XBRL simple and extended link schema constructs Concrete element to use for documentation of extended links and linkbases. Concrete locator element. The loc element is the XLink locator element for all extended links in XBRL. Concrete arc for use in label extended links. Concrete arc for use in reference extended links. Concrete arc for use in definition extended links. Extension of the extended link arc type for presentation arcs. Adds a preferredLabel attribute that documents the role attribute value of preferred labels (as they occur in label extended links). Extension of the extended link arc type for calculation arcs. Adds a weight attribute to track weights on contributions to summations. Concrete arc for use in footnote extended links. Definition of the label resource element. Definition of the reference part element - for use in reference resources. Definition of the reference resource element. Definition of the reference resource element presentation extended link element definition. definition extended link element definition calculation extended link element definition label extended link element definition reference extended link element definition footnote extended link element definition Definition of the linkbase element. Used to contain a set of zero or more extended link elements. Definition of the linkbaseRef element - used to link to XBRL taxonomy extended links from taxonomy schema documents and from XBRL instances. This attribute must have the value: http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink/properties/linkbase Definition of the schemaRef element - used to link to XBRL taxonomy schemas from XBRL instances. Definition of the roleRef element - used to link to resolve xlink:role attribute values to the roleType element declaration. This attribute contains the role name. Definition of the roleRef element - used to link to resolve xlink:arcrole attribute values to the arcroleType element declaration. This attribute contains the arc role name. The element to use for human-readable definition of custom roles and arc roles. Definition of the usedOn element - used to identify what elements may use a taxonomy defined role or arc role value. The roleType element definition - used to define custom role values in XBRL extended links. The arcroleType element definition - used to define custom arc role values in XBRL extended links.