/ / Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by the Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. / / File: kous.msg / Created: 12/07/93 / Owner: JWIJAYA / / NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE / / Please read the header information at least once and understand it before / adding or modifying any errors. The header information consists of / the standards for errors and the description of this particular error / message file (following the standards). / / For now, you don't have to email BQUIGLEY when adding or modifying errors. / It will done when we copy these errors into the master error message file / of the Oracle DBMS product, i.e., 'error.msg'. / / NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE / / / -=( COMPLY WITH STANDARDS WHEN CHANGING MESSAGES )=- / / Email BQUIGLEY your changes and he will verify compliance with standards. / / -=( COMPLY WITH STANDARDS WHEN CHANGING MESSAGES )=- / / Message Standards / ================= / Author Brian Quigley / Written 07/28/92 / / Purpose / ------- / When a message is generated, you are speaking directly to the user. Often, / the quality of your software is judged by the ease with which a user can fix / problems. Your purpose is to make it as easy as possible to use Oracle / products. / / Note that the "Cause:" and "Action:" sections for a message will also be / seen by the user. Thus, it is important to keep these sections simple, yet / as helpful as possible. / / Whenever possible, include all relevant information within the message. / / Your purpose is to make a message as informative as possible. / / Size Of Message / --------------- / Message text should be limited to a maximum of 76 characters. Messages / containing embedded % directives should not overrun the 76 character limit / unless they signal unusual errors which do not occur as part of user / applications. For example, startup errors and system-dependent errors can / probably may have longer message text. / / / Simple Language / --------------- / Avoid cryptic messages and overly technical language. / / NOT GOOD: index key does not exist root dba %s, dba %s (%s) / BETTER : index key does not exist for row: %s, %s, %s / / / Lowercase vs. Uppercase / ----------------------- / Use uppercase for commands and keywords. / / NOT GOOD: alter cluster statement no longer supported / BETTER : ALTER CLUSTER statement no longer supported / / / Use lowercase in the message wording, including the first letter. / / NOT GOOD: Invalid syntax / BETTER : invalid syntax / / / Commands, Keywords, Parameters Values / ------------------------------------- / Whenever possible, give the command, keyword, and parameter values that the / user used. / / Use uppercase to indicate commands and keywords. / / NOT GOOD: missing IDENTIFIED keyword / BETTER : GRANT CONNECT statement requires the IDENTIFIED keyword / / NOT GOOD: MAXVALUE is less than current value / BETTER : ALTER SEQUENCE MAXVALUE %s is less than current MAXVALUE %s / / / Period / ------ / Do not end a message with a period. / / / Numbers / ------- / Do not enclose numbers with special characters. / / NOT GOOD: number of control files (%s) does not equal %s / BETTER : specified %s control files while other instances have %s / / Spell out the word "number" to ensure the message is understood. / / NOT GOOD: change %s for thread (%s) is in sequence #%s / BETTER : the change number %s for thread %s is in sequence number %s / / / Numbers - User Input / -------------------- / Do not enclose user-input numbers with special characters. / / NOT GOOD: file size (%s) exceeds maximum of %s blocks / BETTER : a file size of %s would exceed the allowed maximum of %s blocks / / / Quotes / ------ / Do not use single or double quotes to highlight a text variable or command. / / NOT GOOD: 'row_locking = always' requires transaction processing / BETTER : ROW_LOCKING = ALWAYS requires transaction processing / / / Single Quotes / ------------- / Never use single quotes. / / / Double Quotes / ------------- / ALWAYS and ONLY use double quotes to identify database objects. / / NOT GOOD: file %s: bad block size "% bytes" expecting "%s" / BETTER : expected block size of %s bytes in file "%s" but found %s / / NOT GOOD: duplicate column %s / BETTER : duplicate column "%s" specified for table "%s", schema "%s" / / / Ellipses / -------- / Never use ellipses. / / NOT GOOD: datatype {%s} for column %s, table %s.%s is not supported / BETTER : datatype %s not support for column "%s" table "%s" schema "%s" / / / Parentheses / ----------- / ALWAYS and ONLY use parentheses for identifying constraint names. / / NOT GOOD: unique constraint %s.%s violated / BETTER : unique constraint (%s.%s) violated / / NOT GOOD: invalid file size (%s) / BETTER : size of %s bytes is invalid for file "%s" / / / Brackets / -------- / ALWAYS and ONLY use brackets for identifying program argument values. / / NOT GOOD: Internal Error: %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s / BETTER : internal error, arguments: [%s],[%s],[%s],[%s],[%s],[%s] / / / Grammar / ------ / Use complete sentences whenever possible (but no period at end of / sentence). / / Use not use multiple sentences in a message, i.e. one sentence only. / / Use the active voice. / / Do not use an antagonistic tone. / / Use correct punctuation whenever possible. / / / Recommended Style / --------------------- / Try to make positive recommendations or suggestions as part of the message. / / Explain what is invalid AND what is valid. / / NOT GOOD: invalid file size (%s) / BETTER : file size of %s is invalid / BEST : file size of %s bytes is outside valid range %s to %s bytes / / NOT GOOD: duplicate column %s / GOOD : duplicate column "%s" in %s / BEST : duplicate column "%s" in %s "%s" / ^ ^ / this variable ... ... this variable / indicates the TYPE indicates the NAME / of database object of the object / / / Thus, substituting ... 'colin', 'view' / / in: duplicate column "%s" in %s / gives: duplicate column "colin" in view / / / And, substituting ... 'ugotit', 'primary, foreign or index key' / / in: duplicate column "%s" in %s / gives: duplicate column "ugotit" in primary, foreign or index key / / And, substituting ... 'pedestal', 'table', 'entablature' / / in: duplicate column "%s" in %s "%s" / gives: duplicate column "pedestal" in table "entablature" / / And substituting ... 'wat', 'dee', 'dikins' / / in: illegal constraint (%s.%s) for schema "%s" / gives: illegal constraint (wat.dee) for schema "dikins" / / / Text Variables / -------------- / Do not place text variables at the beginning of messages, as this does not / allow correct alphabetical sorting of the messages. The alphabetical listing / at the back of the Messages Manual is a necessary tool for Customer Support. / / NOT GOOD: %s not found / BETTER : object %s not found / BEST : object %s not found in schema %s / / / Internal Errors & Routine Names / ------------------------------- / Use ORA-00600 messages for internal messages not to be seen by the user. / / Do not use routine names in messages. / / NOT GOOD: ORA-03116, ttcxxx: invalid buffer length / BETTER : ORA-00600, internal error, arguments: [ttcxxx], [], [], [], [] / / / Public vs. Non Public Messages / ------------------------------ / Use ORA-00600 messages for internal messages not to be seen by the user. / / For messages which are for internal use only, indicate this in ERROR.MSG / message listing or at beginning of the range of this type of message in the / file. Debug event codes, CORE messages, are examples. / / Use "// *Document: NO" as follows: / / e.g. / 10049, 00000, "protect library cache memory heaps" / // *Document: NO / // *Cause: / // *Action: Use the OS memory protection (if available) to protect / // library cache memory heaps that are pinned. / / / Programmer's Comments / --------------------- / If you wish to add comments regarding a message that should not be seen by / the public, use "// *Comment: " as follows: / / e.g. / 32769, 00000, "incompatible SQL*Net version" / // *Cause: An attempt was made to use an older version of SQL*Net that / // is incompatible with current version of ORACLE. / // *Action: Use a newer version of SQL*Net. / // *Comment: Can only happen if user tried to use an illegal copy of a / // pre-lease version of SQL*Net. / / / ORACLE vs. Oracle / ----------------- / The word ORACLE in uppercase refers to the ORACLE server. Use the term / "ORACLE server" when referring to the server. For ORACLE server version 7, / use the term "Oracle7" or "Oracle7 server". For ORACLE server version 8, / use the term "Oracle8" or "Oracle8 server". / / The word Oracle in lowercase with capitalized first letter refers to the / company. Use "Oracle Corp." when referring to the company. / / /------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / / MODIFIED: / rpingte 07/07/09 - bug8654548: add LDI messaged for TZ project / mbastawa 03/03/03 - bug2184760: add 21527,195* (kod.h) not used for OMS / dlomax 08/08/97 - Bug 500331: added 1865 for CORE Dates / jweisz 08/06/97 - add 21526 / skrishna 03/17/97 - add 22140 / ramkrish 11/06/96 - 21560: chg Cause, Action; 22285: chg Mesg / mshore 10/30/96 - Add 1822 (CORE Dates Package) / ramkrish 10/16/96 - Reserve 22280-22299 for LOB/FILE; Free 24280-24299 / ramkrish 07/10/96 - Reserve 22285-99 for KOLF - Generic File Manager / jwijaya 07/09/96 - synch with error.msg / jwijaya 10/23/95 - review ranges of errors / tcheng 06/23/95 - add error for kol / skotsovo 06/06/95 - add error for ref to value adt type / skotsovo 05/31/95 - add error for array index out of bounds to KOT / skotsovo 04/13/95 - add kot multiset errors / jboonleu 02/17/95 - new koc error message / sthakur 02/14/95 - add data manager error / skotsovo 02/09/95 - add type mgr error indicating a ref was passed to / kotgafp / skotsovo 01/26/95 - add type manager error / jboonleu 01/12/95 - update koc error code / jwijaya 09/30/94 - review KOC errors / jwijaya 09/16/94 - review / jwijaya 06/10/93 - add error 21560 / jwijaya 12/07/93 - Creation / /------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / / DESCRIPTION / ----------- / / List of error numbers and messages for / - Object Interface (ORI/ORT/ORL/ORC, now OCI) / - Object Management Subsystem (KO) / - Generic Subsystem (KG) / - Cartridge Services / ----------------------------------------------- / / Error numbers from 21300 to 22799 are reserved for ORI/ORT/ORL/ORC (object / OCI), KO and KG. / These error numbers have been reserved from the master error message / file of the Oracle DBMS product, i.e., 'oraus.msg'. / In addition, this file will also contain errors that have been previously / defined and allocated to existing KG components. / / The purpose of this error message file is to supply the error numbers / and messages for the client-side OCI. / The server-side OCI will be served / by the Oracle DBMS error message file, i.e., 'oraus.msg', which will also / contain the errors within 21300 to 22799 defined here. / / NOTE THAT ANY CHANGES OR ADDITIONS TO OCIUS.MSG MUST ALSO BE DONE TO / ORAUS.MSG. ORAUS.MSG CONTAINS THE EXACT DUPLICATION OF OCIUS.MSG. / / This file is converted to header/message files using lmsgen.c. / / The first column is the ORACLE error number. / The second column is reserved and must (for now) be 00000. / The remainder of the line is the error text. / / Adding an error: / Check out this file, add the error, and check it back in. Error numbers / should always be ordered. The second column should always be 00000. / / Pseudo-error debugging events: / Error numbers 22700 to 22799 are reserved for debugging event / numbers that are not really errors. / / Reserved Ranges of Errors: / - Error numbers from 21300 to 21499 are reserved for future use. / - Error number 21500 is the OCI's or Cartridge Services' internal error. / - Error number 21501 is the OCI's or Cartridge Services' memory allocation error. / - Error number 21503 is the OCI's or Cartridge Services' fatal error. / - Error numbers from 21505 to 21519 are reserved for ORIG/KOG (general). / - Error numbers from 21520 to 21559 are reserved for KOD/KOFD/KOUD (data). / - Error numbers from 21560 to 21599 are reserved for / common ORI/ORT/ORL/ORC/KO and Cartridge Services' errors. / - Error numbers from 21600 to 21699 are reserved for ORI*/KOI* (interface) / and Memory/Duration Cartridge Service. / - Error numbers from 21700 to 21799 are reserved for KOC (cache). / - Error numbers from 21800 to 21999 are reserved for future use. / - Error numbers from 22000 to 22299 are reserved for ORL/KOL (language) / including OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIColl, OCITable, and OCIArray. / - Error numbers from 22300 to 22599 are reserved for ORT/KOT (type). / - Error numbers from 22600 to 22699 are reserved for KOP* (pickler) and / Pickler Cartridge Service. / - Error numbers from 22700 to 22799 are reserved for debugging event numbers. / - Error numbers from 30100 to 30134 are reserved for OCIExtract Cartridge / Service. / - Error numbers from 30135 to 30149 are reserved for OCIThread Cartridge / Service. / - Error numbers from 30150 to 30174 are reserved for OCIFile Cartridge / Service. / - Error numbers from 30175 to 30199 are reserved for OCIFormat Cartridge / Service. / - Error numbers from 30200 to 30299 are reserved for NLS Cartridge Service. /------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / / Error numbers that have been used by existing KG components. / These numbers are actually passed to the KG subsystem as parameters/fields / in 'kgsf' (see 'kgsf.h'). / 00601, 00000, "cleanup lock conflict" // *Cause: PMON process runs into lock conflict trying to recover processes. // *Action: This is trapped internally, no action necessary. 00602, 00000, "internal programming exception" // *Cause: Internal programming exception. // *Action: Report as a bug. // Caution: The following error code is not relocatable. / 00972, 00000, "identifier is too long" // *Cause: An identifier with more than 30 characters was specified. // *Action: Specify at most 30 characters. / 01013, 00000, "user requested cancel of current operation" // *Cause: // *Action: / / 1800 - 1899 Date function errors / 1800 - 1809 Overflow conditions / 01800, 00000, "a literal in the date format was too large to process" // *Cause: // *Action: 01801, 00000, "date format is too long for internal buffer" // *Cause: // *Action: 01802, 00000, "Julian date is out of range" // *Cause: // *Action: 01803, 00000, "failure in getting date/time" // *Cause: // *Action: / / 1810 - 1829 Conflicting date input format / 01810, 00000, "format code appears twice" // *Cause: // *Action: 01811, 00000, "Julian date precludes use of day of year" // *Cause: // *Action: 01812, 00000, "year may only be specified once" // *Cause: // *Action: 01813, 00000, "hour may only be specified once" // *Cause: // *Action: 01814, 00000, "AM/PM conflicts with use of A.M./P.M." // *Cause: // *Action: 01815, 00000, "BC/AD conflicts with use of B.C./A.D." // *Cause: // *Action: 01816, 00000, "month may only be specified once" // *Cause: // *Action: 01817, 00000, "day of week may only be specified once" // *Cause: // *Action: 01818, 00000, "'HH24' precludes use of meridian indicator" // *Cause: // *Action: 01819, 00000, "signed year precludes use of BC/AD" // *Cause: // *Action: 01820, 00000, "format code cannot appear in date input format" // *Cause: // *Action: 01821, 00000, "date format not recognized" // *Cause: // *Action: 01822, 00000, "era format code is not valid with this calendar" // *Cause: // *Action: / / 1830 - 1899 Failed input conversions / 01830, 00000, "date format picture ends before converting entire input string" // *Cause: // *Action: 01831, 00000, "year conflicts with Julian date" // *Cause: // *Action: 01832, 00000, "day of year conflicts with Julian date" // *Cause: // *Action: 01833, 00000, "month conflicts with Julian date" // *Cause: // *Action: 01834, 00000, "day of month conflicts with Julian date" // *Cause: // *Action: 01835, 00000, "day of week conflicts with Julian date" // *Cause: // *Action: 01836, 00000, "hour conflicts with seconds in day" // *Cause: // *Action: 01837, 00000, "minutes of hour conflicts with seconds in day" // *Cause: // *Action: 01838, 00000, "seconds of minute conflicts with seconds in day" // *Cause: // *Action: 01839, 00000, "date not valid for month specified" // *Cause: // *Action: 01840, 00000, "input value not long enough for date format" // *Cause: // *Action: 01841, 00000, "(full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0" // *Cause: Illegal year entered // *Action: Input year in the specified range 01842, 00000, "quarter must be between 1 and 4" // *Cause: // *Action: 01843, 00000, "not a valid month" // *Cause: // *Action: 01844, 00000, "week of year must be between 1 and 52" // *Cause: // *Action: 01845, 00000, "week of month must be between 1 and 5" // *Cause: // *Action: 01846, 00000, "not a valid day of the week" // *Cause: // *Action: 01847, 00000, "day of month must be between 1 and last day of month" // *Cause: // *Action: 01848, 00000, "day of year must be between 1 and 365 (366 for leap year)" // *Cause: // *Action: 01849, 00000, "hour must be between 1 and 12" // *Cause: // *Action: 01850, 00000, "hour must be between 0 and 23" // *Cause: // *Action: 01851, 00000, "minutes must be between 0 and 59" // *Cause: // *Action: 01852, 00000, "seconds must be between 0 and 59" // *Cause: // *Action: 01853, 00000, "seconds in day must be between 0 and 86399" // *Cause: // *Action: 01854, 00000, "julian date must be between 1 and 5373484" // *Cause: An invalid Julian date was entered. // *Action: Enter a valid Julian date between 1 and 5373484. 01855, 00000, "AM/A.M. or PM/P.M. required" // *Cause: // *Action: 01856, 00000, "BC/B.C. or AD/A.D. required" // *Cause: // *Action: 01857, 00000, "not a valid time zone" // *Cause: // *Action: 01858, 00000, "a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected" // *Cause: The input data to be converted using a date format model was // incorrect. The input data did not contain a number where a number was // required by the format model. // *Action: Fix the input data or the date format model to make sure the // elements match in number and type. Then retry the operation. 01859, 00000, "a non-alphabetic character was found where an alphabetic was expected" // *Cause: The input data to be converted using a date format model was // incorrect. The input data did not contain a letter where a letter was // required by the format model. // *Action: Fix the input data or the date format model to make sure the // elements match in number and type. Then retry the operation. 01860, 00000, "week of year must be between 1 and 53" // *Cause: // *Action: 01861, 00000, "literal does not match format string" // *Cause: Literals in the input must be the same length as literals in // the format string (with the exception of leading whitespace). If the // "FX" modifier has been toggled on, the literal must match exactly, // with no extra whitespace. // *Action: Correct the format string to match the literal. 01862, 00000, "wrong number of digits for this format item" // *Cause: The number of digits used for this format item is not equal // to the number necessary for this format when specifying // Format eXact ("FX") for this item. // *Action: Fill out this format item with leading zeros to the number // necessary for this format. (This is generally the number of // characters in the format code--DD needs 2 digits, for // example. The exceptions are HH24 & HH12, which // both need 2, and J, which needs 9.) 01864, 00000, "the date is out of range for the current calendar" // *Cause: Your calendar doesn't extend to the specified date. // *Action: Specify a date which is legal for this calendar. 01865, 00000, "not a valid era" // *Cause: Era input does not match a known era. // *Action: Provide a valid era on input. 01866, 00000, "the datetime class was invalid" // *Document: NO // *Cause: This is an internal error. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 01867, 00000, "the interval was invalid" // *Cause: The character string you specified is not a valid interval. // *Action: Please specify a valid interval. 01868, 00000, "the leading precision of the interval was too small" // *Cause: The leading precision of the interval is too small to store the // specified interval. // *Action: Increase the leading precision of the interval or specify an // interval with a smaller leading precision. 01869, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: // *Action: 01870, 00000, "the intervals or datetimes were not mutually comparable" // *Cause: The intervals or datetimes are not mutually comparable. // *Action: Specify a pair of intervals or datetimes that are mutually // comparable. 01871, 00000, "the number of seconds must be less than 60" // *Cause: The number of seconds specified was greater than 59. // *Action: Specify a value for seconds that is 59 or smaller. 01872, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: // *Action: 01873, 00000, "the leading precision of the interval was too small" // *Cause: The leading precision of the interval is too small to store the // specified interval. // *Action: Increase the leading precision of the interval or specify an // interval with a smaller leading precision. 01874, 00000, "time zone hour must be between -12 and 14" // *Cause: The time zone hour specified was not in the valid range. // *Action: Specify a time zone hour between -12 and 14. 01875, 00000, "time zone minute must be between -59 and 59" // *Cause: The time zone minute specified was not in the valid range. // *Action: Specify a time zone minute between -59 and 59. 01876, 00000, "year must be at least -4713" // *Cause: The specified year was not in range. // *Action: Specify a year that is greater than or equal to -4713. 01877, 00000, "string is too long for internal buffer" // *Document: NO // *Cause: This is an internal error. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 01878, 00000, "specified field not found in datetime or interval" // *Cause: The specified field was not found in the datetime or interval. // *Action: Make sure that the specified field is in the datetime or interval. 01879, 00000, "the hh25 field must be between 0 and 24" // *Cause: The specified hh25 field was not in the valid range. // *Action: Specify an hh25 field between 0 and 24. 01880, 00000, "the fractional seconds must be between 0 and 999999999" // *Cause: The specified fractional seconds were not in the valid range. // *Action: Specify a value for fractional seconds between 0 and 999999999. 01881, 00000, "time zone region ID is invalid" // *Cause: The region ID referenced an invalid region. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 01882, 00000, "time zone region not found" // *Cause: The specified region name was not found. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 01883, 00000, "overlap was disabled during a region transition" // *Cause: The region was changing state and the overlap flag // was disabled. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 01884, 00000, "divisor is equal to zero" // *Cause: An attempt was made to divide by zero. // *Action: Avoid zero divisor. 01890, 00000, "NLS error detected" // *Cause: An NLS error was detected. // *Action: Look for additional error messages and take appropriate action. // If there are no additional errors, call Oracle Support Services. 01891, 00000, "Datetime/Interval internal error" // *Document: NO // *Cause: Internal error. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 01898, 00000, "too many precision specifiers" // *Cause: While trying to truncate or round dates, extra data was found in the // date format picture // *Action: Check the syntax of the date format picture and retry. 01899, 00000, "bad precision specifier" // *Cause: // *Action: / 02083, 00000, "database name has illegal character '%s'" // *Cause: Supplied database name can contain only A-Z, 0-9, '_', '#', '$' // '.' and '@' characters. // *Action: 02084, 00000, "database name is missing a component" // *Cause: Supplied database name cannot contain a leading '.', // trailing '.' or '@', or two '.' or '@' in a row. // *Action: / / / Error numbers 4020 to 4029 are reserved for KGL* (library cache manager). / 04020, 00000, "deadlock detected while trying to lock object %s%s%s%s%s" // *Cause: While trying to lock a library object, a deadlock is detected. // *Action: Retry the operation later. 04021, 00000, "timeout occurred while waiting to lock object %s%s%s%s%s" // *Cause: While waiting to lock a library object, a timeout is occurred. // *Action: Retry the operation later. 04022, 00000, "nowait requested, but had to wait to lock dictionary object" // *Cause: Had to wait to lock a library object during a nowait request. // *Action: Retry the operation later. 04028, 00000, "cannot generate diana for object %s%s%s%s%s" // *Cause: Cannot generate diana for an object because of lock conflict. // *Action: Please report this error to your support representative. 04029, 00000, "error ORA-%s occurred when querying %s%s%s" // *Cause: The table or view being queried might be missing. The error // number indicates the error. // *Action: Fix the error. / / / Error numbers from 4030 to 4039 are reserved for KGH* (heap manager). / 04030, 00000, "out of process memory when trying to allocate %s bytes (%s,%s)" // *Cause: Operating system process private memory has been exhausted // *Action: 04031, 00000, "unable to allocate %s bytes of shared memory (\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\")" // *Cause: More shared memory is needed than was allocated in the shared // pool. // *Action: Either use the dbms_shared_pool package to pin large packages, // reduce your use of shared memory, or increase the amount of // available shared memory by increasing the value of the // init.ora parameter "shared_pool_size". / / / More error numbers that are used by existing KG components. / 04054, 00000, "database link %s does not exist" // *Cause: During compilation of a PL/SQL block, an attempt was made to use // a non-existent database link. // *Action: Either use a different database link or create the database link. / / / Error numbers 4060 to 4069 are reserved for KGI* (instantiation manager). / 04060, 00000, "insufficient privileges to execute %s" // *Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure without // sufficient privileges. // *Action: Get necessary privileges. 04061, 00000, "existing state of %s has been invalidated" // *Cause: Attempt to resume the execution of a stored procedure using the // existing state which has become invalid or inconsistent // with the stored procedure because the procedure has been altered // or dropped. // *Action: Try again; this error should have caused the existing state of // all packages to be re-initialized. 04062, 00000, "timestamp of %s has been changed" // *Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure to serve // an RPC stub which specifies a timestamp that is different from the // current timestamp of the procedure. // *Action: Recompile the caller in order to pick up the new timestamp. 04063, 00000, "%s has errors" // *Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure or use a view that has // errors. For stored procedures, the problem could be syntax errors // or references to other, non-existent procedures. For views, // the problem could be a reference in the view's defining query to // a non-existent table. // *Action: Fix the errors and/or create referenced objects as necessary. 04064, 00000, "not executed, invalidated %s" // *Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure that has // been invalidated. // *Action: Recompile it. 04065, 00000, "not executed, altered or dropped %s" // *Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure that has // been altered or dropped thus making it not callable from the // calling procedure. // *Action: Recompile its dependents. 04066, 00000, "non-executable object, %s" // *Cause: Attempt to execute a non-procedure. // *Action: Make sure that a correct name is given. 04067, 00000, "not executed, %s does not exist" // *Cause: Attempt to execute a non-existent stored procedure. // *Action: Make sure that a correct name is given. 04068, 00000, "existing state of packages%s%s%s has been discarded" // *Cause: One of errors 4060 - 4067 when attempt to execute a stored // procedure. // *Action: Try again after proper re-initialization of any application's // state. / / / Error numbers from 10000 to 10999 are reserved for debugging event numbers. / 10020, 00000, "partial link restored to linked list (KSG)" // *Cause: // *Action: / 10049, 00000, "protect library cache memory heaps" // *Cause: // *Action: Use the OS memory protection (if available) to protect library // cache memory heaps that are pinned. / 10065, 00000, "limit library cache dump information for state object dump" // *Cause: // *Action: level 1 - minimal (only the address of state objects) // level 2 - little more (no object details) // level 3 - normal / 10235, 00000, "check memory manager internal structures" // *Cause: // *Action: / 10238, 00000, "instantiation manager" // *Cause: // *Action: / / /============================================================================ / 19200 - 19219 Reserved for XMLGEN and XMLAGG error messages / / Begin messages for DBMS_XML errors /============================================================================ / 19200, 00000, "Invalid column specification" // *Cause: All input arguments must be valid columns // *Action: Specify a valid list of columns 19201, 00000, "Datatype not supported" // *Cause: The particular datatype is not supported in the XMLGEN operator // *Action: Specify only supported datatypes as arguments to the XMLGEN operator 19202, 00000, "Error occurred in XML processing%s" // *Cause: An error occurred when processing the XML function // *Action: Check the given error message and fix the appropriate problem 19203, 00000, "Error occurred in DBMS_XMLGEN processing%s" // *Cause: An error occurred when processing the DBMS_XMLGEN functions // *Action: Check the given error message and fix the appropriate problem 19204, 00000, "Non-scalar value '%s' is marked as XML attribute" // *Cause: Only scalar values (i.e. values which are not of object or collection type) can be marked as XML attribute,i.e. is prefixed by '@'. In this case, a non-scalar value was prefixed with '@' // *Action: Remove the '@' sign, or make the value a scalar. 19205, 00000, "Attribute '%s' qualifies a non-scalar value in the select list" // *Cause: The attribute immediately follows a value of object or collection type in the select list or type definition. // *Action: Remove the '@' sign, or make the previous value a scalar. 19206, 00000, "Invalid value for query or REF CURSOR parameter" // *Cause: The queryString argument passed to DBMS_XMLGEN.newContext was not a valid query, or REF CURSOR. // *Action: Rewrite the query so that the queryString argument is a valid query or REF CURSOR. 19207, 00000, "scalar parameter %s of XMLELEMENT cannot have an alias." // *Cause: The scalar parameter to XMLELEMENT has been qualified with an alias. // *Action: Remove the AS clause of the scalar element. 19208, 00000, "parameter %s of function %s must be aliased" // *Cause: The indicated parameter of the XML generation function has not been aliased, although it is an expression. // *Action: Specify an alias for the expression using the AS clause. 19209, 00000, "invalid or unsupported formatting argument" // *Cause: An invalid or unsupported formatting argument was supplied // *Action: Change the formatting argument to legal supported values 19210, 00000, "column '%s', specified to be a key or update column for DBMS_XMLSTORE, does not not exist in table '%s'" // *Cause: The column specified using setKeyColumn()/setUpdateColumn() did not exist in the table. // *Action: Change the column specified to be a column in the table 19211, 00000, "column '%s', specified as key using DBMS_XMLSTORE.setKeyColumn() , must be of scalar type" // *Cause: The column specified using setKeyColumn() was a non-scalar type column. // *Action: Change the column specified to be a scalar column in the table 19212, 00000, "no key columns specified before call to DBMS_XMLSTORE.updateXML()" // *Cause: No columns were specified as key columns before the call to DBMS_XMLSTORE.updateXML. // *Action: Use DBMS_XMLSTORE.setKeyColumn() to specify key columns / / Error numbers from 21300 to 21499 are reserved. / / Error numbers from 21300 to 21305 are reserved for KOK (common). / 21300, 00000, "objects option not installed" // *Cause: The objects option is not installed at this site. Object types // and other object features are, therefore, unavailable. // *Action: Install the objects option. The objects option is not // part of the Oracle Server product and must be purchased // separately. Contact an Oracle sales representative if the // objects option needs to be purchased. 21301, 00000, "not initialized in object mode" // *Cause: This function requires the oci process to be initialized in object // mode. // *Action: Specify OCI_OBJECT mode when calling OCIInitialize(). / / / Error number 21500 is the OCI's or Cartridge Service internal error. / Error number 21501 is the OCI's or Cartridge Services' memory allocation error. / Error number 21503 is the OCI's or Cartridge Service fatal error. / 21500, 00000, "internal error code, arguments: [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s]" // *Cause: This is the generic error number for the OCI // environment (client-side) internal errors. This indicates // that the OCI environment has encountered an exceptional // condition. // *Action: Report as a bug - the first argument is the internal error number. / 21501, 00000, "program could not allocate memory" // *Cause: The operating system has run out of memory. // *Action: Take action to make more memory available to the program. / 21503, 00000, "program terminated by fatal error" // *Cause: A program is in an unrecoverable error state. // *Action: Report as a bug. / / / Error numbers from 21505 to 21519 are reserved for ORIG/KOG (general). / / / Error numbers from 21520 to 21559 are reserved for KOD/KOFD/KOUD (data). / 21520, 00000, "database server driver not installed" // *Cause: User attempted to access a database server through an object-mode // OCI environment but the necessary driver for supporting such // access to the database server is not installed or linked // in. // *Action: Check if the driver corresponding to the database server // has been installed/linked in and entered in the server driver // table. 21521, 00000, "exceeded maximum number of connections in OCI (object mode only)" // *Cause: User exceeded the maximum number of connections (255) that can // be supported by an OCI environment in object mode. // *Action: Close some of existing and unused connections before // opening more connections. 21522, 00000, "attempted to use an invalid connection in OCI (object mode only)" // *Cause: User attempted to use an invalid connection or a connection that // has been terminated in an OCI environment (object mode), // or user attempted to dereference a REF obtained from a connection // which has been terminated. // *Action: Ensure that the connection exists and is still valid. 21523, 00000, "functionality not supported by the server (object mode only)" // *Cause: User attempted to use a functionality that the server does not // support. // *Action: Upgrade the server 21524, 00000, "object type mismatch" // *Cause: The object type of the object is different from what is specified. // *Action: Check the type of the object and correct it. 21525, 00000, "attribute number (or collection element at index) %s violated its constraints" // *Cause: Attribute value or collection element value violated its // constraint. // *Action: Change the value of the attribute or collection element such that // it meets its constraints. The constraints are specified as part // of the attribute or collection element's schema information. 21526, 00000, "initialization failed" // *Cause: The initialization sequence failed. This can happen, for example, // if an environment variable such as NLS_DATE_FORMAT is set to // an invalid value. // *Action: Check that all NLS environment variables are well-formed. 21527, 00000, "internal OMS driver error" // *Cause: A process has encountered an exceptional condition. This is the // generic internal error number for Oracle object management // services exceptions. // *Action: Report this as a bug to Oracle Support Services. / / / Error numbers from 21560 to 21599 are reserved for / common ORI/ORT/ORL/ORC/KO and Cartridge Service errors. / 21560, 00000, "argument %s is null, invalid, or out of range" // *Cause: The argument is expecting a non-null, valid value but the // argument value passed in is null, invalid, or out of range. // Examples include when the LOB/FILE positional or size // argument has a value outside the range 1 through (4GB - 1), // or when an invalid open mode is used to open a file, etc. // *Action: Check your program and correct the caller of the routine // to not pass a null, invalid or out-of-range argument value. / 21562, 00000, "column %s has unsupported data type %s" // *Cause: A data type was specified which is currently unsupported. // *Action: Choose another data type which is supported. / 21563, 00000, "Error %s while calling %s for column %s with datatype %s" // *Cause: OCI Error encountered while performing data type conversion. // *Action: Check the OCI Error code / 21570, 00000, "current %s LCR has unreceived chunk data" // *Cause: The client did not receive all the chunk data for the current // LCR. // *Action: If OCIXStreamOutLCRCallbackReceive is used in your program then // modify your callback functions to return OCI_CONTINUE while // OCI_XSTREAM_MORE_ROW_DATA flag is set; otherwise, modify your // program to call OCIXStreamOutChunkReceive until all the chunks are // received (that is, the flag returned by OCIXStreamOutChunkReceive // API does not have OCI_XSTREAM_MORE_ROW_DATA bit set). / 21571, 00000, "must provide a LOB WRITE, LOB TRIM or LOB ERASE LCR in %s call (input LCR=%s)" // *Cause: An attempt was made to invoke the specified function without // providing a piece-wise LOB LCR (for example, LOB WRITE, // LOB TRIM or LOB ERASE LCR). // *Action: Correct the 'row_lcrp' argument in the call. / 21572, 00000, "Invalid LCR type (%s) in %s call" // *Cause: An attempt was made to invoke the specified function with // an incorrect logical change record (LCR) type. // *Action: Provide an LCR of the correct type. / 21573, 00000, "Invalid command type (%s) when sending a chunk." // *Cause: An attempt was made to send a chunk when the command type for // the current LCR was not INSERT, UPDATE, or LOB WRITE. // *Action: Check your program and provide an LCR with a valid command type to // OCIXStreamInChunkSend call or to OCICallbackXStreamInChunkCreate // callback. / 21574, 00000, "Invalid data type (%s) specified for LOB chunk." // *Cause: Invalid data type specified for LOB chunk in // OCIXStreamInChunkSend call. // *Action: Check your program and provide either SQLT_CHR or SQLT_BIN for // 'coldty' argument to OCIXStreamInChunkSend call. / 21577, 00000, "Input %s LCR has no LOB column." // *Cause: An attempt was made to invoke OCILCRLobInfoGet call // with an LCR that had no LOB column. // *Action: Replace the input LCR to OCILCRLobInfoGet call. / 21578, 00000, "Only one LOB column allowed per %s LCR." // *Cause: An attempt was made to set multiple LOB columns on a // piece-wise LOB LCR. // *Action: Check your program and make sure OCIXStreamInChunkSend is called // for only one column per piece-wise LOB LCR. / 21579, 00000, "Input LCR must have at least one old or new column." // *Cause: An attempt was made to call OCIXStreamInChunkSend with an // LCR that had empty column lists. // *Action: Use OCILCRRowColumnInfoSet to add one or more columns to the // input LCR before calling OCIXStreamInChunkSend. / 21580, 00000, "The LOB operation length (value=%s) for column (%s) must be an even number of bytes." // *Cause: An attempt was made to call OCIXStreamInChunkSend with an // odd number of bytes for a column flagged as AL16UTF16 or NCLOB. // *Action: Correct either the LOB column length or 'column_flag' argument to // OCIXStreamInChunkSend call. / 21583, 00000, "invalid XStream server name '%s'" // *Cause: An attempt was made to attach to an XStream server with a // nonexistent server name. // *Action: Correct the server name in the attach call. / / Error numbers from 21600 to 21699 are reserved for ORI*/KOI* (interface) / and Memory/Duration Cartridge Service / 21600, 00000, "path expression too long" // *Cause: The path expression that is supplied by the user is too long. The // path expression is used to specify the position of an attribute in // an object. This error occurs when one of the intermediate elements // in the path expression refers to an attribute of a built-in type. // Thus, the OCI function cannot proceed on to process the rest of the // elements in the path expression. // *Action: User should pass in the correct path expression to locate the // attribute. 21601, 00000, "attribute is not an object" // *Cause: The user attempts to perform an operation (that is valid only for // an object) to an attribute of a built-in type. // An example of such an illegal operation is to dynamically set // a null structure to an attribute of a built-in type. // *Action: User should avoid performing such operation to an attribute of // built-in type. 21602, 00000, "operation does not support the specified typecode" // *Cause: The user attempts to perform an operation that does not support // the specified typecode. // *Action: User should use the range of valid typecodes that are supported // by this operation. 21603, 00000, "property id [%s] is invalid" // *Cause: The specified property id is invalid. // *Action: User should specify a valid property id. Valid property ids are // enumerated by OCIObjectPropId. 21604, 00000, "property [%s] is not a property of transient or value instances" // *Cause: Trying to get a property which applies only to persistent objects. // *Action: User should check the lifetime and only get this property for // persistent objects. 21605, 00000, "property [%s] is not a property of value instances" // *Cause: Trying to get a property which applies only to persistent // and transient objects. // *Action: User should check the lifetime and only get this property for // persistent and transient objects. 21606, 00000, "can not free this object" // *Cause: Trying to free an object that is persistent and dirty and the // OCI_OBJECTFREE_FORCE flag is not specified. // *Action: Either flush the persistent object or set the flag to // OCI_OBJECTFREE_FORCE / 21607, 00000, "memory cartridge service handle not initialized" // *Cause: Attempt to use the handle without initializing it. // *Action: Initialize the memory cartridge service handle. 21608, 00000, "duration is invalid for this function" // *Cause: Attempt to use a duration not valid for this function. // *Action: Use a valid duration - a previously created user duration or // OCI_DURATION_STATEMENT or OCI_DURATION_SESSION. For callout // duration or external procedure duration, use // OCIExtProcAllocCallMemory. 21609, 00000, "memory being resized without being allocated first" // *Cause: Attempt to resize memory without allocating it first. // *Action: Allocate the memory first before resizing it. 21610, 00000, "size [%s] is invalid" // *Cause: Attempt to resize memory with invalid size. // *Action: Pass in a valid size (must be a positive integer). 21611, 00000, "key length [%s] is invalid" // *Cause: Attempt to use an invalid key length. // *Action: Key length is invalid and valid range is 0 to 64 21612, 00000, "key is already being used" // *Cause: Attempt to use a key that is already used. // *Action: Use a new key that is not yet being used. 21613, 00000, "key does not exist" // *Cause: Attempt to use a non-existent key // *Action: Use a key that already exists. / / Error numbers from 21700 to 21799 are reserved for KOC (cache). / 21700, 00000, "object does not exist or is marked for delete" // *Cause: User attempted to perform an inappropriate operation to // an object that is non-existent or marked for delete. // Operations such as pinning, deleting and updating cannot be // applied to an object that is non-existent or marked for delete. // *Action: User needs to re-initialize the reference to reference an // existent object or the user needs to unmark the object. 21701, 00000, "attempt to flush objects to different servers" // *Cause: User attempted to flush objects to different servers in one // function call. These objects are obtained by calling a callback // functions provided by the program. // *Action: User should avoid performing such operation. 21702, 00000, "object is not instantiated or has been de-instantiated in cache" // *Cause: User attempted to perform an inappropriate operation to a transient // object that is not instantiated in the object cache. // Operations that cannot be applied to a not-instantiated transient // object include deleting or pinning such an object. // *Action: User should check their code to see if they are performing // such an operation without instantiating the object first, or // performing such an operation after the allocation duration of // the object has expired. 21703, 00000, "cannot flush an object that is not modified" // *Cause: See the error message. // *Action: The object should not be flushed. 21704, 00000, "cannot terminate cache or connection without flushing first" // *Cause: See the error message. // *Action: The transaction should be aborted or committed before terminating // the cache or connection. 21705, 00000, "service context is invalid" // *Cause: The service context that is supplied by the user is not valid. // *Action: User needs to establish the service context. 21706, 00000, "duration does not exist or is invalid" // *Cause: The duration number that is supplied by the user is not valid. // *Action: User needs to establish the duration or use a correct predefined // duration. 21707, 00000, "pin duration is longer than allocation duration" // *Cause: The pin duration supplied by the user is longer than the allocation // duration. This affects operations such as pinning and setting // default parameters. // *Action: User should use a shorter pin duration or use the null duration. 21708, 00000, "inappropriate operation on a transient object" // *Cause: User attempted to perform an inappropriate operation on a // transient object. Operations that cannot be applied to a // transient object include flushing and locking. // *Action: User should avoid performing such operation on a transient object. 21709, 00000, "cannot refresh an object that has been modified" // *Cause: User attempted to refresh an object that has been marked for // delete, update or insert (new). // *Action: User should unmark the object before refreshing it. 21710, 00000, "argument is expecting a valid memory address of an object" // *Cause: The object memory address that is supplied by the user is invalid. // The user may have passed in a bad memory address to a function that // is expecting a valid memory address of an object. // *Action: User should pass in a valid memory address of an object // to the function. / / 21779, 00000, "duration not active" // *Cause: User is trying to use a duration that has been terminated. // *Action: User should avoid performing such operation. / / / Error numbers from 21800 to 21999 are reserved. / / / Error numbers from 22000 to 22299 are reserved for ORL/KOL (language) / including OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIColl, OCITable, and OCIArray. / 22053, 00000, "overflow error" // *Cause: This operation's result is above the range of Oracle number. // *Action: Decrease the input value(s) so that the result is in the range // of Oracle number. / 22054, 00000, "underflow error" // *Cause: This operation's result is below the range of Oracle number. // *Action: Increase the input value(s) so that the result is in the range // of Oracle number. / 22055, 00000, "unknown sign flag value [%s]" // *Cause: Signed flag used is not OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED or OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED. // *Action: Use either OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED or OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED as sign flag. / 22056, 00000, "value [%s] is divided by zero" // *Cause: Given value is divied by zero. // *Action: Modify divisor value to be non-zero. / 22057, 00000, "bad integer length [%s]" // *Cause: The length of the integer (ie number of bytes) to be converted // to or from an Oracle number is invalid. // *Action: Use integer length 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes only. / 22059, 00000, "buffer size [%s] is too small - [%s] is needed" // *Cause: The buffer to hold the resulting text string is too small. // *Action: Provide a buffer of the required size. / 22060, 00000, "argument [%s] is an invalid or uninitialized number" // *Cause: An invalid or uninitialized number is passed in. // *Action: Use a valid number. To initialize number call OCINumberSetZero(). / 22061, 00000, "invalid format text [%s]" // *Cause: The numeric format string for converting characters to or // from an Oracle number is invalid. // *Action: Use valid format string as documented in OCI Programmer's Guide. / 22062, 00000, "invalid input string [%s]" // *Cause: The text string for converting to numbers is invalid. // *Action: Use a valid input string as documented in OCI Programmer's Guide. / 22063, 00000, "reading negative value [%s] as unsigned" // *Cause: Attempt to convert a negative number to an unsigned integer. // *Action: Use the sign flag ORLTSB to convert a signed number. / 22064, 00000, "invalid NLS parameter string [%s]" // *Cause: The NLS parameter string for converting characters to or // from an Oracle number is invalid. // *Action: Use valid format string as documented in OCI Programmer's Guide. / 22065, 00000, "number to text translation for the given format causes overflow" // *Cause: Rounding done due to the given string format causes overflow. // *Action: Change the format such that overflow does not occur. / 22130, 00000, "buffer size [%s] is less than the required size [%s]" // *Cause: The size of the buffer into which the hexadecimal REF string // is to be written is too small. // *Action: Provide a buffer of the required size. / 22131, 00000, "hexadecimal string length is zero" // *Cause: The given hexadecimal string length must be greater than zero. // *Action: Specify a length greater than zero. / 22132, 00000, "hexadecimal string does not correspond to a valid REF" // *Cause: The given hexadecimal string is invalid. // *Action: Provide a valid hexadecimal string which was previously returned // by a call to OCIRefToHex(). / 22140, 00000, "given size [%s] must be in the range of 0 to [%s]" // *Cause: The given resize size is invalid. // *Action: Ensure that the given size is in the required range. / 22141, 00000, "given size [%s] must be even in UTF-16 environment" // *Cause: The given resize size is odd. In a UTF-16 environment, all // characters are 2 bytes in length. // *Action: Ensure that the given size is even. / 22150, 00000, "variable-length array has not been initialized" // *Cause: An un-initialized variable-length array is being operated upon. // *Action: Initialize the variable-length array prior to calling // this function. / 22151, 00000, "cannot resize non-zero variable-length array to zero elements" // *Cause: Trying to resize a non-zero variable-length array to 0 elements. // *Action: Specify a non-zero size. / 22152, 00000, "destination variable-length array is not initialized" // *Cause: The variable-length array on the right-hand-side of an // assignment or the destination array of an append // is not initialized. // *Action: Initialize the destination variable-length array prior to calling // this function. / 22153, 00000, "source variable-length array is not initialized" // *Cause: The variable-length array on the left-hand-side of an // assignment or the source array of an append // is not initialized. // *Action: Initialize the destination variable-length array prior to calling // this function. / 22160, 00000, "element at index [%s] does not exist" // *Cause: Collection element at the given index does not exist. // *Action: Specify the index of an element which exists. / 22161, 00000, "type code [%s] is not valid" // *Cause: Given type code is not valid. // *Action: Use one of the typecodes enumerated in OCITypeCode. / 22162, 00000, "element at index [%s] has been previously deleted" // *Cause: Trying to delete a non-existent collection element. // *Action: Check for the existence of the element prior to calling this // function. / 22163, 00000, "left hand and right hand side collections are not of same type" // *Cause: Left hand and right side collections are not of same type. // *Action: Ensure that the same collection type is passed for both left // hand and right hand side of this function. / 22164, 00000, "delete element operation is not allowed for variable-length array" // *Cause: Trying to delete an element of a variable-length array. // *Action: Ensure that the collection is not a variable-length array prior // to calling this function. / 22165, 00000, "given index [%s] must be in the range of [%s] to [%s]" // *Cause: Given index is not in the required range. // *Action: Ensure that the given index is in the required range. / 22166, 00000, "collection is empty" // *Cause: Given collection is empty. // *Action: Test if collection is empty prior to invoking this function. / 22167, 00000, "given trim size [%s] must be less than or equal to [%s]" // *Cause: Given trim size is greater than the current collection size. // *Action: Ensure that the given size is less than or equal to the // collection size prior to calling this function. / / 22275 to 22279 reserved for KOLL - LOBs / 22275, 00000, "invalid LOB locator specified" // *Cause: There are several causes: (1) the LOB locator was never // initialized; (2) the locator is for a BFILE and the routine // expects a BLOB/CLOB/NCLOB locator; (3) the locator is for a // BLOB/CLOB/NCLOB and the routine expects a BFILE locator; // (4) trying to update the LOB in a trigger body -- LOBs in // trigger bodies are read only. // *Action: For (1), initialize the LOB locator by selecting into the locator // variable or by setting the LOB locator to empty. For (2) and (3), // pass the correct type of locator into the routine. For (4), // remove the trigger body code that updates the LOB value. / 22276, 00000, "invalid locator for LOB buffering" // *Cause: There are several causes: (1) the locator was never enabled for // buffering (2) it is not an updated locator but is being used for // a write/flush operation // *Action: For (1) enable the locator for buffering; (2) ensure that only // an updated locator is used for a LOB update operation / 22277, 00000, "cannot use two different locators to modify the same LOB" // *Cause: LOB buffering is enabled and an attempt was made to modify the // LOB using two different LOB locators. // *Action: When using LOB buffering, modify the LOB through one LOB // locator only. / 22278, 00000, "must update the LOB only through the LOB buffers" // *Cause: LOB buffering is enabled for this LOB and there are buffers // for this LOB in the buffer pool. Thus, updating the LOB // through means other than the LOB buffers is not allowed. // *Action: Update the LOB through the LOB buffers using the locator that // has LOB buffering enabled. If this operation is required, // buffers associated with this LOB should either be flushed as // necessary or buffering should be disabled. Once this is done, // reissue the command. / 22279, 00000, "cannot perform operation with LOB buffering enabled" // *Cause: The operation attempted is not allowed when LOB buffering is // enabled. // *Action: If the operation is required, LOB buffering should not be used. // In this case, flush buffers associated with the input LOB locator // as necessary, disable buffering on the input LOB locator and // reissue the command. / / 22280 to 22299 reserved for LOBs - LBS(KOLB), DBMS_LOB(KKXL) and BFILE(KOLF) / 22280, 00000, "no more buffers available for operation" // *Cause: There are two causes: (1) All buffers in the buffer pool have been // used up by previous operations (2) Attempt to flush a LOB without // any previous buffered update operations. // *Action: For (1), flush the LOB(s) through the locator that is // being used to update the LOB. For (2), write to the LOB through a // locator enabled for buffering before attempting to flush buffers. / 22281, 00000, "cannot perform operation with an updated locator" // *Cause: The input locator has buffering enabled and was used to update // the LOB value through the LOB buffering subsystem. The // modified buffer has not been flushed since the write that was // performed by the the input locator; thus, the input locator is // considered an updated locator. Updated locators cannot be the // source of a copy operation. Only one locator per LOB may be used // to modify the LOB value through the LOB buffering subsystem. // *Action: Depending on whether the modifications made through the input // locator to the LOB buffering subsystem should be written to // the server, either flush the buffer to write the modifications, // or, disable buffering on the locator to discard the // modifications. Then, reissue the command. / 22282, 00000, "non-contiguous append to a buffering enabled LOB not allowed" // *Cause: The buffered write operation has an input offset value more // than one byte or character past the end of the LOB. // *Action: Specify an input offset value which is exactly one character or // byte greater than the length of the LOB that you are attempting // to update through a buffered write operation. / 22285, 00000, "non-existent directory or file for %s operation" // *Cause: Attempted to access a directory that does not exist, or attempted // to access a file in a directory that does not exist. // *Action: Ensure that a system object corresponding to the specified // directory exists in the database dictionary, or // make sure the name is correct. / 22286, 00000, "insufficient privileges on directory or file to perform %s operation" // *Cause: The user does not have the necessary access privileges on the // directory alias and/or the file for the operation. // *Action: Ask the database/system administrator to grant the required // privileges on the directory alias and/or the file. / 22287, 00000, "invalid or modified directory occurred during %s operation" // *Cause: The directory alias used for the current operation is not valid // if being accessed for the first time, or has been modified by // the DBA since the last access. // *Action: If you are accessing this directory for the first time, provide // a valid directory name. If you have been already successful in // opening a file under this directory before this error occured, // then close the file and retry the operation with a valid // directory alias as modified by your DBA. Oracle recommends that // directories should be modified only during quiescent periods. / 22288, 00000, "file operation %s failed\n%s" // *Cause: The operation attempted on the file failed. // *Action: See the next error message for more detailed information. Also, // verify that the file exists and that the necessary privileges // are set for the specified operation. If the error // still persists, report the error to the DBA. / 22289, 00000, "cannot perform %s operation on an unopened file" // *Cause: The file is not open for the required operation to be performed. // *Action: Check that the current operation is preceded by a successful // file open operation. / 22290, 00000, "operation would exceed the maximum number of opened files" // *Cause: The number of open files has reached the maximum limit. // *Action: Close some of the opened files and retry the operation. / / / Error numbers from 22300 to 22599 are reserved for ORT/KOT (type). / 22303, 00000, "type \"%s\".\"%s\" not found" // *Cause: The user is trying to obtain information for a type that // cannot be found. // *Action: Check that the schema is correct and that the type has been // created correctly. / 22305, 00000, "attribute/method/parameter \"%s\" not found" // *Cause: Type element with the given name is not found in the type. // *Action: Check to make sure that the type element exists. / 22306, 00000, "type \"%s\".\"%s\" already exists" // *Cause: The user is trying to create a type that already // exists. // *Action: Check to make sure that the type has not been created prior to // this. / 22307, 00000, "type to alter is not a user-defined type" // *Cause: The user is trying to alter a built-in type. // *Action: Check to make sure that only user-defined types // are being altered. / 22309, 00000, "attribute with name \"%s\" already exists" // *Cause: The user is attempting to create an object type where // more than one attributes have the same name. // *Action: Check to make sure that all attribute names are unique. / 22311, 00000, "type for attribute \"%s\" does not exist" // *Cause: The type of the attribute does not exist. // *Action: No types were created/modified for this DDL transaction. Redo // the DDL transaction and add the creation of the attribute's type // in the DDL transaction. / 22313, 00000, "cannot use two versions of the same type \"%s\"" // *Cause: The version of this type conflicts with the version of this // type used by another library that was linked in with the // application. An application may only use one version of a type. // *Action: Check that the libraries being linked with this application and // use the same versions of the type. / 22314, 00000, "method information mismatch in ALTER TYPE" // *Cause: The number of methods or the method signature do not match that // of the original type declaration. This is not supported. // *Action: Make sure the method signature stay identical for the previously // declared method. Do not drop existing methods. / 22315, 00000, "type \"%s\" does not contain a map or order function" // *Cause: The input type does not contain a map or order function so one // cannot be returned. // *Action: Add a map or order function to the type or catch this error. / 22316, 00000, "input type is not a collection type" // *Cause: The user is trying to obtain information for collection types // on a non-named collection type. // *Action: Use a named collection type for the function. / 22317, 00000, "typecode %d is not legal as a number type" // *Cause: The user is trying to use a number typecode that is not valid. // *Action: Use only OCI_TYPECODE_SMALLINT, OCI_TYPECODE_INTEGER, // OCI_TYPECODE_REAL, OCI_TYPECODE_DOUBLE, OCI_TYPECODE_FLOAT, // OCI_TYPECODE_NUMBER, or OCI_TYPECODE_DECIMAL. / 22318, 00000, "input type is not an array type" // *Cause: The user is trying to obtain the number of elements for a // non-array type. // *Action: Pass in only a named collection type which is an array. / 22319, 00000, "type attribute information altered in ALTER TYPE" // *Cause: The type attribute information does not match that of the // original type declaration when altering type. Attributes // cannot be altered during ALTER TYPE. Only new methods can // be added. // *Action: Check that all type alterations are legal. / 22321, 00000, "method does not return any result" // *Cause: OCITypeResult() was called on a method that does not return any // results. // *Action: Check that you are passing in the correct method descriptor, // or that your method creation was done correctly. / 22337, 00000, "the type of accessed object has been evolved" // *Cause: The type of the accessed object has been altered and the client's // object is based on an earlier type definition. // *Action: The user needs to exit application and modify application to // accommodate the type change. // From SQL/PLUS, reconnect and resubmit statement. / / Error numbers from 22350 to 22370 are reserved for ORT/KOT (Opaque Types). / / Error numbers from 22369 to 22370 are used by SYS.DBMS_INDEXING. / 22369, 00000, "invalid parameter encountered in method %s" // *Cause: An invalid parameter is being passed to this method of SYS.RowType // or SYS.RowSet. // *Action: Check the parameters being passed to this method and make sure // that the parameters are allowed. / 22370, 00000, "incorrect usage of method %s" // *Cause: This method of SYS.RowType or SYS.RowSet is being used // inappropriately. // *Action: Check the documentation for correct usage. / / Error numbers from 22600 to 22699 are reserved for KOP* (pickler) and / Pickler Cartridge Service. / 22600, 00000, "encountered 8.0.2 (Beta) VARRAY data that cannot be processed" // *Cause: Production Oracle8 (8.0.3 and beyond) encounters some VARRAY data // which was created and stored by Oracle8 8.0.2 (Beta 2). // Production Oracle8 cannot understand or process such VARRAY data. // *Action: Delete the VARRAY data from the table by dropping the table, // deleting the rows, or nulling out the VARRAY columns, and then // re-insert the VARRAY data. There is no provided // script or tool to help automate this conversion. // / 22601, 00000, "pickler TDS context [%s] is not initialized" // *Cause: Attempt to use the pickler TDS context without initializing it. // *Action: Use OCIPicklerTdsCtxInit to initialize the context. 22602, 00000, "pickler TDS handle [%s] is not well-formed" // *Cause: Attempt to use the pickler TDS handle without initializing/ // constructing it. // *Action: Use OCIPicklerTdsInit to initialize the handle before it is // constructed. Use OCIPicklerTdsGenerate to generate the // TDS before its attributes can be accessed. 22603, 00000, "cannot add an attribute to the already generated TDS handle" // *Cause: Attempt to add an attribute to the already constructed TDS. // *Action: Use a TDS handle that is initialized but not yet constructed. 22604, 00000, "TDS handle already generated" // *Cause: Attempt to geneate TDS that is already genearated. // *Action: Use a TDS handle that is initialized but not yet generated. 22605, 00000, "FDO handle [%s] is not initialized" // *Cause: Attempt to use an uninitialized FDO handle. // *Action: Use OCIPicklerFdoInit to initialize FDO handle". 22606, 00000, "pickler image handle [%s] is not well-formed" // *Cause: Attempt to use the image handle without initializing/ // constructing it. // *Action: Use OCIPicklerImageInit to initialize the handle before it is // constructed. Use OCIPicklerImageGenerate to generate the // image before its attributes can be accessed. 22607, 00000, "image handle already generated" // *Cause: Attempt to geneate image that is already genearated. // *Action: Use a image handle that is initialized but not yet generated. 22608, 00000, "cannot add an attribute to the already generated image handle" // *Cause: Attempt to add an attribute to the already constructed image. // *Action: Use an image handle that is initialized but not yet constructed. 22609, 00000, "error %s during initialization of FDO" // *Cause: Error during FDO initialization. // *Action: Take an action based on the specified error. 22626, 00000, "Type Mismatch while constructing or accessing OCIAnyData" // *Cause: Type supplied is not matching the type of the AnyData. // If piece wise construction or access is being attempted, the // type supplied is not matching the type of the current attribute. // *Action: Make sure the type supplied matches the type of object to // to be constucted or accessed. / NLS_DO_NOT_TRANSLATE [22700,22700] 22700, 00000, "object access trace event number" // *Cause: N/A // *Action: If the trace event number is set to a level greater than 0 then // all the dangling REFs are dumped. // *Note: THIS IS NOT A USER ERROR NUMBER/MESSAGE. THIS DOES NOT NEED TO BE // TRANSLATED OR DOCUMENTED. / / Error numbers from 22700 to 22799 are reserved for debugging event numbers. / / Error numbers from 22970 - 22989 Reserved for object Views / 22975, 00000, "cannot create a PRIMARY KEY-based REF to this object view" // *Cause: The object view specified in the MAKE_REF function does not // have a PRIMARY KEY-based object identifier. A PRIMARY KEY-based // REF cannot be created for such a view. // *Action: Specify an object view that has a PRIMARY KEY-based object // identifier in the MAKE_REF function. 22976, 00000, "incorrect number of arguments to MAKE_REF" // *Cause: Number of arguments for MAKE_REF is different from the number // of PRIMARY KEY attributes of the object view. // *Action: Specify all the necessary arguments for MAKE_REF. / / Error numbers from 30100 to 30134 are reserved for OCIExtract Cartridge / Service. / 30100, 00000, "internal error [%d]" // *Cause: An internal error has occurred. // *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support and report the error. / 30101, 00000, "unknown parameter name '%.*s'" // *Cause: You have misspelled the parameter name. // *Action: Spell the parameter name correctly. / 30102, 00000, "'%.*s' is not in the legal range for '%.*s'" // *Cause: The value of the parameter is not within the legal range. // *Action: Refer to the manual for the allowable values for this parameter. / 30103, 00000, "'%.*s' contains an illegal integer radix for '%.*s'" // *Cause: An illegal integer radix specification was found. // *Action: Only 'd', 'h', 'D', and 'H' may be used as radix specifications. / 30104, 00000, "'%.*s' is not a legal integer for '%.*s'" // *Cause: The value is not a valid integer. // *Action: Specify only valid integers for this parameter. / 30105, 00000, "'%.*s' is not a legal boolean for '%.*s'" // *Cause: The value is not a valid boolean. // *Action: Refer to the manual for allowable boolean values. / 30106, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: None. // *Action: None. / 30107, 00000, "parameter name abbreviation '%.*s' is not unique" // *Cause: The abbreviation given was not unique. // *Action: Use a longer abbreviation to make the parameter name unique. / 30108, 00000, "invalid positional parameter value '%.*s'" // *Cause: An invalid positional parameter value has been entered. // *Action: Remove the invalid positional parameter. / 30109, 00000, "could not open parameter file '%.*s'" // *Cause: The parameter file does not exist. // *Action: Create an appropriate parameter file. / 30110, 00000, "syntax error at '%.*s'" // *Cause: A syntax error was detected. // *Action: Change the input so that the correct syntax is used. / 30111, 00000, "no closing quote for value '%.*s'" // *Cause: A quoted string was begun but not finished. // *Action: Put a closing quote in the proper location. / 30112, 00000, "multiple values not allowed for parameter '%.*s'" // *Cause: You attempted to specify multiple values for a parameter which can // take only one value. // *Action: Do not specify more than one value for this parameter. / 30113, 00000, "error when processing file '%.*s'" // *Cause: A problem occurred when processing this file. // *Action: Examine the additional error messages and correct the problem. / 30114, 00000, "error when processing from command line" // *Cause: A problem occurred when processing the command line. // *Action: Examine the additional error messages and correct the problem. / 30115, 00000, "error when processing an environment variable" // *Cause: A problem occurred when processing an environment variable. // *Action: Examine the additional error messages and correct the problem. / 30116, 00000, "syntax error at '%.*s' following '%.*s'" // *Cause: A syntax error was detected. // *Action: Change the input so that the correct syntax is used. / 30117, 00000, "syntax error at '%.*s' at the start of input" // *Cause: A syntax error was detected. // *Action: Change the input so that the correct syntax is used. / 30118, 00000, "syntax error at '%.*s' at the end of input" // *Cause: A syntax error was detected. // *Action: Change the input so that the correct syntax is used. / 30119, 00000, "unable to obtain a valid value for '%.*s'" // *Cause: No valid value was obtained for this parameter. // *Action: Rerun the application and enter a valid value. / 30120, 00000, "'%.*s' is not a legal oracle number for '%.*s'" // *Cause: The value is not a valid oracle number. // *Action: Refer to the manual for allowable oracle number values. / 30121, 00000, "'%.*s' is not an allowable value for '%.*s'" // *Cause: The value is not a legal value for this parameter. // *Action: Refer to the manual for allowable values. / 30122, 00000, "value '%.*s' for '%.*s' must be between '%d' and '%d'" // *Cause: The value of the parameter is not within the legal range. // *Action: Specify a value that is within the legal range. / / Error numbers from 30123 to 30128 are reserved for possible LRM message / expansion. / 30129, 00000, "invalid function argument received" // *Cause: A function received an invalid argument // *Action: Check function calls, make sure correct arguments are being passed. / 30130, 00000, "invalid parameter key type received" // *Cause: A function received an invalid parameter key type // *Action: Check parameter key types in function calls / 30131, 00000, "number of keys being set exceeds allocation" // *Cause: Number of parameter keys being set exceeds allocation // *Action: Reduce the number of keys being set or increase allocation / 30132, 00000, "invalid key index supplied" // *Cause: The key index specified was not within bounds // *Action: Change key index to ensure it lies within bounds / 30133, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: None. // *Action: None. / 30134, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: None. // *Action: None. / / Error numbers from 30135 to 30149 are reserved for OCIThread Cartridge / Service. / 30135, 00000, "OCI Thread operation fails" // *Cause: An OCI Thread function call has failed. // // *Action: Check the function call to make sure that the correct parameters // are being passed and take the apropriate action. // / / Error numbers from 30150 to 30174 are reserved for OCIFile Cartridge / Service. / / OCIFile 30150-30174. / Error messages for OCIFile package. / 30150, 00000, "Invalid argument passed to OCIFile function" // *Cause: An invalid argument is passed to the OCIFile function. The most // common cause is that a NULL pointer is passed where a non-NULL // pointer is expected. // *Action: Make sure that the values passed as arguments are valid. Esp // check for NULL pointers. / 30151, 00000, "File already exists" // *Cause: Tried to open a file with OCI_FILE_EXCL flag and the file // already exists. // // *Action: OCIFile is supposed throw this exception in this case. / 30152, 00000, "File does not exist" // *Cause: The OCIFile function requires the file to exist, but it does not. // // *Action: Make sure that the file exists. / / 30153, 00000, "An invalid File Object is passed to the OCIFile function" // *Cause: An invalid File Object is passed to the OCIFile function. // // *Action: Make sure that the file object is a valid one. Create a new // file object by calling OCIFileOpen if needed. / / 30154, 00000, "The memory address given as buffer for OCIFileRead/Write is invalid" // *Cause: An invalid memory address is given as the buffer pointer for // OCIFileRead/Write. // // *Action: Make sure that the required memory is allocated and pass a // valid memory address as buffer pointer. / / 30155, 00000, "An I/O Error occured during an OCIFile function call" // *Cause: An I/O error occurred at the system level. // // *Action: This is a system error and the action will depnd on the error. / / 30156, 00000, "Out of disk space" // *Cause: The disks associated with the underlying file system are full. // // *Action: Create more disk space. / / 30157, 00000, "An invalid argument was given to operating system call" // *Cause: The OS call was called with an invalid argument. // // *Action: Check the values passed. If unsuccessful to solve the problem // contact ORACLE support. / / 30158, 00000, "The OCIFileWrite causes the file to exceed the maximum allowed size" // *Cause: There is no space to write to the file. Its size is at the // maximum limit. // // *Action: Up to the user. / / 30159, 00000, "OCIFileOpen: Cannot create the file or cannot open in the requested mode" // *Cause: The create flag was specified in OCIFileOpen such that the file // was to be created. But unable to do so. Or the file already exists // and the permissions on it doesn't allow the file to be opened in // in the requested open mode // // *Action: Check whether the user has permissions to create the specified // file or if the file exists whether the permissions on it allow // the requested open mode. / / 30160, 00000, "Unable to access the file" // *Cause: The function was unable to access the existing the file. // // *Action: Check if the user has the required permissions on the file. / / / 30161, 00000, "A system error occurred during the OCIFile function call" // *Cause: A system error occured while executing the OCIFile function. // // *Action: Depend on the error. / / 30162, 00000, "The OCIFile context is not initialzed" // *Cause: The function OCIFileInit need to be called before calling any // other OCIFile function to initialize the OCIFile context. // // *Action: Call the function OCIFileInit need to be called before calling any // other OCIFile function. / 30163, 00000, "The thread safety initialization failed" // *Cause: The call to SlgInit failed in OCIFileInit. // // *Action: Contact support / / Error messages for the OCIFormat package: 30175-30199 / 30175, 00000, "invalid type given for an argument" // *Cause: There is an argument with an invalid type in the argument list. // *Action: Use the correct type wrapper for the argument. / 30176, 00000, "invalid format code used in the format string" // *Cause: There is an invalid format code in the format string. // *Action: Replace the invalid format code with a valid one. / 30177, 00000, "invalid flag used in a format specification" // *Cause: There is an invalid flag in a format specification. // *Action: Replace the invalid flag with a valid one. / 30178, 00000, "duplicate flag used in a format specification" // *Cause: There is a duplicate flag in a format specification. // *Action: Remove the duplicate flag. / 30179, 00000, "invalid argument index used in a format code" // *Cause: Zero or negative argument index or index not following (." // *Action: Replace the invalid argument index with a valid one. / 30180, 00000, "argument index is too large" // *Cause: An argument index exceeds actual number of arguments supplied. // *Action: Fix format string or pass additional arguments. / 30181, 00000, "integer in argument index is not immediately followed by )" // *Cause: Missing closing parenthesis in argument index. // *Action: Fix the format specification. / 30182, 00000, "invalid precision specifier" // *Cause: Period in format specification not followed by valid format. // *Action: Replace the invalid precision specifier with a valid one. / 30183, 00000, "invalid field width specifier" // *Cause: Invalid field width supplied. // *Action: Replace the invalid field width with a valid one. / 30184, 00000, "argument type not compatible with a format code" // *Cause: Bad argument type given for a format code. // *Action: Make format and arguments be compatible. / 30185, 00000, "output too large to fit in the buffer" // *Cause: The buffer is not large enough to hold the entire output string. // *Action: Fix the buffer size and length passed in. / 30186, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: None. // *Action: None. / 30187, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: None. // *Action: None. / 30188, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: None. // *Action: None. / 30189, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: None. // *Action: None. / 30190, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: None. // *Action: None. / 30191, 00000, "missing argument list" // *Cause: No argument list supplied. // *Action: Modify the argument list to have at least OCIFormatEnd in it. / 30192, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: None. // *Action: None. / 30193, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: None. // *Action: None. / 30194, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: None. // *Action: None. / 30195, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: None. // *Action: None. / 30196, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: None. // *Action: None. / 30197, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: None. // *Action: None. / 30198, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: None. // *Action: None. / 30199, 00000, "reserved for future use" // *Cause: None. // *Action: None. / / / Error numbers from 30200 to 30299 are reserved for NLS Cartridge Service. / / / Error Numbers 30931 - 31200 are reserved for Project XDB (XML Support) / / / Errors 30931 - 30979 for XMLType & schema processing / 30930, 00000, "XML node '%s' (type=%s) does not support this operation" // *Cause: The given node's type is not supported for this operation. For // example, trying to add children to an attribute node, or passing // in a document node as a child, are unsupported operations. // *Action: Use a valid node type for the operation. 30931, 00000, "Element '%s' cannot contain mixed text" // *Cause: XML elements must be declared mixed to contain multiple text nodes // *Action: Declare this element type as mixed in its schema 30932, 00000, "Reference node '%s' not contained in specified parent node '%s'" // *Cause: When using a reference node, it must have the specified parent // node // *Action: Use a node in the specified parent as the reference 30933, 00000, "Element '%s' may not appear at this point within parent '%s'" // *Cause: The ordering specified by the content model of the parent does // not allow for this element to occur at this position. // *Action: Reorder the child elements to conform with the content model // of the parent element 30934, 00000, "'%s' (%s node) cannot be inserted in parent '%s' (%s node)" // *Cause: The schema does not allow a child node of this type to be inserted // into a parent node of this type. For example, only element // nodes may only be inserted into a document // *Action: Insert only child nodes that make sense for this node type 30935, 00000, "XML maxoccurs value (%s) exceeded" // *Cause: An attempt was made to insert more than maxoccurs // values into a schema-based XML document. // *Action: Do not insert more than maxoccurs values into the document. 30936, 00000, "Maximum number (%s) of '%s' XML node elements exceeded" // *Cause: An attempt was made to insert more than the allowed number // of elements (specified by the maxoccurs facet) into an XML // document. // *Action: Do not attempt to add more than the maximum number of elements // to XML documents. 30937, 00000, "No schema definition for '%s' (namespace '%s') in parent '%s'" // *Cause: The schema definition for the parent node being processed does // not allow for the specified child node in its content model. // Note that any typecasting via xsi:type must occur before the // schema definitions for the new type can be used. // *Action: Only insert elements and attributes declared in the schema. // Check to make sure that xsi:type (if used) is specified first. 30938, 00000, "No prefix defined for namespace '%s' (particle %s)" // *Cause: An XML namespace mapping (xmlns:=) must // be defined for each particle (element or attribute) stored in // an schema-constrained XMLType document. // *Action: Add an xmlns attribute definition (attribute name="xmlns:prefix" // and value="namespace URL") to the current XMLType document. // The safest place to add this attribute is in the root node of // the document to ensure that the mapping will be in scope. 30939, 00000, "Order violation: Element '%s' may not follow element '%s'" // *Cause: The XML schema specifies a content model that is sequential, // where the order of nodes in the instance must follow the order // specified by the schema, and this instance relies on the schema // validity to avoid maintaining instance order information // *Action: Insert elements only in the order specified in the schema 30940, 00000, "Cannot resolve prefix '%s' for QName node '%s'" // *Cause: An attempt was made to store a QName value without having a // valid namespace in scope for that prefix. // *Action: Declare the namespace for the prefix used 30941, 00000, "Cannot specify empty URI for non-default namespace '%s'" // *Cause: An attempt was made to insert a namespace declaration for // a non-default namespace using an empty URI string. // *Action: Specify a non-empty URI for namespace declarations other than // the default namespace. //////// Errors 30942 to 30950 reserved for XML Schema Evolution 30942, 00000, "XML Schema Evolution error for schema '%s' table %s column '%s'" // *Cause: The given XMLType table/column which conforms to the given schema // had errors during evolution. For more information, see the more // specific error below this one // *Action: Based on the schema, table and column information in this error // and the more specific error below, take corrective action 30943, 00000, "XML Schema '%s' is dependent on XML schema '%s'" // *Cause: Not all dependent schemas were specified and/or the schemas were // not specified in dependency order, i.e., if schema S1 is dependent // on schema S, S must appear before S1. // *Action: Include the previously unspecified schema in the list of schemas // and/or correct the order in which the schemas are specified. Then // retry the operation. 30944, 00000, "Error during rollback for XML schema '%s' table %s column '%s'" // *Cause: The given XMLType table/column which conforms to the given schema // had errors during a rollback of XML schema evolution. For more // information, see the more specific error below this one // *Action: Based on the schema, table and column information in this error // and the more specific error below, take corrective action 30945, 00000, "Could not create mapping table '%s'" // *Cause: A mapping table could not be created during XML schema evolution. // For more information, see the more specific error below this one // *Action: Ensure that a table with the given name does not exist and retry // the operation 30946, 00000, "XML Schema Evolution warning: temporary tables not cleaned up" // *Cause: An error occurred after the schema was evolved while cleaning up // temporary tables. The schema evolution was successful // *Action: If the user needs to remove the temporary tables, use the mapping // table to get the temporary table names and drop them. /////// End of XML Schema Evolution errors (30942 to 30950 reserved) 30951, 00000, "Element or attribute at Xpath %s exceeds maximum length" // *Cause: An attempt was made to insert a node of length exceeding the // maximum length (specified by the maxLength facet) into // an XML document. // *Action: Do not attempt to add a node exceeding the maximum length // to XML documents. 30990, 00000, "insufficient privileges to change owner of resource %s" // *Cause: An attempt was made to change the field of an // XML DB resource without sufficient privileges to do so. // *Action: Switch to SYS before performing the ownership change, or have // the intended recipient of the resource perform the transfer. 30991, 00000, "cannot use DOM to add special attribute to schema-based parent" // *Cause: An attempt was made to add or remove an xsi:schemaLocation, // xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation, xsi:type, or xsi:nil attribute // to or from a schema-based XML node using DOM. // *Action: Use the updateXML operator instead of DOM. 31000, 00000, "Resource '%s' is not an XDB schema document" // *Cause: The given schema URL does not refer to a registered XDB schema // *Action: Make sure the specified schema has been registered in XDB 31001, 00000, "Invalid resource handle or path name \"%s\"" // *Cause: An invalid resource handle or path name was passed to // the XDB hierarchical resolver. // *Action: Pass a valid resouce handle or path name to the hierarchical // resolver. 31002, 00000, "Path name %s is not a container" // *Cause: XDB expected the given path name to represent a container. // *Action: Pass a path name or resource handle that represents a container. 31003, 00000, "Parent %s already contains child entry %s" // *Cause: An attempt was made to insert a duplicate child into // the XDB hierarchical resolver. // *Action: Insert a unique name into the container. 31004, 00000, "Length %s of the BLOB in XDB$H_INDEX is below the minimum %s" // *Cause: In the XDB$H_INDEX table, the CHILDREN column, a BLOB, must // have a certain minimum length without being chained. // The calculated length of the LOB was less than the stated minimum. // *Action: Set the value of the init.ora parameter db_block_size // to at least 2K. For XDB to run at its fastest, set // db_block_size to 8K. 31005, 00000, "Path name length %s exceeds maximum length %s" // *Cause: The length of a path name passed to the XDB hierarchical // resolver exceeded the maximum length. // *Action: Choose a shorter path name. 31006, 00000, "Path name segment length %s exceeds maximum length %s" // *Cause: The length of a path name segment passed to the XDB // hierarchical resolver exceeded the maximum length of a path // name segment. // *Action: Choose a shorter path name segment. 31007, 00000, "Attempted to delete non-empty container %s/%s" // *Cause: An attempt was made to delete a non-empty container in // the XDB hierarchical resolver. // *Action: Either perform a recursive deletion, or first delete // the contents of the container. 31009, 00000, "Access denied for property %s" // *Cause: An attempt was made to access a property you don't have access to // *Action: Check the ACL to see what privileges you have for this property 31010, 00000, "XML element index %s exceeds maximum insertion index %s" // *Cause: An attempt was made to insert an XML element at an // invalid index location in the node. // *Action: Choose a new index that falls within the allowed range. 31011, 00000, "XML parsing failed" // *Cause: XML parser returned an error while trying to parse the document. // *Action: Check if the document to be parsed is valid. 31012, 00000, "Given XPATH expression not supported" // *Cause: XPATH expression passed to the function is currently unsupported. // *Action: Check the xpath expression and change it to use a // supported expression. 31013, 00000, "Invalid XPATH expression" // *Cause: XPATH expression passed to the function is invalid. // *Action: Check the xpath expression for possible syntax errors. 31014, 00000, "Attempted to delete the root container" // *Cause: An attempt was made to delete the root container in the // hierarchical index. // *Action: Do not delete the root container. 31015, 00000, "Attempted to insert entry without name" // *Cause: An attempt was made to insert an entry into the hierarchical // resolver without a child name. // *Action: Supply a child name and try inserting again. 31016, 00000, "Attempted to delete entry without name" // *Cause: An attempt was made to delete an entry from the hierarchical // resolver without a child name. // *Action: Supply a child name and try deleting again. 31017, 00000, "Error generating unique OID for XML document" // *Cause: An error occurred while generating a globally unique OID // for storing an XML document. // *Action: 31018, 00000, "Error deleting XML document" // *Cause: The XMLType object pointed to by the given REF could not // be deleted because either the REF was invalid or it // pointed to a non-existent table. // *Action: Either use FORCE deletion or supply a valid REF. 31019, 00000, "Recursive deletion snapshot too old for %s/%s" // *Cause: Changes were made to the structure of a directory while it // was being recursively deleted. // *Action: Try deleting the directory again. 31020, 00000, "The operation is not allowed, Reason: %s" // *Cause: The operation attempted is not allowed // *Action: See reason and change to a valid operation. 31021, 00000, "Element definition not found" // *Cause: The element definition was not found. // *Action: Supply the definition for the element or use a defined element. 31022, 00000, "Element not found" // *Cause: The element was not found. // *Action: Make sure the specified element exists. 31023, 00000, "Index size error" // *Cause: The index is greater than the allowed value. // *Action: Make sure the index is less than allowed value. 31025, 00000, "Invalid document element" // *Cause: An attempt was made to replace the data at an invalid // index number in the XML document // *Action: Supply a correct occurrence number and try again. 31027, 00000, "Path name or handle %s does not point to a resource" // *Cause: An attempt was made to retrieve a resource based on // a path name or resource handle that points to an entity // other than a resource. // *Action: Do not attempt to retrieve a resource based on that path // name or resource handle. 31028, 00000, "Resource metadata length %s exceeded maximum length %s" // *Cause: An attempt was made to insert resource metadata that exceeded // the maximum length of that type of metadata. // *Action: Keep resource metadata within its allowed length. 31029, 00000, "Cannot bind to unsaved resource" // *Cause: An attempt was made to bind to a resource that had not // been saved to disk. // *Action: Bind only to saved resources. 31030, 00000, "Unable to retrieve XML document" // *Cause: The resource had an invalid (dangling) REF to an XML document. // *Action: Rebind the resource using a valid XMLType REF. 31033, 00000, "Requested number of XML children %s exceeds maximum %s" // *Cause: An attempt was made to add more than the maximum number of // allowable children in an XML element. // *Action: Redefine the schema to allow breaking up of the children // among siblings. 31035, 00000, "Could not bind locked resource to path %s/%s" // *Cause: An attempt was made to bind an existing resource to a new // location in the hierarchy, but a lock could not be obtained // on the resource. // *Action: Commit or roll back the transaction that has the lock on the // resource. 31037, 00000, "Invalid XML attribute name %s" // *Cause: The attribute name in the XML document did not match anything in // the associated schema. // *Action: Supply only schema-defined or XML standard attributes. 31038, 00000, "Invalid %s value: \"%s\"" // *Cause: The text in the XML document did not represent a valid // value given the datatype and other constraints in the schema. // *Action: Ensure that the specified value in XML documents is valid // with respect to the datatype and other constraints in the schema. 31039, 00000, "XML namespace length %s exceeds maximum %s" // *Cause: The length of the disk-formatted XML namespace exceeded the // maximum. // *Action: Keep XML namespace declarations below the maximum length. 31040, 00000, "Property %s: XML type (%s) not compatible with internal memory type (%s)" // *Cause: The XML datatype given is inconsistent with the database // datatype, and a conversion cannot be made. // *Action: This is an internal error, generally resulting from corruption // of the compiled XML schema. Re-register schemas, or contact // Oracle support. // 31041, 00000, "Property %s: Memory type (%s) not compatible with database type (%s)" // *Cause: The memory type associated with this property is mapped to // an incompatible database type, and a conversion cannot be made. // *Action: This is an internal error, generally resulting from corruption // of the compiled XML schema. Re-register schemas, or contact // Oracle support. // 31042, 00000, "Too many properties in type '%s'" // *Cause: The type can only have the same number of properties (elements // and attributes) as a table can have columns. // *Action: Modify the XML schema to move properties into subelements that // are not inlined. // 31043, 00000, "Element '%s' not globally defined in schema '%s'" // *Cause: The specified element name has not been defined at the top level // of the XML schema (i.e. globally). Elements must be defined // globally to be the root of an XMLType object. // *Action: Check the XML schema definition to make sure the specified // element name has been defined at the top level. 31044, 00000, "Top-level prefix length %s exceeds maximum %s" // *Cause: An attempt was made to save to disk a top-level XML namespace // prefix whose length exceeded the maximum. // *Action: Do not define XML namespace prefixes that exceed the maximum // length. 31045, 00000, "Cannot store more than %s extras outside the root XML node" // *Cause: An attempt was made to store more than the maximum number of // XML extras (e.g. comments and processing instructions) // either before or after the document's root node. // *Action: Keep the number of extras outside the root node below // the maximum. 31046, 00000, "Incorrect argument(s) specified in the operator" // *Cause: One or more of the arguments specified in the operator in the // query are incorrect // *Action: Correct the arguments specified in the operator // 31047, 00000, "Could not retrieve resource data at path %s" // *Cause: An error occurred while retrieving the contents and/or metadata // of a resource. // *Action: Contact Oracle customer support. 31048, 00000, "Unsaved resources cannot be updated" // *Cause: An attempt was made to update a resource that was never saved // to disk. // *Action: Perform a resource insertion instead. 31049, 00000, "Internal event to turn off direct path loading of XML" // *Cause: N/A // *Action: Do not document. 31050, 00000, "Access denied" // *Cause: The requested access privileges have not been granted to the // current user. User must be granted privileges prior to // resource access. // *Action: Check the set of requested access privileges to make sure that // they are included in the set of access privilges granted to // the user. // 31051, 00000, "Requested access privileges not supported" // *Cause: The requested access privileges are not supported for the // specified resource. // *Action: Ensure that the set of requested access privileges are valid // access privileges for the specified resource. // 31052, 00000, "Cannot delete ACL with other references" // *Cause: The requested deletion of an ACL resource cannot proceed. // The ACL is in use by other resources. // *Action: Remove the resources that are making reference to the ACL // in question and try again. // 31053, 00000, "The value of the depth argument in the operator cannot be negative" // *Cause: The value of the depth argument passed to the primary operator // is not a positive integer // *Action: Pass a positive value of the depth argument // 31054, 00000, "The %s operator cannot have an ancillary operator " // *Cause: An ancillary operator was used with an operator which does not // does not support ancillary operators // *Action: Remove the ancillary operator in the query // 31055, 00000, "A null XMLType element cannot be inserted into RESOURCE_VIEW" // *Cause: The element which is being inserted into the RESOURCE_VIEW is // NULL // *Action: Specify a non-null XMLType element to insert into RESOURCE_VIEW // 31056, 00000, "The document being inserted does not conform to %s" // *Cause: The XMLType element being inserted into the RESOURCE_VIEW does // not conform to the specified Schema // *Action: Insert an element which conforms to the specified Schema // 31057, 00000, "Display Name of the element being inserted is null" // *Cause: The Display Name of the element which is being inserted into the // RESOURCE_VIEW is null // *Action: Specify the Display Name and insert the element into RESOURCE_VIEW // 31058, 00000, "cannot modify read-only XOBs" // *Cause: Read-Only XOBs cannot be modified. // *Action: Use only read operations on such a XOB. // 31059, 00000, "Cannot insert root XML document node if it already exists" // *Cause: An attempt was made to insert a root node into an XML // document that already had a root node. // *Action: Call the appropriate replace function to replace the node // instead of inserting it anew. 31060, 00000, "Resource at path %s could not be deleted" // *Cause: An error occurred while deleting the named resource. The // specific error can be found one lower on the error stack. // *Action: Look at the next error on the stack and take approprate action. 31061, 00000, "XDB error: %s" // *Cause: The specified error occurred in XDB. // *Action: Correct the error or contact Oracle Support Services. 31062, 00000, "Cannot delete an unsaved resource" // *Cause: An attempt was made to delete a resource that had not // been saved to disk. // *Action: Delete only saved resources. 31065, 00000, "Cannot modify read-only property [%s]" // *Cause: An attempt was made to modify an immutable XML node. // *Action: Use only read operations on such properties. 31066, 00000, "Insertion of %s into %s creates a cycle" // *Cause: An attempt was made to insert a link into the XDB hierarchy // that would create a cycle in the tree. // *Action: Ensure that links to existing resources do not cause cycles. 31067, 00000, "XML nodes must be updated with nodes of the same type" // *Cause: An attempt was made to use updateXML to update an XML // node with a node of another type. // *Action: Ensure that the node specified by the XPath matches the type of // new data provided. 31068, 00000, "updateXML expected data format [%s] instead of [%s]" // *Cause: An attempt was made to use updateXML to update data // with a node of the incorrect type. Text and attribute // nodes must be updated with string data, whereas element // nodes must be updated with XMLType data. // *Action: Use CREATEXML or getStringVal to coerce the new data to the // proper format. 31069, 00000, "Cannot apply typed changes to non-schema-based XMLType nodes" // *Cause: An attempt was made to insert, delete, or update a // non-schema-based XMLType node using an XML schema definition. // *Action: Make changes to non-typed nodes only by referencing their tag // names. 31070, 00000, "Invalid database user ID %s" // *Cause: An attempt was made set an invalid user ID into an XDB // resource metadata property. // *Action: Verify the validity of the user ID and try again. 31071, 00000, "Invalid database username or GUID %s" // *Cause: An attempt was made to set an invalid username or GUID // into an XDB resource metadata property. // *Action: Verify the validity of the username or GUID and try again. 31072, 00000, "Too many child nodes in XMLType fragment for updateXML" // *Cause: An attempt was made to pass an XMLType fragment with multiple // children as new data for the updateXML operator. // *Action: Extract the desired child from the XMLType before passing // it to updateXML as the desired new XML node. 31073, 00000, "Resource not retrieved using path name" // *Cause: An attempt was made to access the path name of a resource // that was either never saved to disk or was loaded using // a method other than with its path name. // *Action: Perform path name operations only on resources obtained using // a path name. //////// 31075 - 31099 reserved for XML Schema Compiler 31075, 00000, "invalid %s declaration in XML Schema" // *Cause: The XML schema contains an invalid declaration identified // by the message. // *Action: Fix the identified error and try again. // 31076, 00000, "required attribute \"%s\" not specified" // *Cause: The XML schema does not specify a required attribute. // *Action: Specify a value for the required attribute. // 31077, 00000, "invalid attribute \"%s\" specified" // *Cause: The XML schema specifies an invalid attribute. // *Action: Remove specification of the invalid attribute. // 31078, 00000, "error in SQL mapping information" // *Cause: There is an error in the SQL type and table specification // within the XML Schema. // *Action: Ensure that all specified SQL types and tables are // valid and compatible with the corresponding XML types. // 31079, 00000, "unable to resolve reference to %s \"%s\"" // *Cause: The identified type or attribute or element could not be resolved. // *Action: Make sure that the name corresponds to a valid // XML (simple/complex) type or attribute or element and try again. // 31080, 00000, "type not specified for attribute or element \"%s\"" // *Cause: The identified attribute or element does not have a type. // *Action: Make sure that every attribute and element has a valid // type specification. // 31081, 00000, "name not specified for global declaration" // *Cause: The XML schema does not specify the name for the global // declaration of attribute or element or simpleType or complexType. // *Action: Specify names for all global declarations. // 31082, 00000, "invalid attribute \"%s\" specified in declaration of \"%s\"" // *Cause: The XML schema specifies an invalid attribute. // *Action: Remove specification of the invalid attribute. // 31083, 00000, "error while creating SQL type \"%s\".\"%s\" " // *Cause: An error occurred while trying to create the SQL type based // on the specification of a complex type. // *Action: Fix the identified error and try again. // 31084, 00000, "error while creating table \"%s\".\"%s\" for element \"%s\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while trying to create the table based // on the declaration for the identified element. // *Action: Fix the identified error and try again. // 31085, 00000, "schema \"%s\" already registered" // *Cause: An attempt was made to register a schema with the same URL // as a previously registered schema. // *Action: Register the schema with a different URL. 31086, 00000, "insufficient privileges to register global schema \"%s\"" // *Cause: An attempt was made to register a global schema without // sufficient privileges. // *Action: Make sure that the user has sufficient privileges to register // a global schema. 31087, 00000, "insufficient privileges to delete schema \"%s\"" // *Cause: An attempt was made to delete a schema resource without // sufficient privileges. // *Action: Make sure that the user has sufficient privileges to delete the // schema. 31088, 00000, "object \"%s\".\"%s\" depends on the schema" // *Cause: An attempt was made to delete a schema which has dependent // objects. // *Action: Either drop the dependent objects prior to deleting the schema // or use the CASCADE or FORCE options. 31089, 00000, "schema \"%s\" does not target namespace \"%s\"" // *Cause: The schema document contains references (via include and import // definitions) to other schemas that do not belong to valid // namespaces. // *Action: Make sure that all schemas referenced via include definitions // target the same namespace as the parent schema. // Further make sure that the namespace specified in the import // definition matches the actual target namespace of the // specified schema. 31090, 00000, "invalid database schema name \"%s\"" // *Cause: The XML schema document contains an invalid database schema name // For example, the value of attribute SQLSchema // *Action: Make sure that all database user/schema names specified in the // XML schema document refer to existing database users/schemas. 31091, 00000, "empty string specified as a SQL name" // *Cause: The XML schema document contains a null SQL name. For // example, the values of attributes SQLName, SQLType, defaultTable. // *Action: Make sure that all names of SQL schema objects specified in the // XML schema document are valid SQL names. Otherwise, remove // such attributes from the schema and try again. 31092, 00000, "invalid SQL name \"%s\"" // *Cause: The XML schema document contains an invalid SQL name. For // example, the values of attributes SQLName, SQLType, defaultTable. // *Action: Make sure that all names of SQL schema objects specified in the // XML schema document are valid SQL names. This implies that // the database length and other restrictions on names be satisfied. 31093, 00000, "null or invalid value specified for parameter : %s" // *Cause: The argument value passed for the given parameter is null or // invalid. // *Action: Make sure that all the input argument values are valid. 31094, 00000, "incompatible SQL type \"%s\" for attribute or element \"%s\"" // *Cause: The SQL type information provided in the XML schema is not // compatible with the XML datatype for the specified attribute // or element. // *Action: Make sure that the specified SQL types are compatible with the // declared XML datatypes. 31095, 00000, "cannot generate %s : \"%s.%s\" already exists" // *Cause: The type/table name specified in the XML schema document // cannot be generated because it is already being used. // *Action: Use different names for types/tables or use the NOGEN mode // so that schema compiler does not generate new types/tables. 31096, 00000, "validation failed for schema" // *Cause: The XML Schema could not be validated. // *Action: Make sure that the SQLType and other datatype mapping is // valid. 31097, 00000, "Hierarchical Index not empty" // *Cause: An attempt was made to rebuild the hierarchical index which is // not empty. // *Action: Delete all rows in the hierarchical index and then // rebuild it. 31098, 00000, "Internal event to turn on XDB tracing" // *Cause: N/A // *Action: Do not document. 31099, 00000, "XDB Security Internal Error" // *Cause: An XDB Security internal error has occurred. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support. //////// 31100 - 31110 reserved for WebDAV compliant resource locks 31100, 00000, "XDB Locking Internal Error" // *Cause: An XDB Locking Internal error has occurred. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support. 31101, 00000, "Token \"%s\" not given while locking resource \"%s\"" // *Cause: Locking attempted on resource when the pricipal already owns // a lock given by the token above. // *Action: Reattempt the lock with the token. 31102, 00000, "Already locked in exclusive mode. Cannot add lock." // *Cause: The resource is already locked in exclusive mode. Cannot // add another lock. // *Action: Unlock the existing lock. 31103, 00000, "Resource locked in shared mode. Cannot add exclusive lock" // *Cause: The resource is locked in shared mode. Cannot add a shared lock. // *Action: Try locking in shared mode or unlocking the existing lock. 31104, 00000, "Cannot find lock with token \"%s\" on \"%s\" for unlock" // *Cause: The lock may have been unlock or it may have expired. // *Action: No action needed. Unlock already successful. 31105, 00000, "User does not own lock \"%s\"" // *Cause: The lock to be unlocked is not owned by the user. // *Action: 31106, 00000, "Action failed as the parent container is locked" // *Cause: // *Action: Supply the lock token on parent container or unlock it 31107, 00000, "Action failed as resource \"%s\" is locked by name lock" // *Cause: Lock requests cause the whole request URI to be locked // *Action: Supply lock token or unlock the lock 31108, 00000, "Action failed as resource %s is locked" // *Cause: Delete/Rename failed because of an existing lock // *Action: Do lockdiscovery to find the lock and delete it. 31109, 00000, "Action failed as parent resource %s is locked" // *Cause: Delete/Rename failed because of an lock on parent resource // *Action: Do lockdiscovery to find the lock and delete it. 31110, 00000, "Action failed as resource %s is locked by name" // *Cause: Delete/Rename failed because one of the children is locked. // *Action: Do lockdiscovery to find the lock and delete it. // 31111, 00000, "table %s cannot be hierarchically enabled" // *Cause: Trigger _xdb_pitrigger already exists // *Action: Either the table is already hierarchically enabled or the // user trigger _xdb_pitrigger needs to be dropped. // // *Action: Delete all rows in the hierarchical index and then // rebuild it. // 31112, 00000, "fail to %s for %s port using xdb configuration" // *Cause: port number for the defined presentation is not valid // *Action: Either the port number is already in use or // it is protected. Specify another port number. // 31113, 00000, "XDB configuration may not be updated with non-schema compliant data" // *Cause: An attempt was made to update the XDB configuration resource with // non-schema or non-schema compliant data. // *Action: Check the document to make sure it is schema based and schema // compliant. // 31114, 00000, "XDB configuration has been deleted or is corrupted" // *Cause: The XDB configuration resource has been deleted or corrupted. // *Action: Reinstall XDB, or reinsert a valid configuration document. // 31115, 00000, "XDB configuration error: %s" // *Cause: An error related to XDB configuration has occurred. // *Action: Make sure the configuration resource contains valid data. // // 31116, 00000, "Tablespace not specified correctly" // *Cause: XDB cannot be moved to the specified tablespace. // *Action: Specify a valid tablespace. // // / Range 31120 - 31150 for res view, link view & path index / 31121, 00000, "The %s operator can not be FALSE" // *Cause: The value of the operator that is specified is FALSE // *Action: Specify an operator that evaluates to TRUE 31122, 00000, "The %s operator has incorrect RHS value" // *Cause: The right hand side value that has been specified for the operator // does not evaluate to TRUE // *Action: Specify value on the right hand side that evaluate to TRUE //////// 31151 - 31189 reserved for XML Schema Compiler 31151, 00000, "Cyclic definition encountered for %s: \"%s\"" // *Cause: The schema definition for this type has cycles. // *Action: Remove cyclic definition and re-compile schema. 31152, 00000, "Internal event to enable lru XOBs" // *Cause: N/A // *Action: Do not document 31153, 00000, "Cannot create schema URL with reserved prefix \"http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/schemas/\"" // *Cause: This prefix is reserved for XDB extended schema URLs and cannot // be used in a user specified URL. // *Action: Modify the prefix to a different one. 31154, 00000, "invalid XML document" // *Cause: The XML document is invalid with respect to its XML Schema. // *Action: Fix the errors identified and try again. 31155, 00000, "attribute %s not in XDB namespace" // *Cause: The specified attribute should be prefixed with XDB's namespace. // *Action: Ensure that all XDB specified attributes are prefixed with // XDB's namespace and try again. 31156, 00000, "Internal event to turn off validation during schema registration" // *Cause: N/A // *Action: Do not document // 31157, 00000, "Invalid Content-Type charset" // *Cause: HTTP Content-Type header had a charset that Oracle does not // understand. // *Action: Fix the Content-Type header in the HTTP request. // 31158, 00000, "schema \"%s\" currently being referenced" // *Cause: The specified schema URL is currently being referenced by // the same session. This could happen because of PLSQL // XMLType variables still in scope. // *Action: Ensure all references to this schema in this session are // released and try the operation again. // 31159, 00000, "XML DB is in an invalid state" // *Cause: XML DB's internal tables are in an invalid state, probably // because the database was not upgraded or the upgrade was // not successful // *Action: Ensure that the database is upgraded successfully. If the problem // persists, contact Oracle Support // 31160, 00000, "max substitution group size %s exceeded by \"%s\" (%s) for head element \"%s\" (%s)" // *Cause: The maximum limit on nested substitution groups has been exceeded // by an element. // *Action: Delete specified schema and re-register it after removing the // offending substitution element. // 31161, 00000, "element or attribute \"%s\" cannot be stored out of line" // *Cause: An element or attribute of a simple type has SQLInline=false // *Action: Remove the SQLInline=false qualification for the offending element // or attribute 31162, 00000, "element or attribute \"%s\" has no SQLType specified" // *Cause: Schema registration was invoked with GENTYPES=false without // specifying a SQLType for some element or attribute // *Action: Specify a SQLType for the offending element or attribute and // register the schema again 31163, 00000, "element or attribute \"%s\" has invalid attribute value \"%s\" (should be \"%s\")" // *Cause: An element or attribute for a complextype derived by restriction // has an attribute whose value is different from that in the base // type // *Action: Remove the mismatched attribute values from the offending element // or attribute 31164, 0, "cannot load object-relational XML attribute using direct path \n" // *Cause: The table being loaded contains a xml column with object-relational // storage. The xmltype column contains a type with subtypes. This // type of attribute cannot be loaded with direct path. // *Action:Perform the load with conventional path mode. // 31165, 0, "cannot load object-relational XML attribute using direct path \n" // *Cause: The table being loaded contains a xml column with object-relational // storage. The xmltype column either contains an out-of-line // partitioned table or the table itself is partitioned by one of // the attributes of xmltype. This type of table cannot be loaded // with direct path. // *Action:Perform the load with conventional path mode. // 31166, 0, "internal error code to handle ignorable attributes" // *Cause: N/A // *Action: Do not document // 31167, 00000, "XML nodes over 64K in size cannot be inserted" // *Cause: An attempt was made to insert an XML Text Node with a size // greater than 64K. This is not supported. // *Action: Create text nodes under 64K. 31168, 00000, "Node localname and namespace values should be less than 64K" // *Cause: An attempt was made to specify an XML Node with localname // or namespace value greater than or equal to 64K. This is not // supported. // *Action: Node localnames and namespace values should be under 64K. //////// 31180 - 31189 reserved for PL/SQL DOM API 31180, 00000, "DOM Type mismatch in invalid PL/SQL DOM handle" // *Cause: The specified PL/SQL DOM handle is referencing a DOM Node whose // DOM Type that does not match the one available in the session. // This could happen because the pl/sql handle was reused, or the // original document is no longer available. // *Action: Ensure that the pl/sql handle for the target node is valid and // try the operation again. 31181, 00000, "PL/SQL DOM handle accesses node that is no longer available" // *Cause: The specified pl/sql handle is referencing a node in a // DOM Document that is no longer available. // *Action: Ensure that the pl/sql handle for the target node is valid and // try the operation again. 31182, 00000, "Too many PL/SQL DOM handles specified" // *Cause: An attempt was made to create a PL/SQL DOM handle that exceeded // the maximum allowable number of PL/SQL DOM handles. // *Action: Free PL/SQL DOM handles and try the operation again. 31185, 00000, "DOM Nodes do not belong to the same DOM Document" // *Cause: The specified PL/SQL DOM Node does not belong to the // parent DOM Document of the referring DOM Node. // *Action: Ensure that both the DOM Nodes are part of the same // DOM Document. 31190, 00000, "Resource %s is not a version-controlled resource" // *Cause: Either one of the following is the cause: // - Checkout is requested for a resource that isn't under version // control". Only version-controlled resource can be checked out. // - Checkout is requested for a row of a non-versioned table. // *Action: put the resource under version-control before checking out. 31191, 00000, "Resource %s is already checked out" // *Cause: Either one of the following is the cause: // - Checkout is requested for a resource that is already checked // out to the workspace by the same of different user. // *Action: checked in the resource from the workspace before checking out 31192, 00000, "Resource %s has not been checked out" // *Cause: Either one of the following is the cause: // - Checkin or uncheckout is requested for a resource that has not // been checked out to the workspace by any user in a workspace // *Action: checked in the resource from the workspace before checking out 31193, 00000, "This versioning feature isn't supported for resource %s" // *Cause: Either one of the following is the cause: // - Container cannot be put under version-controlled. // *Action: Avoid using these features. 31194, 00000, "Resource %s is already deleted" // *Cause: Access a version-controlled resource that is already deleted. // *Action: Recreate the resource. // // *Action: Remove the cyclic definitions in the type and retry compilation. 31195, 00000, "XML node '%s' (type=%s) does not support this operation" // *Cause: The given node's type is not supported for this operation. For // example, trying to add children to an attribute node, or passing // in a document node as a child, are unsupported operations. // *Action: Use a valid node type for the operation. 31196, 00000, "XML nodes over %s in size cannot be printed" // *Cause: An attempt was made to use an XML Text Node with a size // greater than 64K, or an XML Comment Node with a size greater // than 4K. These cannot be printed. For // example, trying to add children to an attribute node, or passing // in a document node as a child, are unsupported operations. // *Action: Use getClobVal() or getStringVal() to print the Document. 31197, 00000, "Error in processing file %s" // *Cause: An error occurred while operating on the specifed file. // The possible causes are // the file header is corrupt or // check the next error on stack // *Action: Ensure that the specified file is correct. // Look at the next error on the stack and take appropriate action. 31198, 00000, "Mismatch in number of bytes transferred due to non-binary mode" // *Cause: An error occurred while reading the specifed file. // The most probable cause is that the transfer was initiated in // ASCII mode. // *Action: Ensure that the transfer mode is set to BINARY 31199, 00000, "Warning in processing file %s" // *Cause: A warning was raised while operating on the specifed file. // However, the current operation was completed successfully. // *Action: This is primarily an informational message. // Look at the next error on the stack to obtain further // information. // // / 32767 - (MAX ERROR NUMBER; NONE CAN BE LARGER) /