/ / GENERATED BY TOPAZ / Grammar file: kopcgrm.y, Version:8 / / # CHARACTER_SET_NAME = American_America.US7ASCII / / / / 0,0, "debug: REDUCE \"%s\", enter state \"%d\"" / / 1,0, "debug: SHIFT token \"%s\", enter state \"%d\"" / / 2,0, "debug: ACCEPT." / / 3,0, "debug: ERROR: parser detects possible syntax error." / / 4,0, "debug: FATAL: topaz detects fatal error." / / 5,0, "debug: LOOKAHEAD token is \"%s\"." / / 6,0, "debug: keyword found, restore machine: state now \"%d\"." / / 7,0, "debug: NEW TOKEN is \"%s\"." / / 8,0, "debug: Grammar switch: Pushing token \"%s\"." / / 9,0, "debug: Restoring machine: state now \"%d\"." / / 10,0, "debug: Entering error recovery." / / 11,0, "debug: Success. Inserted token \"%s\"." / / 12,0, "debug: Failed. Insert token attempt." / / 13,0, "debug: Trying insert state." / / 14,0, "debug: Success." / / 15,0, "debug: Failed. Insert state attempt." / / 16,0, "debug: Trying delete token." / / 17,0, "debug: Failed. Delete token attempt." / / 18,0, "debug: Trying replace token." / / 19,0, "debug: Success. Replaced with \"%s\"." / / 20,0, "debug: Failed. Replace token attempt." / / 21,0, "debug: Trying delete state, insert token." / / 22,0, "debug: Failed. Delete/insert attempt." / / 23,0, "debug: Error recovery failed." / / 26,0, "debug: Trying insert token." / / The user should tune this message to his/her needs 101,2, "syntax error: found \"%s\": expecting one of: \"%s\" etc.." / / 102,0, "attempt recovery: symbol \"%s\" inserted before \"%s\"." / / 103,0, "attempt recovery: symbol \"%s\" ignored." / / 104,0, "attempt recovery: symbol \"%s\" substituted for \"%s\"." / / 105,4, "error: got NULL for lexer callback." / / 106,0, "file \"%s\", line \"%s\"." / / 107,1, "error: got NULL for debug callback when debug flag is set." / / 108,4, "fatal: internal error" / / 109,4, "error: too many errors at token %s. cannot recover.. bye!" / / 110,4, "error: got NULL for one of memory callbacks and not others" / / Terminals / 111,0, "end-of-file" 112,0, "error" 113,0, "DEFCLASS" 114,0, "IS" 115,0, "ENDDEF" 116,0, "TDSNAME" 117,0, "LDSNAME" 118,0, "PREC" 119,0, "SCALE" 120,0, "OF" 121,0, "TO" 122,0, "SET" 123,0, "DECIMAL" 124,0, "NUMBER" 125,0, "FLOAT" 126,0, "SQL_CHAR" 127,0, "SQL_VARCHAR2" 128,0, "DATE" 129,0, "COLLECTION" 130,0, "DOUBLE" 131,0, "SINT32" 132,0, "REF" 133,0, "VARRAY" 134,0, "VECTOR" 135,0, "LENGTH" 136,0, "RAW" 137,0, "UPT" 138,0, "UPTCODE" 139,0, "UINT8" 140,0, "SINT8" 141,0, "UINT16" 142,0, "SINT16" 143,0, "EMBEDDED" 144,0, "UINT32" 145,0, "FARRAY" 146,0, "PTR" 147,0, "UPTDATA" 148,0, "COLLCODE" 149,0, "DEFATTR" 150,0, "ROWID" 151,0, "CANONICAL" 152,0, "_integer_" 153,0, "_name_" / / Nonterminals / 154,0, "accept grammar" 155,0, "attr" 156,0, "type" 157,0, "scalar_type" 158,0, "parameterized_type" 159,0, "parameter" 160,0, "adtname_attr" 161,0, "upt_prod" 162,0, "coll_type" 163,0, "adtname" 164,0, "opt_tdsname" 165,0, "opt_ldsname" 166,0, "prec" 167,0, "scale" 168,0, "length" 169,0, "adtdefn_list" 170,0, "adtdefn" 171,0, "def_adtname" 172,0, "attr_list" 173,0, "def_attrname"