// Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // // NAME // PrkpMsg.msg // // DESCRIPTION // Message file // // NOTES // // MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) // rxkumar 02/08/10 - fix bug9347795 // yizhang 06/17/09 - fix action for message STOP_LISTENER // yizhang 05/28/09 - fix messages // rxkumar 04/06/09 - add GET_DB_CONFIG_FAILED // rajkris 10/04/06 - Bug fix 4675276 // rxkumar 08/01/05 - fix bug4531124 // rxkumar 05/10/05 - add MAX_SVC_LIMIT // rxkumar 04/25/05 - fix bug4322821 // rxkumar 12/27/04 - fix bug4091940 // rxkumar 11/29/04 - fix bug4021341 // dliu 10/20/04 - add SERV_START_DB_DISABLED // rxkumar 06/17/04 - add ERROR_PROFILE_ATTR_VALUE // rxkumar 02/20/04 - add NULL_INSTANCE_NAME // dliu 06/25/03 - change mesg for critical standby // dliu 05/12/03 - add SERV_LAST_PREF // dliu 02/12/03 - add SERV_MOD_REL_FAIL // dliu 01/28/03 - add CREATE_DB_EXISTS // dliu 01/20/03 - add SERV_CREATE_DOMAIN_CONFLICT // dliu 01/08/03 - add INVALID_SERV_NAME // dliu 12/26/02 - mesg for critical standby support // dliu 01/03/03 - add DOMAIN_CONFLICT_SERVNAMES // rdasari 10/29/02 - add DB_MOD_FAIL message // dliu 11/01/02 - new mesg for service start/stop // rdasari 08/09/02 - add SERV_RM_FAIL message // mhbauer 08/13/02 - edit messages // jtellez 08/12/02 - Message Improvements // rdasari 07/18/02 - add service env related messages // rdasari 04/17/02 - adding resource enable/disable failed messages. // rxkumar 04/09/02 - fix RELOAD_LISTENER_N. // rxkumar 03/22/02 - add RELOAD_LISTENER. // dliu 04/04/02 - add SERV_MOD_FAIL // rxkumar 11/16/01 - add NULL_RESULT msg. // rdasari 10/31/01 - . // dliu 10/26/01 - add mesgs for create db. // dliu 09/07/01 - . // dliu 09/06/01 - . // dliu 09/05/01 - add mesgs for Service not existing. // dliu 08/30/01 - . // dliu 08/23/01 - huron mesgs. // surchatt 02/08/01 - changing for OPS to ORAC name change // rxkumar 09/07/00 - define UNDEFINED_ENV // rxkumar 08/17/00 - add environment related error messages. // jcreight 05/30/00 - 2nd try at fixing listener status message // jcreight 05/30/00 - Fix listener status message // surchatt 05/25/00 - adding check listener related error messages // rxkumar 05/23/00 - fix compilation error. // surchatt 05/19/00 - Adding message for getListener operation // surchatt 05/16/00 - Adding Listener related messages // jcreight 05/11/00 - Database messages // */ // // /** // * @version $Header: opsm/jsrc/oracle/ops/mgmt/resources/PrkpMsg.msg /main/5 2010/02/10 11:11:53 rxkumar Exp $ // * @author jcreight // * @since 1.0 // */ // // PACKAGE=package oracle.ops.mgmt.resources; // MSGIDTYPE=interface 1000, NO_CONFIG, "Cannot retrive configuration for cluster database {0}" // *Cause: The cluster database configuration could not be retrieved from the repository. This could occur either because the database was never registered, or because the repository itself had not been created. // *Action: Check if the database has been configured by printing a list of all cluster databases using 'srvctl config'. If the repostitory has not been created, use 'srvconfig -init' to create it. / 1001, START_INST, "Error starting database instance {0} on node {1}" // *Cause: The instance could not be started using the SQL*Plus startup command. // *Action: Try starting the named instance manually using SQL*Plus to see why it failed and examine the database instance alert log. / 1002, STOP_INST, "Error stopping database instance {0} on node {1}" // *Cause: The SQL*Plus shutdown command returned an error while stopping the instance. // *Action: Try stopping the named instance manually using SQL*Plus to see why it failed and examine the database instance alert log. / 1003, PARTIAL_START, "Startup operation partially failed" // *Cause: Some components of the cluster database could not be started. // *Action: Check the accompanying error messages for details. / 1004, PARTIAL_STOP, "Shutdown operation partially failed" // *Cause: Some components of the cluster database reported errors while being stopped. // *Action: Check the accompanying error messages for details. / 1005, START_OPS, "Failed to start up cluster database {0}" // *Cause: The cluster database could not be started. // *Action: Check the accompanying error messages for details. / 1006, STOP_OPS, "Failed to shut down cluster database {0}" // *Cause: The cluster database reported errors while being shut down. // *Action: Check the accompanying error messages for details. / 1007, START_LISTENER, "Failed to start all the listeners associated with all the instances of cluster database {0}" // *Cause: Internal error. // *Action: Contact your customer support representative. / 1008, START_LISTENER_I, "Failed to start listeners associated with instance {0} on node {1}" // *Cause: Internal error. // *Action: Contact your customer support representative. / 1009, STOP_LISTENER, "Failed to stop all the listeners associated with all the instances of cluster database {0}" // *Cause: Either the listener name associated with an instance could not be determined, or 'lsnrctl stop' failed for a listener. // *Action: Verify that listener.ora contains a SID_LIST entry for each instance of the named database, and that the 'lsnrctl stop' command succeeds for those listeners. / 1010, STOP_LISTENER_I, "Failed to stop all the listeners associated with instance {0} on node {1}" // *Cause: Either the listener name associated with an instance could not be determined, or 'lsnrctl stop' failed for a listener. // *Action: Verify that listener.ora contains a SID_LIST entry for each instance of the named database, and that the 'lsnrctl stop' command succeeds for those listeners. / 1011, GET_LISTENER, "Failed to get all the listeners associated with instance {0} on node {1}" // *Cause: The listener name associated with an instance could not be determined. // *Action: Ensure that listener.ora contains a SID_LIST entry for the named instance. / 1012, INVALID_ENV, "Invalid environment variable {0} setting for cluster database {1}" // *Cause: The argument to the -t option was not of the form = or it contained special characters. // *Action: Ensure that the -t option has an argument of the form =. Enclose the argument to the -t flag in quotes. / 1013, UNDEFINED_ENV_OPS, "{0}: undefined environment variable for cluster database {1}" // *Cause: The named environment variable is not defined for the named cluster database // *Action: Set a value for the variable with 'srvctl setenv'. / 1014, UNDEFINED_ENV_INST, "{0}: undefined environment variable for instance {1} of cluster database {2}" // *Cause: The named environment variable is not defined for the given instance // *Action: Set a value for the variable with 'srvctl setenv'. / 1015, UNDEFINED_ENV, "{0}: undefined environment variable" // *Cause: The named environment variable is not defined // *Action: Set a value for the named environment variable with 'srvctl setenv'. / 1016, DB_ALREADY_ENABLED, "Database {0} already enabled." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1017, INST_ALREADY_ENABLED, "Instance {0} already enabled." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1018, SERV_ALREADY_ENABLED, "Service {0} already enabled." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1019, DB_ALREADY_DISABLED, "Database {0} already disabled." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1020, INST_ALREADY_DISABLED, "Instance {0} already disabled." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1021, SERV_ALREADY_DISABLED, "Service {0} already disabled." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1022, DB_STILL_RUNNING, "The database {0} is still running." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1023, INST_STILL_RUNNING, "The instance {0} is still running." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1024, SERV_STILL_RUNNING, "The service {0} is still running." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1025, SERV_NOT_EXIST, "The service {0} does not exist." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1026, NO_INST, "No instance found for database {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1027, INST_NOT_FOUND, "Instance {0} is not found for database {1}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1028, SERV_NO_PREF_INST, "No preferred instance(s) for service {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1029, SERV_REG_FAIL, "Failed to register the service {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1030, SERV_START_FAIL, "Failed to start the service {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1031, SERV_STOP_FAIL, "Failed to stop the service {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1032, SERV_START_DISABLED, "Cannot start the disabled service {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1033, SERV_RELOCATE_FAIL, "Cannot relocate service {0} from instance {1} to instance {2}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1034, UNDEFINED_ENV_NODE, "{0}: undefined environment variable for node {1}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1035, INVALID_ENV_NODE, "Invalid environment variable {0} setting for node {1}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1036, UNREG_FAIL, "Failed to unregister HA resource {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1037, CREATE_DB_FAIL, "Failed to create cluster database {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1038, INVALID_SERV_INSTANCE, "Invalid instance {0} specified for the Service {1}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1039, NULL_RESULT, "operation result is null" // *Cause: // *Action: / 1040, CHECK_LISTENER_I, "Failed to get status of the listeners associated with instance {0} on node{1}" // *Cause: // *Action: / 1041, RELOAD_LISTENER, "Failed to reload all the listeners associated with cluster database {0}" // *Cause: // *Action: / 1042, RELOAD_LISTENER_I, "Failed to reload all the listeners associated with instance {0} on node{1}" // *Cause: // *Action: / 1043, RELOAD_LISTENER_N, "Failed to reload listeners on node {0}" // *Cause: // *Action: / 1044, DB_ENABLE_FAILED, "Failed to enable the database {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1045, DB_DISABLE_FAILED, "Failed to disable the database {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1046, INST_ENABLE_FAILED, "Failed to enable the instance {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1047, INST_DISABLE_FAILED, "Failed to disable the instance {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1048, SERV_MOD_FAIL, "Failed to change configuration for service {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1049, UNDEFINED_ENV_SERV, "{0}: undefined environment variable for service {1} of cluster database {2}" // *Cause: // *Action: / 1050, SERV_RM_FAIL, "Failed to remove the service {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1051, SERV_MEMB_RM_FAIL, "Failed to remove the service {0} on instance {1}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1052, SERV_ENABLE_FAILED, "Failed to enable the service {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1053, SERV_DISABLE_FAILED, "Failed to disable the service {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1054, SERV_MEMB_ENABLE_FAIL, "Failed to enable the service {0} on instance {1}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1055, SERV_MEMB_DISABLE_FAIL, "Failed to disable the service {0} on instance {1}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1056, RESOURCE_STAT_FAIL, "Failed to get the status of the resource {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1057, SERV_SETENV_FAIL, "Failed to set the environment for service {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1058, SERV_UNSETENV_FAIL, "Failed to unset the environment for service {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1059, SERV_GETENV_FAIL, "Failed to get the environment for service {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1060, HAS_HOME_NULL, "Failed to get CRS home." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1061, DB_MOD_FAIL, "Failed to modify the database {0}. " // *Cause: // *Action: / 1062, SERV_ALREADY_RUNNING, "Service {0} is already running." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1063, SERV_ALREADY_STOPPED, "Service {0} is already stopped." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1064, SERV_MEMBER_ALREADY_RUNNING, "Service {0} is already running on instance {1}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1065, SERV_MEMBER_ALREADY_STOPPED, "Service {0} is already stopped on instance {1}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1066, SERV_NOT_AVAIL, "Instance {0} is not an available instance for service {1}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1067, SERV_LAST_AVAIL, "Instance {0} is the last available instance for service {1}. Try modify service instead." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1068, DONT_STOP_CRITICAL_STANDBY, "Cannot stop the critical instance {0} in critical standby database {1} because it would result in a shutdown of the primary database." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1069, DOMAIN_CONFLICT_SERVNAMES, "Failed to change domain of the database {0} to {1}, because this domain name is already used by service {2} configured under the database." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1070, INVALID_SERV_NAME, "Service name {0} contains illegal characters." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1071, INVALID_SP_NAME, "Database unique name or instance name {0} contains illegal characters {1}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1072, SERV_CREATE_DOMAIN_CONFLICT, "Failed to create service {0} for database {1}, because the specified service domain name is the same as the database domain {2}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1073, CREATE_DB_EXISTS, "Cannot create database {0} because a database named {1} already exists." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1074, SERV_MOD_REL_FAIL, "Failed to relocate a service resource to instance {0} during modifying service configuration for service {1}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1075, SERV_LAST_PREF, "Instance {0} is the last preferred instance for service {1}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1076, NULL_INSTANCE_NAME, "Instance name passed to the method is null" // *Cause: // *Action: / 1077, NULL_ORACLE_HOME, "Oracle home is null for the cluster database {0}" // *Cause: // *Action: / 1078, ERROR_PROFILE_ATTR_VALUE, "Failed to retrieve \"{0}\" attribute value from \"{1}\" file, {2}" // *Cause: // *Action: / 1079, SERV_START_DB_DISABLED, "Cannot start service {0} on disabled database {1}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1080, SERV_START_INST_DISABLED, "Cannot start service {0} on disabled instance {1}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1081, NULL_DB_NAME, "Database name passed to the method is null" // *Cause: // *Action: / 1082, NO_SUCH_INSTANCE, "Instance \"{0}\" does not exist in database \"{1}\"." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1083, SERV_EXISTS, "The service {0} already exists." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1084, MAX_SVC_LIMIT, "Database \"{0}\" cannot have more than \"{1}\" services" // *Cause: Attempt to add a new service to database was rejected because database has already reached the maximum services limit. // *Action: Retry after removing a service of this database via 'srvctl remove service' command, or contact Oracle Support Services. / 1085, ERR_DB_DEFAULT_SVC, "Service name cannot be same as the database default service name \"{0}\"." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1086, SERV_NO_MEMBER_TO_START, "Can not find a service member to start for service {0}." // *Cause: // *Action: / 1087, INVALID_SERV_OPTIONS, "{0} is specified as both preferred and available instance lists for service {1}" // *Cause: // *Action: / 1088, GET_DB_CONFIG_FAILED, "Failed to retrieve configuration of cluster database {0}" // *Cause: Attempt to retrieve configuration of cluster database failed. This failure is most likely due to user incorrectly using a tool, such as SRVCTL, that is of different version than that of database's configuration. // *Action: If error is due to user using SRVCTL that is of different version than than of the database's, then run SRVCTL tool from the ORACLE_HOME reported in the error message. Otherwise, contact Oracle support services. /