" >c  *Rh #?M !-8AO\fq| )3>IT_lwu PatUzCommit complete. Rollback complete. ACCEPT statement must specify a variable name Ill-formed ACCEPT command starting as %s Nothing to append. not enough room to format computations no break(s) defined break specification must start with ON/BY or ACROSS keyword missing column name after %s keyword invalid numeric argument to %s option no storage available for '%s' cannot allocate space to modify the %s buffer variable. Pbu  &'8)p*String not found. Nothing to change. Invalid change string. No lines to delete. Input is too long (> %d characters) - line ignored command buffer space exhausted no room for another line %s cleared Command too long. (%d characters) command line overflow while substituting into %s"%.*s%s"-- rest of line ignored. unknown command %s"%.*s%s" - rest of line ignored. ,P-./046 768ePQRFor a list of known commands enter HELP and to leave enter EXIT. * no %s defined %s '%s' not defined invalid number for %s option COLUMN OUTPUT not supported yet like %s '%s' not defined no room to allocate %s definition. ignored out of room while allocating portion of new %s.old definition (if any) retained no COMPUTES currently defined maximum of %d COMPUTE functions allowed at a time no COMPUTE functions requested SPT~UWX\ `+aUbyfghwarning: COMPUTE option %s specified %d times COMPUTE ON keyword specified already COMPUTE OF keyword specified already no room to allocate COMPUTE control block for %s missing %s keyword missing columns for %s keyword no more room to allocate INTO variable %s no storage to allocate ON column %s no storage to allocate COMPUTE block for %s Connected. Nothing in SQL buffer to run. Name Null? Type ihjklmn4oQqmrstu{Illegal, or missing, entity name ------------------------------- -------- ---- Nothing to save. The filenames CREATE, REPLACE, APPEND, FILE, and abbreviations may not be used. Cannot append to file "%s" Cannot create save file "%s" Cannot close save file "%s" Appended %s to %s Created %s %s Replaced %s %s Illegal SAVE command Wrote %s %s page &P4Unknown CMS commandInvalid SUBSET commandLOADMOD failure Pa~ZWrong environmentno symbols currently defined symbol %s is UNDEFINED DEFINE requires an equal sign (=) DEFINE requires a value following equal sign no room to add substitution variable "%s" not implementedUnable to allocate dynamic space needed (%d bytes) - exiting ORACLE may not be functioning properly Connected to: %s unable to CONNECT to ORACLE after %d attempts, exiting SQL*Plus unknown %s%s%s option %s"%.*s%s" bv(E`wunable to open "%s" line %d truncated. unable to close "%s" HELP system not available. No HELP matching this topic was found. Option ? is invalid error in variable assignment No lines in %s buffer. invalid starting line number invalid ending line number Invalid line number %s Disconnected from %s%s (with complications)Enter user-name: Input too long. Must be less than %d characters V%WUnable to obtain userid after %d attempts. Retry command Enter password: Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE. ERROR at line %d: %sERROR: %sEnter value for %s: No room for symbol %s (not defined) Cannot issue a PRINT command within a PAGE break. Unable to allocate temporary storage for PRINTing Illegal FORMAT string "%s" WRAP option seen %s not a valid variable type for printing. rows will be truncated Dm$V  data item %d ("%s") will not fit on line truncating (as requested) before column %s could not create variable %s for column %s could not create variable %s for COMPUTE INTO computation for column %s not uniquely qualified. could be for table %s or %s. computation ignored. no room to allocate CCBDEF pointer array no room to allocate COMPUTE block for %s ON %s %s must be set ON or OFF internal error: buffer (%d) smaller than l (%d)  b .Do!"#%s option %d out of range (%d through %u) %s option not a valid number unknown FLAG in afiset (%d) ignored %s is not a buffer variable %s character cannot be alphanumeric or whitespace %s value not valid %s missing set option is too long. maximum size is %d character. is too long. maximum size is %d characters. new: old: FEEDBACK ON for %d or more rows lines will be truncated lines will be wrapped USER is "%s" $b&s'24567829T:b<}=>?%s "%c" (hex %x) PAUSE is %s%s%s ON and set to "Invalid option. cannot close spool file SQL*Plus command procedures may only be nested to a depth of %d. unable to open file "%s" string expected but not found missing terminating quote (%.*s). string "%.*s" string beginning "%.*s..." no rows selected expected symbol name is missing symbol name beginning "%.*s..." is too long (max %d) timing for: %s @VApBCDEFH.IOJhKLMno timing elements in use %d timing element in use %d timing elements in use no room to add timing element - request denied operating system timing error %d - request denied no timing elements to %.*s real: %ld.2%ldno room to allocate title buffer currently spooling to %s not spooling currently SPOOL OUT disabled Cannot create spool file. Illegal spool file name: "%s" (bad character: '%c') T\UVWXY e)gB}S~gcan not execute a sql statement in a before or after procedure line overflow during variable substitution (>%d characters at line %d) old%4d: %.*s new%4d: %.*s xeqing line Invalid line number for execute Out of temporary storage memory exhausted %s is not available The %s command is not available Cannot UNDEFINE the current edit buffer Illegal buffer name: "%s" Illegal GET command "%s" is not a valid %s 8Yh%=Input truncated to %d characters ERROR: %.256s Usage: WHENEVER SQLERROR { CONTINUE [ COMMIT | ROLLBACK | NONE ] | EXIT [ SUCCESS | FAILURE | WARNING | n | | : ] [ COMMIT | ROLLBACK ] } Usage: WHENEVER OSERROR { CONTINUE [ COMMIT | ROLLBACK | NONE ] | EXIT [ SUCCESS | FAILURE | WARNING | n | | : | OSCODE ] [ COMMIT | ROLLBACK ] } 2w$dusage: COPY FROM TO { () } USING : database string, e.g., hr/your_password@d:chicago-mktg : ONE of the keywords: APPEND, CREATE, INSERT or REPLACE
: name of the destination table : a comma-separated list of destination column aliases : any valid SQL SELECT statement A missing FROM or TO clause uses the current SQL*Plus connection. V&4UsFROM and TO clauses both missing; specify at least one. misplaced FROM clause misplaced TO clause missing parenthetical column list or USING keyword misplaced APPEND keyword Error in SELECT statement: %.256s CPY-%04d: %s %lu rows selected from %s@%s. %lu rows inserted into %s. %lu rows committed into %s at %s@%s. misplaced CREATE keyword misplaced REPLACE keyword maximum number of columns (%d) exceeded De   9 b  invalid %s name "%s" encountered missing comma or right parenthesis missing USING clause FROM string missing Oracle Net @database specification TO string missing Oracle Net @database specification Array fetch/bind size is %d. (arraysize is %d) Will commit when done. (copycommit is 0) Will commit after every array bind. (copycommit is 1) Will commit after every %d array binds. (copycommit is %d) Maximum long size is %d. (long is %d) Pi|)19v !misplaced INSERT keyword Table %s dropped. Table %s created. Only $HOST0, $HOST1, or $HOST2 are valid connection identifiers %lu rows selected from %s connection. %lu rows committed into %s at %s connection. variabledatatypeFile "%s" already exists. Use "SAVE filename[.ext] REPLACE". Warning: Product user profile information not loaded! Command "%s" disabled in Product User Profile SET command requires an argument. "D#n$%&'[(m),-User requested Interrupt or EOF detected. %s option %lu out of range (%lu through %lu) Usage: VAR[IABLE] [ [ NUMBER | CHAR | CHAR (n [CHAR|BYTE]) | Usage: PRINT [: ...] Usage: SHOW ERRORS [{ FUNCTION | PROCEDURE | PACKAGE | PACKAGE BODY | TRIGGER | VIEW Errors for %s %s: Bind variable "%.*s" not declared. Illegal variable name "%s". Invalid file name. Error in disabling roles in product user profile. />0Y12456768fUsage: EXEC[UTE] statement Usage: DESCRIBE [schema.]object[.subobject|@db_link] [column] Object does not exist. Object does not exist in package. Object "%s" is INVALID, it may not be described. Illegal identifier. Illegal subobject specification. Illegal column specification for PL/SQL object. No bind variables declared. :8;<=>$?l@AUsage: SET SERVEROUTPUT { ON | OFF } [SIZE {n | UNL[IMITED]}] [ FOR[MAT] { WRA[PPED] | WOR[D_WRAPPED] | TRU[NCATED] } ] No errors. COPYTYPECHECK is %s Argument Name Type In/Out Default? ------------------------------ ----------------------- ------ -------- Use of Oracle SQL feature not in SQL92 %s Level. WARNING: %sUsage: SET FLAGGER { OFF | ENTRY | INTERMEDIATE | FULL } B>CbEFGHPMsN~OElapsed: %2.2ld:%2.2ld:%2.2ld.%2.2ld real %5.1d.%2.2ld user %5.1d.%2.2ld sys %5.1d.%2.2ld Object %s is a package; use 'DESCRIBE .' Usage: { EXIT | QUIT } [ SUCCESS | FAILURE | WARNING | n | | : ] [ COMMIT | ROLLBACK ] EXIT variable "%s" was non-numeric O/S MessageA COMPUTE function must appear before each LABEL keyword Unable to allocate dynamic space needed (%s bytes) Q>RgSTUVW.[S\iLabel text must follow the LABEL keyword Usage: SET COLSEP { " " | text} AUTOCOMMIT ON for every %ld DML statements Usage: SET AUTO[COMMIT] { OFF | ON | IMM[EDIATE] | n } "%s" is not a valid %s format "%s" does not match input format "%s" Usage: SET EDITF[ILE] filename[.ext] Illegal STORE command Usage: STORE {SET} filename[.ext] [CRE[ATE]|REP[LACE]|APP[END]] ]D^_`abOced~efFile "%s" already exists. Use another name or "STORE {SET} filename[.ext] REPLACE" Cannot create %s file "%s" Cannot close %s file "%s" Object "%s" is a remote object, cannot further describe Usage: SET AUTOT[RACE] {OFF | ON | TRACE[ONLY]} [EXP[LAIN]] [STAT[ISTICS]] Error initializing %s Error enabling %s report Error generating %s report Unable to verify PLAN_TABLE format or existence Server version too low for this feature gJhYidjklmn)ocpqExecution Plan Statistics Cannot construct a unique STATEMENT_ID Cannot find the Session Identifier. Check PLUSTRACE role is enabled Error while connecting Error while disconnecting Error ORA-%s while gathering statistics Starting line number must be less than ending line number Error accessing PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE You may need to run PUPBLD.SQL as SYSTEM Error printing variable "%s" rJsxtuvw'xIyez{|Error accessing package DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO You may need to install the Oracle Procedural option SET APPINFO requires Oracle Server Release 7.2 or later Usage: SET APPI[NFO] { ON | OFF | text } %s is %s and set to "%s" String beginning "%s" is too long Maximum size is 1 character Maximum size is %s characters %s %s %sand is %s %s %s %sand is the following 1 character: %.*s %s %s %sand is the following %d characters: %.*s }P~ Tfx%s %s and is the first few characters of the next SELECT statement %s %s and is the following 1 character: %.*s %s %s and is the following %d characters: %.*s Not connected "%s" requires connection to server SQL*Plus internal error state %lu, context %u:%u:%u Unsafe to proceed Unable to proceed Operating System error occurred Unable to complete EDIT command Changing password for %s New passwords do not match Vgz?UPassword changed Password unchanged Old password: New password: Retype new password: Usage: SET SHIFT[INOUT] {VIS[IBLE|INV[ISIBLE]} WARNING: SHIFTINOUT only affects shift sensitive character sets Message file %s.msb not found Invalid variable name Valid characters are alphanumerics and '_' Internal number conversion failed Usage: SET NEWP[AGE] { 1 | n | NONE } Usage: SET REFDISP[LAY] { n | UNL[IMITED] } D_<|COPY command not available Bind variable length cannot exceed %u%sTry reducing ARRAYSIZE or the number of columns selected Column or attribute type can not be displayed by SQL*Plus VARCHAR2 (n [CHAR|BYTE]) | NCHAR | NCHAR (n) | NVARCHAR2 (n) | CLOB | NCLOB | BLOB | BFILE CURSOR STATEMENT : %dThe date "%s" is invalid or format mismatched "%s" Usage: DESCRIBE [schema.]object[@db_link] Disconnected DsRu | JAVA SOURCE | JAVA CLASS } [schema.]name] Usage: CONN[ECT] [{logon|/|proxy} [AS {SYSDBA|SYSOPER|SYSASM}] [edition=value]] where ::= [/][@] ::= [][/][@] | TYPE | TYPE BODY | DIMENSION Connected to an idle instance. ORACLE instance started. ORACLE instance shut down. Database mounted. Database opened. Database dismounted. \mJb}Database closed. Media recovery cancelled. Media recovery complete. Log applied. 1 log archived. %lu logs archived. invalid combination of STARTUP options invalid combination of SHUTDOWN options invalid combination of ARCHIVE LOG options illegal SHUTDOWN option illegal ARCHIVE LOG option Database log mode Archive Mode Database log mode No Archive Mode Automatic archival Enabled V~ XAutomatic archival Disabled Archive destination %s Oldest online log sequence %lu Next log sequence to archive %lu Current log sequence %lu Statement processed. Specify log: {=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL} cannot SET INSTANCE while connected to a database NameNull?TypeInvalid connect string unknown command beginning "%s..." - rest of line ignored. 2ZGunknown %s%s%s option beginning "%s..." command line overflow while substituting into line beginning "%s..."Usage: SET DESCRIBE [DEPTH {1|n|ALL}] [LINENUM {ON|OFF}] [INDENT {ON|OFF}] Restricted command "%s" not available Usage: SET MARKUP HTML [ON|OFF] [HEAD text] [BODY text] [TABLE text] [ENTMAP {ON|OFF}] [SPOOL {ON|OFF}] [PRE[FORMAT] {ON|OFF}] Usage: [-M[ARKUP] "HTML [ON|OFF] [HEAD text] [BODY text] >1^ [TABLE text] [ENTMAP {ON|OFF}] [SPOOL {ON|OFF}] [PRE[FORMAT] {ON|OFF}]" ReportUsage: SET SQLPLUSCOMPAT[IBILITY] version.release.[update] %s option out of range (%s through %s) PAGESIZE must be at least %d to run this query with LINESIZE %d Cannot resolve circular path of synonym "%s" You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory Unable to connect to Oracle. Exiting SQL*Plus Usage: -C[OMPATIBILITY] version.release.[update] P%YvSTARTUP with MIGRATE only valid with Oracle 9.2 or greater FROM clause cannot contain AS SYSDBA or AS SYSOPER TO clause cannot contain AS SYSDBA or AS SYSOPER FROM clause length %d bytes exceeds maximum length %d TO clause length %d bytes exceeds maximum length %d FROM clause missing username TO clause missing username Enter FROM password: Enter TO password: %s is an incomplete TYPE %s extends %s.%s %s is NOT FINAL Ph~-BYo   %s is NOT INSTANTIABLE Illegal SPOOL command Usage: SPOOL { | OFF | OUT } where is file_name[.ext] [CRE[ATE]|REP[LACE]|APP[END]] File "%s" already exists. Use another name or "SPOOL filename[.ext] REPLACE" ASM instance started ASM diskgroups mounted ASM instance shutdown ASM diskgroups dismounted ASM diskgroups volume enabled ASM diskgroups volume disabled Script filename and arguments too long  h Mgw REFCURSOR | BINARY_FLOAT | BINARY_DOUBLE ] ] Value entered is not a valid %s Prelim connection established Cannot SET %s while connected to a database Invalid or incomplete character beginning 0x%02X returned Evaluation Context CommentTable Alias NameTable NameVariable NameVariable TypeValue FunctionMethod FunctionRule ConditionECTX OwnerECTX NameRule Comment Ph #$%&1'[()Rule Action Context NameRule Action Context ValueEvaluation Context OwnerEvaluation Context NameRule Set CommentEvaluation Context FunctionProcedure created with compilation warningsProcedure altered with compilation warningsFunction created with compilation warningsFunction altered with compilation warningsPackage created with compilation warningsPackage altered with compilation warnings *D+r,-./0>1d23Package Body created with compilation warningsPackage Body altered with compilation warningsView created with compilation warningsView altered with compilation warningsTrigger created with compilation warningsTrigger altered with compilation warningsType created with compilation warningsType altered with compilation warningsType Body created with compilation warningsType Body altered with compilation warnings 4J5s6789:.;Y<=>Library created with compilation warningsLibrary altered with compilation warningsJava created with compilation warningsJava altered with compilation warningsPL/SQL compilation warningsDimension created with compilation warningsDimension altered with compilation warningsProcedure created with compilation errorsProcedure altered with compilation errorsFunction created with compilation errorsFunction altered with compilation errors ?J@qABCDE8F_GHIPackage created with compilation errorsPackage altered with compilation errorsPackage Body created with compilation errorsPackage Body altered with compilation errorsView created with compilation errorsView altered with compilation errorsTrigger created with compilation errorsTrigger altered with compilation errorsType created with compilation errorsType altered with compilation errorsType Body created with compilation errors JJKsLMNOP!QJRsSTType Body altered with compilation errorsLibrary created with compilation errorsLibrary altered with compilation errorsJava created with compilation errorJava altered with compilation errorsPL/SQL compilation errorsDimension created with compilation errorsDimension altered with compilation errorsCommand "%s" is not available in iSQL*Plus Command beginning "%s..." is not available in iSQL*Plus Option not available in iSQL*Plus U>VSWtXZ[(\j]_Empty username field Password cannot be entered twice Connect identifier cannot be entered twice Usage: CONN[ECT] username/password[@connect_identifier] [AS {SYSOPER|SYSDBA|SYSASM}] Usage: SET MARKUP HTML [ON] [HEAD text] [BODY text] [TABLE text] [ENTMAP {ON|OFF}] [PRE[FORMAT] {ON|OFF}] For a list of known commands enter HELP [TABLE text] [PRE[FORMAT] {ON|OFF}] iSQL*Plus processing completed `Paybcdeg hiLj~klSession has expired. Please log in againSession is blocked. Please log in again Please enter statements in the input area No script to be saved No script to execute Invalid file content No script to load SET AUTORECOVERY ON must be used in iSQL*Plus An unexpected quote was found in the URL argument URL argument is missing a keyword URL argument contains a keyword but no value URL argument is missing an end quote mDntoprs t-uXvwFound an unexpected character in a URL argument Duplicate keyword "%s" specified Must specify a script for dynamic reports to execute Enter connection details to run script "%s" Empty password field Invalid input area size specified Connection to database "%s" is not allowed Only a valid username or '/' is allowed in the username field No scripts in history History size specified is non numeric or outside the range [0 - 100] yJz|}~ >UThe value specified for the keyword TYPE must be either URL or TEXT Instance not set, or connect identifier not specified Error expiring %s Expired %s Unsuccessful log in for %s from %s to %s Failed to log out %s An invalid action was perfomed A system error occured The Next Page button was selected, but there are no results to display. No input is required A login error occured D'KiSQL*Plus may have been restarted without being properly shut down %s was required, but was not submitted Only a password is allowed in the password field Only a connect identifier is allowed in the connection identifier field No keywords recognized by iSQL*Plus Value "%s" for keyword "%s" not recognized by iSQL*Plus Cookies may have been disabled Scheme %s not supported User requested cancel HTTP error %d on attempt to open URL 2Y"H{HTTP error '%s' on attempt to open URL The value specified for the keyword action must be either EXECUTE or LOAD AS SYSDBA or AS SYSOPER login not allowed through the iSQL*Plus URL Supplied connect string has duplicate or incorrect keyword No scripts selected to load or delete iSQL*Plus internal error: state = %u, message = %s CONNECT AS SYSDBA or AS SYSOPER not allowed through iSQL*Plus URL ,ob or: CONN[ECT] /[@connect_identifier] AS {SYSOPER|SYSDBA|SYSASM} To use ENTMAP reconfigure iSQLPlusAllowUserEntMap in the iSQL*Plus Server Enter a URL or a path and file name, not both Connect Identifier contains illegal parameter Size specified for script width is non numeric or outside the range [1 -500] Size specified for script height is non numeric or outside the range [1 - 300] >@iSQL*Plus Server currently has insufficient memory to complete this script Invalid dynamic report URL URL access is disabled in iSQL*Plus STARTUP with UPGRADE only valid with Oracle 9.2 or greater STARTUP with DOWNGRADE only valid with Oracle 9.2 or greater The HTTP proxy server specified by http_proxy is not accessible Unable to initialize Oracle call interface Cannot print uninitialized LOB variable "%s" Invalid COL or TAB position entered >f"SSTART, @ or @@ command has no arguments Errorlogging table, role or privilege is missing or not accessible Invalid option for SET ERRORLOGGING OFF Invalid option for SET ERRORLOGGING ON Invalid option %s for SET ERRORLOGGING ON Missing table name for SET ERRORLOGGING ON TABLE Unable to set %s as table name for SET ERRORLOGGING ON TABLE Invalid file name %s for SET ERRORLOGGING ON FILE Invalid identifier %s for SET ERRORLOGGING ON IDENTIFIER D}KczInvalid identifier %s for SET ERRORLOGGING ON IDENTIFIER Unmatched quotes in identifier %s for SET ERRORLOGGING ON IDENTIFIER Unable to flush the error log table %s.%s Errorlogging table %s does not exist in schema %s Unable to write to the error log table %s.%s Command did not succeed No command interpreter Invalid option for SET SECUREDCOL OFF Invalid option for SET SECUREDCOL ON Invalid option %s for SET SECUREDCOL ON >r&UUnmatched quotes in string %s for SET SECUREDCOL ON You cannot run this file in SQL*Plus because its filename is a device on a PC. Running this file in SQL*Plus may hang the PC. Edition only valid when connected to Oracle Database. Edition requires Oracle Database 11g or later. Oracle Database cannot startup in an Edition session. Assembly created with compilation errorsAssembly altered with compilation errors%s ON SIZE %s FORMAT %s J^rqrWsptqu%s item(s) selected.No items selected. Usage: SET XQUERY {BASEURI text | CONTEXT text | NODE {BYVALUE | BYREFERENCE | DEFAULT} | ORDERING {UNORDERED | ORDERED | DEFAULT}} Usage: SET ESCCHAR [OFF|@|?|%c] Use SQL*Plus to execute SQL, PL/SQL and SQL*Plus statements. Usage 1: sqlplus -H | -V -H Displays the SQL*Plus version and the usage help. vDwvxwyz{|}B~ -V Displays the SQL*Plus version. Usage 2: sqlplus [ [