" j   j/Nn'ij jj Jl  H x inst = "%s" app = "%s" home = "%s"Error: invalid arguments to kgmgrusage: KGMGR [KEY=key] [IFILE=file name | command]Connected to instanceError: no parameter file specifiedError: startup failed while getting LRM contextError: startup failed during get LRM descriptorsError: startup failed processing parametersInstance startedusage: SHUTDOWN [NORMAL | ABORT]Instance shutdown with shutdown abort .6>AFMPU n!u"y#$%&'()*+,-./Instance shutdown normallyInvalid input to STATError: invalid command. 'help' for helpKGMGR> CONNECTED THREAD STATISTICSTSO ADDRASO ADDRPIDP/WIDTSO IDXVERFLAGSMAPPED PROCESS STATISTICSASO IDXMODELATCH DESCRIPTORSLATCH NAMEADDRLVLLATCH OBJECTSNUMGOT NOWAITGOT WAITFAIL NOWAITFAIL FIRST TRYWAKESSLEPT ON FAILSLEPT W/ LATCHBUCKET 1012345678 9:;*<5=E>M?T@^AhBCDEFGHIJKLMNBUCKET 2BUCKET 3BUCKET 4CHILD #CTXWHY HELDLATCH HOLDERSEVENT DESCRIPTORSEVENT NAMEPARAMETER 1PARAMETER 2PARAMETER 3EVENT STATISTICSMAX WAIT# WAITS# TIMEOUTSTOTAL WAITCURSOR CACHE STATISTICSOPENSHITSKGL CACHE STATISTICSNAMESPACEGETSGET HITSPINSPIN HITSRELOADSINVALIDATIONSVALUEPIN ADDRSYSTEM PARAMETERSOPQRSTUVWX$Y-Z5\A]I^P_W`^afboc|defghijklmnPARAMETER NAMELIBRARY CACHE OBJECTSHANDLE ADDRPARENT HANDLEOWNERDB LINK NAMEHASHTIMESTAMPPREV TIMELOCK MODEPIN MODEHANDLE FLAGSOBJ ADDR# LOADS# EXECS# LOCKSPIN MASKLOAD MASKALLOCATE MASKSTATUSTYPEHEAP SPACEHEAP DESC ADDRLIBRARY CACHE LOCKSLOCK ADDRUSER ADDRSESS ADDRCALL PIN ADDRREF COUNTMODE REQUESTEDSAVEPOINTopqrstuvwxyz{|)}-~CiSESS PIN ADDRLIBRARY CACHE PINSDATA MASKLIBRARY CACHE DEPENDENCIESPARENT ADDRDEP NUMDEP HANDLEDEP OBJPOS OF REFDEPENDED ON HASHSGA HEAP CLASSESHEAP CLASS NAMERECREATABLESIZEFREE SHARED POOL: %.0dError: RPC client failed to initializeError: RPC client failed to connectError: Not connected to instanceRPC client error: out of memoryRPC client error: error sending pid Pu/PRPC client error: error sending inputRPC client error: error receiving outputCommands: STARTUP PFILE=param file: Startup instance CONNECT: Connect to instance SHUTDOWN [NORMAL | ABORT]: Shutdown instance (default normal) SET 'event name': Set an event STAT stat name [+str to include] [-str to exclude]: Print statistics HELP STAT for list of statisticsStatistics: CC: cursor cache statistics EVENT: event statistics\x&CTr ASO: address space objects THREAD: connected threads LATCHDS: latch descriptors LATCHOB: latch object statistics LATCHHOLD: latch holders EVENTDS: event descriptors KGL: library cache statistics SYSPARAM: system parameters SGA : SGA usage KGLOB: library cache objects LOCK: library cache locks PIN: library cache pins DEP: library cache dependenciesInstance already started Jgp%FAlready connected to instanceEvent setError: cannot process command file and command line argumentsError: failed opening command fileError: failed obtaining inputInstance process killedError while disconnecting process:Error while disconnecting thread: KILL: kill the process running the instance (threaded model only)Error: failed opening parameter fileError: failed reading from parameter file V AXf}Error: could not allocate memory for parameter startup stringToo many threads connectedProcess has been abortedProcess is abortedFailed to connect thread: thread already connectedFailed to disconnect thread: thread already disconnectedThreads still connectedUser interruptIncorrect process groupInvalid connection contextFailed to clean thread during disconnectProcess not initializedProcess not connected Pgy/iFailed to attach to SGAToo many processesShutdown in ProgressFailed to detach SGAProcess moved to aborted stateFailed to connect process : process already connectedFailed to disconnect process : process already disconnectedFailed to initialize process : process already initializedFailed to spawn cleanup processStartup in progressProcess is in an aborted stateProcess initialize failed : another process initialize in progress -D.n/01_Spinternal error: SKGM initialization failedinternal error: LMON thread failed to configure itselfinternal error: timed out spawning LMON threadinternal error: LMON failed to startupinternal error: LGA corruptedevent specification syntax error %s (minor error %s) near '%s'Background (%s) did not startBackground (%s) failed during startupBackground (%s) timed out after %d secondsUnexpected startup of a background\z(?g'Background terminated normallyToo many backgroundsBad background executable (%s)OSD memory services not initialized (error code %s)SGA not mappedFailed to create the SGAFailed to find start address of SGAFailed to attach to SGAFailed to initialize OSD memory servicesFailed to detach from SGAFailed to remove SGAStartup failed : Instance already startedFailed to allocate SGANon-existent initialization parameter (%s) (D)t*+X[KsInvalid initialization parameter value type (%s)Initialization parameter value out of range (%s)Parse error for Parameter value (%s)Mandatory initialization parameter (%s) not specifiedinternal error code, arguments: [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s]Server session terminated by fatal errorStartup failedBad service function vectorInvalid configuration modeProcess initialization failed V~@YqInitialization of startup context failedFailed to build initialization parameter descriptor (LRM)Invalid startup contextFailed to process initialization parametersFailed to set initialization parameterFailed to cleanup startup contextFailed to connect processFailed to connect threadThread not connectedThread disconnect failedProcess disconnect failedShutdown failedNULL instance name not supported Jui!iCieiriiiCode version mismatch with running instanceinternal error: timed out spawning KGMGR listener threadinternal error: KGMGR listener thread failed to startupFollowing error occurred while process not initialized KGP-%dshared memory realm already existsshared memory realm does not existout of memoryinternal errorunable to removed shared memory segmentunable to determine size of shared memory segmentunable to protect memory iPiyiiiij8jJjfj|j j unable to attach to shared memory segmentunable to detach from shared memory segmentunable to create shared memory segmentunable to lock shared memory segment in coreunable to unlock shared memory segmentunable to determine pagesizeinvalid process IDcould not create new processOS system call failureattempt to kill process failedinsufficient resources for requested number of processespost/wait initialization failed j Vj lj |jjjjj0jGj]jjjpost/wait reset failedspawn wait errorassignment out of rangeattempt to notify process of pending oradebug call failedbuffer not large enough to hold process ID stringattempt to post process failedwait operation failedpost/wait create failedcould not execute filerequest for process information failedOS system dependent operation:%s failed with status: %sOS failure message: %sfailure occurred at: %sj(additional information: %s