" *(+=  + 1 ? W e q #-#9#G####$$B$b$$'' '-'z'''++ + (V*y12XY/13dxinternal XAD package failed to loaderror encountered while parsing access parametersinvalid length for binary integer field %s unknown escape sequence internal error, arguments [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]fatal XAD error , %serror signalled during parse of access parametersat line %d column %dthe bad identifier was: %swrong message file version (msg %d not found)unrecognized punctuation symbol "%s" Jn    0 m unexpected end of input file reachedunrecognized character: %squoted string too bigtoken too bigscript line too longKUDMI-%05.5d: %sfatal error during library cache pre-loadingend position (%d) <= start position (%d) for field: %sabsolute end(%d) - start(%d) != fieldlength (%d) for field %sabsolute end (%d) specified with relative start (%d) for field %srelative end (%d) specified does not match fieldlen(%d) for field %s D r     > j  error initializing handle for character set %send position (%d) is less than start position (%d) for rangeOCI error getting column parameters.OCI error getting column name.OCI error getting database column type.OCI error getting database column size.OCI error getting database column precision.OCI error getting database column scale.OCI error getting datetime fsprecision.OCI error getting datetime lfprecision. 8 r  A d length specified for FIXED records must be greater than 0 length specified for VARIABLE records must be greater than 0 invalid date mask "%s" specified for column %s directory object not specified in LOBFILE clause for field %s empty delimiter specified for record clause references unknown field %s lob data could not be found for field %s string for TERMINATED BY or ENCLOSED BY clause for record is longer than maximum %d       !% "0 #= $R %g &| ' ( ) * + , - . 0 1string for TERMINATED BY or ENCLOSED BY clause for column %s is longer than maximum %d Field Definitions for table %s IntegerUnsigned integerDecimalZonedOracle dateOracle numberCounted Oracle numberDouble precision realSingle precision realRawCHARVARCHARVARRAWVARCHARCVARRAWCieee binary floatieee binary doubleUnknown %-30.30s %s %-30.30s %s (%d)  2\ 3v 4 5 6 7 8 9/ :N ;f <g = > ? %-30.30s %s (%d, %d) Record position (%d, %d) Record position (%d, %+d) Record position (%+d, %d) Record position (%+d, %+d) Enclosed by "%s" and "%s" Terminated by "%s" Terminated by whitespace Terminated by EOF Trim whitespace from left and right Trim whitespace from left Trim whitespace from right Trim whitespace same as SQL Loader  @ A B C D E F G H I J K+ L< MH NI OJ PN QS RW SY T\ U` V WDATETIMETIMETZTIMESTAMPTIMESTAMPTZINTERVALYMINTERVALDS Date datatype %s, date mask %s Date datatype %s Date mask %s NULL if DEFAULT if Load when () OR AND NOT %s = != Record format FIXED, record length %d Record format VARIABLE, length of length %d Record format DELIMITED, delimited by %s  X\ Y Z [ \ ] ^% _* `D aT bm cy d e Record format DELIMITED BY NEWLINE Data in file is in big endian format Data in file is in little endian format Data in file has same endianness as the platform Fields in Data Source: BLANKS%d:%d LOG file opened at %s Integer externalUnsigned integer externalTIMESTAMPLTZ Rows with all null fields are accepted Reject rows with all null fields Date Cache Statistics for table %s fP g h i j k l< m_ nt o p q Max Size:%10lu Entries :%10lu Hits :%10lu Misses :%10lu Date conversion cache disabled due to overflow (default size:%5lu) Column Transformations %-30.30s is set to NULL is set to constant value %s is set to concatenation of field %s constant '%s' is set from a LOBFILE directory is from field %s directory is from constant %s  r\ s~ t u v w x- yS z { | } ~  file is from field %s file is from constant '%s' valid directory for fields: %s file contains character data in character set %s file contains binary data directory object list is ignored packed decimal externalzoned decimal externalreal externalRECNUMROWID Trailing end-of-record characters will be ignored \#?[uerror %d formatting KUP message %d error occurred while processing a date format: ORA-%-05d: %serror initializing IO state for file %s in %s error opening file %s error getting file size for file %s error while closing file %s error while reading file %s file operation successful file operation failed end of file reached access to file denied invalid SLF handle file does not exist file system is full V6pfile length is too large for output field other system error invalid SLF parameter internal SLF error unknown SLF status code %d OS message: %s partial record at end of file %s illegal length found for VAR record in file %s found record longer than buffer size supported, %d, in %s field formatting error for field %s field start is before start of record field start is after end of record field end is before field start VyCmfield extends beyond end of record field too long for datatype file name check failed: %s conversion of character length to a number failed numeric field overflowed invalid numeric data empty filename specified for LOB file in column %s internal error %s while parsing field %s: invalid length of lengthinvalid datatypebeginning enclosing delimiter not found second enclosing delimiter not found terminator not found Pc0HKzinternal error: %s unexpected error while trying to find file %s in %s file %s in %s not found error generating full file name for %s in %s error %s table column not found in external source: %*.*s error positioning file %s unexpected OCI status %s%s error parsing record from external data source internal error parsing record from external data source record %d discarded from file %s 8n)kerror while attempting to allocate %d bytes of memory error processing column %s in row %d for datafile %s error processing column %s in a row for datafile %s record number %d internal error: invalid bad row %d identified for bad column %d column %s is both a field in the data file and a column transform internal error: OCI error while fetching record: %d internal error: OCI error while fetching record. >o 9aunrecoverable error occurred, operation aborted. found EOF in length portion of VARIABLE record in file %s field %s referenced by lobfile column %s not found directory object %*.*s specified for LOBFILE column %s is not valid no data source specified unable to open log file %s OS error %s fatal error during initialization error processing LOBFILE for field %s error initializing access to external table source Dm %hinternal error allocating handle type %s internal error fetching attribute %s error fetching data for external table field %s referenced by column transform %s not found record discarded from file %s error writing to file %s record ignored because all referenced fields are null for a record no write access to directory object %s no read access to directory object %s file name cannot contain a path specification: %s 8a ={unknown format specifier in file name %s invalid file name specified: %serror fetching list of valid directories directory object %s not found field %s used in concatenation for column %s is not a character type error converting field %s for LOBFILE column %s no directory object specified in LOBFILE clause for column %s The ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver does not support the ROWID column. 2q8{duplicate directory object %s and file %s specified for unload length of file name exceeds platform maximum of %d no execute access to directory object %s data sampling is not supported by this access driver column transform %s is not the name of a table column big endian byte order mark found when little endian expected in %s little endian byte order mark found when big endian expected in %s >~:Xyattempt to audit directory object %s returned internal error %d preprocessing cannot be performed if Database Vault is installed preprocessor command %s encountered error "%s" RECORDS clause specified without a record format record rejected in file %s record %d rejected in file %s record %d discarded from file %s error converting zoned decimal field to number for %s zoned decimal field has bad values for %s  D ~  #(#)&#*O#+]#,#-zoned decimal to number conversion caused overflow for %s precision for zoned decimal number is too large for %s unable to reread file %s specified path for directory object "%s" is invalid debug: REDUCE "%s", enter state "%d"debug: SHIFT token "%s", enter state "%d"debug: ACCEPT.debug: ERROR: parser detects possible syntax error.debug: FATAL: topaz detects fatal error.debug: LOOKAHEAD token is "%s". #.P#/#0#1#2#3#4=#5i#6#7#8#9debug: keyword found, restore machine: state now "%d".debug: NEW TOKEN is "%s".debug: Grammar switch: Pushing token "%s".debug: Restoring machine: state now "%d".debug (recov): Entering error recovery.debug: Success. Inserted token "%s".debug (recov): Failed. Insert token attempt.debug: Trying insert state.debug: Success.debug: Failed. Insert state attempt.debug: Trying delete token.debug: Failed. Delete token attempt. #:J#;f#<#=#>#?#B!#C<#DZ#E#Gdebug: Trying replace token.debug: Success. Replaced with "%s".debug: Failed. Replace token attempt.debug: Trying delete state, insert token.debug: Failed. Delete/insert attempt.debug (recov): Error recovery failed.debug: Trying insert token.debug (recov): SKIP token "%s"debug (recov): POP state "%d" from parse stackdebug (recov): try to SHIFT token "%s", in state "%d"debug (recov): SHIFTed token "%s", new state "%d" #HJ#I#J### #1#d###debug (recov): ERROR recovery underway, return to parsing debug: (ACT STK)%sdebug: (PAR STK)%ssyntax error: found "%s": expecting one of: "%s"attempt recovery: symbol "%s" inserted before "%s".attempt recovery: symbol "%s" ignored.attempt recovery: symbol "%s" substituted for "%s".error: got NULL for lexer callback.file "%s", line "%s".error: got NULL for debug callback when debug flag is set.fatal: internal error####,#m#x#}##################error: too many errors at token: %serror: got NULL for one of memory callbacks and not otherserror: lexer callback doesn't handle PZLEXERRGET.warning: no 'error' token lookahead for any state on parse stack.end-of-fileerrorandareasteriskatsignatallbadfileblanksbybigbytesblankbendianbytestrbackslashbadfilenamebyteordermarkbinary_doublebinary_float######## ####%#/#6#:#A#H#Q#V#Z#^#i#m#p#u#~##########bfloattypebdoubletypeblobcharactersetcoloncolumncommacommkakwconstantconcatcharacterscountedcharcharsetcharstrcollengthcheckclobdatadate_formatdatedaydebugdefaultifdelimiteddecimaldoubledoubletypedatemaskdiscardfiledelimitbydquotedotdscfilenamedisable_directory_link_check$##### ###)#/#E#O#S#[#e#l#q#w#|##################double-quoted-stringdirectioenclosedequalendianeofend_extended_parametersendposextended_io_parametersenclosedbyexitexternalexternalkwextparmfieldfieldsfixedfloatfloattypeforfromfilefiledirfilenameio_optionshexprefixhashinintervalisidentifierintegerignore_chars_after_eor(littleload&###### ###"#%#&$1$6$@$H$P$T$]$d$i$ s$ z$ |$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$lobfilelobpclobpcconstltrimlrtrimlogfileldrtrimlendian<<<{logfilenamelocallocaltzonelanguagemake_refmaskminussignmissingmonthmissingfldnewlinenonotequalnotrimnullnullifnodiscardfilenobadfilenologfilenotermbynochecknoeorcnodirectionumberdate_cacheoidororacle_date($$$$$!$ )$!5$":$#=$$E$%L$&R$'S$(V$)[$*^$+_$,e$-i$.o$/t$0y$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$:$;$<$=$>$?$@$A$Boracle_numberoptionallyoptencloseplussignpositionpreprocessorquoterawreadsizerecordsrecnum)rowrtrim>>>}rejectrowssecondsetidsizesstringsignscale;skipsingle-quoted-stringterminatedtimetimezonetimestamptotransformstrimtermbytermeoftermwsterritorytextlineunsigned $C$D$E$F$G$H$I$J$K$L $M$N$O $P$$Q*$R.$S2$T7$UA$VO$WW$X^$Yr$Z$[$\$]$^$_$`$a$buintegerunderscorevaluesvariablevarrawcvarcharvarrawvarcharcvlenlenvmaxlenwhenwhitespacewithxaddrvyearzonezonedrejectrowsaccept grammarfilenametextValdouble-quoted-stringstring_or_identifierbooleanSpecbadfileSpeccharsetSpeccoltransformSpeccoltransformListcoltransListconcatSpecconcatSpecListcondSpec$c$d$e$f$g$h$i$j $k$l$m&$n5$o@$pJ$qR$r^$si$tn$u{$v$w$x$y$z${$|$}$~$$condSpecListcountSpeccheckSpecdateformatSpecdatetimeTypedatatypeSpecdebugSpecdelimiteddelimbySpecdelimSpecdiscardfileSpecendpositionendianSpecequalityexternalSpecencloseSpecfixedfieldnameSpecfieldnameSpecListfieldnameListfieldsSpecfsio_optSpecfsio_optItemhexstringintervalSpecinitSpecdatecacheSpeckudmSpeclengthSpecloadSpec$$$$$$$ $$'$3$;$E$P$]$g$o$w$$$$$$$$$$$lobfileSpeclobfileattrlistSpeclobfileattrSpeclobfilefromdirSpeclobdirlistSpeclobfilepieceSpeclobfilenameSpeclogfileSpeclanguageSpecmaskSpecmaxlenSpecmissingSpecnodirlinkSpecnoEorcSpecoperand1operand2outputFileSpecoptionalSpecpositionSpecprecisionSpecpreprocessorSpecqstringreadsizeSpecrecSpecrecSpecListrangeSpecrecfmtSpecrecordSpec$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%$/$7$@'F'j'''rejectSpecscalarfieldSpecsignstartpositionstringSpecstrsizeSpecskipSpectermSpectimezoneSpectransformstotransformsfromtrimSpectextlinesterritorySpectextStringvariablekudmInputassigndebug: REDUCE "%s", enter state "%d"debug: SHIFT token "%s", enter state "%d"debug: ACCEPT.debug: ERROR: parser detects possible syntax error.debug: FATAL: topaz detects fatal error. 'P'o'''''8'\'''' debug: LOOKAHEAD token is "%s".debug: keyword found, restore machine: state now "%d".debug: NEW TOKEN is "%s".debug: Grammar switch: Pushing token "%s".debug: Restoring machine: state now "%d".debug (recov): Entering error recovery.debug: Success. Inserted token "%s".debug (recov): Failed. Insert token attempt.debug: Trying insert state.debug: Success.debug: Failed. Insert state attempt.debug: Trying delete token. '!J'"n'#'$'%'&'' '*E'+`',~'-debug: Failed. Delete token attempt.debug: Trying replace token.debug: Success. Replaced with "%s".debug: Failed. Replace token attempt.debug: Trying delete state, insert token.debug: Failed. Delete/insert attempt.debug (recov): Error recovery failed.debug: Trying insert token.debug (recov): SKIP token "%s"debug (recov): POP state "%d" from parse stackdebug (recov): try to SHIFT token "%s", in state "%d" '/D'0u'1'2'u'v'w6'x\'y'zdebug (recov): SHIFTed token "%s", new state "%d"debug (recov): ERROR recovery underway, return to parsing debug: (ACT STK)%sdebug: (PAR STK)%ssyntax error: found "%s": expecting one of: "%s"attempt recovery: symbol "%s" inserted before "%s".attempt recovery: symbol "%s" ignored.attempt recovery: symbol "%s" substituted for "%s".error: got NULL for lexer callback.file "%s", line "%s".'{t'|'}'~' 'Q''''''''''''error: got NULL for debug callback when debug flag is set.fatal: internal errorerror: too many errors at token: %serror: got NULL for one of memory callbacks and not otherserror: lexer callback doesn't handle PZLEXERRGET.warning: no 'error' token lookahead for any state on parse stack.end-of-fileerrorcompatiblecompressioncolondatapumpdblinkdebugdisableddotenabledencryption%''''' ''''"'+'6'>'G'S'T'Y'd'k's'x'|''''''''''''''''encryptpasswordisnullequalinternaljoblatest(logfileminussignnologfileoidnoverifyparallelpartitionremapobjects)tabletableexistsversionworkeridcommaexitidentifiernumbersingle-quoted-stringatsignbackslashdouble-quoted-stringdquoteeofextparmhashhexprefix<<>>;textline'''''''' ''''3'C'M'V'b'o'z''''''''''underscoreaccept grammardouble-quoted-stringsingle-quoted-stringtextValstring_or_identifierkupdSpecaccessParmSpeccompressSpecdatapumpSpecdatapumpSpecListdblinkSpecdebugSpecdpclauseSpecencpwnullSpecencryptSpecfileSpecfileSpecListlogfileSpecinternalSpecjobSpecoidnvSpecordernumSpecoutputFileSpecparallelSpecpartitionSpecremapSpec'\'j'u''******Q*k*+tablexistsSpecversionSpecworkeridSpeckupdInputassignfile truncated error files not from the same unload operation unable to read data chunk %s bad data encountered while reading from file %s requested version %s not supported by ORACLE_DATAPUMP error seeking in file: %s file truncated error in %s conversion error loading table %*.*s.%*.*sconversion error loading table %*.*s.%*.*s partition %*.*s +J+_+++++@+c+ + + data for row: %*.*s unable to open at least one dump file for fetch the following file is not valid for this load operation file %s in %s already exists internal number in header in file %s is not valid internal metadata in file %s is not valid error in unloading or loading data database version in file %s is not valid file %s not found file %s not a valid dump file the following file is not valid for this fetch operation + &+ \+++.header in file %s may not contain correct information header in file %s has an incompatible version number specified file name "%s" is invalid specified path for directory object "%s" is invalid This external table can only be accessed from within a Data Pump job.