15 32 true 6000 65536 100 false 3600 0 1048576 au audio/basic avi video/x-msvideo bin application/octet-stream bmp image/bmp css text/css doc application/msword eml message/rfc822 gif image/gif htm text/html html text/html jpe image/jpeg jpeg image/jpeg jpg image/jpeg js application/x-javascript jsp text/html mid audio/mid mov video/quicktime movie video/x-sgi-movie mp3 audio/mpeg mpe video/mpg mpeg video/mpg mpg video/mpg msa application/x-msaccess msw application/x-msworks-wp pcx application/x-pc-paintbrush pdf application/pdf png image/png ppt application/vnd.ms-powerpoint ps application/postscript qt video/quicktime ra audio/x-realaudio ram audio/x-realaudio rm audio/x-realaudio rtf application/rtf rv video/x-realvideo sgml text/sgml svg image/svg+xml tif image/tiff tiff image/tiff txt text/plain url text/plain vrml x-world/x-vrml wav audio/wav wpd application/wordperfect5.1 xls application/vnd.ms-excel xml text/xml xsd text/xml xsl text/xml zip application/x-zip-compressed en english gzip zip file tar tar file 50 6000 0 local_listener tcp 0 6000 8192 0 local_listener tcp 64 16384 2000000000 6000 XDB HTTP Server 0 XDB index.html index.htm /Test TestServlet /oradb/* DBURIServlet /orarep/* ReportFmwkServlet TestServlet Java XDB Test Servlet A servlet to test the internals of the XDB Servlet API xdbtserv xdb DBURIServlet C DBURI Servlet for accessing DBURIs authenticatedUser authenticatedUser ReportFmwkServlet C REPT Servlet for accessing reports authenticatedUser authenticatedUser basic 300 1024 16 ace-order