" ùG ¬ ùiÖÝçõù8oµç5…“ßusage: %s @ [options] Name of Database user that owns DBFS content repository filesystem(s) A valid connect string for Oracle database server (for example, hrdb_host:1521/hrservice) Path to mount Database File System(s) All the file systems owned by the database user will be seen at the mountpoint. DBFS options: Bypass the Linux page cache. Gives much better performance for large files.  8 y ¾ Ô B¥ÚPrograms in the file system cannot be executed with this option. This option is recommended when DBFS is used as an ETL staging area. Run %s in background. Wallet must be configured to get credentials. %s fails over to surviving database instance with no data loss. Some performance cost on writes, especially for small files. Allows root access to the filesystem. This option requires setting '%s' parameter in '%s'. P~©ãýLQeYfjg¢h«iÏèAllows other users access to the file system. Mount the filesystem read-write. [Default] Mount the filesystem read-only. Files cannot be modified. Tracing | '%s' Trace Level: 1->DEBUG, 2->INFO, 3->WARNING, 4->ERROR, 5->CRITICAL [Default: 4] help version DBFS version: %s File system already present at specified mount point %s Password:Fail to connect to database server. Fail to load library %s. j8Ð_ѧÒåÓ1ÔmÕ´Ö¿ÂA dynamic linking error occurred: (%s) Usage: %s @ %s command [switches] [arguments] command: Command to be executed, e.g., %s switches: Switches are described below for each command. arguments: File names or directory names NOTE: All database pathnames must be absolute and preceded by %s Commands %s ×2ØkÙ|ÚÄÛÜsݪ¶ %s @ %s [switches] target Switches: %s Show all files including those starting with '%c' %s Use a long listing format. In addition to the name of each file print the file type, permissions, size, user and group information %s List subdirectories recursively %s ÞD߉àšáûâã@äQå–æŸçÖè %s @ %s [switches] source destination Switches: %s Copy a directory and its contents recursively into the destination directory %s %s @ %s [switches] target Switches: %s Removes a directory and its contents recursively %s %s @ %s directory_name Examples è\é…ê®ë×ìí îï/ðAñXòoó…ô£õ»î %s ETLUser@DBConnectString %s %s ETLUser@DBConnectString %s %s ETLUser@DBConnectString %s %s ETLUser@DBConnectString %s path: %s missing %s option making directory %s unlinking file %s entering directory: %s directory is not empty removing directory %s %s is not supported right now arguments not specified symbolic links not supported by cp in command mode ö ÷AøXù‹§cannot remove %s: is a directory omitting directory: %s %s: specified destination directory does not exist failed to allocate %u bytes ÿÿÿÿ