/ Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1996, 2002. All Rights Reserved. / / NAME / gimus.msg / DESCRIPTION / Error messages for Generic Instance Monitors (GIM). / NOTES / / MODIFIED / mdilman 10/23/07 - add GIM-10 / mdilman 11/30/07 - add GIM-9 / pbhat 07/07/03 - / pbhat 06/09/03 - / aime 04/25/03 - aime_going_to_main / mdilman 02/25/03 - bug-2821743: add GIM-115 / pbhat 01/20/03 - Added gimp amd giml messages / mdilman 11/08/02 - mdilman_hc1 / mdilman 02/02/02 - Creation / / / E R R O R S / / Common GIM Errors: 1-99 / 00001, 1, "Initialization of NLSRTL failed." // *Document: NO // *Cause: An error condition was returned by lxzinit(). // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 00002, 1, "Initialization of NLS default callbacks failed." // *Document: NO // *Cause: An error condition was returned by lxldini(). // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 00003, 1, "Initialization of NLS data loading failed." // *Document: NO // *Cause: An error condition was returned by lxlinit(). // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 00004, 1, "LSF string formatting package failed to load." // *Document: NO // *Cause: An attempt was unsuccessfully made by lpmloadpkg() // to load the lsf (library strings) package. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 00005, 1, "Initialization of LSFstring formatting package failed." // *Document: NO // *Cause: An error condition was returned by lsfini(). // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 00006, 1, "Error accessing file %s ." // *Document: NO // *Cause: An error occurred when trying to access the file. // *Action: Verify that the file name is correct and that the file // exists and is accessible. 00007, 1, "Internal error ." // *Document: NO // *Cause: An error occurred when trying to execute an Oracle package. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 00008,00000,"OCI call failed : %s" // *Document: NO // *Cause: An error occurred when making an OCI call. // *Action: Verify the cause of the failure using the log details and correct // the error. 00009, 1, "error occurred at: %s" // *Document: NO // *Cause: A GIM- error was generated. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 00010, 1, "Initialization of a context failed." // *Document: NO // *Cause: See other messages on the error stack for the cause. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. / / 90-99 reserved for slos Error Reporting / 00090, 1, "OS-dependent operation:%s failed with status: %s" // *Document: NO // *Cause: An OS system call error was generated. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 00091, 1, "OS failure message: %s" // *Document: NO // *Cause: An OS system call error was generated. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 00092, 1, "OS failure occurred at: %s" // *Document: NO // *Cause: An OS system call error was generated. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 00093, 1, "Additional OS error information: %s" // *Document: NO // *Cause: An OS system call error was generated. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. / / / GIMH Errors: 100-199 / 00100, 1, "Initialization of SKGP context failed." // *Document: NO // *Cause: An error condition was returned by skgpinit(). // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 00101, 1, "Could not allocate memory for instance context." // *Document: NO // *Cause: An error condition was returned by lmmmalloc(). // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 00102, 1, "Invalid context passed to API function." // *Document: NO // *Cause: The passed-in context either was not initialized or was corrupted. // *Action: Check your code to make sure that the context is initialized and // there are no memory corruptions. 00103, 1, "Initialization of shared memory region context failed." // *Document: NO // *Cause: An error condition was returned by skgmsmr_op(). // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 00104, 1, "Health check failed to connect to instance." // *Document: NO // *Cause: Health check was unable to attach to the shared memory region. // *Action: Restart the Oracle RDBMS instance. If the problem persists, // contact Oracle Support Services. 00105, 1, "Shared memory region is corrupted." // *Document: NO // *Cause: Shared memory region was corrupted or inconsistent. // *Action: Restart the Oracle RDBMS instance. If the problem persists, // contact Oracle Support Services. 00106, 1, "Could not allocate memory for query context." // *Document: NO // *Cause: An error condition was returned by lmmmalloc(). // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 00107, 1, "Failed to check if PMON is alive." // *Document: NO // *Cause: An error condition was returned by skgpalive(). // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. 00108, 1, "No instance state information in query context." // *Document: NO // *Cause: An attempt was made to check for a particular condition in the // Oracle instance state before getting instance state information. // *Action: Call gimh_get() before calling gimh_check() or gimh_next(). 00109, 1, "Value of state code %d is not in legal range." // *Document: NO // *Cause: Illegal state code was passed to an API function. // *Action: Check that the parameter value passed in is valid. 00110, 1, "State code %d is not supported." // *Document: NO // *Cause: Detection of the specified state was not supported by the version // of the Oracle RDBMS instance. // *Action: Change your program so that it does not check for this state on // this instance. 00111, 1, "Value of status code %d is not in legal range." // *Document: NO // *Cause: Illegal status code was passed to an API function. // *Action: Check that the values passed as arguments are valid. 00112, 1, "Query context with no parameters passed to a blocking call." // *Document: NO // *Cause: No return condition was specified for this call. // *Action: Add a parameter to the query context to prevent this warning. 00113, 1, "Condition (code: %d, status: %d) is already set." // *Document: NO // *Cause: The specified condition was already set. There is no need to set // it again. // *Action: This is a warning. No specific action is required, but you should // consider if there is a reason to make this function call at all. 00114, 1, "Condition (code: %d, status: %d) was not set before, but an attempt was made to reset it." // *Document: NO // *Cause: The specified condition was not set. There is no need to reset it. // *Action: This is a warning. No specific action is required, but you should // consider if there is a reason to make this function call at all. 00115, 1, "No query parameters are set in the query context." // *Document: NO // *Cause: An attempt was made to retrieve detected conditions from the query // context with no query parameters set. // *Action: Set parameters in the query context before calling gimh_get(). / / # CHARACTER_SET_NAME=American_America.US7ASCII / / Range 200 - 299: Ping messages / 00201, 1, "Environment is not multithreaded." // *Document: NO // *Cause: The operating system does not support multithreaded processes. // *Action: The end-to-end monitor works only in environments // with support for multithreaded processes. 00202, 00000, "Cycle time has been reset to %s." // *Document: NO // *Cause: The cycle time is recalculated based on the other parameters // *Action: No action required. 00203, 1, "Invalid value for parameter %s." // *Document: NO // *Cause: The value set for the parameter is invalid or is not in the allowed range. // *Action: Set the appropriate value for the parameter. 00204, 00000, "Number of retries more than maximum possible for connect string %s." // *Document: NO // *Cause: The number of retries for connection established using the // connect string has exceeded the maximum allowed. // *Action: Verify the cause of the failure using the log details and correct // the error. 00205, 00000, "Invalid SQL statement ignored. SELECT not allowed in workload." // *Document: NO // *Cause: Invalid SQL statement in the workload file. // SELECT is not allowed in the workload. // *Action: Remove the invalid statement from the workload file. 00206, 00000, "The workload file has too many lines or too many SQL statements." // *Document: NO // *Cause: Workload file has too many lines, // or the number of SQL statemement in file may be larger than the maximum allowed. // Only INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are allowed. // *Action: Remove some SQL statements from the workload. 00207, 00000, "Thread creation for %s thread failed." // *Document: NO // *Cause: The process thread to do the transaction could not be created. // *Action: Check the cause of the failure in the error logs. 00208, 00000, "Internal API error." // *Document: NO // *Cause: The API library had an internal error. // *Action: Check the cause of the failure in the error logs. // Contact Oracle Support Services. 00209,00000, "Health check call failed : %s" // *Document: NO // *Cause: An error occurred when making an health check call. // *Action: Verify the cause of the failure using the log details and correct // the error. 00210,00000, "Workload file is too small or empty." // *Document: NO // *Cause: Workload file is empty or SQL statement not terminated. // *Action: Check the Workload file and correct the error 00211,00000, "Check for %s has been terminated." // *Document: NO // *Cause: The transaction thread for the connect string has terminated. // The end-to-end check will retry connection but will terminate // completely after trying for max retries number of times. // *Action: Check the log file for error and correct it. / / / Range 300 - 399: Log Scanner messages / 00301, 00000, "Error when initializing the log scanner." // *Document: NO // *Cause: Initialization of the internal structures failed. // *Action: Report the error and other messages on the screen and in the log to Oracle Support Services. 00302, 00000, "Error when scanning the log for patterns ." // *Document: NO // *Cause: The scanner process has failed. // *Action: The scanner process has failed and has stopped for all files. // Check the error log for messages and restart the scanner. 00303, 00000, "Error when initializing internal packages ." // *Document: NO // *Cause: Initalization of internal Oracle packages failed. // *Action: Report the error to Oracle Support Services and try restarting. 00304, 00000, "Error when parsing command-line argument." // *Document: NO // *Cause: Invalid command-line argument specified. // *Action: Check the command line and the usage. 00305, 00000, "Error when parsing value for %s." // *Document: NO // *Cause: Value specified for a command line keyword is invalid. // *Action: Check the command line and the usage. 00306, 00000, "File to be scanned not specified." // *Document: NO // *Cause: File to be scanned was not specified // *Action: Specify a file. 00307, 00000, "Only one file can be scanned in a single-threaded environment." // *Document: NO // *Cause: In a single-threaded environment, only one file to be scanned can be specified. // *Action: Specify only one file to be scanned. 00308, 00000, "Number of files to scan exceeds the maximum allowed %s." // *Document: NO // *Cause: Too many files were specified to be scanned. // *Action: Reduce the number of files specified to be scanned. 00309, 00000, "Error when opening the file %s." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: Check if file exists and has the right permissions. 00310, 00000, "Pattern file not specified." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: Specify value for PATTERNFILE. Check the command line and the usage. 00311, 00000, "Cycle time specified cannot be less than %s ." // *Document: NO // *Cause: Specifed cycle time is too small. // *Action: Increase cycle time to the above minimum 00312, 00000, "Lines specified must be between %s and %s." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: Set lines to be between the above specified limits. 00313, 00000, "SCAN_PREV_LOG parameter must be %s or %s." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: 00314, 00000, "Mode specified can be %s or %s." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: 00315, 00000, "Failed to get patterns from the pattern file." // *Document: NO // *Cause: The scanner had an error getting patterns from the specified pattern file // *Action: Check the pattern file and validate that it is in the format specified. 00316, 00000, "Error when parsing a pattern %s." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: 00317, 00000, "Invalid pattern type %s. Should be and error or an event." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: Correct the pattern file for the above pattern. 00318, 00000, "Callout program %s not found." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: Check if file exists and has the right permissions 00319, 00000, "%s\nError when spawning process for callout %s." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: Check if file exists and is executable. 00320, 00000, "Ending log scan for the file %s ." // *Document: NO // *Cause: The scanning for a particular file has been stopped. // *Action: Check errors if any. Restart if required. 00321, 00000, "Ending thread for scan of %s log for %s ." // *Document: NO // *Cause: Due to errors, the scanning for a particular file has been stopped. // *Action: Check errors if any. Restart if required 00322, 00000, "Found match for pattern %s in %s." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: 00323, 00000, "Spawning process %s." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: 00324, 00000, "Failed to open log file %s." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: Check if specifed log file can be created or can be written to. 00325, 00000, "Validation of parameter failed." // *Document: NO // *Cause: Validation of a parameter failed // *Action: Check the error message and correct the parameter value. / / Range 400 - 410: Log Scanner help messages / 00400, 00000, "Log Scanner scans one or many files for patterns specified in " 00401, 00000, "a pattern file. When Log Scanner matches a pattern in a file, it executes " 00402, 00000, "a callout program associated with the pattern." 00403, 00000, "\n\n" 00404, 00000, "Format: LOGSCAN KEYWORD=value or KEYWORD=(value1,value2,...,valueN)" 00405, 00000, "Example: LOGSCAN SCANFILE=alert1.log LOG=logscan.log" 00406, 00000, "\n\nKeyword Description (Default) Keyword Description (Default)" 00407, 00000, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" 00408, 00000, "SCANFILE Name(s) of scan file(s) PATTERNFILE Name of pattern file" 00409, 00000, "LOG Name of logfile(logscan.log) PARFILE Name of parameter file" 00410, 00000, "CYCLE_TIME Cycle time for scanner(60) MODE Mode of scanning (run)" 00411, 00000, "SCAN_PREV_LOG Scan previous log to file(N) " 00412, 00000, "LINES Number of lines to consider as a single line(1)"