"  O \  [k6@ Pp,EU i ~Z[Initialization of NLSRTL failed.Initialization of NLS default callbacks failed.Initialization of NLS data loading failed.LSF string formatting package failed to load.Initialization of LSFstring formatting package failed.Error accessing file %s .Internal error .OCI call failed : %serror occurred at: %sInitialization of a context failed.OS-dependent operation:%s failed with status: %sOS failure message: %s \D]^defgh3i^jkOS failure occurred at: %sAdditional OS error information: %sInitialization of SKGP context failed.Could not allocate memory for instance context.Invalid context passed to API function.Initialization of shared memory region context failed.Health check failed to connect to instance.Shared memory region is corrupted.Could not allocate memory for query context.Failed to check if PMON is alive. l>mmnopq"rRsNo instance state information in query context.Value of state code %d is not in legal range.State code %d is not supported.Value of status code %d is not in legal range.Query context with no parameters passed to a blocking call.Condition (code: %d, status: %d) is already set.Condition (code: %d, status: %d) was not set before, but an attempt was made to reset it.No query parameters are set in the query context.Environment is not multithreaded. DdEj}Cycle time has been reset to %s.Invalid value for parameter %s.Number of retries more than maximum possible for connect string %s.Invalid SQL statement ignored. SELECT not allowed in workload.The workload file has too many lines or too many SQL statements.Thread creation for %s thread failed.Internal API error.Health check call failed : %sWorkload file is too small or empty.Check for %s has been terminated. -D.l/012 3+4i56Error when initializing the log scanner.Error when scanning the log for patterns .Error when initializing internal packages .Error when parsing command-line argument.Error when parsing value for %s.File to be scanned not specified.Only one file can be scanned in a single-threaded environment.Number of files to scan exceeds the maximum allowed %s.Error when opening the file %s.Pattern file not specified. 7D8q9:;<=0>i?@Cycle time specified cannot be less than %s .Lines specified must be between %s and %s.SCAN_PREV_LOG parameter must be %s or %s.Mode specified can be %s or %s.Failed to get patterns from the pattern file.Error when parsing a pattern %s.Invalid pattern type %s. Should be and error or an event.Callout program %s not found.%s Error when spawning process for callout %s.Ending log scan for the file %s . ADBmCDEdEnding thread for scan of %s log for %s .Found match for pattern %s in %s.Spawning process %s.Failed to open log file %s.Validation of parameter failed.Log Scanner scans one or many files for patterns specified in a pattern file. When Log Scanner matches a pattern in a file, it executes a callout program associated with the pattern. Format: LOGSCAN KEYWORD=value or KEYWORD=(value1,value2,...,valueN),`IExample: LOGSCAN SCANFILE=alert1.log LOG=logscan.log Keyword Description (Default) Keyword Description (Default)--------------------------------------------------------------------------SCANFILE Name(s) of scan file(s) PATTERNFILE Name of pattern fileLOG Name of logfile(logscan.log) PARFILE Name of parameter fileCYCLE_TIME Cycle time for scanner(60) MODE Mode of scanning (run)@~SCAN_PREV_LOG Scan previous log to file(N) LINES Number of lines to consider as a single line(1)