" -z  '/6@LS\cjr  Pq 'Jf   Export terminated unsuccessfully data field truncation - column length=%lu, buffer size=%lu actual size=%luerror in writing to export fileno storage definition found for segment(%lu, %lu)invalid username or passwordall allowable logon attempts failedinternal inconsistency errordictionary shows no columns for %s.%sORACLE error %lu encounteredno privilege to export %s's table %s%s is not a valid username%s.%s does not exist > [R%s is not a valid export moderespond with either 'Y', 'N', RETURN or '.' to quiterror on row %lu of table %s error on row %lu of table %s, column %s, datatype %luORACLE error encountered while reading default auditing optionsfeature "%s" is needed, but not present in databasedatatype (%lu) for column %s, table %s.%s is not supportedfailed to process parameters, type 'EXP HELP=Y' for helpfailed to allocate memory of size %lu >w =X}can only perform incremental export in Full Database modemust be SYS or SYSTEM to do incremental exportmust be a DBA to do Full Database or Tablespace exportExport views not installed, please notify your DBAdictionary shows no column for constraint %s.%luconflicting modes specifiedfailed to calculate ORACLE block sizefailed to open %s for writeIncremental export mode and consistent mode are not compatible Dz !"##$T%y&'Unexpected End-Of-File encountered while reading inputArraysize not in valid range. Using arraysize=%uNon-DBAs may not export other usersCould not find environment character seterror on rowid: file# %lu block# %lu slot# %luQUERY parameter valid only for table mode exportsObject %lu non-existent in dictionaryExport views not compatible with database versionBad Hash cluster id in clu$export file %s must be on a disk(8)`*}+, -g./Dump file and log file must be differentINCTYPE parameter is obsoleteMissing NLS_CHARACTERSET/NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET in props$Invalid data dictionary information in the row where column "%s" is "%s" in table %smust be connected 'AS SYSDBA' to do Point-in-time Recovery or Transportable Tablespace importCannot export SYSTEM Tablespace for Point-in-time Recovery or Transportable TablespaceTablespace named %s does not existMissing tablespace name(s)02123$4i56Cannot export SYSAUX Tablespace for Point-in-time Recovery or Transportable Tablespace%s option is not compatible with Point-in-time Recovery or Transportable Tablespace ExportCannot perform Partition Export "%s" on non-partitioned table "%s""%s" - given partition or subpartition name is not part of "%s" tableerror on row %lu of partition %s unable to execute QUERY on table %s because the table has inner nested tableserror on row %lu of subpartition %s 7D8b9|:;<=9>o?@%s.%s is marked not exportableplaceholder for OCI error Failure to initialize parameter managerPassword Verify Function for %s profile does not existerror converting an object type's identifier to charactersan object type had multiple TYPE BODYsunable to find the outer table name of a nested table invalid source statements for an object typeerror in changing language handle%s is an inner nested table and cannot be exported. AJBmDEFGH:IVJnKLError writing lob to the dump file.Object table %s is missing its object identifier indextablespace %s is offlineplaceholder for column level ORA error attempt to free unallocated memoryQUERY parameter not compatible with Direct Path exporterror closing export file %sdump file size too smallrounding VOLSIZE down, new value is %srounding FILESIZE down, new value is %smultiple devices specified for tape outputM2NkOPQ@RxSmultiple output files specified for unbounded export fileError exporting metadata for index %s. Index creation will be skippedData in table "%s" is protected. Conventional path may only be exporting partial table.Data in table "%s" is protected. Using conventional mode.Exporting access control for table/view "%s" as non-DBA.Invalid function name passed to procedural object support: %sThe previous problem occurred when calling %s.%s.%s T>UeVWXY;Z\[u\Unexpected DbmsJava error %d at step %uThe previous problem occurred when calling %s.%s.%s for object %luPrimary key REFs in table "%s"may not be valid on importProblem with internal hash table of schema/table namesnull error message, just signal error invalid FILE_FORMAT specificationcannot pin type "%s"."%s"Exporting questionable statistics.Unable to set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to required defaults.]2^d_`abGcCould not convert to server character set's handleCould not convert to server national character set's handleFlashback_time and Flashback_scn are not compatibleThe template name specified can not be found.Object type "%s"."%s" is not in a valid state, type will not be exportedData in table has not been upgraded, table will not be exportedTable "%s"."%s" is not in a valid state, table will not be exportedd2ejfgh*ijerror converting an object type's hashcode to charactersVersion 1 extensible index "%s"."%s" can not be included in Transportable Tablespace ExportResumable parameters ignored -- current session not resumableThe FLASHBACK_TIME parameter was invaliddatatype (%s) of column %s in table %s.%s is not supported, table will not be exportedparameter %s is not supported for this userInvalid Database Link Passwordsk8lmnop3qcrFeature (%s) of column %s in table %s.%s is not supported. The table will not be exported.NULL lob fetchedXSL delimiter not foundTablespace %s is encrypted and will not be exportedTable %s resides in an Encrypted Tablespace %s and will not be exportedIndex %s is of XMLType and could not be exportedFeature %s is unsupported. %s %s.%s could not be exportedLength of %s %s is exceeding the maximum limit V+>DU~event to override default nls_numeric_char setting during import Export terminated successfully without warnings. About to export specified tables Current user changed to %s About to export specified users ...%11lu rows exportedExport Connected to: %s About to export the entire database ... . exporting user definitions . exporting cluster definitions . exporting tablespace definitions . exporting synonyms Jz9g . exporting default and system auditing options . . exporting table%*.*s%*.*s About to export %s's objects ... . about to export %s's tables . exporting database links . exporting rollback segment definitions . exporting sequence numbers . exporting referential integrity constraints . exporting information about dropped objects . exporting PUBLIC type synonyms Note: grants on tables/views/sequences/roles will not be exported V/Ml Note: indexes on tables will not be exported Note: constraints on tables will not be exported Note: table data (rows) will not be exported . exporting roles . exporting views . exporting triggers . exporting profiles . exporting stored procedures . exporting materialized views . exporting snapshot logs Rows not exported Warning: Object %s.%s is invalid Export terminated successfully with warnings. Pk D . exporting resource costs . exporting job queues . exporting refresh groups and children . exporting posttables actions %61lu rows exportedvia Conventional Path ...via Direct Path ... Export done in %s character set and %s NCHAR character set About to export Tablespace Point-in-time Recovery objects... For tablespace %s ... . exporting table definitions Warning: %s option incompatible with Tablespace point-in-time Recovery Df/s . . exporting partition%*.*s%*.*s . end point-in-time recovery . exporting user history table . exporting foreign function library names for user %s . exporting object type definitions . exporting object type definitions for user %s Note: Table depends on an object type from a different schema %s.%s . exporting directory aliases . exporting foreign function library names server uses %s character set (possible charset conversion) Dd  + ]  continuing export into file %s . exporting context namespaces About to export transportable tablespace metadata... . end transportable tablespace metadata export . exporting operators . exporting indextypes . exporting dimensions . exporting system procedural objects and actions . exporting pre-schema procedural objects and actions . exporting post-schema procedural objects and actions  J;d . exporting bitmap, functional and extensible indexes . . exporting composite partition%*.*s%*.*s . . exporting subpartition%*.*s%*.*s . exporting statistics Note: RECORDLENGTH=%lu truncated to %lu About to export selected tablespaces ... . exporting iAS generated DDL statements Table %s will be exported in conventional path. . exporting private type synonyms Totals for tables Totals for database&O Rows = %10Ld Elapsed Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld CPU Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld Total Rows = %10Ld Elapsed Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld CPU Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld Objects = %10Ld Elapsed Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld CPU Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld Total Objects = %10Ld Elapsed Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld CPU Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld %10Ld Buffer Writes of %10Ld bytes = %10.3f Kbytes written\,}-./01 203j4567 Throughput = %10.3f Kbytes/sec Enter array fetch buffer size: %lu > Username: Password: Table(T) or Partition(T:P) to be exported: (RETURN to quit) > User to be exported: (RETURN to quit) > Compress extents (1)E(ntire database), (2)U(sers), or (3)T(ables): (2)U > (2)U(sers), or (3)T(ables): (2)U > %s (%s/%s): %s > Export file: %s > Export grantsExport table data Volume size ( for no restriction) > D[ Please mount the next volume and hit when you are done. You can let Export prompt you for parameters by entering the EXP command followed by your username/password: Example: EXP SCOTT/TIGER Or, you can control how Export runs by entering the EXP command followed by various arguments. To specify parameters, you use keywords: Format: EXP KEYWORD=value or KEYWORD=(value1,value2,...,valueN) 8u; Example: EXP SCOTT/TIGER GRANTS=Y TABLES=(EMP,DEPT,MGR) or TABLES=(T1:P1,T1:P2), if T1 is partitioned table USERID must be the first parameter on the command line. Keyword Description (Default) Keyword Description (Default) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- USERID username/password FULL export entire file (N) ,wPBUFFER size of data buffer OWNER list of owner usernames FILE output files (EXPDAT.DMP) TABLES list of table names COMPRESS import into one extent (Y) RECORDLENGTH length of IO record GRANTS export grants (Y) INCTYPE incremental export type INDEXES export indexes (Y) RECORD track incr. export (Y) DIRECT direct path (N) TRIGGERS export triggers (Y) ,z VLOG log file of screen output STATISTICS analyze objects (ESTIMATE) ROWS export data rows (Y) PARFILE parameter filename CONSISTENT cross-table consistency(N) CONSTRAINTS export constraints (Y) OBJECT_CONSISTENT transaction set to read only during object export (N) FEEDBACK display progress every x rows (0) FILESIZE maximum size of each dump file ,jFFLASHBACK_SCN SCN used to set session snapshot back to FLASHBACK_TIME time used to get the SCN closest to the specified time QUERY select clause used to export a subset of a table RESUMABLE suspend when a space related error is encountered(N) RESUMABLE_NAME text string used to identify resumable statement RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT wait time for RESUMABLE &l#dTTS_FULL_CHECK perform full or partial dependency check for TTS VOLSIZE number of bytes to write to each tape volume TABLESPACES list of tablespaces to export TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE export transportable tablespace metadata (N) TEMPLATE template name which invokes iAS mode export