cause: Offsets on the identified nodes in the cluster were not within limits for specified Time Server. // *Action: Ensure that the offsets for specified time server are within limits on each node of the cluster. / 1050, TASK_VOTEDSK_OFFLINE_VOTEDISK_WARN, "Voting disk locations with the voting disk identification numbers \"{0}\" are offline." // *Cause: Voting disk locations were found to be offline. // *Action: Voting disk must be brought online or should be removed from the configuration by executing 'crsctl delete css votedisk [...]'. / 1100, TASK_NAME_SERVICE_NETSVC_ERR, "Found inconsistent 'hosts' entry in /etc/netsvc.conf on node {0}" // *Cause: Cluster verification found an inconsistency in the /etc/netsvc.conf 'hosts' specification on the indicated node. // *Action: Ensure the 'hosts' entries define the same lookup order in the /etc/netsvc.conf file across all cluster nodes. / 1101, TASK_NAME_SERVICE_NO_RESOLUTION, "SCAN name \"{0}\" failed to resolve" // *Cause: An attempt to resolve specified SCAN name to a list of IP addresses failed because SCAN could not be resolved in DNS or GNS using 'nslookup'. // *Action: Check whether the specified SCAN name is correct. If SCAN name should be resolved in DNS, check the configuration of SCAN name in DNS. If it should be resolved in GNS make sure that GNS resource is online. / 1150, TASK_ELEMENT_EZCONNECT, "Easy Connect configuration" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1151, TASK_DESC_EZCONNECT, "This check ensures that the Easy Connect is configured as an Oracle Net name resolution method" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1152, TASK_EZCONNECT_START, "Checking sqlnet.ora to ensure that the Easy Connect is configured as an Oracle Net name resolution method" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1153, TASK_EZCONNECT_NOT_ENABLED, "Easy Connect is not configured in the sqlnet.ora in the location \"{0}\" on the following nodes:" // *Cause: names.directory_path entry in the sqlnet.ora does not contain 'ezconnect' as one of the name resolution methods // *Action: add 'ezconnect' to names.directory_path entry in the sqlnet.ora / 1154, TASK_EZCONNECT_NOT_ENABLED_NODE, "Easy Connect is not configured in the sqlnet.ora in the location \"{0}\" on node \"{1}\"" // *Cause: names.directory_path entry in the sqlnet.ora does not contain 'ezconnect' as one of the name resolution methods // *Action: add 'ezconnect' to names.directory_path entry in the sqlnet.ora / 1155, TASK_EZCONNECT_FAILED, "Easy Connect configuration could not be determined." // *Cause: Easy Connect configuration check could not be completed // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. / / 1156, TASK_EZCONNECT_ENABLED, "Easy Connect is enabled on all nodes." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1157, TASK_EZCONNECT_UNSUCCESSFUL, "Easy Connect configuration check unsuccessful." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1170, TASK_NODECON_PRIVATE_IP_SUBNET_MISMATCH, "Private host name \"{0}\" with private IP address \"{1}\" on node \"{2}\" does not belong to any subnet classified for private interconnect" // *Cause: Private IP retrieved from the current configuration do not belong to any subnet classified for private interconnect. // *Action: Ensure that the private host name is configured correctly, use 'oifcfg' tool to classify the subnet containing the private IPs as private using 'oifcfg setif -global /:cluster_interconnect' command. / 1171, TASK_NODECON_PRIVATE_IP_HOST_NOT_FOUND, "Failed to resolve the private host name \"{0}\" to an IP address on node \"{1}\"" // *Cause: IP address for the private host name could not be retrieved. // *Action: Ensure that the identified private host name can be resolved to a private IP address. / 1180, TASK_ELEMENT_DBUSER, "Database OS user consistency for upgrade" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1181, TASK_DESC_DBUSER, "This task verifies that the OS user performing the upgrade is the existing software owner" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1182, TASK_DBUSER_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_START, "Checking OS user consistency for database upgrade" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1183, TASK_DBUSER_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_SUCCESSFUL, "OS user consistency check for upgrade successful" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1184, TASK_DBUSER_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_FAILED, "OS user consistency check for upgrade failed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1185, DBUSER_INCORRECT_USER, "Current OS user is not the owner of the existing database installation. [Expected = \"{0}\" ; Available = \"{1}\"]" // *Cause: Current OS user was not found to be the owner of the existing database installation. // *Action: Ensure that the OS user upgrading database installation is the owner of the already existing installation. / 1186, FAIL_GET_EXISITING_DB_USER, "Failed to get the owning OS user name for the database home \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An attempt to obtain the database owner information from an existing database installation failed. // *Action: Ensure that the OS user executing the CVU check has read permission for database. / 1190, START_ASM_CRS_COMPATIBILITY, "Checking ASM and CRS version compatibility" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1191, FAIL_CHECK_ASM_RES_EXISTENCE, "Failed to check existence of ASM resource" // *Cause: An attempt to verify existence of ASM resource failed. // *Action: Look at the accompanying messages for details on the cause of failure. / 1192, ASM_CRS_COMPATIBILITY_FAILED, "ASM (pre-11.2) is not at the same version as CRS version {0}" // *Cause: The ora.asm resource was not found. // *Action: Ensure that ASM Configuration Assistant 'asmca -upgradeASM' has been run and ASM has been upgraded. / 1193, ASM_CRS_COMPATIBILITY_PASS, "ASM and CRS versions are compatible" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1195, UPGRADE_CHECKS_ONLY_POST_TB, "Upgrade checks can only be performed when upgrading to versions greater than or equal to" // *Cause: The -dest_version specified was lower than // *Action: Specify -dest_version greater than or equal to / 1200, OPERATION_SUPPORTED_ONLY_ON_WINDOWS, "This operation is supported only on Windows operating system platforms" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1201, IMPROPER_KERNEL_PARAM_CONFIG, "OS kernel parameter \"{0}\" does not have proper value on node \"{1}\" [Expected = \"{2}\" ; Current = \"{3}\"; Configured = \"{4}\"]." // *Cause: Kernel parameter configured value does not meet the requirement. // *Action: Modify the kernel parameter configured value to meet the requirement. / 1202, IMPROPER_KERNEL_PARAM_CONFIG_COMMENT, "Configured value too low." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1203, IMPROPER_KERNEL_PARAM_CURRENT_COMMENT, "Current value too low." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1250, TASK_ORACLE_PATCH_START, "Checking for Oracle patch \"{0}\" in home \"{1}\"." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1251, TASK_ELEMENT_ORACLE_PATCH, "Oracle patch" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1252, TASK_DESC_ORACLE_PATCH, "This test ensures that Oracle patch \"{0}\" has been applied in home \"{1}\"." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1253, ORACLE_PATCH_MISSING, "Required Oracle patch is not found on node \"{0}\" in home \"{1}\"." // *Cause: Required Oracle patch is not applied. // *Action: Apply the required Oracle patch. / 1254, ORACLE_PATCH_STATUS_FAILED, "Failed to determine Oracle patch status on the node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: Oracle patch status could not be determined. // *Action: Ensure that OPatch is functioning correctly. / 1255, TASK_NO_ORACLE_PATCH_REGISTERED, "There are no oracle patches required for home \"{0}\"." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1256, TASK_ORACLE_PATCH_PASSED, "Check for Oracle patch \"{0}\" in home \"{1}\" passed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1257, TASK_ORACLE_PATCH_FAILED, "Check for Oracle patch \"{0}\" in home \"{1}\" failed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1258, ORACLE_PATCH_SUMMARY_PASSED, "Patch \"{0}\" is applied in home \"{1}\" " // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1259, ORACLE_PATCH_SUMMARY_FAILED, "Patch \"{0}\" is not applied in home \"{1}\" on node \"{2}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1260, ORACLE_PATCH_CVUHELPER_FAILURE, "Command \"{0}\" to obtain Oracle patch status failed" // *Cause: An attempt to execute the displayed command failed. // *Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services. / 1500, TASK_ELEM_IPMP_CHECK, "Solaris IPMP group fail-over consistency check" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1501, TASK_DESC_IPMP, "This is a check to verify the current selection of public and private network classifications is consistent with network interfaces in fail-over dependency of an IPMP group" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1502, TASK_IPMP_CHECK_START, "Checking the consistency of current public and private network classifications with IPMP group fail-over dependency" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1503, TASK_IPMP_CHECK_PASSED, " IPMP group configuration is consistent with current public and private network classifications" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1504, TASK_IPMP_CHECK_PASSED_NODE, " IPMP group configuration is consistent with current public and private network classifications on node \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1505, TASK_IPMP_CHECK_FAILED, "IPMP group fail-over consistency check failed." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1506, TASK_IPMP_INCOSISTENT_NODE_COMMENT, "Not consistent" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1507, TASK_IPMP_NOT_CONFIGURED_COMMENT, "IPMP not configured on node" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 1508, TASK_IPMP_FAILED_MORE_PRIVATE_IF_IPMP_NODE, "IPMP fail-over group \"{0}\" with interface list \"{1}\" on node \"{2}\" has interfaces \"{3}\" which are not part of current private network classifications \"{4}\"" // *Cause: Found an additional fail-over dependency on an interface in an IPMP group which is not classified as a cluster interconnect on the identified node. // *Action: Ensure that all the identified non-participating network interfaces in the IPMP group are classified as a cluster interconnect on the identified node. Use command 'oifcfg setif -global /:cluster_interconnect' to classify the network interface as private. / 1509, TASK_IPMP_FAILED_MORE_PUBLIC_IF_IPMP_NODE, "IPMP fail-over group \"{0}\" with interface list \"{1}\" on node \"{2}\" has interfaces \"{3}\" which are not part of current public network classifications \"{4}\"" // *Cause: Found an additional fail-over dependency on an interface in an IPMP group which is not classified as a public interface on the identified node. // *Action: Ensure that all the identified non-participating network interfaces in the IPMP group are classified as public network interface on the identified node. Use command 'oifcfg setif {-node | -global} {/:public}' to classify the network interface as public. / 1510, ERROR_IPMP_INFO_ALL, "IPMP configuration information cannot be obtained from any of the nodes" // *Cause: Failed to retrieve the information about IPMP configuration from all nodes. // *Action: Ensure that current user has required privileges to retrieve IPMP configuration information if IPMP is required to be configured on the cluster nodes. / 1511, ERROR_IPMP_INFO_NODE, "Failed to get IPMP configuration information from node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: Failed to retrieve the information about IPMP configuration from identified node. // *Action: Ensure that current user has required privileges to retrieve IPMP configuration information if IPMP is required to be configured on the identified node. / 1512, ERROR_CLUSTER_INTERFACE_INFO_ALL, "Failed to retrieve current selection of public and private network classifications" // *Cause: Could not retrieve the list of public and private network classifications selected in current configuration. // *Action: Ensure that the configuration of public and private network classifications is done correctly during the installation process. / 1513, ERROR_CLUSTER_INTERFACE_INFO_NODE, "Failed to retrieve current selection of public and private network classifications for node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: Could not retrieve the list of public and private network classifications selected in current configuration. // *Action: Ensure that the configuration of public and private network classifications is done correctly during the installation process. / 4000, REG_KEY_ABSENT, "Windows registry key \"{0}\" is absent on node \"{1}\"" // *Cause: Could not find the specified Windows registry key on the identified node. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. / 4001, REG_KEY_EXISTANCE_FAILED_NODE, "Failed to check existence of Windows registry key \"{0}\" on node \"{1}\", [{2}]" // *Cause: Could not check the existence of specified Windows registry key on the identified node. // *Action: Look at the accompanying messages and respond accordingly. / 5500, FAILED_GET_DISK_INFO_FOR_PATH, "Failed to retrieve the disk information for path \"{0}\"" // *Cause: Could not retrieve the disk information for the specified path on all nodes. // *Action: Ensure that the path specified is an existing path and current user has access permission for this path on all nodes. / 5501, FAILED_GET_DISK_INFO_FOR_PATH_NODE, "Failed to retrieve the disk information for path \"{0}\" on node \"{1}\"" // *Cause: Could not retrieve the disk information for the specified path on identified node. // *Action: Ensure that the path specified is an existing path and current user has access permission for this path on identified node. / 5719, DHCP_NETWORK_RES_CHECK, "Checking if network CRS resource is configured and online" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 5720, DHCP_NETWORK_RES_ONLINE, "Network CRS resource is configured and online" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 5721, DHCP_NETWORK_RES_OFFLINE, "Network CRS resource is offline or not configured. Proceeding with DHCP checks." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 5722, DHCP_NETWORK_RES_USR_ORA_AUTO_CHECK, "Checking if network CRS resource is configured to obtain DHCP IP addresses" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 5723, TASK_DHCP_NETWORK_RUNNING, "Network CRS resource is configured to use DHCP provided IP addresses" // *Cause: Network CRS resource configured to request DHCP server for IP addresses was online. // *Action: This check must not be done while network CRS resource configured to use DHCP provided IP address is online. / 5724, NETWORK_RES_NOT_DHCP, "Network CRS resource does not use DHCP provided IP addresses. Proceeding with DHCP checks." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 5725, TCP_CON_EXIT_FAIL, "The TCP server process with PID \"{0}\" on node \"{1}\" failed to exit normally" // *Cause: The TCP server process with the PID specified, running on the node indicated, failed to exit normally. // *Action: Use OS commands to terminate the TCP server process with the indicated PID. / 5726, TASK_DHCP_NO_SERVER, "Failed to discover DHCP servers on public network listening on port \"{0}\" using command \"{1}\"" // *Cause: An attempt to discover DHCP servers listening on public network on port specified using command specified failed. // *Action: Contact the network administrator to make sure that DHCP servers exist on the network. If the DHCP servers are listening to a different port then specify it by using -port option. / 5727, TASK_DHCP_CLIENTID_FAIL, "Command \"{0}\" to generate DHCP client ID failed" // *Cause: An attempt to generate client ID using specified command required for 'crsctl discover dhcp', 'crsctl request dhcp' and 'crsctl release dhcp' commands failed. // *Action: Look at the accompanying messages for details on the cause of failure. / 5740, SIHA_ENV_INVALID, "Oracle Restart installed, requested check is not valid in this environment" // *Cause: A check invalid for the Oracle Restart environment was attempted. // *Action: Check the documentation and use a valid command for this environment. / 5741, SIHA_ENV_PREDBINST_NODELIST_INVALID, "Oracle Restart installed, multiple nodes not valid in this environment" // *Cause: Multiple nodes were specified as part of the nodelist in an Oracle Restart configuration. // *Action: Specify the node on which Oracle Restart has been configured. / 5745, CRS_ENV_CHECK_INVALID, "CRS Configuration detected, Restart configuration check not valid in this environment" // *Cause: A check valid for the Oracle Restart configuration was attempted in a multi-node cluster environment. // *Action: Try a valid check for a multi-node cluster environment. / 5800, TASK_DNS_LOOK_AT_SERVER_OUTPUT, "Check output of command \"cluvfy comp dns -server\" to see if it received IP address lookup for name \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 5801, TASK_DNS_SERVER_RECIEVED_QUERY, "Received IP address lookup query for name \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 5802, TASK_DNS_ODNSD_SERVER_CHECK, "Checking if test DNS server is running on IP address \"{0}\", listening on port {1}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 5803, TASK_DNS_ODNSD_SERVER_SUCCESS, "Successfully connected to test DNS server" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 5818, TASK_DNS_GNSD_RUNNING, "GNS resource is configured to listen on virtual IP address \"{0}\" for domain \"{1}\"" // *Cause: An attempt was made to run 'cluvfy comp dns' command against GNS resource configured to listen to specified domain at specified GNS-VIP while it was online. // *Action: If GNS needs to be verified use 'cluvfy comp gns' command. If DNS setup needs to be checked then stop the GNS resource and start 'cluvfy comp dns -server'. / 5900, TASK_ELEMENT_FIREWALL, "Windows firewall status" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 5901, TASK_DESC_FIREWALL, "This is a prerequisite check to verify that Windows firewall on Windows operating system is disabled." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 5902, TASK_FIREWALL_CHECK_START_NT, "Checking the status of Windows firewall" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 5903, TASK_FIREWALL_CHECK_PASSED_NT, "Windows firewall verification check passed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 5904, TASK_FIREWALL_CHECK_FAILED_NT, "Windows firewall status check failed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 5905, IMPROPER_FIREWALL_SETTING, "Windows firewall is enabled on nodes: " // *Cause: Windows firewall status was found to be enabled. // *Action: To disable Windows firewall, add the REG_DWORD registry entry by name 'EnableFirewall' // and value 0 to the 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/Tcpip/SharedAccess/Parameters/FirewallPolicy/StandardProfile' and // 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/Tcpip/SharedAccess/Parameters/FirewallPolicy/DomainProfile' sub key. // It is recommended to back up the Windows Registry before proceeding with any changes, // Restart your system to make your changes effective after changing the registry. / 5906, IMPROPER_FIREWALL_SETTING_NODE, "Windows firewall is enabled on the node \"{0}\" " // *Cause: Windows firewall status was found to be enabled. // *Action: To disable Windows firewall, add the REG_DWORD registry entry by name 'EnableFirewall' // and value 0 to the 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/Tcpip/SharedAccess/Parameters/FirewallPolicy/StandardProfile' and // 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/Tcpip/SharedAccess/Parameters/FirewallPolicy/DomainProfile' sub key. // It is recommended to back up the Windows Registry before proceeding with any changes, // Restart your system to make your changes effective after changing the registry. / 5907, ERR_CHECK_FIREWALL, "Windows firewall status check cannot be performed on nodes: " // *Cause: An attempt to determine the status of Windows firewall failed. // *Action: Ensure that the access permissions for the Oracle user allow access to the Windows Registry and // Registry has the REG_DWORD entry named 'EnableFirewall' with value 0 under 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/Tcpip/SharedAccess/Parameters/FirewallPolicy/StandardProfile' and // 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/Tcpip/SharedAccess/Parameters/FirewallPolicy/DomainProfile' sub key on the node. // It is recommended to back up the Windows Registry before proceeding with any changes, // Restart your system to make your changes effective after changing the registry. / 5908, ERR_CHECK_FIREWALL_NODE, "Windows firewall status check cannot be performed on node \"{0}\" " // *Cause: An attempt to determine the status of Windows firewall failed. // *Action: Ensure that the access permissions for the Oracle user allow access to the Windows Registry and // Registry has the REG_DWORD entry named 'EnableFirewall' with value 0 under 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/Tcpip/SharedAccess/Parameters/FirewallPolicy/StandardProfile' and // 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/Tcpip/SharedAccess/Parameters/FirewallPolicy/DomainProfile' sub key on the node. // It is recommended to back up the Windows Registry before proceeding with any changes, // Restart your system to make your changes effective after changing the registry. / 5909, ERR_READ_FIREWALL_REGISTRY_NODE, "Error reading key \"{0}\" from Windows Registry on node \"{1}\"" // *Cause: Specified Windows Registry key could not be read. // *Action: Ensure that the specified key exists in Windows Registry and access permissions for the Oracle user allow access to the Windows Registry. / 5910, ERR_READ_FIREWALL_REGISTRY_VALUE_NODE, "Error reading value 'EnableFirewall' under key \"{0}\" for Windows firewall status on node \"{1}\"" // *Cause: Could not read Windows Registry value 'EnableFirewall' under specified key. // *Action: Ensure that the access permissions for the Oracle user allow access to the Windows Registry and the Registry value 'EnableFirewall' under // specified key is present on the node. / 7040, DISK_LV_INFO_UNAVAIL, "Failed to get LV count for \"{0}\"" // *Cause: Could not get Logical Volume information for the device specified. // *Action: Ensure that the device specified is available. / 7050, FAIL_RESOLVE_LONGEST_PATH_NODE, "No part of location \"{0}\" matches an existing path on node \"{1}\"" // *Cause: Neither the specified location nor any leading portion thereof matched existing file system paths on // the indicated node. // *Action: Ensure that the path is absolute and at least some leading portion of it matches an existing file system path on the indicated node. / 7051, FAIL_RESOLVE_LONGEST_WRITABLE_PATH_NODE, "No part of location \"{0}\" matches an existing path with write permissions for current user on node \"{1}\"" // *Cause: Neither the specified location nor any leading portion thereof matched existing file system paths with // write permissions on the indicated node. // *Action: Ensure that the path is absolute and at least some leading portion of it matches an existing file system path writable by the current user on the indicated node. / 7080, FAIL_GET_SRVCTL_VERSION, "Failed to retrieve the 'srvctl' version on node \"{0}\", [{1}]" // *Cause: Could not get the version of 'srvctl' utility on the identified node. // *Action: Look at the accompanying messages and respond accordingly. / 10120, TASK_ASMLIB_CONFIGFILE_ABSENT_NODE, "Failed to access ASMLib configuration file on the node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: ASMLib configuration file '/etc/sysconfig/oracleasm-_dev_oracleasm' or link '/etc/sysconfig/oracleasm' was not found or can not be accessed on the indicated node. // *Action: Ensure that the ASMLib is correctly installed and configured, and specified file is present at the given path and that the user has the necessary access privileges for the configuration file. / 10121, TASK_ASMLIB_CONFIGFILE_READ_FAILED_NODE, "Failed to retrieve ASMLib configuration value from ASMLib configuration file \"{0}\" on the node \"{1}\"" // *Cause: The check for ASMLib configuration was unable to retrieve the required information from specified configuration file on the indicated node. // *Action: Ensure that the ASMLib is correctly installed and configured on all the nodes and that the user has the necessary access privileges for the configuration file. / 10122, TASK_ASMLIB_CONFIG_PARAM_INCONSISTENT_NODE, "ASMLib configuration value set to configuration parameter \"{0}\" on the node \"{1}\" does not match with cluster nodes" // *Cause: The ASMLib configuration check found inconsistent settings across cluster nodes. // *Action: Ensure that the ASMLib is correctly installed and configured on all the nodes with same configuration settings and that the user has the necessary access privileges for the configuration file. / 10500, CONFIG_DEF_HOSTNAMELENGTH, "Check for length of the host name" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10501, ERR_CHECK_HOSTNAME, "Check for hostname length could not be performed on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: Length of the host name could not be retrieved on the node indicated. // *Action: Checking the length of the hostname by logging onto the node, it should be less than 8 characters for Database releases prior to 11gR2. / 10502, HOSTNAME_TOO_LONG, "The length of the host name was > 8 characters on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: Length of the hostname should be less than or equal to 8 characters or pre-11gR2 Database releases may not run properly. // *Action: Rename the host to have a length less than or equal to 8 characters. / 10503, HOSTNAME_PASS_MSG, "Check for host name length passed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10504, HOSTNAME_FAIL_MSG, "Check for host name length failed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10505, TASK_DESC_HOSTNAMELENGTH, "This is a prerequisite condition to verify the length of the hostname" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10506, TASK_ELEMENT_HOSTNAMELENGTH, "Hostname Length" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10510, TASK_ERROR_CURRENT_USER_DOMAIN_USER, "User \"{0}\" is not a domain user, domain name absent" // *Cause: Could not identify domain name of current user. // *Action: Log in to the OS as a domain user. / 10520, FAIL_RESOLVE_ASMSTAMP_NODE, "ASM disk label \"{0}\" did not resolve to any device path on node \"{1}\"" // *Cause: ASM disk label could not be resolved to any device on specified node. // *Action: Ensure that the specified ASM label is correctly stamped on a shared device on the node specified. To verify the label to disk mapping // use tools 'Asmtoolg' on Windows operating system platforms and 'oracleasm' on Linux operating system platform. / 10521, ERROR_RESOLVE_ASMSTAMP_NODE, "Failed to resolve ASM disk label \"{0}\" to device path on node \"{1}\"" // *Cause: Failed to resolve ASM disk label to any device on specified node. // *Action: Ensure that the specified ASM label is correctly stamped on a shared device on the node specified and that the labeled devices are accessible to current user. // To verify the label to disk mapping use tools 'Asmtoolg' on Windows operating system platforms and 'oracleasm' on Linux operating system platform. / 10530, UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error: {0}" // *Cause: An internal error occurred. The included value is an internal identifier. // *Action: Oracle internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services. / 10600, TASK_ELEMENT_CRS_VERSION_CONSISTENCY, "Clusterware Version Consistency" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10601, TASK_DESC_CRS_VERSION_CONSISTENCY, "This test checks the consistency of Clusterware release version and active version accross nodes." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10602, TASK_CRS_VERSION_CONSISTENCY_PASS, "Clusterware version consistency passed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10603, TASK_CRS_VERSION_CONSISTENCY_FAIL, "Clusterware version consistency failed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10604, FAIL_GET_CRS_RELEASE_VERSION_NODES, "Failed to retrieve release version from the following nodes:" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10605, RELEASE_CONSISTENT_ACTVERS_MISMATCH, "Release version [{0}] is consistent accross nodes but does not match the active version [{1}]." // *Cause: The incosistency between release version and active version typically points to a failed upgrade. // *Action: A forced upgrade may be required. / 10606, RELEASEVER_INCONSISTENT, "Release versions [{0}] are inconsistent accross nodes." // *Cause: Incosisntent release versions typically point to an upgrade in progress. // *Action: Ensure that any pending pgrade is complete. / 10700, TASK_ELEMENT_DB_CRS_VERSION_COMPATIBILITY, "Database Clusterware Version Compatibility" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10701, TASK_DESC_DB_CRS_VERSION_COMPATIBILITY, "This test ensures that the Database version is compatible with the CRS version." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10702, TASK_DB_CRS_VERSION_COMPATIBILITY_PASS, "Database Clusterware version compatibility passed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10703, TASK_DB_CRS_VERSION_COMPATIBILITY_FAIL, "Database Clusterware version compatibility failed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10704, DB_CRS_VERSION_COMPATIBILE, "Database version \"{0}\" is compatible with the Clusterware version \"{1}\"." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10705, DB_CRS_VERSION_INCOMPATIBILE, "Database version \"{0}\" is not compatible with the Clusterware version \"{1}\"." // *Cause: Clusterware version has to be equal to or greater than the database version. // *Action: Upgrade Clusterware to a higher version. / 10706, TASK_START_DB_CRS_VERSION_COMPATIBILITY, "Checking Database and Clusterware version compatibility" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 5317, CRS_RELEASE_VERSION_CHECK, "The Clusterware is currently being upgraded to version: \"{0}\".\n The following nodes have not been upgraded and are\n running Clusterware version: \"{1}\".\n \"{2}\"" // *Cause: The CRS integrity may have discovered that your Oracle Clusterware stack is partially upgraded. // *Action: Review warnings and make modifications as necessary. If the warning is due to partial upgrade of Oracle Clusterware stack then continue with upgrade and finish it. / 10957, ROOT_PRIMARY_GROUP_CHECK_START, "Starting check for consistency of primary group of root user" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10958, ROOT_CONSISTENCY_FAILED, "Check for consistency of root user's primary group \"{0}\" failed on the following nodes \"{1}\"" // *Cause: The primary group and group id of the root user should be the same across nodes. // *Action: Ensure that the root user's primary group name and ID are the same on all cluster nodes / 10959, ROOT_CONSISTENCY_ERR, "Check for consistency of root user's primary group had a command failure on the following nodes \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An OS command issued while checking user group information failed unexpectedly // *Action: Contact Oracle Support. / 10960, ROOT_CONSISTENCY_SUCCESSFUL, "Check for consistency of root user's primary group passed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10961, TASK_ELEMENT_ROOT_CONSISTENCY, "Root user consistency" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10962, TASK_DESC_ROOT_CONSISTENCY, "This test checks the consistency of the primary group of the root user across the cluster nodes" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10963, ROOT_PRIMARY_GROUP_CHECK_PASS, "Check for consistency of root user's primary group passed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11000, DBUTIL_INVALID_API, "Invalid usage of CVU internal function" // *Cause: This is an internal error. // *Action: Please contact Oracle Support. / 11001, CMD_EXEC_FAILED, "Failed to execute command \"{0}\" on node \"{1}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while executing the command. // *Action: Look at the accompanying messages for details on the cause of failure. / 11003, SCAN_NOT_DEFINED, "SCAN is not configured" // *Cause: An attempt to retrieve SCAN failed. // *Action: Ensure that SCAN is properly defined in this cluster. Use 'srvctl add scan' to add SCAN. / 11004, SCAN_LSNR_NOT_DEFINED, "SCAN listener is not configured" // *Cause: An attempt to retrieve SCAN listener configuration failed. // *Action: Ensure that SCAN is properly defined in this cluster. Use 'srvctl add scan_listener' to add SCAN listener. / 11005, DB_NOT_DEFINED, "Database \"{0}\" is not defined in this cluster" // *Cause: An attempt to retrieve cluster-specific metadata about the database failed. // *Action: Ensure that the database name was specified correctly. Use 'srvctl add database' to enable Clusterware support for the database. / 11006, NODE_VIP_NOT_DEFINED, "VIPs are not defined for the nodes on which database \"{0}\" is running" // *Cause: An attempt to retrieve VIP on on which database is running failed. // *Action: Ensure that VIPs are properly defined in this cluster. Use 'srvctl add vip' to add VIP. / 11007, DB_INST_NOT_DEFINED, "No instances are defined for database \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An attempt to retrieve database instances for the database failed. // *Action: Ensure that at least one database instance is defined. Use 'srvctl add instance' to add database instance. / 11049, IF_NO_MATCH, "Interface \"{0}\" does not exist on nodes \"{1}\"" // *Cause: The interface was classified as cluster interconnect or public but the interface was not found on the nodes. // *Action: Ensure that the same network interface is defined on each node of Cluster. / 11050, IF_NO_MATCH_SUBNET, "No matching interfaces \"{0}\" for subnet \"{1}\" on nodes \"{2}\"" // *Cause: The interfaces classified as cluster interconnect or public were not found on the specified subnet on the nodes. // *Action: Ensure that at least one interface with specified name is on the specified subnet on each node of Cluster. / 11051, NLIST_INVALID_FORMAT, "network list is in invalid format" // *Cause: Processing of an network list argument encountered a syntax error. // *Action: Network list is a comma separated list of networks. Each network can be specified in the format \"if_name\"[:subnet_id[:public|cluster_interconnect]]. if_name can have \"*\" as in \"eth*\" to match interfaces like eth01 eth02 etc. Provide network list in valid format. / 11052, IF_INVALID_QUOTES, "Interface name is not enclosed within double quotes" // *Cause: Interface name in the interface list was not enclosed within double quotes. // *Action: Provide interface name within double quotes. / 11053, IF_INVALID_TYPE, "Invalid subnet type" // *Cause: Invalid subnet type was specified in interface list. // *Action: Provide public or cluster_interconnect as subnet type. / 11054, IF_NOT_FOUND, "Interface \"{0}\" not found on this node" // *Cause: Failed to locate the interface on this node. // *Action: Provide interface names configured on the node on which CVU is running. / 11055, IF_MULTIPLE_SUBNETMASKS, "Interfaces configured with subnet number \"{0}\" have multiple subnets masks" // *Cause: Interfaces of some nodes were configured with different subnet masks for the same subnet number. // *Action: This message is accompanied by another message that lists the subnet masks information on the nodes. Configure interfaces on the nodes with same subnet mask for a subnet number. / 11056, IF_SUBNETMASK, "subnet masks \"{0}\" are configured with subnet number \"{1}\" on nodes \"{2}\"" // *Cause: NO // *Action: / 11057, NETMASK_CHECK_START, "Checking subnet mask consistency..." // *Cause: NO // *Action: / 11058, NETMASK_CHECK_PASS, "Subnet mask consistency check passed." // *Cause: NO // *Action: / 11059, NETMASK_CHECK_PASS_SUBNET, "Subnet mask consistency check passed for subnet \"{0}\"." // *Cause: NO // *Action: / 11060, NETMASK_CHECK_FAIL, "Subnet mask consistency check failed." // *Cause: NO // *Action: / 11061, NODE_CON_MTU_DIFF_PRIV, "Different MTU values used across cluster interconnect network interfaces on subnets \"{0}\"" // *Cause: Different MTU values found for the cluster interconnect interfaces on the specified subnets. // *Action: Set the same MTU value for all cluster interconnect interfaces on the specified subnets. / 11100, COMP_FREESPACE_DISP_NAME , "Free Space" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11101, COMP_FREESPACE_INT_FAIL, "The free space monitoring check encountered an internal command failure" // *Cause: There was an internal command failure when carrying out the free space check. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. / 11102, COMP_FREESPACE_ALERT, "The disk location \"{0}\" on node \"{1}\" has free space below threshold. Required Space is \"{2}\" and available space is \"{3}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11103, COMP_FREESPACE_FAIL, "The Free Space Component check failed on node(s) \"{0}\"" // *Cause: The free space in the CRS home directory is below the threshold. // *Action: Free up space in this directory to avoid disk free space issues. / 11110, TASK_SSA_DBLOC_NO_ACCESS1, "The specified database file location \"{0}\" did not have read and write access to user \"{1}\" on node \"{2}\"" // *Cause: The database file location did not have read and write permissions to the user on some nodes. // *Action: If the current user intends to be the Oracle installation owner, ensure that the user has read and write access to the database file location / 11115, DBTASK_CONNECTION_ERROR, "Following error occurred while establishing connection to database \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An attempt to connect to database failed. // *Action: Look at the accompanying messages for details on the cause of failure. / 11120, TASK_ELEMENT_AUDIT_FILE_DEST_CHECK, "AUDIT_FILE_DEST location check" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11121, TASK_DESC_AUDIT_FILE_DEST_CHECK, "This task checks that AUDIT_FILE_DEST parameter designates a ACFS storage location that is not shared by any other instance of the database" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11122, TASK_AUDIT_FILE_DEST_CHECK_START, "Checking AUDIT_FILE_DEST location..." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11123, TASK_AUDIT_FILE_DEST_CHECK_FAILED, "AUDIT_FILE_DEST location \"{0}\" is shared among instances \"{1}\" of database \"{2}\"" // *Cause: Two or more instances of the database were found to be using the same AUDIT_FILE_DEST location on shared storage. // *Action: Ensure that AUDIT_FILE_DEST location is not shared among instances. / 11124, TASK_AUDIT_FILE_DEST_CHECK_PASSED, "Check for shared AUDIT_FILE_DEST location passed." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11125, TASK_AUDIT_FILE_DEST_CHECK_ERROR, "Following error occurred during shared AUDIT_FILE_DEST location check" // *Cause: An error occured while performing shared AUDIT_FILE_DEST locations check // *Action: Look at the accompanying messages for details on the cause of failure. / 11130, TASK_ELEMENT_MULTICAST_CHECK, "Multicast check" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11131, TASK_DESC_MULTICAST_CHECK, "This task checks that network interfaces in subnet are able to communicate over multicast IP address" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11132, TASK_MULTICAST_CHECK_START, "Checking multicast communication..." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11133, TASK_MULTICAST_CHECK_SUBNET_START, "Checking subnet \"{0}\" for multicast communication with multicast group \"{1}\"..." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11134, TASK_MULTICAST_CHECK_FAILED, "Interface \"{0}\" on node \"{1}\" is not able to communicate with interface \"{2}\" on node \"{3}\"" // *Cause: The specified interfaces were not able to communicate using a multicast address. // *Action: Ensure that multicast is enabled on the specified interfaces and network path exists between the interfaces. / 11135, TASK_MULTICAST_CHECK_SUBNET_PASSED, "Check of subnet \"{0}\" for multicast communication with multicast group \"{1}\" passed." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11136, TASK_MULTICAST_CHECK_PASSED, "Check of multicast communication passed." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11137, TASK_MULTICAST_CHECK_ERROR, "Following error occurred during multicast check" // *Cause: An error occured while performing multicast check. // *Action: Look at the accompanying messages for details on the cause of failure. / 11140, TASK_ELEMENT_STALE_SCHEMA_CHECK, "Database stale schema objects check" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11141, TASK_DESC_STALE_SCHEMA_CHECK, "This checks for any stale schema objects in Oracle database" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11142, TASK_STALE_SCHEMA_CHECK_START, "Checking stale schema objects..." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11143, TASK_STALE_SCHEMA_CHECK_ERROR, "Following error occurred during database stale schema check" // *Cause: An error occured while performing database stale schema check. // *Action: Look at the accompanying messages for details on the cause of failure. / 11144, TASK_STALE_SCHEMA_CHECK_FAIL, "Schema objects \"{0}\" are stale in the database \"{1}\"" // *Cause: The specified schema objects were found to be stale in the database. // *Action: / 11145, TASK_STALE_SCHEMA_CHECK_PASSED, "Database stale schema objects check is passed." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11150, DB_PASSWORD_PROMPT, "Please specify password for user \"{0}\" in database \"{1}\" : " // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 11151, DB_PORT_PROMPT, "Please specify database port for daabase \"{0}\" [default 1521] : " // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: /