Taxonomy schema for XBRL. This schema defines syntax relating to XBRL instances. Define the attributes to be used on XBRL concept definitions The periodType attribute (restricting the period for XBRL items) The balance attribute (imposes calculation relationship restrictions) Define the simple types used as a base for for item types the monetary type serves as the datatype for those financial concepts in a taxonomy which denote units in a currency. Instance items with this type must have a unit of measure from the ISO 4217 namespace of currencies. This datatype serves as the datatype for share based financial concepts. This datatype serves as the type for dimensionless numbers such as percentage change, growth rates, and other ratios where the numerator and denominator have the same units. As the name implies this is a decimal value that can not take the value 0 - it is used as the type for the denominator of a fractionItemType. This type is used to specify the value of the precision attribute on numeric items. It consists of the union of nonNegativeInteger and "INF" (used to signify infinite precision or "exact value"). This type is used to specify the value of the decimals attribute on numeric items. It consists of the union of integer and "INF" (used to signify that a number is expressed to an infinite number of decimal places or "exact value"). Group of attributes for numeric items Group of attributes for non-numeric items General numeric item types - for use on concept element definitions The following 3 numeric types are all based on the built-in data types of XML Schema. XBRL domain numeric item types - for use on concept element definitions The following 4 numeric types are all types that have been identified as having particular relevance to the domain space addressed by XBRL and are hence included in addition to the built-in types from XML Schema. The following 13 numeric types are all based on the XML Schema built-in types that are derived by restriction from decimal. The following 17 non-numeric types are all based on the primitive built-in data types of XML Schema. The following 5 non-numeric types are all based on the XML Schema built-in types that are derived by restriction and/or list from string. XML Schema components contributing to the context element The type for the entity element, used to describe the reporting entity. Note that the scheme attribute is required and cannot be empty. The union of the date and dateTime simple types. The type for the period element, used to describe the reporting date info. Used for the scenario under which fact have been reported. Used for an island of context to which facts can be related. XML Schema components contributing to the unit element A collection of sibling measure elements Element used to represent division in units Element used to represent units information about numeric items Elements to use for facts in instances Abstract item element used as head of item substitution group Abstract tuple element used as head of tuple substitution group XBRL instance root element.