/* Copyright (c) 1998, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */ / / / NAME / qsmus.msg - Oracle Summary Management Advisor routines error messages / DESCRIPTION / Contains the various error codes returned by the routines, what they / mean and what the probable cause is and what action(s), if any, to / take. / / Errors can be internal or user errors. Internal errors are not reported / specifically, rather a generic error code (QSMA_FAILURE) is used. User / errors have individual error codes so that the user can take corrective / action. /------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ / NOTES: / Language : American / Character set : US7ASCII / / / / MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) / gnambu 08/24/09 - Fix merge error / zqiu 07/17/09 - add KKQSNOOLAP / avangala 07/15/09 - Anti joins not supported for fast refresh / avangala 06/03/09 - Explain why PCT fast refresh not possible / prakumar 01/08/08 - Modify message 1213 / mthiyaga 12/02/08 - Add message 1784 / sramakri 10/30/08 - bug 6235086 / gssmith 10/06/08 - Bug 5929468 / mthiyaga 07/20/08 - Redefine QSM-1297 / huagli 03/08/08 - Project 25482: ade message 2191, 2192, 2193 / rbello 04/04/07 - SPM mesg / rbello 04/04/07 - bug 5455335, JOURNAL SPM/OUTLINE message / pabingha 02/01/07 - Part. Rec. Datapump script messages / kclaypoo 01/08/07 - Bug 5663578 messages SAA progress / akoeller 10/11/06 - Bug 5465555 - Partition script / gssmith 12/18/06 - Add SAA error message / mthiyaga 11/10/06 - Add more xrw msgs / akoeller 07/28/06 - Bug 5412118 / gssmith 07/21/06 - Bug 5401595 / gssmith 07/11/06 - Remove ALLOW_REPARTITING parameter / awitkows 06/05/06 - full outer join == no rewrite / lsheng 05/26/06 - add message 2190 / gssmith 05/31/06 - S / gssmith 05/28/06 - Add new message for AA / gssmith 04/24/06 - Add new 11g parameter descriptions / mthiyaga 05/24/06 - Add general inline view rw messages / mthiyaga 03/19/06 - Add message 1338 / mthiyaga 08/25/05 - Add message 1837 / mthiyaga 05/11/05 - Add msg 1168 / twtong 04/18/05 - bug-4304412 / gssmith 03/30/05 - Bug 4249020 / gssmith 03/22/05 - Bug 4245373 / twtong 02/21/05 - bug-4195175 / mthiyaga 01/14/05 - Rephrase msg 01110 / mxiao 12/13/04 - add 3117 and 3118 / xan 11/22/04 - enhance 2169 / mthiyaga 10/04/04 - Address formatting issues / mxiao 10/27/04 - add 3112 - 3116 for tune_mview / sramakri 08/09/04 - Optimal Global Greedy trace messages / gssmith 08/31/04 - Adjust AA name / mthiyaga 08/16/04 - Add improved messages for explain_rewrite / mthiyaga 06/14/04 - Change msg 1127 to accept argument / gssmith 04/23/04 - Add new message for AA / mthiyaga 05/12/04 - Add message 1137 / sramakri 03/01/04 - hypothetical workload journal entries / mxiao 03/19/04 - add message 2189 / gssmith 03/30/04 - New AA parameters text / mthiyaga 03/03/04 - Add msgs for non-rewritable column types / gssmith 02/17/04 - Change version / gssmith 02/05/04 - Add new journaling messages / gssmith 01/15/04 - Bug 3171015 / twtong 07/11/03 - bug-3035834 / btao 08/05/03 - add error message 00804 / gssmith 08/05/03 - Add new messages for AA / bpanchap 05/13/03 - Adding mmv rewrite messages for explian_rewrite / gssmith 04/18/03 - Change SWO name / gssmith 03/18/03 - Adjust Access Advisor column names / tfyu 05/27/03 - message for 2187 / gssmith 01/30/03 - SWO name change / gssmith 01/20/03 - Missing stats bug / btao 01/23/03 - add message for cancel, interrupt & timeout events / gssmith 01/09/03 - Bug 2629700 / slawande 01/06/03 - Add journal messages for index analyzer / gssmith 12/11/02 - add messages / gssmith 12/02/02 - Volatility error message / mthiyaga 12/24/02 - Add MV arg for msg 1618 / ddas 10/23/02 - change OPTIMIZER_GOAL reference to OPTIMIZER_MODE / gssmith 10/14/02 - New messages for directives / lsheng 10/18/02 - add 2186 message / gssmith 10/18/02 - Provide message for bugfix 2632776 / gssmith 10/07/02 - File I/O messages / abgupta 10/09/02 - change message of 2158 / awitkows 10/08/02 - add 1122 message / gssmith 09/20/02 - New type name / mthiyaga 10/02/02 - Add KKQSFGSJC / gssmith 09/14/02 - wip / gssmith 09/13/02 - wip / gssmith 09/11/02 - New Advisor messages / gssmith 08/21/02 - Add messages for Access Advisor / mxiao 07/25/02 - Add message 2076 / abgupta 10/02/02 - / abgupta 09/25/02 - define messages for join dep / abgupta 09/23/02 - add error message for spreadsheet / mthiyaga 07/22/02 - More explain_rewrite() msgs / mthiyaga 06/25/02 - Add msg 1115 / mthiyaga 01/10/02 - Add message 01105. / mxiao 12/19/01 - reflect the review from errors_us / slawande 11/27/01 - Change 9.0.2 to 9.2 in message. / akalra 10/03/01 - Add message for KKQSASOFDISABLED. / mxiao 10/12/01 - add 2180 / slawande 08/06/01 - Add messages for UNION ALL MV. / mxiao 06/21/01 - add 2172, 2173 / alakshmi 05/21/01 - add 2170, 2171 / twtong 03/07/01 - add explain mesg / mthiyaga 03/08/01 - Add action/cause to msg 1084 / slawande 02/27/01 - Reword error message 2010 / gssmith 02/28/01 - Add messages for Java errors / jraitto 02/09/01 - Add cause/actions for EXPLAIN_MV / tfyu 02/19/01 - change error msg for 2066 / tfyu 02/15/01 - change EUT to PCT and 8.2 to 9.0 / twtong 02/06/01 - add mesg for upgraded mv / mthiyaga 12/07/00 - Add more EXPLAIN_REWRITE msgs / twtong 11/30/00 - add explain mv mesg for mv log seq# / mthiyaga 08/17/00 - Add message # 1100 / twtong 10/06/00 - add explain mv mesg for mv log / twtong 09/18/00 - add error msg for explain_mv / twtong 07/21/00 - add new mesg for grouping set / awitkows 07/11/00 - add new rewrite failure msgs / jraitto 07/19/00 - eliminate redundant messages / sramakri 07/11/00 - add messages 515 and 516 / jraitto 07/01/00 - explain mv + view flattening / bpanchap 06/01/00 - Modify msg 1050 / mthiyaga 06/01/00 - Add message # 1089 / jraitto 06/21/00 - explain mv / mthiyaga 04/06/00 - Add EXPLAIN_REWRITE related messages / gssmith 05/03/00 - Summary Advisor messages / btao 06/14/99 - add msg 514 / sramakri 06/30/98 - Add 513, one or more of the workload tables is mis / sramakri 06/11/98 - add more messages / sramakri 05/29/98 - Add more messages / sramakri 03/18/98 - Summary management messages used by summary adviso / sramakri 01/19/98 - Creation /*/ 00501, 00000, "unable to initialize Summary Advisor environment" // *Cause: The Summary Advisor external procedure initialization process // failed. // *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. 00502, 00000, "OCI error" // *Cause: A OCI callback routine reported an error // *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. 00503, 00000, "out of memory" // *Cause: Summary Advisor failed to allocate the necessary memory. // *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. 00504, 00000, "internal error" // *Cause: An internal error occurred. // *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. 00505, 00000, "syntax error" // *Cause: A syntax error occurred. // *Action: Correct syntax error if possible or contact Oracle // Worldwide Support. 00506, 00000, "no fact-tables could be found" // *Cause: The fact-filter is not specified, and there are no // fact-tables in the warehouse. A fact-table is a table // having foreign-key constraints to one or more of the // dimension-tables in the data warehouse. // *Action: Check the fact-filter is correctly specified; check that // appropriate constraints exist; and the user has privileges // to access the tables 00507, 00000, "no dimensions could be found" // *Cause: The database does not have any dimensions // *Action: Create the dimensions in your warehouse 00508, 00000, "statistics missing on tables/columns" // *Cause: The system metadata does not contain statistics // on one or more tables or columns. The Advisor // needs cardinalities of all fact-tables, and of the // level-keys of all dimensions in the data warehouse. // *Action: Run ANALYZE on the tables and summaries in the // warehouse to collect statistics 00509, 00000, "invalid parameter" // *Cause: The indicated parameter has an invalid value // *Action: Supply a value in the proper range 00510, 00000, "statistics missing on materialized views" // *Cause: The system metadata does not contain statistics // on one or more materialized views. The Advisor // needs cardinalities of all materialized views in the // data warehouse. // *Action: Run ANALYZE on the tables and materialized views in the // warehouse to collect statistics. 00511, 00000, "invalid fact-tables specified in fact-filter" // *Cause: The tables specified in the fact-filter are not // valid fact-tables. A fact-table must have foreign-key // constraints to one or more of the dimension-tables in the data // warehouse. // *Action: Check the fact-filter is correctly specified; check that // appropriate constraints exist; and the user has privileges // to access the tables 00512, 00000, "invalid summaries specified in the retention-list" // *Cause: The summaries specified in the retention-list are not valid. // *Action: Check the spelling of the summary-names; check that they are // valid; and the user has privileges to access them. 00513, 00000, "one or more of the workload tables is missing" // *Cause: One or both of the workload tables are missing. // The two workload tables which should be present // in the user's schema are V_192216243_F_5_E_14_8_1 // and V_192216243_F_5_E_15_8_1; the former is mapped // to WORK$_IDEAL_MVIEW and the latter to WORK$_MVIEW_USAGE. // The workload tables are created by the Oracle Trace Formatter // when the data-collection-file (oraclesm.dat) is formatted by // the user. // *Action: Check whether the Formatter succeeded in formatting the data // collection. Sometimes the V_192216243_F_5_E_14_8_1 (i.e // WORK$_IDEAL_MVIEW) may not be created whereas the other table // is created. The most likely cause of this is the init.ora parameters // needed to invoke mview-rewrite are not enabled. Check your // documentation for all the init.ora parameters which need to be set // for mview-rewrite to occur. Another possibility is no GROUP BY // queries were issued during the time the data was collected, in // which case, run the Trace collection for a longer time to get a // representative sampling of the queries issued in the data // warehouse. // 00514, 00000, "the size of must-retain summaries exceeds specified space limit" // *Cause: The specified space limit is greater than the size of must-retain // summaries. // *Action: Reduce the number of must-retain summaries or increase the space // limit 00515, 00000, "operation cancelled by user" // *Cause: The operation has been cancelled by the user // *Action: None // 00516, 00000, "illegal status detected for run" // *Cause: The run has encountered an illegal value in the status field of the // mview$_adv_log table. This could be internal error or an // application error. // *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. // 00517, 00000, "Summary Advisor requires a COMPATIBLE setting of or greater" // *Cause: The current database has a compatibility setting that is earlier // than the supported server version. // *Action: Adjust the instance parameter COMPATIBLE to or greater. // 00518, 00000, "Java is not enabled. Please execute INITJVM.SQL and INITQSMA.SQL" // *Cause: The current database has has not be created or upgraded to support // Java stored procedures. Summary Advisor requires Java stored // procedures. // *Action: Log into the database with SYSDBA privileges. Execute the INITJVM.SQL // script which is found in the ORACLE home directory under JAVAVM. // Next, execute the INITQSMA.SQL script found in the ADMIN directory // under the ORACLE home. // 00519, 00000, "Summary Advisor is not installed. Please execute INITQSMA.SQL." // *Cause: The current database has has not be created or upgraded to support // Summary Advisor. Summary Advisor requires several Java stored // procedures. // *Action: Log into the database with SYSDBA privileges. Execute the INITQSMA.SQL // script found in the ADMIN directory under the ORACLE home. // **** // **** Messages 520-700 are in the 9i Summary Advisor Java modules // 701-708 are Hypothetical Workload generator journal messages 00710, 00000, "data access error in module %s" // *Cause: SQL Access Advisor detected a severe error while accessing the // advisor repository. // *Action: See the accompanying error message for approprate actions. // // Access Advisor and Advisor Framework errors // 00750, 00000, "the specified value %s for parameter %s is invalid or contains an invalid item" // *Cause: The user attempted to set a task parameter using invalid data. // *Action: Adjust the data value and retry the operation. 00751, 00000, "the file %s could not be opened for write access" // *Cause: Access Advisor could not create the script or report due to // a file system error. // *Action: Verify the location for file write access and retry the operation. 00752, 00000, "the parameter %s contains an invalid combination of options %s" // *Cause: The user specified correct option keywords, but // entered a combination that is not supported within Access Advisor. // *Action: Validate the correct option usage and retry the operation. 00753, 00000, "the specified value %s is out of the acceptable range of %s to %s for parameter %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to set a task parameter using invalid data. // *Action: Adjust the data value and retry the operation. 00754, 00000, "task %s does not reference a valid workload and therefore cannot be executed" // *Cause: The user attempted to execute a advisor task that requires a workload. // *Action: Specify a workload for the task and retry the operation. 00755, 00000, "a set of workload statements already exists for workload %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to save workload data into an existing // workload that already contains data without specifying APPEND or // REPLACE. // *Action: Validate the import mode retry the operation. 00756, 00000, "the specified workload %s is being used by one or more advisor tasks" // *Cause: The user attempted to modify or delete a workload that is currently // being used by another task. // *Action: Remove the workload reference from the advisor task and retry the // operation. 00757, 00000, "the specified workload %s is not referenced by task %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to delete invalid workload reference from // the task. // *Action: Validate the workload reference and retry the operation. 00758, 00000, "the specified parameter %s is not valid for workload %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to access a workload parameter that is does not exist // for the specified workload. The parameter may be misspelled or the user // selected a parameter that is not supported by the particular // advisor. // *Action: Validate the parameter name and retry the operation. 00759, 00000, "the user %s does not exist for the specified workload statement" // *Cause: The user attempted to add a new SQL statement with an invalid username. // *Action: Adjust the name and retry the operation. 00760, 00000, "the import mode %s is invalid for the current operation" // *Cause: The user attempted to store data in the repository with an invalid import mode. // *Action: Use one of the following valid values: NEW, APPEND, or REPLACE. 00761, 00000, "the priority %s is invalid for the current operation" // *Cause: The user attempted to store data in the repository with an invalid priority. // *Action: Use one of the following valid values: 1, 2, 3. 00762, 00000, "the specified Summary Advisor workload %s does not exist" // *Cause: The user attempted to import an advisor workload from an invalid // or non-existent Summary Advisor workload. // *Action: Validate the Summary Advisor workload identifier and retry the operation. 00763, 00000, "the owner %s was not found while validating user-defined workload %s.%s" // *Cause: The user attempted to import an advisor workload from a user who may not // access to the table. // *Action: Validate the location of the user-defined workload. 00764, 00000, "the column %s was not found in the user-defined workload table %s.%s" // *Cause: The user attempted to import an advisor workload from a user table that does not // contain the required column. // *Action: Validate the user-defined workload table and retry the operation. 00765, 00000, "cannot validate user-defined workload because table %s.%s is invalid." // *Cause: The user attempted to import an advisor workload from a table that is // not accessible. // *Action: Validate the location of the user-defined workload. 00766, 00000, "a SQL statement is required for the current workload operation" // *Cause: The user attempted to create an entry in a workload collection without specifying // a SQL statement. // *Action: Validate the SQL statement and retry the operation. 00767, 00000, "a SQL cache is not available to user %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to collect a workload from the SQL without having // authorization. // *Action: Validate the user account and retry the operation. 00768, 00000, "the search condition is invalid for the requested operation" // *Cause: The user provided a invalid SEARCH argument to an Access Advisor workload // operation. A search condition must be a valid SQL search condition // using only the column names specified in the procedure documentation. // *Action: Correct the search condition and retry the operation. 00769, 00000, "the SQL statement %s was not found for workload %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to access a SQL statement that does not // exist in the workload. // *Action: Validate the SQL statement identifier and retry the operation. 00770, 00000, "the specified workload %s is already referenced by task %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to add a workload reference to a task when // the task already contains the reference. // *Action: Validate the workload reference and retry the operation. 00771, 00000, "the specified SQL statement cannot be stored in the workload because it has no valid table references" // *Cause: The user attempted to add a workload statement that contains table // references that are either system-specified or user-specified invalid tables. // *Action: Validate the workload statement and retry the operation. 00772, 00000, "the specified SQL statement cannot be stored in the workload due to a statement error" // *Cause: The user attempted to add a workload statement that contains invalid SQL syntax or // an invalid column reference. // *Action: Validate the workload statement and retry the operation. 00773, 00000, "the parameter %s contains the invalid %s name %s" // *Cause: The task or workload parameter contains a name that is // either too long or does not exist in the database. // *Action: Validate the parameter value and retry the operation. 00774, 00000, "there are no SQL statements to process for task %s" // *Cause: While executing, the specified task found no valid SQL statements // to analyze. Possible causes are: an empty workload, table filtering, // or username filtering. // *Action: Validate the workload and the appropriate task parameters and // retry the operation. 00775, 00000, "the specified SQL statement cannot be stored in the workload due to invalid table references" // *Cause: The user attempted to add a workload statement that contains one or // more invalid identifier for the parsing user. // *Action: Validate the workload statement and retry the operation. 00776, 00000, "the user-defined workload %s is missing the following column: %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to import a workload from an external table; // however, the table does not contain all of the required columns. // *Action: Adjust the target workload table and retry the operation. 00777, 00000, "the specified directive %s is unsupported at this time" // *Cause: The user attempted to create a directive that is not currently // supported. // *Action: Check the advisor documentation for valid directives. 00778, 00000, "the specified output filename %s is invalid or cannot be accessed" // *Cause: The user attempted to create a report or script in a file that cannot // be written or created. // *Action: Adjust the file name or directory and retry the operation. 00779, 00000, "the specified directive conflicts with the existing directive %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to add a directive that cannot operate with // an existing directive. // *Action: Check the advisor documentation for valid directives. 00780, 00000, "the task %s could not be executed because the workload %s is being modified" // *Cause: While attempting to execute a task, Access Advisor checks for exclusive // access to all of the referenced workloads. If any cannot be // reserved, then the execution fails. // *Action: Wait until the referenced workloads are free for exclusive access // retry the operation. 00781, 00000, "the specified value %s is invalid for parameter %s. Valid keywords are %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to set a task parameter using invalid data. // *Action: Adjust the data value and retry the operation 00782, 00000, "the specified value %s is an invalid date format for parameter %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to set a task parameter using invalid date formatting // directives. // *Action: See the Oracle documentation for valid date-formatting and // retry the operation. 00783, 00000, "the specified value %s contains an invalid date for parameter %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to set a task parameter using invalid date formatting. // *Action: A date literal must be in the form DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS. 00784, 00000, "the %s %s referenced in the list %s is invalid for parameter %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to set a task parameter using an invalid username or // table specification. // *Action: Validate the object name and retry the operation. 00785, 00000, "the directive %s is not supported for task %s at this time" // *Cause: The user attempted to add an invalid directive to the current task. // *Action: Validate the directive and retry the operation. 00786, 00000, "the name %s is invalid for directive %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to add a directive that contains an empty or // invalid object name. // *Action: Correct the name and retry the operation. 00787, 00000, "the tablespace %s is invalid for directive %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to add a directive that contains an empty or // invalid tablespace name. // *Action: Correct the name and retry the operation. 00788, 00000, "The requested recommendation does not support direct implementation" // *Cause: The user attempted to use the DBMS_ADVISOR.IMPLEMENT_TASK procedure to // implement a SQL Access Advisor recommendation that cannot be implemented // due to its complexity. // *Action: The user must generate a script and implement the recommendation outside // of the SQL Access Advisor. 00789, 00000, "The requested recommendation requires user editing and cannot be implemented" // *Cause: The user attempted to use the DBMS_ADVISOR.IMPLEMENT_TASK procedure to // implement a SQL Access Advisor recommendation that cannot be implemented // because it requires additional scripting information from the user. // *Action: The user must generate a script and edit the results. 00790, 00000, "the workload %s cannot be modified or changed because it is being used by task %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to change or delete a workload that is referenced // by an active task. // *Action: Remove references to a workload from any tasks that // reference that workload, unless the task is in its initial task state. 00791, 00000, "the specified SQL statement cannot be stored in the workload because is contains unsupported statement type" // *Cause: The user attempted to add a workload statement that contains an invalid statement type. // Supported statement types are INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, SELECT and MERGE. // *Action: Validate the workload statement and retry the operation. 00792, 00000, "the specified SQL statement cannot be stored in the workload because one or more tables have missing statistics" // *Cause: The user attempted to add a workload statement that contains a table without statistics. // Access Advisor requires all referenced tables to have valid statistics. // *Action: Validate the workload statement and retry the operation. 00793, 00000, "the specified SQL Tuning Set %s does not exist" // *Cause: The user specified a SQL Tuning Set that has not been defined // in the SQL Tuning Set repository. // *Action: Correct the SQL Tuning Set name and retry the operation. / 00794, 00000, "the statement can not be stored due to a violation of the %s filter" // *Cause: The user attempted to manually add a workload statement that failed // a filter test. Manual statements must meet the same filtering // guidelines as imported statements. // *Action: Adjust the attributes or the filter and retry the operation. 00795, 00000, "the SQL Tuning Set repository has not been implemented" // *Cause: The user attempted to collect a workload from a SQL Tuning Set // repository that has not yet been implemented or enabled. // *Action: Validate the existence of the repository and retry the operation. 00796, 00000, "the specified SQL statement cannot be stored in the workload because table %s does not have valid statistics" // *Cause: The user attempted to add a workload statement that references a table // with missing statistics. // *Action: Gather statistics for the referenced table and retry the operation. 00797, 00000, "the specified workload %s does not exist for the current user" // *Cause: The user attempted to reference an Access Advisor workload // using a name that does not exist in the Advisor repository. // *Action: Adjust the name and retry the operation. / 00798, 00000, "the specified workload %s already exists" // *Cause: The user attempted to create the specified workload // using a name that already exists in the Advisor repository. // Task names must be unique to the database user. // *Action: Adjust the name and retry the operation. 00799, 00000, "the user-defined workload table %s cannot be found" // *Cause: The user has attempted to import a workload from an external table // that does not exist or cannot be accessed. // *Action: Adjust the target workload table and retry the operation. 00800, 00000, "the specified workload name %s is invalid" // *Cause: The user has specified an invalid workload name. // *Action: Adjust the target workload name and retry the operation. 00801, 00000, "the specified username %s is invalid" // *Cause: The user has specified an invalid username. // *Action: Adjust the target username and retry the operation. 00802, 00000, "An error occurred while implementing action %s (%s)\n%s." // *Cause: While performing IMPLEMENT_TASK, a specific action operation failed. // *Action: Make the necessary adjustments as specified in the secondary // message and retry the operation. 00803, 00000, "The STORAGE_CHANGE parameter value %s cannot be zero or negative for partial workloads." // *Cause: While performing EXECUTE_TASK, the user specified a STORAGE_CHANGE // value that is incompatible with the type of workload data. // *Action: Set a positive STORAGE_CHANGE value. // 00804, 00000, "not enough space for mandatory access structures" // *Cause: While performing EXECUTE_TASK, the user specified a STORAGE_CHANGE // value that leaves no space for mandatory access structures, // such as primary key indexes. // *Action: Set a greater STROAGE_CHANGE value. 00805, 00000, "the specified recommendation %s value %s is invalid" // *Cause: The user has specified an invalid value when attempting to change // a recommendation attribute. // *Action: Adjust the target attribute value and retry the operation. 00806, 00000, "the %s parameter value must be specified when STORAGE_MODE is set to TOTAL" // *Cause: While performing EXECUTE_TASK, the user specified a STORAGE_MODE of // TOTAL, but failed to set the DEF_MVIEW_OWNER and DEF_INDEX_OWNER // to valid owner names. // *Action: Set the specified owner to a valid name // 00807, 00000, "the ANALYSIS_SCOPE parameter value contains an incomplete or invalid combination of options." // *Cause: Though the ANALYSIS_SCOPE parameter supports several options, some // combination are not supported. // *Action: Enter a valid combination of options. // 00808, 00000, "parameter %s only permits a single keyword. Choose one of the following: %s" // *Cause: The user attempted to set a task parameter using multiple keywords. // *Action: Adjust the data value and retry the operation 00809, 00000, "the selected number of recommendations exceeds the maximum value of %s" // *Cause: While executing GET_TASK_SCRIPT, an attempt was made to fetch a script having too // many recommendations. The limit has been set in order to avoid possible performance // and out-of-memory errors. // *Action: Select a small set of recommendations prior to fetching the script 00850, 00000, "task" // *Document: NO 00851, 00000, "workload" // *Document: NO 00852, 00000, "EMPTY" // *Document: NO 00853, 00000, "NULL" // *Document: NO 00854, 00000, "%s" // *Document: NO 00855, 00000, "Workload processing completed: %s scanned %s accepted %s discarded" // *Document: NO 00856, 00000, "statements" // *Document: NO 00857, 00000, "Importing workload from user-defined workload %s.%s" // *Document: NO 00858, 00000, "Importing workload from SQL cache" // *Document: NO 00859, 00000, "Importing workload from schema" // *Document: NO 00860, 00000, "Importing workload from Summary Advisor workload %s" // *Document: NO 00861, 00000, "Module" // *Document: NO 00862, 00000, "Action" // *Document: NO 00863, 00000, "Username" // *Document: NO 00864, 00000, "Description" // *Document: NO 00865, 00000, "Hypothetical workload" // *Document: NO 00866, 00000, "user" // *Document: NO 00867, 00000, "table" // *Document: NO 00868, 00000, "object" // *Document: NO 00869, 00000, "General purpose database template" // *Document: NO 00870, 00000, "OLTP database template" // *Document: NO 00871, 00000, "Data Warehouse database template" // *Document: NO 00872, 00000, "SQL Access Advisor: Version %s - Production" // *Document: NO 00873, 00000, "Username:" // *Document: NO 00874, 00000, "Task:" // *Document: NO 00875, 00000, "Execution date:" // *Document: NO 00876, 00000, "index type" // *Document: NO 00877, 00000, "Missing statistics: Table: %s" // *Document: NO 00878, 00000, "Invalid table references: User: %s Statement: %s" // *Document: NO 00879, 00000, "Invalid SQL: User: %s Statement: %s" // *Document: NO 00880, 00000, "Import query: %s" // *Document: NO 00881, 00000, "Workload processing query: %s" // *Document: NO 00882, 00000, "Preparing workload for analysis" // *Document: NO 00883, 00000, "Importing workload from SQL Tuning Set %s" // *Document: NO 00884, 00000, "Filter violation: %s: Statement: %s" // *Document: NO 00885, 00000, "Invalid user: User: %s Statement: %s" // *Document: NO 00886, 00000, "Deprecated parameter: Old name: %s New Name: %s" // *Document: NO 00887, 00000, "Filter Summary: %s: Unused" // *Document: NO 00888, 00000, "Filter Summary: %s: Statements discarded: %s" // *Document: NO 00889, 00000, "Filter Summary: All user-specified filters were disabled" // *Document: NO 00890, 00000, "Default Enterprise Manager task template" // *Document: NO 00891, 00000, "Filter Summary: %s: Statements invalidated: %s" // *Document: NO 00892, 00000, "Resetting workload" // *Document: NO 00893, 00000, "Workload processing completed: %s scanned %s passed %s invalidated" // *Document: NO 00894, 00000, "Valid SQL: User: %s Statement: %s" // *Document: NO 00900, 99999, "" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Internal error // *Action: None // 00901, 00000, "In BRIEF mode star transformation analysis is skipped" // *Document: NO 00902, 00000, "No index candidates were found for statement %s" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Informational message indicating that the index advisor did not // find any suitable index solutions for the query. // // This could be for several reasons including but not limited to: // - There was no construct in the query that would benefit from an // index access (such as join, predicate, group by order by, etc) // - Some tables or columns used in those constructs were not eligible // to be included in an index. // - The index advisor does not support this type of query. // - The query requires index types not supported by index advisor // // For detailed explanation on how the optimizer uses indexes, // please refer to the Oracle Performance and Tuning Manual. 00903, 00000, "All new index solutions for statement %s were rejected by the query optimizer" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Informational message indicating that all index candidates // found by the index advisor were rejected by the optimizer // in favor of other less costly access paths. 00904, 00000, "No index candidates were found for MVs referenced in statement %s" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Informational message indicating that the index advisor // did not find any suitable index solutions for the // materialized views referenced in the query. This could be because // the query did not get rewritten using any materialized views or // because of reasons mentioned in QSM-00902. 00905, 00000, "All new index solutions on MVs in query %s were rejected by the query optimizer" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Informational message indicating that all index candidates // on materialized views referenced in the query were were rejected // by the optimizer in favor of other less costly alternatives. 00906, 00000, "Existing index %s does not have statistics" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Informational message indicating that an existing index // is missing statistics. This means that any recommendations // involving it may not be fully reliable. 00907, 00000, "Table %s considered too volatile for %s indexes" // *Document: NO // *Cause: The specified table had too many DMLs being done to it // and hence no index candidates will be recommended on it. 00908, 00000, "Column %s considered too volatile for %s indexes" // *Document: NO // *Cause: The specified column had too many updates being done to // to it and hence will not be considered for inclusion into // an index 00909, 00000, "Internal Error during index analysis for query %s" // *Document: NO 00910, 00000, "Error loading existing index for index analysis %s" // *Document: NO 00911, 00000, "Task has been set to ignore table volatility information" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Task parameter DML_VOLATILITY has been set to DISABLED. This // means that we will ignore the cost impact of DML to the table // when recommending access structures. The recommended access // structures on a table with heavy DML, could have an adverse // impact on DML performance. 00912, 00000, "Operation cancelled by user at stage %s, step %s" // *Document: NO 00913, 00000, "Operation interrupted by user at stage %s, step %s" // *Document: NO 00914, 00000, "Operation timeout at stage %s, step %s" // *Document: NO 00915, 00000, "No existing materialized views were found" // *Document: NO // *Cause: There are no existing materialized views to load. For a // materialized view to be loaded, at least one of the base // tables it references must be referenced by at least one // query in the given workload. 00916, 00000, "No eligible materialized views found for query %s" // *Document: NO // *Cause: No eligible materialized view candidates exist for the given // query 00917, 00000, "Generating materialized view candidates (%s%%)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. The number in parenthesis indicates completion // percentage 00918, 00000, "Generating intial recommendations for each query (%s%%)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. The number in parenthesis indicates completion // percentage 00919, 00000, "Performing local optimization (%s%%)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. The number in parenthesis indicates completion // percentage 00920, 00000, "Performing global optimization (%s%%)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. The number in parenthesis indicates completion // percentage 00921, 00000, "Generating index candidates (%s%%)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. The number in parenthesis indicates completion // percentage 00922, 00000, "Evaluating the initial execution cost for each query (%s%%)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. The number in parenthesis indicates completion // percentage 00923, 00000, "Preparing workload queries for analysis (%s%%)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. The number in parenthesis indicates completion // percentage 00924, 00000, "Access advisor execution completed " // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00925, 00000, "SQL Syntax or Semantic Error" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00926, 00000, "Valid table" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00927, 00000, "Invalid table" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00928, 00000, "Valid username" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00929, 00000, "Invalid username" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00930, 00000, "Valid action" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00931, 00000, "Invalid action" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00932, 00000, "Valid module" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00933, 00000, "Invalid module" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00934, 00000, "Valid SQL String" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00935, 00000, "Invalid SQL String" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00936, 00000, "Invalid table reference" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00937, 00000, "Invalid start time" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00938, 00000, "Invalid end time" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00939, 00000, "Missing statistics" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00940, 00000, "Missing statistics: Statement: %s" // *Document: NO 00941, 00000, "Invalid comment" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00942, 00000, "Performing optimal global greedy post-processing (%s%%)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. The number in parenthesis indicates completion // percentage 00943, 00000, "%s" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00944, 00000, "SQL Access Advisor publishing results (%s)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. The number in paranthesis indicates the publish point 00945, 00000, "SQL Access Advisor was interrupted or cancelled" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00946, 00000, "Note %s managed statement: %s" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00950, 00000, "Repartitioning table %s" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00951, 00000, "Dependent objects prevent automatic table repartitioning" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00952, 00000, "The following objects must be removed before executing implementation script: %s" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00953, 00000, "Creating new partitioned table" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00954, 00000, "Copying %s to new partitioned table" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00955, 00000, "Dropping materialized view log on original table" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00956, 00000, "Creating materialized view log on new partitioned table" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00957, 00000, "Revalidating %s for use with new partitioned table" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00958, 00000, "Populating new partitioned table with data from original table" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00959, 00000, "Renaming tables to give new partitioned table the original table name" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Information only. 00970, 00000, "comments" // *Document: NO 00971, 00000, "constraints" // *Document: NO 00972, 00000, "referential constraints" // *Document: NO 00973, 00000, "indexes" // *Document: NO 00974, 00000, "triggers" // *Document: NO 00975, 00000, "object grants" // *Document: NO 00976, 00000, "fine-grained access-control policies" // *Document: NO 00977, 00000, "audits of schema objects" // *Document: NO 00978, 00000, "fine-grained audit policies" // *Document: NO 00979, 00000, "materialized views" // *Document: NO 00980, 00000, "dimensions" // *Document: NO 00999, 00000, "Advisor feature is not currently implemented" // *Cause: The user attempted to execute an unsupported advisor operation. // *Action: Verify the availability of the operation. // // // **** Numbers from 01001 to 02000 are allocated for EXPLAIN REWRITE ***** // // **** IMPORTANT: Messages that have 99999 in the second column of the message // **** numbers are protected messages and should NOT go into // **** documentation or published in any other form. These are // **** for Oracle internal use only // // 01001, 00000, "query rewrite not enabled" // *Cause: When query rewrite is disabled, no query rewrite will take place. // *Action: Enable query rewrite with ALTER SESSION SET QUERY_REWRITE ENABLE command. / 01002, 00000, "no query rewrite when OPTIMIZER_MODE is rule based" // *Cause: Query rewrite did not occur because the OPTIMIZER_MODE was set to // RULE. // *Action: Change the optimizer mode using the OPTIMIZER_MODE parameter. / 01003, 00000, "no query rewrite on DDL queries" // *Cause: If query contains any data definition operations, no query rewrite // will take place. // *Action: none. / 01004, 99999, "no query rewrite before view merging" // *Cause: Internal session parameter _QUERY_REWRITE_2 is set to FALSE // *Action: Change session parameter with ALTER SESSION command. / 01005, 99999, "no query rewrite when query has slave SQL" // *Cause: Current prcess is a kxfx slave // *Action none / 01006, 99999, "query rewrite disabled for this query block" // *Cause: During query rewrite, certain view query blocks cannot be // rewritten. // *Action: none / 01007, 00000, "query has NOREWRITE hint" // *Cause: When query contains a NOREWRITE hint, no query rewrite will take // place for that query block. // *Action: Remove the NOREWRITE hint from the query / 01008, 00000, "no query rewrite for update queries" // *Cause: If a query or part of it has any DML update operations, no query rewrite // will take place. // *Action: none / 01009, 00000, "query rewritten with materialized view, %s, using text match algorithm" // *Cause: The query was rewritten using a materialized view, because query text // matched the definition of the materialized view // *Action: none / 01010, 00000, "table(s) in the query not found in materialized view, %s" // *Cause: If the materialized view does not reference the base tables found in the // query, it cannot be used for rewrite // *Action: none / 01011, 00000, "when heuristic rewrite not set, rewrite hint required" // *Cause: When using a stored outline, a rewrite hint is required for query rewrite // *Action: none / 01012, 00000, "SAMPLE clause present in FROM" // *Cause: If a query contains a SAMPLE clause, query rewrite will not take place // *Action: none / 01013, 00000, "nested aggregates or CONNECT BY/START WITH clause present" // *Cause: If the query contains nested aggregates, CONNECT BY clause, or // START WITH clause, query rewrite will not take place // *Action: none / 01014, 00000, "top level operator in WHERE clause of the query is an OR" // *Cause: If the top-level operator in the WHERE clause is an OR and there is // more than one table in the FROM list, then query rewrite will not // take place. // *Action: none / 01015, 00000, "GROUP BY clause has non-columns" // *Cause: No query rewrite, if there is no valid column in the GROUP BY clause. // *Action: none / 01016, 00000, "Query rewrite does not support, aggregate, %s" // *Cause: No query rewrite, if the query contains any DISTINCT aggregates // other than COUNT, MIN or MAX. // *Action: none / 01017, 99999, "aggregate argument cannot be converted to canonical form" // *Cause: Argument of each aggregrate in the query needs to be convertible // into a canonical form for query rewrite. // *Action: none / 01018, 00000, "single table materialized join view rewrite not required" // *Cause: Materialized join view is more expensive for rewrite than using // the base table // *Action: none. / 01019, 00000, "no suitable materialized view found to rewrite this query" // *Cause: There doesn't exist any materialized view in the dataware house that // can be used to rewrite this query. // *Action: Consider creating a new materialized view. / 01020, 00000, "materialized view, %s, is ineligible" // *Cause: Materialized view is probably disabled or stale. // *Action: Consider enabling the materialized view for rewrite or refreshing // it. / 01021, 00000, "materialized view, %s, not found in the hint list" // *Cause: There is a rewrite hint list specified in the query, but this // materialized view is not among the hinted ones. // *Action: Include this materialized view in the rewrite hint list. / 01022, 00000, "a more optimal materialized view than %s was used to rewrite" // *Cause: Query Rewrite always chooses the most optimal materialized view // based on certain parameters, such as cardinality of the // materialized view, number of joins etc. The materialized view // specified was found to be less optimal. // *Action: To force using a materialized view, consider using a rewrite hint. / 01023, 99999, "materialized view, %s, has GRANT errors" // *Cause: Materialized view probably has some metadata errors. // *Action: Consider recreating it. / 01024, 99999, "materialized view, %s, has unknown compile errors" // *Cause: Materialized view probably has some metadata errors. // *Action: Consider recreating it. / 01025, 00000, "materialized view, %s, not found" // *Cause: The specified materialized view is not found in the database. // *Action: Check the spelling or create a new materialized view / 01026, 00000, "query rewrite is disabled for, %s" // *Cause: Query rewrite could not use this materialized view, because query // rewrite was not enabled for it. // *Action: Enable query rewrite for the materialized view with ALTER // MATERIALIZED VIEW "mv" ENABLE QUERY REWRITE command, where "mv" // is the name of the materializev view. / 01027, 99999, "materialized view, %s, is unusable" // *Cause: Materialized view probably has some metadata errors. // *Action: Consider recreating it. / 01028, 00000, "materialized view, %s, is currently being refreshed" // *Cause: Materialized view cannot be used for query rewrite while it is // being refreshed // *Action: Rerun the query, after the refresh operation is completed. / 01029, 00000, "materialized view, %s, is stale in ENFORCED integrity mode" // *Cause: A stale materialized view cannot be used for query rewrite when // the query rewrite integrity mode is set to ENFORCED. // *Action: Refresh the materialized view or alter the rewrite integrity mode // with ALTER SESSION QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY = STALE TOLERATED command. / 01030, 00000, "materialized view, %s, has PL/SQL functions in ENFORCED integrity mode" // *Cause: A materialized view with PL/SQL functions in its definition cannot // be used for query rewrite when query rewrite integrity is set to ENFORCED. // *Action: Consider running the query in STALE TOLERATED mode. / 01031, 00000, "materialized view, %s, is stale in TRUSTED integrity mode" // *Cause: A stale materialized view cannot be used for query rewrite when // the query rewrite integrity mode is set to TRUSTED. // *Action: Refresh the materialized view or alter the rewrite integrity mode // with ALTER SESSION QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY = STALE TOLERATED command. / 01032, 00000, "materialized view, %s, not found" // *Cause: There was no associated metadata for the materialized view. // *Action: Check the spelling and re-run the query. / 01033, 00000, "query rewritten with materialized view, %s" // *Cause: The specified materialized view was used to rewrite the given query. // *Action: none / 01034, 00000, "materialized view, %s, needs a dimension level to join table, %s" // *Cause: One or more hierarchical relationship(s) in the table(s) could not // be established. // *Action: Consider adding a level in the dimension to provide the missing intra- // table relationships. / 01035, 99999, "a row level security policy exists on this table" // *Cause: Any row level security policy that may exist on a base-table prevents // exact text match query rewrite. // *Action: none. / 01036, 99999, "unmatched column, %s, present in query after view merging" // *Cause: Clearing the columns after view merging failed due to some reasons - // bug?? // *Action: none / 01037, 99999, "Query Rewrite failed to allocate the necessary query join graph" // *Cause: Join graph allocation and initialization failed, possibly due to // one or more undetermined operand(s) in the query expression. // *Action: none / 01038, 99999, "logical operator(s) could not be processed" // *Cause: One or more logical operator(s) in the query predicates could not be // processed, possibly due to invalid operator(s). // *Action: none / 01039, 00000, "selection present on right hand side of an outer join" // *Cause: Query cannot be rewritten if any predicate contains a selection on // the right hand side of an outer join. // *Action: none / 01040, 00000, "match between the materialized view (%s) and query join graphs failed" // *Cause: Query rewrite will not take place if the joins in the query and the // materialized view do not have any match. // *Action: none / 01041, 00000, "materialized view, %s, does not match with a measure in the query" // *Cause: If a measure (such as SUM, AVERAGE) in the query cannot be matched // or computed from the materialized view, it will not be used for rewrite. // *Action: none / 01042, 00000, "anchor and matching join arc check failed for %s" // *Cause: If there is a lossy join in the materialized view that doesn't exist in // the query, query rewrite will not take place. // *Action: none / 01043, 00000, "join back attempted on a table to the RHS of a semi or anti join for %s " // *Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back is required to a table that // appears to the right hand side of a semi or anti-join. // *Action: none / 01044, 00000, "join back attempted on a view for %s" // *Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back to a table is required to find // any missing columns. // *Action: none / 01046, 00000, "complex join back on correlated columns not allowed (%s)" // *Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back is required on a column that // is referenced by a sub-query. // *Action: none / 01047, 00000, "complex join back on non-MAV rewrite not allowed (%s)" // *Cause: Query Rewrite can occur by means of a complex join back only during a // MAV rewrite. // *Action: none / 01048, 00000, "join back level(s) not present (%s)" // *Cause: Query Rewrite requires joining back to a level of a dimension to // find a missing information. // *Action: Consider creating a dimension. / 01049, 99999, "semi-join check failed for materialized view, %s" // *Cause: If there is a semi join in the query, then Query Rewrite will create // (select distinct , from mjv) where is the list of // rowids/pk of all mjv tables that don't correspond to a right side of a // semi-join and are their columns. Query Rewrite will not // occur if a join from the materialized view cannot match the semi-join // from the query. // *Action: none / 01050, 00000, "roll-up check failed for materialized view, %s" // *Cause: A column in the query cannot be computed from the materialized view. // *Action: Consider creating a dimension to supply the missing information / 01051, 00000, "no support for rollup when a window function is present on the column" // *Cause: No query rewrite if a window function is present on a column that // requires a roll-up to compute a measure. // *Action: none / 01052, 00000, "referential integrity constraint on table, %s, not VALID in ENFORCED integrity mode" // *Cause: A join present in the materialized view requires validated // primary/foreign key constraints in ENFORCED query rewrite integrity mode. // *Action: Validate the constraint or change the integrity mode with ALTER // SESSION SET QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY = STALE_TOLERATED command. / 01053, 00000, "NORELY referential integrity constraint on table, %s, in TRUSTED/STALE TOLERATED integrity mode" // *Cause: A join present in the materialized view requires RELY mode to be // set on the primary/foreign key constraints. // *Action: Set the RELY mode with ALTER TABLE MODIFY CONSTRAINT // RELY command. Alternatively validate the constraint with ALTER // TABLE
VALIDATE CONSTRAINT . / 01054, 99999, "no join match between query and summary, %s" // *Cause: There are no common joins between the query and the the materialized view // *Action: none / 01055, 00000, "Query Rewrite failed to allocate the necessary materialized view join graph" // *Cause: Join graph allocation and initialization failed, possibly due to // one or more undetermined operand(s). // *Action: none / 01056, 00000, "no query rewrite for this DDL expression" // *Cause: Some SELECT statements which are part of a DDL expression may be // eligible for rewrite. These include CREATE AS SELECT and CREATE // OUTLINE statements. The given query expression is a DDL expression, // which doesn't fall in this category. // *Action: none / 01057, 00000, "no query rewrite for this DML expression" // *Cause: Current DML is being done using an updatable view, so it is not // eligible for rewrite. // *Action: none / 01058, 00000, "MV, %s, does not have column, %s, for a joinback" // *Cause: A GROUP BY column in the query is not present in the GROUP BY clause of // of the materialized view. This usually requires a join back to a third // table. // *Action: none / 01059, 00000, "HAVING clause in the query block is malformed" // *Cause: An illegal HAVING clause has been specified in the query. // *Action: Correct the query syntax and run the query again. / 01060, 00000, "illegal subquery in the HAVING clause" // *Cause: When a HAVING clause has a subquery, then any references to the // tables in the outer query should only reference the tables in the // GROUP BY clause. // *Action: Correct error in the syntax and rerun the query. / 01061, 00000, "illegal query expression" // *Cause: An illegal query was specified. Specifically one of the following // criteria was not satisfied: (a) All (non-constant, non-aggregate) // SELECT expressions in the query should be made up of group // expressions. (b) All column references in the HAVING clause should // come from the GROUP BY expressions. (c) If there is an ORDER BY // clause, then all column references should come from the GROUP BY or // SELECT clause, depending on whether the query selects DISTINCT. // *Action: Correct error in the syntax and rerun the query. / 01062, 00000, "query has one or more manual partition(s)" // *Cause: Query rewrite is not possible if query has any manual partitions. // *Action: none / 01063, 00000, "query has a dictionary table or view" // *Cause: Query rewrite is not allowed if query references any dictionary // tables/views. // *Action: none / 01064, 00000, "query has a fixed table or view" // *Cause: Query rewrite is not allowed if query references any fixed // tables/views // *Action: none / 01065, 00000, "materialized view, %s, cannot compute measure, %s, in the query" // *Cause: If the materialized view cannot compute a measure in the query // using the measures in its definition, then query rewrite will // not occur. // *Action: none / 01066, 00000, "materialized view, %s, does not have the column, %s, from query" // *Cause: Query rewrite will not occur, if the materialized view cannot // provide all the columns that the query has // *Action: none / 01067, 00000, "materialized view, %s, cannot support the query measure, %s" // *Cause: An attempt was made to push a grouping function through an // expression specified in the query to transform a measure. Query // rewrite will not occur if this measure transformation failed. // *Action: none / 01068, 00000, "no dimensions present" // *Cause: An attempt was made to load a dimension from the dataware house, // but there were no dimensions present. // *Action: none / 01069, 00000, "summary join graph for, %s, does not have table, %s" // *Cause: An attempt to locate an object that is part of a join failed. // *Action: none / 01070, 99999, "equivalence class manager was not found" // *Cause: An equivalence class manager is required to compute the transitive // closure for the columns in an equivalence class. // *Action: none / 01071, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because a join in materialized view % with table % has eliminated some rows found in query" // *Cause: All lossy joins in the materialized view must be present in the // query for query rewrite to occur. // *Action: none / 01072, 00000, "materialized view, %s, and query have different joins between tables, %s" // *Cause: Anchors, if any, in the MV and query match. But the joins between these // anchors in the MV and query are different. // *Action: none / 01073, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because materialized view, %s, has a join not found in query" // *Cause: Query rewrite may not be possible if the materialized view has some // joins that query does not have // *Action: none / 01074, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because materialized view, %s, and query have different number of joins between tables, %s" // *Cause: Query rewrite may not be possible if the query has some joins that the // materialized view does not have between the same pair of tables. // *Action: / 01075, 00000, "materialized view, %s, does not support aggregate function, %s" // *Cause: The specified aggregate function is not found in the materialized // view. // *Action: none / 01076, 99999, "no materialized join view was found" // *Cause: To support an MJV rewrite, we require a materialized join view. // *Action: none / 01077, 00000, "materialized view, %s, is grouping at a higher level than query" // *Cause: If a query column, which is not present in the materialized view, // can be obtained by a rollup within the materialized view, then it // should group at a higher level than the materialized view. // *Action: none / 01078, 99999, "materialized view, %s, is marked invalid" // *Cause: The materialized view's kglobsta field has KGLSINV bit set. // *Action: none ?? / 01079, 00000, "DML operation occurred on a table referenced by MV, %s" // *Cause: If any dependent tables of a materialized view undergoes a DML // operation, query rewrite may be restricted depending on the // query rewrite integrity mode for the session. In this situation, // query rewrite will take place only if the rewrite integrity // mode is STALE_TOLERATED. // *Action: Consider refreshing the materialized view chaning the rewrite // integrity mode to STALE_TOLERATED. / 01080, 00000, "invalid dimension, %s" // *Cause: This dimension table has authorization or compilation problems. // *Action: none / 01081, 00000, "no primary key or row id found for table, %s, in MV, %s" // *Cause: In order to obtain a missing column, the materialized view needs to // join back to the above table. But it lacks the primary key or // rowid for the table. // *Action: none / 01082, 00000, "Joining materialized view, %s, with table, %s, not possible" // *Cause: A column in the query is not found in the summary. To obtain the // column, a join back of materialized view to the table by means of either the // primary key, foreign key or rowid of the table is required. The // specified materialized view does not have the primary key, // foreign key or rowid of the table to perform the join operation. // *Action: Consider building a dimension-table to provide the missing information. / 01083, 00000, "query text not available - possible inline view" // *Cause: During the query rewrite transformation, orignal query was possibly // transformed into an inline view. // *Action: none / 01084, 00000, "materialized view %s has an anchor table %s not found in query" // *Cause: A table in a materialized view is an anchor, (a) if it is not // joined to any other table or (b) joined to other tables but // each of its joins is either lossy or lossless with the above // table being child-side table. If an anchor which is present // in the materialized view is not found in the query, then // query rewrite will not take place. // // *Action: none / 01085, 00000, "materialized view, %s, has a lossy join between tables, %s" // *Cause: There are no primary key, foreign key constraints between these tables. // But query rewrite is still possible if the lossy join between the above // tables also appear in the query // *Action: none / 01086, 00000, "dimension(s) not present or not used in ENFORCED integrity mode" // *Cause: Query rewrite does not use dimensions in ENFORCED query rewrite // integrity mode. If a suitable dimension is present, consider // chaning the current integrity mode to either TRUSTED or STALE_ // TOLERATED by using ALTER SESSION SET QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY = // command. // *Action: none / 01087, 00000, "query grouping on a column that cannot be derived from materialized view, %s" // *Cause: Query is grouping on undetermined columns. // *Action: none / 01089, 99999, "an inline view in the query does not have a materialized view" // *Cause: General query rewrite is not possible if an inline view in the query // does not have a matching materialized view in the meta data. // *Action: none / 01090, 99999, "no query rewrite after view merging" // *Cause: Internal session parameter _QUERY_REWRITE_1 is set to FALSE // *Action: Change session parameter with ALTER SESSION command. / 01091, 00000, "cost based optimizer found query rewrite is more expensive" // *Cause: When cost based optimizer is ON, cost of the rewritten cursor // is compared to the cursor generated without query rewrite, and // the cheaper one is chosen for execution. // *Action: none / 01092, 00000, "mjv tries to rewrite a semi-join and primary key or rowid missing" // *Cause: Materialized join view tries to rewrite a semi-join (IN sub-query) // and the primary keys or rowids of left tables of semi-joins // are missing from MJV. // *Action: none / 01093, 00000, "anti-join marker not found in materialized join view" // *Cause: Materialized join view has outer join while the query inner join. // For rewrite to succeed MV must have an anti-join marker like // the rowid or primary key of the right tables of outer join // *Action: none / 01094, 00000, "outer-join filter not found in materialized join view" // *Cause: Materialized join view has outer join while the query inner join. // For rewrite to succeed MV must have an anti-join marker like // the rowid or primary key of the right tables of outer join // *Action: none / 01095, 00000, "no suitable grouping_id found in MV with grouping sets" // *Cause: If materialized aggregate view contains grouping sets, then it also // must contain the grouping_id() function. This function must contain // all columns in the MV GROUP BY. // *Action: none / 01096, 00000, "Materialized view with grouping sets contains duplicates" // *Cause: Materialized view with grouping sets contains duplicates and // no rewrite is supported for it. For example, GROUP BY GROUPING // SET ((a), (a)) is not supported for rewrite. // *Action: none / 01097, 00000, "Materialized view with grouping sets has too long key" // *Cause: Materialized view with grouping sets has more that 64 different // keys in its GROUP BY. No rewrite is supported then. // *Action: none / 01098, 00000, "mv %s clause more restrictive than query %s clause" // *Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the // WHERE or HAVING clause that is more restrictive than the // corresponding selection condition in the request query. // *Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at // least as restrictive as the selection criteria in the // materialized view, or drop and recreate the materialized view // using less restrictive selection criteria. / 01099, 00000, "non-tolerated reference to stale portion of mv for table %s" // *Cause: The materialized view is partially stale. It is stale with // respect to one or more partitions in one or more of its // detail tables. The request query references one or more // such detail partitions. // *Action: (1) Change the selection criteria of the request to restrict // the query to only the fresh portion of the materialized view, // or (2) ALTER {SYSTEM|SESSION} QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY = // STALE_TOLERATED or (3) refresh the materialized view. / 01100, 00000, "containment check failed for mv, %s" // *Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the // WHERE or HAVING clause that is more restrictive than the // corresponding selection condition in the request query. // *Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at // least as restrictive as the selection criteria in the // materialized view, or drop and recreate the materialized view // using less restrictive selection criteria. / 01101, 00000, "rollup(s) took place on mv, %s" // *Cause: If query's GROUP BY has one of the higher levels of columns // found in the materialized view, then the lower level columns // in the materialized view will be rolled up to compute the // desired results. // *Action: none / 01102, 00000, "materialized view, %s, requires join back to table, %s, on column, %s" // *Cause: A column in the query does not appear in the materialized view. // Query rewrite will try to obtain this column from the base table, // by doing a join back to that column with the MV. // *Action: none / 01103, 00000, "there is a remote table, %s, referenced in the query" // *Cause: Query rewrite does not support query with remote tables. // *Action: none / 01104, 00000, "query is using flashback" // *Cause: Query rewrite does not support flashback. // *Action: none / 01105, 00000, "no primary key or row id in MV, %s, is found for table, %s" // *Cause: In order to obtain a missing column, the materialized view needs to // join back to the above table. But it lacks the primary key or // rowid for the table. // *Action: none / 01106, 00000, "materialized view, %s, is stale with respect to some partition(s) in the base table(s)" // *Cause: Query is requesting some data from the MV that are stale with respect to // some partitions in the base tables due to some updates. // *Action: refresh the stale partitions and rerun the query / 01107, 00000, "Partition Containment Tracking (PCT) rewrite is not allowed" // *Cause: Query rewrite is disabled for PCT through a session parameter // *Action: none / 01108, 00000, "maximum number of disjuncts exceeded in the query %s" // *Cause: Query rewrite engine cannot process the query if the number of // disjuncts (OR's)in the WHERE clause exceeds the maximum allowed // number. The number of disjuncts in the query and the maximum // allowed disjuncts are given at the end of the message in the // form of (no of disjuncts in query, maximum disjuncts allowed). // *Action: none / 01109, 00000, "while rewriting with MV, %s, table, %s, migrated to query delta" // *Cause: There was an unmatched join on the MV, so a table involved in the // join was pushed to the query delta to see if the query can be // rewritten // *Action: none / 01110, 00000, "query rewrite not possible with materialized view %s because it contains a join between tables (%s) that is not present in the query and that potentially eliminates rows needed by the query" // *Cause: All lossy joins in the materialized view must be present in the // query for query rewrite to occur. // *Action: none // / 01111, 00000, "no partition key or partition marker found in MV, %s" // *Cause: In order to do query rewrite with fresh partitions of an MV, the // MV should have a partiton key or partition marker. // *Action: none / 01112, 00000, "WHERE clause of mv, %s, is more restrictive than query" // *Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the // WHERE clause that is more restrictive than the corresponding // selection condition in the request query. // *Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at // least as restrictive as the selection criteria in the // materialized view, or drop and recreate the materialized view // using less restrictive selection criteria. / 01113, 00000, "HAVING clause of mv, %s, is more restrictive than query" // *Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the // HAVING clause that is more restrictive than the corresponding // selection condition in the request query. // *Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at // least as restrictive as the selection criteria in the // materialized view, or drop and recreate the materialized view // using less restrictive selection criteria. 01115, 00000, "rollup took place on a column with a window function" // *Cause: There was a rollup to aggregate the data on a column with // a window function. // *Action: none 01116, 00000, "window function computability checks failed" // *Cause: The window function in the query could not be computed from the // materialized view. // *Action: none / 01120, 00000, "recursive rewrite not allowed here" // *Cause: This query was possibly rewritten with an equivalence which // doesn't allow further rewrites. // *Action: none / 01121, 00000, "materialized view, %s, is TRUSTED in ENFORCED integrity mode" // *Cause: A stale materialized view created with USING TRUSTED CONSTRAINTS // clause cannot be used when the query rewrite integrity mode is set // ENFORCED. // *Action: Alter materialized view such that it has the ENFORCED CONSTRAINTS // ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW REFRESH USING ENFORCED CONSTRAINTS / 01123, 00000, "self-join algorithm could not resolve multiple instances" // *Cause: The generalized self-join algorithm could not resolve the // mutliple instances, likely due to mismatch in joins or // measures // *Action: Consider using aliases in the query to match with the aliases // in the materialized view / 01124, 00000, "set operator materialized view, %s, doesn't have a marker column" // *Cause: The specified set operator materialized view does not have // a marker column. // *Action: Add a marker column to the specified materialized view. / 01125, 00000, "a more optimal set operator materialized view than %s was used to rewrite" // *Cause: Query Rewrite always chooses the most optimal set operator // materialized view based on parameters, such as cardinality // of the set operator materialized view, number of branches // that the set operator materialized view can rewrite etc. // The set operator materialized view specified was found to be // less optimal. // *Action: To force using a set operator materialized view, consider // using a rewrite hint. / 01126, 00000, "query rewritten with set operator materialized view, %s" // *Cause: The specified set operator materialized view was used to // rewrite the given query. // *Action: none / 01127, 00000, "query rewritten with materialized view(s), %s" // *Cause: The query was succesfully rewritten with multiple MVs // *Action: none / 01128, 00000, "Multi MV rewrite is disabled " // *Cause: When multimv query rewrite is disabled, no multimv query rewrite // will take place. // *Action: Enable multimv query rewrite with ALTER SESSION SET // "_MULTIMV_QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED" = true . / 01129, 00000, "query has NO_MULTIMV_REWRITE hint " // *Cause: WHen the query has this hint no multimv rewrite will be // tried for this query // *Action: Remove hint from query / 01130, 00000, "Multi MV rewrite not allowed if at least one query block has no MVs " // *Cause: When only multimv query rewrite is enabled, every query block should // have at least one MV in it's from clause // *Action: Disable only multimv query rewrite with ALTER SESSION SET // "_ONLY_MULTIMV_QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED" = false . / 01131, 00000, "query has ONLY_MULTIMV_REWRITE hint " // *Cause: When the query has this hint no multimv rewrite will be // done if the query has a query block with no MVs in the from // clause // *Action: Remove hint from query / 01132, 00000, "query has a named array type column" // *Cause: When the query has a column of named array type, query rewrite // cannot be done // *Action: none / 01133, 00000, "query has an ADT column" // *Cause: When the query has a column of ADT type, query rewrite // cannot be done // *Action: none / 01134, 00000, "query has a hidden or nested table column" // *Cause: When the query has a hidden or nested table column, query // rewrite cannot be done // *Action: none / 01135, 00000, "query has an LOB column" // *Cause: When the query has a column stored in LOB, query rewrite // cannot be done // *Action: none / 01136, 00000, "query has a nested table column" // *Cause: When the query has a nested table column, query rewrite // cannot be done // *Action: none / 01137, 00000, "dimension level, %s, marked as SKIP WHEN NULL" // *Cause: Join back is not possible on a level marked as SKIP WHEN NULL // in a dimension // *Action: none / 01150, 00000, "query did not rewrite" // *Cause: See the other messages from explain_rewrite() for explanation" // // *Action: none / 01151, 00000, "query was rewritten" // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01152, 00000, "multi-mv query rewrite not possible when there is a CONNECT BY clause" // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01153, 00000, "multi-mv query rewrite not possible when there is an inner query block" // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01154, 00000, "multi-mv query rewrite not possible when there is a START WITH clause" // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01155, 00000, "multi-mv query rewrite not possible when there is a Window Function" // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01156, 00000, "multi-mv query rewrite not possible when there is a grouping set" // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01157, 00000, "multi-mv query rewrite not possible when there is a set operator" // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01158, 00000, "multi-mv query rewrite not possible when there is a spread sheet" // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01159, 00000, "multi-mv query rewrite not possible when there is a nested aggregate" // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01160, 00000, "multi-mv query rewrite not possible when the number of disjuncts in the query exceeds 256" // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01161, 00000, "multi-mv query rewrite not possible when there is a self join" // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01162, 00000, "multi-mv query rewrite not possible when there is an RLS view" // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01163, 00000, "multi-mv query rewrite not possible when there is an unsupported aggregate " // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01164, 00000, "multi-mv query rewrite not possible when there is a user bind variable" // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01165, 00000, "multi-mv query rewrite not possible when an ORDER BY column is not found in the SELECT list" // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01166, 00000, "multi-mv query rewrite not possible when an ORDER BY expression is not found in the SELECT list" // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01167, 00000, "multi-mv query rewrite not possible when a WHERE clause column comes from an innerquery block" // *Cause: // // *Action: none / 01168, 00000, "query rewrite not possible when Fine Grain Auditing is present on a base table" // *Cause Query rewrite could not take place because Fine Grain Auditing (FGA) // was present on a base table in the query // *Action: none / 01169, 00000, "query rewrite not possible for a CREATE or ALTER VIEW statement" // *Cause: Query rewrite could not take place because the incoming query was either // a CREATE or ALTER VIEW statement // *Action: none / 01202, 00000, "query rewrite not possible when OPTIMIZER_MODE is set to rule based" // *Cause: Query rewrite did not occur because the OPTIMIZER_MODE was set to // RULE. // *Action: Change the optimizer mode using the OPTIMIZER_MODE parameter. / 01203, 00000, "query rewrite not possible on DDL queries" // *Cause: If query contains any data definition operations, no query rewrite // will take place. // *Action: none. / 01204, 99999, "query rewrite not possible before view merging" // *Cause: Internal session parameter _QUERY_REWRITE_2 is set to FALSE // *Action: Change session parameter with ALTER SESSION command. / 01205, 99999, "query rewrite not possible when query has slave SQL" // *Cause: Current prcess is a kxfx slave // *Action none / 01207, 00000, "query rewrite not possible when query has a NOREWRITE hint" // *Cause: When query contains a NOREWRITE hint, no query rewrite will take // place for that query block. // *Action: Remove the NOREWRITE hint from the query / 01208, 00000, "query rewrite not possible for update queries" // *Cause: If a query or part of it has any DML update operations, no query rewrite // will take place. // *Action: none / 01209, 00000, "query rewritten with materialized view, %s, using text match algorithm" // *Cause: The query was rewritten using a materialized view, because query text // matched the definition of the materialized view // *Action: none / 01210, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because no common table(s) found between materialized view %s and query" // *Cause: If the materialized view does not reference the base tables found in the // query, it cannot be used for rewrite // *Action: none / 01211, 00000, "query rewrite not possible when stored outline does not have a rewrite hint" // *Cause: When using a stored outline, a rewrite hint is required for query rewrite // *Action: none / 01212, 00000, "query rewrite not possible when SAMPLE clause is present in FROM" // *Cause: If a query contains a SAMPLE clause, query rewrite will not take place // *Action: none / 01213, 00000, "query rewrite not possible when nested aggregates or CONNECT BY clause or START WITH clause or recursive WITH clause is present" // *Cause: If the query contains nested aggregates, CONNECT BY clause, or // START WITH clause, or recursive with clause, query rewrite will // not take place // *Action: none / 01214, 00000, "query rewrite not possible if OR is the top level operator in query WHERE clause" // *Cause: If the top-level operator in the WHERE clause is an OR and there is // more than one table in the FROM list, then query rewrite will not // take place. // *Action: none / 01215, 00000, "query rewrite not possible when query GROUP BY clause has non-columns" // *Cause: No query rewrite, if there is no valid column in the GROUP BY clause. // *Action: none / 01218, 00000, "query rewrite is likely more expensive due to a single table match between materialized view and query" // *Cause: Materialized join view is more expensive for rewrite than using // the base table // *Action: none. / 01219, 00000, "no suitable materialized view found to rewrite this query" // *Cause: There doesn't exist any materialized view in the database that // can be used to rewrite this query. // *Action: Consider creating a new materialized view. / 01220, 00000, "materialized view, %s, is disabled, stale or unusable" // *Cause: Materialized view is probably disabled or stale. // *Action: Consider enabling the materialized view for rewrite or refreshing // it. / 01222, 00000, "materialized view %s is less optimal than %s" // *Cause: Query Rewrite always chooses the most optimal materialized view // based on certain parameters, such as cardinality of the // materialized view, number of joins etc. The materialized view // specified was found to be less optimal. // *Action: To force using a materialized view, consider using a rewrite hint. / 01241, 00000, "query measure cannot be derived from the materialized view %s" // *Cause: If a measure (such as SUM, AVERAGE) in the query cannot be matched // or computed from the materialized view, it will not be used for rewrite. // *Action: none / 01244, 00000, "join back could not be done on a view for %s" // *Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back to a table is required to find // any missing columns. // *Action: none / 01246, 00000, "join back on correlated columns not allowed (%s)" // *Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back is required on a column that // is referenced by a sub-query. // *Action: none / 01247, 00000, "join back cannot be done on a materialized view that does not have an aggregate (%s)" // *Cause: Query Rewrite can occur by means of a complex join back only during a // MAV rewrite. // *Action: none / 01248, 00000, "materialized view does not have the join back level(s) (%s)" // *Cause: Query Rewrite requires joining back to level of a dimension to // find missing information. // *Action: Consider creating a dimension. / / 01251, 00000, "query rewrite cannot perform rollup due to the presence of a window function" // *Cause: No query rewrite if a window function is present on a column that // requires a roll-up to compute a measure. // *Action: none / 01256, 00000, "query rewrite not possible for this DDL statement" // *Cause: Some SELECT statements which are part of a DDL expression may be // eligible for rewrite. These include CREATE AS SELECT and CREATE // OUTLINE statements. The given query expression is a DDL expression, // which doesn't fall in this category. // *Action: none / 01257, 00000, "query rewrite not possible for this DML statement" // *Cause: Current DML is being done using an updatable view, so it is not // eligible for rewrite. // *Action: none / 01263, 00000, "query rewrite not possible when query references a dictionary table or view" // *Cause: Query rewrite is not allowed if query references any dictionary // tables/views. // *Action: none / 01271, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because a join in materialized view %s with table %s has eliminated some rows found in query" // *Cause: A join from the materialized view to any table that eliminates // some rows should be be present in the query. Otherwise query // rewrite will not occur. // *Action: none / 01273, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because materialized view %s has a join not found in query" // *Cause: Query rewrite may not be possible if the materialized view has some // joins that query does not have // *Action: none / 01274, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because materialized view %s and query have different number of joins between tables %s" // *Cause: Query rewrite may not be possible if the query has some joins that the // materialized view does not have between the same pair of tables. // *Action: / 01279, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because DML operation occurred on a table referenced by materialized view %s" // *Cause: If any dependent tables of a materialized view undergoes a DML // operation, query rewrite may be restricted depending on the // query rewrite integrity mode for the session. In this situation, // query rewrite will take place only if the rewrite integrity // mode is STALE_TOLERATED. // *Action: Consider refreshing the materialized view changing the rewrite // integrity mode to STALE_TOLERATED. / 01281, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because either a primary key or a row id is required to join table %s with MV %s" // *Cause: In order to obtain a missing column, the materialized view needs to // join back to the above table. But it lacks the primary key or // rowid for the table. // *Action: none / 01284, 00000, "materialized view %s has an anchor table %s not found in query" // *Cause: A table in a materialized view is an anchor, (a) if it is not // joined to any other table or (b) joined to other tables but // each of its joins is not guaranteed to provide all the rows or joined // with the above table being child-side table. If an anchor which is present // in the materialized view is not found in the query, then // query rewrite will not take place. // // *Action: none / 01293, 00000, "anti-join marker not found in materialized view with joins" // *Cause: Materialized view has outer join while the query has inner join. // For rewrite to succeed MV must have an anti-join marker like // the rowid or primary key of the right tables of outer join // *Action: none / 01295, 00000, "no suitable grouping_id found in materialized view with grouping sets" // *Cause: If materialized view contains grouping sets, then it also // must contain the grouping_id() function. This function must contain // all columns in the MV GROUP BY. // *Action: none / 01296, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because materialized view contains duplicate grouping sets" // *Cause: Materialized view with grouping sets contains duplicates and // no rewrite is supported for it. For example, GROUP BY GROUPING // SET ((a), (a)) is not supported for rewrite. // *Action: none / 01297, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because materialized view with grouping sets has more than 176 different keys" // *Cause: Materialized view with grouping sets has more that 176 different // keys in its GROUP BY. No rewrite is supported then. // *Action: none / 01298, 00000, "materialized view %s clause more restrictive than query %s clause" // *Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the // WHERE or HAVING clause that is more restrictive than the // corresponding selection condition in the request query. // *Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at // least as restrictive as the selection criteria in the // materialized view, or drop and recreate the materialized view // using less restrictive selection criteria. / 01299, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because materialized view %s is partially stale" // *Cause: The materialized view is partially stale. It is stale with // respect to one or more partitions in one or more of its // detail tables. The request query references one or more // such detail partitions. // *Action: (1) Change the selection criteria of the request to restrict // the query to only the fresh portion of the materialized view, // or (2) ALTER {SYSTEM|SESSION} QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY = // STALE_TOLERATED or (3) refresh the materialized view. / 01303, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because query references a remote table %s" // *Cause: Query rewrite does not support query with remote tables. // *Action: none / 01304, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because query is using flashback" // *Cause: Query rewrite does not support flashback. // *Action: none / 01307, 00000, "Partition Containment Tracking (PCT) rewrite is not allowed" // *Cause: Query rewrite is disabled for PCT through a session parameter // *Action: none / 01308, 00000, "number of 'OR's in query exceeded the maximum value %s" // *Cause: Query rewrite engine cannot process the query if the number of // disjuncts (OR's)in the WHERE clause exceeds the maximum allowed // number. The number of disjuncts in the query and the maximum // allowed disjuncts are given at the end of the message in the // form of (no of disjuncts in query, maximum disjuncts allowed). // *Action: none / 01316, 00000, "window function could not be computed from materialized view %s" // *Cause: The window function in the query could not be computed from the // materialized view. // *Action: none / 01321, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because materialized view %s has TRUSTED constraints in ENFORCED integrity mode" // *Cause: A stale materialized view created with USING TRUSTED CONSTRAINTS // clause cannot be used when the query rewrite integrity mode is set // ENFORCED. // *Action: Alter materialized view such that it has the ENFORCED CONSTRAINTS // ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW REFRESH USING ENFORCED CONSTRAINTS / 01332, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because query has a named array type column" // *Cause: When the query has a column of named array type, query rewrite // cannot be done // *Action: none / 01333, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because query has an ADT column" // *Cause: When the query has a column of ADT type, query rewrite // cannot be done // *Action: none / 01334, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because query has a hidden or nested table column" // *Cause: When the query has a hidden or nested table column, query // rewrite cannot be done // *Action: none / 01335, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because query has an LOB column" // *Cause: When the query has a column stored in LOB, query rewrite // cannot be done // *Action: none / 01336, 00000, "the materialized view you specified (%s) was not used to rewrite the query" // *Cause: A materialized view specified by the user in the input was not // used to rewrite the query, either because query rewrite failed // or another more optimal materialized view was used to rewrite. // *Action: none / 01339, 00000, "rewrite not supported on inline view aggregate" // *Cause: Query has an inline view with an aggregate. Such inline views // cannot be matched to any inline views in materialized views. // *Action: none / 01340, 00000, "no inline view match found between query and materialized view(s)" // *Cause: Query's inline view does not have a match with any inline views // in the materialized view // *Action: none / 01341, 00000, "joins between materialized view %s and query inline views are different" // *Cause: There is a mismatch between the joins in the query and materialized // view inline views // *Action: none / 01342, 00000, "query rewrite not possible because query has full outer join" // *Cause: When query block has a table involved in full outer join, // query rewrite cannot be done // *Action: none / 01343, 00000, "general inline view rewrite not possible on remote objects" // *Cause: The general inline view rewrite could not take place because // the query had remote objects // *Action: none / 01344, 00000, "general inline view rewrite not possible on this WHERE clause construct" // *Cause: The general inline view rewrite was not supported with this // WHERE clause construct // *Action: none / 01345, 00000, "general inline view rewrite not possible when inline view has subquery" // *Cause: The general inline view rewrite could not take place because // there were subqueries // *Action: none / 01346, 00000, "general inline view rewrite not possible with nested inline views" // *Cause: General inline view rewrite cannot take place with nested inline // views // *Action: none / 01347, 00000, "a query inline view could not be matched with any materialized view inline view" // *Cause: No materialized view inline views were found to match with a // query inline view // *Action: none / 01348, 00000, "an invalid predicate was found in an inline view" // *Cause: An inline view in the query contained an invalid WHERE clause predicate // *Action: none / 01349, 00000, "general inline view cannot be supported on this inline view" // *Cause: Certain inline views are unsupported in general inline view rewrite // *Action: none / 01350, 00000, "query rewrite cannot support this inline view" // *Cause: Certain inline views are unsupported in general inline view rewrite // *Action: none / 01351, 00000, "query inline view has no matching objects with any materialized view inline views" // *Cause: There were no matching objects between the query inline view and // materialized view inline views // *Action: none / 01352, 00000, "SELECT lists of the query and materialized view inline views do not match" // *Cause: Query inline view's and materialized view inline view's SELECT // list items did not match. // *Action: none / 01353, 00000, "no query rewrite on remote objects unless integrity mode is set to stale_tolerated" // *Cause: Query rewrite's integrity mode should be set to stale_tolerated // for query rewrite to occur on queries with remote objects // *Action: Set the session parameter, QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY to stale_tolerated / 01354, 00000, "query rewrite is disabled for remote objects" // *Cause: Query rewrite was disabled internally for queries referencing remote objects. // *Action: none / 01355, 00000, "multi-mv rewrite not possible in the presence of remote objects" // *Cause: Multi-MV rewrite not possible for queries referencing remote objects. // *Action: none / 01356, 00000, "query rewrite against cube-organized materialized views not possible when OLAP option is off" // *Cause: Query rewrite against cube-organized materialized views was not possible because the OLAP option was off. // *Action: none / 01509, 00000, "equivalence, %s, matched query text" // *Cause: The query was rewritten using an equivalence, because query // text matched the source statement for this equivalence. // *Action: none / 01522, 00000, "a more optimal equivlanece than %s was used to rewrite" // *Cause: Query Rewrite always chooses the most optimal equivalence // based on certain parameters, such as cardinality of the // equivalence, number of joins etc. The equivalence view // specified was found to be less optimal. // *Action: none / 01526, 00000, "query rewrite is disabled for equivalence, %s" // *Cause: Query rewrite could not use this equivalence, because this // equivalence was created as disabled. // *Action: Enable this equivalence using alter_rewrite_equivalence // procedure from package, dbms_advanced_rewrite. / 01533, 00000, "query rewritten with equivalence, %s" // *Cause: The specified equivalence was used to rewrite the given query. // *Action: none / 01565, 00000, "equivalence, %s, cannot compute measure, %s, in the query" // *Cause: If a measure in the query cannot be computed using the // measures in the equivalence, then query rewrite will not // occur. // *Action: none / 01567, 00000, "equivalence, %s, cannot support the query measure, %s" // *Cause: An attempt was made to push a grouping function through an // expression specified in the query to transform a measure. Query // rewrite will not occur if this measure transformation failed. // *Action: none / 01572, 00000, "equivalence, %s, and query have different joins between tables, %s" // *Cause: Anchors, if any, in the equivalenceand query match. But the joins between // these anchors in the equivalence and query are different. // *Action: none / 01582, 00000, "Joining equivalence, %s, with table, %s, not possible" // *Cause: A column in the query is not found in the equivalence. To obtain the // column, a join back of equivalence to the table by means of either the // primary key, foreign key or rowid of the table is required. But // join backs are not allowed for equivalence rewrite // *Action: none / 01584, 00000, "equivalence, %s, has anchor, %s, not found in query" // *Cause: If an anchor which is present in the equivalence is not // found in the query, then query rewrite will not take place. // *Action: none / 01601, 00000, "rollup(s) took place on equivalence, %s" // *Cause: If query's GROUP BY has one of the higher levels of columns // found in the equivalence, then the lower level columns // in the equivalence will be rolled up to compute the // desired results. // *Action: none / 01602, 00000, "equivalence, %s, requires join back to table, %s, on column, %s" // *Cause: A column in the query does not appear in the equivalence. // Query rewrite will try to obtain this column from the base table, // by doing a join back to that column with a materialized view. But // join backs are not allowed for equivalence rewrite as the required // constraints are not guaranteed to be found on the tables in the // destination statement of the equivalence. // *Action: none / 01610, 00000, "a lossy join in equivalence, %s, between tables, %s, not found in query" // *Cause: All lossy joins in the equivalence must be present in the // query for query rewrite to occur. // *Action: none // / 01617, 00000, "equivalence definition is disabled" // *Cause: There is an equivalence defition that could have been probably // used by query rewrite to rewrite the query. But this equivalence // is disabled. // *Action: none / 01618, 00000, "equivalence, %s, is enabled for text match rewrite only" // *Cause: This equivalence was created for text match rewrite only // // *Action: none / 01619, 00000, "equivalence cannot be used in ENFORCED integrity mode" // *Cause: An equivalence cannot be used for query rewrite when // the query rewrite integrity mode is set to ENFORCED. // *Action: none / 01621, 00000, "join backs to base tables not allowed with an equivalence " // *Cause: Query rewrite needs to do a join back to a base table column // to answer this query. But join back is not allowed for an // equivalence rewrite // *Action: none / 01709, 00000, "query rewritten with equivalence, %s, using text match algorithm" // *Cause: The query was rewritten using an equivalence because query text // matched the definition of the equivalence // *Action: none / 01784, 00000, "equivalence %s has an anchor table %s not found in query" // *Cause: A table in an equivalence is an anchor, if (a) it is not // joined to any other table or (b) it is joined to other tables but // each of its joins is not guaranteed to provide all the rows or joined // with the above table being child-side table. If an anchor which is present // in the equivalence is not found in the query, then // query rewrite will not take place. // // *Action: none / 01837, 00000, "recursive query rewrite on equivalence, %s, not permitted " // *Cause: The source and destination statements of this equivalence MV // are possibly identical. A recursive rewrite on this equivalence // can lead to an infinite loop and thus not permitted. // *Action: none / 01838, 00000, "semijoin transformation not supported on equivalence" // *Cause: There was a semijoin transformation attempted on an equivalence // rewrite. Currently this is not allowed // *Action: none / // **** Numbers from 02001 to 03000 are allocated for EXPLAIN MV ***** // // // 0 02001, 00000, "clustered mv container table" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported on a materialized // view that has a clustered container table. // *Action: Recreate the materialized view using a conventional container // table. / 02002, 00000, "DISTINCT aggregate measure in SELECT list" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses the DISTINCT qualifier on an aggregate function. // *Action: Remove the DISTINCT qualifier. / 02003, 00000, "aggregate function nested within an expression" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the // materialized view contains an aggregate function invocation // nested within an outer expression. // *Action: Re-phrase the expression such that the aggregate function // invocation is not nested. / 02004, 00000, "grouping column omitted from SELECT list" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view contains a column or expression in the GROUP BY clause // that is not also present in the list of output select // expressions. // *Action: Include all GROUP BY expressions in the output select list. / 02005, 00000, "named view in FROM list" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when a named view // appears in the FROM list. // *Action: Remove the named view from the FROM list. / 02006, 00000, "subquery in FROM list" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when a subquery // appears in the FROM list. // *Action: Remove the subquery from the FROM list. / 02007, 00000, "multiple instances of the same table or view" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the same table // or view occurs more than once in the FROM list. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid multiple instances of the same // table. For instance, / 02008, 00000, "non-join filter condition in WHERE or HAVING clause" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view has a selection condition (an expression not representing // a join) in the WHERE or HAVING clauses. // *Action: Remove the selection filter expression. / 02009, 00000, "non-inner join" // *Cause: The capability in question is only supported with inner joins. // *Action: Re-phrase the query using an inner join. Remove any outer joins. / 02010, 00000, "join predicate with operator other than equals (=)" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // uses a relationship operator other than equals ("=") in a join // in the WHERE clause. This is known as a non-equijoin. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the non-equijoin. / 02011, 00000, "a HAVING clause is present" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a HAVING clause. // *Action: Remove the HAVING clause. / 02012, 00000, "a CONNECT BY clause is present" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a CONNECT BY clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of the CONNECT BY clause. / 02013, 00000, "SELECT list includes a RAW data type expression" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses RAW data type in an expression. // *Action: Remove the reference to the RAW expression. / 02014, 00000, "GROUP BY expression other than a column" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses an expression other than a simple column reference // in the GROUP BY clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to use only simple column expressions in // the GROUP BY clause. / 02015, 00000, "Index Organized Table (IOT) present in FROM list" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references an Index Organized Table in the FROM list. // *Action: Remove the reference to the Index Organized Table. / 02016, 00000, "clustered table in FROM list" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references a clustered table in the FROM list. // *Action: Remove the reference to the clustered table in the FROM list. / 02017, 00000, "subquery present in the HAVING clause" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a subquery in the HAVING clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the subquery in the HAVING clause. / 02018, 00000, "subquery present in the WHERE clause" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a subquery in the WHERE clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the subquery in the WHERE clause. / 02019, 00000, "mv references another mv in FROM clause" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view is nested (i.e., when it references another materialized // view in its FROM list). // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid reference to the other materialized // view. / 02020, 00000, "container column not in SELECT list with NOT NULL constraint" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view's container table has a column that does not correspond to // an output expression in the select list, and that column has a // NOT NULL constraint. This situation can result in problems // during refresh since any new rows inserted into the materialized // view will set that column to NULL. // *Action: Disable or remove the NOT NULL constraint. / 02021, 00000, "set operator encountered in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses set operators such as UNION, UNION ALL, MINUS, etc. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of set operators. / 02022, 00000, "aggregate selections" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses an aggregate expression in the HAVING clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of an aggregate in the // HAVING clause. / 02023, 00000, "nested cursor" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a nested cursor expression. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of a nested cursor expression. / 02024, 00000, "no GROUP BY clause" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view does not use a GROUP BY clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to use a GROUP BY clause. / 02025, 00000, "no aggregate functions" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses no aggregate functions. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to use aggregate functions. / 02026, 00000, "non-AND conjunction in WHERE clause" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a conjunction other than AND (such as OR) in the WHERE // clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of the non-AND conjunction. / 02027, 00000, "group by ROLLUP" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses the ROLLUP operator in the GROUP BY clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of the ROLLUP operator. / 02028, 00000, "group by CUBE" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses the CUBE operator in the GROUP BY clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of the CUBE operator. / 02029, 00000, "PL/SQL function invocation" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view invokes a PL/SQL function. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of PL/SQL functions. / 02030, 00000, "reduced precision specified for prebuilt mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view is created with the WITH REDUCED PRECISION clause. // *Action: DROP the materialized view and re-create it without using the // WITH REDUCED PRECISION clause. / 02031, 00000, "materialized view cannot support any type of query rewrite" // *Cause: The materialized view cannot be used with query rewrite. // *Action: Examine the other messages and documentation to determine the // cause of the problem. / 02032, 00000, "no joins are present in the WHERE clause" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view includes no join conditions in the WHERE clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to include a join. / 02033, 00000, "no filter conditions are present in the WHERE clause" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view includes no filter selection conditions in the WHERE clause. // *Action: Add a filter condition. / 02034, 00000, "no joins are present in the HAVING clause" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view includes no joins in the HAVING clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to include a join. / 02035, 00000, "no filter conditions are present in the HAVING clause" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view includes no filter condition in the HAVING clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to include a join. / 02036, 00000, "in-list present in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses an IN list. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of IN lists. / 02037, 00000, "cannot evaluate constant expression at compile time" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a compile-time non-constant expression in a filter // condition in the WHERE or HAVING clauses. For example, // WHERE X=1 uses a compile-time constant expression in a filter // condition. WHERE X=MY_PLSQL_FUNCTION() uses a compile-time // non-constant expression in a filter condition. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of a compile-time // non-constant expressions in filter conditions. / 02038, 00000, "Partition Change Tracking (PCT) is enabled" // *Cause: The Partition Change Tracking (PCT) capability is supported for // this materialized view. // *Action: No action is needed. / 02039, 00000, "top level mv query uses grouping sets" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view use grouping sets. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of grouping sets. / 02040, 00000, "top level query contains GSets and the key is too long for rewrite" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a grouping set with too many keys. // *Action: Reduce the number of grouping set keys. / 02041, 00000, "nested aggregate function" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view nests an aggregate function invocation as an argument to // another aggregate function. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the nested aggregate function // invocation. / 02042, 00000, "view or subquery in from list" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references a view or subquery in the FROM list. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of views or subqueries in // in the FROM list. / // 02043 is unused, replaced by 02012 / 02044, 00000, "ORDER BY clause in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view includes an ORDER BY clause. // *Action: Remove the ORDER BY clause. / 02045, 00000, "START WITH clause in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view includes a START WITH clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the START WITH clause. / // 02046 is unused, replaced by 02021 / 02047, 00000, "window function in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a window function. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of window functions. / 02048, 00000, "outer join in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses an outer join. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of outer joins. / 02049, 00000, "subquery using the ANY clause in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses the ANY clause with a subquery. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the ANY clause. / 02050, 00000, "subquery using the ALL clause in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses the ALL clause with a subquery. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the ALL clause. / 02051, 00000, "subquery using the NOT EXISTS clause in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses the NOT EXISTS with a subquery. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the NOT EXITS clause. / 02052, 00000, "subquery using a select list in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a select list. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of a select list. / 02053, 00000, "collection subquery in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a collection subquery. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of collection subqueries. / 02054, 00000, "DISTINCT clause in select list in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses the DISTINCT clause in the select list. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the DISTINCT clause. / 02055, 00000, "mv references a packed object table or view" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references a packed object table or view. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the packed object tables // or views. / 02056, 00000, "correlated variable and outer join in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a correlated variable and an outer join. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the correlated variables // or outer joins. / 02057, 00000, "ROWNUM referenced in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references the ROWNUM function. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the ROWNUM function. / 02058, 00000, "set operator in mv and compatibility mode is less than 9.0" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a set operator and the compatibility mode is less than // 9.0. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of set operators or set // the compatibility mode to 9.0 or greater. / 02059, 00000, "join may produce duplicate rows in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view contains a join condition that can result in duplicate // rows in the materialized view. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the occurrence of duplicate rows // in the materialized view. / // 02060 is unused, replaced by 02011 / 02061, 00000, "one or more joins present in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view contains joins. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the joins. / 02062, 00000, "GROUP BY clause in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses the GROUP BY clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the GROUP BY clause. / 02063, 00000, "aggregate function in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses an aggregate function. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the aggregate functions. / 02064, 00000, "subquery in mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a subquery. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the subqueries. / // 02065 is unused, replaced by 02021 / 02066, 00000, "Oracle error: see RELATED_NUM and RELATED_TEXT for details" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported because an attempt // to create the materialized view would result in an error. // *Action: Examine the associated Oracle error code in the RELATED_NUM // column and the Oracle error text in the RELATED_TEXT column // and address the problem. / 02067, 00000, "no partition key or PMARKER or join dependent expression in select list" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view unless the select list (and group by list if a GROUP BY // clause is present) includes the partition key or // PMARKER function reference to the table in question or an expression // join dependent on the partitioning column of the table in question. // *Action: Add the partition key or a PMARKER function reference or a join dependent // expression to the select list (and the GROUP BY clause, if present). / 02068, 00000, "relation is not a partitioned table" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relation // in question is not a partitioned table. // *Action: Change the query to reference a partitioned table. / 02069, 00000, "PCT not supported with multi-column partition key" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the table in // is partitioned on a multi-column key. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to reference a table partitioned on a single // column key. / 02070, 00000, "PCT not supported with this type of partitioning" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the table in // question uses certain types of partitioning. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to reference a table that is uses a type of // partitioning that is supported for this capability. / 02071, 00000, "internal error: undefined PCT failure code" // *Cause: An internal Oracle error has occurred. // *Action: Report the problem through your normal support channels. / 02072, 00000, "requirements not satisfied for fast refresh of nested mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported because one or // more of the requirements for this capability have not been // satisfied. // *Action: Examine the relevant nested materialized view documentation // in the Warehouse Guide and address the problem. / 02073, 00000, "non-primary key RepAPI mv is not fast refreshable" // *Cause: Fast refresh is supported for RepAPI materialized views only // if it is also a primary key materialized view. // *Action: Re-design the materialized view to be a primary key materialized // view. / 02074, 00000, "materialized view over Heterogeneous Services link" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a heterogeneous link. // *Action: Re-design the materialized view to avoid the use of the // heterogeneous links. / 02075, 00000, "materialized view on synonym" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references a synonym, if the compatible parameter is earlier // than 10.2.0. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the synonyms. / 02076, 00000, "sequence number in the mv log is newer than last refresh" // *Cause: The timestamp of the sequence number in the mv log was after // the last refresh time. // *Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh. / 02077, 00000, "mv log is newer than last full refresh" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant // materialized view log was created after the creation // or most recent complete refresh of the materialized view. // *Action: Perform a complete refresh of the materialized view. / 02078, 00000, "mv log must have new values" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant // materialized view log omits new values. // *Action: Re-create the materialized view log using the NEW VALUES clause. / 02079, 00000, "mv log must have ROWID" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant // materialized view log omits ROWIDs. // *Action: Re-create the materialized view log using the ROWID clause. / 02080, 00000, "mv log must have primary key" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant // materialized view log omits primary keys. // *Action: Re-create the materialized view log using the PRIMARY KEY clause. / 02081, 00000, "mv log does not have all necessary columns" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant // materialized view log omits columns referenced in the select // list of the materialized view. // *Action: Re-create the materialized view log and include all columns // referenced in the select list. / 02082, 00000, "problem with mv log" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported because of a problem // the materialized view log in question. // *Action: Examine the relevant materialized view log and fast refresh // documentation in the Warehouse Guide and address the problem. / 02083, 00000, "mv references PL/SQL function that maintains state" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references a PL/SQL function that maintains state and which // may not return the same value every time it is invoked against // the same set of rows. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid such a PL/SQL function. Or modify // the PL/SQL function to avoid state maintenance and change // its declaration accordingly. / 02084, 00000, "DISTINCT clause on a duplicate sensitive aggregate function" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses the DISTINCT clause in this context. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the DISTINCT clause. / // 02085 is unused, replaced by 02003 / 02086, 00000, "mv uses the MIN or MAX aggregate functions" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses the MIN or MAX function. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the MIN or MAX functions. / // 02087 is unused, replaced by 02025 / 02088, 00000, "mv omits at least one grouping key from the select list" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view omits any grouping expressions from the select list. // *Action: Include all GROUP BY expressions in the select list. / // 02089 is unused, replaced by 02014 / 02090, 00000, "SELECT includes an expression that is not just a column" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses an expression in the select list that is not a simple // column reference. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the expressions that // are not simple column references. / 02091, 00000, "mv references a non-repeatable or session-sensitive expression" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses an expression that may not return the same value each // time it is invoked against the same set of rows or that may // return different values depending on session parameters. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of such expressions. / 02092, 00000, "mv references a sequence number" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references a sequence number. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to sequence numbers. / 02093, 00000, "mv uses an object REF clause" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses an object REF clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of an object REF clause. / // 02094 is unused, replaced by 02024 // 02095 is unused, replaced by 02007 / 02096, 00000, "mv references a named view" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references a view. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid references to views. / // 02097 is unused, replaced by 02006 / // 02098 is unused, replaced by 02015 / 02099, 00000, "mv references a remote table or view in the FROM list" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references a remote table or view in the FROM list. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid references to remote tables or // views. / // 02100 is unused, replaced by 02019 / 02101, 00000, "mv references a synonym in the FROM list" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references a synonym in the FROM list. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the synonym. / 02102, 00000, "mv FROM list references an object in the SYS schema" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references an object in the SYS schema. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the SYS schema. / // 02103 is unused, replaced by 02026 / 02104, 00000, " aggregate function in a filter condition in the HAVING clause" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references an aggregate function in a filter condition in // the HAVING clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of aggregates in filter // conditions in the HAVING clause. / // 02105 is unused, replaced by 02010 / 02106, 00000, "mv uses a filter condition in the WHERE or HAVING clause" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view includes a filter condition in the WHERE or HAVING clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of filter conditions in // the WHERE or HAVING clauses. / // 02107 is unused, replaced by 02023 // 02108 is unused, replaced by 02017 // 02109 is unused, replaced by 02018 // 02110 is unused, replaced by 02011 // 02111 is unused, replaced by 02013 / 02112, 00000, "top level query has LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER or FULL OUTER join" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses these types of joins. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of these types of joins. / 02113, 00000, "expression in select list references multiple tables or views" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view includes an expression in the select list that references // multiple tables or views. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the such expressions. / 02114, 00000, "no GROUP BY clause, no aggregates and not >= 9.0 compatibility" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view has no GROUP BY clause, no aggregates and compatibility // mode is less than 9.0. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the include a GROUP BY clause // or an aggregate function. Or set compatibility mode to // 9.0 or greater. / 02115, 00000, "mv references a remote object and is refreshed ON COMMIT" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references a remote object and is refreshed ON COMMIT. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the remote // object or alter the materialized view to be refreshed ON DEMAND. / 02116, 00000, "mupltiple master sites" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references multiple remote objects that reside at different // remote instances. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of multiple master sites. / 02117, 00000, "missing GROUPING_ID or GROUPING functions on GROUP BY column(s)" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses grouping sets but omits the relevant GROUPING_ID or // GROUPING functions. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to include the relevant GROUPING_ID or // GROUPING functions. / 02118, 00000, "duplicate grouping sets" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view redundantly references grouping sets. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the redundant grouping // sets. / 02119, 00000, "internal error while analyzing required supporting aggregates" // *Cause: An internal Oracle error has occurred. // *Action: Report the problem through your normal support channels. / 02120, 00000, "compatibility mode must be 9.0 or higher" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the // compatibility mode is less than 9.0. // *Action: Set the compatibility mode to 9.0 or higher. / 02121, 00000, "set operator in a context not supported for fast refresh" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a set operator in this context. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the set operator. / 02122, 00000, "compatibility mode must be 8.1 or higher" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the // compatibility mode is less than 8.1. // *Action: Set the compatibility mode to 8.1 or higher. / 02123, 00000, "subquery and UNION mv's must be primary key mv's" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view is not a primary key materialized view and uses subqueries // or the union operator in this context. // *Action: Re-create the materialized view as a primary key materialized // view. / 02124, 00000, "object type in WHERE clause" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references an object type in the WHERE clause. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the object type. / 02125, 00000, "subquery join conditions don't meet requirements for capability" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a subquery in a join in this way. // *Action: Examine the relevant replication documentation concerning // subquery materialized views and address the problem. / 02126, 00000, "no rowid at master site" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references a remote site that does not support rowids. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the remote site. / 02127, 00000, "not supported for this type mv by Oracle version at master site" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses certain constructs and references an older version, // remote Oracle instance. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the construct or upgrade // the remote Oracle instance. / 02128, 00000, "does not meet the requirements of a primary key mv" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view fails to meet the requirements of a primary key materialized // view. // *Action: Examine the relevant primary key materialized view replication // documentation and address the problem. / 02129, 00000, "join or filter condition(s) are complex" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a complex join or filter condition. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to simplify the join or filter condition. / 02130, 00000, "expression not supported for fast refresh" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references certain, complex expressions. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to simplify the expression. / 02131, 00000, "agg(expr) requires correspondng SUM(expr) function" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation // of the SUM function on the same argument. // *Action: Add the SUM function to the select list. / 02132, 00000, "agg(expr) requires correspondng COUNT(expr) function" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation // of the COUNT function on the same argument. // *Action: Add the COUNT function to the select list. / 02133, 00000, "agg(expr) requires correspondng MIN(expr) function" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation // of the MIN function on the same argument. // *Action: Add the MIN function to the select list. / 02134, 00000, "agg(expr) requires correspondng MAX(expr) function" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation // of the MAX function on the same argument. // *Action: Add the MAX function to the select list. / 02135, 00000, "agg(expr) requires correspondng AVG(expr) function" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation // of the AVG function on the same argument. // *Action: Add the AVG function to the select list. / 02136, 00000, "agg(expr) requires correspondng VARIANCE(expr) function" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation // of the VARIANCE function on the same argument. // *Action: Add the VARIANCE function to the select list. / 02137, 00000, "agg(expr) requires correspondng STDDEV(expr) function" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation // of the STDDEV function on the same argument. // *Action: Add the STDDEV function to the select list. / 02138, 00000, "agg(expr) requires correspondng agg(expr*expr) function" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation // of that same aggregate function on the square of the same // argument. // // *Action: Add an invocation of the same aggregate function on the square // of the same argument (that is, the argument multiplied by // itself). / 02139, 00000, "agg(expr) requires correspondng agg(expr+expr) function" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation // of that same aggregate function on the same argument added // to the same argument. // *Action: Add the indicated aggregate function to the select list. / 02140, 00000, "agg(expr) requires correspondng SUM(expr*expr) function" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation // of the SUM function on the square of the same argument (the // argument multiplied by itself). // *Action: Add the SUM function on the square of the argument. / 02141, 00000, "the reason why the capability is disabled has escaped analysis" // *Cause: The EXPLAIN_MV analysis engine has failed to capture the reason // why the given capability is not possible. // *Action: Report the problem through your normal problem reporting channels. / 02142, 0000, "COUNT(*) is not present in the select list" // *Cause: The materialized view query omits COUNT(*) from the select list. // *Action: Add COUNT(*) to the select list. / 02143, 00000, "SUM(expr) without COUNT(expr)" // *Cause: SUM(expr) occurs in the select list without a corresponding // COUNT(expr). // *Action: Add COUNT(expr) to the select list. / 02144, 00000, "aggregate functions are present without a GROUP BY clause" // *Cause: One or more aggregate functions are present in the select list // but a GROUP BY clause is not used. // *Action: Add a GROUP BY clause. / 02145, 00000, "GROUP BY clause is present but no aggregate functions are used" // *Cause: A GROUP BY clause is used but no aggregate functions are present // in the select list. // *Action: Add an aggregate function to the select list. / 02146, 00000, "see the reason why REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_INSERT is disabled" // *Cause: REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_ONETAB_DML is disabled for the same reason that // REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_INSERT is disabled. // *Action: Correct the problem with REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_INSERT. / 02147, 00000, "default date format is sensitive to session settings" // *Cause: You have specified a date conversion operation using either // the default format or an incomplete format. The default date // format or an incomplete format is sensitive to session settings, // and therefore may not be reproducible across different // environments. // *Action: Specify a complete date format string. / 02148, 00000, "many to many subquery joins require 9.0 compatibility or higher" // *Cause: You have specified a many to many join in your materialized view // while running in less than 9.0 compatibility mode. // *Action: Set your compatibility mode to 9.0 or higher or restructure the // materialized view query. / 02149, 00000, "ON COMMIT with this MV requires 9.0 compatibility or higher" // *Cause: You have specified a materialized view that uses some combination // of the following: // joins // aggregation // filter conditions in the WHERE clause // a remote relation in the FROM list // a SUM(x) function without a corresponding COUNT(x) function // an omitted COUNT(*) aggregate function // a MIN() or MAX() aggregate function // in combination with the REFRESH ON COMMIT option while running in // less than 9.0 compatibility mode. // *Action: Set your compatibility mode to 9.0 or higher or restructure the // materialized view query. / 02150, 00000, "select lists must be identical across the UNION operator" // *Cause: You have specified a materialized view using the UNION operator // and the respective queries on each side of the UNION operator do // not have the same select list. The RELATED_NAME column shows // the alias of the first different select list item. The RELATED_NUM // column shows the offset from the SELECT keyword to the start of // this select list item. // *Action: Restructure the materialized view query such that the respective // sides of the UNION operator have identical select lists. / 02151, 00000, "subquery or named view in FROM list and < 9.0 compatibility" // *Cause: You have specified a materialized view that references a // subquery or named view in its top level FROM list while running // in less than 9.0 compatibility mode. // *Action: Set compatibility mode to 9.0 or higher or restructure the // materialized view query. / 02152, 00000, "subquery or named view in FROM list even after view merging" // *Cause: You have specified a materialized view that references a // subquery ore named view in its top level FROM list that could // not be merged during the view merging process. // *Action: Restructure the materialized view query. / 02153, 00000, "inline view or subquery in FROM list not supported for this type MV" // *Cause: You have specified a materialized view that references an inline view // or a subquery. The indicated capability is not supported for this type // of materialized view. // *Action: Restructure the materialized view query. / 02154, 00000, "MV is not fast refreshable even with view merging" // *Cause: You have a materialized view with view in the FROM clause, however // it does not meet the criteria for fast refresh after view merging. // *Action: Restructure the materialized view query to remove the offending // view or the complex construct in the view. / 02155, 00000, "top level query with GSETS does not contain a proper grouping_id" // *Cause: // *Action: / 02156, 00000, "top level query with GSETS contains duplicates" // *Cause: // *Action: / 02157, 00000, "PCT is not possible on any of the detail tables in the materialized view" // *Cause: // *Action: / 02158, 00000, "general rewrite is not possible or PCT is not possible on any of the detail tables" // *Cause: // *Action: / 02159, 00000, "query rewrite is disabled on the materialized view" // *Cause: // *Action: / 02160, 00000, "the materialized view is specified as NEVER REFRESH" // *Cause: // *Action: / 02161, 00000, "see the reason why REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_ONETAB_DML is disabled" // *Cause: REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_ANY_DML is disabled for the same reason that // REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_ONETAB_DML is disabled. // *Action: Correct the problem with REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_ONETAB_DML. / 02162, 00000, "the detail table does not have a materialized view log" // *Cause: The fast refresh cannot be performed because the master table // does not contain a materialized view log. // *Action: Use the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG command to create a // materialized view log on the master table. / 02163, 0000, "cannot use object id columns from materialized view log" // *Cause: The materialized view log either does not have object id columns // logged, or the timestamp associated with the object id columns is // more recent than the last refresh time. // *Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh. // Add object id columns to the materialized view log, if required. / 02164, 00000, "the materialized view is BUILD DEFERRED" // *Cause: // *Action: / 02165, 00000, "mv log does not have sequence #" // *Cause: // *Action: / 02166, 00000, "problem with loader log" // *Cause: // *Action: / 02167, 00000, "the materialized view is upgraded from a previous version that does not support PCT" // *Cause: // *Action: / 02168, 00000, "the materialized view has a WITH clause in the top level query" // *Cause: // *Action: / 02169, 00000, "the materialized view contains partition extended table name" // *Cause: Fast refresh of materialized aggregate views and/or materialized // join views are not supported if they were defined using partition // extended table names. // *Action: Create the fast refreshable materialized view without using // partition extended table names or create the materialized view as // a complete refresh materialized view. / 02170, 00000, "tables must be identical across the UNION operator" // *Cause: You have specified a materialized view using the UNION operator // and the tables on each side of the UNION operator do not match. // Fast refresh is not supported in this context. // *Action: Restructure the materialized view query such that the respective // sides of the UNION operator have the same table. / 02171, 00000, "the materialized view has a join operation in the outer UNION block" // *Cause: Fast refresh is not supported if a materialized view having the // UNION operator contains a join operation. // *Action: Rewrite the materialized view query without the join. / 02172, 00000, "the SELECT list does not have the rowids of all the detail tables" // *Cause: // *Action: / 02173, 00000, "the unique constraints does not exist on the join columns of the inner table" // *Cause: If there are outer joins, unique constraints must exist on the join columns // of the inner table. Othwerwise, the materialized view can not be fast // refreshable. // *Action: / 02174, 00000, "the materialized view does not have a UNION ALL marker column" // *Cause: For a materialized view with UNION ALL to be fast refreshable, it // must have a UNION ALL marker column. This is a constant column, // at the same ordinal position in each query block and must have // distinct values in each query block. // *Action: Add a UNION ALL marker column to each query block in the UNION // ALL query defining the materialized view. / 02175, 00000, "some query block in UNION ALL MV is not fast refreshable" // *Cause: For a materialized view with UNION ALL to be fast refreshable, // each query block must conform to a fast refreshable materialized // join view or materialized aggregate view. // *Action: Check each query block in the UNION ALL to ensure it is either // a materialized view with joins or aggregates. / 02176, 00000, "MV with UNION ALL in a view is too complex" // *Cause: If a materialized view has a view whose definition involves a // UNION ALL query, then the materialized view's defining query // cannot have any clauses other than SELECT or FROM. Other clauses // such as WHERE, HAVING, CONNECT BY, or GROUP BY are not allowed. // Further more, the FROM clause should have only one item. // *Action: Remove any clauses besides SELECT and FROM from the // materialized view's defining query. / 02177, 00000, "MV with UNION ALL in a view must match the view's SELECT list" // *Cause: If a materialized view has a view whose definition involves // a UNION ALL query, then the materialized view's select list // must match the underlying view's select list exactly. It must // not have any expressions and must not have add/drop/reorder // columns from the underlying view. // *Action: Use select * when defining a materialized view with a // UNION ALL in a view. / 02178, 00000, "MV has a view with UNION ALL that is not fast refreshable" // *Cause: The materialized view has a view whose definition involves // a UNION ALL query that does not satisfy the requirements for // fast refresh. // *Action: Check that the defining query of the view being referenced in // the materialized view satisfies conditions for fast refresh // of a UNION ALL materialized view. / 02179, 00000, "MV with UNION ALL requires compatibility >= 9.2" // *Cause: The setting of the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter is // less than 9.2.0. // *Action: Set COMPATIBLE to 9.2.0 or higher. / 02180, 00000, "no primary key constraint in the master table" // *Cause: The explain_mview assumes that the materialized view is going // to be created as the Primary Key materialized view. A Primary // Key materialized view can not be created if the base table does // not have a primary key constraint. // *Action: Add a primary key constraint to the base table, or create the // materialized view as Rowid MV by specifying the WITH ROWID // option. If the materialized view is a Rowid MV, then it should // be able to do complete refresh and even fast refresh, given // that the materialized view log on the master table has a rowid. / 02181, 00000, "a SPREADSHEET clause is present" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view uses a SPREADSHEET clause. // *Action: Remove the SPREADSHEET clause. / 02182, 00000, "PCT is enabled through a join dependency" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view does not contain some expression join dependent on the // partitioning key of relation in question in the select list. // For definition of join dependency, please look at Oracle // documentation. // *Action: Change the query to contain the partitioning key / 02183, 00000, "Expression to enable PCT not in PARTITION BY of analytic function or SPREADSHEET" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the expression is not // in the PARTITION BY clause // *Action: Change the query so that the expression is in the PARTITION BY / 02184, 00000, "Expression to enable PCT cannot be rolled up" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the expression // is rolled up // *Action: Change the query so that the expression is not rolled up / 02185, 00000, "no partition key or PMARKER in select list" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view unless the select list (and group by list if a GROUP BY // clause is present) includes either the partition key of or a // PMARKER function reference to the table in question. // *Action: Add the partition key or a PMARKER function reference to the // select list (and the GROUP BY clause, if present). / 02186, 00000, "PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN is present" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view has PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN. // *Action: Remove PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN. / 02187, 00000, "materialized view on external table" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view references an external table. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the external tables. / 02188, 00000, "named view in FROM list not supported for this type MV" // *Cause: You have specified a materialized view that references a named view // The indicated capability is not supported for this type of // materialized view. // *Action: Restructure the materialized view query. / 02189, 00000, "materialized view definition changes" // *Cause: The definition of the materialized view has changed. Usually // redefining the synonym or table in the definition can cause this. // The materialized view can not be fast refreshed. // *Action: Complete refresh or recreate the materialized view. / 02190, 00000, "SQL PIVOT or UNPIVOT is present" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view has sql PIVOT or UNPIVOT operation. // *Action: Remove sql PIVOT or UNPIVOT. / 02191, 00000, "types of MV logs are not compatible" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view is defined on detail tables which do not have a compatible // type of materialized view logs, either all timestamp based or // commit SCN based. // *Action: Complete refresh or recreate materialized view logs. / 02192, 00000, "commit SCN based MV log is not in consistent state" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant // materialized view log is not in consistent state due to the // failure when populating the mapping table of SYS.SNAP_XCMT$. // *Action: Perform a complete refresh of the materialized view. / 02193, 00000, "unsupported MV on commit SCN based MV logs" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant // materialized view is not supported to be defined on detail tables // which have commit SCN based MV logs. // *Action: None. / 02194, 00000, "CASE expressions present in materialized view" // *Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized // view contain CASE expressions. // *Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of CASE expressions. / 02195, 00000, "PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if query contains a named view" // *Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the // materialized view query contained a named view. // *Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of named views. / 02196, 00000, "PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if query contains an inline view" // *Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the // materialized view query contained an inline view. // *Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of an inline view. / 02197, 00000, "PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if query contains a remote table" // *Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the // materialized view query contained a remote table. // *Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of a remote table. / 02198, 00000, "PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if HAVING clause includes a subquery" // *Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the // materialized view query HAVING clause included a subquery. // *Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of a subquery in // the HAVING clause. / 02199, 00000, "PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if WHERE clause includes a subquery" // *Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the // materialized view query WHERE clause included a subquery. // *Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of a subquery in the // WHERE clause. / 02200, 00000, "PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if query contains LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER or FULL OUTER JOIN" // *Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the // materialized view query contained LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER // or FULL OUTER JOIN. // *Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER // or FULL OUTER JOIN. / 02201, 00000, "PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if there is a self join or self cartesian product in query" // *Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the // materialized view query contained self join of self cartesian // product in the query. // *Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of self joins or // self cartesian product in the query. / 02202, 00000, "PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if query has ORDER BY clause" // *Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the // materialized view query contained an ORDER BY clause. // *Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of the ORDER BY clause. / 02203, 00000, "PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if query has set operand query blocks" // *Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the // materialized view query contained set operand query blocks. // *Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of set operand query blocks. / 02204, 00000, "PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if query has an inner query" // *Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the // materialized view query contained an inner query. // *Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of the inner query. / 02205, 00000, "PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if there is a subquery inside select-list" // *Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the // materialized view query contained a subquery inside a select-list. // *Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of a subquery inside // a select-list. / 02206, 00000, "PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible because this query join may produce extra duplicate rows" // *Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the // materialized view contained a join condition that can result in duplicate // rows in the materialized view. // *Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the occurrence of duplicate rows // in the materialized view. / 02207, 00000, "PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible for complex queries" // *Cause: The capability in question was not supported because // the materialized view query was too complex. // *Action: No action is necessary. / 02208, 00000, "subquery using the NOT IN clause in materialized view" // *Cause: The capability in question was not supported when the materialized // view uses NOT IN with a subquery. // *Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of the NOT IN clause. / 03000, 00000, "" // *Document: NO // Access Advisor text items 03000-03500 03001, 00000, "Specifies logging of messages to the advisor journal" // *Document: NO // JOURNALING parameter description 03002, 00000, "Unused" // *Document: NO // 03003, 00000, "When enabled, the SQL Access Advisor will weigh the cost of creation of the access structure against the frequency of the query and potential improvement in the query execution time" // *Document: NO // CREATION_COST parameter description 03004, 00000, "The expiration time in days for the current SQL Access Advisor task" // *Document: NO // DAYS_TO_EXPIRE parameter description 03005, 00000, "The default owner for the new index recommendations" // *Document: NO // DEF_INDEX_OWNER parameter description 03006, 00000, "The default tablespace for new index recommendations" // *Document: NO // DEF_INDEX_TABLESPACE parameter description 03007, 00000, "The default owner for the new materialized view recommendations" // *Document: NO // DEF_MVIEW_OWNER parameter description 03008, 00000, "The default tablespace for new materialized view recommendations" // *Document: NO // DEF_MVIEW_TABLESPACE parameter description 03009, 00000, "The default tablespace for new materialized view log recommendations" // *Document: NO // DEF_MVLOG_TABLESPACE parameter description 03010, 00000, "When enabled, the SQL Access Advisor will consider the impact of index maintenance and materialized view refresh in determining the recommendations" // *Document: NO // DML_VOLATILITY parameter description 03011, 00000, "The end time filter for selecting data" // *Document: NO // END_TIME parameter description 03012, 00000, "Deprecated. Please use ANALYSIS_SCOPE" // *Document: NO // EVALUATION_ONLY parameter description 03013, 00000, "Deprecated. Please use ANALYSIS_SCOPE" // *Document: NO // EXECUTION_TYPE parameter description 03014, 00000, "The format SQL Access Advisor uses to construct new index names" // *Document: NO // INDEX_NAME_TEMPLATE parameter description 03015, 00000, "Specifies either a limited or comprehensive analysis operation, where limited runs in less time but may produce slightly lower quality results" // *Document: NO // MODE parameter description 03016, 00000, "Specifies the types of recommendations generated by SQL Access Advisor" // *Document: NO // ANALYSIS_SCOPE parameter description 03017, 00000, "The format used to construct new materialized view names" // *Document: NO // MVIEW_NAME_TEMPLATE parameter description 03018, 00000, "Deprecated. Please use RANKING_MEASURE." // *Document: NO // ORDER_LIST task parameter description 03019, 00000, "Specifies whether materialized views should be refreshed ON_DEMAND or ON_COMMIT" // *Document: NO // REFRESH_MODE parameter description 03020, 00000, "The default date and time format when displayed in scripts and reports" // *Document: NO // REPORT_DATE_FORMAT task parameter description 03021, 00000, "The maximum number of SQL statements to be analyzed" // *Document: NO // SQL_LIMIT task parameter description 03022, 00000, "The start time filter for selecting data" // *Document: NO // START_TIME parameter description 03023, 00000, "Contains the amount of space adjustment that can be consumed by SQL Access Advisor recommendations" // *Document: NO // STORAGE_CHANGE parameter description 03024, 00000, "The database version under which the recommendations must be used" // *Document: NO // COMPATIBILITY parameter description 03025, 00000, "Contains a fully qualified list of tables that are eligible for tuning" // *Document: NO // VALID_TABLE_LIST parameter description 03026, 00000, "Contains a fully qualified list of tables that are NOT eligible for tuning" // *Document: NO // INVALID_TABLE_LIST parameter description 03027, 00000, "Describes the level of application coverage the workload represents" // *Document: NO // WORKLOAD_SCOPE parameter description 03028, 00000, "Contains a list of application actions that are eligible for tuning" // *Document: NO // VALID_ACTION_LIST parameter description 03029, 00000, "Contains a list of application actions that are NOT eligible for tuning" // *Document: NO // INVALID_ACTION_LIST parameter description 03030, 00000, "Contains a list of application modules that are eligible for tuning" // *Document: NO // VALID_MODULE_LIST parameter description 03031, 00000, "Contains a list of application modules that are NOT eligible for tuning" // *Document: NO // INVALID_MODULE_LIST parameter description 03032, 00000, "Contains a list of users who execute SQL statements that are eligible for tuning" // *Document: NO // VALID_USERNAME_LIST parameter description 03033, 00000, "Contains a list of users who execute SQL statements that are NOT eligible for tuning" // *Document: NO // INVALID_USERNAME_LIST parameter description 03034, 00000, "Contains a list of text items that can appear in SQL statements. If a statement does not contain one the specified items, then it is not eligible for tuning" // *Document: NO // VALID_SQLSTRING_LIST parameter description 03035, 00000, "Contains a list of text items that can appear in SQL statements. If a statement contains one the specified items, then it is not eligible for tuning" // *Document: NO // INVALID_SQLSTRING_LIST parameter description 03036, 00000, "Unused" // *Document: NO // Unused 03037, 00000, "Deprecated. Please use VALID_ACTION_LIST" // *Document: NO // ACTION_LIST parameter description 03038, 00000, "The maximum time that an analysis can execute" // *Document: NO // TIME_LIMIT parameter description 03039, 00000, "The default tablespace for new partition recommendations" // *Document: NO // DEF_PARTITION_TABLESPACE parameter description 03040, 00000, "Unsupported" // *Document: NO // General description 03041, 00000, "When enabled, an IMPLEMENT_TASK operation will stop processing on the first error" // *Document: NO // IMPLEMENT_EXIT_ON_ERROR parameter description 03042, 00000, "The starting point for the Enterprise Manager SQL Access Advisor Wizard" // *Document: NO // DEF_EM_TEMPLATE parameter description 03043, 00000, "The default workload source for the Enterprise Manager SQL Access Advisor Wizard" // *Document: NO // DEF_DATA_SOURCE parameter description 03044, 00000, "Deprecated. Please use VALID_MODULE_LIST" // *Document: NO // MODULE_LIST parameter description 03045, 00000, "When enabled, all user-specified workload filtering will be disabled" // *Document: NO // DISABLE_FILTERS parameter description 03046, 00000, "When enabled, RETAIN actions will be displayed in scripts and within the Enterprise Manager SQL Access Advisor Wizard task results" // *Document: NO // SHOW_RETAINS parameter description 03047, 00000, "Specifies how the STORAGE_CHANGE parameter is interpreted" // *Document: NO // STORAGE_MODE parameter description 03048, 00000, "When enabled, exact text match materialized views will be recommended" // *Document: NO // RECOMMEND_MV_EXACT_TEXT_MATCH parameter description 03049, 00000, "Value used to indicate acceptable overall workload performance" // *Document: NO // OVERALL_SCALEUP_GREEN_THRESH parameter description 03050, 00000, "Value used to indicate significant potential improvement of overall workload performance" // *Document: NO // OVERALL_SCALEUP_RED_THRESH parameter description 03051, 00000, "Weighted value used to indicate acceptable overall workload performance" // *Document: NO // ADJUSTED_SCALEUP_GREEN_THRESH parameter description 03052, 00000, "Weighted value used to indicate significant potential improvement of overall workload performance" // *Document: NO // ADJUSTED_SCALEUP_RED_THRESH parameter description 03053, 00000, "Maximum number of partitioning schemes to investigate" // *Document: NO // LIMIT_PARTITION_SCHEMES parameter description 03054, 00000, "Maximum number of partitions for any particular target object" // *Document: NO // MAX_NUMBER_PARTITIONS parameter description 03055, 00000, "Format used to construct new partition names." // *Document: NO // PARTITION_NAME_TEMPLATE parameter description 03056, 00000, "Approach used when recommending partitions." // *Document: NO // PARTITION_GOAL parameter description 03057, 00000, "Permitted partition types for recommendations." // *Document: NO // PARTITIONING_TYPES parameter description 03058, 00000, "Primary natural order in which the SQL Access Advisor processes workload elements during an analysis operation" // *Document: NO // RANKING_MEASURE task parameter description 03059, 00000, "Recommend optimal tablespaces for partitioning recommendations" // *Document: NO // RECOMMEND_TABLESPACES task parameter description 03060, 00000, "Derive secondary structures from existing base table partitions" // *Document: NO // USE_BASE_TABLE_PARTITIONS task parameter description 03061, 00000, "Honor Information Lifecycle Management partitioning schemes" // *Document: NO // USE_ILM task parameter description 03062, 00000, "Place new partitions into separate tablespaces" // *Document: NO // USE_SEPARATE_TABLESPACES task parameter description 03063, 00000, "Use sampling to avoid scanning a very large workload" // *Document: NO // USE_WORKLOAD_SAMPLING task parameter description 03064, 00000, "Use compression to reduce a large target workload." // *Document: NO // WORKLOAD_COMPRESSION task parameter description // 3100 - 3199 are Hypothetical Workload generator journal messages 03100, 00000, "Start of hypothetical workload generation" // *Document: NO // *Argument: None 03101, 00000, "Hypothetical workload generation completed succesfully." // *Document: NO // *Argument: None 03102, 00000, "Hypothetical workload generation completed with errors." // *Document: NO // *Argument: None 03103, 00000, "Dimension %s.%s is loaded." // *Document: NO // *Argument: None 03104, 00000, "Fact-key between table %s.%s and dimension-table %s.%s is discarded." // *Document: NO // *Argument: None 03105, 00000, "Fact-key between table %s.%s and dimension-table %s.%s is loaded." // *Document: NO // *Argument: None 03106, 00000, "Dimension %s.%s is defined on table %s.%s." // *Document: NO // *Argument: None 03107, 00000, "There are no valid dimensions present in the user-specified scope." // *Document: NO // *Argument: None 03108, 00000, "There are no valid fact-tables present in the user-specified scope." // *Document: NO // *Argument: None 03109, 00000, "The Hypothetical Workload Generator has run out of memory." // *Document: NO // *Argument: None 03110, 00000, "The Hypothetical Workload Generator encountered an OCI error: %s." // *Document: NO // *Argument: None 03111, 00000, "Dimension table %s.%s does not have a primary or unique-key level." // *Document: NO // *Action: Check definition of underlying dimension. The dimension does // * does not have a level corresponding to a primary or unique-key in // * the table. // *Argument: None 03112, 00000, "Invalid CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement\n%s" // *Cause: The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement that was passed into the // procedure was not a valid one. // *Action: Check the reason(s) following the error or the statement and retry // the operation. / 03113, 00000, "Cannot tune the MATERIALIZED VIEW statement\n%s" // *Cause: The MATERIALIZED VIEW statement could not be tuned. // *Action: Check the reason(s) following the error or the statement and retry // the operation. / 03114, 00000, "Cannot tune FOR UPDATE materialized view" // *Cause: The materialized view was created with the FOR UPDATE option. // *Action: Rephrase the statement to avoid the use of the FOR UPDATE option. / 03115, 00000, "Cannot tune materialized view ON PREBUILT table" // *Cause: The materialized view was created on a prebuilt table. // *Action: Rephrase the statement to avoid the use of the ON PREBUILT option. / 03116, 00000, "The materialized view is already optimal and cannot be tuned any further" // *Cause: The materialized view has the capabilities that are specified in // the statement. // *Action: none / 03117, 00000, "Cannot tune the materialized view to be fast refreshable" // *Cause: The materialized view could not be tuned or decomposed to be fast // refreshable. // *Action: Run the dbms_mview.explain_mview to find out the reason. / 03118, 00000, "Cannot tune the materialized view for general rewrite" // *Cause: The materialized view could not be tuned for supporting general rewrite. // *Action: Run the dbms_mview.explain_mview to find out the reason. / 03119, 00000, "The WHERE/HAVING clause is too complex for general query rewrite" // *Cause: The WHERE/HAVING was too complex for general rewrite. // *Action: Try to simplify the WHERE/HAVING clause in the materialized view // defining query. / 03120, 00000, "Cannot create materialized view log on encrypted columns" // *Cause: There were encrypted columns in materialized view defining query. // *Action: Try to remove the encrypted columns in the materialized view defining // query. /